THE MKDJUl.l) DATtV TlUrUJNR, MUDKORI), 0W.oy. Fl.TDAY, MA WIT 12, 1000. Announcement OF THE SPRING OPENING XEXT TIIl'ItSllAY WILL .MA It K TIIK IIEIilXNINII (IK OPI! THREE DAV.S' SI'IIIXII OPEN IX". WHICH WILL UK HKI.I) THK l.sTII, WTH AND 20TII, AT WHICH TIME WE WILL .SHOW THK NEWEST IX MoliKltATELV I'llli Ell M 1 I.LI X Kit V AND HEADY TO WEAIIS FOI! WOMEN Al MISSES. Dresses and Hats FOR THE MIS l.'loilT now wk akk show I NO THK SWEETEST LITTI.K CUE TIOS IX IIEADWEAH l'o IM'AXTM A XI) MISSES. VOT WILL KX.loV A LOOK AT THESE ISKA I'TI l-M'L All TIC I. KM. LITTLE DRESSES I Wll ITK AM) ool.OUS A It E M NOW oV KALE AND HIS I'LAY. PRICES IiOW. 59c tQ $2.50 Malfoid's "Little Kost" J.adlgJ .Stoic BAKER-flUTCHASON COMPANY fib. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bgak Don't Forget April 1 st AND TIIK HI.TK KN'A.MKL UAXdK SATURDAY 1 1' you want lo sec the I! K ! i KNT I !A li i A I X we have ever oH'ereil in llic (own, don'l fail to sec our li win dow of I'ANCV CHINA, KAN'CV ,'I,ASNV.KK. etc., all al. your choice, 25c each SI- lllll Remember "ff I I hat we have (lie liesl line of 10c, l."ie and L'oe Hosiery ever shown in Med I'oi'd. A look will prove our asser t ion. HUSSEY'S FRUIT TREES I haw jti-ii nv.'.Md ii liiniitl of IiurMfiv M.u'k -iis( t i i,K ,,f M. (allow intf: How. -I ;. :tr. 4 !'.-if ; H:,ir!,Mt p.rrs, Anjoii; Spi. ri'iilt-M .1 11. 1 Nim louti apjiloH. -10 ft- r. V tuf m..K oi IwniibiTt i-h.-iry tnv.;. L. B. WARNER NOTICE. BAND MEN. ll nil., is ,,t tl;,. Mc.lloi.l I nil who play ,i, :., ot i,i,'inl.r:i. ""1 al Mcdfoid thoi.toi Friday ov,. i i'.g. Miu.'li III. in 7:,ln. ,. , i ,', t,: . "'" Wl" hogm at once. W. .1 WAItNKH. Muni NOTICE. clIlcAoo. .i;,i,ii 12. in keeping with ll.T pimmse .r lin-haud. II physician, who died ,.,in.- ,,;,rs ag San l-'nui, .Mis. II. I it.-, I ;, ,t I roeger i.h hii, of I,, in wonon taking Oil' Villi SerVlCO ,'.; M;it I. ills in t, TIM'S in minify Mis, it ill iuiis. If she is successful sin- Hill remain ll'TC lllllll dll,' lins flTIKl till' S lllolllll reipiired :iii, I tlii'H i! .11 I'M 1 1 'I general practice in San Francisco. ! liven ,.f meat ,n 1 1. city ,vli ,t.r,. 11 r l, m:i.,. t,, 4 t 1,1 oVlo.-k in nii.l from 2 to J o'clock ,,, m l;,k" ""r I'u'vh.sse, ; ,t,,s Social and Personal curl vim il.-r llelleii of UYIIcu was a icri-ni Mi'dfonl visitor. Ella (iauuyaw, public stenographer, room 4, 1'alui l)iiil,linf. Mrs. .1. K. Warnii lias ,n fr Or lund. Cat., li, ri. sin. will join n,r liun lia 11(1. riiono your unliTH fur uwiMit i-rrain or liiiltermilk lo ILn crpoinory. .I0I111 A. Torni'v of Mi'iittlo, one of tlic owiii-i-K ol' tin- llilli'ii'st uri'liarilfl, ar riv.,1 in Mi',lfonl Tliiirmlay for a ahur! visit. II, ivas iu-i'o!iiiaiiii'il l,v Waller iJllilll'V. I'1. C. Crclsi'r of Red Devil Cement Co. will Imilil walk m-r.oriling to city 4iM'ifiial ions for I2 1-2r per square root. 308 Carl Itirliarilsnii caiiif to M,-dforil on tl-e Kajile I'oint staj,, after wintering en his raurli near I'evton. I'miiing ilone in large or small cou traetH. or liy I lie day Isanes Pav 1 lie, I'. O. Hox 4.1.1. 305' I'liiee your order fm your l-Iaster suit early. We take orders fur snils from l.".'i'l up. Kifrrt, tlic pingressive tai lor. 2u!i Why do you liny n linnil me down soil when vim ran gel 1 hem made in any style ymi want ;h"in al ready made priees.' W. W. Kiferi. the progressive I tailor. Mull I Xo more entehy end tuneful miisie I I lis heeii written for an Aiueriean song Milny than Ilia! fiiniisheil fur "Marry ling Mary." vvhieh 's lionked tu eome I., The Mi'.lf. ld oil Tnis.lav. Mareli III. w ith I'lori'ie " Hear :iiil a largo singing company. From the opening waltli. a waltr, by the way, as popular and full of zythm as the famous "Merry Wid ow" waits!,, to the final meustires. the arms of hor trfuo love, the songs, duos extottes and choruses were written f i the purpose of entertainment. The Indie,: ,.f Medford are eonlially iliviteil to iiileiid III" Spring Millinery (Ip'Miing of Ituiullett Sisters, eorner of 1 Kixth street ami Centrul avenue, on Fri j tiny, the 12th inst. 3fl I I he iiiiisi,. w ritten liy SiIviii Ileiu III ! Kilwill Milliill Movie's lliusii'ill idav. "Marrying Mary." whieh will lie seen at the Meill'iird on Tuesday. Mareh Hi. with I'lorenee Hear in the title rule, is pnrlii'iilarly medolie niul siugalile. The ehief songs are in the lies! of hands ami will lie sung liy .Miss (lear. Jules Murry 's singing eiiiui'dit'iiue. Mr. Mur ry's seenie investiture unil iiulecd the entire pruilnetiou is mure llian Invish. "Marrying Mary" will lie north see ing and hearing. Orders fur sweet cream or buttermilk promptly filled. Phone the creamery. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Nash. J. II. lie.ldiek. L. A. Ciuihsliank. A. K. McCoy. I'oilland: John A. Turney. Seattle; II. X. Starr. I'm I linul ; C. V. Perkins. W. K. Tunis. K, Stivliel. Sail Prani-iseu; L. oyd"li, Saeraiuento; K. Spencer. Watkius; c. . llyrne. San Kraiiei ; .1. W. Scully. I 'oil la lid ; l' A. Watt, llenver; II. M. Cruuks. Alliany: Prank Wouilnrd, roitlninl; Kd Hos- teller. Tim I In lies; C. II. Ager. Minne epulis; W. Cartwingli'i-. San Kra ncisi-o. Hotel Mooro. (I. W. Ilullirler. I'urtlan.l; C. R. Lew is, chillwaik; A. C. .Oiliutt. Portland; A. W. Piersun, Saerniiirntii; II. M. Wv nian, Jr.. Pes Muines: C. K. Wilkstrum. Talent; T. K. A. Smith, Purl land ; W. lleckathuin. Portland; C. L. Huliart. Tnlent; i:. c. Waft. San Kraucisco. READINQ SOCIALISM. A 17 vear old who i:; learllillL' the I'fiili hiving trail., at I'oilland ill a Iter to his lather in Mrdford said tln'l I' Hie men lad fallen through " 'I'" ''as lit. In the fell I,,, had his ;l hler In., ken. He said Hie nci'idi'iit est his buss IO11, ,ut said he. "inv buss will suon get that all hack tliioui'h g-afting during the l,ig l,,.ie,l Taft iTospenlv." Ilia father in tellino the story f hinks that List i;ls I u sludv iug sucialisin. He say;: it looks like theugh he was iloini' ;-uine thiukin,. fur hiniself. I. H. UKA.MK ATTENTION. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Malta eoiiiman.lerv. N , K. T. "ill ' lei the onler f the Tempi,. ; Monday evening. Maich la. and M lav evening. March 22. al their linn hi Ashlaiul. Or. All sojourning Ti'lnplars invited. Itv order uf ; I'. II. ti'ltA.XT, K. C. j I.'. A. SHKHWI.V, Hecorder. AMUSEMENTS. (HHf "Mariying Mary." Pun" is the kevnole f " Mnirv. Mary" Kdvviii Milton Iluvle's IntcNt lausical play, which Jules Murry is presenting with :.Uch success tlironi.h. the country with Florence dear in Hi" slellar rule, ami which w.ll I at Hie 'Meillunl un March III. and riot us, hilarious Inn if is most ,,f tl,,. time. The situatiuiis nre ludicrous, the linlugue luistles with humor and the haracters are lo lie lint seen lu l. leughted at. Imagine a young and pret iv woman ul Hie world, oxipiisite in every detail of dress and manner, cahn ly telling her lover Hat she has been married before -"a little" ,,,,,1 then introducing him to a I'nited States sen nor. a Mormon bishop and n voung aian about town as her three ex has ban, Is' And her lover, the yiceniesi dent of the Alltl llivolce lc;i...,i I,,,..., nic luT further, in her first scene with the young man. asking him to loan her 11 1"". the veiv favor he of ll league was about ',, ask of his ,1, vinity. who is n suppositious heiress' Imagine the entrance upon the scene of tl'C rector of the fashion., 1,1.... .. V port, who is willing to put with the saiv scandal at'endant noon ,, rving ;, divorced woman, to be able to II the charming Mary the wife of" liiscleiical bosom! And also imagine the entree of the father of the young lover, coming ! pay his sou's debts and to ling him r from the seductive wiles of the " ,iii..,stcT; " instiirt. UiM father tailing in love with t In- la.posCr ami I'teiininiiu: i in her awav frm his iiifatnated ,. To a.1,1 to the hilarity. each of the 1 1, ,A husbands demands tic as hi, ,,wn. claiinii,,. iK.i tl,.. .Iivorc,. was not properly granted. Her, is one lone woman ela.tiic.l bv si men, each to do and dare for her II that mav be demanded of her pro lector. I The sale of seats for "Mrvi,i Miry" will open t Hssklns' dnig store Saturday uioraliig at 10 o'clock. j r f y ' .1 1 ft - ; .1 i;ti-i:i'v::ji V',. d "4 r!t 'I lift; ii M I 'il.i'; m in I rUS b, Mi. li.K'U-Stci -i (V Co.Micliafrls-Stern Sc Co. I'.- '-.. X . Kctliot.r. h. Y Cop it, hi I MxKtrli-ID C. Kih-i, .. V. mm WW Ow.n,hl90SI., Mil Mid,U.Sit,C.. Ml I RKhmti. N. Y. IMI "O WHERE else in the city will you find a Spring Fashion Display as Pretentious, Interesting and full of Suggestions as our Big Exhibit of "MODEL CLOTHING" for Men and Young Men. The display is now ready, and the men who pride themselves on their looks, who are eager to keep step with the latest fashions and to dress faultessly at moderate cost, will note this display and profit by it. The showing will include models in the Latest Designs, Pat terns and Textures. It will show youthe newest wrinkles from the style centers and it will appeal to your love and economy at the same time, to your desire for sartorial correctness. Come and see this display by all means IvI . 3.iTo r d !sfsr Cs LOTH ING rX4 tt Hi . .-) rH- -T'"' ;s. " , "Sl' p ajs mtttjt -we-asv' .e.u I'OH SALE tine cow. Jersey, coming fr.-sh in May. Call on Mrs. Mary Win lerhalden. one block north of Jackson i I reel on I lie West Side. ;m AC FLORENCE GEAR IN THE MUSI C AL PLAY. AT THE MEDFORD. TUESDAY. MA RCH lti. I of! SALE One acre of onud Ia,,.i ,i i vo large lols; must sell; bargain at -(). See W. H. Frencli. room 7, Jaok. sun I utility Uauk bhlg. oi( ' ALL Hor,,.. w. n. OordnToTe ana oiie-nnlf miles south of Med. ford. out Kli SALE-H,.ue an,"nwlTs7eloie in. at a nargain at $2500, half cash s9'Ki invested in a platting proposb 'ion will net 100il prfit wjthin ao 'lays. C. W. Stone, with Benson In vestment ( ... 30(J Von SALE--Or tradeT-the besr-roem-"g h""se in Medfurd, clearing $mn l-;r month. Address c. ,.r, of ,hi, "tfice. POR SALE A new H-room bnuM. with 'ail. and electric light ,, Kindow hade,. fr , ,,,, mn n ,i,ALt'-A Imy-Four lots 5fi y '-Ii. .mining city limits on weal. -I;'" each; cash only. Other lols in Hi's neigliborhood are selling for 2o'i lo W00 cash. p. o. Box 571, Medfor. 0r' 207 I'OIt SALE Choi-je business property al a bargnir.. on long time; easy torins Address P. O. Box 418. I'OI: SALE.-, and 10 aero tracts iust within and adjoining city limits, lit a I'c-rgain. n 5 nimuU pevmcnts. Ad dress P. O. Hoi 4in, . FOR SALE House-), lotB and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to (HO acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB BENT. 1'OU HE.XT Xieo r,;.hA e... room, ground floor, close in: separate entrance. Apply Mrs. Aston, at Mont gomery ', Ladies' Emporium. MARRYING MARY." FRUIT TREES I ,-aie Trihun, W NTKIl-T.. r.!. , . - ... I t-'iise. close it!. A.,r.w . of I am reiai-J fill rers t'nr first r OIti'C. . , 'ass fruit flees, shrubs. p;iis. ttl c . :il T'i - j j , I wood sr. I ti,.rw..,,j. s. 1 . . ov. est price. Have .in hr.nd ."e"' 1 P.. .. pear trees. I to tl feet. Ask Exhibit building. II. F. AI.I.KN Classified Advertisements WANTED. W AXTEIi -A large unfurnished room. b a gen! Icman with his own furniture, to be used tor lodging. Address V, Hex 41 g oi wages pa d. A .jr,.f, . .. 4: i. M.dford. Or . o FOR SAiE. Pol,' SALE-4M. a.-.s ,, -j ,,;,., of M-lfonl. at per ace; i,i;,ai.ri., "ill., . miles of M,slfor, at ,,,, anc; also seme niuo lot, on st,.vBtl Figure With Woolverton Woolvorton PmaiiPipatPs the !,ot Paver "'t'WorkanilslHvofo,',, lan.l'ovfl. Own ,v"iir own home. oolverton will oli it "in sen if to yon on easv tt'l'IliS. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. ATTrin viijx BIJOU THEATER