THE MKDFQHl) IUTI.V TIMRUXK, Al ED FORD, OREfiOX, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 190!). f Social and Persona J. It. Lindley has returned from it tu Klamath Falls. U. Adams of the Blue Lodge ' vitt it lug in Medford. J, M. Samuel of (Vutrul Point witt u repent Medford vimtor. Henry Mote is erecting u buugnlow uenr the JVortb school. U, r . Mil I key has left for u Ui north. J. W. Antler of Awliiwon, Ki it visitor in M ml ford. John H. Cullowuy of Hpringfield, O, hits nrrl vvil l o mn k li is home, in or near Mrdfurd. Judge Cidvig is expected buck frmii 11 business trip Lo Sn u Francisco Thursdny evening. I. L. Hamilton is in Mini Francisco un ):usiueus. Place your ord'r for vonr Eimtnr suit with Kifnrt, the progressive tailor. 301 The firu company has ordered HO new uniforms. Tin1 Model Clothing company trot tho contract. Dursor Jones of Itloumiiigtoii lnd. :md n member of tlu fiiuious ball t am ' nf the ( 'nivornit v of Indianu, a cousin i f Mrs. K. E. Kelly of (his city, is vitnt mi' Med ford. He will remain some timo. Colonel (tVorgo I. Minn of 'Polo spent Ihurwlny in Med ford. Kiln (Jaunyaw, public utenogrnplier, rouiu 4, Palm building. Cadillac Snyder left Wediiendny ovn tiiug on a buHinesN trip to I'ortlnnd. Phono your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the creamery. Colonel mid Mr, Prank Ray. nceom (allied bv tlieir daughter, Minn lithe Hay. left ThurHdiiv 'or their New Vork home. Tliev expert tu return within n month and upend the -milliner nt Hold lUy. (Ivor five hundrud difforeut shades tc fil"t't your unit from al Eifert 's. .101 The Indieti of Med ford nie cordially invited to attend the Spring Millinery Opening of Rundlett Sisters, corner of Sixth street and Central avenue, on Fri day, the t'Jth inst. 303 Arrhdeacoii i 'hitmbeni of Portland will hold rnintntiuion services in HI. Mark' Episcopal rht.rch ou nest Hun day At II h. m. He wilt also hold eve ning trf-rviees nt 7:30 p. m. Orders for sweet errant or buttermilk promptly filled. I'hone the creamory. The first vacuum h-nisi- cleaner ever tjnTntel in Medford whs rmployed yen terdsy nt Daniels' clothing stor.1, doing I ho t spring lt'Mierliaiiiiiu " Fancy vesting gslorr we uiako them to your order. W. V. Kifert, the prog retire tailor, 3W K, Cretser of Hod D?vil Oment Co. will build walk tcrording to oitv Sev)firatioD for 12 1 per squarv iuit. SO lruuing done in bug' or small con tracts, or by the day Isaac A Pay Ml. P. O. Box .V ' 30," Ueiinis Winn uf Trail is a Medford visitor. . AMUSEMENTS. II. P. Willard of Lo Angele. U spend ing a few days in Medford. H. I. Lit tk spent Wednesday u t)ie line in Calif urn i.i on busin"ss. V. L. Cmiierou and family of the Ap ptfjjatc spent Wednesday in Mi-ifunl Fred Stork of AHhlmid, T. I. Kisniaii ht-.h." m, (irants I'ans are Medford visitors. :.N lo ndiiio't l C Cnrlv of the Steaiobuut mill filiiiN uli the h district was a reei-nt Medfctrd vi itor. K, A. Marsh of the Citizens Telephujf compa uy has ret urned f rojn (! r nut s i'nm. II. It. lteed and wife and Sam Mr cleudon of Cold Hill xpent Thursday in Mi-dfiird. 1 flake Adam and wife, C, V. Lin j ctilu ami K. V. Hunt are Medford vii tor- from the Hlue I.edj(e cvopper dis f trii-t. I Jacob Tun Me ud left Wednesday to ac At tho Svuy. An t'liteitaiMiieiit .if tMt-:ii it III II rd hir M I .it d 's piiil;i r moving pir.llli tln'Jilr Inuiyiii. Such pielur" :. ''Tlie r.i.-in.-' " n'ii I!miiii 's Scran The Faithful huif," are I. i-iM tl... -t.-. :im. best larlvl I...I-V. The pi. tnn-s !;illt. ,.u hurl, tu Voui ' h.ldl I liu and leek.- v. m think of the be-t lltiiiL" "iir p::"t life, give Vdii nmiiy a .i:k in -u' h'uylitcr 4one i :mt Imp!, I .nij atleotitM. frmn t lit' Htnrt of iIh- pi-ri'tniiiatiiM- until rlie finish. Vmi should mil fail t a I : end ihe Savoy tnnihl. n THE BURGOMASTER" NOT AS GOOD AS LAST YEAR The BurKulunstrr" at the Medford ept a position as n.w filer in a km- I Wednesday cvciumk v.-as not nearly as ber camp at Acme. Or, 1 u last year, wh.-u it wits preteutcd II. M. FatteiHon. 'ormerly of Aledo. "i this city. Hut, although the third act was y ready butchered in order t reach the final riirtatn hurriedly, the audi ence was satisfied. Clever wurk on the part of the plavers o rbalaticcd wh-de the III., Iinx purchased the I'll i I LoosIe, home on South N slreet. and will inovi into it the hitter part of this week "I'al." JIM he in known bv friend here i iilri.adv an fiit'insiiist ie Med fr.rd : ' " "'"'I' w l'""r- : buoHter." where he naid hi- "left n ; pert'ormauce u worth seeinj;. Kood country f..r a much better one." I'amty Ituth White wh n natty and He hat lfained n reituinl iuti nn a nurserv '"''""ll,,r v, r- " "omehuw lacked man in the vallev. while here he m the spurt ..f enthioiiasm that w.m her i.erintended the nlantinc uf a lame or "''"' '' '"' corned worn out chard on the Vilas ranch five miles , a nut by any no mis at her best northeast of Medford. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Nash. II. D. Heed and wif". (l.dd Hilt; C (I. Thorburn. Furtlaml; H. L. Kellv. l S. It. P.; K. (i. Rice. Seattle; L. li Swift. St. Cloud; Dennis Winn. Trail; H. C. Fisher. t)akbnl; W. .1. Dermudv. Sent tli: U. F. M't.alf, Kuvrnr; S. A Heck. Portland ; C W. Jacobs. San Francisco; C. W. (birnuiel. (Jletidnle; VI iss Farrisee. Chicago; fl. L. Helmt. San Francisco; Ned Holmes, New York ; It. Ihtni. A. Morrison. Portland; fl. P. Minis. Seven Onks. The Moore. A. H Cornell, (irants Pass; H. F McDonald, F. P. Farnam. ltoseburj;; J. S. Torreiice. Sun Francis-n; C. V. Lin c.dn. K. W. Hunt. Cupperfield; Hlake Adams and wife. Hlue Lede mine; W: I u H, is ., stockholder in t li Cameron and family. Applegnte; A. j innial Hank of ihi-it'iv. sa Sch rood or. Dimond- D. 11. Delchoi. j ni:;th 1 1 laid, is he-e for a rtland; C. M. Knilish. city; Marry r IJu.ilev is a li I riurry tiennsen as t'eter Miiyvesnut ; was the briylit partii-niar star of an nth ieiwise inedione I'veiHiiu With the as !!' ti:nce of Doodle, his secretary, he kept ! ll'e house in ail llpl' I The churns has Ih. h well tiained and i showed inure snap and j inner than lid 'any of tlie pi inn paU. Link of a tenor lobbed their Miiyin of niueh iif its pleasure. Flla Loekhtirt a 'id Marie (irandpre wen- pleasing in their semi important places. ! The house orchestra li.unlled the mn fie, ami hi such a manner as to leave no doubt of their ability, j ' ' Well. I had a pleasant ev enin , remarked the constant ih 'ateryoer. And that is what v.e went for. Advises Paved Streets (M'uiur,. h 1. i ml Icy, cashier of the eksun Comtv Maul; of Medford. and First Sa tin' Kta for a few days, man fmrn a live Pelletl. ctiy; U. C. Cr.rlv, Steamboat ;. tuwn and his i F. D. Hi sum ii. (irants I 'ass; Thomas i .id-ration. He 'artcr. San Francisco; K. A. Marsh.' fine tuwn here Ciauts Pass; K. M. Kldridyt. M. Louis; I .in,.,' niv last ' Stuck. Ashland; A. A. Fuller. .sebum; W. Lasher, dr.. Chicaiju; rnrye Dickey. San Francisco. , u-e is wurthy of coii ,lVs. . . y(P l!iVc a id I ear. see its growth t. If vou want voui NOTICE. IVIixerv uf meat in the city will here ;ft r be made f rum i lo HI o 'clock m. and from '2 to -I o 'cluck p. rn. Make vonr meat purchases according (v. :04 lnWtl tu ro lit in lie In gi un . Voil III list p:,e streets, the greatest ad ertiseineiit a town can have. It will double I he tetail busin. ss in your 'i res. It will one uurn ir the people . pecially the ladies. 1. cone to tuwn eciy .la to trade. Yon need lt g.x.d .ewer system ami paied streets. It will double the :tlne of ,.nr prop i 1 1 v. Figure With Woolverton Wonlvcrtciti t'itiiuii'imtcs tin' Went Paver T n t work anil slave for a lainl'onl. Own vonr own liome. Woolverton will sell it to you on easy terms. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVER BIJOU THEATER TO THE PUBLIC. Ple.ipe Tako Notice. There has be.ji i: ni'ier- ns ,-,nn plai tit i.-ide in. from .e.i.i' ii-ig in must l: rts t tie it al- -n; t 'I Neigh l-e: s ' t ov Is .1 1 -1 1 .-V : -t d.tniing gar n . etc. a. .1 I is, ,,, ,-all ex ery b.-dy's attent om .ho i n f in the niv limits :li:-t :hiie is an eti'.iiinnee. No. IH. pa-ve-l Maiclt d. l!'".t. which provides th.-t fowls sl:ll be kept U)i and not allun.-d tu niii ;:t large, any .tioiu than hurset, or c::t'le. The penal ' tor the l tu!;; t loll ! this ordiuiiucc is . minitinint tiiu- of io dollars (VJ.'HO ..ii -I l h- in a x in in n i - .'ti do) ;u s. Please t.e. d this top e and thereby saw your s.-li ;tnd i-oi iu-n;!ihi't : trouble. II C SH KAKKi;. :tn.V I I :ef of Police. FRUIT TREKS 1 am prepared to till orders for first -'ass fiuit trees, shrubs, palms, ttc, at niv. est price. ;o ' on hand "' Hucrre lies,, pour trees. 4 to rj feet. Ask nt IMiibit bml.lMig IV F. Al.KKV. Chance for Good Spellers. Are you a good npellert" Cuu yoli tl nine out uf ten of ouch words an ;iiat, knit, kiiui. legacy, fantngy, cour- ' ej,y, icicle, bicycle, ciegf. w'liV, dt'lUC f nine if the best spcKr8 iu tuwu have greed to try for honors Friday cvp i.uig at the Presbyterian church. Ad 'iissi,,n Adults 1h high school pupils 'id others 10c. MAHHIIFIFXO, Or.t March II. K. II. Ilarriiuun in a trlcgrani to the Maiahfifld L-Lauibvr of cuiuuiurcv nay he will not build the Drain Coos Bay line uqIcrs the people here guarantee 4 per cent un the cos of construction and the uperutiug expenses of the line. It is regarded as practically a refusal to build. Miss Farrisee Representing the H. W. GOSSARD CO. OF CHICAGO Will be here Friday only and will be glad to meet the ladies of Medford, showing and fitting the latest models of GOSSARD CORSETS 44 They Lace in Front" See Our Windows They are Worthy of a Look Party Gowns ure tu be seen in our big suuth win dow lodiiy and tomorrow, und no pret tier stvIeH or more desirable shades can be found anywhere. Have a look. . . " . . ure showu in the firBt window north fl T 1 fl 0 If 1 T V i'"d we feel confident that when you hi them you will say they are all that one tuuhl desire, even at onc tbird more. . ure very popular for this season and the second window north showB some verv fine stvlos. THE CLOCK is Surely you wnnt to see this clock. Tailored Waists shown in this window. Dress Skirts We are Headquarters lu tho clunk window wo also show a few Skirts, and mention tho fact that we have three popular prices now. $3 buys u wool puna run skirt, any size, black, blue, brown or fan cies; values to $0.00. tfC buys a fine wool, chiffon, dust J proof pannina akirt in black, ' brown, navy und fancies; values to 9.00. buys u fine wool, cbiffon pana- i ma skirt in most any shade, a T black voile or a fancy skirt, in over 100 styles; values to $11.00. Medford's ''Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Aveuuc, Just North Jackson County Bank FRUIT TREES $500. See W. II. French, room 7, Jack son County Bank bldg. rOK"SALEHorso. wToTOordon, one and nne-hnlf miles south of Med ford. 304 MEDFORD THEATER DAINTY FLORENCE GEAR IN THE"SMART MUSICAL PLAY MARRYING MARY DIRECTION OF JULES MURRY 1 h:ve just received a shipment of nursery stock consisting of tho follow ing;: Howell pfurs, 46 feet; Bartlett, Anjou; Spiizonherg and New tov.'n applos, 4-6 fe't. A fine stock of Lambert tdierry tret'O. L. B. WARNER Classified Advertisements WANTED. V A X T K D -A hi run 11 n f urn iflhnri rnnm i! I'V a nontlenmn with hiH own furnituro, n I);- useit tor Judging. Addresi , uro Trilmne. Tuesday, March 16 WANTED To rent, a 6 or 7-roem liouae. vlose in. Addresi Df tare of Trilmne office. U ANTKD 12 wood choppers to rbop i-orthvoud Rinl tierwood. Addr ns 1 O. Box 418. WANTED A girl; must be exporienced jjood wajjea paid. Address 1. 0. Box V1X Medford, Or. FOB SALE. FOR 8ALK 1H0 nors within 2 milos nf Medford, ut io per acre; 103 aeros within 7 milos of Medford at $21 per ;iori'; also coiuo 'lino lots on Sevtnth street, .2;u. in monthly payments of M eiieh. Benson InvcHtment Co. i't)R SALK One cow, Jersey, coining t'tvsh in May. Call on Mrs. Mary Win lorhalden, one hloek north of Jackson ireet on the West Side. 305 FOR SALE One acre of good land and fvo large lots; must sell; bargain at FOR SALE House and two lots, clout in, at a bargain ut $2500, half cash; $900 invested in a platting proposi tion will net 1000 profit within 90 ditvH. ('. W. Stone, with Benson In vestment 'o. 306 FOR SALK Or trade, the beat room ing house in Medford, clearing $100 per month. Address C, care of this office. FOR SALE A new ti-roora bouse, with bath and electric light and window shades, for the small sum of $1600. Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, 401 Riverside avu nue. FOR SALE A good buy Four lots 5U by 126, joining city limits on west, $150 each; cash only. Other lots in this neighborhood are selling for $25 :o $300 cBub. P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 207 FOR SALE Choice business property at a bargain, on long time; casv tornn. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALK 5 and 10-acro tractB just within und adjoining city limits, at a bergain, on 5 annual pnymentB. Ad dret.8 P. O. Box 419. FOR SALE Housei, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB BENT. For KENT Four rooms, electric light, bath, hot and cold water. Phone. 311 Sixth street, West. Inquire Thomas Bartholomew, Eagle Pharmacy. 303 FOR RENT Nice furnished front room, ground floor, eloae in; separate entrunee. Apply Mrs. Aston, at Mont gomery's Ladies' Emporium. Sewer Pipe Drain Tile GET OUR FIGURES ON PLUMBING ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED Medford Hardware Go.