i Sewer Pipe Drain Tile GET OUR FIGURES ON THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. PRECOX. FRIDAY, MARCH .I, 1!)0n. MEDFORD BADDECK COMMEMORATES FIRST FLIGHT IN CANADA BADDECK, N. 8., March 5. A res olutiou has been adoptod by tlio board of commisHionors for Baddeck Center commemorating the first airship flight id the dominion of Canada tho hulf milo flight at an altitude of 30 feet, made by Douglas McCurdy in the uer (.-drome Silver Dart, under tho direction of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. Tho resolution records that the flight wns "an event of historic importance, coupling us it will with the fact the namo of our worthy and honored citi zen. Dr. Graham Bell, under whose aus pices tho flight was made, the name of tho bold aeronaut Douglas McCurdy, a Baddeckq boy born and mred, and the name of our home, Baddeck." CopicB of the resolution and congrat ulations of the villnge of Baddeck Cen ter on their "woll merited success" wore sent to Dr. Bell and Mr. Mu Curdv. SHERMAN COUNTY FARMERS DOWN THEIR RAINMAKER MORO, Or., March 5. Tho Sliorninn county court, now in session, set aside 1 1 000 for advert iseing t he resources of Sherman county as the executive committee may sco fit. The committee was authorized to guarnnteo tho ex perimental farm experts any money, land or improvements desired. Tho so-called expert rainmaker, who has operated for two seasons in Sher man county, was set down upon by the league. His friends asked for $15,000 to carry on this season's work and it was the opinion that Sherman county had in tho past received too much adverse ad vertising as a dry farming county through the rainmaking efforts. Some contended also thnt no rain had been produced by the experimenter. One hundred thousand envelopes have been orderod to bo circulated by the busi ness men of tho county. A pamphlet will be got out later. HE GAZED IN AGONY AS DEATH APPROACHED CHICAGO, March 5. Held prisoner and helpless, Charles Thompson gazed in agony yesterday upon tho roar light of a freight train which was backing to grind him to death between the wheel and tho rail. Tho train moved slowly, but horror made the man almost powerless to strug glo in an effort to extricnto his loft foot from the switch frog in which it had caught. At last the train was upon him. With a frantic effort his Not was freed, but too late. He was crush ed to death before he could crawl from tho track. NO STREET MEETINGS IN SPOKANE HENCEFORTH SPOKAXE, Wash., March 5. "Aft er tonight street meeting: of overy kind will be strictly prohibited at nil points inside the fire limits of Spokane," an nounced Ren Rice, chief of police, to day. This order includes even the Sal vation Army and Industrial Workers of the World. The rule is made because of riotous parade and attacks upon em ployment offices which have resulted from labor troubles. RESOLUTION. Whereas, it has pleased the Almightv to remove from our nvdst the parent of a helnred brother, therefore be it Resolved, That this lodge extends to Brother JamM L. Garvin tho deepest sympathy in his sorrow, pnd be it fur ther Resolved, Tliit a copy of these reso lutions be st-nt to the bereaved brother, a eopv be published in each of the near- en papers in general eiretMation, and a copy be placed on the records of the lodge. Talent Lodge. No. 211, I. O. O. I Talent, Or. O. H. ROBERTS. G. A. GARDNER, JAY TERRTLL, Commit!. ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED BALLINOEB WILL GO INTO DETAILS OF RAILROAD WASHINGTON. March ". H. II. Harriman 's propose 1 railroad up the Deschutes river will not get under way immediately. Secretary Garfield was not able, as he assured the Oregon con gressmen, to approve the map of loca tion, but let the matter go over to his successor. It has been decided to withhold action on this map until Engineer Schleet of the reclamation service, recently de tailed to the Klauialh project, eau in vestigate conditions on the Deschutes river and determine the level it t which a railroad can be built so that it will not interfere with power development along the Deschutes, either by the gov ernment or private interests. Mr. Schleet is now on the wav to the Des- hutcn. The department has hopes that tlm railroad will seek some other route into the interior and abandon its purpose of building up the les;chutes, for it is said that there are more attractive pow er sites on this river than an v where Ise, on the Pacific coast, and Mr. Gar field inclines to the opinion that power levelopment is more desirable and in the end more beneficial to the state than running a railroad through this particular canyon if another route can be found. It will he several weeks before the engineer's report can be submitted. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. Matilda B;:rio to C. I". Lenv engood, revocation of power of attorney William N. Wright to E. B. Han- ley, land in D L C 47, town ship 37, range 2 W o000 Woodville Cemoterv Kssocintion to Ad die May Jones, lot 27, Woodville cemetery 5 E. A. Miller to Clyde A. Payne. o acres in township ;i0, range 1 E Harry N. Tuttle to Ella Edmeads lot' 1. block 1. Tuttle 's First addition to Med ford 10 T. J. Oden et al. to M. A. Bon ham, 4H0 acres in township 3-1, rnngo 3 W Edward P. Bennett to Jackson county, lot 13, block 1, Fruit dale addition to Med ford E. W. Carder to R. H. Toft, lots j nnd 6, block 1, Nnrregan 's addition to Med f ,rd 10 Thomas CnlbertBon to Oliver S. Andrews, 1.4" acres in township 30. range 1 E U-"0 Oliver S. Anderson to H. L. Whited, 1.4o acres in township 30, range 1 E E I m i rn E. Matt h n ws t o J ease Sumner, lot 2, Matthews' addi tion to Ashland fion ion O. X. Wilson to Wesley Vogeli, property in Palm's addition to Med ford ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled for at the Med ford. Oregon. jost'ff ice. March 3. HKifi; T. W. Baker, John f'oehian. Crest- brook Orchard company, Fnd Curry. F. c. Davis. R. KMis. Mrs. Hrsscie Fl zay, A. Field-:. J. S. Foster. C. Ktewrt Hoxie. I. C. Johnston. A. S. MorrK Wr.lt er Parsms, W. S. Phillips. Jo v;hine Price. Walt.-r S.-l-niidt. Wil liam Schmidt (ft). Hay Spencer. Mrs. C. K. Stone. Mrs. Anna Brown Stniior. fienrge Walters. Oenrge M. Ven-l. M Wilson, Mrs. Nettie Writer. A charge of one cert will b mad' upon the delivery of any of th above letters. Parties calling for any of the above letters will pba' "av ' ' adver tised." A. M. WOODFORD. I. M. NEW YORK. March 5. Literally smothered hy tons of mail matter, a bnrpn perished in West Thtriy ninth street last night. About ISO sarks of trade papers were being loaded into a wagon from a canvas chute, when th wagon was overturned, deluging the twn hortirR, one of which died before workmen could recover him. PLUMBING PRICELESS DELICACIES FROM THE COLD FAR NORTH NEW VoRK, March Hmiled Pa cific whale, grilled blubber from Xooika roe.st Amazon monkey, baked Winnipeg porcupine and boa constrictor cutlets were among the more imposing features of the nuaual dinner of the Canadian Camp at the Hotel Astor. These delica cies came at the end of the menu, the diners' appetites b'Mng whetted earlier in the feast by ordinary viands, such as martindale, one-eyed trout, moun tain lamb (with horns), Newfoundland rabbit pie, spitted Vancouver pigeons and African sorbet a la White. T.. lorii- ...'.' ..!! ..curse Uiii '.: i- :r- i :i -.-i,; Ktnne to wetvl't Hie - n;ei l'i ; cettle, cover whh water and b.iil. The wax comes to the top of the water, and tho sediment remains In the bot tom of the kettle. Remove wax when cold. A Royal Snake Slaughterer. The "secretary bird" Is one of the most precious birds in Souib Africa. It la royal git me. and any person de stroying olio Is liable In a tine nf ."iU. Majestic looking birds, thoy stand nbout three feet hlh and generally o in pairs. They tire nf drub color, with black, feathery legs, and nrv valued fur their propensity for l;lllin snakes. Where the secretary bird Is seen iln-tv ire sure In he ninny ivpi lies almui. The bird beats down lis iid versa r llrst with one wing and (ben with tin other, at the Hit ine time 1 ni inpUin; on It with lis feel lint II the snake Is su.li flently st tinned to cat. b It by Hie head with Its daws. Then the bird rises far up !' the air an I dmps ti-4 victim to Hie ground, hi be killed. K this means t housnnds nf venom. hi reptiles are destroyed. London K-Tiipv Natural History. "Whiili Is you lieeii workin'V" nske.l Miss Miami Krmvn. "I'p to one o' desliero arrtdges whnr dey Jcoep do automobiles." "I s'pose you likes 'em better ibm mules." "Well, de dllT'uiice Is d:it u mule kicks wlf his bin' feet tin' de automo bile U mo li't'le in bint same us a Soat."--Wushiu;;toii Slur. Bus Woman. Every monthly inaazlne parries ns many as twn untfpiud stories In It. When a man la!,-- y ( moans Hint his wife Is canning l.vilve continued stories in her heel In addition to doing the cnoliin-4 and trying to tintl ut how much the new hit r worn by the woman next dour. - nil City Iierrlck. Economical. SbP Fill Kniti to give ynli l.:i'k nui L'ngngemcnt rin. I :iii"ih-r. lb (live me hN name a.l rii'dr--. She -Do you want to ;N! hfin' He No, I want to sell him the --s. Pick Me t'p. Milk Toait and Cheese. Mnke sonic rl- h mlM; lo -' ;i 1 . -pn-a l out on a flat di di. Cnvrr v I'h i I'.ii , layer of grated chcc-c and in the iven till the cheese hm-Iis nnd brown - Harper's Ilazar, A Spong-r. "The wore nf S;o;;r 'v N ': roM ci pays anything." saU Cr."' ' v "Oh. dcevp't he. llmu-b. A ! tdm l-ay you a vNlt tun! - r r.-,,r- HKks Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which i of considerable interest to Uie public goijprally and which is perhaps not generally known it- the fstem of prepaid orders nnw is effect between stnti ns of th" Smithcrii Picific rompnuy and r.W p-otiTs in ttie t'nited States. Br means of this ay-tern tickets may b purchased at M"d ford from any plate in the United Pta'es and reailM or telegraphed direct t the par tr wishing to com h"re. Sleeper a. e'ommditions and small amnnnts of cash in ce.nnrtirn with the-e tickets msr alio bt forwarded at th same tims." tf ARDWARE Great Reduction in Clocks We have too many and we need all the space. See our Windows and get our Prices k Elwood & Burnett Opposite Nash Hotel SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( 'alU'oniia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to he the equal of the very best eastern produet. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. f you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Med ford Depot: Med ford Jee & Storage Co. Medford I ' I X I . K V & I.TDKh'S WHY. T1IK IDKA! The BURGOMASTER II.M.'KV IIKKMSKN'-UrTII WIIITK nd the same Company d' Fa voritrs. in chilling thai licwitchhiir Churns (,r K A XII . II I I, S Wednesday NI anli u. from Jl.-t Mi- ! ,rly rn I j.Mva.- , r II,m p.. p-i-ial to iK- nv: f r. "I" in aixl ayin(j ; r h.-tp' l. Wither ; o itnilaiitn i any." Im halii1. hut, I: liif-i i-t i! Hi, 'i-i- FOR the Next 30 Days we will make a G R E A T REDUCTION on all our Clocks Q Theater - Musical Maslerpiec. IS IT 1'OSNIMU-:.' March 10 Th great iro and ttiic rAtttomtivn for wm and wimiea, produci fit rna (ft b and vitality, build up th uTtitm and rawa th nvrmal vtssr. For m! br irngfiwin, tr by mail, tl.10 pr box, t hvitnti fnr Williami Mfff. C. Prop.. 1vHaad. O. For nl by Mod tr4 Pbarmaoy, nar ptffttrm. WATCH MEDFORD GO First Basing our opinion on the growth of tha city during the past two years, we believe Med ford will have a population of !)000 or 10,000 one year from now. Is there anything to stop it? Sccoiul The development of vast coal fields, close (o Aledford, which is absolutely assured, means a big payroll and a great increase in city business. Inves tigation will convince the most; skeptical that this will occur. Third The next ninety days will show aotire work on road to one; of tbe greatest timber belts in (lie United States. This means lumber for box fac iories and all kinds of manufacturing, employing hundreds of men within the city. None can dispute this. Fourth Immense tourist; travel to Crater Lake; new gravity water system; hard surface pavement; electric railroads, both city and country; active work copper mines of the Blue hedge district; new school, business blocks, residences, etc., etc. I have the only Main street business lots for sale at, last year's valuation. These cannot be epiald for income or investment. Quick action will secure the best buy in the city. For particulars e owner. Fred'k C. Page 101 MAIN STRKKT K. J. Skwii C. h. Hiltinifer Rogue River Investment Co. r& FRUIT LANDS & i. Sub Dividers and Developers Rojrue River Valley Or chard Lands. '. h i..'') fruit lnndfi, bearing ami young orrhanls in iinall ami laric tmfta, for aale. plfiiit and cure for ori'liards anil Kuarmtti property to if ih m pD senlrd. Experience A'ot JVecessary for thoan who purchase through us. They accuro tha adriae and aiTvicis of a (ronaulting horticulturidt, nn expert ua fruit eul turn in all its branches, who for several yrwa linn excalwj in the griwinje and shipping nf fruit in the Kogne Kiver vhIMv, rorord crops, record pucks, rpcord prices. i r i North D Street, Medford, Oregon I CO. MUD FORI) TAILORED Nernirly hiippy in the man who ran OH th;tt bin garmonts are lailorM urfovty. This it the OHiritf niir piitrons rail enjoy. Satisfaction will he yniiM if yon havo your mirM, could, otc, made hrrr. Tlio wny wo fit around tho rif i'l( ami hIiohI'Iith in a rovelu I inn. Try u. Tlio larjnHt line of ("rntir a ml import) Suitings in Southern Orrjfon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROQRLS8IVB TAILOR A. C. Kinilall i