THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MKDFORD, PRECOX, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1009, i Modern BIG PINES LUMBER CO. COUNTY CLERK GETS IMPROVED FILING SYSTEM For over a half a ceutury or ever aince Jackson was an organize.! county of the state, the legal papers, cmbraeiiiK the civil and probate and commisHionerR eourt records of the county, have been dumped into the drawee and hoxon in uncertain order until it became a ted ious task for attorneys or anyone in terested, and there ore many of them, to look up theso original papem for verification or other purposes Last year an equipment of steel filing eah i.etc especially built for holding these records in indexed form were ordered for tho vault of tho clerk's cuico and have been added to until they lino the walla of the vault and furnisrh room not onlv for all these papers up to date but will nerve for years to come. They have all been aranged in. alphabetical order and each class of papers in separate da mns. (. jerk Vv. H. Coleman is just now completing the work of malting tin indexes to these filing cvdinetK ho that id a moment's time access may be had to any of the thousands of documents kept on file in the clerk's office and relr.ting to the court records of Jackson county fnr the past r0 years. REAR ADMIRAL SPERRY HAULS DOWN HIS FLAG WASHINGTON. March 11. Item Admiral Sperry, who brought home the big battleship fleet, was relieved today from command at his own request made f.n the 2nd of March, hauled down his flag today. Hear-Admiral Sehroeder was appoint ed to succeed him. Tt is understood that after Rcar-Admiral Sehroeder lias held the place for a brief time, Hear Admiral Richard Wainwright, now in command of the second division of tin fleet, will assume command, his pred ecessor g"ing to some position not yet elnrted for him. Hear-Admiral Sperry will go on the ,,ninl Army and X.tvy War cullege board and may also have an assign ment with the waterways commission, lie is familiar with the duties of the rnr college, having once been its pros fiident, and the work will be pleasing to lnnim, sis will the association there with Rear-Admiral Merrill. lie was offered the presidency, but declined indieat ing his preference for suhonli mi to dutv there. nOSS OF MEMORY IS RESULT OF EATING WILD PARSNIPS RENO, Nov., March 11. Pietro Ra vi ola, the Ilalian who was poisoned by . eating wild parsnips and nearly died Saturday afternoon, has now entirely recovered from the direct effects of the poison, but has lost nil memory of the past. Saturday evening he was directed to the Columbus hotel on Virginia street, where he was met by his employer, but ho failed to recognize him. lie was unable to stnte his own name and could not remember a thing of his past life Although he had boarded in the hotel for months, he did not recognize the place. After he had been told his own name he remembered that and also re membered his age. but nothing more. Tho physicians nre unable to account for this inpse of memory. ANOTHER CONFERENCE FOR PEACE IN CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO CITY. March 11. Accord irg to private advices. President Zc laya of Nicaragua has called another conference between his own country, Honduras. Guatemala and Salvador and Costa Rica; with the view to arranging permanent peace for Central America. The conference is .o be held on one of the war-hips of the American Pacific squadron now nt Amnpaln. No official advices of such conference have been received. Cobalt W1U Yield $19,000,000. COPAI.T. Ont.. March H. The sil ver output of Cobalt for the present voar, according to conservative esti mr.tes made by the foremost mining nu n of tne ramp will he at least double that of 1(HW. which was 2S.4T2 tons, valu.-d it JO.SOO.noO. It is figur. d tin-eo-.ceiilrntinn of the lrw grr-de ore. by the local mills will bring the silver average to the ton sent out to a higher rrerk thr.n that of Int.! year, so that tro output should show a gross value of fomething like -t 10.00(1.000. ASIATIC SQUADRON ON EXTENSIVE CRUISE MANILA. P. T. 1 March U. The Asiatic squadron, commanded by Rear 11 Admiral Oilea B. Harbor, nnd consisting '.' of the cruisers Chirleston. Cleveland. Oalveston. Denver and Chattanooga, will cruise for several months in north ern waters. The ship-i will visit every important port in the north during its cruise, including Hongkong nnd Vladivostok and will later spend a tannlk In .TinRn.lll WatOrl. Everything for a CANNON FACING FIGHT OF HIS OFFICIAL CAREER WASHINGTON. March 11. Every congressman is being subjected to pres sure to join the insurguit movement to defeat Cannon for speaker, or, if that is found impossible, (o clip his speak - eii-hip wings" by curtailing his powers. Both of the Oregon representatives, in the absence of definite expressions, nre counted to support Cannon against tho insurgents. Meanwhile, a reception, ostensibly to enable new members tc meet the speak t v and the older members of the house, h aunounced for Friday. The insur gent!) say the real inject is to make rare of cooperation by the new incm b rs in defeating insurgent plans. The insurgents will have a conference before the republican caucus meets Sat u;-day. One of the insurgent leaders announces that the plan for obtaining chenges in the rules includes a dead lock on the election e.f the speaker. Ot her insurgents, however, declare Ihere will be no fight against Cannon. but their efforts will be concentrated en a plnu to vote down the motion for the usual previous question on tin1 mo tion to adopt the rules of the sixtieth eo.-gress. It is understood that Speaker Cannon will probably make '' i informal speech fil the recepiii.n in favor of the present rules. RAILROAD EXPECTED TO CHECK NEW SHIP LINE. SAX FRAXrjsi'O, March ll. Bates ,t are reoeivinp; ninny con Hgnepx of freight fo- the proposed in dependent steamship line. One shipper (juj-ninteod to furnish the lino with Vi.onn tons of freight nnnually. which i.-' nearly e.ii:il to the easthound busi ness of tlic Pacific Mail last year. If these offers continue to come in the firm expresses the opinion that the line will be a success. Opposition, however is expected from the railroads in th- way of an increase in commodity rates between pro diiciii points in tho state and this port for water shipment. These rates were made low for the purpose of coiieen-tr-ilino; products her- for reshipment to eastern points by rail, and traffic officials of the railroad tend that it v-ould be bad faith on the part of the shippers lo avail themselves of these rates for the purpose of water ship ment. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Miss Abbott returned from t'orvallis Tuesday, where she has liei-n attendinp the Oret.'.in agricultural college. Mrs. Jesse Appleijate sp-nt a few hours in Medford Tu'-sday afternoon. Fred Annpriest nnd .lames Pavis of Forest Creek were trr.diiifr with our merchants the first of the week. Miss Cora Hasye wa- a Medford visi tor Tuesday, nn was e.ltio Miss .Joseph ine Holf. Ocorye Lance, Sr., came up from field Mill on business Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles of Medford visit ed with Jacksonville friends Tuesday. J. P. Wells, school superintendent, hit!.- returned from a brief trip to Grants Pass. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank II. Fitch to Matthew Thom son, lot 4. block ol. Summit addition to Ashland -nn Charles K. Mcclain to Henry Mlia for. property in Phoenix "'' W. H. Moshor to J. .1- Hay. land in D I. C 42. township 30. range 1 K in Kdgar S. Ilafer to K. C In land, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. o. and . block I. Oak Parkr fddition to M-dfnrd William C. Duncan to .1. M. I'nn ean so acres in section .'14. township SS. range 3 W 300 SLEEPING GIRL ROUSED BY ELECTRIC CURRENT WARK. Mas.. March II. Clara, the fourteen -year-old daughter f Mrs. flue sim- L.tmarich... was awakened from her lg sleep at lo a. m. today. Town Phvsieian H. P. Oatnoy thought "lie could be restored ,-. conciousness by the application a p-w-rfol current of rb .-tricitv. V batt.-rv was a-T-.-h.-l to lor chin ,4the.t.ih.r?,..r. The err-,., w-,. turned partly on r. I tl.e gwl s,,:,,rni.-d. Dr. Cafn-v .ndd-nlv turn -1 ..o 'I m rent fnll stre'h -4 - S cr-e-Wow. wow. wow''' a-.d .ra.gV-n.. p in bed. The curr-et was turned ..n again and she .pi-np-l from the- b--l :' stood on the floor. When Clara firt rec-.v. rr-ej -i.-...i she told Dr. Ciafa-y h- was S Oman to awaken tt-r " nub-.v. lie ' medical fraternity is of the opmion that She will not have a imilar sleep rjja-.n. ' or at lsast for tome time. Building At TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. Mrs. .1. !: hist Snudav Kobertn to Ashland L. Hughes mid wife were North Tal ent visitors one day thif week. Talent is mar lighted up with elec tricity, and the business houses look all the same city. W. Welters has more ights than any oilier establish ment in town. V. A. Dunlap of T.ilent was a Med t'ev 1 visitor Sulurdav mid Suudav. Mrs. Meriam Hurt lev of North Tal-' ent was a Medford business caller Sat- ui-dey. j .In'shun Patterson of North Talent i was at the county seat one dav last week. ' ' ; James Melius, vhii has been spending1 Ih winter in Kl (Yntro with liis (laugh- i tor. Mi. XI. I.. IVIIe't, will return' to bis 1 " Talent s i. The drying tip of 1ln roads and the! J......1 weather of the last few day, has ! tempted two Talent tiiitoinolulists to get mil their ears a.l take a spin. We are sorrv :n ai i Dial we I have lost, our local paper, the Talent Hustler, but it seems thut the amount t enough a paper derived from the paper was .to lo justify our editor to keep running here. .Several new dwellings are under (emulation in our lit'le town. Siiraviiiir In the Bit, nrclmr.l I commenced in .lead earnest Ihis week. Tie wet weather has greatlv dclnvod this work, as it was almost impossible lo get on!., the ground while wet. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. McClain. lo i hive been sroieii-ii, in Vi.rtli T-iteul ' left Tuesdav morning for Mvrtle Creek 1 will look for a loca there or tit Kugone. Mrs. K. (libbs has (hi sf.otiiM,. , ,,! me n leiil in t...i. C....I I-. si s;.....!.... .....i , ipiite lame iu cour-eipienee. WEST AND LA SALLE MEET IN EUGENE I i .,., ,, ... ... ... . I rOI-.NK. March 11. W. II. West. I the grappler of Medford. is here and iu fine j.hysical fettle for his struggle .n I tee unit with Joe LaSalle. Moreover. ti e former grappler has only a limit, .! ; time to remain iu the city! he the n. cessilv of arraneiiiL' for on earlv ! match between the two grapplers. West lost to Joe in Iheir previous bout, but advances a good reason for his defeat, lie had s ed two falls out of five on Joe whoa the latter lo cated West's sore rili and (he Until three bouts went to I, a Salle. At aav rate. West feels confident enough in the outcome of the in xt match to risk the whole purse in his a'lxicty to hook up with Joe for a return match. Let it b: understood that the winner of the West-I.aSalle bout will receive the en tire amount of the wrestlers' end of the purse. FND OF POWER TRUST IS FAR OFF NKW VflltK. March II The hearing in the governments suit against the al li g.-d power trust lias been resumed in this city lo take the testimony of one of the witness.' who was absent from the previous hearing. The testiinouy .f the witnesses who was absent from 'he prosecution. Th- government has1 been 14 months in presenting its side . el the case. It will probably take fully as long for tie- defense to put j ' its testimony, so that it may be a year j or two before a .tecs on is n a.-ne.i the famous case. 000 ACRES IN RICHMOND PURCHASED FOR RAILROAD OAKLAND. March 11. A deal was , otisutnmated this morning for the pur . of 000 acres of land three miles from Point nichmond. which is said to be the prospective tormina! of a new railroad. The road, which is said to have the backing of th" Cugg'r.h-iui interests. i :.. tn a new coal deposit which has been discover'-d in the neighborhood of f! river in the northern part of this state. This c.ines as a distinct sutpris- to corf manufactures who had about -les paired of finding any bituminous fuel ir California. SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT 'Till' PAWN" Al'VT KM MVS SCRAI' HOOK" "TOO MI'f'II SNUFF" "A FAITIIF.'L DO(i" VV TO I A 1 . 1, V I? I -" A N( ' IIOH KD ' v., uwtviirtive fi.ti-i'ii-iiiiiiiciit luilililiiitr with mirth ADMISSION- I SAVES LIFE OF TOT, BUT LOSES HIS OWN NEW YORK, March 11. John Vant, a truck driver, today sacrificed his life to" save a i year-old boy, who darted in front of the horses in East Twenty-second street, hi an endeavor to turn the team aside Van was thrown from hih sent, falling under the wheels of his truck and being crushed. He died two hours later in Hellevue hospital. . .4 rt 01rcmt Court News st.-ite of Oreim v. Charles nnd Nor W'1'rtli; appeal taken to tin- s"l"'-'"'' fourt. In the matter of the axuiKiiment of Keiinev. insolvent; first report "'' ""igneo filed. HL'SOU'TION FOR SPECIAL ELECTION jt si,,v(,d )y , dtv f cilv "f -Medford. Oregon, the mayor approving, Thut I hiirc be and hereby is culled a special election in Haid city for tho purpose of submitting to the voters of said city fur their approval or rejection a certain ordinance enti tlgd "An ordinance granting to tho fit izens' Telephoue company its associates, their executors, administrators or as "'K'H. right la construct, erect main I'"'" operate in tho city of Mud lor''. county of .lucksou, stale of Ore i S"- ' street., ulleys. avenues thoroughfares thereof, subject to tho approval of the city council, wires, conduct ors and other appliances fertile 1 rmismissinn of electricity for tele l''l,,!M's 'elegraph and messenger serv ice, for the purpose of currying on n telephone, telegraph and ssenger buai n.-:is ill said citv and such other malters "' '' "iwtuliy nrougai up at saio wluctiiin. That said election be held upon the 1 (It Li day of March. Mm!!, he . I... 1 ..C O.ll. , .....I - , . ; j .i-oil p. m. of said dav. I hut I he citv recorder ol the city of .. ... Me.Hord is herebv directed lo give no ti,.0 of ,.,! ,.(Tt'irl as ,y tl. , ,arler rtrpiired in case of annual elections in sn id city. Tin- following are hereby desigantcd and appointed as the polling places and the judgei and clerks of said election: First, ward -Polling place, ;t. V. If. French: Commercial club: judge judges and clerks, Chas. W. Davi '. Ilobbard. Second ward Polling place, llulel X-.sli sample room; judge, John S. Orth: judges and clerks, Win. I'lricll, II. II. Harvey. Third ward Polling place, city hall: i..lg. . I.. Si-herinerhorn ; judges and clerks, Scott V. Davis. II. A. Thioroff. The foregoing reaolulioii wan pasBi-d l.v the city council February lsth, 1900. by the following vote, to wit: Welch. l -rrick and lafert no; Kmerick, Wnrt maii, Peii.iuer and Mayor Cr.tion yes. Approved F.brnnrv 11. lltotl. W. IT. CAVON', Mayor. Attest : nRN.r. M. CHI.I.INS. Citv Recorder. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. j Northbonnd T ltl!Oregon Express !5:24 p. m. HTortland Express WSim. j Southbound j KilCalifornia Express.. . 10:35 a m. No. ISSnu Francisco Exp... 3:20p.m. No. 225jFrora Orautl Pbm.... 9:15 p.m. No. 22SPor Askland 10:15p. m. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 211. caves Medford 10:4S i. m. Mo. 4JLeaTes Medford 6:85 p.m. MotorjLoaves Medford 2:00 p. m MotorlLnaves Medford j 9:00 p.m. No. IILmvfi .Tackaonville. . .1 8:00 a. m No. oIaTet Jacksonrillo. . . 3:80 p. m MutorLeam Jackionville.. . l:S0p. m. MotorLoae Jaekonvllle. .j 7:30 p. m. MAIL CLOSES " " A.M.P. M". Northbound :1 :54 flouthbooid 10:05 8:80 fcKlt Poiat 1:tn .Jaekaaartlle 10:JO B:tO -THURSDAY 10 CENTS Husbands to Burn. Tho elderly spinater Iu tbe rear of the drawing room ear had no more than settled in her seat when her at U'Mtou wua uttriK-tcil to a woman a little farther front who was garbed Iu the deepest mourning. Aa Miss Spinster adjusted her nose grabber glassea for u butter Inspection of tbe one In wldow'a weeda ahe aaw tbe eotuluetor Iran over nnd converao with her eariiesily for several minutes. When tbe conductor got buck to hor seat taking the passenger's tleketa Ulsa Spinster waa i-onauiued with eu rtoalty about the womau lu mourning. Louduetor, ahe naked In her aweet eat touea, "what'a the trouble with the Indy up there In w idow's weeds?" "Oh, that's Mrs. Oettem!" replied the obliging conductor. 'She's Just taking her third husband out to a crematory." "Oh, how dreadful!" exclaimed Mian Spinster. And then In a faraway voice she added: "And Just think of It! Here I am past flfty and never hud a husband lit my life, while that woman up thero has them to burn!"-New York 'nines. Strong Monosyllables. Instructors In the art of literary rouipoaltlnn usually condemn a string of monosyllables, but In the well known hymn "Lead. Kindly Light," written by a master of the English language, you may count thirty con secutive words of one syllable only. They offend neither the eye nor the ear. Milton often uses a series nf mono syllables. In the second book of "Par adise Lost" we have: The fiend O'er boa or steep, through strait, roush. dense or rare. With head, hands, wings or feet pursues his way And swims or sinks or wades or creeps or (lies. Such lines nre not uncommon In the book : Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens and shades of death. And again: Of neither sea nor shore nor air nor fire. London Notes and Queries. Courtship In Ireland. An Irish boy marries when he has a rid house and an Irish girl Junt when she pleases. Sometimes she so pleases while yet her years nre few; nt other limes she Is content lo wult upon wis dom. In the Inner case, of course, she inulios ii wise choice, but Iu the for mer utmost always a lucky one. for luck Is the guurillun ungel of the Irish "You're too young to mnrry yet. Maty." the mother sold when Mary pleaded that she should grant Lau rence O'Mnhntiy a particular boon. "If you only huve pntlenee, mother, I'll cure ineself nf that fault." was Mary's reply. "And she's never been used lo work. Laurence." the mother said to the suilor dlseuuriigliigl.v. "If you only have patience, ma'am," was Laurence's reply to this, "I'll cure her of that fault." And he did too. Seuuitls MacMnuus III l.lpplneotra. Laws catch tiles nnd let hornets go free. Anneliarsls. TIN SHOP Tin and sheet iron ware on hand nnd niadn to order. J. A. SMITH, 11.1 North 0 Hlruet. Lot the MISSION FURNITUBE WORKS make that piece 4 'nruiture. Auy design, any color, any inish dull, waxed or pohshed. Hbop on cor. nf Sth sad H streets. . M. OolTlg. 0. L. Reames. OOLVIO k REAJfEfl Lawyers. Office:Medford Bank nidg. (?f-ound floor. Cnok HtoTes and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF k WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Eads' old stand, 18 20 F Ht. South Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK fr BLOCK Co. will .e prepared Feb. rnary 15 to furnish cement brick. Hotter thaH pressed brick and jtint as ch'-ap. In estigate before ennvracting. P. O. Rnr 118. MEDFORD TBA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, ('of fees, Extracts, Raking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 218 W. Seventh Ht. Medfnrd, Or. DR. 0BLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Nirlland and Sacramento. Office on Herenth Street. When ethers fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Phsrnieey Main 233. Seventh snd Main THE HOTEL BMERIOK Rooms from 50 cents to II. SO per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your pstronsg. City New Special Showing' - - New Exduslve Styles now VAN DYKE'S . i Business Directory -v i i i H THB E. E. V. LUNOH BOOM Finest cup of eoffee on the Pacific Coast. H. II. Lorimer Prop. DR. F. O CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS OAELOW Osteopathic Physicians Mission Itlock, Phone Jill Medford DR. WALTER R. STOKES, Deulist. Hneeesser to Dr. J. M. Keeae. THE BLBOTRIO AIR) FRRMOH DRY OLEANTNO AND PRE8B INO WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford a)rgoo WASCHATJ A BROWN wish to announce to their patrous that they are located in their new quarters in the Young A Hall building. HiMisrds, Cigars snd Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. For good bargains in Watebea and Jewelry, Pistols, Masical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 3S3 Night Phones 1 W. Conklin SB J. H. Butler 14a DR. R. 1 CONBOT Successor to Dr. Jnaes. Office in the Stewart Buildtog. of the Coss Shoe for Women $3.50, $4.00 & $5.00 on display Carried In all widths and sizes AFTER THB THBATEB it it the cufltomnry and pfopor thing to take your friendi lsdiM or gontlninon around to a well appointed restaurant and ortla t nii littla sup tor of oyster, ef the like. Right here let it be understood that we eater Cor "theater trade," and re well provided as to good things to eat, well wived and reteonably prioed to meet a!l requlreraeato. Advaace orders for four or aiere ready at time appointed. The Emerick Cafe Open All VtgM TAILORED Aereaely happy ia the nas wha eaa feel that his garments are tailored perfectly. This it tae . feeling our patrons eaa eajof. 3e.tlife.lirm will be yours if you here your suits, aoata, ate., mad sera. The way wa tit aeonnd th seek and shoulders ia a rareU Mea. Try us. Th largest tin f deaieatle end imported Saitiaf ia Southern Oregon. W. W. BIFEBT THB PBOOBMMIVB TAHO 8AT0T TH2ATBB North d'Anjou Btreat. Lateat motion pictures and illas- trated songs. Entire change of H program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 oeata. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TO ST. Continuous performance - arery evening of motion picturea and il lustrated ballads. Entire ebange of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cent. Wli. H. AITKXN Plumbing, Steam aad Hot Water Er..l. rnone as. 110 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or, BDBN V ALLEY NURA1ET N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Orow trees that sell, sell trees tbsl grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jaokaon Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees tbst grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. O. Box 841. Phone MS. Medford, Of. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voles Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Besidsnes. Ksat Medferd. 'hone 22S S. R. SEELT. H. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Offics hours: 10 12, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FftEDBNBURQ Scarencer. tlsrbsge hauled. Medford. H