Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 04, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
Vr. J. K. Hriuii-r o! Aiiaid wu in
Hciford r-:iniy.
'fXro" Walk- J.-'rve L i mttitiUH to
A bland W!iiliiy th f;rt trip this
Mr. fttid Mn. 4. K, Kbtart' Lav
turn! from l'jf tJaj.'J.
Film (iaunyaw, publir itc-graphr,
r'tn 4, Palm building.
C W, MW Jonald, h ho man, in in
OuW Jfill or a fw day.
Mn, O, JJ, Hakif(i m jrjdifcg torn
tiiii on l-r rawb car oM Mill.
Mr. Arthur how- of f'Lo-fjii wa a
r t vim tor in M'-dford.
Mr. and Mm. J. W . l-jfidn fcjne
left for it vimt in Irt AuH-.
Public st'-nograprW. over Hi
juti theater, I'boiie Main 507 1.
If. J. ''lurk of frf-M wan in
Mft'lfor'J Wednday on bum &.
(i. W. Fry of l.ittb- liutte was a r
cnt Medford visitor.
Y.. K. Hrmtti of liuttf Km I In i to b
Wftfttb'T obrvr of that j r t of
tbe pountrv for 1'ii'b- Ham.
I'houe your rdrs for rrr&tn or
buttermilk to tht erfimry.
Charlie Y'oiiug hai bought a fh'i
dne lot on North Oitral ft'.nij-.
K. K. Warner of Cti-retf. Wm.Ii.. in
pf-nding a fnr 'lav in Midford.
J'boi'iiix vot'-N to inrorofate on
Mftrh 27. ' 'banc- ar bright for it
Orders fur iwwt cr.nm or buttermilk
promptly filled. Phonw the rrearnory.
Will (i, HteH of Portland in upending
the lay in M-drord.
Joseph Lyons of Coil laid in in MM
(ord on business.
J. II. O'P-ri'-n. an old n-wnp;i-r man.
t in Medford for an i xtended stay.
At a meeting of the Commereial rlnb
Wedndy evi-iiimf noliit iont nnkiny
eoiigrpus to appropriate the mini of II.-
000. 000 for the bi-anf if ying of ("rater
1, al park were adopted,
Kaniy vit tn galore we. rnaku them
to your order. W. W. Kifert, the prog
reniive tailor. 2ftfl
Hufmiel J, Hill, th- good road ado
i-ftte, ha ben invit-d bv the f'oinmer
i ial tlnb to make uu iiddr'S in Med
ford room.
That untiring booster, A. i. Heard,
who has been ill for the pant few days,
got up out of bed Thursday to vinit
.laekw.nville with lit" boonter.
Bjturd-y N'!jbt.
f- r th- i,-t p.'-i
"Fra Enavolo"
Th- a!e of
ttoft of "K'a" op r,ed '
if iftifi aod 'i'-r- ;tr- f,o r -f .i
for ti-.e v. -m
abie to fci,:!'jt,i' -; Ti!riV t, . ;
f-ao be ifuunAli - M'-elv. Mf
Andrew be eer i fi ! h- p'ifi.a d'
i.a role, '.'-lUuti. un I ne -urt:un
be held until 1 oVjo-k. bei- .vinfd
f'.oiit!6j4 frofi; 1
:t.e it, a i
"T7ie Earjoma5rter" Com ins;.
Ilarr v H rm w-n jir.t d it;v l! i1'
W;!l .;,d the big feVivaj of " Tf.'
p,..rgon," wh.-h WMlnm P. ' ulle
will prevnt ar the Med ford Theater
WediM'day. Mareb 10. Tie.- two -fever
people str- in the t'A' -f P't-r .ttjve
-;fl. governor of S w A m'terd:fnfi vi U" .
ieepM for ''-' ve-ir a nd awae. (.
f.fiil h:." if in t(t'rerii ew V-.rV. arel :
..f Willie, th- gfid-d y..u;h Who e-.;,-.-
to rh'.w him nrotjfiff tl.' tor i. The .
tim' for the r-vn;il are nil new. a f I (
are th- hand: orn-t. :t i" . -d. "f ar.i (
fi,a,f opera now touring. The i en'-ry '
i all new, jforne of the -erte haViligj
been ehailged.ft "The fill t U'.thhmt er ' j
Wi tie firxt of 'he Pllley A Llld'T -popular
mieeenm fo gain fa or. It i
in a el;. with " H.A.''v U"A" and
"The Prinee of p-lnen" f'-r tuneful
ii-m, and inanv of the uftwr hfive
eome to be known l ele-rie. "The T-b
of the Kangaroo," " T,ove Von," the
fimioiiK liidian ehorn. "The f;tinv l'::i
'iei" and other ong-i have n Hit that
-end the auditor front the th'-ater whip
tling merrilv Mii.n White ham wrlten
ti pew ong whii h eij.ertH etaifn will b-'
a large wdler. It ii entitled "How
Mi-. -iv Have Von Told TJiit To!" The
i-horup, whi'-h Ip a verv large one, hat
been ptelerted e-jKo-ik 1 1 v for it- iiigillg
and daneing ribilitv H-at a!e b'gin
M.nd-iv. Mnreh .
The Nanh -l(, K. Voigt. Is. Kngelep;
II. T, Powerp, Portland; Kd K. Warner
and wife, Kverett; .lohn Knndin. Ha
em ; .la men ( 'urra n. Port land ; .1. H .
O'Hrien, Kngene; ( ', f, Shaw, Portland;
J. I. HerrriiPton. Wort hington ; Henry
). Morrison. Seattle; K V. Ternev, Pen
diet on; .1. Worniper, San f'raneipeo;
Will l. Htee. Portland; H .1. Mnlkey.
Jtwltainville; I. K. Tidball, Portland;
K. K. 8wan. New Vork; C H. Truai.
Portland; H. H. Tnin. Portland; .Jo
eph F,ron, Portland; Ma Prudent hit I.
MethodlKt EpiMCOpal Church, B Street.
The preparatory r -wval ineeimgn con
limie at the boe ihureh. ' la la-t Molt
oav evening l(e. P, an-'etfer po- on
"Self Kxaiiniiatioii. " (III TiiemhiV ee
nir-g U' . Hoi ie -poi.e on t he inipor
anee of Ilible Ptmly. ( n la-t ewinng
ev. Shiel.N tipoke on prayT. Tonight
t hi- pub jet will be "An I in port a nt
F.e'iT m Jo-inn, M il:tarv ainpaigit "
On Knday night -v. Hevmddi of th'
I ii.ted lirelhf. ll h W.ll addle.-
the me.-tnig. ( in Said. a' h K angel t-'
John I.ewta bgin- his .runpaign. It
I,euta- ha, latelv r-'iirned from a
ve: r-n travel abroad, nliii- he eondin-t
e ery tuieeewnfijl 111. et Mig- Hi Kllg
land. Ireland, nnd Wale-. (e ,,t-o i
tted Krain'-, Swtt.-rlaiid. Italv. tliei-.e.
Ttlrev, Syria, the Holy Land and
Kgpt. Il- i- an :n'en.-Iy intere-t ing
Mpeak.-r and a well trained nuiger. He
.ill mng at e erv .-rvne. ( nine- and
bring vour friend.
r'HH'AtKl, Mareh 4. - hiiago elergy
men heart il v indome a bill i lit rod need
in the legislature proiding for a fine
or imprisonment for 'livon-ed perponp
who by fnlpehood and mipreprepentalioii
prevail upon mniiHtern to marry them.
It I intended to re) Iv 11 defect ill the
dtftte law. who'll provideH that liu di
vorred per pon nhnll remarry within one
veur and in Pome i-hp'-p two yarn after
the decree of divort' . Thip net pruvidep
ipt ineaim whereby the elerk ippiiing the
Hrenne or lh" rlergyman jierf ormi ng Hie
eereinony run iipeertam the fai'tp ex
cept by inqnirv of the prinripalH to the
marriage nnd pro v id. no permit v fur
the making of falte 'tuHwerp.
VASlllN(iTN'. Mar. ii ( . joint
icpoliM ir,n int rodiu-'d iu th- li'.n.e by
( pi e-e ntative 1. a in It f Virginia pio
vnb-H that no pail of any money ap
prurinted bv longn-H shall be ue, t..
boy tobacio, ngart eigaretlen from
iinv eoiieeiii unlaw fully engaged in in
ternlate or iiitrriiutio-ial eoiiimen-e. The alo Hlipnlale.l that no to
t aeio xhall be purchased from t he ie
feildailtH e..1ied by the ('lilted Slate-4
ril.'int e.uut in the .-a.- of the I'liit.d
Strlen vi, tin- A met i.-ini Tidun-t-o mm
any, and in other eases imw pending in
1 he federal Pllpl'elii
MnrrlnKO LlcftiiitoH.
.1. and l.ola K. ' ;
to give your life insurance to OsMffi
JtS?Di!5 Vtty "1' Oregon." ooi.ftn
lri iu .ii Mtloria icloPtvel to liltfiy (r
uii rVfTftrlllff IIU1'" n" "r t(i I n v ot men t m In
X. V MS&yutUlf nri'urltie wlibli huve Ihflr or
lain lii i)i.Kiin kikI U nn hnui (h nt (n-ti In
th uptjulldliig of a Jiflt9i Oiegon
SrVrrAnllfl OuamntorN mm lreon niin of
vlliiV riiiNii.1 Mliiiollna a.tlvn In th
bualoeN worbt. Where ltif mix r iiim r k h 0 1
lamplm nf Hiieepp other tlf.. I n u I uio
oraftiiltatton ! mo tielpful to Oirfion
ryliulil.T riiihix
tit hi ti oin ovf ry i
I'K.lfl. I'oult II
pill y IiuIiIim P imiittii)r.
iiMi-tl fur Itia ht-imftt ii f nuil-
ryiiijiii.TB r(iiiinivil-. All pnifh of ttie tnl
nmt fioin ..very mmrrn K" (o tttuui No otlmr
I'Krlfl. I'ouit liiliipMliv I i n orK'inl .Pit
II H t tiep i linlf-
ule rcurll y uuiler
lilt M frr our INlsl
II. T . ..Ii-rl VBllv.
lew to
II raliillllwna. Inrtiltit
i aotnew It l If mm ii i
. III1)U ttt.'
l"l- nil
mtu lug;
tl.m of unv
the pitiiHl cmt of n mil un lo-low tl.
"' 1 nnutity
'Uicsonijfc ir:",:'';.,":;:;;:;::;":::,.,. HIIM Hiiy uT Hip 1 m m Kimtfli) i-.uit-pPiilrH
oi.riMttuK lime. In it i... .-nt nlM.-le It)
th l'urlio1 ilallt- i ti or -.l.. .( of an
Ktiplrfii i-ni.iii (tt. H.nIU ..m1.
Ihn lai u" "( f lil- (.mn
"Our innl ale lir i t , - t
Ufn. Tin. v rite i. 1 .1 oo tor
Without I I lo t.o,,!.)
(jwaptlonHlil.' iuhI tui.U
lit lll.
I MM.) fit of
" i.i ol!ir
tlOli 1 HV 1
lo.OtTMijfc ;
I U t liHti imjr
I- In 4 p
Jig of
a nd
I be
r n can
In f
f ii,
pMlV -j,..l,ld put
. tv That th.-v w
Ai'hir, a e-fia-n
on pa n v t )., t w a
nd tie ,-.V did
on it m.. ild be
fie T. . ph...,e .
'g bll M.
a r and ha-, e
'f.Ve.t.d Mil
me, and th. ,r
-''I'lri.-ti.-n hi,
f guarantee th
heir in'erriori
nd if I
o ut in a i ' v t ).. v v
j.pita! tied -. in b
o i., I ,1.-,. wMh.
a-. - thousand- of
na'erlal h-re anr th-
ion people on the g
.Id b-peo..!.-
lire g
d f.ll
I me Uii
X he rerOI!
yirjg tLat
r:ry and ,
r-'.'-fv it
iitb v.e work
ii. The work
i-.. ff.bhrg of
!', the re
arid hinu.e
f the w,tch
that i now
Id to a large
the .-ompa.ny
the work o'f
the great
anv fa.r minded
that the com
th. ejtj-riWr If
o -..rnplete the
rm.afed on the
T.-lej.h-tife e,tn-t.M-.d
with the
pb-Te thin work
If it wap a new
'" ng i ii bijpj neaa
n, w their inten
nt. but the pa
v ha i e been dfe
t v for several
'U'li of money
:if the prevent
lion for thin re--uff
ieient bond
of t Imp eity that
.od. Thev have
over the eoa.t,
d to put up a
made an improve
-uid have ;, their
f:-U and none left
The faet that they
.b.llar. ' worth of
ir expert (o.nstrue
w ii nd and a-'tuallv 1
ung work. an.
(mid. .
i ra ii 1 1
.- -lone. H
louble for tl
.on. I in th.
abli-hing a
Mn in UmmI.I
wdl 1
.t thev d
e amount
tt-red OX
e erv a -
' W -V-fein eijnal
si bv Julv :n.
a! Inbor that t
ilo-enti i
lend ew
ti'pnnv in their
ne a good and
e eompanv add
ve tiic'iiw rmieh
k to th-,.-r
to be . - (o r.
It V
a large foree of our
vd in the work in n
tl at the work will
r-e. it would be no
o put up a snffb-ient
. but it would be ea
b n' hit would enuse
where ami with a
as the Pacific Tele
tid e. vering the terri
lo, t'ere would be no
f bond', r hev would
t the .oast states,
anef that the work
we will have n
nv eir v in the
t he amount of
riiplovd Khnuld
I- -pie of this
isf.'Hieo to the
liighl at this
nt ia I pa to nf
I tn w hat we nlrendv
a will onlv mean n
itidu-t rial w..rk that
to a
, be ,
f .-l.t.B'je-1 flvr,j pagr 1.
fi.-si avaiiable fvr itvrvrrct-i: tap
j la! tfi u-fui eiiterprisea- It w il fur
I :...: the ah-! jt -rurity whirb tuake
' r.e prop-v-l vterr.e uf govern mat
g ara.';ty of depit u alluritg witt
.;jt n p-r&iv-iou result!.
I sirf-erely hope tbat tbr inomiGg
!.-tngre wiil be alive. it h'iuld be.
tf.e iifrtanee of our foreign trad
; arid of erteourajfi ng it in evep way j
' feaj.bie. The (edibility of loereasmg
thii trade in th orient, ia the Philip
piiie at'! in fcouth America are known
or - r.;--i
by e.4,'ab
w.'!.o :r t' -'it. is:.'
-IS. Thr pr.-i--w,:h
t. u.-if iawf-.J.
nr.iD with t
tad wiji t.i'i
ir.erit wfjt-n 'jbfR
Havif.g !ii :j T- i.-w.
hk.-ly t.. r-.-i:r during Ji
and tavir-g -tprt---i;
1 t"
a pr.
, h. pr
my jdg
Af!;er.' ;ti;
tduilti-f rat.Mi-
ii wh:-
wav the p.
m rt--..nimet.da"'n
rr.v rt-hdut a- an -x-e
KI.VM TH I'MJ.s. n,.. I.
Tie ,.;(r t; !' si, .ufd be a t. .-ord break
i in K la t j .-1 'i i...ini!i . WVIi a smii ranee
'", S t:,is ..I ti.e huero.r (iarfield
th.l W. Ul, is lo be piMHe.-nt-d u t he
Klamath pu...e!. u it ! the advent of the
Miilioad and ihe iiiigation nf all of the
l:.i.. under i he I n vi unit uf the redain
ati Hi project, (he a I. aioemeilt of (he
it V -IimuM be the .Me-lct vet expel"
Tin- io. et t, ,i)in t wil .-n a b-rge pav
mil during Hi. t-.onii, .--asiiti. and will
I, at. a li :il .lem-ed t'ol tile produets
"I the Mn. In. (Motions are that
!.. div laid I;iiiii will piuiluce nblilid
a ul I . a - the large a uiou nt ut moist II re
tl-.-l has tall, ii tin. nigh Hi. wniler will
I'Ut rlo-lll in I lie I. est p- - ibje Culld 1 1 IU 11 .
tl expected hundl of t:-tlllies Will
it!e i , this iinll.tx dlM'iTig it" present
e.i t . et .1 1 1 1 1. ii -a ml acre- of raw
iaid are b. ,u-j prei.-ti. d l..r the fir ;t
i I e clupito nt .irh w ill be ear
tied m( .tel-nel ;, all til" lalllls 1111
del the lii. unit ul' the canal will be
'lilt i f I Iu I he water x :!i. it is itli'UMI
l.erii up.iti t ne ,.u , , !,i ,-ult i ate the
lai-.N so i It 1 1 f he will at least pav
ex-ery-one who hai (fiven the matter itt.
w sii i M. r
f peisolis,
..giaph w:ir '
t 111 be ,.,,!
M t. iluph.-nt-i
p., Hit. t
. nt I..
. icial. :
ng p . I.i
ug In the naval
tmissinii to pint
Is, .-r nny yards,
'it furnish, xvithonf
all piet lire taken
be use.) bv the de
pin puses, ot her than
uav deem .'tdvi.sable.
ins are included.
Library Board
lie Will be a Dice
.:-rd ;tt ;-: tins e
st .He
Mli-i II t
nig of the
nttentioo. The direet effort of free
rade between thit fo;ttttrr and the Phil
ppinea will be marked npv.n our nale nf
utton9, agricultural machinery and oth
er manufacture. The nereity of the
eatabliphment of direct line of team
f rs letween Xorth and South Ameriea
has been brought to the attention of
..rigreH by my predeeeaor and by Mr.
If'-.t before and after hii noteworthy
siit to tbat continent, and I lineerely
hope that eongrea may be induced to j
see the wisdom of a tentative effort to
eptablish tuth lines by the use of mail I
tlbidie. I
The Dependencies. j
The government- of our dependencies j
iu Porto Rito and the Philippine are j
i rogressing an favorably a cooJd be j
desired. The proiiperity of Porto Rieo '
-ontinuea unabated. The bosine eon-
ditiona in the Philippines are not all ;
Htat we could wish them to be. but with ,
the passage of the new tariff bill per-
milting free trade between the United
State and the archipelago, with such
limitations in sugar and tobacco as
shall prevent injury to the domestic in- j
it eats on those products, we can count j
n an improvement in business condi- 1
fions in the Philippines and the develop
ed of a mutually profitable trade be
tween this country and the islands.
Meantime our government in each de- ,
pendency is upholding the traditions of .
.ivil liberty and increasing popular con
trol which might be expected under
meriean auspices. Too work which we
ire doing there redounds to our credit
i" a natron.
The Sunny South.
I look forward with hope to inr-reas-i.
g t he a I ready good f eeli ng bet ween
the aiuitli ami the other sections of the
on nt ry. My chief pur pone is not to
ffe.-t a change in the electoral vote of
he southern states. That is a seeond
iry consideration. What I look for
rt'ord to is an i tic reuse in the tolerance
if political views of nil kinds and their
alvocaey throughout the south, nnd the
xmtenee of a respectable political op
.osition in every state; even more than
this, to an increased feeling on the part
f all the people in the south that this
iio eminent i their government, and
hat its officers in their nt rites are their
Personally, I have not the slight ust
ace prejudice or feeling, and recogni
tion of its existence only u wakens in
my heart a deeper sympathy for those
v ho have to bear it or suffer from it.
nd I question the wisdom of n policy
winch is likelv to increase it. Meantime.
f nothing is done to prevent, a better
Veling between the negroes and the
whites in tin south will continue to
;ruw ami more and inure nf the white
.le will come to nalize that the fu
ii-'? of the south is In be much beneli
i by the dust rial and intellectual prog-i-'s
of the negro. The exercise of polit-
cal franchise by those of his race who '
ue intelligent nnd wellto-dn will be!
n-ipiiesced iii, and the right to vote will ,
,' withheld onlv from the ignorant and
i responsible of both races.
Labor Question.
There is one other matter to which I
hall refer. It was made the subject
t great controversy during the elec
m'i and calls for at least a passing ref
i -nee now. My distinguished prede
.-or has given much attention to the
ii'se of labor, with whose struggle for
liter things he has shoxvn the sim-cr
Minpnthv. At his instance, congress
ias passed t ln bill fixing the liability
it' interstate carriers to their employes
.r injury sustained in the course of
up'ovnieiit, abolishing the rule of fel
ervant and the common law rule
- to contributory negligence, and sub
Iiluling therefor the so called rule of
i'i'paiatie negligence. It has also
as-ii a law fixing the compensation
ii go eminent employes for injuries
.! s iai iied in the employ of the govern
ment through the negligence of the sn
erior. It also passed a model child
..bur law for the Ibstrict of Columbia,
n previous administrations an arbitra
i.'ii law for interstate commerce mil
oads and their employes and laws for
he application of safety devices to save
Jthe lives and limbs uf employes of in
terstate railroads had been passed
Another labor ipiestion has arisen
which has awakened the most excited
d iscn-sioii. That is in respect to the
power of the federal courts to issue in
junctions in industrial disputes. As to
that, nn convictions are fixed. Take
away from courts, if it could be taken
:ih:iv, the power to isue injunctions in
labor disputes, and it would crt'atc a
privileged class anion; the laborers and
-ave the law le-s among their number
t' rot ii a must needful remedy available to
11 men for the protection of their hmi
ness against lawless irvnsion. The prop
f mv I
A JmighM
i-raf'- y
ib.w e:ti;
ib-i in
-. I
L.I !
a.-l of
of my
A Pleasant Physic
When you want b pleasant .
give Chamberlain's Stomach ar.d Liv
Tablets a trial. TI.ey are n.i!d cieJ g
tie in their action a:-l alwiy pr-Li
i pleasant cathartic eff.
kins' drug store f-.r a
-et. i all ;-.
free tarn
I hr ve jtM rec.
i ur-erv Mock cocsi
ing: Howell p. ars, Anjon: Spi
tov.n apples,
vt d a
ting of the f.
4 ti fe,-t; Ha
eriherg aiid
4-ti fe-t. A fine ,t...
Lambert eherrv tre-
Classified Advertisements
iV ANTKli Kree milbng g.dd prospect
oii working bond, .southern Oregon or
northern alitoruia; miisi be cheap
and terms reasonable; owners only.
Address I!.. US. Station O. Seattle.
Wash. 2i5
WANTAKD Work o,i n ranch or n a
tea nister. Much experience. Reliable,
sii-ady. sober. Address K. Tribune of
fice. iii7
WANTKlJ To rent, a C or 7 room
house, close in. Address I), ear of
Tribune office.
W ANTED Furuishe bouse; will pay
top notch price for first-class place:
no children. Address P, Tribune.
Bar n aril
No. 19 C
to chop
W A N T K I Apprentice girls.
&- 'ornoyer 's Millintry Store,
Box 418.
and tierwood. P. O.
WANTED A girl; must be experienced
good wages paid. Ail dress P. O. Box
4li. Med ford, Or.
FOR SisiE.
F(H SALE Horse. Imrtus and .-art
sej-t for two, cheap. Enquire at Be.
hive lunch room, l-" C street. 2."i
1'oR SALE Dining room business, etio
half interest in a nici little business.
Taylor. 1.1 South C street. 'J!!i
FOli SALE Fine new piano at a bar-,
gain; must sell nt once. East side of I
tt first house south of park.
street, first house
II. Iletiselman.
'ti SALE t.I'Mi buy- two choice res
idence lots, corner, terms. 7."0 buy?
r.ii-e little house nnd lot. good street.
C. W. Stone. Over Bijou Theater. :ml
F()H SALE Fine family cow, single
wagon, harness, saddle and other things
Itox IbV.. 2:17
FOR SALE A new t! room house, wilh
bath and eb-ctric light and win. Ion
shades, for the small sum of $l(i''0.
Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, 4'H Riverside ave
FOR SALE A good buy Four lots SO
by 12t, .joining city limits on
$t."0 encli: cash only. Other lots in
this neighborhood are selling for 2o"
to .".no cash. P. O. Box .r,71. Medford,
t ir. 207
FOR SALE At a veiy low price, un
leb-emed 1 1 J carats diamond ring.
jmtc white; 2 rings, carats, one
i - carat, 2 Ind'es riuge, i en rats
each, pure wlutt-. at the Medford Loan
tf rice. Ta I.. uV ant age. We need
t!n n o-ev itc mae'ts stickpin, gen i
nine iexvel, and ladies' brooch, i"' oil 1 ,
Ft R SA LE Choice business proper; y
ai a bargain, on long time; easy ivrin.
Address P. O. Box 4H.
FOR KALE 5 and 10 -acre- tracts just
v. ithin and adjoining city limits, at a
b.-rgaiii. on a nnnu:.l payments. Ad
dress I. O. Box 419.
Pttli SALE Tlouse-, lots and land in
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 040 acres. Mntt Calhoun. Phe
nix, Or.
KoR RENT Suite of rooms suitable,
for two gentlemen. Iinpiire 11," North .
D street or at this office.
FoR RENTOrchard nnd irrigated alhi" -
ial bottom land close tu station. Ren .
A. Lowell. Woodville. Or. 2i!
A Pleasing Show
Silk Directorie Gowns
l-'.r tlit- ...pern, l;in-e or reception party, soeial or
i-liil. ifatberiiiif. the Silk Directoire is tlie popular
H . f el for S.riiiK.
We are showing a very complete assortment, con
sisting of the new shades in taupe, rose, wisteria, wild
dii.-k. green. Tobae, cream, corn, lavender, etc. Prices
verv reasonable.
$12.00 to. $35.00
La Vogue Suits
Exclusive With Us
We are sole agents in this vicin
ity for the justly famous La Vogue
garments. If you ever wore a La
Vogue, you were well pleased both
as to wear, fit, style, etc. La Vogue
Suits and Coats are a little better
made; show a little more style, and
wear a little longer than any on
the market. If you ever wore La
Vogue you know the above to be
absolutely true.
m Prlcss Low $12.50 to $50.00
in ; r
j 1 1 3
I l.s.
Medford' s "Little Kost" Ladies Store
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
To the Ladies of
Medford 6 Southern Oregon
You are cordially invited to the
opening of our new store at 114 East
Main street Medford
Beginning at 1 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, March 6 we will have on
display the very latest in Spring Suits
Millinery and everything in Ladies
A Hausorae Souvenir will be . presented to every
lady attending this opening
Medford Theater
IMXLKV & I.rDKKS' Musical Masterpiece
And the same Big Company of J-'avorites, in
cluding that Bewitching Chorus of
K A N" (i A R () O (I I R L S
Wednesday March 10
Hon l ).H v In i en .mi
111 III . n f ..ul .tl--Itllv
lir-i. ooii 1.1.1), !n full
foli e m lltioul furthri
There Is No Excuse for Any Citizen of
Oregon Taking Life Insurance from Any
Other Company QfCgOnHfC IS BEST
JIOMK OKKIL'K: C'urkell HuililiiiK. I'"r. "'Hi M -m-'in So., I'OKTI.AM)
i'li'Miili-nt (ltn.-ii.l Miiiiiij,'!-!' .V-.Uttl Mttiiii'i
A. B. Cornell Dis,ri
Pass. Ore.
Don't! Don't! Don't!
Pav Rpflt 0wn a home on R0SS UWRT. We will
la) AClll build you the neatest little home in Medford
and sell it to you on Easy Terms
Burning of Stamboul, Constantinople
ToniK1it will b the last opportunity vc will have to witness this rtal-ii;i.-
fire pi.-turi', -hnwirg tho binning of Stamboul. Coniantiiiop'lo.
St.unlioul in nhown h.'t'oro tho fir,-. Mt.-n wli.-n tlio fl.uuoH an swooping
tli.- eity. T'io film i a ih rM nn.'. making tlo' pi.-tun- rno-t viviri. Ho--i.l-
this hoaHlinor. throp other i-i.-tur.- aro howit. ):.- .-omodv one he
in ui.i.siially .ininf iii;.
ri v.
T. x . ;:r.-h 4 ie 5eil
to,l;iy r.'porto-l unfavor
' ra. itii; bii who h wn re
'.tlv y.ivA by tlio hnnsp. It is bo
i tl:at ;1 bill will bi- pas.-l anion.l-
tl o a to permit raoiug to continue
UQler jitrictr rogulationo.
For Diseases of the Skin,
pearly Qll ilisoas- s of the skin surh
O ot'znia. totter, snlt rhoum, and liar
Iter's itoh, are oharaoterizod ly an in
tene iti-hintj nml smarting, which oft' n
ninkos life n tutnleo rml ititurhs sleep
ami rest, tuick relief may be hnd by
Applying Chamberlain's Salve. It al!a
the itching and smarting almost instant
ly. Many cases havs been cured by its
use. For sate by liaskins' drug store, m