Social and Personal Jack -Morcy of Kn'iie in (..ending a few ilnvH in Medford. Klla Uaiinyftw, public 9tonjfniher, room 4, Palm building. ' Tim Itngue Hiver Hurl iridium I an i irty held ati inst i in'! ivi' mei'ting Sat- nrdnv nf (('moon. ColuiM'l J. F. Mn inl v spent Kriila niytit at (Jriints I'uh. I'boue your orders fur Hvveet cream Imttermillt to the creamery. 1 S. C. Collins, tlx- Titlde Kuck Minrli. Hpi nt Saturday la Meilford. ). MrKiIlim of entral Point was it 1 nl font s (h! tr S;ilurilay. All ri.ailn .:id n M-dfnrd The up tn il;i'e town When- all kind. ..' lirt fan !) li-.UL'lit of JOK Ill.'OWX V. K. Tlionnmi.ii of ;..M Mil) viit in M. .(('., i,l Siitunl.iy. Pulilll! HlrJiOiI'aplH'r. (MlliiO OVIT II jmi theater, l'lione Main .'1071 Former 'cm nty f' tin mission org' lliown in Hpcioti a few iliiVH in M fonl. Over five hundred different sliadi'H el '. l your mil from fit Kifert n. .'lit I The Hotel Viish will open a h.ines. lunch counter in the storeroom recently occ-upieil l.y the Med l ord Me:M com paiiv on Seventh slre.-t. eorner of the alley. OrdiTH for sweet cr.'run or Imtterinilk promptly filled. Phone tho creamery, It. '. I'. Allmry of h1, Hill Hpent Saturday in Medl'ord. Kaney vesting galore we make tlr to your order. W. V. Kifert, the prog ressive tailor. 299 K, P. (ih'hrixt of Ivi-de Point is speii in 14 a few days in Med ford. Tliere is a proldeiii. Hint all want t I; now; To solve it just call on the Hit KKU.Iilf Mil. ('. K. Willstioni of Tiilent was a 1 cent Med fonl visitor. John Pertnd! of Applejjate spent Pi day in, Place your ord-r fn your Kaster unit with Kifert, the ptocri'suive tn'ilor. Sill Walter Moore ot I'lioenix was n Imisi nesH visitor Saturday. P. 0. rtlachden of Ashland spent Sat unlay in Medl'ord. Hev. M. harden of finiul I liolil union services Mtinlay evening tu St. Mark V Kpiscupul hnn h oYlo.-l;. lieciaald II. PnrsoiiH of Sent lie. U'asli of the llillrrest Oirhaid company hii returned to Medford. I here wiih a la fj;e :tt t enda nee at the monthly meetinn of the Horticultural society held Siiiiinlay afternoon J. '. A it ken of Kvnns Creed; spent raturday in Medford. Captain J. T. ('. Nash is paying an other Visit to Medfot.l. Mrs. J. C. 1 1. 'ill speui Priday in ( '.nil Point. Mrs. K. C. Cnddis was an Ashlan.i visitor recently. Afrs. A. 1. Phipp l.:is returned from ! trip to (told Mill. P. H. Wagner, the Ashhuid editor. Was a Medford visitor Pridav. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Alia iikii (. (. .lelaiHon, I . 1(. Tllorfi Mid wile. '.rtl(iii. ; P. C. Kll' tiud wife. Seattle; l.ewlie Conk nnd wife Ccdd Hill; .Inl,,, Periloll, Applelte; I h. (iiimnu. Portlfind: William Wolff, Si:n Pram-isco; K. M. Ifiivmond. e Vorli; T. K. Nickcrsuii. San Pram-isco A. 1. Clark. San Piinicisco; V. I I'lllpps ninl wife, Viirk; .!. T. C Mash, llerkelev; I. M ef In mt v. Ala meda; P. h. Illaelid.'ii. Ashhind; C. (1 Holhrook. Portland; 1 . . Plyuiale, V,e ka; Reginald II. Parsons. Hillctest: A M. Lindsav. Snn isco; K. T. Huh ler. Xew York; . (1. (...riium. NVv York. Tho Mooro (!eori;e W. Slnop, If. W Wilson, Jr., Indiana; II. W Hrockway. Minneapolis; P. r. Squires, V. 1(. Cur t er I 'ni t hi 11, t ; II . W. I tarron. P. M DtiHnis, -diland: ('. K. Wilksttom. Tal cut: C. . Sn.ll, PorHan.l: Jolin V. P. hy, Poiiland: W. K. Haines. Man Pran cisru; P. P. (J il, h , is . Kayle P.dnt; It. P. Seaiiyht. San I'Vaneisco. OhriBtinn Selonco. hi is ian S,.i,MK"' services ; every Sunday ninritiiitf at 11 in tin' ( 'loaiiiei i-ml club room, of the lesMUio serin 01 f,,r M: "Man." Ml are wdcnie, s. lo ...I at 1 n' re held .'.clock Subject rc li 7. Stindav f.i.ast for :ir.oon YARDS: RAILWAY WORK SPOKAVK. Wash. March 0 Tliirlv five thnlls.'Mld vaids .f e:nth. evtendilii; jnttrt feet -Ah.uc ihe Sp.d.ane Port land Seattle railr.tad, a few miles west of Spolcme if t.. he mum i , hv one hliye I lavt nf powder eostimj lill1ll. It wilt lecpiiie oer two weks l.oriltj; to pre pare the lodes fur the powder. A imi lar plan as worked snceessfnllv ner K ioiin, Wahiuuton, r-'cent I v. Figure With Wiinh nil 'iiiaiii-i Iliill'l Wnl'k Mllil l.-iil Inl your nu n In n ne. Wiinh crloii sell tt'l'IIIS. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVER BIJOU THEATER AMUSEMENTS. 4 At the HaVoy. Toniht at the Savoy will he shown an except ionally f i ne per forma lice fea turiaji "The Scar,'1 slirrinj; romantic' drama. The plot of the picture is well t. Id and aried hy the cleverest of pan tomime ai'tol'S. The Morv revolve I r ..mis XIV' pilare in Paris, all I lie scene liejuy ai. ill the lieailtiflil palace troiiad. a place of iiasurpasNed Iteaiitv. The film is all hand eolond making Ihe flowers ef I he ground s,. lifelike one is templed lo pluck thein ml can easily imagine that their d'-li ale perfume permeates the air. pur a Ite.iui it'ul. iuolriictivc and enter lli.uiiiiy ptctnre, il emild not In- nnproe, upon. Tlo- other three pictures are eXcep ooatly strong cons, (specially ''.Slum I'erlaiiit," an illusion picture which hows us ttiir childish d rea no. At last night's performaiice M is Ktli-l Kifert pleased everybody with lo r sW eet vuee a nd was vigorously ipplauded. Mi's I ; 1 f j I will sine auam toniyht. It is well worth the price of adiuishioii to hear her render ''Take a Trip to Luna Willi me.'' Kutire chanye of iio(iram toiuorinw nilit. Admis Hie The Montreal, Quebec, Gazette of Taos day, Dec, 10, 1008, has the following to say of "Tho Burgomaster: ' "Packed to the capacily, with stand nitf room in demand, the Academy ot Music last niifhl preenled till aspect in keeping with the hcsl traditions of fo mer seasons, previous vi with access. Pi tablished popularitv in ots, 'The liuroiiiaster ties 1111 to dale, at once lowed its ituics of re w it lies1 hold, find the strange ar Ihe merrv old Dutchman ed with as in lleli laucdil as ever. "Ilairv lli'iuist 11 is nuain in Ihe rob f the liiirotitasti"-. a host of iiierri lent in himsell', nod as "the summei bov." If nt li White looks as attraclivi of yore in the jjfiih of her opposit. 'Ther . h We abundance of catchy airs olil'ic of ores, the wierd Indian chief in ad one ' I" the ro vol itif; a slorm of applause. The horns added no litlle to Ihe success of he entertainment, their dancine; beiuj; 1 1 , I heir cosl nines 1 1 i mnph of I aste ml their faces in most cases bewitch nejy fair." Seat sale for "The Hiiroinaster " pens at llasliius' Monday March at II o'clock. Charlie Moclriex' "i"i ! Mo.H'or.l ipera i-ouipMiy )oinnevei to Ashland c niyltt and prexenied "Pin liavob' a la rue and appreciative amlience. M i s. 1 1 a eli iuii was presented wil li a teiMit it'ul bunch of carualiotis bv ihe ten of the company, while Mr. Amliew eceived a most oreeiin"' " leilHHl ' boll pul from (lie ladies. ruiiejil " l-'ra Ih.ivnlo' will be yiv its last product ion with M is. A 11 nvs in t he role ,.t X rlina. ol hei w Ihe cast remains the same. Doors open at B o'clock. Performance bcglnn at 9:00. Tho Ideal Clmrch Subject lit liiheiliriile Snn.hiV niht iv im pni t :i nt ipn-l imis t he :inv Mil.lV L Ill" ihnrehnu'ii the -I, In oiitritnite s. N.ite ni'Ml mn?.: I'd- Shnll rinn or Tri IX nr mIioiI liiniiin or 1 ill :i inn : Meilll.eiship Nl'ine the tllillH ill ' t iiinpi-.i;') iii;in niietl do to enler i' mie the t)i in en hr List iiion:! in:in imet do to enter it. Are the t In iiir t 1 1 - I in tin' Vrv Tt "t;inient f HiHcipliue - Hnve we :i ri'hl to ex tininin ie;it e ; tneinlier ; .Name h e ( uses for which ;i nieniher Inmld he coin inn nie.V ei. Are vnloon lie, 'pin-,' Ian it y :unl il inhniie I v in luisi n ch nffeiise.' rillllllceH Wli:-; ii Ihe hevt I'i lia ncin! A neh.e part.,-,, hall,, o, IMn ch.'ineex leitiniale meaiw of rai ny inunev lor Hie cluircli i;nlllllleiil What lullll of novel II -nt will the ulial church loive I lull "t III isv I I i i Mil I II h I'I HI C. A I l.i'inai le Similax muht. W.-l. .un.' to ihr hnnie lihe chinch." New Cases, inlie Metier mi. .1. II. Men divorce V. I 'Ml. mi, plniiiliff. -ler; ui all.irn. FRUIT TREES li." v t- .iii-M v l,-l, 1 1 .11 p. i-. Aii.inii: ' I'l'l"-- I ': ib. -it cli.-nv M-J I 'ling 'llipill.-Ut of .1' the lollov 'i'i-I ; Hart let! g and ,-v fine slo, l, ,.f L. B. WARNKR Woolverton j I 1 mil's l In- K'i'iil 1 'iiyi'i-. - ;i ImihI'iiI'iI. Own it tn ii 'uu mi casv rK' 1. v. HOW THE BOOSTERS SAVED THE DAY. 'lie (.,st,S Weill lit Jai-IiMMlviHe To w..rk tlo' county court ; I'lie tiiii-l for road to Crater Lake Wits filly tin. us ind Khort. I lie I sters Hui' tco liiMidred htroii, I'r.tiit ram low and 1'iomi l.iwn; I'lie in.tli who helped to rustle thetll, nf cmise il was JiiK ItltOWX. ' nf j ' ni' u.1 rid learue I men till spoke, A ml a 1 'un in I-nts were -l mnif ; I'll" humor, wit and eo.tieiice They weie both h.nd and loll. liidj;e .Veil was Johnny on tlo lint the other two inert. spot. I'ntil tin y lo aid th" loyic .f The M., Will) Si;i.Ls TIIK HI RT. Methodist EpiHcopnl Church, B Street I'urry the news! Kiniigelist John Lew la b u:ti i :i m -1 1 n - at the above 'diir.h next Sabbath at II a. m. .fr Lewtas has lately returned from u wear's travel abroad, where he con dueled ,-ry s cssf-il meeting in Kn la'.d. Irelaml and Wales. He also viij- ni i ranee, wit rland, Italy, recce, I iin-Hey, Syria. Ho- Holy Land and I'U'.vpt, lie is :iu intensely interesting speaker and a v.. ttaiiied vinger. He v'll si'iy at every :,vice. Please read the follov.iiii;: To our brethren in Ihe Cniicd States; J reeling: J desire t mmejid to you Me- Hev. John Lewi as as a brother w. 'thy of ywiir confidence and I'liris lian fellowship. He a preacher of . xc lle.,1 al.ditv. and has I M very sitecessful as a pastor dnriui; Ihe yearn th.V I have bee n :i..,.i:! e I with' hiltl. II" has had c, id -rrbl" eA,eriem?e un1 lai j-e success in e va :i i;elisl ic work ami is free fnon nlfarisai". as seuna li.oial methods. He is truly a Chris lo 1 ir'-lilleilian. J ,e -peak for II 1 ill v.Mir cooperation. lie is a fine solo -iujior and a splendid h.-ib r of a cho rus choir. X.i p.vs'or or church need have anv tear in ad mil t ii-j; I trot her Lewlas ;,. ihcii pulpit. lie is indeed a Kife 111.; 11. C. A. LA MhK.V, histri. l Snperiii- b nt. Itcdlinghaiii I ric: . 'a .ltine;toii. Lid everybody conn- a-id In ar this ible minister of the gie.pcl. Sabbath school at u a. m. Kpworlh ; eayue :t i'rAit p. m. oiue and bring; i'Mi.r friends. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . M . i;iiinii,M. in (i.-i.i,. s. Hit. en, luls .". I ii. hlo.-U T.'l, (en- trnl 1'oinl $ mnii lilanili- l itv Saiiittii; Itriiik. Irils I lo I-:. It. Ill.-iir. lots I', nnd T. block I-:. Itoiiio- ll'vi-r Vall.-y I Ir. hai'.l rMinpimv lnn-1 . . . William .1. Wall to 11. I'. Flnr- V. lo ;,l-.-S ill .i-tioll .".-J, Imviiship :!s, i:ini,o- I W II. I'. Hurry lo Mary M. I liinii. Ill iicits iii se.-ti.oi town ship ;ts, iiinyi- I w roc W. Ilionn !,. Hurl, I,. Mol'fitt. li.lil a.-r-s in ihip raiioe I i: !'ixh I.. Moffitl lo . I . t .Ii I. r. 11. I :011s in lown-diip :t!l. ' - ii- I K Lliab.-lli A. Smith to K'.-it.- I-'. lirainu. r. lot I. block -111. Ash land II. A. Fl.-.l. 1.I.111 u l rhaibs .'. ViillllL'. I"l I. I.I...-U L'".. M.-d ford V. .1. Warior I.. Alice Stetson Unwell. I" acl s ill section I. tovn--hip lis. rninfe L' V .... I.lli-V Anil.-s llebs.,11 lo .lellll Ml Vlllti". Irilid III seciioH ;'.ll. town -hip :17. i:ini;e -J W'l.ill lie! 101I.I1 lo lacy Alle II0I.-.011. ian. 1 in -.ection ;:o, toivinliip :I7. raliiie - W ... William 1;...; to S. I'. Swagellv. lot p. 1 . 1 . ..-K v..: M.dfoid William Ibos to K. N. Warner. bl. .'I acies iii section town- -hip :ir. .bum.- -J v le Hi, I f to lr 111 I'ilileV. Ml acre-, in township .".7. ranio' ' W iivin I'mlev lo liaiiU ,1. N'ew man, land in township :7, tanue -' V I lines II r,., l,r.ili lo A. K. Hip ..v. lets 11 and IJ. block 'J, Palm's addition I" Medford. . Methodist Rrotehcr, , lice I,. niid, 1 ::i Alton ttoill the II strr i. i-:. . i,nr, i, 7:.'.o. i uteri stnii; pro Music bv I hi am lias been prepared. . I 1 . 1 1 , .' , , i t tin, ler t lie leadership of r. T K.h.i, II I- I" I evervl.o.l C,n tomi,, en.-l. een Ki llneelist l.cwtas to oiect the friend oine. Itevivnt nieetinirs and lte. I.ewtas will liiojlt next week. NOTICE TO R. A. M. ll no mbets e expected ! iiipb- at 'J p. of Uoval Arch Mason meet at the Masonic m. Snudav. Probata. INtatc nd ,.i.l. S II IMsall: final report filed made seltine; April l'l as dav setltemenl. Classified Advertisements WANTED. .ii-.n in i.'ii!. a ti or roiin In'tisi', liwc in, AiLlresH I. cuiv of Triliniie nl'l'ice VNTI'h l-.'w.ii'ili'hopinT t,i chi.p U. 4i. W WTKh- ijirl; ntift In- etptrieiu'eil :...i w.ieex A.Mrew V. O. Box : , nl. tr. FOR 8AI1E. r tt. .-, the n,l. ,-1 .l.Ii. f. hem rt'in nritu; 10U in of this -1 1 1 1 sai.i: - Inn.-li r. II..T-.'. . ,-,. .m. 1" .;tiiu'.- an.) e:iri llmimre txt Hot' (' street. 'J.ifl r'K NAI.K Mi n mi if rt'Oin buines. eno l.;ilf intTi-t in :i nii'i little luiuej r.1l.-r. 1 iSLutli 0 street. '.'W TOM RICHARDSON GETS ONTARIO TO PUT UP $2500 n.VTAKKi. nr.. March h Torn Rich ardriou, mnniiger of the Portland Com mercial club, addressed a hiif meetiiji here and aroused greet euthusiaui for i tildicity work in this town and count v. Twenty five hundred dollars were nub -cribed in half uu hour bv the busiuess iieu of the town to aid the Commercial . its it was also made i- mi--demeanor t" 'bib in securing new enterprises. Thin' play cards for "treats'' f or to shake " thought to be a record breaking sub-J dice, or to engage u any other u;n cription for a town of l.luo in b-ert luud belt. Ontario had already subscribed with in the past month $1000 to aid in pre liminary work for securing tho Malheur government irrigation project. Tom Richardson made a brilliant speech, and a baiupiet followed at the Porter house, attended by ull the business ineu of the town. Dress WE INVITE PROSPECTIVE Pl-KCIIASERS OF DRESS LINENS TO EXAMINE OfK LINE White All Linen, inch goods, in flat and round thread, at 25c, 0e and 7"e yard. A real All Linen Lawn at "0r per yard. Mercerized All Linen in Line, pink and in fancy stripes, at 3; yard. National Linens at 20c, 2;jc. !)." and 40.- yard. L'nion (1-2 linen), 28 inches wide, in all colors, at 2i li the yard. These goods are hought direct for us through import ers and are the cheapest and best ever offered in Medford. VAN DYKE'S tffli :-'':i ta 1 V l2"St .'t 06 I'oli MAIiK Fine new pinno at a bur y:im; iiiiiMt sell nt oiiee. Kant side of street, first limine south of oiirk. .1 II. Ueiislin:iii. 299 l-'OIi SAl.K $:jO0 buys two elioice res- i-b'Tiee luts, eorner, terms. $7.rifl buy i ire little house ami lot, good sti r. V. Htone, Over Hijou Theater, dl I'nli WALK A new (j room house, with l:iih ami eleotrie litfht aud window sliinlt'H. for the Hilt all sum of $100(1. Mis. ( )seiibruijtfe, 4n I Hiversiilo nve n ue. l-'DK SAKK A K,)l,d buv Four lots 56 bv ll2i, joiiiiun eity limits on west $1,111 each : eash only. Other lots in lliin neighborhood are selling for $250 lo $:HM rash. P. (). Hox r71, Medford i r. 207 Knit SALI-! At a veiy low priee. uu r termed I 1 - t-tivnts diamond ring 1'iTc white; 2 rins. carats, one i e it rat, '2 lad;es ringe, V4 earats e;ifh. pure white, nt the Medford Loan it ''ice. T:i!;i io' antiiee. We need t'i, iii u i- One iitt":'p stickpin, gen nine jewel, and ladies' brooch, 10 od 1 .ieweN. 29 ol SA LK t'lioi?i business property :ti a luirjfiiin, on tou time; rftsy terms Address IV O. Hox 4 1H. m Toll SAIjK ." ninl 10 acru traeta just v i'.liiii and adjoining city limits, at a bargain. 011 5 nnnuiil paymonts. Ad dress l'. O. Hex 419. m FOIi SALK Housei, lots nd land in 1'hoeniz, or in tracts to suit from one aere to t40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoo nix. Or. FOB BENT. I'Olt KKNT Suite of rooms suitable f ir two gentlemen, lnipiirp 115 North 1 street or nt this of fire. " Y Mi liKNT Orchard and irrigated allu 1 i:it bottom land close to station. Rn . Lowell. Woodvilla. Or. 291 Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC BAtLWAY. . Northbound j N.i. 16'regou Rxprusa 5;S4 p. m. Nil MjPortllind Giprru 9:49 . m. I souinDoana No. l.'Slt.'alifiirnia Express.. .110:35 a m No. 139d KriDoiKO Exp... 3:20 p m No. :23Proio Uranu Pass.... 9: IS p.m. No. 225For Ashland 10:15p. m. ROOUE RIVEB V ALLEY RAILWAY No. 8LeaT Modfora 10:45a. m No. 4IaToa Medford 6:Sfip. m. MntorlLeaTea Meilford 8:00 p. m. MotorI.eTei Medford 9:00 p.m. No. 1LaTea JarksooTille. . . 9:00 a.m.! No. 3)IaTea JaeksoBville. . , 8:80 p. m.j MoterLavea JaekaonTllle.. . 1:S0 p. m. j .MotorjUeaTea JackaoDTtlle. , TwOp. m. MAIL CLOSES IA.M.IP.M. ! Northbound 19:1914:54' outkbouad 10:OS 9:80 gl roiai T:8 8:M! l.tls.iTtlls jl0:8 8:t0 3 DICE SHAKING AND CARD PLAYING UNDER THE BAN I KLAMATH PALL." If the council of this onlinunc-e passed at .. Manh ti.- eli forces tin last meeting. it will placi 1 that will re Klamath Kails under laws ect a shad-- of deep blue. , la passing an ordinance ' ule of licnior within th ohibitiug tie orpornte lini the of chance, Like many other laws of a siunlai character, it is not 1 xpected that the ordinance will be enforced, but the pre tuinptiou is that it u; passed so us to give the city 11 way to deal with th" "blind pigs" and .biive the revenue from fines imposed in cases of convic tion for a violation d the prohibition Linens YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of th-j meuls that are cooked ut thu Kinorieli Cufo if yon havon't already regalvj yourself with some of the dnlicious dishes that are, served here. If you h iven't partaken j of them, there is a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A j meal at tho Rmericlt is an experience 1 that will make you t;y, like Oliver' Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open Ail Night City TIN SHOP Tin ninl slieiit irou ware ou Imiid ami nuiilo to onkr. J. A. SMITH, 1U North O Street. I. el the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS mulie that piece 4 "-'irDiture. Any design, any color, any ."initih dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. nf fttli anil H streets. W. M. Oolrtg. o. L. Beames. COLVIQ ft BEAMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Cround floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phnne 91 MOBDOBFF & WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Eads 1 old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK 4 BLOCK Oo. will '.e prepared Feb rnary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick and iust as ch-ap. In estate before contraeting. P. O Box IB. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cnf fees, Extracts. Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds nf dinner ware and fanc dishes 216 W. Seventh St. Meilford. Or DR. GABLE The only exclusiie (iptn-uu t. tween I'.irtla'Hl and SH.-rmiient.. Office on SeTenth Stre-t. When others fail, call oa DR. B. J. BONNES Ere Specialist Office in Kagle Ph.irnmrv Main 2.13. Seventh and VI .in THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to l..rnl pe dal. All modern conveniences We solicit you: patronage. Bus OUR LIBERAL POLICIES REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD TRADE HERE COI H'I'KSY nlikr tu all wliovisil lien-. NSI'Kt'TlOX tliucrt'ully cuurt.J iiud inviti-J. CASH huyiiiK und si'lliiiK nmkt'B uur pikes tin- luwi-st poaible. CXI'KHIKM'K tclla us whi-rt- t'i Im.v (!""'' a"J ,vl"" '" '"J1 "filer tn et tlie best. lil'AHAXTKi:iXG every arti'le ulJ insures our (rustonii-rs uuuinst nil less. We cheerfully inil(e j(cj"u lil'I'ICXDAIU.K (,'oods. sold ut mniill profits every urtiele Kuiiranteed Vol' lire invited nluug with every uther w in or man in this eoun- tv. in slmji hen insii'Ct our of ferinjjs t;et our priees then, if you IV. I that you an- lining the best thiutr by purchasing here we will be pleasi-d to have ynnr trade. The Longsleeve Waists SILK MESSALINE NET LINGERIE ;e- 4 Medford's "Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank .:. K. KM YA It T, President. A. PKKKY, Vice Pn-Bident. THE MEDFORD MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank . in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. iness Directory THE E. B. V. LUNOH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on the Paeifie Coast. H. U. Lorimer Prop. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all stylea by The Tribune. DR. WALTEK R. STOKEB, Ueulist. Siii'ces.iiir to Dr. J. M. Koene. THB ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, MeMo'i - Oregon WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new iiiartrs in the Young 4t Hall building. Billisnls. Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. for good bargains in Watches and Jewelry. Pistols, Masical In struments, go til THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFIOE C Street. MBDFOBD FURNITURE CO. Undsrtakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones'. W. Conklin 88 J. H. Butler 148 DR. B. J. COKBOY Successor to Dr.l Junes. Office in the Stewart Building. Thoy tell n h that long sloovos liavf i'oinpee!v captiircil the stage and thut .short sleevoH will not hv joml jtgiiin until midsum mer. We nre prepared to hIiow you woiiilcrfnl v.-'hies nt iiHton ishinyly low prices nil lawn, lin gerie, net, tnensnliiie and silk waists. TIIK I'lilt'KS RAXfiR FROM 65c to $17.50 JOHN a. OKTH, Cnnhier. W. B. JACKSON, Asi't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK SAVOY THEATEB North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs. Entire change o' program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. i.'ontinuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKBN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. BDEN VALLEY NUBSEBY N- S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Orow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All outers promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. v. Depot. - B 841- Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Vole. Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. phone 825 S. B. SEELY. M. D. Physieian and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms itay. Office hours: 1012, 8-4 p Offtcs in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK rBEDENBUBO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford.