Till': MKDKOK'I) DAILY TIUBILVK, MEDFORD, OUIXiOX, -WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10, 1000- Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published everv I'vciiiriK except iSuudav. MKDF O It I) V U li L 1 S 11 1 N (J C O M l A X Y Gecmuis Putnam, Editor ami Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Mattel1 in the Postol'l'ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTS RATES: Olio month by mail or carrier. ... $0.00 (utt yrnr by mud. .$fi.oo FREEDOM OF THE I1 HESS SI' ST MX El). KLAMATH KTOCKMBN SAY j THAT RATES ARB TOO HIGH j KLAMATH KALL8. Or., Man-li U. .":i.i!t im-n . " Uljutiji'!- cMi'iiy will ui" !r lniiilv if (lit- iiii-n-jc-c in tin- (idip- 't:ifi rrdin t'..nii nil .niirl on tin- Simula li vision i,i ;it!'iu(, in jfu ol'lVet. ln.if:.u. :n.. !t-vi. I n the 1'injits himhI ithf.j Ity K!. m. Hi -liijpj-r :miI tin a iiiiiiitri' f' i'i 1 1 ii - u i II niut;' liiU'.Triwc uf l", mi H-c c ir I'roin i-iIIht jU' tln-M' phi. hi wliilf frum intnl Dii l'n' rjiPi.tiMi:; -ni'tln'::tit'ni tie nitrn will t- mi hiu!i tliiit it will hi- itiifi-.xHiiiif tu ii-f iltf in-iiri-r jtoiutti pin! still n.ntpctf v.ifh I ':ii t'411 iiin atock tfrmvors. Freedom of spfn-h ;unt I'l'ccdoin of press nrc the hiil wnrks of American liberty. (Vilicism of delinquent ul lu; officials is part of the recognized duty of newspapers. Altuse of power ly t hose cut rusted with it, use of t lie strong arm of the law by those empowered to enforce it to grat ify petty spite, to salve wounded pride, to smooth rum pled feathers, are not contcnanced outside of Jackson coun ty, hence the vindication of the editor of this paper by the supreme court of Oregon. Justice as has been administered by grand juries of Jackson county is cock-eyed. One grand jury finds no crime in a murderous assault with an ax. but discovers a heinous crime in the criticism of its own delinquency, and brings about an outrageous arrest, has the critic pulled off a train and summarily thrown into a filthy jail in a st range city and deined all courtesies in order to humiliate him. Another grand jury exonerates a thug, who publicly as saulted the editor, because mouths before he had exposed the thug's torture of prisoners entrusted to him as a pub lic official. Hut all things, even fair play, come to thoe who fight strenuously enough despite grand juries who think they are surrounded with that ancient and obsolete prerogative of infallibility. It was left to the supreme curt to say whether justice was administered in I'utnam's case with out malice and vimlictiveness, and the court's decision speaks for itself. J ust ice, though leaden-footed, has found her way through the meandering maze of the law. The Tribune purposes in the future, as it has in the past, to turn on the light whenever or wherever thire is malfeasance in office and neither jail, nor tine, nor as saults upon its editor, will swerve it from its course. In morals, as in medicine, there is no antiseptic like the sun light id' Almighty (Jod." The freedom of the press is the freedom f the people. and the vigilance of the press, the vigilance id' the people Xo public official can safely be elevated above fair eriti cism. Prepaid Railroad Order. ''Nt.riH'lliitij,' which !- nf rniisiileritble inliTist to t hi public t'lirralU' and which in pciliapH not K'iiprully known it; (ho nynti'tn of prepaid orders now i effect between Hluti nn of the Southern Pacific company am ell pointii in the I'lntod t'lalen. Ity im-ann of thin Hystein I irk i(h may l'f pure tinned at .Mcil ford f'om any place in the I'nitMl States und tnniled or teleyniphr 1 direct In Ihf par ty winhiii In conn' ln-re. Sleeper tic eoititiioilatioiix und small amminlH uf caHli in cotiiiecl ion with I ln'c tickets may nlxo he forwarded a! the Name time." tf RUSH TO OREGON IS CAUSE OF JEALOUSY Toutih in Michigan, Wisi origin and Miruiinola face depupnhil ion hecaiite of immigration in Oregon, iltvliiivs Chnrlr Acres of Moscow, t laho. who has ju-t finished ti tour of III- states tne?itioned " Xewpapers of tlii.l country fearing the Iohn of ;il their submnlo'1 and of I'lisiuesH cnlnmitv aro printing fake re I ortft of disnHters attending jwrHou v 'ho come into this stale." said Mr. tcvei. "They print K'atnnenls purport nig to have been made bv people who I live moved to Oregon, nearly starved to death, then m.ed h:k again. They declare thai tat emeu ts relal ing lo the reconivcH nf (l is couuirv are all nt i in- and that an expedition over hire is more fttolliarly than was I'lvs is"ipie-t of the golden fleece because these poor people lme the wool pulled over their eyes before they start, and that it is very otdin;rv wool with no suggestion of gold about it. "Hot 1 d.m t blame the people there for hoi ng scat cd I aw towns where 0e population l.a-1 been diminished bv half because then retidt nts had moved lo Oregon tr Washington. Those who Went nut fir! wrote to the rest r follow o they all mood tu lo the laud of I'oed t imes ' ' UOOHEVELTS body OUARD REWARDED FOR SERVICES I'm nier President companion and hodv TBACHERS MEET NOT YET DATED S VI. KM. . l t ive board of the i toj.o! i.voc t i.n :is lie al'U Mtxfhiug at thf niec'n j erintchdent ckerm.in .'av. and w li V. . 1 . t Motd:n. nr,l I " ) dee.d.sl to obtain at b :. of national i p'tr at ton h 1 The excen on Smte Teacher ' agree about in State Su office Satur 1 her meet ! M - pia.-tic.slU iddr. !h. lu The dis. "" otgan 1 me of t It was I. rid III -I .'lit .. I'll! it v 1"X tin l-atn b-ud ' date ".liminy ' Sloar b'oo-;e elt 's closest guard for I lie last five vears has been rowaided and within :he next few weeks will ri-ign fi't'in the 1'nited States se eret service o I oine 1'nited States iiiar-hal fitr the Southern district of Illinois, Sloan's appointment has b. en i; greed upon by Speaker Cannon, in whove district the new marshal will take office. Sloan's home is in Pauvilh Sloau will conttune in the secret service r the jMsonal body guaid of President Taft until the duti -s of protecting a president tune been fully learned by 1 ucieii C. Wheeler STUDENTS TO ENTERTAIN KERMIT ROOSEVELT CAMllKIDOK. Mass . March M.--Plans are being niale hereby fellow -tuilents of Kermd Koosevclt at Mar aril univ ersity w hen he t el urns to school, next wei'k, to wind up his school affairs before departure for Africa with 1 "s father Se oral dinners will be given in his honor, and he will be the cent ral f i gin e in a number of college s'lmt-i Kornnt left the umxersitv imme b: '!cl after the . loe of the nndxeat .'ntinatituis, leaving his effects in hi room here. r-OLICE CHIEF KITJ.ED BY WOMAN BANDIT CITY OK MKXIi O. March 1" . a no Kort una VeIC Clll-C. v ! V iii f e won n h. iv d. :.d t. nd mflM, member of i Kottuna and I .ordmg I- a d d.sx. n-e g'.j . whom i of Miir-b-r. Th rani' g battle i ! h a w o.ia a-:. tabbed the ! he leg we ipatch rec-' ca led bv 1 wanted on is-lic, h th b: at TV. them CRIME KEEPING ABREAST OF GOTHAM'S GROWTH WW N KK M - - 1TV- I didavs. fiom I'C ms.le at the EVOLUTION OF THE ' JAG ' ' AS O AY NEW YORK SEES IT NKV YoiiK s in the I igh jags" tth .h b. ..tied AVIATORS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING p.- ct-M ntence nnl t h. propott t.tl to the . : l;':.'It IT. Magistrate Kcnoche pl'iiuexl that he gtoupi d h; "Stew." o: "oiii'.'' ' ' tf )f " ' wtf hint true i ngi tecO. "piffle." I. In those psv chob'gical .oed'toi one's bnthdav. at r . hr sti dnig or wake the fin.- is remitted ; t 1 The penalt y for plsin drunk scale ' ( a a h'gh as l(i or months in l he . , , w.trW heue. c:ti.-s thus bun. ' ' 1 W here h- n et t : dew,, TS v rk the water. : ever the irt wis drtven to me. hull drowuM, wrtf recurd. i LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From nil Partts of the East vin UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAILROAD At NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25. from Kansas City -respoiidinely lowe fr.ou all ot her poin;;:. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters lo everv body you know in the Kast ami tell thin about Www low colonist ratet.-. S, n i th- in literature about Oregon. , r s 'ud :!ieir ad.lrcs.;ea to s aid we will lo it. I a this way you can be a great lu lp in the growth nrd progress of vonr sttvte. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for anyone from any uace if you wnnt lo. Oeposit the necessary amount with uir local age tit at'd he will telegraph ticket promptly. liupiire of Agents or write to VM. Mc M C HK A Y, Oeneial Pass ng,1" Agent Oregoi. b'.nlroad , Navigation Co. thei tk Pacific Co. I.i'hs ni On goiO pokti.ano, vH;ia:oN. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molonv More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of eleetric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power EdlSOn Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo his. 1 10 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $i l 3? Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in loon hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;l watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Coudor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Plume No. I'.o-j. Opposite tho Bij? Electric Sign. Compare the Quality H is and ulwayB has been our aim tu supply our ' customers with guadg of the higbwt quality und to that end we are always adding pialityto our line. Thf lluldition of " preferred tock" inakt'M uur liae of it-i'ti grade ( 'ai:ned Good moit complete. Our aervire always the bit and erery ncciun jjiven our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed F. X. Gummings T. IV. Osgood Osgood & Qummings Qivil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Hstimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Wafer Works, Paving and Road Makintj, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs MORTON E RU SATim ON'LY IAWFUL FILE CITF.E Hrca K IT SA 1 I" KKS I'll KS. and 1HKS Ni'T c. u v-a'iii', ical or av.y po sono.is dr I . :-i.i:.t of KKt'SV. Prr: l.w n-Vs.-r.-ue Thcroire. the ?aie of 'l t:her u;e they affect tb? hrs:n ad srmai v .-.ire F S ; not for l opiuti: z Mvl,-rc KRl !A. Me)ford Thar r Ihc a:. :um o: n druCl Take the Tribune for News APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALIEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery iu hie Pacific Northwest. Nnl 111 tLc combine. C'ovipetes with all first-class uursories L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. if yr 3irksttt ff & CtXlttttg ik UTtDFOBD. OESOOH g. t'.ipi .Si:i!e leiositr.ry Cstaluiulied 188S. !al acil Surplus $125, Hosourr-.' $700,000 5,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bunk respectfully solicits your account, subject to jour check, with the strongest guarantee of safely and efficiency. We offer th? highest attainment in 8U'inatie hanking Hervice, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in-dittiti'n. V. I. V AWT Kit, President. 0. R. MNDLEY. Cauhier. 9 Making an Acquaintance wild our liaiulsoirie line nfoxrlusive fab rics uf Ix.tli importnl and domestic ivi.,,li.iis slnuiM I,,, the uim of every mun in Hiiiitlierii lic.Kn who wnulil luolt his In- t, nnd lie attired in the lutost decroc nf fashion's ilietates. We ehoose most i-et'hiTi'he fabrics, and wo fashion, cut :mhI l it t li'Mi in a style that makes you trel that "iIm' tailor makes tho man" at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUHDINO, MEDFOBD, OE. You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than your own, and you will find ou consulting lier that she does not upprovo of paying out good, h.-.rd-carncd dol lars for rout, when there r.re so the market at reasonable figures in Medford. "a v for loee:i..n, siirroiiii.liiiha, etc., and her jirlg I upon in making a seleeli. u for a home, liring her i l isol.u in -p, ,-i,ii ot the good thines now of- and yon will never regret it. It is almost hiL'tl tittle for lll.tmn In .nmii-inn n li one where yon pan eniov lh" 2n,.,i thini'u n' liio in 11.:. ..,., j ,.-..i i nia::v g.iod properties - w.iiiiau h; a l;;'i':i i ot- n! can In' wi! li you. a:i fern;.; throegli our ag"iicv time to "make garden." and it IVn't dela it now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Buildiue:, MEDFORD 3ttrs. 3vzm Tfampton Isaacs Jtiscructor of llano. T.lSIt :ftal)0& StuM at 5jiuv,. Mottk Orn Slrt.t fOTEL PORTLAND OREGON Momrx Comtort Uopkrate Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IX PORTLAND JJThe Tourist Hoii.l.iuartori ot Lolumbm Valley KNV.AiiE RiOMS ERI T 1'OK THK Al.AK 4 tl'KON K.XPOSiriOS A . NOXTOX. G K. Hilsinicer A. C. RjoJjII Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS " . Sub Dividers ud Developers Rogue E:ver Valley Or chard lands. ' fruit lands, be ty. for sale. aring and young orchards in small and ( i.ot and care fcr ,.rcl,ards nd guarantee property to Experience Xot A ccessary for who iMircha' t hr-vii ... ti,., consulting l,ortie,:ltur-st. an ..,,. hU frui, cu,. the p-.wiRg and hinr.:ni of fruit in th t,: M CI. S. TiCiTll oack r r.l if 111 Xonh D Street. Medford. Oregon MFPFORD SASH i DOOR COMPANY PHOXE2291. ith Berel plate, carried is stock cheap f 'tig Mill Work includina Tuniw) Work ni '".-.act Grills TRE:r. BETWKKN SUXTH AND 8 EVSNTH 9TRRET8. 'V ! Krjni... ii. Office Futnre, -r.fred Doors, 1 iir 1