THE MKDFOIM J.1IA' TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREfiOX. FRIDAY. MARCH 12. 1000. Medford Daily Tribune Official l'apor of the City of .Ultul. Published everv evoninu except Siuidav. MEDFORD PUBLISH l. U COMPANY Ueokue Putnam. Editor and Manager. Admitted as Sivoud-Class Matter in the Post office at Medford, Oregon. S UBSCR 1 PTION RATES : iuU kv Mil r (itrnr $0.N) :nt )r b tut.l IaOO WHAT PAPERS SAY WELL. WE SHOULD SAY rut: uoxAUcii or mosshacks. N w H ' ' ' WHITESIDE BUILDING WELL UNDER WAY U::v! i tV uv t-...; r. : v-.-f I' v -.. -&:t M a li a..'t:; i- i-.i ,-.; i",';: iv. ' rntr-: J X HrrVi V.' I.-' t'.f ta: ;-v I '2'-: .ir.J fkT itx- IT' t l!' W I: S vIt . t"i . V.- a -. "-iNy ''Tf i :if ;t. -. . f ..r : : r .i r .-. V' w v'li- r - .'V .-l-r ' c l i -- a-.- ti :..'. ir-w Mr '"i .-. , : V"; -l :.. LOW RATES TO The Portland Oresionian in the course ( an alilc cui toiial diseussini; the supreme court division in the Put nam libel case jwys the following ( oiuhiiieiit : " If tht J 'at imm t Inn tutt i uul kimi a' jou iiitiii mii ice n ill out at issui, lif icoiii iiTtii'i I'itt litt'i njiiijHitliy fivm riik i'iiWi' soiiii t . " This pner has the uood luck alonu with two or three other irj; c j..urnals to W on the Oivouian's black list, principally Kvaue they have an individuality of their own and do not play lickspittle to th. monarch of uutssliack journalism, and epso the IVvkstiiftiau char acter of the state bully of the tall tower, the tarnished brass of the fake halo worn by this solf-canoni.'ed pharisoc. The difference U'twecu the Orecontau's stv!, of jour nalism and The Tribune's style is the difference Mween the kths-ker aiul the Uster. the p-s.simist a:ul t!;e op timist. The Tribune ses the doughnut, the (re-ocia:i the hole. T... -r..;i . . i , ue ll.lWif wors.S lo I'WIUl Up US iol:;c c'.'V. s. .;;t f'l i Otv:on and the state. The Oreconuti work to tear down I Pvxrtlatid and Otvou. .ntn'..taUy and vrsitent!v. It! W f S has vlone more to tvtard the dc elopmetit of Oiv-on ti.a:-,- f 1 M f f 1 All other uiftuen.t-s i-..mbiiUNl. It personifies the -i-irit! of th- sihiriatu the eatanuty howl,r. tiie ' l:: DAILY pith is strewn vwth the wrecks of ..!utvrvul entcrt rises D"riug March & April it has s!anu and it has !,vr for ears ; sf.f.r.vl-.r.i; '?.;..-k' in the path of prxr-ss. Rule or rum Lis ever Urn the i-ucv of tlit Orv--i. , ; r lt k.:Kws uo pvUriot:s:u. IVv.ul' :t .-.uii.o; ..U, :.t-e tiu- vU-- vx:o pacitic Uvii of a sei-ttor. a Oi- t, -'r-t, .v. i ossvicx ssosriss uy. to ttotd .: vrss :'r-.v.. v Por'' .' soa? t xav:oa::o co tiw o es ef si-,, wvrid by c:.ui.;r. :hat 'Lis t "h.uV 5WrTUSX,t FAC:r:c prxfsea ivpr.;U:;o:i. h .t:. S33 from Cbicai: o Uv-is :o tlv t r-iw : V.u'.r-a..i 530.50 from St Louis eiiu llArruii:: -i s; ;rv. ::s rve:ue:-v.-S25 from Omaha Hu: cy er. :-ter-.v:t t.v .- :...;.. $25 from Kansas City a&of to sev ec: . : tru . . f . . .. bi it Lis svii: .:... irark::..:. Ori : ... irvcu s narrow a: ; .. . s- s.. : . j : pj'c:e vkiu ;l-a: w.rl.L ; . But !::-:. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using Tl'NC.STEN LAMPS. 3 2 Caudle Power Edison Lamp ues 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt Si I Caudle Power TllllgSteil Lamp uses 40 Watts pei hour aud would use in loon hours 40 Kilowatts which at lOc a K;h watt 4 Net Saving iu kvw hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ ; Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water Power Co. Office, :; West Seventh Street. Phone No. S5o. Opt-vs'.te the U.; Kleetric Sisrn. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. i. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines. .Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Compare the Quality S'ut.' iitpusit-ry Kstat-lsted lsi. . apital aad Surplus 125,00O Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking ServiGe The .lacks-jo County Uiik respoctfullv E!iii'its your aceuuai, subject to vt,ur - ln-i k, with t lie strongest guarantee of vifViy aaJ .f f ici-rey. i "i-r il high'. st attainment iu -in a t it hanking service, whieh as-Mir.'.-t rhj greatest raro in every finau .ml trririf.'ttt:oc. with this obliging iu- W. I. VAWTEB. P.-iirtent 0. R. LINDLEY, Ca.bier. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chin aware. Fruit and Feed Making an Acquaintance - :nv line ttx.:lusiv f.,1.. n.- -f ,i!ii,.,ri.-.i anrl domestic V ... -!.- -Irl !.- !!.; 8 i 'II ,,f --rv IT.SB ('k-u : .iir'M, w;. .., "' ' 9B-1 w faahiun. cut i r r t;.-.: ii a wi- -hat n:ak-s vf.u I ' .' 'ii i-.r ma-- th.' man' 1 J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUliDDfO, MEDFOBD, OB. : -J .... - r s; . v. .It S Off iiAL '.. i. ii fi; ,, ?:;y a .t.vr.i H; Thr1 Svtf.i J iti, ; . t irtwi. vrti-.ts :lv :" L..-.: ;. smiat:'.c: The pU1 A...v:..;. v. .. : SaWiu '.a u'.tfrvu w frvui l'z: .. ity Au: : . a'. Ihy t .sitr :l.v n siiabby. Tsw svU...s Ar '.'..i vicr .-. ;."r'.i ." in adv-Att..-. ;ik1 :'..t?1 :.. . Tbc- tvv i. : M-.n-.u . : it rtsvHi-.t'.vi-L.s t .,v:, : vi:i"s.:.jiy r.i;?.t. Vhfse .w'.uf.vt s t -V .ud thu Sff..rv :.r ;- .. vow r : a tvit t a- - in:-.; ,iui AViTv -: ruit.- :.s. Tb jv,v:c .': ;s::.:. , ,. !. to Ctir- the it- rv : . i Tbey sa ;it' : ... ;, stuceitts st :....-.; A . ,v:. ccs the sci-I . - ,t lr. C..e or .- it - tt v. . ,-; ; cus ta aortt. si -ji ts t: t '. ;.t . v4 Htw they w r - r 4 . ; -. '''-' -'-'t 'A tt 1". "... - ' , lAi . . . . .. Ucts wht.'h. tV. "'.x t t---t - . v. . - this evtut'i ;vLtl tl.j" r- - to nut the .:". . ; : , . -UbtlUt.i t ' A v r ; ;. :,. - - .... jtva sh-ill fA-.t:tA - The t-re ..v.s ; . . .., . Cave to tAie :.e x ..; t - ..- - - tll tak uv :be f ; t . r -ovH.t,r.e. Ksten a: .:. .. - - . to MA-'-'t: .-ir:y te-v . ' ' rvcicv the ; "...i" .-a , joitie.: a.v".;s -fh 1. :-; -. -: - x rsK-te parts ta'e .i-;v a- - fx tt up tlv -.v t .r-- to tiaua t'-s-f.; r f. Ku: let tai- Ma-yt: -"tftv ,.- -where e hae a'.I '..? At-i vt'i'r.i -x. Wieti Salef i ie'.the .Ui" s, "i;-.1 sjo;ti.t;cv juid the 'art . .i-v t.-. t- ;-yr p ho te a stkrer.h. l . i 7 MI V-l T ' I I ."r-ip .1 "',l t N - f. -. Men's Crawford Oxfords T. H Osgood Osgood t QumminQs Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surreys, .Wjps. Pjns, Specifications. Re ports, Estimates. Etc. Water Powers and Water Works. Paying and Road Making. Sewerage. Railroads. Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford Xjtional Bank Bid. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris Sc Co. BEDFORD, OREGON Ofce in Jacioc County E Upstairs You will find your wife's judgment i;'i:i:!y bottc-r :han y.;-ur owe, " i ; w::i f-L-i c-a ciiu;:.Li r ::-;; so; a:rrove of c g h.rr'i carced d-!- -r.:ib:o i in Ioliol. ' ' - : r. r a Lir.ig L i - '- C----1 cow v- "Wr r- c-:'' It is almost ' " : r .i:". :t in -:i'ur:: a :' .3 tr. w-irr:u! vi' Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Buildiug. MEDFORD Mtrs. 3rct;c Ifamptcn Isaacs Instructor cf "Piano. TLi5it Kcthoi .s j: ?..ia... The largest line in Southern Orezon C.W. McDonald T8E MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK x s : - : i ; : i C A ? I i A L lO.OCO Sii'etv E:cs Fcr Ecut. A u-ur:i.S nk. iu Bus u-; We Scu.ut Y.ur ?i::;i ii X " ."V RQg"e River Investment Co. "RUIT LANDS " ' - '" K.-jut ty Or :it -u.U. . . - ' x ' - : i.ri. .a szii'.'. in: ; - ; ai i j.t-;;-:v Kxrricncc s ccss.iry for i' . l4 ii,-;.. Take the Tribune for News .: y -1 : Of--. y.t... VSil a HH)K COMl'ANV ' 1 :"i'' I'.ilj, firr-.tO im ok jb'? 1' S KVVIMH SI KKKTJV