THF, MEUVOkl t:if.Y TfilM'SE. MEDFORD. f'REW'S. VEDNTDAT. MAR"ir ?,. V'Q. IT WILL SOON BE SPRAYING TIME: TORRENT SPRAY HOSE Will Save You Money Absolutely Guaranteed Medford Hardware Go. IIIHIi. mjui V i;U . t , .. U -,t ( - ; y, J.i I'I '4'1t'tt Tvw!?-- If fii-,,. !';. fyir' J; ; ,,,, vVi.j; H IK it,n ',1 ; k i 'r,g trmr.f W J.,-.: aft 'r,'r. $"tr. w FRA (, l,;'4t ), j,,,-.l, ft; i, -HTf'U,i ,u U'tit;j4 'l;rtlky iu lit . .;! , 7 i. I. ' Creditable Performance Given by Local Talent- Growded House i mitt) !?! ' .1 . V.' K y M Ab4r t. (f for H- ?! imV, i 'it .if a f ft 'iu t U, WMf'fl, A Hiuti ttA 'it, h Sut'tt tHu,. AM hum him h4 I-')', U. fit-n 44 W,nUi Iff 'a M; wiiht'i (. tt wit tUwV Iff )n ttt Ht Un 'it h'l (rlf, A$i4 ti. H tfhhniy fr;wti, "'fh' woi'l D't Us rii-nr H4 t ). ikSi my tH'T liKOWS Y .!, l',hk l y f tnrf 'i ; V,un ' Y.titViuu, yihu ftm. luut HuUt Um ( uth l''M, h kft for ft viait to hia oM toftm iri twA Mt wiH ht Si-ui nhuui u yt-mr and firffU to return (j't ,ru,n m nrirriffT of tiuti wMh Kim. Mr. Mf". HK( fdirri"! from ftft nl -;')"( vtml ifi ('of thtli'l. Arftitjr fliViKio lnn ;moovi ) lo'jrMiiln !'"(, whi-n- f mil f ii Int ( n, Nit ioo ll Ollr llOiflfM (lVr ( 'UHlft offlM', M. tfolftfio of Of)( d ii I'fim vi n n tuiuii vltttor th MHf'ifl h,uly HUfnlt Now wii In M-'lfofl Tii'-wUy 'vnniiK lo ImW- ii, Oji. ,ow, .Ioi-i f flniifti In lionic from n f., to l'ortlhli'1 II t.r Hi Uy, At , of tl,. tnirriiu of ' ' ' fiilii.ttihif lo.mi.y it Ulno of Ih.. hnnnn, .,,..,,1 V...(iMwi tlith(. y,1 ,r , ,,k M'.lfofd, . Md U.ilU HOTHL AHHtVALK r II !l f.- 7 ',.f. ,'uf At , if t.r. . V.-.f.f. I'r ! -W'W .;t. :t 1 h- t . - A I I', r. 'll'o ui.A ;f.., 7 -.- If- . : V A t';., f'-M,r..v. f (-,,, ,,.r, r t j r V. , i ,.;n ' K-'ux-,, W A W-A, i tt,u, Stl: YtHh' T V. I'-.', 5 IMof,: l How'i," J'vt'nf J : If fj..! j o;;,fj, H IVfo'. V. If. lf;.,;H-,: j .vo ,..w; I? M;;r. fun,: V. S' Tttvlor, If ' , l.f- M , A V IfM,... - l'ofMf.: W H!-ff,:,(l. ;f(tf,., J';,,, I fturn- firot.Urg ,f I'. IN-JIv; ( ( H-M Oi-B, HHri"! f ..I !,: i (, jf f K-OfV ',( It ',f ;it,-i Tf.(, Of 'ItVofc. tf H HfiVil:, . '.f t . . j, ,oai a. t, Ht; J., t;- r ,.t work, ,-(. ; f;.f tit- John Oarvin IU. Join l'l-Nnft fJnrvif for ronov u 'i ft-nnU-ui of ttim ioo uri'i .n t..tlv )! I (-own in Mi mfiii.j -ir .( Iln H.t-t,,,! PI)Vn )),,. '('(,,., V,!;., ,-i u nilihif tut .oi,(- lirrt'-, i,fffr ' I i w,U;t iiM-wli f ,.-M -itH.-f,...- ,(,. ! O-'.l.i (. I ' (,. .1 ;ii Ih. t,,,UM' 'I ..I nt at fMi'lrnyM v. n 7 v,.f t' mf II ii vh 'I'll' (' ((. f Mil- ll FlitllV' of '.-, r t.oli ioijoIv, K-..I.,. I- ,. hill lof,k i. i. f "t iii IIIirioiH, from v. I i t, t,tni' Ii t u l-ttl'l Jlll'l Mi'fM't) Im .'.,11','rV Ml III' rtr of ll,- p h- t,.,(. I :,.MV to v. i.r-).(-, I,.- ),- :il. mi I hi ( -oi, of l In- f I,'.. ii, ,.!, I,,- I.onh Im n . ";t,- i i ..i (,f d'r r. j'.'-utn-l ),., i t f i '-tit from ':" 1 tjo.;jft,.', fi;tf j-r- ' tit, um- ti:'- w;t : j;r.ft:f r utt t. ni.'i yj i r .ii;-'! oMiJ ifnt)y tl in.,u -i. idr i:i i : ttm; i ;m rtt'--1-1 It. f-r h - . ;t m ' ' o . ?jrf v ; ' ft'.i,- of if -harm, I.J Hb. f;,M..V, That ill th , t -f i o;i;,iri:,-fit oi.- - ii y,ty him, '-r '" h' ' ( '- r.:i i, yivi n thf part, i vi.-i it ,;, oif!o;i ijt 1.. HiaiiV that r.:i i , . ."V wor to .to. Ii:it, Wj :-.,)(, j ;,. i,.. ,:, hv W. 'itM.f-rjhury, u.H- K n.oi tit th'? purt. Hr bun I'1 th K'-avv work in u rd:Dji1 mD- A I'.Nf.-. ,,...(,! flv !- i ).' f. .- i..:. ' I"' l'.'ili:,n fl.-. i! ' K!' '( :.0 hv .1. i ( ::;, ino-l I' W. V:,!t.-, a " I'ra iJinvolo" wan ' r. Thoroughly ftlive :. f.f hi i.'irt, hf ffflV rivt! of Mm' wIn-mitiK ;i h night, v Ifio f.ill in Mi fit,;. I nl: r IiimI rl-vTly , ;i. Ih. ' t ' ' ' of II. II, Hui,u, fnaiiNgfr of lh Urftntu !' canrii'iv ai'l Inventor of thd iit hrntM Hft'hfioN Rpray, i In Milfofl llliif hln nur for truf hug, Will, no, Hurt lUmlllor, of Hun Jimn. oivir of tin Mogiic ll i v-r I trlgiite! Orrhtinl lrl nl (jtglf I'ouil, Ik .i-im1 lig ll f-w ilnvn in Mi'lfonI lool-mi,' iifl--r hm rofn'riy Internal. I-hi'I- th wii..v-, fi i hihtr ri ur vivo, ,hitii'M I, (ifirvin, M rn lmni', Mm Ifiitti.', (,ff,,r.l 'ni'l Wfilli'r Owrvlii. Tlif fun t;iI will 1; k' (i I fir ! loin or row nfli'tit'ion ii( '.! o 'rloriV from I h I ri mo- nt T;il''nl ;iio th' in ifuii.-iil hII h iii M" M'.-:rr- "w To the Ladies of Medford 6 Southern Oregon You are cordially invited to the opening of our new store at ti t linst Alain street Medford lleginuing at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 6 we will have on display the very latent in Spring Suits Millinery and everything in Ladies wear. A I liiiiMiinr Sm mil will It jiii-n iii' .1 Im i'i!' lilily iilU'lhliiii; Mils ""' (7 i.t.tiii of rar- ' ''- a tfi-:it . w. With n -t. :i, c :,,r , II. nl u io -r-t ftml f " tn-k." hi h"h lh- nn ' io . ihroohout ii- .Irn- It T I' 11 an.l M.aa lvln:i Kifi-rt ,i wrv iti-.i-r (,riinl:itioti of n 'Mi- BkM'h hv wjiv of -otlii.v !! i '!! "I lion I i!,it ' They wir "Mile the hf ! of t),.. otin'-r f r r I f i tn f Ih- .!iv M.-rrilt altio hao-ill.-'l In. In,--, w.-ll If th-N' ii finv ufi- thing that do ""rv iti'-'ial irniw il in Mi irmait ai r-fMiVri'd hy tin- hoi.n' onh-Htrn, Th ). ,vh Im.m- m ro. ... -I. rf il Mii'l.-a UH 1 I now lh'V '''ill fiMifv hriii'lli- thi) inoiit MTi.'i.M Im'--. It will hf of inlT"t I.. thai Ih. i v.ill h -n th lln IIMINir I t "Thr lior;o.l(.:l-lir" IM't W'k. h. n lli i' . ..fio;ifiv fill-, an I'tigfig'1 Mii-nt 1,-r- ,,t,r. . I . . I -..n- ..fmh.l work. I.. I,, -t . n mi w. r. nit . im -I :m, l.r.,ok'if m.Io i-.-rf.-.-t har T, -.- (. i. rouM I.. 1 1 1 r . '. 1 1 , I... I Ih.' l.Mh-pi , , 1. 1 I,-.- . ;.i-. ,t t'lt-nit-r ioi i-h hml l.i . i, .! il. . in io- tnatiiial of itriim. . ii. ...'. uti.. Ii iv iii). I I ii iiK-rn - ,.iii if .i.- m. mm-h Im! gr:iti at i ri Ill f ', ! j Mot to ' ), in h i h IhiN'lrigg In th j -..(ilmt i'rf-il 'tin- Only niii who thor i'hlv HH'lf rntiui'U Ih" work an Charlie . mi hi hav- 'lnl. n hnl tillrnt .tni.!iiiv in sui li t ticgrcf of i'X(ol'iii'i' j ih.- n.l.f .;( nIimwc.I I This is the Last Month to GetFree A chance on that Beautiful Blue Enamel Range Retail value $83. that we are going to Give Away April 1st. 1909 With every 25c pnrchase made here this month you will get FREE a chance Qfl the above Beautiful BLUE ENAMEL RANGE BUSSEY'S CASH STORE MORE FRUIT 1 have jimt nveivM a nhipinrnt of inirmTy ntnck ponsiittiiig of thp fol lowing: Howi'll pinrn, 4(1 fWl, Hanhtt jnHr. Anjcm; Spitzcnbrrg and N'. wtowii :...Im, I ll fi'i-l. A fin.' .k nf .nmlo'rt Chi-rrv trt'i-s. L. B. WARNER W WTKI) -A girl; in nut b iparieDCd good wugea paid. Addreai P. O. Box T.M, Mfiifonl, (tr. Classified Ad vertisc nmets WanVeT). l I I W ..iK 101 ; r:n. h or n a l-.tiim;. r. Mm h r..r.-n. I(., , . x . ...h.-t X.hltcHi K. i'rihum- of l. N i I 1 1 To i n ' , a tl or 7 room I .m-, , , !,.-.- in. IV -iin of i i i 1 f l W N 1' I .t I'm imlii-1 limim ; w ill pay tni. h . far fmt.'liHK pl:n'f; I- I - li i I ! ti , .l.ltfHH I , Tnbuim. u I I I' .tif nii.'i- gut. Htirimrd A,mho.i"i M i It. nt iv sior.'. No. ti (- .in-,. t -JiMi I l Prt...,Ti'l(...i.ra ' to chop o'.lw I ami li.-moo.l A.ldr.wn O. li.-I IM, TOM ALM. yoi SAI.K --Kino mw piano at a bar g'lin; inut ni'lt ill oner. Katt Aide of I -T.-i't, fir-t tnnno Kouth of park. .1. II. II.'IkkIiikiii. I'l'lf SAM! !"i bnw two t-hoiro r.--i l. nro lotn, i-ortirr. tiTtn. tT-IO buys Hi- liMlc h-MiHc nn. I lt. good utrri't. i W, Stan.'. 0.-r Hi jou Th.-ator. M I'i 'It S A I. rin f.nnily row, mngU' m ago n, h:i iita. MH.Iillo ainl oth.T things Ih.l tiiil. "it: I Mi S I . I v - A ni'W i room liotur, with hat h am) t'lnl ri. light a"l wintlow -ita.h-i, for tho ainatl ami) of tldOO. Mr. K. Onliruggo. 4Dl Hivrriidn v imo. I'i 'It M I.K A good buy Four lota 5 bv l"il. joining rity limit a on I .0 unt-h ; i-aib only. thir Iota in Dm neighborhood nro m-llitig for f-.M io tlion ,-aHh. IV O. Hoi 371, MMford, Or. 807 K()K HAI,KAt a veiy low prirt?, un't'itiftd 112 carntn diamond ring, Mri whitt: " rings, carats, one i " rarat, 2 lad;fs ringfl, 4 carats i-anh. pure white, nt the Medford Loan if ''ce, Taki? uC nntitge. Wo need t!u to t.i One nnn:' tttiekpin, gen tiitie jewel, it ml ladifH ttrooeh, 90 od 1 j. weU. 29$ I'Uli SAI.K -t'h.ii.-e busi:i-tH property ai v. bargain, on lai'g time; i :mv lonns.!i I'. (. Box 4 IS. ,VtK SAI.K and 10-nero tr:t-ln just , vi. Inn and ii'ljoining city limit, at a j br rgiitn, on a nnnti'.l p-vmenl. Ad ' lns I. O. Ih.i 419. Fcm 8AI.K noua. lou and land ii j Hhoanii. or in tracts to snH fiorn one acre ta 4( acres. Matt ralhonn. Pboe j nil, Or. FOB RENT. Grand Showing of Spring Suits 1909 .1 m We believe that every woman In Medford Is or should be Interested In this store. We have made prices and given values never before attempted In Southern Oregon and furthermore we are still at It. Dear reader, we will place our merchandise alongside of any In the state with the full and firm conviGtion that you will choose from us when quality and prices are com pared. FOUR SUIT WINDOWS EaGh window shows a sep arate class of suits for Ladies' and Misses. We Invite your careful Inspection PRICES $10.60 to $50.00 LADIES' GOODS EXCLUSIVELY BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank TV ire GOOD BUSINESS JL JlkJI GOOD CITIZFNSHIP I to give your life insurance to BECAUSE: WUdSSDlJlC pny -Purely Oreron confln. n, u. UP.r.,., .,;,. tolh..hy o".: 2. fjBffigg ir ar ,v- mnclal at.ndlnf. actlva In th. rcuio ( ost company I., , organlcul "rnZ?::"" ,e" ,h-" 6-pregonIjfc Zz h ..tu.l co of nur.n kl,, i;,u '. ! oilier company. ly (IrCKOnliff ?'ollcl" unquestioned. W. E.t.. me president of an .h. , comPany practically apol.flie, for '?!. ' of company Ho ..;,' 8. Draf0nTifr ''ollcl are modern and fit Yyivfjuuijij. ,Vfry r(.,onable colljU,on of wi,.T. ' ""M " prlnclplea. 711.?, k",""" ' bourd ch""" " or other questionable method.. 9. OrCCOnTiff p, moro ."omptly than any Hon to pay In Oregon. Se7j8TflNk Exfc"sef 'or Any Citizen of Oregon Taking L.fe Insurance from Any er ompany IS BEST HOME OFFICE: Corbett BuiUinit ( or itl, ... i i uuiiuing. ior. ,)tb an.l Mi.rnson St t'OHTI.AKD I KOH RKXT -Suitn of ' If.r two irtMitltn(n. lnpiiro 11.1 North 1) .trivt or nl tlii. nfiicv. IVOR RKNT-Orchanl 9'.t irritt alhT J vinl IkiIIoiii lan.l flose to station. Ro I A. Laitell, WoodTtllc Or. Cy9 A. L. MILLS 1'lOldlUt L. SA.MI L'L CLAKKNCE S. SAMl'LL Uen.ial Manager AUunt M.n..-.. A R fnrnoll District Manager it. u. uuim,ll Grants Pass. Ore A