Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
Officiul l'aper of the City of Medford.
Published every evonina; except Wunday.
M K 1) E O It D P U 13 L J S Jl J N G . 0 O M P A N Y
(Jeohoe Putnam, Editor uud Manuyer.
Admitted uh Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice ut
Medford, Oregon.
Out month by mmi or crrir. . . .0.60 Outi year by nmil $0.00
It's a lialiil with a ureat uihiiv of those of us who
call ourselves Oreoiiiaus to approach new projects li
a crah. We sidewise, hackwards or crawl around
anylhinu; hut. a direct .approach. When it is desired to
attain certain cuds, we liein to figure how tin y cannot Ik
attained and find a tliiiii-uuiil obstacles blocking the w:n
lu short, we figure how not to do things, iiiM"ail of ho,
lo do them.
I'ersistciK'c, coinage and brains can accomplish almost
anything. There never was a stone wall that could not be
climbed or K"1"' around. There are few obstacles that
cannot be overcome if tackled aright. Desired ends that
cannot be attained, if reasonable and proper ctiort is made
are scarce. Nothing worth while comes with. nit el foil -and
sometimes lull"; continued effort. The gamblers'
gains tin- net-rich-(iiick gains are not worth the hav'.i;1,
for they cost so little.
It is the struggle for things, the battle to overcome
obstacles, the long, hard fight against odds, rather than
the actual attainment, that gives life its zest. ' work
to win, but rob a victory of the effort it cost and the glory
has departed.
Any community, ambitious to become something more
than a country crossroads, has a struggle before it and
tin' more ambitious the town, the harder the struggle, hard
er perhaps in Oregon than in some other states, for con
servatism tends to impede progress and development is
proverbially slow. There is no reason under the sun why
Oregon, as rich or richer in resources than her sister states,
should have so long lagged behind in development.
Medford. a city of newer Oregon, has accomplished
wonders for a small city, but there is still much work to
do before ambitions will be realized. There must be no
halt in the program of progress. The coining summer
must see greater growth than the city ever realized before.
Street paving and public improvement must be pushed
vigorously. Systematic work to secure factories and pay
rolls must be undertaken in earnest, while the publicity
work must be carried on more vigorously and on a larger
scale than ever before.
Aledford has the name of going after what she wants
and getting what she goes after. She must live up to the
name and play the game. No city is built without effort,
and united, persistent effort at that. When an obsade
confronts tbe city, it must be rolled out of the road, for the
path of progress must not be blocked, even temporarily.
Medford s future is brighter today than ever before
hut it is so only because of the untiring efforts of the
past. To realize that future, ceaseless effort must be put
forth in the present to do things-so that Medford may
indeed become a city m all that the name implies.
Wither subsidy nor other consideration has been demand
ed only a chance to risk big sums of money in something
that no one hitherto has had either the knowledge, nerve
oi' resources to tackle. Hearty co-operation on the part
or .he community should be forthcoming to enable the in
vestors to bring their plans to a successful 'eaturity.
I'pon the success of these ilans hinge many other pros
pective enterprises, for Colonel Mundy and associates are
the most progressive promoters that ever n.iited Medford,
and have brought moneyed men of the east into touch with
the countless undeveloped resources of this region, one
of the richest sections in the world in undeveloped re
sources, so that an era of development may follow.
The placer miners are reaping u har
vest thai will put many thousand of
(I..) Ii r-H of money in circulation, Hays
the, Jacksonville Posl. The creeks lire
full of water uu.l tin- high niountuiiif
lire covered Willi snow which promise
to feed the streams until lute in tin
season. Most u II the placer iniue
in the vicinity of Jacksonville arc be
ing worked and niuuy new claims are
being staked out.
There are several nice collections of
nuggets in Jacksonville. The best i
owned by I', e. Beek'iiai , of the Heek
man Banking House, who has about
llr best collection on tin asl.
Fropald Railroad Orders,
"Nomelhing which is of eousidernblo !
uilorest to the jmblir generally nail,
which iB perhaps not generally known j
in tho system of prepaid orders notff !
fleet between stutt n of, the Soulhuro j
'ncific company and nil points in the
I'liilml lllates. Ilv menus. of thin system
tickets may bo piirchused at Medford !
from nay place in the United States and
nailed or telegraphed direct to the par- i
ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac-
commodatioiis and small amounts of
ash in connection with these tickets
nay also be forwarded at the same
time." tf i
During March & April
From all Parts of the East
$33 from Chicago j
$30,BO from St. Louis'
$25 from Omaha !
$25 from Kansas City
Hitni,iinc) linvi' mi
ni Iht 1'iiinl';.
Wi ilo Ictli rs lo i' ei In ul v vmi know
n th Kast ami t.'ll ll.m :ikuit their
w roli'iii'-t r:ite. S.-n.l tfim literature
biMii Oivij.mi, i-r s 'idl :Vtr :i.Mre.u-s
to lift ami e will .lo it. : tliii w;iv
mi run te :t cnvil li. lp i'l l he jjrowth
irii toi;ri"s of oiir s'.iili-.
for nuxoiu1 trom nny pi.ire it yon want
IVpojnt the lHVi'iry titnount with
mi- jiL'fnt ni'.l lie will telegraph
icVot promptly.
Inquire of Aleuts or write to
Oeecral Passenger Agnt
Tbe Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.
Southern Pacify Co. .Lines in Ortgoul
The authentic announcement printed exclusively in
The Tribune that development of AletUord's coal field
is lo he undertaken upon a large scale and that boring for
oil will licgin at once, is the best news published in .Med
ford since the legislature voted an appropriation for the
Orator Lake road, For many mouths the prospective de-velopei-s
hae been acipuring properly and options that
would make the proposition worth while if expected re
sults niatenali.ed. They have already invested over
f UKI.UH.) in the purchase of land, and preliminary work
justifies an etenMe investment.
It is planned to mine eventually 7,'hX tons of coal a
day. The coal bed is one of the uavst extensive in the west,
according to go eminent geologists, and extends for l'J
miles along the eastern slope of the valley. Within a few
months oiKi miners will lv working. Whether or not oil
will be found the future alone can determine, but indica
tion., are fa orabic.
Colonel .1. l- Mundy and Patrick Murphy, the leadinu
spirits m the promotion ot the projects, are practical coal
uud oil opeiaiors of the Springfield. 111., district. Allied!
with llieni are a number of eastern coal miners, who have'
seen the local field and are satisfied that the prospects jus ,
tify development.
The opening et coal mines means an enormous initial:
expense. Uaihvads must W constructed and equipped.!
a nnning town built, expensive machinery installed and
countless other investments made K-foits am returns are!
tvceivtl. The csil land itselt costs a fortune to a.,(uire.
The coal mines, if developments prove what thev arc
expected to prove, will be the greatest asset Medford or
the valley could possess. Not will thev furnish
elipatioll for liundi-eds and a stca,; pai.ll. but evtiv j
Hvontie of busiiuss will feel the iii!.ctus Pactones will!
f !!ov elieap fuel, and many industia i-, , Mahhsh- i
ed. :
It is the duty of everyone to assist the ,M,.moters mj
every way possible in their efforts to develop the countrv.
'I hey have asked nothing of the community but fair play. 1
When You Think
When you want
to know any
thing special
about S HOBS
Go to
c. w. Mcdonald
Successor to Smith S Molonv
More Light for Less Money
Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using
32 Candle Power Edison Lamp ues 110
Watts per hour aud would use in iooo his.
110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $u
32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses
40 Watts perhour and would use in icon
hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;lo
watt 4
Nt Saving' in iooo hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp $ 7
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Office, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3.".
Opposite the Big Electric Sign.
the Quality
lf!J:llilt:l:l:liUl iiMlt I
It id, aud always b-us
been our aim to supply
our customers with
gotli of the highest
quality ami -to tha: en.l
we are always tultlin
quality to our lin The
'liddition of p-eferrcil
tock inukr.4 our li:to
of .; ii ar:iile CjumicI
Godi most complete.
Our acrvice always the
! it and every accom
given our customers.
Allen & Reagan
Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit
and Feed
F. .V. e um ml ns
T. W. Osgood
Osgood & (Bummings
Givil Engineers
The Best Equipped Engineering Office
in Southern Oregon
Surveys, Maps. Plans, Specifications, Re
ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and
Water Works, Paving and Road Making,
Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnagc
Office Medford Xational Bank Bid.
Timber and Coal Lands
Apply to
B. Ii. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of
Fruit Trees
Largest Commercial Nursery in tie Pacific
Northwest. Not in tLe combine. Competes with
all first-class nurseries
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
Medford Iron Works
E. G. TUOWBRTDGE, Propiittor.
All kinds of Enh es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
HuVcif and Machinery.
Agents in Soi'tLrn Oregon for
1 xccroBD. OREOOIT m.
Suite Dt'pdHitr.ry
Establinlmd 18SS.
Capital nail Surplus $125,000
H('si.nrrc 700,0(I0
Highest Attainment in
Systematic Banking Service
The Jackson County Bunk respectfully
HiilieitB your uccuuni, subject to yvur
cheek, with the strongest guarantee of
safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic banking bit vice, which as
Mires the greatest care in evory finan
cial transaction, with this obliging institution.
W. I. VAWTKR, President.
O. It. MNDLEY. Cauhicr.
Making an Acquaintance
with tuir hamls(tmo line ofexelusive fab
rics f both imported nd domestic
wunleus hIhhiM be the aim of every nmu
in Sinitliein Oregiiii who would look bin
and be attired in the latest decree
nf fashion's dictates. We choose most
n'chi'i'clie fal)rics, and we fashion, cut
end lit llirni in a style that makes yon
tcrl that "the tailor makes tho man"
J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co.
Importers andTailors
You will find
your wife's
is usually hotter than your own,
ami you will find on consulting
1:t tli:it she does not approve of
paying out good, hr.rd carned dol
lars for rent, when there nra on
many good properties on ihe market at reasonable figures in Medford.
A woman has a keen eye for loc'timi, surroundings, etc., and hor judg
m. nt .an l.e -eiied upon in making a select ion fur a home. Brimg hor
wi!h v.n. a:M uiuk,' a inp-, li,.n f ;ie good things now of
fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. It is almost
time to make garden." and it i,i high time for aetion in securing n
home where you can enjoy the g,.i things of life in this wonderful v.
ley. Pen't delay act now.
Rogue River Land Co.
Exhibit Building-, MEDFORD
ytlrs. Hmne Ifamptort Usaacs
Instructor of "Piano. "I.lst Sttcttjoo
Sluilo at Mt.t.Vmc,. lCrtb Ornj Strl
SALEM is the most popular br in Northern
(. alifornis aud Southern Oregon. It is acknowl
edged to be the evual of the very best eastern
jT-oduot. All betrs are gool. but some beers art
liked better than others. The pnv.f f,.r this as
sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If Touwih
to le convitnTvl. ask for Salem beer and dnr.k it
Metlford Depot: Medford i Storace C,-..
A C. Randill
L. D. Huril
Rogue River Investment Co.
-. Sab-Dlviderj ad Developers Rogue River Valley Or
ct.ird lands.
!''-' frait Us,1- IxariEg and young orehards in small 'nd
.,ff- t:a-;s. for wle.
We P"nt and eare for orchards .nd guarmtee propertv to
! f i'r, sejted. r r
Experience Xot Xecessary for hour,-.ase through us. They secure th. adrise and
',: '"-'ult:ig horliooltunst. an expert on fruit cul
" :s h"nchl'- "ho for several yens has eicelM in
w:t ng of fruit in the Rogue River vaflev.
r--.r. p--ps. r,e,ird packs, record prices,
ui North D Street, Medford. Oregon
PHONE 2291.
jdow Frame,. O.C Ve.eereJ Poor,. ilh Bevel P!ue. carried i. .toek ebep.
Off IWe. i kd, of :,g MlI, Work iatMtat Turned Work
" ' ncv Grill
rsrrr :
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