TUN MKDKORI) DA 1 1 A' TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREfiOX. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1009. Medford Daily Tribune r Official Paper of the City of Med ford. L'ubliHhiHl every eveniiiK except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COM V A X Y Geohcjk Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the I'ostoff ii-e at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One month by mail or currier. .$0,50 One year by muil f.00 DKMOXSTKATIOX Til A IX. Every fanner, every fruit grower, every stoekraiser and everyone engaged in making two blades of grass grow where none grew before, should take advantage of the demonstration train wliidi will visit the valley on March 22 and 211, hear the lectures given by experts and witness the demonstrations given for their benefit. The train will demonstrate at Ashland from !):lo to 7 1 a. m. March 22. At Talent from 1 ::!) p. m. to 2::i0 and at Medford from IS p. m. to f) p. in. On March : the demonstrations will be given at (iohl Hill from to ):U() a. in., at Woodville from !):!.") to 10:4.") a. m. and at Grants Pass from 11 :1." a. m. to I p. in. The object of the train is to promote the horticultural, agricultural and other industries vital to the valley. The train consists of several cars, especially and thoroughly equipped for practical demonstration. Lectuiers from the Oregon agricultural college and experiment station will speak upon subjects of special interest to the dairyman, fruitgrower, livestock raiser and farmers generally. No one engaged in any of these pursuits can afford to miss this train. life of the horticulturist to the hurdy-gurdy of opera life. l!ut all appreciate the occasional return to the footlights of stage veterans who for a few hours each year resume for the common pleasure roles which have delighted many thousands in days gone by. In Ivl Andrews Medford has an operatic comedian equal to any upon the stage today and better than any th if visit the vi'ley. In K. W. Walters we claim a tenor that few professional troupes can equal. Mrs. Ilazelrigg and Mrs Andrews a re -the superior of nine-tenths of the trav eling stars of today. A. C. Murgess as bass and W. Quis sciihurv as comedian complete the small band of former opera singers, who, with Charles D. Ilazelrigg as director, have s'i delighted us. Around this neuclus has been gath ered local taleot that any place might boast of. The work of Mis- Kif'ert and Dr. Harnett, and that of the well train er l.i i ably supports that of the stars and enables the proiim tioi, of the highest class of operas in a small city. ROOSEVELT JR. LANDS BIO CARPET CONTRACT II AltTl'OIiD, c'uuu.. March 8. Major 'I'liHculiiri. Huusevelt jr., is responsible in ii m small d.gree for nbtaiuilig fur Ilia firm llic big mntruct fur furnishing the I.n Salle ll.itcl of Chirago with carpets. Because of the reguluTionB affeetiuij employees the Hartford Carpel Com puny, of Thoinasvill". Conn., will pay no c.itiiluixsiun to the Ex-president 'h sun. Officials of The company have i.vi;iirel liitn they will uot forget what he has iloiie to get the contract, ami fay it 's u mighty tine beginning for the young man. who plans to become a facto ry salesman some day, ami later the ex icutive in the big faelory in the Middle West. The factory has prospered siuce young lioosevelt went to work there, nnd two big new buildings are going up Thoinusville natives hope h will never leave them as they attribute recent prosperity to his presence there. l'HOCEDFHE FOll OIIEGOX TAX 11EFOIIM. Professor F. (1. Voting, head of the department eco nomics and sociology of the University of Oregon, has issued, after several months spent in the study of his sub ject, a bulletin in which he discusses one of the two ways of making the burden of taxes bear less heavily on the average citizen of the Oregon, lie points out the meth ods of taxation that must be adopted to secure an equit able distribution of the weight of public expenditures anil discusses means of keeping down the aggregate. Pro fessor Young believes that the vital matter for the people oi Oregon in uieir puhiic attairs is not so mucii to put as little money as possible into public activities as it is to get the largest possible returns from the money put in and to have all share in the contribution according to the just standard. Ability to pay is his conception of the just standard. In order to maintain a system of taxation in Oregon se curing revenues from taxpayers iu proportion to their re spective abilities to pay he thinks that the first requisite is the establishment of a high grade tax commission, which should have power to assess corporations of general status, especially public service corporations, to supervise all local assessments, to investigate closely the whole subject of tax ation and to supervise the accounting systems of all state institutions, of counties and of municipalities. The sec ond step, he thinks, should be the amendment of the state constitution so that intangible personally could be taxed at such rates and by such methods as to secure full return; better exempt altogether than continue the present in iquitous farce of invisible personalty taxation. Corpora tions should be taxed an by ad valoruni system that secures assessment, in proportion to income earning power. The third readjustment he advocates is a scientific adjust inent of taxes to taxing jurisdictions obviating the diffi eulties and injustice always attending apportionment of taxes among counties. EYE11YOXE IX FAYOll OF IT. At Saturday's meeting the Uogue Kiver Horticultural society unanimously passed a resolution, which represents the sentiment of the fruitgrowers of the valley, asking the county court and commissioners to immediately appropri ate itO0,0(H for the Crater Lake road. In circulating petitions in Medford Saturday, no trouble was met with iu securing over ,"00 .-ignatures ol taxpayers. No one was seen who did not favor the ap propriation. Jt will be hard for anyone to find a valid excuse for refusal to endorse the proposed appropriation, and the commissioners will find their action backed up by niue tenths of the taxpayers of Jackson county. soufi iiixo to he moi d of, LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Parts of the East via UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OHEOON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago ! $30.50 from St. Louis: $26 from Omaha , $25 from Kansas City, I 'orrertp illiline.lv htwe other pn from all TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know in the Kust and lell th. in about the.ie low colonint rates. S.-n.l tlaiu literature about Oregon, or s -n.l '.!m-h- addres3es to us and we will do it. In this way you can be a great h Ip in the growth ili'ti progress of your state. VOU CAN PREPAY FARES for anyone from any j iace if you want to. Ileposit the n ss.iry amount with our loeal agent and he will telegraph liehet promptly. Impiiie of Agents or write to WM. McMI'KHAY. tieneral I'atsenger Agent The Oregon Kailrnad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. .Lines in Oregon) roliTI.ANI). OREdON. Medford is to be congratulated upon possessing so mu operatic aim uiusieiti talent, it issatetosa that imcitvl of its size ;ui where can equal it. ! The two performances given last week of " Kra Dia-j volo" under the direction of Mr. Ilazelrigg, were hv all odds, the fines' operatic attractions ever presented to the! people of Oregon by local talent. No home production in' Portland or elsewhere began to equal them No travel ing troupe ever rendered an opera of similar merit here, and such popular productions as the 'Alaskan" and "The lurgoinaster" contrast very poorly when loinpared to them. Medford is becoming a Mecca for retired opera singers, who prefer the sunny skies, verdure-clad hills, laughing streams and beautiful vistas of the Kigue River valley to the tinsel and tawdry of the stage, and the peaceful, ideal When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith X Nolonv PAuairrr.R or S 1RINOS BODY Or MOTHER WEST im.i.itoiai. oi,. . m er.it of Mr. O V .I-,, the le.Ll. n..- ,.f W M 0 Tt e;toit it. "terl.n 1 d airn.-l o er th in the t.'teiie.Mi, She reh V -The to '"linn, held V J.o kson. I'.mn aft, rn.'.-ii. Ttie K.l.vtrie was about M More light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved bv using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo lirs. 1 10 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $i I 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K:lo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water tv Power Co. Office, 20U West Seventh Street. Phone No. SWi. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Compare the Quality K ia, and always has been our aim tu supply our cuatotiKTs with goads of tho highest quality and to tiiat end 'we an always a . 1 1 i i n g iuality to our lino. The hidilitiuo of preferred tock " makes our lisp of it : i. -rade Ci:ncd Goods most complete. Our service always the it and every aeeom given our Customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinavvare, Fruit and Feed K A', eummlnia T. W. Osgood Os&ood & Qummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates. Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making Sewerage. Railroads. Irrigation andDralnage Office Medford Xationnl Bank Bid. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Not in the combine. Competes with all first-clasa nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. T IiO WBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Entires, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, LV.'ers and Machinery. Agents in Sorthurn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. State Depoaitry Estabiiobod 1888. Capital aed Surplus 125,000 fieiourros 700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bank respoctfully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in stitution. W. I. VAWTER, PMoident. G. H. LINDLEY, Caubior. Making an Acquaintance with our bandsotno lino ofexclusive fab rics of both imported sad domestic woolons should bo tho aim of every man in Southern Oregon who would look his Lent, and bo attired in the latest docroo of fashion's dictates. Wo choose most recherche fabrics, anil wo fashion, cut nnd fit them in a stylo that makes you feel that "tho tailor makes tho man" at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OB. You will find your wife's judgment is usuall hotter than your (wq, and you will find on eonsultinf her that she doos not approre ot paying out good, hardorned dol lars for rent, when there are aa maay good properties on the market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman has a keen eye for locution, surrounding's, etc., and her judg ment can be relied upon in making a selection for a home. Bring her wilh you, u:id make a personal iOHpictien of tho good things now of fering through our agoncy, and you will never regrot it. It is almost time to "make garden," and it is high time for action in soeuriug a luimo whore you can enjoy the god things of lire in this wonderful tj ley. Don't delay aot now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD "Jiutructor of "piano. "tut 3811)00 StuMo at Tlultaus. ttoctk Oruje Strut WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Oflice in Jacksou County Bank Upstairs II I. Skrwii C. E. HUstnier A. C. RudaU L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. 1 FRUIT LANDS 1 8ub-DlTldsrs and Dtnlopera Kogtt. Klrer Valley Or chard Land. : h..i.-e fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tisi-ta, for sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be hs n presented. Experience Aot JVecemsary for those who purchase through us. They secure the idTise and service of a consulting horticulturist, as expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yens has eiceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue Biter Tatley, record ciops, record paefcs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon i:ii n.trvo Or vt :u old itii't ti (it who mad' with tin IhhIv, Thi ' -i I1 vt'jir old d ft iii. It ln from K:ittl;i4 E RU-SA THE ON'LY IAWFUL PILE CITRE Htvatuo h Kl A t I Ur rll.KS. and lHFS NOT i'lVAUic, lead or any 'vi!onoii' dnit;. I'. S. Ii4tc!!: CAlWm tllfV ftV.-f. til hin .,..) .....! , " n.iiiai u curt. K KC 8 A is not for at ofunn n'ts. tM;'v dm rnanns l ii sa. Medford Ptsm-t, v Jru store. rvlient of K Kl' 8A. orime. Thtrforo, tlu H askttts ' ITur i.inei !lt.1. "ta,. ;uc oi mi i o trior or ti;ir-oti. 'I'atiott and :;nd MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY ; PHONE 2291. Wi.dow Frames. Oak Veneered Doors, with Berel Plate, earried i. .toek cheap Offle. rirture. and all ki,dl of Pllll lBg Mi Wofk iBC,uding Tonld Work I and Tnc Orille STRFKT. RFTWKEV SIXTH AD S Rvvvn, TRBFTR raKe the Tribune for News