Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 10, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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The people of this section are very
much pleused that the county court bus
determined to improve the road from
Derby to the Falls, as this is an impor
tant piece of road and over which much
travel is done.
Charles Terrill of Lake Creek, togeth
er with his wife-, are iu Med ford and
will soon return to His homestead, where
he has been a continuous resident and
very much improved it.
School district No, is iu want of
u good teacher, Miss Hiizu.tou having
B. II. Harris hua been iu our neigh
borhood of late and muny ure the sur
mises as to what object ho has iu view.
E. A. Hildreth has becu visiting Ea
le Point, and Misses Baknr and Clev
onger, who have boon in Mcdford for
some days, have returned to the Falls.
John Obeiichain and family have re
turned to t heir homestead from a visit
to their son Charley at Big Butto.
. Merchant Hughes has about recovered
from his late accident and can be fnund
:it his store.
Druggist Hriggs reports that trade
has kept up remarkably well during the
winter und he expects brisk times this
spring and summer.
It is reported that the lioundtnp peo
ple are going to movo to the Fulls and
become interested in our mil).
Our citizens express themsolvin as
very greatly pleased that Judge IVntz
has won out in his homestead contest.
s it was generally regarded as a case
of persecution instituted by personal
malice from a troublesome class. It is
hoped this case will put a rpiietus on
further contests.
Spring feed is coming forward rap
idly and stock are looking very much
better than expected.
It. H. BrudHhaw, who has been kept
off from his homestead by the illegal
posting of notices on it, will return and
live out his time ns the department has
taken up the matter for an investi
gation, und something is likely to be
. dnnn.
It would be a most desirable step for
tho county court to o-der the road su
pervisors to go over the roads with a
"drag" leveling down and filling up
the ruts and holes. This would help
travel very much until the regular mad
work is done.
United Slates to Ralph Hillings,
IflO acres iu sect Inn 30. town
ship -lit, range 1 V patent
Unilod States to Oliver 0. How
ard. X F V section 24. town j
ship 35, range 4 W patent
Bert Aiidersun to M. .1. Love, bit
2, block Ii, Andersen Toft ad j
ditiou to Medford 1
Delia Clemmcnt to James V. Ham
lin, lot 4, block 7:t. Medford 120".
A. K. Merarland to Lillian M.
Greaser, property in Ashland 4."i0
Lillian M. Oreaser to H. I I'oh
land, property in Ashland .... 1"
E. K. Anderson to L, K. Eng
land, land in D L C 42, town
ship Its, range IE 1"
L. (i. I'orter to M. H. Payne,
land in section 24. township
;i;l, range 1 K 'I"'""
Fdgar llnfer to H. A. Freden
bnrg, lots 11 and 12 and 7 and
and 8, block 1, and 2 of Oak i
Park addition to Medford ... l""u
A. 1. Helms to T. W. Miles, pow
er of attorney
Wesley Trmix to IV-lia fieiiient.
lot 4, block Tit. Medford -."
proper v in Ashland 1
A. I). Helmnn to J. P. Dodge.
Samuel J. Landon to George H.
Sunday. 10 acres in section I'i,
township .'t.j, range 4 W 1"
H. C. Garnett to D. D. Sage, land
in township .'17, range 1 W ... 1"
Marion Tnn.t company to Oregon
Water & Power company, water
right and property in township
30, range 3 W ."T"
Oliver (i. Howard to Francis .1.
Spalding, 10 acres in section
24, township 3". range 4 W .. I.Mi.i
CHEMAWA. Or.. March 10. The In
dian school, although filled to capacity,
has a large number of applicants ask
ing admission. The latest nrrivnl was
n party of seven Indians from the Flat
head reservation in Montana, iu charge
nf .T. W. Reynolds, th chief clerk. This
makes fill pupils now at the school.
Health $s Worth Saving, and Some Med
ford People Know How to Save It.
Many Medford people tako their lives
in their hands by neglecting the kidneys
when they know thene organs need help.
Sick kidneys are r.v.ponsible for a vast
a mou t of suffering and ill health, but
there is no need to suffer nor to remain
i:i danger when all diseases and aches
and pains due to weak kidneys can be
(piickly and permanently cured by the
use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here is a
Medford citizen's recommendation:
A. Z. S iirn. Fifth and H streets, Med
ford. Or., says: "I have used Dean's
Kidney Pills and am glad to say that
Cio results were mont gratifying. 1
suffered for a long time from pains in
my hack and found it difficult to stoop.
The kidney secretions wen too frequent
r.nd annoyed me greatly during th-'
Tiitrht. Doan's Kidnev Pills were sr.
highly recommended that I procured a
box at Haskins' -Vug store. I had only
taken them a short time when I found
that they were the remedy I required.
I continued, my general health improv
ed and I felt better in every way. T
take pleasure, in recommending Ponn's
Kidney Pills to others."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milhiirn Co., Buffalo. X. Y., b.p
agents far the I'nited States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 51
Lt'DRIZ BAY. German Southwest
Africa, March InThe Norwegian bark
Auckland. 'nptain Oithwark. ha been
wrecked ni a gale off Pnsrirn Hand.
All the members of the crew were lnt.
Tho Auckland wan bound from Hosnrio.
January 27, for this port.
HOME, March 10. The pope's indis
position has taken on the character of
influenza und his condition cuuses ap
prehension. Xotwilhsrtin.linir ill.
health, however, he took the keenest
interest in the electoral struggle today,
insisting upon seeinsr the disD&tchea
giving the returns.
Hotel Grafters.
The proprietor of one of tho largest
hotels Iu New York, speaking of the
uses made by uonpaylng customers: of
bis house, buM to a rural guest a few
flays ago: MWe have u lurge number of
patrons from whom we never collect
a cent, although we have no such
thing as a free list. They come here
In the morning, pick up a can. off pa
per, which they read, keeping an eye
open for another, which they grab as
soon as It Is dropped. After reading
awhile they stand at the ticker, often
giving long lee i urea to their fellows on
flntwlul conditions and stock possi
bilities. The overcout becomes burden
some, and It Is taken to the check
room, where Its owner knows It will
be perfectly safe. Then, If they con
tear themselves from the ticker, let
ters are written on our stationery.
They do not use our telephones be
cause we charge an extra 6 cents for
the call, but they carry home matches,
toothpicks, blank cards and blotters
and use up the soap In our lavatories.
They also take generous nibbles of
the cheese and crackers In the cafe.
The strangest part of nil Is this that
the majority of this class are well to
do and highly respectable, and on that
account we do not shut them out."-
New York Tribune.
The Sleeping Sickness.
The terrible sleeping sickness of
tropical Africa Is discussed at length
In an article In Popular Mechanics.
The disease, which long baffled scien
tists, la Bpreud by the tsetse fly, a
bloodsucking, dny flying Insect. On the
approach of either man or animal at a
river crossing in the densest forest
the victim Is soon scented out by the
fly. If there is one lu the vicinity, and
then, cither silently or with a peevish
buzz, it makes straight for the most
accessible spot and gives Its stab.
The usual course of the disease Is
from four to eight months. At the
outset there tire headache, a feverish
condltou, lassitude aud a correspond
ing disinclination to work. The facial
aspect changcs.aud a previously happy
and Intelligent looking negro becomes
Instead dull, heavy and apathetic.
Later, tremor In the tongue develops,
speech Is uncertain, nnd mumbling,
walk shuttling und progressive weak
ness, drowsiness and oblivion to bis
urroundlugs a 111 let the sufferer. The
last stuge Is marked by extreme ema
ciation and n coma deepening into
Cause of Fatty Heart.
The gat'it danger from obesity ties
In the Pal'lliiy of the fat to Invade the
cellular elements of the body, especial
ly the muscles. This produces fatty
degeneration "f the muscular tissues,
which greatly weakens and Impairs
their functional activity. When the
fnt Invades the tissues of the heart
muscles the disease known as "fatty
degeneration of the heart" results, and
the patient Is In serious danger. When
ever a slight additional strain upon the
circulation results from unduo exer
cise, excitement or other cause the
muscles Interfere with the heart's ac
tion, aud It Is liable to cease beating.
Anaemia and hysteria often are accom
paniments of obesity. Because of the
Increased weight and difficulty of
moving about such patients are pre
vented from taking au ordinary
amount of exercise. Often, too, there
are a lasRllude and a positive dislike
for muscular exertion of any kind.
What to Knt.
From Medicine to tho Drama.
The earlier part of Vlctorlen Sar
dou's career was beset with many
trials and difficulties. His parents
wished him to take up a medical ca
reer, aud he began his studies with
some zeal. The love of the drama,
however, was far greater than the
love of the pill box, and In the Inter
val of the other work Hardou was
busy upon a play. Life waa a strug
gle for him, for he had little money,
though he managed to get Journalistic
work to supplement bis more slender
income. His first ploy was a failure,
and Sardou rushed from the theater
vowing never to enter one again. Hi
fell seriously III, was nursed back to
health by Mile, de Hrecourt, an ac
tress who lived on a floor below, nnd
from that time bis fortune was made.
A Friend In Need.
About half nn hour had been ex
pended by the bashful young man 1n
a series of advances and retreats, and
little Johnny's cramped ponltlon be
hind the sofa was bwotning some
what painful.
"I wish I dared" the young man
commenced on a new attack, when the
couple were electrified by an impatient
exclamation behind them: "Aw, moke
a break! She's dead easy!"-Brooklyn
Literary Irrigation.
"Your latest novel seems very dry,"
said the render of the publishing house
to the young but rising author.
"I was pretty sure you would say
that" relolned the author. "Conse
quently if you will count them you
will find the heroine weeps real tears
on Just 253 pages of my story." Cleve
land Plain liealer.
Howell Rowell Is an Inconsistent
fellow. would
-it i.t. nil thp time vou wsnted
and then hare you arrctr-d for stesl- j
Ing his wstch.-New York Tress.
Publio Opinion.
The single snowflake-who cares for
It? But a whole day of snowflakes
who does not care for that? Private
opinion Is weak, but public oplDlon Is
almost omnipotent.
Wolfskin makes the best banjo
A Mogul Hero.
Here Is a little vignette of Bobar,
the first of the great moguls. At elev
en be succeeded to his kingdom of
Ferghana. His father was accidental
ly killed, and "I." says the boy, "Im
mediately mounted lu great haste aud,
taking such followers as were at baud, 1
set out to secure my throne." Ho suc
ceeded lu holdlug It. nearly lost It by
(rusting a traitor who was "the best j
p!ayer ut leapfrog he had ever Been"
ind actually lost it by grasping at the ;
possession of Samarkand. Then came .
two years of wunderlng. Then be got i
Ferghana again und lust It a second '
ll::!c by trying to make his Mongol i
k;icrs restore their loot to the pens- i
miry. And all this before he was
'Vci.U'eii: Thirty-two years later he '
tho last scetie being the most
i-'H of cH. HU darling son
ivii'i was desperately til. Only
1 rnt sacrifice could save hi in,
i'i tN-ctur. He entered the cham
'. i!! t! round the bed three times,
'. nio lie thy suffering," and
d;iys afterward died. Ixmdon
T -e r- kin Wouldn't Go Round.
ItmiBiiry swarms with barristers. It i
i the greatest anibliiou of the Huuim-
hn peasant to make one of his sons
in advocate.
The sou of a small farmer In the
leiiiln rhond of Budapest was sent by
.1 ; f-nVr to the law school of that
"v it. but either from luck of parts
r tie i' ecessa ry tt p pi lea t Ion he wa a
1 i ked In the qualifying exumlna
l.ii. V'l String to return to the paternal
.r i!o oi.i'ity h tuded after alt the inon
v thru had lieeii spent on bis educa-
i n. lie conceived and executed the
l.rt nf f,ip: pig a legal diploma. The
tiltt-r v:i not. however, so Ignorant
h not to be a ware that such diplomas
re always written on parchment
uitya bor td.'gsUlni-lu Hungary.
"Why Is your certificate not made out
ii kutya-herV" asked the old man.
"The fact Is, father," coolly replied
be youth, "there are more barristers
ihm ilos In Hungary, nnd so there Is
''l e !"U!i IvUtya-ber to make dlplo
nas for us all." London Answers.
Gam's Ory Humor.
When the gallant Welsh captain
havid fiam was sent forward by
Henry V. to reconnolter the French
iruiy before the battle of Aglncourt
'ie A und that the enemy outnumbered
the Kngllsh by about five to one. FTIs
report to (he king is historic:
"There are enough to be killed,
enough to be taken prisoners nnd
cneu:;h to run away."
This iiunlnt forecast of the result of
the battle at once spread through tbe
camp, nnd doubtless every yeoman
an her of the valiant company felt an
Inch taller. We know that It waa al
most literally Justified by the event.
Poor Gam's dry humor waa equaled
by bis courage. He was killed while
in the act of saving the life of his
prince. Loudon Standard.
Distilled Water.
Distilled water after having been
exposed to the air Is one of the most
salubrious of drinks. Its dally use In I
i:iousured quantities Is helpful In
uses of dyspepsia and greatly assists j
i he general functions of the body. Kv-
r- lariro Rtennicr ciirrlen n wnler d la-
'liliiiiir iiTinnrntus hv which kch water
U made fresh. In the days before (
.tenners primitive distilling npparatus
was used on warships and vessels car
rying passeugers.
A Postal Deficit,
"('a, what Is meant by the postal
oti.-li v
"The things your mother always for
ets to put on a postal card.' Detroit
i'ree Press.
JJIobbs -Why don't you consult a
.ioctor about your Insomnia? Slobbs
What! And run up more bills? Why,
It's because of what I owe him now
that I can't sleep.
Wanted Full Credit.
"Now, my little man. you ure accused
Df striking another boy and knocking
out one of his teeth."
" 'Scuse me, Jedjre, two of his teeth."
When He Enjoys Home.
"Does your husband enjoy his home?"
"Yes whenever I want him to take
aie to the theater." Cleveland Leader.
Veneeuela received Its name from
the early Spanish residents, who saw
In It a resemblance to Venice.
The Filipino constabulary band, one
..1 the world 'h most famous musical or
ganizations, will be mi attraction at
the Alaska Yukon-Pacific exposition iu
Seattle this summer.
n instructive entertainment lmlililinir witli mirth
K. E NY ART. President.
.7. A. PKRRY, Vice President.
CAPITAL - - $50,000
SURPLUS - - 10,000
Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank
in Bus ness Transacted. We
Solicit Your Patronage.
HIa QlaasM.
j He came home In the small hours
of the morning, aud bis loving spouse
'confronted blui with wrath In her eye
I and a telegram in her hand, saying,
! "Here la news that baa been waiting
for you since supper time."
lie blinked, looked wise and, braced
up ugalost the hatrack, felt through
' tils pockets, uiurmuiing, "I left my
; t::s.-i'S down town."
"Yes," she replied, with sea thing
Irony, "but you brought the contents
with you."
Not Grasping.
"Whi'.t n irrasj In-; fellow you are.
. Ilmvl.lux! You'ie bothered me about
this bill llfly times In ten days."
"You wrom: me, .laiiey. not
itras'.iirg. I've hi i tiered you abi'iit t.'ie
Hit. 1 admit, but l Inven't been able
ti urnsn nnMhb'K yet."
i Found Him Guilty,
i Cruesel i the Jt-n t-The prlin lpa;
' fault f the prisoner litis been 1:H nn
fortmmte h ira r!-tlc of;
f.llt'l M tbl 'vcs in 1 -Vflir.lreN rf t!ie
j 1 hi t description. I ii t ilm c. The
jiit:li;iy it in ii I'i the do, 1; ".U:i I M'-lUl!
f 1 1 1 i hi
tt. ireiinemeii or fie jury:
She Had to Mend Them.
r.enham-l bi!K'.-.' I; pur my
!! fou: f t'w:: v 1. M rs. r.e ''i.i:o- -1
have noticed that ycur lee uivayn
goei rbrbt through your sto klg.
New Yrr'i 1'res.
The Dloctn on ihe Epu
k'mw i lit least are
fresh." said tbe y-MiM : tii.uscwire. "A
1 Iit-U them frt-!'i i:ie ha-!.et a whi:
He. iu. like ttu down nf a pca. h. viv. u
o:T mi my ha:Mls."
Her bu-b:" d. n ford expert, k-ave
sneering laiu'li.
"In that cae." he said. "I'll forem
my usual uu-rntng omelette. That
'Itioni. my dear, proves your e.''s tt
he n year or so old tnayhe four oi
Mve yeUs old.
"The bloom, as you so poetically call
it. It lime du;l. It shows that the
eirirs are pickled. I .line tlusi. which
rubs off like Hour. Is the surest test
wo have for pickled ok-'s--a urn un
wholesome article, but not t he com
pared with the new laid sort. " New
Orleans Times-Itemne rut.
The Riddle.
I Here Is n sirnnge riddle which we
i have never met before. It Is sent us
by a friend from .Ihansl, India:
IHvUle l.M) by o. Add two-thirds of
1'). So ends the riddle.
Here Is the answer: CoLKNSO.
EN- two-thirds of TKN.
SO ends the rhhllo.-l.ondon Scraps.
Changeable Names.
Tom-lVl.o is a strange girl. She
M-sn't kimw the names of some of her
best frlt-mls Maud That's nothing.
Why. I don't even know what my own
will he u year from now . Host on
The Proeese.
a pre'ty sharp liny, Tom-
"You are
"Well. I ouvht to he. I'a takes m
nit In Hie wood shed nnd straps me
:bree or four times n week." Har
icr's Weekly.
A Good Qualification.
The myster of the negro mind Is
Illustrated by a story which the Phila
delphia Itecnrri pilots, .foliu. the col
rued applicant for the push ion of but
ler In a family living lu one of the
fashionable suburbs of Philadelphia,
strove to impress his would be em
ployer with his entire Illness for tbe
"Ob, yes, suli." he said, "I's sholy well
educated, mih. l's passed n civil serv
ice exuinliiallon."
"Indeed." responded the gen lie man.
"that Is very line. I'm sure, hut I
can't any that that will be of any par
tlcuhtr value to me in a butler."
"No?" said the surprised applicant.
"It shore Is strange bow yeniincii'-;
tastes do differ. Now, Mr. Williams."
naming bis former employer, "lie say
'John, one t hlng I deman' Is h il
service to mnh guests.' an he done
gave mo a zainiiiallnti rl there, suit,
an' that's tin truf."
Then the fentieiniin saw a ureal
light. He replied:
"Yes, you are iptllo right. John
Civil Ncrvire Is a very Important and
rather unusual virtue, so If you have
passed that examination I think we'll
consider you ciiuaed."
Kvi ryoiie who attend; the A hi ska
Yukon Pacific exposition in Scuttle this
si. minor ill have the privilege nf pan
iiing gold dust from native Alaska grav
els. iit a it is panned iu T:in;iim and
tlx- Klondike.
JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. .lA'.'KSON, Ass't Caakisr.
A lurge meteor is said to have fallen
in Dufur Suuday night about 10: 30
ii 'clock. The shock of its striking the
earth was so great that it shook the
houcea almost like an earthquake, rat
tling the windows nnd awakening many
people who were asleep. The light was
so bright thut it was seen for several
niles, notwithstanding the moon watt
shining brightly at the time. Several
people are searching for it.
Australia's First Theater.
The Hrst recorded production of a
piny In Australia took pla-e In June
of the year 1 7:. It was culled "The
Recruiting or eor." The proceeds of
the tirwt pay nUht (some tn went to
the family of a man who bsd been
drowned. In January. 17ixit a rou-ii
aud ready playhouse waa opened, and
the public had to puy a shilling n
head for admission. Tbe payments
were made In kind, wheat, dour or
rum taking the place of the usual cur
reucy. London Standard.
Disappearing Home Life.
The tlal ihvctL'i- ought not to keep a
dog. prefers not to keep a cat. cannot
'!ivii a rmtlen. Iris no chance of keep
log house, has no possible place foi
memortcN and. most omplnttc f nil.
lias i'n us.- nr 'onmt1nllou for
bal ies. AiMittugh It may be possible
lo moke homes without I.Wcim oi
babies or rower or t!'e:n:-es w
cupbt'ar.i'. the spirit f hoine Is hard
M won and win without any of them.
Fortnightly Pevlew.
Qo Right et It.
'Of e'urvo y u know that
communicate sicklier s?"
"Yes," answered tbe man who Is up
prohetfrlve about bis heal!!:, "arid the
worst of It Is that they get rMit down
to business In their communications
Instead cf employing the h. lenlltlc cir
cumlocution of tbe medical profes
sion." 10 xc ha nge.
Trying to Make a Hit.
Judge Do you acknowledge the
charge brought before the court of
throwing your wfe to the ground nnd
knocking her heart repeatedly against
the floor? Prisoner (evasively! I was
only trying to make a hit with her,
your honor. Judge.
A 8ub.tltuli.
"I am gnrrj-. my ileal- sir, but I neg
lected to lirliiK ' Mirglcnl Instru
ments with me."
"Ttnit will lie nil right, doctor. The
pluinlH-r who has bcon working In the
cellar has left his tools here." Ex
change. Ths F.U.d Calf.
That mighty unfair trick nf kllllne
the fatted calf for the prodigal causes
iiii-re family rows than anything else
n earth ei'-ept the division of father's
money. A tchlson Globe.
Oul of a - lent ev il may come a grt
'ood.- Lilian I'roveib.
City Business Directory
Tin and sheet iron waro ou band
and made to order.
113 North Q Street.
Let the
make that pieee J 'nrolture. Any
4esiga, say eolor, any ?inieh
lull, waied or polished. Shop on
eor. of 8th aad H streets.
W. M. OolTlf. 0. It.
ooxvro k
Office: Medford Bank Bldg.
Ground floor.
Cook HtoTes and ranges. Phone 91
New and Second -Hand Furniture
Eads' old stand, 18 20 F m. South
Medford, Or.
BLOCK Oo. will e prepared Feb
ruary IS to furnish cement brick.
Hetter thaa pressed brick and
just as chuap. In estigate before
contracting. P. O. Bni 118.
HOUSE Specialists ia Teas, Cof
fees, Extracts, Baking Powder
and Spices. We carry all kinds of
dinner ware and fancy disbea.
218 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or.
The only eielusivs Opticisn be
tween Portland and Sacramento.
Office on Seventh Htre.t.
When others foni, call on
Eye Specialist
Offics ia Esgle Pharmacy
Main 2.13. Seventh and Main
Roome from 60 cents to 11.50 pet
day. All modern conveniences.
We solicit you: patronage.
(Iroon for 1'nrlflf NorlhmxiL Hull nil 111 I mats.
fOitv on Uiitny ut all )( 'tMhr. Axtt furCdtH
ni tit. 1 1 iiolKimkl) tn tniir nHnhborlHioil. write
u, kIi hiif unlit"' "f yiMir tlfitltT. nii'l will tutm
ou iMM-Ui't of tliiwiTwi'il fri forymir troiii'ln
Finest cup of eoffee on
the Pacific Coast.
U. II. Lorimer Prop.
ENVELOPES printed to order
LBTTBBHEADB Of all stylos
by The Tribune.
Stii-KMior to Dr. J. M. Keene.
W. E. Lane Bon, Props.
Opposite Hotel Moore,
Medford Oregon
wish to announce to their patrons
that they sre located in their new
(junrters in the Young A Hall
Rilliardi, Cigars and Tobaccos.
Office hours: H to 12, 1 to 4.
Mils nuilditig, Seventh Street,
Medford, Oregon.
For good bargains in Watrhea
and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In
struments, go to
C Street.
Day Phone 3.M
Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3d
J. H. Butler Hi
Successor to Dr. Jones.
Office in the Stewart Building.
it is tho customary and proper
thing to take your friends ladies ..;
or gentlemen around to a well
appointed restaurant nnd order a .
nice 'little (tapper of oysters, or
the like. Itight here let it be
understood that wo cater for
" theater trade, " and are well
provided its to good things to
eat, woll served und reasonably
priced to meet all requirements. ;
Advance orders for four or more
ready at time appointed.
The Emerick Cafe
Open All Night
Serenely happy is the man who
ran feel that his garments are
tailored perfectly. This Is the
feeling our patrons can enjoy.
Satisfaction will be yours if you
have your suits, coats, etc., made
here. The way wo fit arouud the
neck and shoulders is a revela
tion. Try us. The largest line
of domestic and imported Suitings
iu Sou thorn Oregon.
iu a beautiful Diumond Ring.
Asidu from the prestige a good
diamond givos, It is au in vest
in nut you ran rsadily turn back
into cash. My line of mountings
and si toe offers am pit scope for
every faery.
Fine Witch and Jewelry Bepali
lng a Specialty. All work guar
North d'Aajou Htreot.
LutcBt motion pictures nnd illus
trated songs. Kutiro change of
prugrum Monday, Wodnesday and
Friday. Admission 10 cents.
t'oiitinuous performance every
evening uf motion pictures and il
lustrated ballads. Kutire change
of program Mondny, Wednesday
and Friday. Admission 10 cents.
Plumbing, Htenin and Hot Water
Phone ilU.
1110 W. Seventh St., Msilford, Or.
N. 8. Dennett, Medford, Or.
Grow trees that sell, sell trees
that grow auad fruit true to label
Billposter and distributor. All
ordsrs promptly filled.
Konin 7 Jacksun Co. Bank Bldg.
Medford, Or.
Hells trees that grow.
Office: R. II. V. Depot.
O. Itoi 841. Phone 593.
Medford, Or.
Voice Culture and Art of Singing
Studio at Resilience.
Kaat Medford. Phone 225
S. B. SEELY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Modern equipped operating rooms
X Ray. Office hours: 111 12, 2 4 p.
m. Offics in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg
tlarli.ige hauled.