Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 06, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medi'onl.
PiibliHht: every evening except Sumlav.
Geoboe Putnam, Editor and Manar.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fine at
Medford, Oregon.
Out mgutb by mini or carrier, .$0.60 One ear by mail.
switchimi one vote that broke a deadlock and ihrtcd ?i a. building is
,- . , ... . . ... . , A ASSUBfcD LA GRANGE I
, iiiii n .iiu, s si hiii or. i nc i niiea ,jiai es sei'wor is uraa
euncsday s issue oi tin; Asiiiancl alley l- oj-.
iniKlit lie called a normal niiiulx-r, so full is it of the not
inal school question. Editor Kaiser, awakened from
long hibernation, pops and cracks the editorial whip about
the normal school enemies, lashing critics, raising great
welts in legislators and even flecking chunks of moss off
the back of Ilarvev Scott, arch cnemv of normals. If tin
loss of the school has had the same effect on everyont
Ashland that it has on the Valley Record's publisher, it
again proves that there is no loss without a correspond
A very strong case is made for the maintenance
the normal school system. Figures are given showing that
every state and territory maintains two or more normals
except Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana. Louisiana
Montana, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah, whirl
have but one. The entire trend today is toward sevcra
schools, and many of these slates are figuring upon addi
tional schools.
The number of normals in various slates is as follows
Alabama four, Arizona two, California five, Connecticut
lour, JJistrict ot Columbia two, Georgia three, Idaho two,
.Illinois five, Iowa two, Kansas three, Kentucky ' thrc
Maine three, Maryland two, Massachusetts nine, Michi
gan tour, Minnesota five, Mississippi two, Missouri four,
Sew .Jersey two, New Mexico two, New York twelve, North
Carolina four, North Dakota two, Ohio two, Oklahoma
four, Pennsylvania thirteen, South Carolina two, South
Dakota four, Texas three, Vermont three, Virginia two,
Washington three, West Virginia seven, Wisconsin seven.
The Record discusses The Tribune's editorial utter
ance of February L'l, in which it was stated that Ashland
citizens should have rushed to Salem to rescue the normal,
asserting that the history of ten years' experience is con
trary to the suggestion that a lobby was needed. Says the
Record :
"lit the ace of the butchery executed hi) one session
of a slule senate ml of five, we urn not ,jH,. , pan d to
believe lit ; rsull ironil have been different. The idea can
not gel away from us that regular eommillee meetings
and one or tiro citizens in possession of the information
the representatives of the stale need to consider, and the
consideration of the report on the floor of the house or
senate, is the proper place to center the issue."
Politics is not. what ought to be, but what is. Disin
terested consideration and logie should sway legislators,
but seldom does. All talk to the contrary does not dis
prove what everyone familiar with legislation knows, that
more laws are made by the lobby than in either house.
Practical polit ics secured Ashland the normal. The merits
of the proposition hail nothing to do with it. Practical
politics might have retained it. If there had been a strong
lobby, the result might have been different. At leasl it
would have been worth the effort. Never trust a measure
to succeed on its merits alone, and he prepared to fight the
devil with fire.
Here is the way the Record hands it. to Senator Jay
Jioweriiian, who fought, the normals:
" """" secretly prepares the most outrage
ous program that was ivcr j,t on fool in behalf of any
measure before an Oregon deliberative body to murder
the three stale normal schools in Oregon and deliver their
bctonyiuys to the cit y l'orlland for that purpose
through l'orlland Sal, in alliances and throuijh the spine
less backbone of other si nnlors who fell obliged to emas
culate, themselves in order to gel on committees he com
pelled the subservi, ncy of ever; measure Ihut became a
law to the diabolical job he had concocted and it failed unit)
partially because the house refused to be bludgeoned into
such a horrible undertaking. Hut Senator lloucrmun,
prospective candidate for governor, appealing to the avar
ice and vapidity of I'ortland's big vole and to the prcju-
"" V, i m: paisimomons lowtirowcl pessimists of the Wil
lamette valley, u ho are willing to scuttle the .stale univer
sity and cut lit, hun t out of the stale public school system,
is a study that men will despise."
The Record gives Mr. I !owennan too prominent a place
111 11 nspiiacy to wreck the normals. A luainritv of
I lie senate were n i,al from the
lion-, anil wr trust his soul is in htaveil, htrcf safe from
any interview with tin normal school kidnapp, is. but it
is safe to pi, dirt that if the noble, old lloinun cared to conn
bark to Sodom and fiomorrah (Salem and I''). Hand) and
inventory tin ru rr u pi ion and 'niquities wrought on the
morals of the p, ople or the porketbvok of the t'J.f payers, the
one siugli alhgid normal school dicker would prove t
have In , n mi r, I y n ' nnrh " f, uture in the lar'Jer games of
the s, a at o is' rombin, holding a just appropriation until
one fri, nd of th, stiiojl delivered the goods to the politi
cian. "Y,t the On gonian is so hasp and low thn' it is pre
pared h, swallow In ids of camels and make a big fuss over
a gnat, and when we read the Oregonian we ore solemnly
advised that if it was not for the normal schools Harvey
Scott would surily moke Oregon take the place of 'Billi
ken. the. Cod of Things as They Ought to Be.' "
The Tribune, along with everyone in Jackson county,
regrets the loss of the normals, and if a special session of
the legislature is held. Medford will send some of her third
house brigade to fight the battle for a normal aonrooria-
I.A liKAN'DE. March . Over SU'.'""
iv.Jl r- riftilwl by Henry & t'arr. un
t"rrijkt-r. on a piot of ground facing
Washington SVctiUr, lei ji ini U g lUC Itlur
Mounts. n c-irietery b.iilring on th
tc r- i.
The expenditure vi!l be f-T th1 eon
MructiuD and -q;;ip,::'U i.f a . r ' .
rt'i uDcrtaKJiij: Itari'-r Arc or.ljuj; I
plan cow tiL drawn f...r !miiit-i:&t
tiir structure w;;i l.-r a lv.o ;.-r
hurls. 4i II. The first f;..;.r witl 1';
c-rrtil.i'-l l.v tr.e uLl.-rr ak .i-g ya.i"?
Liuri,'- aii'i -hlp-!. wl.ilr tlj- -r. 1
Iloor l T'j bt- rvLVrr,-! :M hvir.
rorn f'.r the at ter. 1 ir. : who !
in attei:.lanre day :: r. ai: j
t.-r .!i..w floor fi.r i:.- ur- irrac: i? il.-:Ertriii-nt
"f the Hti,v & c an M'-rv.
APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of
Fruit Trees
Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific
Northwest. Not, 1M the combine. Coripetes with
all firsf-elass nurseries
L E. HOOVER, Agent
LONDON". Mat-'-h WhiN- vrjt'a
lif A wwiatinn t the h ambers of
'riinir. of iIj Ur.iif--. KiDL',l''Tn t
ajf it at- uny -.stag- with Franet, :i
!nrnt-r 1 th Britt'ii ehnniit-r rf com-i'UT-e
in Paris sail :l.-tv that h- hul
th authority f.f J'-hn H-i)iuk-r Hatu:
ti uv that niiv f!i(1 t.-!w-.-n
TrMnf and Anf-rira wrt ah-'-nt t'
During March & April
From all Parti of the Eaat
$33 from Chicago
$30.60 from St. Louis
$25 from Omaha
$25 from Kansas City
rn ...ii.in1.y !., ra:."c fr all
C'lllCT jMHnt'i.
Wrilc Icttiri t.j octvImj,!v von ktiow
n the KiimI ami I ell Ihcm ahoiit tlicjso ralow. Sin.l t !i in litcrnturu
nit On .iii, ,,r ii, I :',,.ir n.. n-a.u
un ami ! will In it. In tiiij way
i I'll ti he (jr.-n f 1 1 . 1 1 . in Un. K row tli
i pro(rr...i of your Mtiite.
- iiiivoiii. from :in,v piui-u if you want
li'iuHit tin- ii Hn.'iry ninoiiiit with
r loi-iil :io,.i jhhI ,,. w!II tilutrBih
kot proiiipl ly.
I il ir of AlzimiIh or write to
llelUT.'il I'iimsiii"- Aent
Im Ori'iioii l(;iilro:ol V :ivi(r:ition Co.
ulherii Caeifie I'o. I.inoa in Oregon)
rilllTI.A.N'l). OHKCION.
Medford Iron Works
E. (i. TUOWBRTDQE, Propiutor.
All kinds of Euii es, Syraying Outfits, Pumps,
ri'.-Veis ami Maehiner'.
Agents in Sort'.Atrn Oregon for
When You Think
tait. and Ibc wavs .111, 1
means s n n. vlll.. .;Vl.M ir ;(,u',.ni,;ul
Jiad favi.reil the- normals, their suc-c.-ss was problrmal i.'al.
'I'lien again, liowcriuaii . s lV,.m ,( Oregon, thai
lias no normal, and was more interested in th- ei.v'ote's.-alp
bounly and other measures desired m l,js section than j
the woes of (lie normals belonging to other regions. Ha.
the Jioriiials been strong enough, they could have forced
iiowerman s support, ;,s the auti normal crowd, being the
strongest, was able (o force it. ( 'oiitiniies Hie I,, ,, '.
"The Oreioniaii has reiualrd th, o,,,,,,,.!!. ...
Unit Hie normal schools in re "horn in si ,l ,nlrtnr, ,l
in iniquity," until it has made others b, In c, it, yi m '
tic truth there is in the .statement lies in the rhanv of tiHd
Wff, nuil the ilnsl ration of a normal school a ppropriatini
having been secured years ago by the friend-, of a school
When you want
to know any
thing special
about SHOES
Go to
c. w. Mcdonald
Smmm um $ testy
More Light for less Money
Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved bv using
32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110
Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs.
110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11
32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses
40 Watts perhour and would use in ioon
hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K;l
watt 4
Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp $ 7
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Office, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No.
Opposite the Big Electric Sign.
jp Count ti
State Lit -posit:1 ry
:;pit;il acl Surplus $12;
Kosourr-Jii $700,U00
Highest Attainment in
Systematic Banking ServiGe
'J'hu Jaclisou Co'inty II;; it k ri'spi'i-lfuHy
Eoliciis yuur accuuai, 8ubjt.ct to yuur
check, with the str.-ng.-st guarantee of
hufi-ty and ?f l'ioii'iicy.
W'v oft'vr liij,'h(.!jl I'-ttainnicnt in
t srenialir l.iinliiii si r, u-f, whit-h as-Min-s
tli? (jn-alvst t-an in every finan
cial transactioi:, with this obliging in-Kiitutinn.
W. I.
O. H.
UN DM0 Y, Caiier.
When evenings
are cold
n gccj.l. VoiiifnrNiljIo suit or overcoat
ir.alics man feci like living, and pm
tc-c't linn from col. Is ami iu?uinoniu.
c.u j-i-t comfort, stylo ami ulcguiice ia
f.aniicotn ilmt are niailc and fitod bv
us wll as perfect satisfaction in '
noth wear and iricc.
J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co.
Importers and Tailors
the Quality
Ikm i iXifl t
iiii;iNiM:i:i3iiK7k'iiiri:i I
U is, and always luis
been our aim t supply
our customers with
got,ii of the highest
quality and to tliut end
we nre alwayti udiling
Quality to our line. The
hdiiitiou of " p-eferred
tork " makes our line
of .! i-i. jit-ude t'ncne.l
0sdi molt complete.
Our lervicc always the
fct and erory ncrom
giveu our customers-
You will find I
your wife's
Allen & Reagan
Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit
and Feed
is usually better than your own,
and you will find on consultinir
Iict that slio does not ajrovc of
I'ayini; out good, li:-.rd-canied dol-
lars for reni u-lw.n o......
iiiaay cjood ru.ortiM on ,lie market at reasonable fiijures in Medfo-d
v;"'"'ln 1,3S 3 kl'e for location, surroumlin. etc., and iulir'
"i ..t can be relied upon i makil.,. a ti,.,, for a home. HrincV l.r
will. yon. a-,.1 .mnk.- a ,,crsnr.el in. ,i f . R0,, thi of.
ti t .rougl, our agency, and you will never regret it. It is aln,oat
time to "make garden." and it r. Inirh t;,.. ...:.... :
homo ,vl,,.ro you can enjoy Ibc g 1 thi.g, f life i ,.is wonderful val.
Rogue River Land Co.
Exhibit Building, MEDFORD
yttrs. 3vmz Ifamptott Isaacs
Instructor of "piano. Xlst 5tt4tl,od
Stulo at JlulJuu. iJoclk Orm
T. IV. Osgood
P. . e-.immlntls
Osgood & Qummings
Givil Engineers
The Best Equipped Engineering Office
in Southern Oregon
Surveys. Maps, Plans, Specifications. Ke
ports. Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and
Water Works, Paving and Road Making.
Sewerage. Railroads, Irrigation andDrainaJe
Office Medford National Bank Bid.
Timber and Coal Lands
Apply to
B H Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
; l J Skewii c. E. Ililiinscr
A. C. Randall
L. O. tlarrii
Rogue River Investment Co.
Sub-Dlvlders nd Developers Rogue Elver Valley Or
chard Lands.
' h.yc fruit land., bearing and young orchard, in small and
lare tiat3, for sale.
We punt and care for orchards and guarantee property to
lo- is ic presented. 1
Experience Xot A ccessary for
those who purchase through us. They secure the advise and
semes of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cub
jure ,n all its branches, who for several veics has exccled in
the gr .wing and shipping of fruit in the Hognc Hiver vallev
recrd cops, record packs, record prices.
111 'rtli D Street, Medford, Oregon
Kue,. o,o. Veneer, Door,, with Bevel Plate, carried i. .took cheap.
0 F""1", 4 -. ... Work, Turned Work
and "ancv Grilla
f'-SlmT. BKT9. Kb. 1T8 46D8
KVOikTR ca i RtljIfg,
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