TIIK MKPKOUI DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 11, 1900. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every eveniiiK except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPA N V Geokoe Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffic at Mediord, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On month by wail r otrritr. .. .10.50 One year by mail 10.00 ILANCHE RAUH BECOMES COUNTESS D7 KERSTRAT SPRISG IX Tilt: JtOO'l'K HIV Ell VALLEY. Spring lias come to the Rouc River valley. Cloudless skies and sunshine make the day glorious, and the night, set with its myriad of swinging lights or mellowed by the silver of the full moon, is no less alluring. A touch of frost still lingers in the air the last goodbye of loitering win ter. ; Spring in the Rogue River valley does not mean the spring of the east, with its disagreeable thaw and its knee deep slush, the loosening of the frigid bonds of winter. Our spring is the gradual transition from the showery period of a mild season, called by force of'habit winter, into the most delightful period of the year. Already the evergreen hills are wearing fresh hues of velvet green. lid flowers are spending their pertuine in the passing breeze. Alfalfa is renewing fields of the cloth of green. Wheat fields wear a still more vivid verdure. Almond trees are in bloom and buds of all kinds swelling with new life. Nature, after her period of quiet rest, is renewing the annual miracle of life. Spring in this favored and fertile region has loitered away long this year. She is a month behind her usual ad vent. But now that she has finally made her bow, the rest ed earth is rapidly paying tribute to her beauty, while the air is filled with the whistled melody of wild songsters. Fruit trees are laden with fruit buds and the greatest crop on record is assured. There has been so much mois ture that no possible frost can damage the prospects, as is sometimes the case when the season has ben a dry one and spring has flown too early from the lap of winter. It is a time of year when we are all optimistic, and new blood surges through our veins urging us to renewed ac tivity and greater effort. Ambitions blossom as the wild grasses on the hill, and careworn brains forget their wor ries in the inspiration of sunshine and flowers. It is a delight to Ik- alive from early morn "when jo cund day stands tiptoe on the mountain top" to herald a still more glorious noon, a brilliant sunset and a calm, sweet night, in which we sink peacefully into unconsciousness in the horizon of the dreamland sea. I' VIMS. M;,,.- hunli of .v Cuuill l.ollis , I, 1 1.--M ilt.T ol llo- V..rk. a. i- K.-isliul 1:1..,,. I. N.. lot.- S:tiiiin married t ,.,1mv. Thi r.'tni.li V was pert'orn c,l )v On- mayor "I" Oh- Filth :irr,,ii.lis,i'iiit'iit. The lili,!,', extr-tni Ic ptvlly volley comae, was hi leiel.-d l,v h.-r Hitter, Mini M:i l.':nil. ivli.. l.i, In-i-ii living n ull her hi tli,. Il.il- I I ' lli,.i.-,.. Tin- .i.in.t is :iii . rtiot well ktlun'li ii tlie l.atiu ipiarl, ' win. has mur. iiileut tliiui iiini.. He met the lady win, ti.nv i his wife while mi u walking tmir iu Nwilzerlund hist year, lie wan ulteiiilt.l r,hiv hv the Vise, unit de Mur Itilles Illl'l the Vtseninit ,le l.agreze, eln proves of the r'oreie;i; ministry. Prepaid Railroad Order. '.Something which i of considerable interest to the ptil.lie generally and which is perhaps not generally knuwo it: the system of prepaid orders now ia effeet between stuti ns of the Soothers 1'm-ifie eotnpany and ell points in the I'nited fitute. Fly menus of thi system tickets may l,e purchased at Medford f'om any place in the Tinted States und mailed or telegraphed direct to the par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodation and small amounts of cash in o, , miction with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same time." tf LOW RATES TO OREGON WANT 6000 HEAD OF j CATTLE FOR INDIAN FIX UNEMPLOYED MEN GO MAD IN THE STREET KLAMATH FALLS. Oi. Mann 11. Tbe Indian dvartirttvit 19 adverttiinu for 6v hrad ..f two and three ver old hifVnt for KUtnath lodian twrviiion. This stok 11 to bo dm ifibutrd atmng the Indians on ih rcr ration and is part paymrnt for the land in the Sprain KivtT countrr bv the I'nitM States. Part of thu payment in eash acd the halanee was to he made toward pttrohairg farm impl. inents, ftoek etc. Accord. uk to the specification:, for oid thee eMtle mur' all be of Pur bam itwk. IxiraL cattlemeu are of the opinion that it wilt be imoMiblc to secure 6-mX head of thi itk in the Klamath eonntry. .specially a only wantrd. t000 head of st.uk dfired would mr.in an investment of lS.'i.ftoO to $150,tHO, and would nearly complete the balance due the Indiiins. The itock tnban do not e any particular profit 01 opportumtv in thin proposal they claim that moit of the twV this section an of mnid breed and are raisM mainly for beef pnqiosrs. DAILY During March & April From all Parts of the East via UNION PACIFIC OREOON SHORT LINE THE OREOON RAILROAD S NAVIOATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.60 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $26 from Kansas City i 'orr.-apotidingly otlier p 1 me intn. SUTRO TUNNEL CAVE FILLINO COM STOCK WITH WATER rAHMO.V (MTV. Vev . M;rrh U r rank 1 in I-oonard. wrr is one of the directors of the Sutro Tunnel company, ttate that the tiun-l is so badly dam ajfe! as a ru!t of tlv- fire that tt m.iT be neee-isary to cl.se .'own all the Com toek mines, and tha? one of the hard eat ftfht ver wajjed br mining engin- t-ert ti now being made against the ris waters in the minrs He tats that the f.r .-ansfd a cae to result in the tnnn.-l and bl'k th flume usM to earrr the hot watr from tie mins lnt:l this obstruction i vIearM awav the tunnel cannot rarry way the wat'r fat enough to drain ihe mines As th.- water has backed up in the tunnel contintially since the ffre no work for removal of the oh t met ion has b.on possible st ihst tKtint. SUSPECT CAPTURED BY BOYS AND OIRL9 fUTCAOO. Marrh 11. -Tl-rmau Uoss meister is und ft arrest on suspicion of attempting to pas n w..rthlfss rhck ia Oak Park. He was .-npturt'd by fiTe firU and two hoys, high .-h"-d Mp.W, ;.fter an eictttng cha' The usM'ct at tempteti to t'St-ape bv i rnnling up.n the 'aj-proai'h tf a t'boj:i;nii slide." but w-ib drajjjjed out hv th-1 Vinuigt. ti an! eventuallv tandi-d in j cell AMERICAN GOLD FOB EXPORT T MTKAI.O. March 11. Six nun. ma le doserate. mentally ur.balaneed by p,. I'Tty and lack of work, have one mad on this city ' streets since Saturday i:ilit. The police surgeons agree that all the cases were duf to the snun eauies lack of money, intense auxiety lor those drndent on them, in a word, bv hopelessness, melancholia. In his lunacy, William Smith though j our local neiit hinist'lf less happy than the w.dl t"fd. I t it-k t promptly, nell care for animals in the Zoological gardens. Thirty one years, Immoless so far a the p .lice know, he was found at the zoo talking excitedly to the animals, lis Heonird to have found a bond of sympathy between himself and tin' t rutes and appealed to them for cn solatiou, telling thorn he was wry poor. Whfti he was locked up at police hi'.'td quarter? he became rodiautly happy and shouted: Now I in in a cage. They will ford me just like the bears." TO THE PUBLIC Write .-!( rs to everybody you know in the Kast and ;HI tbfii about these low colonist rates. N.nd th. tu literature about Oregon. ..r s -ud t'l.'ir nddreajct to ua and wo will do it. Iu thii way you can lit; it great litlp in th growth ari'i progress of your state. CLEAR UP MYSTERY REOARDINO 60 SKELETONS ST. I'IFRliK. Mu.. March 11. The mvTiti'iv surrounding the discovery last mtnth of more than 6rt human skeletoni1 Thtle digging a ci-llar on the farm of a fisherman nano-d .longHnd has been dippolled bv ono of the older inhabi ta'its of ihf island, who recalls the wren k of th1 Kreneh ship t 'laris.t. vera ago, in which ti.i young b'H's w-re loit. The t'laris-re wreck while enter mg the harbor April 7. 1M7. in board the vessel was a largo band of French bovs who were iournewng to St. Pierre assist in drving the staon catch of h War! v evervonr on hoard wa lost The b.Mtes .ame hore and 'r' bune-il on the outskirts T the town ir. tot which tr many years w:s known tin- r.Muetery Anso a I'Allumette. A largo cross tin pac.l :n The eonieterv ;.nd a monument also erected, h-,t both finallv fell before th clnnnts YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for auyon. fr.mi any pace if you want to. Deposit thu nec-ssarv amount with ind he will telegraph Inquire of Agents or write to WM. McMl RHAY. lleiieral Plislig.-e Agent Tha trogon Hailroad i Navigation Co n Orr gon ) ouhern Pacific . PORTLAND, 1-inrs 1 OREOON. Men's Crawford Oxfords FROTHERS DIE. FOUR TEARS AVKRT. IN SAME WAY "KM si . Mai.-k ll.--IVsni.-l timur hvirig nr l.a w:is kilU.l ..n tho r:iilros.1 la T nt lhe vimi' i..t snl in th s:itm' pht sf.i to s .Isv. M.-Kn!- Isv A n.i wnt to l.'.-p on th.' tr-i'-V fcs'.f i-lo n .rth ..( I.viivi.' Tvi n V v In:. A hrtn sn.T h...lv in T im Tho fDi;nivi ..m M.'Konnf si tltr tra' aronnil thr c;irv htit not '.n t-rr , I.. ii)e to .to). NEW YORK. Msr.-h 11. An nKg.' mrnt by Ihf Nstinni! I'ity h.ink tMst Mt th nffiots fT fi'ri to loin doo of flJiW.iXV) g"U. mark.J th first aetus.1 transaction looking toward s movement of (told Kuropownrda, whifh hoa been forecasted by the recent rise 10 sterling eschnnge. Epever Co. todtir en(ffed 1X.(WV is gold for Bueaoa Arret. 1 ho, i tUi'AiJO. Msr.h II. -St ' Kllcri I.iscott, th' f :r whit in Truest" r.ftcr its inoorr .'.vi.-n si s ,::y. ,.'..d .n Hlo..n,.r.itou. Ill Sh.e ens bom on Miroh li''. anl w:i surrounded at her birth by sonant Hr firl batb wss taken in a tub tnsle from a hollow log She a rocked to sleep in a cradle of bsrk. fr 1. cott 'a parents were Mr. a'.d Mrs Jam- Kinter. I The largest line in Southern Oregon C. W. McDonald More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uies 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo brs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $n 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K:l watt 4 Nt Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite tha Big Electric Sign. Compare the Quality 051 It ifl, and always bus been our aim tu supply oar customers with goU of the highest quality aud to that end we art always tuMin juality to our line. The u.lditioii of " p-r-fiTred itoi'k " makes unr lint of liMli yri.de t.'wr.nei! Goodf most complete. Our service always the b it and every accom givtfD our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed F. IV, eummln&s T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummins Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. li. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Nm, 111 tie combine. Coiopetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. i. TROW 13R IDG E, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, TiOilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIR HANKS, MORSE & CO. Statu Dt-positr-ry Estabiioheil 18S8. t'spital und SurphiB $125,000 Krtuurrct 700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Ihe Jackson County Bunk respectfully sulk it b your account, subject to your L-hecle, with the strongest guarantee of safety anil efficiency. h offer the highest attainment iu tu-Btemntic banking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. 0. H. L1NDLEY, Cauhicr. Making an Acquaintance Willi mir handsome line ofciclusive fab rios of both imported and domestic woolens should bo the aim of every nmu in Southern Oregon who would look his best, unci bo uttired in the latest decree of fashion's dictates. We choose most recherche fabrics, and we fashion, out end fit them iu a style thnt mokes y0n teel that "the tailor makes the roan" at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFO&D, OB. You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than your own, and you will find on consulting l:er tli.'it she does not approve of paying out good, hr.rd-oarnod dob i.na iur rent, wnen mere are so mativ ?.,od properties on ihe market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman u:n :1 keen eye for luc'etioii. surrounding, etc., and her ju Ig in. lit can be rob.-d upon in making a selection for a home. Bring her with you. M3.I mk a pewoKal in,,., ,-ii..n of the good things now of ferine through our ngruey, and you will never regret i. H is almost time to make garden." and it is high time for action in securing a home wli.-re you cm enjoy the god things nf lire in this wonderful val ley. ron t delay art now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building-, MEDFORD yttrs. Urene Ifamptoit Isaacs Instructor of "Piano. "tl$t Sttatbod Stulo ot 3ll,c. 3lo,n Or.njt Strtt K. KNYART President. A. PKRHY, Vice President. .10HS a. ORTH. Cashier. W. B. JACK80.V, Ass t Cssliier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK M E D T O S D , CAPITAL SURPLUS 0 B . $60,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bug nesa Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. : I J.Sk,.,. G. E. Hil.ln,.r A. C. Rsndsll L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 7 K Sab-Divldere ud Developere Eogne Elver Valley Or- S ,- fruit Un i9; brii and young orchards in small and urj,'i. tinrts. far sale. We piaut and care for orchard. ,nd guarantee property to o- if riprcseated. ' 1 Experience Xot Accessary for- those who purchase through us. They secure th, advise and ZZ i , , 'I 1"';-""..r,s,. an expert cn fruit eul he gr,w,g ,d ,, f ,rui, jn record ciops, record pack,, r, c,,rd prices. 1 1 1 Xonh D Street, Medford, Oregon I MEDFORD SASH - DOOR COMPANY ! phoxr2'i Take the Tribune for News! 'B i Him. BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENTH 8TRKETK