TIIU MKI)F(JKl) DAILY TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OKKi). SATL'KDAV. MAKCH 13. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Mcnlf.ml. I'liljlislidd evei'V cveuiim nxcept Sunday. MED FORD J' U B L i S II 1 X U COMPANY Ukokge Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the l'otofl'ice at Medford, Oregon. a UUSOlil PTION KATES : Olio month by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 One your by nmil. .15.00 TUAcmsu Ob AditiciiniiK SCHOOLS. is tin-: I'Uiu.ic Agrii'iilt uri" is some day fi"ing ! he taught in the pulilii schools. I'lverymie agrees llial the man who is going to follow any profession or oiTiipat ion other than farming stands no chance in the world without a thorough profes sional edueal ion. Yet there are people who eaunot under stand why a farmer needs an agrieiill ural edueal ion, hut the need will come homo to the young men of the future, who have to take their lathers' plaees. For they may find Ihe farms exhausted f plant food and not paying for the time, labor and capital invested in them. Their fathers hegan with new land, hut there is now not much new land, and so these young men have got to apply the scientific methods to worn-out, land in order to produce crops at a profit. The .jump from the old to the new fanning is a long one, and can only he accomplished by a series of steps. The plan advocated hy Orchard and Nome, a San Francis co publication, which is making a fight for this, is to be gin in the grammar schools when the mind of the youth is easily molded and before he gets prejudiced by 1:U old fashioned ideas. Here, a course of "nature study,'' which would he demonstrations of the different farm practices, would help the children to understand the underlying prin ciples of agricultural practice, ami at the same time stim ulate an interest in their environment and a desire to gc on to the higher schools, where they would gel, the technical 1 raining. 1 The higher schools would be Ihe ordinary high school, with agricult lire added to t he course. The technical course should be accompanied by courses in chemistry and phy sics, as all the improvement, in agriculture is based on thesi Iwo sciences, ami improvement niiisl lollow when young men are turned out complied with a knowledge of Ihe best agricultural methods, together with a broad traini which will enable him to get the most out of his environ ment. The t hue will conic, and may it he soon, when prac t ii'al common school edm at ion will inc lude a knowledge o the higher practicalities of agriculture in all of its alliei interests. TIIH UltOWTII OF Sb'AY YORK CITY New York health de d. Ihe population of he city thus contains in the Fnited Stales I. Its population is four New England It'hoih' Island and England under the 1 size numerically of four limes as big as According to the estimate of the parlment, as reported by Ihe W'orl .New York city is now I, I'JJ.tiS."). T half a million more people than were when Ihe ( 'oust it ill ion was adopted greater than that id' Ohio or of tin stales Massachusetts, ( 'onueel ii ul, Yerniont. It has a larger populal ion than great. Elizabeth. It is six times the Paris under Hie (Irand Moiiariiie, London when (ieorge III was king, more than four times greater than Rome under Augustus. There are senatorial districts in Manhattan more densely populated than was Athens. "The eye of ( I recce," in the age of Pericles. It was said of the Romans by one of their historians that they "had made the world a city." New York has become a civic commonwealth greater in numbers, in wealth, in social, artistic, moral and all hut legislative in fluence than any of the slates of the I'liion It added to its population last year a city the size of Denver. At the same rate it will add every decade (u population equiva lent to a Piostoii and Halliniore combined, or three cities of the rank of ( 'i in innat i. Where is the end to be .' Su perlatives lose their force when employed in express the wonderful growth of New York citv. OKIHXAXCK No. .nil. Ail ordinance providing I'ur tin- .cxe cution of a coutruct Willi till; Warren Coltrueli.ui company (or tho paving of u portion of Ci.iitr.il avenue, in the city of Medfonl, Oregon, and of a con tract fur the maintenance of said pave iiii-iiL anil pro iding the li'i-iim of said contract. Tlio city of .Modlord do-h onluin as follows: That the proposition of t he Warren Construction company, a Washington corporal ion, fur the paving uf Central avenue, in the city of Mcilford, an hen' lofore provided, ami for maintaining said pavement fur a period of tin year be ami the whim- in lrrcby accepted and the mayor ami recorder an- hereby au thorized nml instructed tu enter into ii in I Mil!" a i tract in tin- furui anil manner us hereinafter set forth fur hiicIi piMi'iiu'iit ami maintenance respective ly, ami such ai'liun by said niayur ami r mler is hereby expressly uiilhnrizod. ratified ami confirmed. This agreement, niiidc anil entered into this ilny uf February. l!m!l. by iml between l In- Warren Construi'tioii uiiip.iny. a Washington t'orporatioa. hereinafter called tic contractor, ami Ihe eity uf .Mi-ilfui'il. a nnuiiripiil corpo ration. In r-i mi It it called II it y, Wiluesseth, That in consideration uf the cm i-iniiits hereinafter set forth, the aid i-unt rai-tur hereby undertakes, ami covenants to furnish nil necessary ma lerials ami labor ami lu work of ex cavating, filling jijj.I paving, installing inlets ami uther neeessary materials ami In bur. fur the paving of Centrnl nveniie. in said city, from the south line of Sixth Direct Kast. to tlie Xoith line of .Main street Kast. an. I frum the .south line of Minn si re. I Kim, to the norl h line of Kighlli street, Kast, ami tu fur uish said iiiaterial anil ilo saiil ivnik ami cuinplete suiil paving in first class, siibslanl ial ami Workmanlike manner, for the prices hereinafter set forth, ami in aei-orilauee willi the plans nml speci fications heretofore mtupleil by the eity eouaeil for the pnving of Seventh street ami upon the terms ami eotiilitioas in saiil plans ami speeifieations set forth, which saiil plans nml speeif ieat inns are nil file ill the reennler's offiee of snii! 'ity, ami lire hereby expressly referreil 10 anil inane u part uf this agreement ; ml in I'onsiilerution therefor, the said city agrees to pay sni I contractor there 'or lit the following rates: Ititiimimius eriisheil toi'k fouiula tiun. per cubie valil I.'iii liitulittiie suifnee, i r Mpiare varil u.nu Kxea'atioii. per eiibie yanl !ln tnmlanl muiiiiuieut eases, eai-h. 2.0(1 Inlets, as per plan, eael lu.no 11 ini'li terra eotla sewer pipe, per lineal lout tin s ini'li leri'a eultn sewer pipe, per lineal foot sii It is further auree.l that all of saiil work is to be ilune upon the terms ami subject to 11 ilulitious set forth in that eertain afjieenient between the pur. ties hereto maile piirsiiuut tu orilinaiiee Sn. Kill uf saiil eity, passeil June lid. I1IIIS, exeept the pluvisinns ill saiil agreement relative t i the time uf eotn iletiuii of saiil work, v.hieh saiil ayree lllellt is hereby expressly referreil lo ml iniiite a part of this agreement, la witness whereof the parties hereto have I'liuseit these presents lo be exe- llteil in lllplieute bv their ililly author eil uffieers. the ilav ri ii.l year first bnve written. Attest: WAIIIIKX I'OXsTltrc'I'ION' COM I' A XV. Ity Viee l'resiileul. CITV Ol'' Mi:lF01!l, si t loith iii that lertain agreement be OVeen the pill'lies li'litofoie liuute plir j siianl lu unliiiaiii i' Xo. lliu uf .sat, I i-ity, paseil June 'J'.llh, Ill's, fur the liiainle i nure of pu leuieiit ,.n Si-M-lilh streel ' .ii mi ill eity, iihil siu-h ai-liun by saiil, uiuynr ami reeoiiler is hereby e,i't-,sv I'litliori.eil nml cunf iruieil. j The fuiveuiiiir oiiiinalii'e was uassej TO THE PUBLIC. Tl a.le ill li t by the citv I'uuiii'il nl' the iupl. I Ireyun. t hi I ll h l. limn, by the full, it Welch aye, M.-nii k ; U'ni'lnian aye, Kil'en aye. A;.pruvc, March ilii citv uf Meil March, A. t ute. tu wit : Knici-ick aye, ami lletnuicr Attest: H'u. I'.iuP. '. II. CAXII.V, Mayur. M. COLLINS. Citv Uecnriler. Please Take Notlco. re has been, rulneruus colilplailil i lo me from l k' livi'itf in most uf Ihe city ubuut t In i r neii fowls destroying; or ilninin", t(ur etc.. nml I wish lo call every bully's attention who own t'uwls in lie' city limits that there is an urilinaace, Xo'. II". passeil March :i. lima, which prut i.les "that Inv.is sl. -il be kepi up ami nut alloifeil lu run at large, any mure than horses or cuttle. The pemil ly for Ihe violation uf this imlinaiicc is a minimum fine of two tbillars (.'0I) anil tin- maximum Icn ilollars. IMease heul this notice ami thereby save your self am tour neighbor: trouble. II. li. SIILAHKU, 'In.-, Chief of Culice. TAILORED Sirrciicly happy is the man who ciin tV'! that his garments are t:iilon.l perfectly. This is the I'ct'liiiu; our patrons can enjoy. Satisfaction will be yours if you have yuur suits, coats, etc;., inaJo here Tin way we fit urouml the neck and shoulders is a re vela t ion. Try us. The largest line of domestic and imported .Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR 1 7 5 7 AFTER THE THEATER it it the customury and proper rhjnjj to take your friends ladies or j;.-n11emeu nroutid to a well appointed restaurant and order a iiico little supper uf oysturs, or Ihe like. Might here 'let it be understood that we cater for " theater trade,'1 and are well provided ms to good things to eat, well served and ruusonably prieed to meet atl requirements, Ad;iiti-i' orders for four or more ready at tunc ..ppoinled. The Enieritk Cafe Open All VlRht Bv. j m p E masSfc1 4i r -fpfk &.!? iVMBr-a? PORTLAND OREGON Modeum Comfort Modekatb Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND Tho Tourist Headquarters ot Uolumbiti itlluy ENGAGE UOOMS EARLY l'Olt T1IK ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION A. 8. NORTON. Miui.niir Allest: Reronler. Ami the s:ii,l uiavm inul reeunler are llso aulhurieil ami ilisllili'teil In enter nlu ami sien a eunlraet Willi saiil War i'n l 'iinst I'm! iuii eouii'iinv for the niaia- tenanre of saiil iiavinc when laul upun the name lei ins anil lenilitiolis as those "F Men's Crawford Oxfords New Special Showing - - ol the 0 New Exclusive SI vies Coss Shoe for Women $3.50, $4.00 6 $5.00 now on display Carried in .ill widths and sizes VAN DYKE'S The largest line in Southern Oregon C. W. McDonald P. X. Cmnniinijs T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummings Qivil Engineers The Best lUuipped lln$ineerin Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Med ford National Bank Bid. MKDFOKI) SASH & DOOR COMPANY PI I ON 1 2'29l. Wiudow Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Ben-l Piute, parried iu stock eheHp Office Fixtures and all kinds of Pinning Mill Work, including Turned Work :i n. 1 ' r.ncv (irilli F STIIKKT, HKTWKKN SIXTH AMIS KVKNT1I STREETS. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDPORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of , Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSEPY Largest Conmici rial Nursery in tne Parifk Northwest. Sol m tlie combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent M E I) F 0 R D , OREGON. Medford Iron Works ti. G. TROWBRiDGK, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in .Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ,si:ui' l)liii.sit:-.ry KutaltliBbed 1SSS. :iital heiI Sfurplus $1:15,000 Rusmirc os $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The .lac ktioii County linnk respectfully solicits your aci'diuu, subject to your cheek, with the strongest guarantee, of safety ;tinl efficii'iiey. We offer the highest attainment iu yn einatiL' hanking service, which us sores th;? greatest care in every finun ci;il transnctioc, with this obliging in si itution. W. I. VAWTEK, Pr-cident. G. R. LINDLEY, Cauhier. Making an Acquaintance v. illi i.nr liainlsnriio lino ofoxoltisivc fab l ii s ..1' In. 1 1 inipnrU'il and domes! i,. wiioli-iis sliiniM Iil' tlio aim of uvcry tiimi ill Si. iilhi. ill dri'ji.ill who H'oillil look s l.i-sl. ami In. attiri.il in llio latest dor roc of fashion's iliflalis. Wo choosr iiiuhI iri'hi'i'chi' faln-ica. and wo fashion, cut and fit thorn in a stvle that malios Jon tool t tint ''tlio tailor makes tho man' at j J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. You will find your wife's judgment is usually bettor than your own, and you will (iml on consulting her th.it the ,!oos not approve of l.ayiai; out good, hnl carnod dol lars for rent, when there tre so lie market at reasonable fiirures in Medford. a" uilint,a, eti.., and Iter .u li;- eiorlinu for a home. Bring her t the omul things now of- It is almost many good properties A w a has a keen eye for loea'.ii in. nt eaa be relied upon iu making wish you. arid niyku a personal iusp. ( ,.,.UUKu unr agency, anil you will never regret ........ n...e garden, ana it is high time for action in scouring a home where you can enjoy Iho g.,,,,1 ,,i.,gs f i, in ,,,is Wod,.rful val ley. Don't tleinv act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD : 1 J. Skewi. G. E. Hitslnuer A. C. Knndull Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -. Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valloy Or chard Lands. h.ye fruit lands, bearing and young orchard, in small and largo tiacts, for sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be as represented. Experience Xot Xeeessary for those who purchase through ,. They secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an ex.iert on fruit cub ure m all its branches, who for several veus has oiccled in the gr ,w,ng and shipping f fruit in the KiTer Taj record crops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon K. KNYAU1V l'i A. TKUIIV. Vic, sol. lit. 1'rosolout. JOHN W. B. , J. OltTH. Tashier. At'KSOX. Asi't ( aslii THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, O R . CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeueralBank iu Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. DIAMOND ERAND to L .C m a . i anvil TOb. ''B tr l; ill. mm ill. Norilm.- Soil yn.l riini , Tribune Want Ads Insure Results. Try Them