) r - Follow the Crowd for LIME l:.tt .v.al.. hijt..:.iJ. For we have plenty for all THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MET) FORD, ORKflOX, TUESDAY, MAT?("'H 9. 1000. BIG PINES LUMBER CO. CATHOLIC MAY MEET WITH PROTESTANTS IN CONFERENCE EDINBURGH, March 9. Committoea from several nations interested in the. world conferonco on foroign missions, to be hold here in Juno of next year, in ft today to eompleto plans for tho grent assemblage. It has beon deter mined that tho cou gross ahull bo the most representative over hold in the Christian world, and it is quite possi ble that tho Roman Catholic church will tirnd representatives and together con sider the missionary problems which both groat branches of tho Christian church have to meet. It is said that in the world arc bo mo -100,000,000 adherents of Christianity, nnad probably twice that number who have never beon brought under Chris tian influences. It is tho expectation of the committees that 1000 mon will reprnsont thoir churches at tho Edin burgh conference and taliat the serious business of the conferonco will be to determine how best the whole world may be reached with the Christian mes twige. There hnvo been two previous world Conferences on foreign missions, the first in London and tho second in New York in 1000. Next year's con ference is to be more comprehensive than either of tho preceding ones, ull English, Hcotcb, Americnn and conti nental religious bodies being represented. DECLARES THAT STATE AIDED ROADS ARE SUCCESS PORTLAND, Or., March 0. John R. Cochrnn, n New York lumber rnilrond man visiting Portland, declares that state aided railroads as proposed for Oregon are pruetic.nl. Ho built a simi lar road in North Carolina and says that such a road would greatly increase Oregon properly ns it did in North Car rlina. He said: "Our plan in North Carolina was to go through the county, hco tho executive officer, make an es timate of the cost of building the road across the county, end ask for the lowest amount tho cost would warrant. In every ease the authorities granted the bond issue. It was built at an av erage cost of $25,000 per mile through tho mountains and 15,000 acres of fiat land." MAN'S BODY FOUND IN CONCRETE WHERE HE DIED SEATTLK, March 9. Solidly set in tho cement with which he was concret ing tho north trunk sewer at tho time of tho cavein in which killed him two weeks ago, the body of August, A. Stan gel was found yesterday morning. The immense weight of earth and fnlling timbers crushed his bodily into the soft mass. TWO LARGE REALTY DEALS NEAR GRANTS PASS Sinro the inauguration of tho big irrigation project, outside capital has hegun to take definito stops in procur ing some of the best and most valu able fruit lands, says the Observer. Among tho large properties which have changed hands last neck was Herman & Klynn's farm of 240 acres. The pur chasers wero Axel O. Hood and W. L. Hood of Kellogg, Sonoma county, Cal. Tho price wns 30,000 and the new owners propose to plant tho tract to commercial apples. H. L. Herzinger and Thomas Oalviu, the real estate men, promoted the deal. They also sold n fliio tract recently to V. O. King, of Putte Mont., which was previously owned by J. W. Smith. Mr. King will also plant to apples and pears. Con sideration $30,000 . 0. H. Corner bought from Sullivan & Mottram the 700 acres known us tho Miller farm two nud a half miles from the city. This is one of tho best places in the valley below town. There is a valuable or chard of 60 acres on tho property and thin alone would bring in the market n good share of the purchase price, which wau $27,000. TROLLEY LINE RUMOR AGAIN RAISES ITS HEAD It is rumored in high circles that an electric railroad will be built connect ing Grants Pass, (Inld Hill, Central Point. Jacksonville. Med ford, Talont and Ashland, says the Jacksonville Pest. Tho road can be built if the resi dents of the Rogue River valley wish it. The party who is interested in. the matter ;it present has had a great deal of experience with electric railroads ii nd has been connected with the Will amette Valley system. Ho has also rrimiv' a study of this field. It ih reported that the fair from Jacksonville to Ashland wijl be 2"i cents over the electric road and 50 cents to Grants Pa 'is nnd 5 cents to Medford. Tho car will make the trip from Grants Pass to Ashland in niuty minutes, with an hourly service from Jacksonville to Medford. Nothing of n definite nature could ascertained further than money is talking this time instead of hot air. CAPTAIN FITZHUGH DENOUNCES COOPER IN CARMACK CASE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 700 l.VMI 12 Ml O. H. P. Voorheis to Fnmeen ",. Roth, hind in lot 1, block ii, Burr's additiou to Medford . . .$ n'lMl P. A. Hines to J. D. Wilson, land in section .10, towuship II", range 4 W 1 United States to Franklin F. Fox land in section fi, township Jill, range 3 W patent Nellie H. Hazclrigg to Howard S. Dudley, laud in section 3, town ship 37, range 1 V 0000 George G. Lnomis to I). 0. Sage, lot 20, block 5, ttbs.4 addition to Medford M. B. Glover to J. C. Brown, land in section 2'i, township 37, range 1 K I". W. Sheffield to Denne W. Bow erst i x, bind in section 14, town ship 3!t, range 1 K A. 1. Talent to William Stuiley, lots 1 and 2, block 10, Med ford 1 United States to Martin Flterton 40 acres in section 22, township 30, range 4 W patent United States to Jesse Richardson, 40 acres in sectiou 12, town ship 3.1, range 2 W patent United States to George Herreii, 100 acres in section 14, township 40, range 3 E patent United States to Lulu Herren. 104..") 7 acres in section 10, township 40, range 3 K patent United States to (Jeorge O. Ma tter, 100 acres in section 10, township 32, range 2 H patent Melvin D. Sturgiss to Almirn Sturgiss, 105 acres in section 34, township 3S, range 3 W . . . 1 Komclia M milters to L. McKrlane, property in Railroad addition tn Ashalud Clarence C. Pierce to Kay Wil son, 20 acres in section 1 1, township 30, range 1 W Grants Pass Debaters Win. The debate between the Grants Puns II igh School debating ten in and the ( ential Point team, lit Id in the Grants I'ios Opera house last Friday evening, was a warmly contested affair, hot It sitl'T. putting up a good line of argn nu nt for their respective positions. The question at issue was "Resolved, that three fourths of the jury should be competent to render a verdict in all rim i nn 1 cases. ' ' The Grunts Pass tenia took the affirmative side of the in slum and won. IO.'iO All roads lead to Medford, The up to-dnto town Whore all kinds of dirt Can be bought of JOE BROWN. (HIIHNANCK NO. 170. An ordinance providing for the can eclh'.tioii and termination of a certain contract between th city of Medford :nid one Robert King for the making of taps and connections with the water mains of said city. Section 1. That eertniu contract en ier"d into between the city of Medford and Robert King for making all taps and connections with the ciiy water mains, which was entered into on or about the 5th day of September, 1008. pursuant to ordinance providing for the execution of such contract, entitled " An ordinance providing for the execution of a contract with Robert King for making taps and connections with the itewlv installed distributing system of the water supply syslem of the city of Medford and providing the terms there of," passed August 4th, 100S, be nnd the same is hereby crncelled and ter minated, and the city recorder is herehy directed to notify r.ai 1 Robert King of tiaid ciuicellation and termination of Mi contract nud to require him to im mediately turn over 1r the superintend ent of the water plant nil tools and sup plies in his hands belonging to tho city of Medford. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 4th day of March, 1000, on the following vote: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Kifert. aye, EmericU aye, Wort man aye, IVmmer aye. Approved March nth. 1000. W. IT. CANON, Mayor. A (test: BENJ. M. COLUNS, ;t()0 City Recorder. fx? VAv-:?1 I 'lv i ' 4 " x v t" V V if.., m J '1 ' -v,S1 (it KJJ'-1 f i n I U t d 7 . 14 RUTH WHITE AND SOME OF KANGAROO GIKLS IN "THE BURGOMASTER.' A Phontie Purchase. Tho Iniv lli-nry Mllli-r, wlio wua Ulilc. )I.H.m...IuT mill fl'H'lld to iiui uy ji.i.k Iuvith wlllilli il thiiusulid mill's yt Now York. W1IH H MHtrtl sucffssful iuh'Kimm. iiih' iluy lu' I'lilli'il uu Collin 1'. Iliiiitliiuion mill hIiowpiI liiiu u rare in; .' uf a book. "'I'lii'iv are two volume of I li .H Mr. Millor. "The oilier volume 1.1 in ierfti-t order, mm you see tutu iiui- i-. Vou I'iiniiot poKMllily let them fsi-ape you, for you know you have iioihliiK like this lu your library." lull la the price'" asked the lull ii.I.I.Iii. "Sfveu huiitlreil dollars. " said the )iK:;iii:m. "T!io;:i' are too valuable volllitles for ay lilirary." Mr. HlllitliiKton el liilitii'd. Mr. Miller went haik to his plaee nil sent I lie books to Mr. IIiliiliiiK oil's house with a bill for $7(HI. Neil .iy the rillroad klliK Helit for ti I Ml. "Why ilid y.-u send ine those books?" deiniindi'd sharply. "llmause you bought llieni," was lie hooklinilt's ealni reply. "1 eerlnlnl.v did not!" cried the rail- lire. 'Oh. yes. you did!" answered Mr. 1 Hit. "You'll remember perfectly I u't'.'ii I I. It yi u w luil you said. I I ' 1 l:n- distinctly. Those lire wo valuable volumes for my llbra y.' " I !.tr er's Weekly. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Marrh 9. Cap tain FitzhiiRh. in opening the Coopet murder trial for the state yesterday indulged in o fiery denunciation of Col onel Cooper, accused of killing former Senator Cnrinack. He called Cooper a "high-handed gambler, a mnn who plays for high slakes and never applies the winnings to his honest debts, nn em bezzler of the funds of widows nnd or phans committed to his care in public office." TAILORED Serenely happy is the man who ran feel that his garments are tailored perfeetly. This is the t'eelinp our patrons can enjoy. Satisfaction will he yours if you lmvp your suits, coats, etc., made here. The way we fit around the neck and shoulders is a revela tion. Try us. The larjfPHt line of domestic and imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PR0ORLS3IVE TAILOR Agents for Henderson Corsets VAN DYKE'S Agents for Henderson Corsets See our Center Tables for Special Sale Goods this Week Table Linens at Great Savings $1.50 All Linen Satin Damask, 70 inches wide, $1.15 7")c, 70-inch Linen Dnik, ex tra value, 55 cents A special lot of Cotton Table Damask, 25 cts. yard A lot of Mill end Damaiks at 6oc a vard. Lace and Embroideries A special lot of Embroideries and insertions at 15e Special Laces at, yard 5c 12-yard pieces at 50c Special prices in Corset and wide embroidery patterns. New Dress Linens Money savin" prices. Natural lineiis at L'Oc, '-!", 3.V and 4V yard. White Linens at ". "( and 75c yard. Mercerized and F.uicy Striped I tress Linens at 35c Yard Medford Theater IMNLKV & U! DUNS' Musical Masterpiece WHY, TI1K 1 DMA ! IS IT POSST.KLTC? The BURGOMASTER HAHRY 1 1 li R M S K N RUTH WIIITK And the same Wi$ Company of Favorites, in cluding that Bewitching Chorus of K A N ! A U () O (I I R L S Wednesday March 10 Cod:! of Reference. cv. -;i:it or iVIInis like to nnwei" uesi I'.tii.s I'l'ili-sfcd to I lie m by their e.uirfi if i hey (ire lint too hard lid they (t'.'ctn tliriiiHi'lvrs as arbiters ntlser t u Mi accessories t ti nits "riv.c:: :mr when they are uppenled to op l: rci'!:i:illoii "to di'rldn a bet." IlUl liey ut.rtU-r sonifl Iiiicm why certain MiesHmis are oul to them for arbllra :hmiI when I In answer hhi to bo tili::d I i r!'t nf three very aci-esslbto mi'k-i ;ri :!h:iaiiai', a raiuinar and a !;i.t!l !l 'Hiiiiury. 'I hee nre lurcUs of ri'fen'iiee that u -hi to be Iii every In one library. lowoviT Miiiill. 'i jruesH Hint they r tint that they are sometiineft dusty villi misuse or out of easy reaeh on a 'ttp KhHf. It Is well to have nn nl-i::iiia-', a 01-tloiiary or an nttas bnndy wh 'ii you are reinlhiK your newspnper. Ily consult IttK l Ih'Iii frequently tho reader will Ami Ills dally paper relates 'lis early historical studies to present vents and makes his touch with tho vnrld closer and more Mtcnlftrnnt. net In- bnblt!-New York Mall. AFTER THE THEATER ' it is I he eiiHltimary and proper thing to take your friends Indies or gentlemen around to a well appointed restaurant and order a nice lillln supper of oynters, or the like, lfight here let it bo understood lh:it we cuter for ' ' t heal er t rude, ' ' and are well provided its to oik! things to eat, well served and reasonably priced to meet nil requirements. Advance nrdera for four nr moro retidy at time appointed, The Emerick Cafe Open Ail Night NEW 36-IXCH MESS ALINE SILKS IN PLAIN AND FANCY STRI CMS ,X EW I'ONJJKES. S A INS, LAWNS, WOOLENS, NEW SUMMER UNDERAVEAR, NEW P.OS' t'LO'l HINC SP IAL LOT OF GINGHAMS AT 12 l-2e YARD. dry goods VAN DYKE'S J!0J1 lv A Sporting Parton. III.- inhibition of ti buniiiK rector y h! I inh p rctiilnds a correspondent h:ii the Itev. .lack Itussell. the fa noiis -s count ry sport liiR parsm, vjis om e bed to appear beforu tin? iIsIm i of Kxeter to answer churK ' :citliiK his splrltiinl and parm-hlal tuiii-s, nnd Un wits also remonstrated .ltli for krcpliiK and following a puck if hounds. The chnres were proved unfounded, nud Iliisnell refused to Klve up the sport, which be continued !o pursue almost to the day of bis leath In IKHJt. at the atce of elghty-'IkIiI- Iteshles Im'Iiik all llisntiitbb' hunter, be whs. as bis bloKrspher niihlly remarks, " stanch supsirter if levonstdre wrtii(lrx. an ortmlrable 4prrer ami an puthuslHstic upholder :if the virtues of Devonshire rider and 'renin. " And In the pulpit bo tried to reform condmt rather than to ex pound doctrine and was a stem de oouie-er of bsd lanKUage. strong Irlnk and "the fllthy hnblt of amok Irt.' Kt. .lames' f Janet t. Sarcasm In the Commoni. The n in t.uice of th house of com mons to adjourn over Perby day re rails a st.-rv related of one of the Fto ni.iM ( 'at li'dfc peers who took their sent some four or Ave years before the pa-saL''- of ihe first reform bill aft er :tn cx' lulon of a century nnd a half !!' irnve notice that on a certain da- he would mnko a certain motion, whcrfuMn there arose from his noble ol!cBHUe a Kern-nil rry of "Iierby!" ' i- ttstonNhed novice named another ':iy. only to bo (greeted w,th an equal ly unanimous exostulatlon of "Ooks!' At this he explained that be would have to ask the forgiveness of their InnMiips: but. harlne been educated abroad, lie whs forced to acknowledge that he was not familiar with the list of saints' day In the AiikIU an calendar. .;. K KNVAI1T. President. J. A. PKHIIY, Vice President. JOHN H. ORTH, Caahior. W. Ti. JACKSON, Ass't Casaier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS on. $50,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. !1 INVEST YOUR SAVINGS in a beaut i fvil Diamond Ring. Aside from the prostigo a good diamond gives, it ii an invoit ment ymi can readily turn back into rash. My line of mountings and sixes offr ample scope for every fancy. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELBE Near Poet office. Fine Witch and Jewelry Repair ing a Specialty. AJ1 work guaranteed. j Orn.il f- r IMririr Norlhl kV.rOtV- l'1' ZSf fi, ii . Wi t .f ri.iw. f --! ffw f"r r imul'lt reaiuafi liuco., rcitiusi, immn. ua uiumi, uh