Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 04, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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An Attractive Bungalow or Cottage
Requires Special Attention
Special Doors and Windows, Acme
Cement Plaster and Special Lumber
We are Equipped to give you ANYTHING YOU WANT from the founda
Be it Resolved, By Hie eiiy council of
the city of Medfonl, Oregon, the mayor
approving. That there lie and hereby
is called a special election iu said city
for the purpose of submitting to the
voters of said city for their approval
or rejection a certain ordinance enti
tled "An ordinance granting to the Cit
izens Telephone enmpeny its associated,
their executors, administrators or as
signs, the right to construct, erect, main
tain ami operate in the city of Med
fonl, county of Jackson, state of Ore
gon, and in Hie streets, alleys, avenues
and thoroughfares thereof, subject to
the approval of the city council, wires,
conductors and other appliances for the
transmission of electricity for tele
phones telegraph and messenger serv
ice, for the purpose of carrying on a
telephone, telegraph and messenger burd
nens in said city and such other matters
ar. may be lawfully brought up at said
election. That said election be held
ll poll the 1 lit ti day of March, limit, be ! it ratorw, successors or assigns shall dis
tween the hourn nf !:! a. m. and !iu:b any of said street, alleys, avenues
."i:00 p. in. of said day.
That the city recorder of the city of
Medfonl is hereby directed to give no
tice of said election a by the charter
required in case of annual elections in
said city.
The following are hereby designated
and appointed as the polling places and
the judges and clerks of naid election:
First ward Polling place, room .t.
Commercial club; judge, W. H. French;
judges and clerks, ('has. W. Davis, A.
('. Hubbard.
Second ward Polling place. Hotel
Xash sample room; judge, John S. Orth;
judges and clerks, Win. ririeh, 11. H.
Third ward Polling place, city hall;
judge, 0. I,. Schermerhorn ; judges nnd
clerks. S,-ntt V. Davis. H. A. Thieroff.
The foregoing resolution wns passed
by the city council February 18th. IflW.
by the following vote, to-wit: Welch.
M-rriek and Kifert no; Kmeriek, Wort
man. Detainer and Mayor Cnnon yes.
Approved Februarv" IS. IfMM).
W. H. V AXON'. Mayor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it Resolved, by the city of Med
fonl, Oregon, the mayor approving, that
i is hereby ordered the.; there be and
hereby is referred to the voters of the
city of Medfonl for approval or rejec
tion at a special election to be held in
ad for said city on March 10th, 1000,
the proposed ordinance of the city of
Med ford, which is in words and figures
as follows, to-wit:
Ordinance No ,
An ordinance granting to the f'ili
7e"s' Telephone company, its associates,
thrdr executors, administrators, succes
sor." or assigns, 'lie right to construct,
erect, maintain and operate in the city
f t,.,l i'i.r1 ffomtv of Jackson, state of
Oregon and in the streets, allevs, nve-j
hhps and thoroughfares thereof, subject j.i'y of Medfonl. When the actual niim
tn -nr.vfil nf citv council, wires, con- ! bei of operating telephone 'halt have
dnctors and other appliance for the
transmission of electricity f.r tele
phones, telegraph and messenger serv
ice, for the purpose of carrying on a
telephone, telegraph ,ind mepirnger bus
iies in said citv.
The city of Medfonl doth ordain as
Section 1. The rights and privilege
are hereby granted to the Citizens Tel
ephone company, its associates, their ex
editor-, administrator';, niceednors or as
signs, subject to approval of the city
.'oum-il. to construct, lay. maintain nnd
ope-ate in the oity of Medford. county
of Jrie k-i-iii. -rate of Oregon, including
all the tre.--T alley?, avenues and thor
oughfares thereof, poles. wire; and oth
er conductors and cable necessary for
the transmision of electricity for all
the purpose herein e: forth, mentioned
and described, and to make th noces-
nrv excavation, construct and build th streets of Mid citv. to admit free
and maintain a telephone, telegraph and j rinsing of any linn's" or hntie which
me enger service nnd to do ft tele- . nre being moved upon said streets bv
phone, telegraph and messenger service the authority given by said city, said
business in said city. j notice to be served upon said grnntee,
Such wires, poles ard other fi xttires I its associates, their executors, etc.. not
and appliances commonly used in mcbjless thnn thirty sir hours before such
work and construction, are to lie placed
in proper places and a the proper dis
tance above and belou tlx ground as
the case may require, and mich other
apparatus may be use! as may be nec
essary or proper to maintain and oper
ate the same, but sncli poles find other
apparatus shall be set in place and
ine.intaiaed so as not to interfere with
the free use of said Htreets, alleys, ave
nues and thoroughfares.
Section "J. It shall be lawful for the
said grantee, its associates, their exe
cutors, administrator, successors or ns
v.igns, tn nuilte needful and convenient
repairs and excavations iu any of said
streets, alleys, avenues and thorough
fares in said city of .U'dford, for the
purpose of erecting poles, placing wires,
cables and other appliance:! ami fix
tures and to maintain the same for
the purpose aforesaid, when done in
acc rdnnce with the resolution and ordi
nances of the said city of Medfonl.
Section X Whenever said grantee,
its associates, their executors, ml mi ti
ami thoroughfares thereof for the par
pose a f oresaid. t hey shall rest ore t he
same to as good order and condition as
when before disturbed, as soon as pos
sible and without unnecessary delay,
ami failing so to do, the city council or
other governing body of said city of
Medfonl shall have the right to fix by
resolution a reasonable time within
which such repairs and restoration of
si roots shall be eoinple'ed nnd if repairs
are not complete at expiration of time
fixed by council, then the city can
cause such repairs to bo made (by res
olution of council) and make n reason
able charge and collect fame from said
grantee, its associates, etc.
Section 4. The grantee, its associates,
their executors, administrators, succes
sors or assigns, shall at the time of con
struction as aforesaid and set forth
herein, file with the city council a plat
showing the location on such streets, nl
leys, avenues and Mioroughfaros as is
to be so occupied, and the same shall be
prevented to the city council for ap
proval. Svtion ."), The nu'ximum rate of tel
ephone rentals to be chr.rged for each
telephone service shall be so designated
in the following table, showing the va
rious kinds of service with their re
spective rates:
t.'l.OO per mon til for individual main
line business service.
.'J.."0 per month for two party selective
ringing service,
:f2.o0 r,r.r month for individual main
line residence service.
M.oO per month fur two party selective
ringing service.
l.'Jo per month for four party selective
ringing service.
It is hereby understood and agr"ed
tha? the above table of rats shall be
maintained as a permanent agreement
or til r:id Ermnte shr'.ll have installed
and operating through raid exchange
noi less than one thoiisnnd connected
1 rlephonen within tlu- citv limits of th
excelled one thousand connected tele
phone services, then said grantee, its
associates, their ox"cutor. successors,
administrators or assign, phnll have
the right to increase the : bove mention
ed monthly rates, not to exceed fifty
cents p'T month f..r . f-aeh telephone
service o connected fnd in service.
Section . X'othinj in t'-.i.- ordinance
hall be so rom-tnod as in anywise to
I reveal the proper authorities of nid
citv of Medfonl from sewering, grad
ing, paving or repairing or altering
rjny of the trees on which aid grant
ee, its associates, th or executor. e;c.
are operating on.
Section 7. The grantee, its associate-,
their exerutor. administrators, micccs
sors or aligns. h.ill ."fter receiving
notice from the proper .ttithorities of
rnid citv nf Medford, remove, raise nr
bwer its wire, eabk. ere., on any of
removal of said wires, cables or other
fixtures is required.
Section S. In consideration of the (
rights granted, the city of Med ford, by j
its properly authorized officers, shall j
have the right to suspend upon the poles
placed by said grantee, its associates,
their successors, executors or assigns. !
in the streets as aforesaid, any or all
the wires which may be required for
fit o alarm or police telegraph services
and for no other purpose except those
mentioned in this section.
Section 0. The grantee shall furnish
nnd maintain free four telephone serv
ices to the city of Medfonl nnd one ad
ditional telephone service for each ad
ditional fire station heieafter maintain
ed by the city. The said services to be
placed as may be designated by tin
city council.
Section 10. Said grantee, its associ
ates, (heir successors, etc., agree to be
gin actual work on the things mentioned
in this ordinance within four months
from its passage and taking effect, and
prosecute same with diligent" until com
plete substantially.
Section II. Said grantee, its associ
ates, their successors, etc.. fur! her agree
that to violate any of the conditions
herein set forth, time being of the es
sence hereof, will be sufficient cause
to annul all the privileges herein set
forth, mentioned and described.
Section 12. The rights, privileges
ar.d franchise herein granted shall con
tinue and be in full force for a period
of ten (10) years from the passage of
this ordinance nnd no loug-r.
Section l.'t. Said grantee shall within
te-i days after the passage of this or
diiinnee file with the city clerk their
wi'tten acceptance of this franchise.
Section 14. It is further agreed that
the style of equipments for exchange is
to be of the Strongborg-Carlson. the
Dean Electric, American Electric or
Kellog make.
Section The said grantee is to
remove and change the location of any
pole or poles or appliances when so
dneeted by the city authorities within
15 days after receiving such notice, and
such removals or changes to be made
in accordance with the resolution of the
city council.
Whenever, by reason of concent ra
tion of business and traffic on any por
tion of any street or avenue, it is, in
the opinion of the city council essen
tial to the safety of property and the
convenience of the public that all poles
and overhead wires be removed from
said portion of paid s.reet or avenue the
ciiy council may by resolution declare
such condition to exist, and thereupon
said grantee agrees to promptly pro
coed to cause all poles and overhead
wires to be removed from said portion
of sa id st reet or n venue a nd placed
upon some other street, alley or ave
nnue. or to cause said wires to be buried
in conduits beneath the surface of said
portion of said street or nvenuo as said
city council may direct.
Section 1(1. The style of construction
to be of full multiple type cable system
on all outside construction, including
the main street of the city and other
'treets as far as consistent.
Section 17. This franchise is not to
be transferred. n"i!h"t directly or indi
rectly to the American Bell Telephone
company or any subsidiary co-npany
thereof, or to any telephone companv
doing a eomp'-titive telephone busines.
Section lv The said grantee further
::grees to hold the citv free from all
harm and damages arising from any
negligence or otherwise upon the part
of the grantee while constructing and
operating said te.-ph- ne plant within
the city of Medfonl.
Section 10. Said grantee agrees that
it will at all times and upon patonabl''
term, permit any company, association,
person nr persons npr-rating or owning
a telephone ysem or line without the
i,ty of Med ford to make conne-Mioi,
with it said telephone system and that
it will afford such company. nocia
tion, person or prun connections with
it niibscnber in the city of Medford.
Section 2'1. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in full froce from and
after it passage, approval and posting.
The following are the numbers and
-. forms in which thr ballot title, of the
foregoing ordinance will be printed on
the official ballot:
Submitted by order of City Council.
charter amendment: Vote Yea or No.
"An ordinance granting to the Citi
zens' Telephone company and its asso
ciates the right to construct and oper
ate iu the city of Med ford and on its
streets, allevs, avenues uml thorough
tares a telephone, telegraph and messen
ger service plant ami system."
4110 YES
till XO
NwUTI I I'l ELD, VL, March 4 .Jo
seph ( '. ulombe, a graduate of Nor
vich university, announces that he has
perfected a gun silencer which rivals
the Maxim device. He claims in addition
thei his contrivance eliminates the re
coil and makes black powder practical
ly smokeless. A demonstration was giv
en at the Xorthfield (inn club recently,
ml it was declared a success. Cu
lotnbe's invention differs from Maxim's
in that it is nt attached to the end nf
the barrel, but is made a part of the
iii'i, extending the full length of the
Prepaid Railroad Orders,
"ttouu-thing which i of considerable
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not gonerally known
is the system nf prepaid orders now in
effect between stati ns of the Southern
Pacific company and all points in the
Cnited Utates. By means of this system
tickets may be purchased at, Medfonl
from any place in the United States and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the par
ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac
commodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
mav also be forwarded at the same
t mie.
Captain Amundsen hopes to use polar
bears instead of Eskimo dogs in his
antic expedition.
K. J. Skewii (J. E. HilninKcr A. C. Kntlll JL. D. MtirrU
Rogue River Investment Co.
, Sub-Dividers nd Developers Rogue River Valley Or
chard Lands.
h ..." fruit lands, bearing and young orchards iu small and
large tuict3, for sale.
Vo plant and care for orchards nnd guarantee property to
he as n presented.
Experience Xot Necessary for
those who purchase tlirmiKli us. They icrura tli nilrisi' ami
Hcrvics of a consulting horticulturist, in m,wrt on fruit cul
turn in nil its branches, who for several yens has eicled in
the growing and shipping of fruit in the Kogue Hirer valley,
record clops, record packs, record prices.
1 1 1 North D Street, Mcdford, Oregon
WASHINGTON, March 4. The lum
ber schedule in the tariff bill to be con
sidored at t he special session of con
gross promises to pravoke a bitter find
probably prot meted fight before it is
linally adjusted. How the fight will
("id cannot be foreseen, for there are
many forces at work, and many com
I. iuatious may be made before the bill
iu finally passed, all having bearing tin
t his part icular item.
It is known that the lumber schedule
has already led to trouble in the ways
and means commit io which has been
a! work over since December I in an
effort to whip the tariff bill into shape.
When consideration of the bill wan be
gun, many members of the committer
were outspoken in their belief I hat the
lumber duty would be entirely removed.
It was contended that there is a wide
spread demand for free lumber, and the
big lumber producing stales being uu
mericnlly weak in congress, it was be
lieved that this p articular schedule
could be adjusted to meet popular dc
iiiii in I. regardless of the protest of the
American lumbermen.
Don't Walt Till the Sun Shines.
"Now is the time to order seedH."
said 1 'res it le li I .lohiison of I he I'ort
lai'd Seed company to a represiiiital ive
of The Tribune.
"Don't wait till the sun shines.
Stocks are at their best at this mo
merit. Orders can be filled quicker
and there is no need for putting it
off till the mi ti comes out and gives
vim the planting fever. You might
as well have your seeds when you
want them, nnd to want them right
away and then be unable to get them
without a day or two delay. Everyone
who hasn't a seed catalogue should
write for it right away. Everyone who
has should semi in an order right now.
Ordering seeds early means more satis
fintiiMi. better planting and better re
suits. Don't procrastinate. Do it
now. ' '
Srrcnelv happy is the man who
can feel (hat his garments are
tailored perfectly. This is th
feeling our patrons can enjoy.
Jatisfnriion will be yours if y$
have vour suits, coats, etc., made
here. The way wo fit around the
neck and shoulders is a revela
tion. 'Pry ns. The btrgest line
of domestic nnd imported Suitings
in Southern Oregon.
Firxl Basing our opinion on the growth of the
city during tlx, past, two years, we believe Medford
will have a population of 9000 or 10,000 one year
from now. Is there anything to stop it1?
Second The development of vast eoal fields, close
to Medford, which is absolutely assured, means a big
payroll and a great increase in city business. Inves
tigation will convince the most skeptical that this
will occur.
Third The next ninety days will show active
work on road to out) of the greatest, timber belte in
the United .States. This means lumber for box fac
tories and all kinds of manufacturing, employing
hundreds of men within the city. None can dispute
Fourth Immense tourist travel to Crater Lake;
new gravity water system; hard surface pavement;
electric railroads, both city and country; active work
copper mines of the Itlue Ledge district; new schooli,
business blocks, residences, etc., etc.
I have the only Main street business lots for sale
at last, year's valuation. These cannot be equaled
for income or investment, yuiek action will secure
the best buy in the city. For particulars see owner.
Fred'k C. Page
Great Reduction in Clocks
We have too many
and we need all the
space. See our
Window s and get our
Elwood & Burnett
Opposite Nash Hotel
TOR the Next 30
Days we will
make a Q RE A T
on all our Clocks