THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREO ON, SATURDAY. MARCH (i. 1009. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ACME CEMENT PLASTER JUST RECEIVED. WE HAVE LIME IN ANY QUANTITY Standard Portland Cement d LUMBER that Gives Satisfaction fn) 3 IK I KNOT NAPOLEONS WILL PLAY NO EXHIBITION GAMES rLKVKLAXD, Olro. Man-It (i Tli. X.'ijmh'niiH of t lit b:iie ball hVM. to tin i!iunl'r nf n Hi'orp nid 11 half, iiiaili ( 'li-vt'laiiil their Mccci today ami will fin smith tomorrow under ManHjji'r L:i joic'H protecting v i n . Mobile iff t lie t nulling camp seleeted for the. Xaps, i:t d the hat t fry men, under Jim Me (iiiirc, arc already in t lie fin If oast city. No exhibition nanus will be played on tlie road by the Xnps, the jinnies being conned to a series with tli" Mobile team of the Cotton States lenpne and nnother with Xow Orleans f f the Southern. fJnmes will be played in Mobile I'fter the gathering of the Cotton State ter.m's phi vers, Marnh HI. Tlie f i rt game will be played on March 11. He yond t he arranging of that one date ro schedule !in:i been formulated. The Naps will leave Mobile for Xew Or leans March 22 and play in that city l-ntil the night of plil 11, when the Clevelanders will leave for St. LnuiH to open tlie American league s.-asou 1 here April 14. The schedule for New Orleans has not been prepared. MAY NOT ELECTROCUTE YOUTHFUL MURDERER NEWARK, X. .T., March fi. After nil preparations had been made to put Walter Zerler, a ninteui year old boy, to death in the electric chair yesterday, lis attorney notified the state prison Mithorities that he Lad secured a stay of execution. Tt is understood that he (btnined the stay two weeks ago, but look no action on the matter until a n few hours before the youth was to have been put to d'.Hh. Young Zeeler was convicted of murdering his grand frtVr. William Reed, r.t Vineland X. J., for the purpose of robbery. Tt is con sidered probable that on tlie account of his youth his sentenc will bo commuted to life imprisonment. Two chums of the bov who turn .l str'.te s evidence. ere serving thirty wnr sentence in the I eni'entitary fr complicity in crime. NEW IMMIGRATION. LAWS IN MEXICO GO INTO EFFECT KL PASO, March (. The new immi gration laws of Mexico are now in force. The laws are similar to those of (he 1'nited Slates, and will greatly aid the 1'nited States bolder officers, who liavo had much trouble in the past be cause of undesirable foreigners flock ing to the M'ut Cirnnde border through MexicAu ports. LARGE AMOUNT BONDS SOLD FOR ASHLAND ELECTRIC PLANT KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL, the WILL ASK RAILROADS TO LEND THEIR AID CHICAGO. 11.. March fi The Amcri cj;ii Railway Engineering and Main tenance of Way association will try t" induce the railroads of the country to co-operate actively villi the National Conservation 'onmiins'on with a view to protecting and increasing t ho timber supplv. A recomendiition of this effect will ie made by a special commission nt the coming session here. March 1". The causes of the recomendat ion are to found in the crowing emergency which confronts the railroads with f securing railroad tics. Health $s Worth Saving, and Somo Med ford People Know How to Save It, Many Med ford people t::ko their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know the;ie organs need help. Sick kidneys are r sponsible for a vast Timout of suffering and ill health, but there is no need to suffer nor to remain i:i danger when ;;!! diseases and aches :mn1 pains due to weak kidneys can be ijiiirUly and permanently cured by Hie life of 1 loan's Kidney rills. Here is a Med ford citizen's recommendation: A. . Sears, Fifth and H streets. Mel- ' ford. Or., says: "t have used Doan's Kidney pills and am glad to say that Die results were mont grat ifying. T 1 suffered for a long time from pains in : my back and found it difficult to stoop. : The kidney secretions were too frequent and annoyed me greatly during the light. Poan's Kidney Pills were r.n highly recommended thai T procured n box at Raskins' drug store. T had only ; tr.ken them a short time when T found that they were the remedy T. required. ' 1 continued, my general health nnprov- 1 and T felt better in every way. I take pleasure in recommending Dean's Kidnev Pills to others." For sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents. The Ashland city council met in regular session Tuesday evening, says i he Tidings. Four i ouneilnieti were I resent, the Mayor and the other rep nsontatives being away on a tour of paving invest igat ion. Fnder provis ions of the charter the Recorder called Councilman Cu iiningham to tlie chair :is acting Mayor pro t em, I he 1 hree theis present being Conncileineii Myer. Provost and Stennett. Recorder read eoinmunica! ions from Morris llros., of Port hind, agents for the bond purchasers, iH'cepting the issue end considering the negotiations ter minated. The city is now in possession of the securities, all signed up and ren dy for delivery to the extent of $77. "". end the money is available as needed. With the negotiations at ail end. it is e ted that wot !; on t ho elect rie light system will be renewed at mi (isrlv dav. Teddy's Cousin an Heiress. NEW YORK. March ti. The will of the late Emma Cum in in? of V.:i Hamp ton, L. 1., disposing nf an estate valued nt more than $!, ,n(m, was admitted to probate today. A granddaughter, M iss Olgo Roosevelt . a cousin of t he ex president, is one . f the beiioficin in s receiving the income from 'Jim.noti until she becomes 21 years of age. when she will get the principal, llartmouth college receives $21, "'HI ; ISnwdoin, nun and several Xew York institutions MOMiu each. Foster-Milburn Co., Puffelo, X. ngents for the United States. Remember the name Poan's take no other. Y., sole I - nnd 51 Prepaid Railroad Orders. j 'Something which ia of considerable" interest, to the public generally ami . which is perhaps not generally known the system of prepaid orders now m effect between stati ns of the Southern Pacific company and r.ll points in the United States. ly means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and ; mailed or telegraphed direct to the par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same time." tf in :j I5fe5 SELL STAMPS TO GET FUNDS TO AID OOMPERS XEW YORK. R Tlie snlo nf rlnmps, similar tn Hi - r0"n nf ,,1P Cross will bo ndnpK'l lv nrcanizil In hnr in this country lr rrisn n fund for tlif clofonoe of ProsinVnt 0.imi"'rs nn'l Iris associates, who woro rnnvii-tM nf rnnt mpt of court. In iho iv-iitcr ot rncli stamp will hp a far similo nf tin sonl of the American Federation nf I. a Imr. ami below it the words. "A Free Press nnd Free Speech." The stamps are now being prepared and will !c distribute! soon. The price that they will he soil for has nnt been fixed. SALOON WRECKED BY BOMB; TWO ARRESTED .T VMAIf A. L. I.. March A saloon 1 op- bv an Indian was wrecked by a bomh nhout midnicht. The front part ,.t ihn hnildiniT was binwn nut. and had not the prnpietnr clnsed his place for Ihe nieht he would in nil prnn.inun. have been killed. Two men are r.rrest H. They had been I iected from thi I'Nce early in the niffht. ORrHXAXCK NO. 1T!. A:i ordinance providing for the can cili::l imi and teritiinatim of a eerlairi contract between 111' city nf Medfnrd and one Tinbort Kin.r for Ihe making nf taps and ennneetinns wish the waler peet tnl'nanis nf said city. .TCTinn I. I liai r-Miain rnnii.n-i .11 er-d intn between the city nf Medfnrd nd Robert Kini! for makitii; all taps nd cniMiectinna will) the ei.v water iiiain-. which was entered into on or bout the .".111 dav of September. 10". pursuant to ordinance pro idins fnr the xeeutinii of such contract, entitled An rdinance prr-vi-!inLr ''"r the ex'-cutinn f a contract with Hoberl Kine for makintr taps aiei cone, t mes v.nn m- newly installed .:-'-il e yt-m f the water supply ' vstem nf the city nf Medfnrd and piovidin th terms tie r.- f." passed August Hli. 10ns. be an.l tl-e same is here'.y e: n. elle 1 nn.l UT tninated. and the city r .rl-r is In .el.v directed to notify tail R..bert Kine nf -:aid cancellatieti and terrninat inn nf -.aid contract and to r"piire him tn im n.ediatelv turn ever t the i!perintnr ent of the water plant all to.,ls ami up plies in his haml M-l.-B:itf I" th ri,.v ..f Medfnrd. The fnreeninc r.rd-eance was pn.ied on the 4th dav of March. 1!"0. on the fnllowine vote: Welch aye. Merrick ave. Fifert ave. Fmerick r.y . Worttnan aye. TVmmer ave. Approved March 5th. lft"!. W. II. C. NOV. Mayor. Attest: r.FV.f. M. fnf.I.IXS. 3rjn I'ily He.-order. HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blemlitiR of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our enpert decorative sperialist will virit your city soon. Without obli (Tiitini; you he will dircuii the fur nishings for your new home. Wf.e tor partirul.n J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets roMi.AM). or.rr.on Sir.gft Rooms FurniihtJ Tastefully WATCH MEDFORD GO First Lictsiug our opinion on the growth of the city during the past two years, vc hclieve Medford will have a population of .)()()() or 10,01)0 one year from now. Is there anything to stop iff Second- The development of vast coal fields, close to Medford, which is absolutely assured, means a big payroll and a great increase in city business. Inves tigation will convince the most skeptical that this will occur. Third The next ninety days will show active work on road to one of the greatest timber belts in the 1'nited tStates. This means lumber for box fac tories and all kinds id' manufacturing, employing hundreds of men within the city. None can dispute this. 'on Hit Immense tourist travel to Crater Lake; new gravity water system; hard surface pavement; electric railroads, both city and country; active work copper mines of the Mine hedge district; new schools, business blocks, residences, etc., etc. I have the only Main street business lots for sale at last year's valuation. These cannot be equaled for income or investment, tuick action will secure the best buy in the city. For particulars net owner. Fred'k C. Page 101 MAIN STKKKT MR I) FOR I) SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT SATURDAY l-hil ire change of program featuring. "TIIK SCAI" A stirring r aiu-e, all hand col ored, in connection with other st rung subjects. Admission 10 Cents. ASK. JDIAMOND Btt S f I TAILORED Scrcnoly litippy is the man who run fool that liia gnrmonti are tailored porfrctly. This is the feeling nur pntrone can enjoy. Riilisfiu'tioii will bo yours tf you liuve your suits, coats, otc, made licre. Tho way wo fit arouud the tirck nnd Rhouldors is a revels ticin. Try im. The largest line of iluincHtic and Imported Suitings in Southorn Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGEbSSIVB TAILOR Great Reduction in Clocks TOR the Next 30 Days we will make a Q R E A T REDUCTION on all our Clocks We have too many and we- need all the space. See our Windows and get our Prices Eiwood & Burnett Opposite Nash Hotel ORTONI MOTEL OREGON Modern Comot MoDERiTI Pricu ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND jTlic Tourist Uoinliimrter. KNOAOE ROOMS EAIU.T FOR TUB ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION 1 A- . NORTON. Uuifra Medford Theater IMXLKV & Ll'DKK'S- Musical Masterpiece Win'. TIIK J DMA! IS IT 1 'OSSI RLE? The BURGOMASTER IIAKWV IlKUMSKN KTTIl WHITE nd the same l!ig Conipanv of l''avorites, in cluding that r.cwitching Chorus of K A X (i A K () () (II R li S Wednesday March 10 r -,,-lll' N..rthl Hoti nrf rjim.i. miUMUUII,HIUM.HIU iMtmuil. !! I ni'.v iul m mlilor trniihlo It i te best ! nn'lii'ino on nrth. Mm. R. S. Johnson. .. . . , , , SM lv all ilriiKuit. 1 ripo II by mull .Tribune Want Ads Insure Results. Try Thenij ,,, Kl . i.oui,. FOR LADIES If ynti hsvn rnr furs to sell, remem- Yiit.-s r.i.t.-r. Kas , S. pt., Ifl, 190S. hrr h(ri'- v- B- Finley, 3d Aftr ...v .l.,.-t.r. tfv m m to rile. Mil Vmnt streets, manufactures all Hull's Texas Wnndnr, cured me of Kid- J kinds of furs into wearing apparel, rugs, robes, otc. Old furs cleaned and r fnodt'Ied, heeoming nearly as gool as new. Taiiderinif and tanning work. Mtford, Or.