THE MEDFORH DAILY TRIBUNE. MEBFORI). OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MARf'II 10. lflOfl. I Social and Personal AMUSEMENTS. j John C. Kelly of H-.g Buttv wu n; William 11. J'hu&'n of Sacriuo-iiio i ; j-ruling a fc-w dxyt, iu MmHm1 g oxer the vaJiey. WiU J. Sh-r:-lht .'I tin' App! -.ulr : vi-tullCg SOir.f U'mUtl; IU t.'n. Mayor if K.U-tn m i-u-l;t r ff-w -lav iititit! in M.slfori.. ptan ,1. Xs.ii It-fi Tiif.lay f-r t'lr south, H. It role if lVi,-m iiiiiur;:! h;i!vf : ;iue is A Mifrl w:t.r. KHa 0unvw. p:iMte ftetu gntpfcrr. r.m 4, Palm building Phone your orders for tNt rr-am i I uttermilk to the ereamery. J. H. r'tt rt rai.l l.; r fori i frm r.rtiii. wd. rr h iiii-it-r in 'ill for hi " e. Over fivf l(i:r.lrvl itff rivet shade ti m-W i.'iir ..tit fr.vtn a, Kifi rt V "1 j. b. Jr. r..m. 1. NVii ar.-l .I.t.-. t. T-,i. . f -Ll:ui ai.i .l:y iii M.slf.-r.t ;!, . v.. V. -.-,t. a 1.. Orders for w(-: fr,"im or buttermdV promptly filial. 1'hone the rrra-tiory. , W. K.'.l-rtn.v ' i ,w .: .-f I'-rt I-, p. l.n l. .!d a ..rd.-r . f j .. , p-p- ifc-ir i-i w ti i;.i.l'c v-r-:r. j ., v,-r 1 Fanev vrtticif ral.-r.- c trk them I ' t. your order. W. W. Kifrrt. tbe prog retire tailor. -99 I Joi.fc A. Todd . f S-Wati-'. of" the IvinV. r " Af :-. - 'at.-'C. -v,wr.diic a f-c d. :: V'' .i!V, IMae vorr orlT f- ywir Ftr Frl J. P.v:.k :: v ..f K. - pr. .a V.sf..M ,.r. - t - j t lu:U a.-.-r ri tc . ' .,-' . i:f .ra: fT It ! r j llir.t.-r. T. i;. . i !i .tr.Mr. ax-t B A-j Prrr i i,T.' .v- '.'; r.-1 i3-.-;v .! 1-v t -i-. ;. a Fs V. v U .Vi F. V Tt .-r if-:-'i;w r-.; . ?( a t r :, 1 t. . x - .. 5;-;.t.. V- T i ?:-. t m- ' a i V- i- f - . i a-f f-: i .i t a : : , . i rut.: L Vr a-.-i V :: V K : n . Ti. ,M V-.:, . i 'V "The EurgotiusW' Tomght F.liri- ff ft' T II J Ili;i,t : 'lis K-t t'i;int:r ni "'I. Ill f;i. ! P:i- A l.r ' b. l rffori. "Ti.- Huri! :n." wi;:.-h ..'?(.- Tl..- M-.,ii--i-i Tl. : i - r i. til . pr.'it.i- - 1 pr t t li-i-r ;.. t !-..! h.! .1 t?.' in.' .. -.di J... r..l I1..- pi,-. M .-;. A; .i t ,..r;l. .';, -)(. t. . w At. ,r.i.-.'ii. "K'-c . ." "Wr'rr : : - 1 ..-' TS.- I.t:.-h .vl.T.-' ! I r-s.k Fr..s ,Mv H-an V-.i." "U -. -rK !.t P il.r." l.i:-!t I r. IK ar O-i ' ' K'a ." --Tm- T..! -I f K: ;-;.r..... I I.- -ii l" i. i ... ;4 V- v.." -i ii,. ,5 IV.. -. ..? Marrv.-" ' '.-. i" l!;..l--,l .r." " IN"" '1 I ' , rt'l Hum " mil b- 1 :ri .r.t.-n.aT.-t j.'i. t- r. !..:.- j.j -.- . i.v::.l il -tt Main H .n V . T i 1 : P3E.--IDEXT T.VTT WILL KOI IjTABTHUB SAYS LEGISLATURE BAR WIKE At DIXKEB8 AHI.Nl.-l"N. M.rrt It i in SHOULD TAKE PLENTY OF TIME i i -1 ;, ...-t-i-i. -! ..f r..-, u.f i. Tk- Kn'jv.iri.?. J :.l .1 J. t . . !.. .U'- ! . ASIILASD BANT) IS READY TOR ACTIOS ! ""I tlat Piiutuirj" anJ " Uvrlmd j,,, lf W4fk and do it right, whether n. Li .lfirjraiioii vf whit j ,t tsLf tlrrt L..urs or turrt? days." n:prar.r advocate to Wah- ' fitaiir Mi Arthur rrtrt-ntly eak .ug of the urfjctiD Ibat the leg'.sla tare at it pcial f $iuo ran grt Thronth with itt work in thrr hour. "I d- D"t approv1 the plan of ruh ir.j; work. We have J..iit x- niiifh of ;Lat already. At the rrgular s-si'n th bill wrr pas-.l so rapidly near tli coe of the fK'il that tht- pr.-idiiiK i-ff :fer (oali not p.. ssibly read them before iT-l-C t!"T. I never (jyinj: t f-iia aso'.Lrr b.ll uulrt I rea3 it first, aad I ! Oh1 oii-g tt- ii,'D -ne unb-s ! iM-ie a yiionjsn preset. ' ' MfAnfcur I of the (.pinion that th i;:iatre can compb te it Wurk iu a day aad a ka.f. id-im.i!if about Trnrs iV tO-B. jTu ! Tatt fcot ti- ervie win : w'h.'f Hvas-e 4.aiitr. Ti.e p.iet,i-n ha already been irrr -a!-. e!t:t-l by Mi. atd Mr. Tift - r ; :- 1- nt iit r tke wiac or p.r - . f asy kind. li.ii tf.r-rr are n.kny prs-.-B. ia Wah iivi. U mL ft 4,Litr n i'.Li-ul w.tir uli t i:k tea or cotfee without :.k or 'r. and Taf: ta deidi tot . force fc. on tabit of abntitirafe u ,eu-T a: the White House. KCTUS WOULD HAVE ALL TRAINS MAKE STOPS Tr.c irvt rajsrvai cv&x.miob hai r-'(-;d froai Shfrman rotcty a petit. oft k;;. the t.t. K. k N. W a i ; Hiiiis at z rejfaikr tatioo. ' .- !i.nK.!j ;t a toppic)f j-Iaf-e fot tfcf " -. t;i rra.ii. At preheat only ihe i trait ! ttre A":at a year ttr A.aDai:i.oB r ".&fr the O. R a N. to pv.t oa tie k-cai trait f r the MAY ENTER OSTORD WITHOUT ESAXIXATIOy IN OREEK the i: ;?-.. p trj: in Eri- lltj JhiT is Vtilri S:at.- f.'.mrti-t.-r f,T KL..;. fcri..-'.srsTi;p Will nr. I. ! V r. NEWSPAPER COEF.ESPOXDENT F-;.'ll:v: u tit , Medford Time Table ; SOTJTHEEJi PACIFIC KAIL WAT. it i, h-."-w r. a wtir-r w,i! rv-cr;rr;. T zraVr :ie er.d.tu.E : Ort-tk ns foow the r i.tarr crr.fiisni a: 't;.ri. Ti. wi'i a :ii't t.r- jti-T.ri. .s whifh t" rer-a: Liite"f w.t:fy t m:5iTr-uir. -k rrO-i.TYlftel.T ""T.: f in r ;f a r-.jrr :T i :-s of th fa.--T. tru: !. tha: r,i,ir3 of ea.r .dt:. hiv it t :.aT i .- 0". a..ftd fr -Ti e V r-eya: - ..f l.r Biw.I::r;ifj takt- Cit'k. T. R V U . . KorUbooa4 j N. 16'Orra raraa : 5 J4 a fto. N ok. 14 Pori-aad Eiprw :4 a : SoUbCD4 I SCHOOL HELD SrVPLT BOVINE S KEW SECBETAET Sv 1$-Clifri Eivm . . M : W a ' TO BOOST LOCALITY , N. 3SSa Fraatiae Ex.. S: SO Pl a. ; '' " " ' : - 1 t5TY(t Oruu Pui.. . :15 k m. ' ST. HELENS. Cr.. Mar a Tt V-i K-,v. o r I.. P V .". lJ-r AaaaM jiffiia p m. r . yly, :r:t at :ir.:v. hae iut :--ft'-i M: Par! B ar:, l-'a'hfr. a-'. 10:44 a. m.' 1 5 tf- s-t f ' ar...:i-r y-ar. l-tl.-'-fl Tl-r-'e i i"t.y Ote :i in tr.t- . N.v 4LaTc McdfoH C S6p.a. VrLT Mftdford J:C)p,au V.'tr LaTr .Ved;rd i :p.av' I Lmt JakoriIi. . . a av 4(-r X JLT Jaitaoarilie...; J JO p V-:orLeTea J acxao 2 Tili. . . f a av ! . . P. i ' k r -. ; : i a r. b i y b .- i ' utt T- rT ij;. fire day a f "t r e-j: t . ar! '. t Wli r ali MAIL CLOfiBS ---. Pacat . aiT LaT mr ti- z .'f T3"iTr -r" 1 4:M .... 1:S I 50 j T:M I .... I N :., f-m- "Fj KOTEI. AEZrV AUJ vat vot CArr7x-j ! FEO V S-AUOi TO POETLAN3 V.! 5" 1 I WT f , r.oi. v .i ". ' : K S 1 ii.i .-. FRUIT TREES : TI.M : T . V- . ) L.B.WARNER We Wish to Announce To the Ladies o! Medford that Miss Annie Farrisce of Chicago will give a demonstration of tbe famous GASSARO CORSETS at our store Thursday, March 11 K HI s .. 1 I V - i T. I. OTXJ XAN WINS TRLtE FRUIT TREES vnLrvrsT orrv:G - i t 5 Figure With Woolverton ! ". r YV.. . trri! S- With BENSON INVESTMENT CO. OVER BIJOU THEATER a-. : a.:.: . - - - ...t i ' : I. ' Showing - - of the Coss Shoe for Women $3.50, $4.00 fi $5.00 VAN DYKE'S ! The One Price Store The Only Fair and Square Way Thi, .tore mark. il guo.1. In plain fif.r H...1 d. viuu-s from the prire. If wo ak you !iS for a nuit, you can rr.t aur.-l Inat no other livii.K .oul can buy that .nil for .,nt I.-.. tl. . Later in tbe wawn we may roduco that price, l-au th- ha... 't .olj. au.l we want it to move) but, dear rcud-r. h. n r-du.e the price on anything in thi. -tore, It i. fir advc.ti.d, .-v.-ryoae hu the amc chance to buy at the reduced figuro.. m...oe we had a .lidin scale of price, and allowed our cu.ton.or. to beat down o-i price. Here i. an example: Mr.. Thoma. come. In and find, a .he like,, uak. the price, which ia ..00j she docn't believe in boalinij down prices, ... take, the suit and pay. the 35.00. Mr.. Hrown cine, , an hour late., find, a 135.00 suit which .he likes, but not beii.K timid she offer, the mer chant 5 and he take. it. NOW LISTEN. He ba cheated Mrs. Thorn u out of 110. for he ha. no right to ll Mrs. Ilrown " "it for les, than he asked Mr.. Thomas. One Price is the Only Fair Way ig0 About Spring Suits Reason for Buying Now Tlie sooner you purcliase, the longer you tan wear that Spring Suit. With the riming of spring every woman nat urallv thinks of i-lmiiging from winter ynrli to ihr lighter an brighter shadeB lor upring. Lighter shades will predom inate, and although your winter suit iiiiiv be m good as new (if you bought it here, it is, nlmoslj, still you will fed a hundred per tent better ia a new ..ring outfit. We don't ask you to pay any fa:nv prices here. Most of our Miitu are selling at ti'.l and leis, t'otne : nd let us show you our values at $10 to $50.00 Medford' s "Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue. Just North Jackson County Bank Ladies' Hosiery 25c a pair Uavo y.-.u .H-ii tin- line of LADIES' HOSIERY we ait- sh.-.wiui: i Plain k lisle finish, plain bla.-k with i..lit f.-t. .lain k la.-o stript', plain hla.-k dr. pn'.'. stit.-h : lar-c stripe, tan lisle thread hose: also a faT Hla. k feather weight rihhed hose: a 3"e quality evtiywhei-e: here in all sizes 25c pr Seaijiies-s fast blai-k rii.Unl lluse. an exeel-Ir-r.t wearing quality in :?.- ti t" 10, pr. 15c Mis-ses" extra fine qual ity lisle and silk finish rii.ri H.e. all qnali- I-air B -ys' extri heavv qual ity 1x1 riV.Kii and a 1x2. rihld tl- in sizes 25c pair '-'" dozen ladies' seam less fast l.laek Hose, sale priee 10c '20 dozen ladies' seam less fast eolor lisle fin ish tan Hose tomorrow loe PAIR. 2 FOR 2oo "When l.x.l-ins: through our Hosiery line don't fail to see that beautiful BLUE ENAMEL RANGE that we will ;;ive away free April 1. 1909. Auto Veils lew line list ia In Black. While or Colors 35. 50 i 75c re 1-V Hi r-i:rtS; ' Mality. ea....3 ";T" "'' " -N""-!. line everywhere: he . " ;- ' l: t'"i-;- i""' ';':a:';:-v T"i:,"T 'f. 3 for UV i .. .:.! i.--x-s. .. s-.2..-. ea.-h-.-.T.-x-. i.oo and .t.2o Husslrs . Tribune Want Ads Insure Results. Try Them