Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 09, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
Burt Audersou in making a ilmrt
buaiuesB trip to 1'urtlund.
J. 11. Kitzgfruld bits returm-d from
I'urtlund imicb iuiprovi'd in beuttli.
Ella Gauoyair, public iteoogruplier,
rciom 4, Paint building.
J. S. Davit, of i'tiofiiix wuh u rei-rnt
visitor in Mt'dfurd.
iMibn AI. Lawrence Iiiih returned from
u vittit in California.
Pboo vonr orders fur sweet cream or
hut term ilk to tbe creuuiery.
Claude Hotliwell Um left fur u short
isit in Los AiiKelen.
I'ublic stfQogruplier. Office over Ri
jou theater. Phone Xiuiu .1071.
Hberiff iiurncH of Klfimiith county in
in Med ford on tiutmicHH.
Over five hundred different shade to
M-l-et your Miiit from hi Kifert's. 301
J. J. I'hippH Iiuh returned I' nun nn ex
(ended trip to (tniitlK'iii California.
Orders for sweet eriitn or buttermilk
i.romutlv filled. I'lioue the creamery,
J. 1'ntterKoii of Talent Hpent Tnenda,v
in Med ford.
Mr. und Mrs. If. K. I'lnlt hnve return
ed from their wedding trip to t'nlifor
Fancy venting galore we make tbem
to your order. v. W. Kirert, the prog
rensive tailor. 299
II. (tent is a recent arrival in M'-d
fonl. HeHt wantB tin- heat in Hie bent
on the bent eonl iui'tit of the ghdte.
Place yonr ord-r for your Kantor suit
with Kifert. tin- prn((resHive toiler. 301
Wilt (1. Stiel. the Critter Liiket entliil
MiiHt, is in Medford on liiiHinen. He
leaves TiM-wliiv evening for Portland.
A movement for a V. M. C. A. ban
been luunchcd in Mid ford.
F. C Cretser f KM Devil Cement
Co. will build walk according to city
speeificittions for 12 12c per square
root. 8
Mrs, Taylor of Jacksonville is visit
ing lit the home of Mrs. If. E. Chip
.TInudinot Conner of Table Rock spent
Wunday hi Medford.
A. 0. Burdens of Hisboe, N. IX, is vis
iting Medford with a view towards ac
quiring property and settling in the
Mrs. Y. W. Cnrnaban, wife of the
manager of tho Hluo Led go mine, spent
Saturdny visiting In Med fonl.
J. W. Heyscr and Wellborn Beeson
and V. A. Duulup of Talent were re
cent Medford visitors.
1- M. McClemnee, D. E. Hunter, E.
K. Teters and E. I). Andrews are among
recent arrivals, who will work on In
stalling the Pacific Telephone coin
pany's new phono system.
Cadillac Snyder made the first auto
trip to Hold Hay of this season Sun
day. He reports roads drying rapidly.
Charles Young's new Cadillac "30"
has arrived from the factory. The car
jh n beauty.
Dr. Pirkel'B now Packard touring mo
tor car has been recoived from the fac
tory and is being given Its initial trials
by its owner. The car is one of the
c.istliest in the vn'.lcy.
Figure With Woolverton
AVoolvcrlyii emancipates the !onl Payer.
Don't, work and slave for a landlord. Own
vonr own home.
Woolverton will sell it to you on easy
Sewer Pipe
Medford Hardware Go,
Mr. M. K. Hollywood, special or
guni'zer for the Women of Woodcraft,
ii in the city and will remain here in
definitely. Hegular meeting in Red
men's ball Tuesday evening. All Wood
men requcHted to be present.
A musicul treat is in store for those
amusement lovers who see W, P. (Jul
leu's great production of "Tbe iiurgo
masliT ' ' at the Medford Wednesday,
March 111. Harry He rumen and Hut
White head the east. The music of the
(day is especially catchy. Among the
best Ming numbers are "I Love Vou,
Dear," "The Tnle of tbe Knnguroo,"
" Xover Let yourself Ho Worried,"
"Cupid Never Marri"s," "How Many
Have Vou Told That Tot" "The Hyp
not int." "The Gladiator" and the fa
iiioiih Indian chorus.
The Nash K. A. Wyekoff. Central
Point; H. P. Ht might. Hair Pruncisco;
(loud i not ( 'on tier, Table Nock ; P. W.
Chickering, Chicago; P. .1. Alex Mayer,
Portland; J. W. Hepen. Talent; It. O.
.lohiiKon, Portland; II. H. Klippeu, Wch
sington Springs; .1. J. Woodbury, Itich
field; Mrs. John InIu, Portland; Mrs.
P. W. Cn malum, HI lie Ledge; P. '.
Corum, Kosevillf; C. Heckett, city; T.
Leinemeber, J. Lyons, Portland; E. S.
Russell, Kent tie; W. .1. Veeves and
wife. Colorado Springs; L. C. Moulton,
Santa Monica; It. A. Hayen, Salem; J. (
M. Carroll, (iraud Porku; P. A. Pierre, j
MiuueapoliH; P. fi. Kbling. Chicago; t
P. Srhwantis. Coleubnrg; II. Hall, port
land; K. P. Chandler, Lewistim; A. M.I
Shannon, Portland.
The Moore K. H. Van A wait. Port
land; C. S. Itedfield. W. S. Kedfield.
Chicago; II. Adaiim and wife, Ashland;
V. A. Hiinlap. Talent; Vern H. Prudle
ton. Table Hoek; .1. '. A it ken. Wood
cille; Mrs. M. J. Alxdnrf. Medford; j
W. C, Earl-, Chn-ago; Willuim Mack.
It. .1. Junes. Portland; C. Sage, Ash
land; H. PellHt. Ashland; (I. C, Cook
,-ind wife, Porllt'iid: P. M. McClemonce.
Pacific Tel. Co.; I. K. Hunter, lv P.
Peter, E. I. Adamsou, Pacific Tel. Co.
Spelling Bee.
An old fashioned spelling match will
I tinted bv the Men's club of the
Pretsbvteriaii church Priday evening.
March It!. High school pupils will be
invited to contest honors with the bitsi
i. mi ami professioial men ami women
of Medford. Webber's International
liictioitarv will be an'tiority on spelling.
Judge W. S. Crowell Iiiih consented to
r e as " master. " U.-ferees and judges
Dr. K. H. Piekel. .1. E. Knvart. linn.
William M. Colvig. A sample list of
words will be printed before the event.
I urn prepared to fill orders for first
lass fruit trees, shrubs, palms, etc., at
lev. est price. Have on bend ."ii)0 Hnerre
llrsc pear trees, I to ti feet. Ask at
l-Miibit building. M. P. ALLEN.
Willi H charter members, Crater Lake
LaptiT of the l.'oyal Arch Masons will
be instituted this evening. The offi
cers will be placed in their chairs by
Kmil linlt. The officers of the new
li:ipter are: If ij-h priest, Clarence
! 'eames; king, W. H. Mcdowau; scribe,
M. Purdin; caplaiu ru' tlie uorts. Will
!nunc; royut arch captain, W. E. Lane;
iriucipal sojourner; W. M. Colvig; rnas
era of llic veil, Le n Haslciiis, H. C.
! entner ami II. C. Harnett; secretary,
f H. Woodford; treasurer, H. F. Piatt;
entiutd, Peter Ixirennen.
Store op ttcou En tertai union t.
An eiitrrt.'iiiiHient ivll he given at the
tnhcrrinele tonight, rriisist ing rt pic
i ores of t Ih Holy Ln nd, songs, ins! ru
nienlal menial music and other fea-iiir-H.
Come tonight. Admission 10
tents. Time 7:W p. m.
Plans Bi? Banquet
The (J rant Pans. ( ninmercial 'lub
1H liquet will t:Ue piece mi the evin
ing of March Hi. Tliis is one of tbe
j.reat eveiil of the vear in (irants Pass
:.mi everybmly is expeeting a goml time
si! vk the Courier.
Christian Endeavorers Meet.
Tin biennial cunveiit ion of the
Southern Ortgoii district was held hint
tvrek in Kelhany PreHlivteriau church,
in (irants Pass.
This comprises tho counties of
Jackson. ,loediinc, K laiuat h and
Lake. Then were present from out
side about twenty ilt-legnteii, all the
count ie bi'ing repnsfiit'd with the ex-
option of Lake.
Grants Pans Ball Team Organized
The tra uts Pass P.nsrbnll club has
lo-en ag lie for the coming
season ami the boys intend to start in
practicing ai soon us the weather will
prrmil. Then will be a u::d around
twenty players on tin diamond to try
out. They have ordered new suits of
gray with blue trimming.
Welcome to
the New Store
K THANK the Indies of .Medford for
I lie - rl ia welcome extended to us at
our oieninn Saturday afternoon. Visitors
saw the finest display of Suits, Cloaks, Mil
linery and furnishings ever displayed in
Southern Oregon. No choicer lino was ever
displayed anywhere. Some of those hand
some souvenirs still remain. Call, see what
we have and receive one.
Tbe ludieti of the ( iviv Improvement
himb have commenced to have the vem-
ti-ry roud graded, about eight men be
ing employed on it, and tbe town has
ordered u new steel gate to be placed
,:t the entrance.
T. J. WilliuuiMou uud family were
driving in town Hunday.
J. C, Muybuaui of Eagle Point was
doing business at tbe courthouse Mon
day. Ceorge Drown of Eagle Point spent u
f w bourn in towu Monday, lie' wus
accompanied by his brother, William
Drown, of British Columbiu, who is
makiug him a visit.
Mn. William Perry and family will
leave for northern California soon. Mr.
Perry is employed there.
Two offices ure being partitioned off
of the courtroom. One Is to be used
by tho Jackson County Abstract com
pany to photograph the records for that
Misses Anna Wendt, Fay Sears and
Misses Maud and Hertha Prim spent
.nndny in Medford.
Miss M. D. Towne spent Sunday at
I. or Inline in Phoenix.
Estute J. M. Heckatborn; order made
confirming sale of real property.
Estate fluldah Colvcr; order made to
make partial distribution of funds; or
der made confirming sale of real prop-
ert v.
Estate Matilda Jane Reeser; order
made discharging administratrix.
Estate Xellie A. Blackburn; urder
made to sell real estate.
SCOTT-At Qrants Pass, February
I'd, to tho wife of R. 0. Scott, a son.
Marriage Licenses.
Howard Ifulph Adams and Hazel Hil
o Ahlstrom.
Halph Clark nnd Stella M. Wbisler.
The Burgomaster Coming
W. K. Cullen has marie a big re
viva! of Pi x ley & Luders' famous
musical comedy success, "The Burgo
master", and will present it at the
Medford Theater, Wednesday evening
March l'Hh., with a large east, headed
by Harry Hermsen and Kuth White.
These (wo sterling players are in the
roles of tbe genial old Peter Ktnyves
mt, burgomaster of Xew Amsterdam,
and Willie, the gay youth who leads
tbe governor around NVw York when
be is re-incarnated . Tbe company
will number fifty people. Tbe produc
tion is especially a handsome one. The
costumes have been revised and ure all
new. Especial attention has been paid
by Mr. Cullen to the voices of the
chorus, as well as to the beauty of tbe
feminino portion. "Tbe Burgomaster"
was the first of th Pixley ft Luder
pieces to gain populirity, others being
"The Prineo of Pilsen", " King Dodo"
mid" The (I rand Mogule". The music
is of the singing and whistling variety,
and it is said more copies of the "Tale
of the Kangaroo" and "1 Love You"
have been nold than ruy other songs
brought out in musical comedies. The
ter.le are now on sale at Buskin's
At the Savoy.
Tonight at this popular theater you
will have your last opportunity to wit
ness an entertainment that is interest
ing, instructive and amusing. One of
the best pictures ever produced from an
educational viewpoint is on the bill,
"Vulture Hunting in Africa." It is a
film that holds one's 'interest from
start to fiuish, as it shows us many
wild birds of prey in their native
haunts; also the dangers encountered
and overcome by the African natives in
capturing the young birds. It should
not be missed by any lover of nature.
"Dreams of Wealth" is a drama of
the days of '4!, and portrays with great
vividness the dangers Mifferings nnd in
finite courage of those forerunners of
civilization who built up this great west
ern empire.
Two other laughable comedy pictures
round out an entortainment that is well
worth seeing. Kntire change of program
Wednesday nij;ht. Admission I He.
WHIPPLK At tho home o fhis son,
Henry, at Grants Pass, Tunmlny, March
2, Henry Whipple, aged 87 years.
NICHOLSON In Medford, March R,
Mrn. Nicholson, mother of Horace Nich
olson of this city.
DENVKK, March. 9. ed nnd
armed men held up the ticket agent at
tho Olovevillo depot of the Denver &
rnterurban railroad. They secured less
than $10, took off the telephone receiv
er and made good their escape. The
agent says they ordered him to open
tho depot safe, but when he swore he
did not know the combination they evi
dently believed him and left without
inflicting violence upon him.
I li.ive just received a shipment of
nursery stock consisting of the follow
ing: Howell pears, 46 feet; Bartlett
perrs, Anjou; Spitzenherg and New
town apples, 4 fl feM. A fine stock of
Lambert cherry trees.
Classified Advertisements
W AXTKD A large unfurnished room,
by a gentleman with his own furniture.
Drain Tile
Medford's "Little Kost" Ladies Store
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
' Vri.'IVKE IIUNTIN'O IN' AFRICA "Entertaining, iuti'restitng, in
slrui'tive tii-tun
"WHY TIIHY FF.Mj OUT" Ai'Oliioilyogrupll.
"A I 'It HAM OF WKAI.TII " A Western story in tho !uy of '411.
"MONKEY LAND" A. burlcsqui-graph.
Mits Ethel Kifert will sing tho latest juitrintic lialluil.
hi be used for lodging. Address W.
.are Tribune.
WANTF.D To rent, a 0 or 7-room
house, elose in. Address D, cure of
Tribune office.
WANTED Itiwoudehoppers to chop
t-ovdwootl and tierwood. Address T. O.
Hoi 418.
WANTED A girl; must be experienced
good wages paid. Address P. O. Box
4l':i, Medford, Or.
1'olf SALE House and two lots, close
in. at a bargain at $2.;l)'l, half cash;
-ttmii invested in a platting proposi
tion will net $1000 profit within 90
days. C. W. Stone, with lienson In
vestment Co. SOU
FOR"SAI. E Or t rid , t he beat "room
ing house in Medford. clearing $100
per month. Address C, enre of this
FOB SALE $300 bins two choice res
idence lots, corner, terms. $7.'0 buys
i ice little house and lot, good street,
c. W. Stone. Over llijou Theater. 301
There must be a jeaaoti why
we can nell Huits and we do sell
them. Have you thought f Our
prices are very reasonable, our
values me exceptionally good;
we guarantee n perfect fit. Med
ford people must have found the
above to be true. Hnve you! If
we please, tell others If not, tell
( We invite your inspection of
our immense variety of Spring
Wraps for Indies, misses and chil
dren. The newest ideas are here,
and out of the assortment wo
show you are sure to find some
thing to please.
$3.50 TO $35.00
$2.50 TO $15.00.
$1.50 TO $5.00
FOH SALE A new b'-room house, with
bath ami electric light and window
shades, for the small sum of $1800.
Mrs. F. (isenbruggc, 401 Riverside ave-
FOH SALE A good buy Four lots 50
b.v l-'s joining city limits on west,
$l"i0 each; cash only. Other lots in
this neighborhood nre selling for $250
to $:ioo cash. P. O. Box 571, Modford,
Or. 207
FOR SALE Choice business property
at a bargain, on long time; easy tonus.
Address P. O. Box 418. '
FOR SALE 3 and 10 aero tracts jujt
within und adjoining city limits, at a
bergain, ou a annual payments. Ad
dress V. O. Box 419. '
FOR SALE Houses, lots and land ia
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix, Or.
FOR RENT Suite of rooms suitable
for two gentlemen. Inquire 115 North
D street or at this office.