Til R MEDFORD DAT'LY TRTRTINK MEDFORD, OREO OX, MONDAY. MARCH B. 1000. Social and Personal Mr. uud Mm. (,'. II. King ure visiting t'riemU iu Wuinu Vulloy. Kilt tor Puttisou uf Oiiirnj lJoiut wuu n roc cut visitor in Medford. Ueurge Ilruwn of Kiiglo Foiut Hjit-nt Suuduy in Mfdfonl. Klla Guunyaw, public iteiiugrupber, room 4, J'alrn building. Mimr A. llu-Hs viHiti'd tho rotiutv Hint on Kurnluy, C. . McOuiiuld tlio uliutt mail lias returned from a vimt. to Mold Hill Awssor T. Oriuvo an-ut Monday ti ft criiociu i n M id ford. Join. H. MilU of Portland is Hpeiidiiig a few days in Med ford ou Ijuhiiichb William Corning of I Jon Muiiies, iri n n'ci'iit Medffrd arrival. Will (1, Ktet-I ik fxH(-twl hack from Portlund Tiiowlny. J. I). Heard 8iit Sunday in the nortlieru end of tho valley. Phono yuur orders for nwftet cream or buttermilk to the creamery. Huporinlendetit . Karrar of Gold Pay was n recent vinilor in Medl'ord. Public Rtenogniphpr. Officii ovor Bi jmi theutnr. Phone Mnin 3071. 0. P. Billings, the Anlilmid attorney, was a reeeiil visitor in Medl'ord. Ovpr five hundred different Khadea to M'l-ct your Hiiit from ui Kifert H01 S. C. Collins fif KaniH Valley spent Sunday in Med ford v mi ling with bin brother, the city reeaider. Orders for awttet croarn or buttermilk promptly filled. Phonn tho uroutnory. Richard .1. Calder Nprnt Sunday in Medford from the onnrrieH of tho Ore gon (iranile I'oiiipany. Kliner Crnter ban left for Dorris. H liero bo recently nctpiired coiiHidorable fruit laud, which ho intend n to start improving at ouco. T. T. Kilpaliiclt of Sacramento is spending a few i!hvh in tho valley. He may docide to remain if bo finds a pliit-o lo bin lik ing. The work on the frntne building for the now planing mill of tho Nig Pines dumber company in under way and w ill ti inn bo ready for t ho machinery. Fancy vontings galore w make them lo your ordor, W, W. Kifert, tho prog ronidvo tailor. 299 Or. It. II. Onle :ind family have ro lu mod to their homo in Marslifield aft or spending some titnn visiting n latives in Mod ford. Plnco your ord-r for your Kastor unit with Kifert, the progressivo tailor. 301 C. H. Snyder ln.vi bis Mm) Cadillac "311" to I ho river tin Sunday. Ho re port h tho roads as in good condition, i onuidering the heavv ruins of tho past two months. I. I. I liiniiH on is :ill Kiniles over the wonthor outlook. II.' expects tn haul material for the pipeline as soon as the "r.ticky" dries out, which will not le long without more rain. Chnrlcn l. Har.clrigg, wilh tho Mod ford Opera company, play Central Point tonight. This will bo ibo final perform onen of " Fra Diavolo. " (icorgo Freinont of Culunibus. ()., is a rocont arrivel from tho east. He camo to tho Poguo Itivor valley after visiting tho other fruit districts of the northwest. Ho intends to took thorn all ovor and then settle. Pr. II. M. Shaw of Ashland was a recent visitor in Mod ford. Tin doc tor reports unanimous sentiment on the part of Ashland rotidouts towards the Crater Lake appropriation by tho conn tv ronrt. i i it 'm, a. r,y . v-.j '"fMhi ra saw - y ProgresRlres Win. Tuehiluy'a ck-otion in .lui-knonvillf sustaiui'il a lic it water syateni und ci -nii-nt idfwulk. Ol'fii'cru lectcd: I'oun lilmin: Kinil Hritt, (1. A. Davit. Cliun. Dunfunl, T. T. xliaw. Fred Fick; pity niarnliul, Juhn II. llufferj Xrect turn misxiouer, I). E. Ilaiuy. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WA.NTKO A large unfurnished ruoin, by a geutlciuan with bis own furniture, to be used for lodging. Address W . cure Tribune. W A XT ED To rent, a 0 or 7-room bouse, clone in. Address D, euro of Tribune office. WANTED 12woudehoppera to chop cordwood and tierwood. Address P. (). Box 418. WANTED A girl; must be experienced good wages paid. Address P. O. Box 423, Medford, Or. FOR SALE. FINALE ACT I, PIXLEY h LUDERS' BIO COMIC OPERA, THE BUROOMA STER," AT THE MEDFORD MAB. 10. Thrro i a problem, that nil want to know; To nolvo it just call on the DIRT SKI. I. MR JOE Tho Ineljnh yirls pent n most do lightful afteinoou Saturday at the homo of Miss Star Marslmll on Onkdale nve nue. This is the thud mooting of the club. F. (. Crotsor of Rod Devil Cement Co. will build walk according to city specifications for 1- I "c per square 20 WORKMEN START REPAIRS More Men Are Soon To Be Added in Putting in New Telephone System Here foot. 31 W All roads lead to M.Kord. Th up to date town Where all kinds of dirt Cuu bo bought of .IOK HKOWN. Tho new cooperative dnro company which was incorporated last week an dor tho mi mo of the (irnnU Pass Koch dnlo coinpiuiy for $."t0,OO0 capital, met reconlly at tho conrlbonse to adpt by laws and lo elect a board of directors, says the Outlook. The following board was elected: K. V. Smith. W. (i. Hurt. W. T. Perrv. Edward Lister and Marcus W. Robbms. An important real f-Hato transaction was closed tocently in Central Point, when Edgar li. Whiteside of this city purchasoil 1 'J foot from tho owners of opera house pioportv and adjoining proper! v, tho consideration being $4.V. The rontrrit't. whu'h was signed up "'ueslay, jMMiding the completion of an abstract, contains a pioisiin renuirinn tho now owner to erect a brick, con erete or other fireproof building on the proportv. and Mr. Whiteside has already taken the nut i.il sf op to v. ards inune diaie building operations. Twenty workmen were put at work .Mo:nIay on t lie new telephone svsteni for Medford that the I'acitie Telephnin eompaiiy is iiiHtalliug to n'pliico the lueseiil service, whieh it is admitted, the eity bus outgrowa. Ten uion wore put to work rewiring houses and the baliillee will work ili-.'al(ing telephone poles. One ear of poles have arrived, the first of '( ears oideled here. One ear of wire has been received and an other is on the way. Six miles cable will be -.notched on tho new system 'o replace the net work of wires now in use. Part of thom will be laid in subwavii. Many of the new poles will be placed iu alleys. When onipleted, Medford will have the fin est phone system of any small eitv in the laud. If another system were installed, it would mean a ivinilir forest of imles long the strfiMs, states the lelepli hen, for there would bo t wo svstomr poles in addil ion to the light and power poles. Merchants and biiMticsv men will hnve to p:iy two phono foil tals, aiut those who had the proposed ti .ens' lino would get no long distance r ice. Orients P;if, ' council has re fued tho franchise a ket I for. o that Medforil customers Would onlv be able to talk inside the city. The many disndv:mtngos til" a dual phone svstom have been reapeil w her ever I r ictl. There is no city that ha tried two syiteniM without regretting it. ami if t lu Pacific Telephone compauv modernize its system here and gi e g I service, there is no reason why Medford should encourage a rival svs torn. Bumod by Electric Wire Mrs. S. 11. (lodge met with a very pain nil accident last week, and a result was sevorlv burned on tho hand bv an electric wire, says the Cold Hill News. While attempting to turn off the light . n the rear porch of her home, her hand ! came in contact with tho wire, which! was undoubtedlv etosed with ouie high tension who. The cm rout drew her' hand onto the wue until it was nec arv to cut tho power off before ) hand could be rele:ited. Iler thumb w hadlv burin d and necessitates the c:i t' a phvsieian. LEWIS WRITES Or PRUNING Issues Article Dealing With Pruning Work in Apple Orchards of This State I rotes-tor . I. Lewis of the Oregon igricultiiial college ,;,s issue.! the fol If on aiple pruning: is almost impossible to give hard fast rules for apple pruning that I. wing ul ill apply ill i and latitude. so d long influence, d it ions are to a u important factor, i nd the general iluird imist :1 1h The I i i i's h im oi (uiiis lend to nuiki while in many ra-i i In.; range io not i uses, V variety. Local cl re or les The age oidilions taken in Hie Ca?: r altitude, all exert i mimic coir s tlegree an of the treei of the or to account, ado inoun huge growth found east of much growth s would be desired and need he: lining ktck in older to stimulate their growth. We will begin with the vouug . I ho t rei i.l rly bandied, ave yourself noiiey. With nil head low ome fi.mi 1 round. Tin IOK' effect t Bo Careful of Your Trees, list of all. be sure you get 1 year old s t hat an- not si noted. You had or pii from VI to 'Jo cents apiece 1 vent old lie.-- l;in to haVO lllirs- uiaii gie you tin- averiige '2 year bcc:iu-.e lb.- 1 e:il old tlee, if prop ivill me:iii that yon will Mich hard work and more the 1 ye:ir old tree you that is so the branches to l' inches from the will mean cheaper and o sp raving, pruning, thin ui 1 1 :it ion. M a nv growers high became they believe eiiltia:e the low bonded tree headed at from ilti to much hauler to cultivate ide l at 1 niches, Tho low lias its in m i n branches grow re or less vertical direction. is head 'd, the more vorti-iio-hcs will l.n.i to grow. In led tlee the upp. r brunches and crowd tho lowed that the latter wil 1 be id tree FRUIT TREES I hi-Vf just received a shipment of nursery stock consisting of the follow nig' Howell piars, 4 ti feet; Hartlett pi : rs, Aunm; Spii leuberg and ew i' vvii apples, -t ti to t. A fine stock of l.ittnhcrt cherry treo.i. L. B.WARNER a ing tn i t Ihev cauti. e. but a inch.-s l liau one li ded tre. mg in a in The lower . al thee , Hie high he soon shad. Kiaiiches -bilged to ontal posj when tin branel.es grew hi a more or loss hori "ition. Tins will mean thai tree comes tnlo bearing those ill be apt to touch the ground to ten feet from the tree. One ('tin r rem, , e 1 1. se brandies or a-e to cnhiva'e. Kither practice Me ;n .-.o-i ie e i , . a 1 orchard- ktep Hie open troe nearer tho ground, Perso-irlly r believe that it ia n mutter .nore or less of local conditions and va ri'-ly. Thoae tall rangy trees, such as Npitzenberg, Northern Spy. King of Tompkins Cotinty, etc., I should rocom- 'iiend to b,, grown by the onen avutera, Mnny of tho sprawling, rather weak "rowers, that often tend to grow too low, Mitch as Jonathan, Bellflower and 'nesip, 1 Hhntild attempt to grow with a center a few years at least. A very srrong ami desirable ( reo cim be built by a;ijwni a confer to grow until it getH to a height of about ton foot and then tit) not allow it to grow any high er. To return to our young troe, seelct from there to five of the nest hrnnehes o' you wish a center tree, allow one of those to remain Romewh.it longer than the rest. I hose blanches hImhiM be He erely cut back. Here iu the Willam ette valley. 1 practice cutting llietn back to stubs eight or ten inches in length. Whore the branches are some what unbalanced as regarda vigor, 1 cut the stronger back more severely than the weaker, so as to force the growth into the latter. The next year each of those throe to five branches will give rise lo throe or more now branches. In stone cases six or eight will arise. As i rule I do not allow more than two of these to remain. Choose strong iraiiche.i hi such a way that no bad forks will be formed, t ml cut these re mauling branches iu turn back to eight or ten-inch stubs. As a rule there will bo a little lateral growth at this time. On the .loiilhan however a good ileal f' lateral wood will often form. One should take care at this time to thin nt the weaker of such wood and also i end back branches that show a strong eadeucy to grow inward across the coo. You may asy, why thin severe 'tittingf Why grow a strong tree only to ack it to pieces? The answer is that I is practice thickens up tho trunk and tram branches of the tree. It alno inses the main branches to be more or less crooked, as elbows are formed by this heading iu. This mean:: that n ranch will bo much stronger than if it vere one straight whip. You should -Iso in pruning study th buds closely. s the bud points, so is the shoot apt o gmw. There arc, however, some 'e"ptions to this, especially in the ease the (iravenstein. which often has out rary habit of growing whom it uses, regardless of the direction of ho bud pointing. Hut as a rule, if one buds closely, they are a i forming a well balanced iitties t h oat help nd. FOR KALE Rooming house, brick building, lease, $S")U; house und two lots, clore in, at a bargain at $2."0, half cash; $!"H invented in a platting i proposition will net $li0f) profit with in 90 days. C. W. Stone, with Benson Investment Co. 30fl FOR SALK Or trade, the bom room ing house in Medford, clearing $U( per month. Address C, care of this office. FOR R A lift $300 bint, two choice res idence lots, corner, terms. $7n0 buys rice little house and lot, good street. C. W. Stone, Over lii.jou Theater. 3nl FOR SALK A new li room house, with bath and electric light and window shades, for the small sum of $1000. Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, -jol Rivers'ulo ave 'OR SALK A good buy Four lots 5(1 by 1 21, joining city limits on we.d, $i"itl each; cash only. Other lots in this neighborhood are selling for $'J50 to $:J00 cash. P. 0. Box 571, Medford, Or. 207 FOR SALK Choi-e business property al a bnrgain. ou long time; easy lurms. Address P. O. Box 418. KOR SALK 5 nnd 10 aero tracts just within and adjoining eity limits, at a brrgain, on 5 unnnnl payments. Ad dress P. O. Box 419. FCTR 8ALK House-), lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. FOR BENT. FOR RK NT -Suite of rooms suitable for two gentlemen. Tnquire Ho North D street or at this office. " Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound I No. 10 Oregon Expross I 6:24 p. m. No. 14jPortland Express. . .. 9:4!) a. ui. goutbbound No. 15Califoruia Express.. .10:35 a m. No. 13San Francisco Exp.. . 3:20 p. iu. .No. 225From Grant. Pass.... 9:19 p.m. No. 225Por Askland 10:15p. m. ROOUE EIVEE VALLEY RAILWAY No. ilLeaves Medford 110:45 a.m. No. 4Leaves Medford 6:35 p.m. MotorLeaves Medford j 2.00 p. ox. MotorlLeave. Medford I 9:00 p.m. No. ljLeares Jacksonville. . , 9:00 a. m. No. 3 Leaves JackaoDTUle. . . S:3Up. m. MotorLeares Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p. m. MotorLeaTes Jacksonville .. 7:30 p. in. MAIL CLOSES Nortkbouad fioatkboaad . Eaf 1 Poiat . JaskMBvulfl A.M.P. M. . . 9:101 4:54 . .jl0:05 2:50 . , 7:20 2:90 . .10:0 5:20 HoaditiK !.!. ,l. i' Hi.- li.-i c :i!.. iM tl ill Figure With Woolverton the Konl l;iv(r I 1; Mi'iUH-,1. Own WnnlviTloii oin;uii-i;it( 1 lou't work ;mil sl.tvc for vonr ciwh hoiiii'. Wonlvcrlnii will sell it t vmi on erins. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVIR BIJOU THEATER the Tiee. " s,...n :ti'ter it is ));il.e rlie oijwii.'o of ut t,ure biijh -that This praetice, how br:iiii'lie t. start nnd when the tree lienvilv laden with e.'tne nt this point. mi mav tlmi;liout the 11 t' . the.u4.iudt of 1 bi'.'ii ruined bivanse " it l'-t.md tins train. 1 iv.- n t.iiatrd in i av, s by a little i';ire In-.1 and bv earefnl fn-t ti u y,-:iT of th' ad i'f l UtT u .Mir vouiij; . t p.' nt we wi'h the Welcome to the New Store iM.-ii. .....I. in. l'. fi.-m :h.- l.irl.- 1, Ku r . .M.I.-.I. i:iv ).in .1 I l. a ! f..r.. tl: i. l. :iv,' HI mvilii; th ' -run ill iin.l. This ili.it h.i.l i'.':liiMl:lll t.-n.l t.. ilt.i,. Imt ttl.1 .'inmifr low.'r liiil. Average Mm Shoutd Wait. ' 1 !;M t . . . r -n:n!ii.'r -C M , . ilk. .1 :.l.l pnino ; alt!...eh u .-an h? . l-.,r.' s : ! Tl- :i .T:i,' !ii:(tt, . . r t,l tl., (1 ' t'.K tin;,. V.niHC '" if a .l.v,-, t t. ;,i I t.r- .1.. .1.. :, .it.- t Sr,.- -i ,..11 ' ! i. h . . tit. r A n'lMt til's Mlbi.Vt .tn.l of ' !m c t r.M...,l A t.vl .hi 1... r.nvn. hw...'r. tli.'.i Th. ,.iitt..r tret i (. th:l tntlt V ,.f the . ' tt is j;eurallv ra.it'r to J THANK tho luetics f Mcdf.n-,1 t',.r tile cni-ilial wclcninc CXtcllilcil to us ;it our ..jicmn S;iturtl;iv jit'tcrnoon. Visitors s:iv the finest ilisjtlay of Suits. Clonks. M j liucrv and Kuriiishintrs ever tlisplaved in Southern Oregon. No choicer line was ever displayed anywhere. Some of those hand some .souvenirs still remain. Call, see what we have and receive one. Another Show Window Don't Say "Is it Possible"? W, n.,w lmvp V.f bitf pinto irliiss li witi'l'i'Vf. only one is a mac uhi.-li mIiowh from lioth Bi.lew. but nnswi-ra all tin- )mrpnnes of a iiliow witi.lov.-. hi lliin fifth window vu will show .iti-iul nlo nrticlcs in tin. fuiittv iiouJh as they cuiiu- in iu'w fr tin- i'iint. 0k, Mm m - .!-' i 'i The New Suits Just Received by Express I- very clay for aliout five days wo have received shipments of Suits and Spring Wraps. The La Vogue styles are better this season than ever lie fore. AVe in vite you to inspect the La Vogue Suits. You'll find tliein superior in material, workmanship and style and the price is low enough for all. $10.00 to $50 Medford's "Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank mbers AVe have just received and will put on sale tomor row a new line of Aluminum Ifouse Xumhers. the kind that won't rust or tarnish, what von pav 1 Or for evrrvwhero. Mere tomorrow, anv figure. 5c each Don't Fail to See i hosiery that heautiful Ulue Hn an:el K'ange. retail value S:1.. that we are giving awav alisolutelv free April 1st. MAX. AVOMAX OR (.'IIILD The cheapest place in Aiedford to buy your ITosiery. This is not hot air. 'nine in and let us show you a fine line of good wearing hosiery and all popular priced. AUTOMOBILE VEILS V. .-rl.(li) and s1."0 is what thev ask von in most daces for an Auto A'eil. Come in tomorrow and see the line we offer at iioc. ."lc and 7.V each. Post Cards V and two for -V for. Oh yes. we are headquarters for Post Cards. 1c for the same thing other stores ask SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and TUESDAY 1 1 unit:, intorcstitiitf, in vn.Trni-: iirxTixo in afeh.-a" i:nt.Tt -r:;. tt.. .rvtiiro. MIV THKV 1-K1.1. orT"-....,.,lv..(;r.-ii.l, v t'iiKAM OF VKAl.Tt-AW.,;,r ., i , ,,nv, of .49 MoNKKV 1.AN1VA burlf ,r,i,.Cr:.ph. Mt" i-th..i K.f.-r wilt ,. tW I,"-: ;.;,ir ui. ,,i,,,i A1.MISS-1..V i eFNTS til! a littlo CascasTeft ' '"-' g.- y.v;r 1 ,.; ! .y 1 1 ttt l r- -m h. C.nc.ijrweet ' --:.!- t.,r h.-trirfill .l.rv.g fL.y rt..u:niiien,le, by mothers everv "c-.rs. so:j by E4i;e PtarmsL-r. that : li it it. 'tlt:lint ami is Wl,,. A Pleasant Physic, you natit h pleasant t.hvsii- u'iv. t lianil.crlain 's Stomach and Liver IVbloN a trial. They are mild and gen lie in their aetii.n and always produce ti pleasaut cathartic effect. Call at Hss kins' drug store for a fres sajnpls. m