SWEDISH AMERICANS HOLD BIO CONVENTION CHICAGO. 111., Mnivl. l-J.NVurlv cut? thousand d . Ifntcr from over tin sti'to met in Chicago today lY.r the n American Kepublicni Leune of Hi puis. Each year th- U.ieu holds it luaveution ou March 0 v.-hi eh ia known us "John Kerson liny, " in L-oiiiiiiem t.-ation of the jro:it Hwt'dMi engine! .v ho built the Monitor. Tlie proceeumgH of tin? convent mn today were devoted tu tin reception . ti reports . and tr.-uisftetion of bu jness of u routine character. Public -interest centers chiefly in the con vention banquet tonight at which liov x-rnor Deneen, Senator La Follette of 'Wisconsin and other men of national prominence are scheduled to speak LITTLE TOT'S APPENDIX OUT OUT BY MISTAKE HARRISBURO, Pa., M.uvh lu. Rose Williams, a little girl of 4 years, is now onvalescing in thy llarrisburg hespi tal after haviug been operated on Son day for appendicitis by mistake. The child and ltrtr seven yer.r-oM brother were sent to the institution suffering with onlarged tunniU. In some unexplained m:ii.iir the girl wns given an anesthetic and her appendix was taken nut. The surgeons say that tlu appendix was somewhat inflamed mid they did ror discover their mistake until i!e p:,.innt called. The humorous nature of the case v:a? the condition of the little giil' appendix, which .-howtd that sin would have developed appendicitis any way and that the operation therefore wp.b a fortunate mistake. Advertsed Letter List ' The following letters rernain nn tailed for nt the post of fire at Medford Ornjfon, Mnrcli 11 Hitm. Hrown riorenee, nmcht Miss Kale. Burnett Win., nurcin lr. Isam. Hun ncll Orvillc (2) Kllint Mr., (lion Itojjuo Oreh.-irds, (ht.hlard Mrs..r. 1.. Green Miss., llolmiiri.- W. M., .Irsdr Lewis !., Jennings 1.. !.. l.,-.vis Chas.. F,osly T., Martin Willie T.. M. k.e Mm.. PniterKon .li.e,, l'riee c. '., It'oui Piliey, Wilson V. I.., Sehuher Itev. II.. Kmitil Hert. Smith .1. K., Sov.irhy Mrs. X. l.,St insnn (I. V 'I'aylor ,1. V.. Tei'tiarden .1. 11., 'I'll impson Rodney. H.. Tod .foe l''.,Turrile Miss Mnna. Miss Alice Lnnip. pneltti-'. TO THE PUBLIC. Please Take Notice. There has been numerous i-oinplaints mado to me from people living in most pt;fts of thi" city about thtir neigh bors' fowls destroying or darning gar dens, etc., and f wish lo rail every body's attention who own fowls in the eity limits thnt there is an i-nliii.-uu-... Xo. 49, passed March ;l. I!ln!l. v.hii-h provides that fowls sl::'.ll he k.-pl up ttnd not allowed to run at large, any more than horses or cattle. The penal ty for the violation of this ordinance is it minimum fine of two dollars (-12.00) and the maximum ten dollars. I'lease heed this notice and thereby sn.'e your self and vimr neighbor;; trouble. II. (!. SIIKAKKK, 305 Chief of Police. Miss Farrisee Representing the H. W. GOSSARD CO. OF CHICAGO Will be here Friday only and will be glad to meet the ladies of Medford, showing and fitting the latest models of GOSSARD CORSETS " They Lace in Front" SALBA1 BEER SALEM is the most popular hwr u Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal f the very best eastern product. All beers are .nd, but some beers an liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinkinsr Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Snlein beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage (',,. inn. TARIFF BILL WILL BE READ ON TUESDAY NEXT WASH IX.i-po.V. March 1J.-TI,,. .. ".-ii m,l probably tlu lijjht lor llio In ;t tin: Tin.' .lt,iu- ..I' next Tuesday, incmlit'is of tlxe """"" "i. way. and means ' '1 to J! iiitroduc.d in th. house Hi.- Inst day practice!,!,, II"-- probabilities arc Hut th-re v.,11 much t day i the way of organ 'zing the hum,, and r,,-rti I'usim-sa that it il bo i,,,,,;,;,,, to have tt resettled uu the first dav. The Nervous Mother. An Att-hlsiMi wotna:.- who Is verv nervous ,,, li,,ll,.,i to w..rrv is the mother of a l,v. she r.-.-nttv "f a hoy who -. hills ,1 whllJ roller s,i;l""--' ImniiHlhiiely put her son's roner sKati. l: the tire. Another new -p.ip,.,- ih of a l...v who wan kill- 1 rWlns ilw -tr.-t .nn. .-u-d as I'" fiv il..'ill.v l.i:!.,l while wnlklni; in- '' .-! rv . iii , vi i- thetu she '""' li-r I".' lo the front I. .or. 1 !l 'tl i-,- of a lio. "ho ' 1 -tl of I. his .hoo ni'.l :. ! l, .,,,.i i,,.,. ,...v i,.,. 1 .': !:i- .time ofT. Th.. storv of l ley win. hit ,. Im.ii.... .... t.it I t :! . : , rt-ith r.-ii'ted In . ' t I. , l,.!,es lit - I' ! si -.1 '' Vi ' !i ' ii : :'-tmiel ' ;" ' l I lalltj ' l!i::t.- :il h- AlfhNoll (llol.e. Vhat the Peruvians Believed. A iiiihine hl.-a of the ruture slnte tut that of the nn.ient Peruvians. As t!ie disembodied soul vinu'ed Its way to eternity It eix-outilcrcd two ri.iks. upon one of which It must eeds rest. The e'lol.-o was deter lined by the luoraliiy of the life In ie 11 . If It rest.,! upon the left mil iv 1; It v..i liisinntlv tran-laled . "l'o," or obliio i. a state imalogoui i the Mivan.i of tin. orient. If hroiih oai-lv inlsdei'ds. however, the iii'inpi.y spirit was eiil.le.l to the right and r.-i-k II enl -r.-.l lalo a purga I I-:! "'I where :ii-ii.ls grated away !": 'i tioni all loe ln.iies l-i sue. I. :;. i-'f'-r v. '-!. h the .sk.-h ton was ' I- I'1 . a:- I m -il back to earth fol no-!: r :ry i'le.-i- - v..-f! it., ha Me lll :' ls foeess. It too. e::i'lllh:-r .ai-l- 1H.IUJII yeai- v The Huntsman. One pla.v.r Is the huntsman While ill the i.lher.t sit in a i-ltvh. he glveJ ro ll one a iiauit', ealll-: n-e his eoiil (hers his h-il. shot. gnu. llak dog ete The hui-tM" to then walks round inside Ik" . I nod calls, for In tan'e. for ''is ::,:a. The player who .proteins il,,. u-lt:i at olu-t1 gets tip. ikes !"'.l . t' tin- hunl.uuntrs belt ami valks r ut'il nfler hlrn. The hunts- mii ea!N for ..(her u.-i-tntterinents till ill the players are going round, en.-h tut In:; h hi of the player in front of liliti. W'ln-n till are running fast by order uf the hu'ilsniiin he stuhleuly shoits "Hung!" when till, Inelllding the huntsman, must let go and rush for seats. One player will neeesSHrlly be loft out unr) must pny a forfeit for his fnlltire or he may be counted out of toe game tind a chair removed, or If 8t- nrriingetl beforehnnd the one left out may become Tnmtsnmn and the san.e go on as before. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, PRECOX, NEBRASKA MAN MAY BE ASSISTANT TO HITCHCOCK WASHINGTON, March 12. William Hay ward of Nebraska City, Neb., sec retary of the republican national com mittee, has been asked to become first assistant postmaster in n.L lUt'wiir.1 is only 32 years old, but has had con siderable experience in politics and law. His selection was due luninlv to Post- master General Hitchcock. Caui f Car 81cknti. W. C. Wood attributes car sickness the nystagmus produced by look tug ut of the car wluduws. Look out of l car window and observe how rapidly the telegraph poles UU by. Kach one Is seen aud Involuntarily fol lowed by the eye mitt! It Is opposite, when the eye shifts to the one follow ing. Tula Is true of near buildings Objects farther away seem to move Blower, and thone very far off seem to be nliuost stationary uutll the whole landscape appears to be revolving round a common center. The un conscious effort to take lu everything produces a rapid lateral oscillation of the eyeballs, as any one can observe by watching the eyes of hi fellow passengers. The eye strain Is euor nious and Is the chief factor lu pro ducing car sickness. This can be proved by asklug a put lent who is subject to car sickness to look steadily at a mirror which Is moved rapidly to and fro or tilted backward and forward. He will Immediately com plain of nausea and vertigo. The treatment consists of advising the patient to avoid looking out of the car windows and lu giving hlui a grain of cltrated cafTelne shortly before he takes the cars nd repeating it every hour as long as there Is uuy tendency to be sick. The author has been en abled by this procedure to relievo many sufferers from ear sickness. New York Medical Journal. Tho Ship's Bell Clock. In Its most ordinary form the ship's bell clock Is a stout, well made clock, a good timekeeper, contained in a round nickel plated case six or seven Inches in diameter which is 'mounted on a board that can be hung on or screwed to a wall or bulkhead. The face of the clock, the dial, is of tinish ed steel, and Its pointers tire of blued sluel, so that with Its nickeled case the whole clock has a metallic, solid, serviceable look. Attached to a projection of tho board upon which the clock is placed, out side, the clock and Immediately below It, Is the clock's gong, with the ham mersthere are two of them brought down Into it on arms extending through nu opening lu the clock's case and striking ou the gong's Inner side. It Is a sturdy gong two or three Inches In diameter, and It sounds with a strong, clear, resolute note when the hummer strikes It. On thin clock's face you can tell the time in the usual way, but the hours are struck as they are at sea on a ship's bell. New York Sun. Freeh. There was no doubt about It. He was very nngry when he entered the vllluKe grocery store and demanded to wee the proprietor. "You sold iny wife some eKt?3 yester day, Mr. Peavey." he Bald when the frrorer appeared. "Waal, yes," said Mr. I'eavey genial ly, "believe I did." "And you told her tnt they were fresh eKKS," continued the visitor. "Waal, yes; It seems to me I did." said Mr. I'eaviy. "But, see here, I'eavey. you hud no business to say they were fresh eggs." "Why not? I bought 'em for fresh from SI Wiley too." "1 don't believe It. SI Wiley's an honest man." "Waal, SI said It, all right. He come In here with his basket full of 'em and put 'em down on the counter and trad ed 'em off for a box of sody biscuits." "When was this?" "Oh. I duniio. Hout six weeks ago, I guess." Baltimore American. How He Knew. A ragman who was gathering up wornout clothing in the country pur chased a pair of discarded trousers at a farmhouse and remarked to the man of the house as he paid for the stuff ho bad bought: "I see, sir, that you are about to lose your land on a mortgage." "Guess you are right," said the dis couraged looking farmer, "but will you tell me how the Sum Hill ym found that out?' "Easy enough." said the cheerful ragman as he settled back on the sent of his peddling wagon. "I notice thnt these old pants are completely played out, so far as the part of 'em you sat down on Is concerned, but they show mighty little wear anywhere else." Exchange. Just Hit Luck. "William, Kreddie informs me that his teacher has decided to advance him from the sixth to the seventh grade owing to bis fine deportment and his praiseworthy attention to his studies." "Pshaw! That's Just my luck!" "Why, what makes you say that?" "I had It all figured out that I was going to be about $10 ahead at the end of this month. Now It will be ueces arr to buy a new set of srhoolbooks." Chicago Record-Herald. Th Inviaibla Point. 1 It wns an awruny oia jnae, mn iue American thought it might cause nis English friend to generate s smile. "Just before I sntiwl for Liverpool." said the American. "I dreamed that I was dead, and the heat woke rne up." "So?" rejoined the Englishman srl outy. "The weather muM ti beastly hot Id America "-Chlcnco News. Luck. "Do you bellcvr- there Is anything In luck?' aked the ynn-j tnnn "Yes," answerM the home grown ' philosopher. "Tin-re is n lot of hitplll-Ken.-e and per-cverrtncf. In lt."-Ex-chuuie. KOBE LIKE JULIET WORE WILL BE FASHION'S FAVORITE t'lllCAtin, Marrli Vi. Women of fashion d iut live in vain. Their sartorial ereat ions inlure til rough t lit ages, even as the inspin-d work of poets anal philosophers endure. Their bril liancy is not as short lived as scoffing cynics make it out to he. The remark someone nimle about Shakespeare might he applied they are not of an age, but fur all time. ' ' These nro the conclusions drawn by dressmakers following the revival of medieval costumes as officially announc ed at the annual gathering. Styles of the fourteenth and preceding centuries .ire now on exhibition at the convention which was formally i peued today. A simple affair for market wear, re semhliug, it is declared, the otie-pieee cost nine worn by Juliet when she went to the tomb, is said to be nno of the tentative styles of the spring season. SON OF INVENTOR WILL SOON REGAIN LIBERTY SAY DllNJtV C:il. Miir.h 1 V l!. Morse, son of Inventor Samuel F. H. j Morse of telegraph fame, who is held in jail at Ktiscnada on a charge of hav ing killed an Indian laborer, is to be released Friday, according to W. P. Molderaess, a wealthy lower California SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and SATURDAY "A FISH STOliV" "HOHHY'S HKKTCHKS" "THK LADY CAHHY S HOMA NCK ' " SKUfl KANT'S STWPF.S" "PHKTTY L1TTNR MILMXKH" I , A T l-'.ST PU'TOlttAL MKLODY I'M F.TTY (i(KH, Kll ADMISSION 10 CHNT9 A Wedding Decoration. Whether Ii was :: iiihuuc r x J.tke r simply :m example ol' bud luste i i illicslioii lh:lt is slill pil..lillg luo.si 1' l he pitsj-e liters. Mill lio nmtlet :thn:it lliai. It cciiaiuly was a tlnial iM.i.-ii'l'pie. e. Full .Ii'UL feci it Mont1 Cr tin t lie i-.iiii'd. in i be form of r Toss. K' -ei while and roses reii ,'tiiuV'is t iiic hndy of the cross, am tlaiiiiy ulii'c blossoms and greet .eaves f'ui'jiieil die Irliiiiuiiis. In tlx f-enier Hie v. iinl "Peace" was spellet in la r. el mi-.. !; . 1 1 !.. ii. hi the car admired Hit ;Te; j n-, ai li I When t lie buy wl I ' - U c;i 'ie tluor all leaihil fil'U III e t Itiitie ii more i luseh . At leu ;i I i ;d cnHeiiiaii s'.nni) up Hint I'.'.k! i n d hii vl:ises in order l' ;.el i. . .. i' I..,.!; m H. 'Ilial Is U" - .-I a mi'hly Hiere." he prelly iaid. ' pos Who ili-.tflV" i';g!ed. I 1 IvtluW of," hi u : a funeral; Ji's he :l j-cn! Ii'itiiiii sat down hea "Cood Lord'." h said. "What liliol vei" ordered 'Peace' Inscribed on a wedding ih eni-aii.iii'r" The ret f Hie paeimcrs smiled, tinl ma i iv 'f 1 hem. being married YHini"vl well, but nobody veniiir d an eila unl ion. - New V..ik 'limes. D(3ih and S.iu;.'. A ( ert l.i . H.;.-le( , il-i.n of W- i .! - it v..'- an itiveii r.iie sn.l t akcr. ) ii:ed that a .iiantlt,v of S.-ni. h . nii.I" r-hntihl lie placi d l:i her . f!!i'i. SI:- also ..n'eri-d Ihat the nr , i int'enii'tilN i.Hine.iel with ln-r fitner j a! should be s fidlows: "Si iu ii t . be my bcur-iH who are kin-wn to In- i Hie reaie-:t -inuT inkers lu lb.- purNh ! of St. James. Westminster. Instead of J mourning, each to wear a snuff colored j beaver bat. whii-h I desire may be boimht for the purpose and given to them. Si v i nali tens of my old lie i iMM till il nee lo heal my pull, eacJi to air- a .o u'.U wtib the hist S-oteh - ; to ::i!.e ff.r their refreshment i-; H:fV ;o along" NtMifT vas al-o he t hrown on t he Hire-lioid of de eile s ilw el ling before t he cortege -;t ii;. tiii;T was to be strewn ' ii , 1 ;:f eer' tWiMi'V !IN 111 itlv.iv .1" Hie ci.flin. tind Hie mtl--i.il-. ' : i:, i:.'s fi-e was to l.e .r. p-.r .'. ! - t 'ie illalltit.V of MillfT lie : c :. ! ibM-ldL' the cerei.tii . I.H- Prfipald Uallroad Orders. ' ' .m-' lisr; vvlin-h ) of cuiisi'li'rabli- , r-to tin- public generally an'l 1 i p"th.'ipi not generally known f il..- vTM( ef prepaid ord'TM now is 1 tf. rt li.-tiv.o-n st:i!i us of the HoutbTn : i if ".rii.:uiv and pll points in the t " i; i t r.l f:t-,te. liy means of this syst'-rn ri-.-'s rn'iv be ptir' hasp'l at MedfnriJ f-!.'!! ariv jilnre in the I 'nitcd States and ; --.U- or u !eirraph"1 direct tf the pnr j !- r,!,;iLf to r-oiue here. Weeper ar j , , ::.'u .n!;t': 'UK .-iii l !oi:ll amounts of , : -Si iii connection with t liese tickets r.-tv be forw;irHrrl at th inme time." t' FRIDAY, MARCH 12, merchant, who turn arrived here from Knseuada. "All arrangements have been made for the release of Morse." said Holder uess. "except a few minor details, which will he completed by Friday, wh n he will be given his freedom, lie will not be brought to trial, as the Mcx icau anthoriticH have satisfied them selves that the killing was done in self defense. ' LAD'S SENSES RESTORED BY OPERATION ON BRAIN HF.H K KLKV, Cal.. March 1L After lying unconscious at Fab tola hospital for :t- days, Hos Coons, n 3-yeur-uld sou iif .1. YV. Coons, a North Herkeley electrician, whs restored to conscious nous by having a lump removed from hin skull by Ors. liilliHiicrann and Oj-ar -lorff. The child fell from the roof of, a house six weeks ago and has been in a comatose condition ever since, resist tng all efforts of the physicians to re store him to mental activity. The surgeons decided upon an op (ration and found what is known in medicine as a ' button' pressing against the brain. This was removed and the child wns immediately restored to ronsciousaess. His vocal organs are still paralysed, however, and will b for some months to come. AFTER THE THEATER it. ii the customary and proper thing to take your friends ladies or gruillomon around to a well appointed roitaurant and order a nice UttU tuppcr of oysters, ar th like. Uight here let it bo understood that we cater for "theater trade," aud are woll provided ai to good things to eat, woll served and reanonably priced to met all requirements. AdvainA orders for four or more rpsrly at tune Appointed. The Emerick Cafe Open Ail Nigh City Business Directory TIN SHOP Tin and HlK.i't iron war., on limi'l nncl iiutdn to ont.-r. J. A. SMITH, 1 i:i Nnrlh O Sln-i't. I.ia tlic MISSION FURNITURE WORKS tiiukc thut piece d riroiture. Any desigu, any culor, any i uish -dull, waxed or pulished. Shop nti cur. f.f Mt li uri'l H streets. W. M. Oolvig. 0. L. Reauien. OOLVIO t REAME8 Lawyers. Clff.ce M.Mlfnnl Hank lllilg Tround floor. Cook HtoTrs and ranges. Phone 91 MORDORFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Purniturr Kails' old stnnd, IS 20 F St. Month Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMLNT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will ' e prepared F. I. ronry 1.1 to furnieh ceiiieut l.ri.'k. Ilctter than pri-sned brick and pint an t'lr-ap. In entigute b.-t'orc contracting. P. O. Rox 11H MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE .Specialists in Ten.. Cof fees, Kxtracts, Making Powder and Spices. We carry all kiridn of dinner ware and fancy dinhen. SIS W. Seventh St. Medford, Or DR. 0BLE The only exclusive Optician ( tween Portlnn.! and Sacramento Office nn Hetenth Street. NS'lien others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNES Eye Specialist Office in F.agle Pharmacy Main 23:i. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Itooms from 50 cents to $1 ..) pe. day. All modern convenience We solicit you: patronage. 1909 New Special Showing - - New Exclusive Styles now on display Carried in all widths and sizes VAN DYKE'S I THE E. K. V. LUNCH EOOM KinBt- cup uf cufft-0 ou tbi. Pacific ('oust, ii. II. Lorimor Prop. DI! F. O CARI.OW DP, EVA M, IN'S CARl.OW O .top.ittii.: PliyHlclans . 'i I'l. .,!. Jl'l . ..I IV.I-.I I)R WAI.TIM. R. STOKES. iMVil.tt. s, ..r to 1r. .1. M. K..MI". THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AUD PRESS INO WORKS W. K. Lsne 4 Hon, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Or-goo WABOHAU ft BROWN wi.li to .innoiinrc to their palront that tliev an located in their new .. ii.-i rt.Ti. in th.. Young & Hall liuilding. Itilli. r.ls. t'igam and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dnlit orfi -. hourn: to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building. Seventh Street. Medford. Oregon. For good bargains in Watches mid Jewelry, Pistols, Masieat In triiuii-nts, go tu THE MEDFORD LOAN 0FFI6E C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. I'ndertak.rs D;iy Phone ;(.".'! N'glit Phones C. V. 1'ouklin M .1. II. Roller 14 DR. R. J. CONROY Succennor to l)f. Jones. 'tffice in the Stewart Hu I H i iij; of the Coss Shoe for Women $3.50, $4.00 & $5.00 INVEST YOuK SAVINGS i a beautiful Diamond Ring. Aiid from the proalig a good 4 i mo ad gire, it ia an invert meat you n readily turn baek iate eaeh. My line of meoaHage aad aiaea offers anula eeaat fer every fancy. MARTIN J. IEDDY THB JBWBLBB Nwr Fotofflc. Flut Witch and J.wtltr Bqpif ta Sywl4jr. Ail wolfc fr- TAILORED n.rrnely happy i th. man who .u fael that hit garments ar. tailored perfeetljr. Thit ii the reeling our patrona can enjoy, ftutisfaetion will b. yours if you have your suits, soats, ete., mad. hero. The way we (it around th. cu-ck and shoulders is a revela tiou. Try us. The largest line of domestic and imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. l.utt-Ht motion pictures and illus trutcd songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7KH 8T. ( 'outinuous performance eTery ev..ning of motion pictures and ii lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WH. H. AITKBN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh 8t., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. . Uennett, Medford, Or. Urow trees that sell, sell trees Mint grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Hillposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Rank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Hells trees that grow. Office: li. R. V. Depot. P. O. Rox 841. Phone 53. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. Kant Medford. Phone 225 8. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office hours: 10 12, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jsrksnn Co. Bk. bldg JACK FBEDENBURO Bcavenier. i.rhage hauled. Medford. In Sarnnv no one Ii permitted to