I THK MEIU'ORP DAILY TRIBUNE. MEPFORP. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 5. 1000, -. Social and Personal E. C. Staple of Abl."nd spent Fri day in Mdford. County CumiiiixiiDeri Oiriij and Pat tTon ipnt Friday in MM ford. Mr. F. V. Street ha- returned from f-u e it ended visit in Woodvilip. Mrs. J. Soott it bark from a visit Myrtle crk. Ella Gaunyaw, public if-nograpber. room 4, Palm building. A. H. Kiiore of Siiinn ii a buin-s ititor in Medford. I'hone your order fur iwwt cream or r-utttrrnilk to tb creamery. YA YX-nxr f Y.vxup is p-ndiriif r f-w day in MMfurd and vicinity. I'nblie itenograpber. Office over Hi j io tbeatf-r. PIk-d Main 3-71. Mex Fr-t '."nth:.!, lb r.otion man, is i.iukitjg bia month) v -i IN in t ii valley. U K. Tilt.ail of xlt- Blake, Mr Fa' tumpany in atf.nn . I'lting hi:: valh-v i uilomr. T. K. Daii.l hu oid-rM a vetilMil howvaae, which will i.m- of I he m tt i latroratf in thi rifv whii irnJallM. FUTUKE KAISER HEAB8 ABOUT AMERICAN INDIANS bKRLl.V Mar.b Walirr MuUm tock uf Pittiburjf. a p -tahi-t in Atiu-r lean Indiau ciliiinv. CuM with I'ruwn I'ritice FrMvrirk William atj-1 ltr fn Ir!nci.'K last lifKr aft-r wusrL br talked with hi h..- of hi- Hi ;! rm-nt tud.i -f ttn- i-'itfion and ira d-tn'tn of tt- lila tt- U..- '"mwn I'ri i.' - . e:n-n i r-d-irM rpro-dut-tiMiis uf .,-.. :.. ll.r HI;t' kfMit tin '-.tival. Prunr an' I' tin- s"it a ijd it.e Inirh.. "I M i bury Vi-rt tiii.-i.jr-the gii-!, Mr. MH l;riT'-k jfav an n.fnru.al )- i ii.- trt f-.n- the f I'fWtt I'r ni. e and tbe 'r twu Irtn-t", .,in iinnth" t." "i. li.di:ui i-tbriMl-.jv. H- 1.:. in-w j.t tiruM !.. I it ffuaiiv at t he m. it'tlton uf th 'thili'il..j(i. hI .,-i t i'- f Hatnlnirj; iid IWlin d ujluiut hf prut-f of iii 1 invt-ftigatiib4. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WANTS STEEL SLEEPERS i'!:r.-i;i :;. p:... Mar. j, .-. Tl iVtdiavh i;ulr.i.-J ;ini1-i.fi-'" tbat it '.ar,j i,ti:(.n bi t ,l --piNjf ear ir aftr Tin- fir-! tt--l tar -rd-r-l bv the P-Lnyh aiua (-atTM-d 'hr'i.i;li PtT!.btifj !:'. i-lil and was !ij..-ete.i h.-r.- bv .ffirja. The !i t-t-l r..r. vth.h a bsult at 'hi will ! tl(.irm;t;Uv t ri.-.l mui at rv j-n.l ai"ii ti.r Lin- and ill b New V'-r k by S:;t nrdy m "ruing. It i tn.d- r-:.-l :h:.i tb- r- a-.n j.eB V ti,- TjT ll;')tlIJi( tLat 11 i.-t-j.T h-r-ati-r be .ad of steel . b-.-a.i-- f tt- X' Vurk tunnel, at 'Viiin; ht'.'tt.' W'.-i U lt r'iiTni('tioII .Vill h- i-r-i!,!!.-! fiil.-r that tuiiuel. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Naah K. W. ftM-vi. k. .-i.y: (J.- ri;.- T uti. Habb f k: l I Mae I.;;i.L'tjlui. Walla Walla; . '. It-'kman Order for iweet cronm or buttermilk wif.-. .la. k"in :ll ; A. K-. ha:in.f M J SI ("arrwll. lirat.d ! " ( harb' O. Knijf ti.i f ruin the t-f f ! f ttrx-ratixn i. -.t i. !Y T P.irtlard: A H H.-hnr U V,i.,.t...n l',,r L-iri.l ( 'hiraj; Modern Structure at Ashlmd. AHI.AM. or.. Mareh ".The fint r.-.-l r!i.fnr.-.d i'tn.rtt- hu i Id i n if in -u!h-rti Tt-ittti ba jit b--n r..mplet- i f r.r tht- Ahiand rr.ani.-ry. The iiiMn-if l ifii' r-te trruu'h-.ut v- for te d.H.rn and niud-'We. The wboje rru.Tiin- i ;ilr..ui li.jtrlv fir.-prof - a b.nidn.i: 'I '-a i be. Tb-- new build ...inp;. r--d iii nr.. u-4-Tttii4 40 as nt'-rf.-r.- wi: tt t h- br.-ni.-ss of ' ..wn d-- ...;. Ill- ' nrif.- Alf'b-tll .... me Iiinllt iT iiHM r-.i mi .t..r-cn. : reo-i jii-.r.i ai.-i a i.i. Tury r..r the iiianu- Mr. ' . I . I K "ii n ..i .( ;.r k ! ii ir . . ..t . tiff-Iv:?iif of f..r lh.- burr, r wll The Moore . Wmt-r. A-hl:tiid: A P.. i orn.-ll. (irant P:i-: A. ' '. H-d-r..i.,b. (ir-in- P:.; P. T. Vin.-en'. Th.m Irvine-. pnrMnnd: Ft. A. Mn-h. -r:ir.t. M. ' . ' ..bbia. A P. hi. A. le: fur tb- hr,l Thur-btv veninjf. .dr. Beknin a-i.ti pari d h-r to Med ford. Fancr v eat in (ft jrab.re we make them to your i.rder. W. W. Fifert, the prog ! ( re"jve tailor. ... . ...... i. fc. l- U Colonel J. F. Mtindy and family have : (jr(iV ft(.,j l)ria'id: 'I. n d.r H.-ll.-ii mov-.I t th l.indb y bniijraV.w ,,n - :,nd W- ll.n; ". T. S:.-if rd. A-h West Hixth street. hand; '. H Wiil..n. p..ri:.t-l; K. T Colon-! Frank Hay rturnd from San Kn.-k-.u. -ntral P-.irt; M -. and Mr. Fraoeiaeo Thurlay : nl b-ft later for P. .1 o'i;:-.r:. W.Thii.t..r; f i! Munt Portland. H- fi" to return Sattir t. S:tn Frwn -i It. F. W 1 1 i c ; . n . day. j San Fn-r.. : P F. Fb-nn- M. tif Over fi hundred diff-reut .bade, to ' ti m-atmu. KMiami. n r. (d-et vinir tiit from nt Kif.-rt'n. Kdfr Hafer ba jetnrned from an i x. ended biiine trip to San Franr S. 0. "Wat -on of C ntr.l Point wa in Med ford Friday for a f-w hnur on biivineM. I'l.ire your nrd r for your Fatter mi it with Kifert. tb.- pro(;r'Hive tailor. 30 1 V. C. Brown, who l-a been spending fume dny in MI ford, ha returned 1o bis j.larr of bnwine- in Fugene. John It. Wilnn uf V-ekn. Cab, i pending a few das looking over the va !! with a i.-w of locating if he ixn find n pbo-.' tint will tiit him. Hairy It. .larn. i of ..f Appb tjate fountry tpendini; n ftve dav in Mi-d ford iiting bin friend". The Milfnrd Op.-t-i r'.mpanr will vis it Ahland thu fvniti to pr-nt " Fra I)iavolo." Tlo-y will r p-at it here Sat urdav evening and r .11 vieit Central Point Monday e.-niTig i Mini .Toy Spi.-.T. m h-. ha p nt m-v-eial months wi:h h-r .Miiin, Mr. .T. W. Bates, in thi . ty. las left f..r 'Portlarnl. wh.r.- h.- will take a training en me in the St. Vinrnt hospital. J. W. Keye of the Vallev Auto com pany tat-!t that he drove a chalmm DetMtt ",1m" to Ashland on Jan u.irv -', thn Ic-ing the f;rt to put a car ovr the road thin -a-.n. whirh h.in.-r wa attribute t-. A W U'!Ver. who made the trip !at we.-k. Dr. S -ly vi yi ha: the lat.-t tri unif.h of ih.mIi ri mirg.-ry i that of removing a yowl from n .-: and sub "Uniting a whmtle. that every time tee cat go.- t,( yowl he bl.w a whi lie which call a b-g :.nd -h.-i h.-r up a tree. Oregon Ob-Tver; li.-orge Hull hip p.-d hi ho,...h..)d g...-U to M-.f..rd venter. lav and will tnriko that pl:wp hi future home. H. w-tH a Mr. Lance of finM Hill, ha-, tak.n over the delnery and ei pi .. V.iisiro-- of tht- t . r.- of M.lford and will em.du.-t a d. jw-ry and expr.' bu; in. H--r.-tof..r tlw . tore ha' .n d-drg their own de Ii i ring. j A little orchard on th A(pl.gat- ! of four a.-r-t of ! .' v;tr old Sj.it.-n ! bt-rgt. owm-d by K N lbdi ndon. near! f-rant Pa. in loo; n.-tted f!'l'. ay the OUtt.r I.at .-ar Mr. Kobtn.'ir. figured t-i r.-al:.- -Jh-i from th-.- four a-r. but b-f-r- rith.-nng time a havy wind h..ok off ;ib.ut tw.. ear b-ad prematur.lv K Kricksn of the iiine bwahtv bt-t v. ;ir n- tt.-d f.T' from a -0 fo..t r-'u ..f r ) rapb rn. s Anv one with uitablr oit and intrlbgnt eultivatii.ii rmi g. t .n-.-1nr re;i't Adam' aed f.-. . C. lirow.i. Ktig-n. H. '. saiiiptih, rarit Pa- ; U. ' '. McMillan. Po-rl.nd; J. A. Ma.aul.-v. lVrk.bv; ii. It H:d-n. Spd Franei to; T. San f..rd, A-hlrnd; A I Kit, o. P. Wr gtr. K S. h-.-e arid wife. W H Adann. Por'lar.d: ir.i Flpoti and v. if.-. A-dilmd: J. W. I. Ir;e and wife. Po-tland: Mr H Papk-. Il.-rk..-y; . W V. :,. A-h brd; J C. pendl To-,. T- bb- R. k ; W. M. la pp. .!. Slat.-r. F. M. Dulbd. Port land; W. J. Culf.-yle. San Fran.-i.-; F P.. MeC.rd. lio-burg: J. C. Fob-v. Portland; K S. hace. Portland: A K To-i-iiig. Portland; C. II Adam. Alb gr;n: .1. I . D-Pri. -n.' wife. Por.htiil; A. Me l-l. :.tli.-: li-org- It:.-i.-r. K-d ding. Cal. KLAMATH FALLS POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW INCREASE Klamath Fall has had a w-oi.derf.il growth in the pa-t y.-ar a :b-nc .-d bv th- b-g iiirr-:;!- in the dor,.- bv the J--foff.e e. VVS tb. H T aid. If i n-.w r.-fftin That at TtV . i.d of the pr.--tit ij:irir-.T thi citv ml b- ntitbd to b-.. 'Iii.- a -e.-ond !:.- offo. To a.-.-ompb!, thi it will onlv h r.ecesarv for Th.- off i.-.- t do worth of b-Mie- il-irn.g tlo pr. nt rr-.riT !,. a nd Po: ip.-i . .-r Km m -t t t a'. that he wdl probably r;:n .'. u ,-r th areoutit. There i- no 1 rw r uide . f the jtrottth ar.d i'roj-ritv ..f a than the m--fa-j' in the p-.jiral r (.':. t o- pp!y:-,g of for an rf-aiii fn-t.-rv. Ashland Talking Paving. Mayor S- . i :t1i ;),.- ...rT n.g. t.t of oiili. !i:ro (, ho hale b.-.-n ii-rtit.g the .-ihl-.f i , i .(-... -t ..f Infortna "i roro i-r.-, ..n :. oj rai ion, ar- i .-1 hoi...- f , i .-: - t r to-.n. presumably or -fi.-d w 'i, f-i,-- ;:n.: f.t',ir.-; rept i. 'i.-- ..(..-rt ..f h,o,r n..rthward trip, :y tr .- Tidii.g-. Alt'o-ugh th. v did n..t of Ti,,- t.at(. a.,.j vlSi, In;it r':.-ul:ir l-..-abt . "lov bae doiibtle arc-d that M.-I- .. Mo,aia. thougt .id ot a-phait an 1 ronr-!. i nev- rtb.de. j.;t with en more than el il.T- fit An a.iio,.. 1 m-.T.i,.. of the fit-.-o.ni! wi'l b- h-'d Fndav evening rw ttil.iy f..r The pnri-.-e of henrii.g the i-rt of the roinruitte. JAPANESE LABORERS DYNAMITE'S VICTIM WhTe ij.an. ;i. Wa-h. Mar. .V- A j r o- .he i..rr ranch. -- Hii't uorTh of i.'ii. rr:i blown up v dyraiPi'e v. -t-r lav - had placed ii-V p..wde nn. r a tuiiip and, !. fig t j.;; bun .--I on;, returned 1 " a- :i pioi.iii o.-mrred. One no wa- bh.wn from hi, b'-lv. ..p.-1 eve 'wn ! !.. f o. :.r..f b-ly tl,rn i. ma- v pla.fv Hi. r.-.-. tr- i doubt i'. He !,k -f. ro : !, Portland !-;. !.-.! f--r r.-afni !! !...-. a wife GREAT MYSTERY OF CROOK COUNTY IS SOLVED HKM. or.. Mar.-b --After a Nr.. ' t n v. at . The rt! t v nr ro-, r .) ;r g tie d ":ti'p''.'irnne of S Tavi. a pr..m- li'-nt ai. l eal hy t. V man of i ... .V 'tintv, i thought to b, ,.lvtsl bv th. i-'.n-ri of the finaii. 'f hi )- i-ar In home. The d 'ipt'a ra h-- of l;;vi t n vear ago ..ne of (hi- gr- .T :t- f rie of i ir. g- - ti An ex am i n. it p t .k.d'-toti that it i. pr'b bh that of I'.'i i T)..- k,d-t..n ha been taken t,, 'nn- i!!- t--r a m..r. .'.-r- fi .-i.ini.i.ato.i,. It i thought h.- wa- miird.'r.sl. Th. 1..m1- wa f. iind in a -halb w gra WASHINGTON'. Mar. h ' - fh- !:r.! ..luadr-n of the '-. ,f fb -T ba be. i, -rd.T-l to pr... .-I .. S. -.ttb- f.-r -h. -p-ning of ti e V ..k- Vuk.-ii Pa.- f .it i..n .! '. (,. 1 S. v, -it or p- !.. w a V.f fled to lhi ff- t '--i IV b 'he ..-r. tarv of Th. -aw Th- .)ti:i-1ro.t nhirh r..ii! I of .gM armored ni i -r will r-Hiiri 1 1 ; b i - --r. . g: '..w at.l w II. tl,. ...r.'tr.rv -r.iT.- I rd.ablv b.- ..rd. -l to r. --.irn lar.- ,r I he munmi r. MARRIED. Medford Templar in A.thland. Vuite a timnher of Medfonl Knight i empiar w.re in Ahfan.i !a.t evening i HI,DW1.' J i nl'. : H..' to attend a ene1ae of Malta cm man . .r V.-,r, h 1. Wil W Baldwin of K! derr. at which b.-id- r. gular bnme ' Ml A-. Mab.d ,..h!.. hi the onler of the T-u p!.- wa conferred J ; , i ,.r ntv upon W. A. A:tken of Medford, a the Tiding John F. Whit. L R-am.-. H r.r. W K. l-ai mong the ;itor were It. .1 Trowbridge, r '. G.irnett. I.. B War M Knapp of Wood ville. and ( W. W.dter of Talent BORN. VNT'FK'i - In sh!.n. on Febrr to w,fe of W i; S.,.;der oijmv vvi y o ; A'i ord f.i'.. t f..r rhe can i':t;o!i .-,..d ,.f r- certain '.Oi.-t b.-.Wee,, .- ' t V of M -. f rd .d ..pe R.-b-r K".: f-.r -h- making f ap -I'.l . v h tie wafr -t T' -t . : , ..n: ra.-t '-n . r d I'.-.. ! . n r.'v ..f M.dford r.t Ib.b. r: K -g f M g all tap ; t"d ; - ' : h h- ."..V water 'I Hi !: H h I. h W:i ' l.t'T.-l III' o on fT 1 In. nt tl.. .1 ,f s ..w-rnber. lS. :ir-ii.'i!iT :.. or-t" pn i 1 1 rig f..r t he , T. - uti. ( of t r,.-t. ertirb-d ''An 1 'Ti.tJ!' !.'!. "g for the exeeminn j f a -a,1; K'. a..-" Kir;g for, akTg ta;.v i -Ti-.r v h the' v I d --;.-. g .yt-m of ; he wa'- r v '.-ni .-1 the eitv of. f -!f. r-l :...d';.t- j tb t. rm th-re- pa-d mo,;.:, t,i(. p'V be and 1 .. a?s. h. -. bv .-m.-. l!el and ter i '!.:,!-!. 1 -J - en r. .-..r-b- i herebv . ti Tifv .,i 1 Robert King of . "a i a" 1 f ---rmination of t ,-u d o re.jijtr. h m to irn ii'ii . , .. tvo - ipermtend at-r i.'-.ir j'll to.,?, nnd '.ip ie it: h "' red ! 1. r.g'r-g t., the ntv , M.lf..'l ' 1 Th- for. g .-r.g ..rdirat..-.- w.i pa-.ed , , th.-- 4. day ..f Mar. h. !'tei, ,.n the ibw:i!g vote- W.-b-h ve. Merrick ave. . f. r . F-.eri.-k rv, . W..r:nan a v.-. ! n'.Ti'.-r av--. p;.r...d M .-.-h W. l'."0 W H ro. M.iv.r .-e.t P.FNM M i H. Us. o-vi :v Re.-order. r-Tex to ,d contra d-a'elv t of fb- Figure With Woolverton Thi' sour. .' uf m!I wealth i-; h:so.! , lun.K All y real t'..rlimi" ari- t". i 1 1 o i . -. I umii it. M.ui ranni.1 live apart I'r.'in lainl. Tr..' i i:;i n win. iiwiis his .w u hull!.' ha taken that t'n t -ivat Step towarils iinli'pellilellee. Fiutire with W....1 vei'tmi. he will sell von a helne nil ea-y tertns. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVER BIJOU THEATER Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound j No. ldoreg -n Kxprea 6:24 p.m. So. 1 Portland Kxprea....j 9:4ya. m i South bo and j No. l.'ICalifornia Expreaa. . .jlO:J5 a m No. 13 San Franc ico Exp... 3:20 p.m. No. 25 Prom Oranta Paaa... . 9:15 p. v No. 225 For Aailand )I0:15p. m R0OUE RIVEB VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 Leave Medforw. 10:46 a. . No. 4 Leae Medford 6:85 p. n. Motor I.eaet Medford ! 2:00 p. d Motor Lear- MM fori) 9 00 p. m Na. 1 Itcs Jackaoaville. . .j 9:00 a. m No. 3 Leave JackaoiiTille. . .j 3 50 p. m Motor I-eave Jacknrille. . . 1:30 p. m Motor Leave JackaonnU. . ?30 p. in Saturday Drives You Should Visit Here We invite ymi to visit this luisy stme Saturday. DID VOl EVER STOP TO REASON' WHY WE ARE li L'fcY .' WE GIVE INDISPUTADI-E VAl.l'ES In every eorner of the store ymi will find new im1-. On most every eounter you see i.rtm .""'' ""'"'"'- C'oiiie and see the displays of 4 SUIT WINDOWS m T-A WA - 'fit 1 ' Kf 50 Dozen Vests 50c VALUES 29c Just reeeived. a .jO-dozen ease of Sleeveless ests: every one a '"e value; the eelehrated Kaysei- line. We plai-e the entire l"t "-n sale Sat- ni-d.iv. the one dav onlv. ' fur, choiei- 29c Medford's "Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bauk SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and SATURDAY Entire change of proirrain featuring 'THE SCAR' A stirring romance, all hand col ored, in connection with other strong subjects. Admission 10 Cents To the Ladies of Medford 6 Southern Oregon You are cordially invited to the opening of our new store at 114 East Alain street Medford Beginning at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 6 we will have on display the very latest in Spring Suits Millinery and everything in Ladies wear. A Hausouie Souvenir will be presented to every lady attending this opening JS , Jardinieres We have just received 10 doz. 11 inch Jardin ieres in assorted Colors and Patterns, a 60 cent Retailer in most stores HERE TOMORROW 35 cents each SATURDAY HOSIERY DAY 2" .l...n l.aili. s' Wt.ol.-n Fast lilnc'r. ll.- :i I""- t -''V n:ility, in.. t pi; s: suli- inrc 10 CENTS A PAIR. Kiflit si.vlis in I.ailies' fast Col or I.UW- I'iinnh Hum-; plain black; sj.Iit Iiiiit; Iiiim.' stripe; .1 rojist it ch ; r.ll sizi-.; lihu-k ami trt tones 25c pair Fancy China Sunn-tiling inw, Delft, Old Midland Diiti-li ar.d Cipcnliau'-n Hand F'aintfd: over ."0 different .ieet's In (tclet't from, 75g to $3.75 eaGh lit-ineitiTier, wo arf also rurry ing the largest and must corn .!etp line of popular priced China in Medford; prices are r.lways right. 10,000 Souvenir Post Cards, the kind you pay 5c and 2 for 5c everywhere Here and the largest selection in town lc EACH Don't forget to see that Beautiful Blue Enamel Range Retail Value $83.00 USSEY Dress Linens WE INVITE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS OP DRESS LINENS TO EXAMINE OUR LINE AYhite All Linen. inch goods, in flat and round thread, at "-'.V. 5(ie and 7"e yard. A real All Linen Lawn ;it ."i()e per yard. Mercerized All Linen in Hue. pink and in fancy stripes, at n.V- yard. National Linens at 20c, 2"e. a."c and 40.- vard. Union ( linen). 1'S inches wide, in all colors, at '20 the yard. These goods are bought direct for us through import ers and are the cheapest and liest ever offered in VAN DYKE'S T M. lvmncvr ..f Afj.lipit i spend .. :, f,. .In.s m M.-lf. r.l. Classified Advertisements WAjmuj. v. ATK1' Kr m:ihcg g.'M pr.ispe.-l . .irir. boni, southern Oregon or r-h.rn ia!:f.irn.: must be rfceap ;iu. t.-rins i-i.iuble. owners only. llf-. It- x li. Stati.m ". Seattle. MAIL CLOSES A.M.P. M N.rtktsiuaJ M ,:M j footkbemj 10 03 X' ! Vl rit ! T:KH I tj FRDIT TREES W A.NTKl. To rent, a 6 or 7 room ! ..ue. close in. -VUres, D. rare of 'i'nbune olfo-e, VTKP 11-woi.Jcliopf n to ehop ,..-l-oo.l aa.i t:erwot. AJJr.ls P. O. I w VNTKl A rl; must b, experience.! i . ,. ! aK-es ;.a.J. A t-ires, P. O. Bot Vr.lfor.i. Or Lite little hoaae an.! lot. ..o.l s-.r...--I'. W. Stone. Over HHa.1 TEeater. VOH SAI.K A new H room house, witi bath au.l electric light anj win.i.ov sha.les, for the small sum of Jiijoo Mrs. r. ieiibriijije. 40'i P.iversi.ie av. nue. FOR SAI.K -A Roi-1 buy Four Tots .V by jo;niC city l:p;im . r. $l"'i .-Sill; c.'i.b oriiv ii--..- ;. :., this neighborh.K-J are seil.i.g r.r ' to '." eah. 1'. O. Box "71. M-,if,.r!. 207 FOR SAI.K At a eir l.-.w j r c,-. ui c W'i.e.1 I!'.' .--at .1 i-n-tvi ru . ' ' -1 "h't": "- r::.. "-, c.t-rr., -i:. . : .-art. - 's ! - t carat, l ure !... .. V...f.,rl i..,. t ' , Ts'. 1: I'uR SAI.K- a. a bar;. ::. ..a 1 .. j 1 Ir. 1' V B x 4- -Or tti.l--. t'ne N-.t r.-.m a M--.lf.irit. clearing l'";KOK ALK- ar. 1 A -Mr i. .an- of th. ! .J, .,. I ..l..,,,. t; sai.i: ! a . h i -n. .-t .. i ..' -b- fo!i..e 1 f.-.-t: Hartlct In tg a:.. e V - ..., ,. ll r-. la'ness au.l cart. : ; tor is cheap. Knoiore at Itee ..- 'un.li rv.rn. lo i" street. l; SM.K I'.n'no .om bus nc... eno f iiiterosl m a nir little Uuanc. ' ivlor. to S,nith C street. 2sl to -.-a a. I- -.s ! 1'.. x 4- r(TR SALE Houses, lot, asi lasl Pkoaaix. or in tracts to suit frotn o acre ta 40 acret. Matt t'alh.-.un. Ph ail. Or. '. L. B.WARNER FOB BEST. 'K SAI.K Kine new piano at a bar- l-oR RKVT s.o. .c . . - "'' Fast aula of 1 j f,,r twn K,ntlemen. h,;it 11" X ''- '-r, " f"itk ef park. J. n strt or at this office. M M.-r.s!Tian. CdJ D 1. 1; . . - - F.R RENT Orchard aoj irr.gitej a';.; Kurt SI.K H' buv two cholca ra j :al bottom lan.l clme o station. R,r. .l.iite Lta. corner, trraia. $750 buys A. Losrall, Woojvtila. Or. 29 BARNARD SCORNOYER'S NEW MILLINERY STORE Will be open for business Wednesday March 10 Everything New and Up to Date Eastern Pattern Hats Our Creations will please you. Come and see them Tribune Want Ada Insure Remits. Try Thein