THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREOOW MONDAY, MAKCTI S, 190!). TWO FISHERMEN SWEPT TO SEA ON AN IOE FLOW MEXOMIXEE, Mich., Murch 8. Lars Xeison aud Peter Audersou, both if Manoiniuee and fWhermen by occupa tion, who were discharged from the hos pital this week, are examples of hard ships tbut men cud undergo nad stilt live. Wednesday evcuiag of last week, vbile off Chambers Island, a fierce wind .-.prang up and in less litan an hour the ice was shattered and swept away. Whon the two fishermen awoke the found themselves bound in icy clothing ind lying frozen to the wave-washed ice, f!oc.,two miles from shore aud drifting rapidly away. During the night a flercee snow storm t;v;ept over tho bay, nr.d when dawn tame both men, exhausted and nearly frozen to- death, sank upon the ice to nwait their fate. Both lasped into un consciousness and were in thnt state when rescued by a searching party late Thursday afternoon. They wore thought dead, butwero taken to the local hospi tul and revived. Nelson's right arm is useless and the doctor that he will never recover its strength. tho freo use of said streets, alleys, ave nues aud thoroughfares. Section 2. It shall be lawful for the said grantee, its associates, their exe cutors, administrators, successors or as signs, to make needful 'and convenient repairs ami excavations in any of said streets, alleys, avenues and thorough fares in said city of Medford, for the purpose of erecting poles, placing wires, cables and other appliances and fix tures aud to maintain the same for said grantee ngreert to promptly pro ct-ed to cause all poles and overheat! wires to be removed from said portion of said street or avenue and placed upon some other street, alley or nve nnue, or to cause said wires to be buried in conduits beneath the surface of Bnid portion of said Btreet or avenue as said city council may direct. j Section Id. The style of construction to be of full multiple type cable system ' ou all outside construction, including tho purpose aforesaid, when done in i the main street of the citv and other ace rduiice with the resolution and ordi-i streets as far as consistent. j na-ices of the said city of Med ford. Section 17. This franchise is not to I Section 3. Whenever snid grantee, be transferred, nilhci dirertlv or indi- its associates, their executors, admin- rectly to the American Hell Telephone istrators, successors or assigns shall dis- company or any subsidiary company turb any of said streets, allevs. avenues thereof, or to anv telephone eoninanv and thoroughfares thereof for the pur- ! doing a competitive telephone business. pose aforesaid, they shall restoro tho Section IS. Tho said grantee further nme to as good order and condition as ngrees to hold the city free from all Charge of Violating Franchise Considerable complaint hns been heard on tho streots of Gold Hill, Rays tho News.durinsr the past week on the account of the Rogue Rive Electric Co., inising the price of electric lights, While the raise has not included every body in town, yet many are affected, undin many cases the consumers con- fend thnt tho company has violated the provision of their franchise. The matter has been taken up with the company nnd if the assertnined is tnu they will, no doubt, ammend matters. . . RESOLUTION FOR SPECIAL ELECTION. Bo it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Med ford, Oregon, the mayor approving. That there he and hereby is called a special election in said city fur the purpose of submitting to the voters of suid city for their approval or rejection a certain ordinance enti tlud "An ordinance granting to the fit izens' Telephone compeny its associates. thoir oxecutors, administrators or as signs, the right to construct, erect, main tain and operate in tho city of Med ford, eountv of .TaekBon, utato of Ore eon, and in the streets, alleys, avenues and thoroughfares thereof, subject to tho approval of tho city council, wires. conductors and other appliances for the transmission of electricity for tele phones telegraph and messenger serv ieo, for the purpose of currying ou a tolephone, telegraph and messenger bum nous in Buid city nnd such other unit tern us may be lawfully brought up at said ttlection. That snid election be held upon the 19th day of March, 1000, be tween tho houro of 9:00 a. m. and .1:00 p. m. of said day. That the city recorder of the city of Modford is hereby directed to give no tice of said election ns by the chart1 required in case of annual elections i raid city. The following aro hereby designated and appointed ns tho polling places and the judges and elorks of said election First ward Polling place, room Commercial club; judge, W. TI. French judges and clerks, Chas. . Davis, C. Hubbard. Second ward Polling place. Note Nash sample room; judge, John S. Orth judges nnd clerks, Wm. Vliich, II. II llarvev. Third ward Polling place, city hall; judge, O. L. Schermerhorn; judges and clerks, Scott V. Davis, II. A. Thicroff. The foregoing resolution was passed by tho city council February 18th, 1909. by the following vote, to-wit: Welch. Mirrick nnd Eifert no; Emeriek, Wort man, Demmer and Mayor Canon yes. Approved February IS, 19011. W. 1L CANON, Mayor. Attest: BR N.I. M. COLLINS. City Recorder. when before disturbed, as soon as pos sible and without unnecessary delay, and failing so to do, the city council or other governing body of said city of Medford shall have the right to fix by resolution a reasonable time within which such repairs and restoration of ntrents shall be completed and if repairs aro not complete at expiration of time fixed by council, then the city can cause such repairs to bo made (by res olution of council) and make a reason able charge and collect panic from said grantee, its associates, etc. Section 4. The grantee, its associates. their executors, admiiiintrators. Biicces- J sors or assigns, shall at the time of con struction as aforesaid and set forth herein, file with the city council a plat allowing the location on such streets, al leys, avenues and thoroughfares as is to he so occupied, and the same shall be presented to the city council for approval. Section n. The maximum rate of tel ephone rentals to be charged for each telephone service shall be so designated in tho following table, showing tho va rious kinds of service with their re spective rates: 3.00 per month for individual main lino business service. t'2,,'0 per month for two party selective ringing service. V2.00 per month for individual main lino residence service. 1..0 per month for two party selective ringing service. $1.2o per month for four party selective ruining service. H is hereby understood and agreed' Ih,-'. the above table of rates shall be harm and damages arising from any negligence or otherwise upon the part of the grantee while constructing and operating said telephone plant within the city of Medford. Section 19. Said grantee ngrees that it will at all times and upon reasonable terms, permit any company, association, person or persons operating or owning a telephone system or line without the city of Medford to make connections with its said telephone system and that it will afford such company, associa tion, porson or persons connections with its subscribers in the city of Medford. Section 20. This ordinance shall take effect and bo in full froce from and after its passage, approval and posting. The following are the numbers nnd forms in which the ballot title of the foregoing ordinance will be printed on tho official ballot: Submitted by order of City Council. Charter amendment: Vote Yes or No. "An ordinance granting to the Citi zens Telephone company and its asso ciates the right to construct and oper ate in the city of Medford and on its streets, alleys, a venues and thorough fares a telephone, telegraph and messen ger service plant and system." 400 YES NO ORDINANCE NO. 179. An ordinance providing for the can cellation and termination of a certain contract between tho city of Medford and one Robert King for the making muiuctim-u .1 iinim-ni nn'i'""1 1 or laps ana conneciions wnn mm- v..ut-. until snid grantee shnll have installed lti:;ins of snid citv. RESOLUTION. Be it Resolved, by the city of Med ford, Oregon, the mayor approving, that it is hereby ordered thr.t there be and hereby is referred to the voters of the eity of Medford for approval or rejec tion at a special election to bo held in and for said city on March 19th, 1909, tho proposed ordinance of tho city of Medford, which is in words and figures as follows, to-wit: Ordinance No . An ordinance granting to the Citi awns' Telephone company, its associates, their exocutors, administrators, stieees sors or assiffiis, tho right "to construct. erect, maintain nnd operato in the city of Medford county of Jackson, state of Oregon, and in the streets, alleys, ave bum and thoroughfares thereof, subject to approval of city council, wires, con ductors and other appliances for the transmission of electricity for tele phones, telegraph and messenger serv ice, for the purpose of carrying on 8 telephone, telegraph and messenger bus iness in said city. Tha city of Medford doth ordain a follows: Section 1. The rights aud privilege are hereby granted to the Citizens' Tel phone company, its asaoc.aies. mu.r outers, administrators, ruccessors r as signs, subject to approval of the city to construct, lay, maintain and perat in the city of Medford, county f Jackson, state'of Oregon, including all the streets alleys, avenues and thnr nirhfaros thereof, poles, wires and oth er conductors and cable necessary for tho transmission of electricity for all the purposes herein set forth, mentioned and described, aud to make the neces sary excavations, construct and build ni maintain a telephone, telegraph and messenger service and to do a tele- jaone, telegraph and messenger service kusinpsi in said city. Such wires, polos and other fixtures aad appliances commonly used in sucn work and construction, are to be placed in nrnner nlaces and at the proper dis tance above and below the ground as the case may require, and such other annaratim mav be use! as may re nee pmtt or proper to maintain and oper ate the same, but such pMcs and other apparatus shall be set in place and maiataintd 10 ai aot to interfere with ind operating through raid exchange not less than one thousand connecied telephones within the city limits of the ilv of Modford. when the actual num- her of operating telephones shall have xeeoded one thousand connected tele phone services, then said grantee, its associates, their rxncutors, successors. administrators or assigns, shall have the right to increase the r.bove mention ed monthly rates, not to exceed fifty cents per month for each telephone service so connected and in nor vice. Section fi. Nothing in this ordinance 'hall be so construed ns in anywise to prevent the proper authorities of said .ilv of Medford from sewering, grad- in-', paving or repairing or nltering any of the utroets on which said grant re. its associates, their executors, etc.. are operating on. Section 7. The grantee, its associates their executors, administrators, succes sors or assigns, shall r.fter receiving notice from the proper authorities of iv citv of Medford, remove, raise or N.wer its wires, cable, etc., on any 01 the streets of said city, to admit free passage of any house or houses which no beincr moved upon said streets m tho authority given by said city, said notice to be served upon an id grantee it nnn.iciates. their executors, etc., not tesi than thirty-six hours before such removal of said wires, cables or other fixtures is required, Section S. In consideration of the riehts crantod. the city of Medford, by its prnporlv authorized officers, shall hove the right to suspend upon Ihe poles oh't-ed by said grantee, its associates, their successors, executors or assigns, in the streets as aforesaid, any or all the wires which may be required for fiie alarm or police telegraph services and for no other purpose except those mentioned in this section. Section 9. The grantee shall furnifh and maintain free four telephone serv ices to the city of Medford nnd one ad ditional telephone service for each ad ditional fire station lieieafter maintain ed by the city. The snid services to be placed as may be designated by the city council. Section 10. Said grantee, its associ ates, their successors, etc.. agree to bo gin actual work on the things mentioned in this ordinance within four months from its passage :-.nd taking effect, and prosecute same with diligence until com plete substantially. Section 11. Snid grantee, its associ ates, their successors, etc.. further agree that to violate any of the conditions herein set forth, time being of the es sence hereof, will be sufficient cause to annul all the privileges herein set forth, mentioned rnd described. Section 12. The rights, privileges ai.d franchise herein granted shall con tinue nnd be in full force for a period f ten f 10) venrs from the passage or thi ordinance and no longer. Section IS. Said grantee shall wtttrn -1 davs after the par.sage of this or linance file v:ith th city clerk their ittt-n pceentnnee ''f this franchis Si Minn 14. It is further agreed that he st vie of einiipintfl f'-r exchange i v.-' ftf tl, Ktrniub(!r2-"arlon. the Dean Klectric American hlectric Kellog niak. Section 1". In" grain'- remove and change im- n n." Section 1. That certain conlract pu rred into between the city of Medford and Robert King for malting all taps and connections with tho ciiy water mains, which was entered into on or bout the 5th day of September, 190S, pursuant to ordinance providing for the xecution of such contract, entitled An n-dinance providing for the execution of a contract with Robert King for making tans and connections with the newlv installed distributing system 01 the water supply r.yslem of the city of Medford and providing the terms there of," passed August 4th, 100S. be and the same is hereby crncelle;! and for mated, and the city recorder is hereby lirected to notify pail Robert King of 'iiiid cancellation nnd termination of 11 id contract and to reouire him lo im mediately turn over to the superintend ent of the water plant nil tools and sup plies in his hands belonging to the city of Medford. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed on the 4th day of March. 1909. on the following vote: Welch aye. Merrick aye, Kifert aye, Emeriek aye. Wort man aye. Demmer ave. Approved March Mil, 1909. W. IT. CANON, Mayor. Attest: BEN.T. M. COLLINS. 30n City Recorder. Agents for Henderson Corsets VAN DYKE'S Agents for Henderson Corsets See our Center Tables for Special Sale Goods this Week Table Linens at Great Savings 1 .50 All liiiu'ii Satin Damask, 70 inches wide, $1.15 7")c, 70-inch Linen Damask, ex Ira value, 65 cents A special lot of Cotton Talile Damask. 25 cts. yard A lot of Mill end Damasks at (ic a vard. Lace and Embroideries A special lot of Kmhroideries and Insertions at 1"c Special Laces at, yard "e. 12-yard pieces at "0c Special prices in Corset and wide embroidery patterns. New Dress Linens Money saving prices. Natural Linens at 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c yard. White Linens at 25c, 50c and 75c yard. Mercerized and Fancy Striped 1 Dress Linens at 35c Yard KV :!i-IXCIT MESSAUNK SILKS IX 1'LAIX A X D KANTY KTKI IMiK. NEW PONGEES, SAT INS LWVXS. WOOLEXS. XEW SUMMER UXDEiaVEAR, NEW BOYS' CLOT! UNO. SPE 1AL LOT OF OIXOIIAMN AT 12 1-2c YARD. DRY GOODS VAN MKF'S SHOES RUSSIAN AND CHINESE TROOPS IN CONFLICT ST. l'KTKHKIll'HC, Mar.h (I. II i lurli.l tli:it thiro las I'imi a conflict iWv'ni tin1 Russian nml ( hincHc tronps no.-ir Harbin. If 1 1 - report aro Inu tile truulili' pri-hal-ly nroum- out ot tin- nittwltion follon-niK tin- ftl-rls "t IN' Iroiiil authorities at Harbin to con trol tin- local ailiuinistration. Prepaid Railroad Orders. i "Something which i of considerable interest, to the public Reaerally anil v.hich is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now is effect between stati ns of the Southern Pacific company nnd nil points in Un united t-t-ites. liy means of this system tickets mav be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper tic ions and small amounts of f:,.sli in cm tion with these tickets mav also lie forwarded nt the same .;..,' " tf vDlAMOND vBRAND I ASIC tfs '-lilll) .tl On. Kllitli! "I" mi ft In PPPRiNO till) 1'iii-lfh- NnrUitvimt Hnl) and PIlmatA. of ni'ir l.-ttl r. nixl will mail II. .mi i I- fn-M f.T i nr mtitiltt PfUr.O 0?00N ftND SPbKlNf. Wttii AFTER THE THEATER it is t lie'iry nnd mipfr tlntitf 1 ikr ymir friends ladicH or Mriitleincii aii'iind 1" :t well apimiril ' d r's(;nir;inl and nrder a ni.-i- little MiiTi nf nystei-H, Mi llie like, liinlit. I"'" l't it (' nnderstiiod I Int eater fnr "tlitat'-r luide." and r well .nid.d :i t.i i:-,.d tiling t. eat. well s. I vcl and reasonably prici-d to meet nil requirements. Advance orders f(r four or more ready nt I inn iiiioinled. The Emeriek Cafe Open All Night J. E. ENYART, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asi't Csshier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK O B , $50,000 10,000 MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. pole or pnles or appliances wtien o diircted br the city nrrnorui- 15 rlavs lifter receiving unrti soli"-, nn-1 such removnls or change, to ne man- n accordant with the resolution 01 inr citr council. Whenever, by reason of concentra tion of business and traffic on any por tion of anv street or avenue, it is. in the opinion of the city council ess-n tin", to the safetv nf property and the convenience of the public that all poles and overhead wires be removed from snid portion of raid s.reet or avenue the city council mav hr resolution declare such condition to .tist. and th.r.upon INVEST YOUR SAVINGS in a bc;uitifiil DiuMi'ini Kmtf. Aside from the jinttitf a good duiinnnil Sfivr-s, il is an invest ment yi.ii can readily turn back into rusli, Mv line of mounting and si7i'H offer amplfl for every fancy. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER Near C'-stof f ice. Fine Witch and Jewelry Repair ir.j a Specialty. All work guaranteed. Citv Business Directory TIN SHOP Tin mill sheet iron ware on hatul ami tnti'to to order. J. A. SMITH, li:i North O Street. THE B. K. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee od the Pacific Coust. U. H. Larimer Prop. SAVOY THZATBB North d'Anjon Stmt. Latest motion pioturet and Illus trated tonga. Entire, change ot program Monday, Wedneadajr nnd Friday. Admission 10 cent. Lot tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make thut piece j 'nrnituro. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H ttrcots. ENVELOPE printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. BIJOU THEATER, W. TEH ST. Continuous performance erary evening of motion pieturea and Il lustrated ballads. Entire ohnngfl of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. W. M. Oolvtg. 0. L. Reatues. COLVIO ft REAMES Lawyorfl. Office:Medford Bank lthlg. Pround floor. DR. WALTER B. STOKES, Dcut ist. Successor to Ir. J. M. Keene. WM. H. AITKBN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 8. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone til MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second llnnd Furniture Kads' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. THE ELEOTRIO AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS ". K. Lane ft Sou, Props. Opposito Ilotel Moore, Medford Oregon EDEN VALLEY NUB SB IT N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK Co. will '-e prepared Feb rnnry 15 to furnish cement brick. Metier than pressed brick and just as ch-np. In entigato before contracting. P. (). Boa 11H. WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to timioiinro to their patrons that they nre located in their new quarters in tho Young & Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. VEBNB T. OANOH Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. MBDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Eltracts, liakiug Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes, aid W. Seventh St. Medford, Or DR. FRANK BOBBRTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Modford, Oregon. O. P. OOOK Sells trees that grow. ! Office: B. R. V. Depot. P. O. Boi 841. Phone BM. Medford, Or. DR. 09 RLE The only exclusive Optician bo tween Portland and Sacramento Office on Seventh Street. For good bargains in Watches nnd Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Slnglnc Studio at' Residence.. Kast Medford. Phone 285 When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Kngle Pharmacy Main 2M. Seventh and Main MEDFORD FURNITURB 00. Undertakers Day Phono 3511 Night Phones W. Cooklin J8 J. II. Butler Mil S. B. SEELT, M. D. Physician sod Burgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office hours: 10 II, 8 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg THE HOTEL EMBRICK Rooms from .10 cents to $l..ri0 pe day. All modern conveniences We solicit you: patronage. DR. B. J. doNBOY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in tlu Stewart Building. JACK F&BDENBU&0 Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. Good Liniment, Von will (unit n tf"d while before oii find !i pre:irntion Hint, in eipml to h.imlierlnin 'a Kinitnent n ;i cure for iitn-eiilnr nnd rle inn.-itic p-in. for Hi" cur of "prnin and oreneH of tlio mm re,. It i eii:illy valuuhU fur lame 1, nok rind nil deep ent,-d timn-.tlar pain, 2. r( and fin cent si7"ft f." wilo '' lla-dihff dmtf utorti. '" TAILORED &Timr happy i H man wh ran ftel that his garments are imlnrnd perfortlv. Thia it fche f'Hing onr patroni can enjojF. SHt infant inn will be yours if you have your suits, coats, etc., made hero. The way we fit around the ntrk and shoulders is a revela tion. Try us. The Urgent line f domestic and imported Suitiaa in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROORL88TVE TAILOR T.-iko llnllister's Hocky Mountain Tea at night. m If yell '.I illlhlied a hlllldsomu girl, And win a han.Uomo Knight, The secret here 1 do impart, Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any kind of food in any comhiratioo at any and all times. Keep tout stomach welt by taking Kodol now i.d theu. Hold by F.agle Pharaiaef.