When You Build Your Bungalow ' ' "FF1 mmciiai iiuin uic luuiiuauuii iu 111c iuui Have ACME We the only Plaster that will not lose its strength fn) In r n m Miss Farrisee Representing' the '. GOSSARD CO. OF CHICAGO Will be here Friday only and will be glad to meet the ladies of Medford, showing and fitting the latent models of GOSSARD CORSETS " They Lace in Front" ELECTION IN OCTOBER INAUGURAL IN DECEMBER UWSIUNCTO.V. M I, U.Tlio .nH- i . 1 u t i n 1 flft-t inn iiirlv in Orl.ilii'r, an. I tli' iniiiiminM ion ce'viiinnii's onrlv in Di'ci'Uilirr, when tln v. wither is usually !.""'l, is tin' ir..i.i.il Unit Hcpri'scutii liv" riiini,:i, i,.r f iMiliaim will nmlu' it' Mali'li I is nliiinil'iiiiil fr t lie iiiuujj iirntiMli. Mr. ('nmijKiclci'r In'lifvcs Unit i! is 'li'simlili' to have :in nilininislnitinn l!fiil ns sunn nftcr tl-.n rI-t-t ion ns ms silili' in ur.li'r Unit thcw injiv lie quirk rosinnse to ihr expression uf tlie pnli lie on ttu ioheies ot j;overiiineilt. On tin1 ilny of iii!in(,nirntioii Mr. ( 'ninipnek or would have n rejjulrr sossion nf eon yress lie-in. BODY OF LOS ANOF.LES MAN FOUND IN HAWAII SEE SMOKE ISSUE FROM HOOD'S CREST IM'H'H. (lie.. Mnreh Hmnko is s'.ii':(r fnnn a fissure nenr the top nf Mnniit II I was plainly visible yes tenlay, 'flie clouds mil fug presented 'I'e iipiieiiranee of smoke and ut first ?t ivas tlnmclit tlmt th, nmolie was i:u illusion, lint old residei now say there '- no iiiestiin ns to the rnnnpy seen yeiienlay. 'I'liee innoke eaine from the nnilh Mile of the nioui.'niii from an "Id cralor. It h!ls 1,,-t"! .(l years since ill" appearance of i I smoke has hem noticed before. PRESS AGENT GETS IN CONGRESSIONAL RECORD WASIIIXllTllX, Miir.ch 1:1. In the ' 'oiiu'rcssional liecor.'. that exclusive oiibiical ion whose paes have ulwnvs I'cen considered itniiiui.e form (lie press aecnt. thi-re nppars uiidi-r date of March it. last, it first class theatrisnl advertisement. It is in the form of a petition asking for the removal of th-1 '.'iriff on costumes, scenery and stage poperty used in the presentation or plays on the American staee. Antone; the names which appear on the petition ! ."le several well known stars, two hustl- . i n lt yoimo; pros aijents and it nutnljef et' yirN, who appear in various com- paries. , HON'Ol.l'l.r, Mtinh 1,1. The body of H. lindormnchcr, the ,ua Anodes man who mysteriously disuppeuretl in April, HHI7, was found lust n iKht on the. .'dopes of Diiuonil Head Mountain, near this eity. I-Viiin evidence on tho body it was appc.'iient that the lunn had coinmitted suicide. TON OF SHAMROCKS FROM OLD COUNTRY A tun or port lust XKW VOKK, March lit. shainrnchs arrived nt th niRht on the White Stnr liner Oceanic from Nonthnmlon. She also enrried M.1S sacks of mail, principally St. Pat rick's missives from the Old Country. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. yClvs. Hrene. Ufampton Usaacs Instructor of "piano. "Llset 3ttttbo6 StuMo at Mtltfnce. Mortl) Ornae Street lirSHVII,I,K, fnd., Mil re h l.'l. Mrs. ' I.iw Crist, or' ('hicajjn, shut and killeil ler 1 t -vciir !. hny it lid tllfll killed l,i r'.rH" Ins) nrylit. The tra'ily neenreil rt til)' home of li I'lii'inl she WflK V t m i t - ' ill'' ll'T'. Hoalth $s Worth Snving, and Some Med ford Foople Know How to Save It. Many Mrdford people triko their lives in their Ininds by inflect iny 1 lin kidneys wnTmi tliey know llieno oriiiifj need help. Sick kidneys are r:';iMinsille for a vnat runout of suffering nml ill lienltii, hut there in no need to mi f fur nor to roiuain in danger when all dineasoa und nehos and :iiiiH dint to vcnk kidneys can he quirlily and permanently cured by (he qhh of Dean's Kidney Pills, llftre in n Medford citizen's recommendation: A. Z. S-itm, Kifth nnd II utroots. Mod ford, Or., KfiyH: " T hnvn unod Poan's Kidney IMMh and am glad to nay that the results wero mont gratifying. 1 suffored for a lon time from painB in my buck nnd found it difficult to Btoop. Thn kidney Hecrotions wore too frequent and annoyed mo greatly during the night. Donn 'r Kidney Pills were no highly recommended that T procured a hoi at H.'iKkiim' drug storo. I had only t:ikon them a short timo when T found that they wero tho remedy T requirud. I continued, my gcnernl health improv ed and I felt hotter in every way. i take plensuro in recommending Poiiti'm Kidney Pills to others." For sale by fill dealers. Price 50 rents. Foster-Milbiirn Co., liuffi-lo, N Y., solp agents for t lie United States. j Remember the nnme Doan 's and tako no other. 51 i JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mis. .losephine Itusselt relumed on Thursday from a number of weeks' visit with her brother in Portland. Nick Jerry, (lie mining man, was a business culler Tluirsduy. K. K. Kelly drove over from Medford Thursday on professional business. II. I). Kubti was in from Applegutc for a few hours Thursday. Mis. Helen llaskins of Medford was interviewing the tax collector Thursday and visiting friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Dana of Drauts Pass spent Thursday with friends liv Horace Nicholson came over from iiig horo. FIRST BABE NAMED WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT 'IIH-Ui(, March Di. President Taft, through his private secretary, has r.oni letter of acknowledgement and thanks to Joseph Olios of Waukegan. III., who named his Pttle sou, born al 11 n. m, March A, William Howard Taft Olles. lliilSSii HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our ct.pert decorative specialist will vi;it your city toon. Without obli gating you he will diicun the fur imhingf for your new home. Write for panievtar J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets PORTLAND, OR ICON Sinj;t Rotmi humnhtd Taittfully MEDFORD THEATER DAINTY FLORENCE GEAR IN THE'SMART" MUSICAL PLAY MARRYIMG JViARY 0IRECTI0N OF JULES MURRV a Tuesday, March 16 SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT- SATURDAY 'A I'ISII STONY" " HOBBY'S SKETCH R8" "I'ilK I,AI)Y CAIHIY'S nOMAXCK" "SKHOKANT'S STRIPK8" 'IMIKTTY I.ITTI.K M1I,IJNER '' I.ATKST IMCTORtAL JiKI.OUY I'RKTTY (KIOI), Kill ADMIHHION 10 CBNT8 See Our Line of- ARDEN TOOLS R akes Hoes Spading Forks Shovels Spades & We Guarantee Both Price and Qiiailty lARDWARE GO.