TIIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH H, 1009. ORCHARIilSTS I CAN DO IT. MEET MAR. 6 Cross Pollination o! Fruit Trees Will be Professor O'Gara's Theme (By Charles Meserve.) The Roruo Kiver Horticultural society will hold its regular meeting for March on Saturday of this week in Mcdford at the Commercial club room at 2 p. m sharp. Professor P. J. O'Gara, who lias been in California for the past two months supervising the fight that is being made in that state against the blight, returned today to Rogue River alley and intends to be present at the liueting. lie is to speak on "Cross Pollcnization of Fruit BlosBomsi." This being the date for the annual meeting of the Horticultural society, election of officers for the ensuing year will be had and the annual dues of the members will be pavable. The annual dues are jM. The membership fee is 1, and this covers the dues for the year in which the member joins. There are no other assessments or expenses to members. Is School for Farmers. The Rogue River Horticultural socie ty has nothing to do with marketing fruit, but it is a school of horticulcurc that teaches how to grow first -class truit and how to make an orchard prof itable. At the meetings of the Horti cultural society the programs embrace addresses and discussions on the va rious problems pertaining to the fruit industry. The speakers at these meet ings have embraced many of the most eminent authorities of tho country on (lie science of horticulture, while the discussions have brought out the opin ions and the experiences in mirccss and in failure of the best posted fruit grow ers of Rogue River valley. These meet ings are in reality a school of horticul ture of equal help and profit to the beginner in fruit growing and to the person who has been years in the in dustry, for fruit raising is a science that presents a constant succession of problems that have to bo met and solv ed. All meetings of the Horticultural so ciety are open to the public and all who nrc interested in fruit rnising and in the development of the fruit indus try in Rogue River valley are invited In atend. And this invitation includes the ladies, for many of them are tak itifi up horticulture quite as success fully as the men. The grade is steep and the bill is long But the engine sings its merry song, I cancan-doit. 1 can-do-it. I can ' do-it, And I will. The load it draws is far from light, But it pulls with all its sturdy might, And its sung re-echoes clear and bright, I can-can do it. I can-do it. I can do it, And I will. The grades of life are steen and Inno- But what of that if your taenrt is strong! uu iiui-uo-ir. 1 on can no it. You can do-it, If you will. Tho load you bear may not be light, But beyond the hill is a vista bright, So sing this song with all your might, 1 cau-do-it. 1 can-do-it. I can-doit. And T will. Kmil arl Aurin, March National Mag- uzine. .MORRIS & ROWE PURCHASE CIRCUS Myles Orton's New England Circus Ac quired by Norris & Rowe and Consolidated With the "Pride of the West" As in former years, the Greater Nor ris & Rowe circus, greatly enlarged and improved, will be first and no doubt the only big circus, museum, me nagerie, hippodrome and congress of nations to visit this section of the coun try tho coming season. II. S. Rowe, the solo owner nnd gen eral manager of the Greater Norris & Howe circus, recently acquired the en- tiro circus, museum and menngorio of the well known Myles Orton's New Kug laud circus nnd shipped the entire out fit, including animals, horses, cars, dens, etc., to the winter quarters of the Great er Norris & Rowe circus at Santa Crur, Cal. Tt is being repainted rebuilt and put in shape for the coming tour of I'lie Pride of the West." This will give Manager Rowo a 40-car show, and the menagerie will now compare favor ably with any on tour. Hie performers engaged for this sea son s tonr are of the very highest or der, many of them beincr imported di rect from the principal circuses of K u rope. A special feature this year will be the parade, which is said to outrival any thing heretofore attempted in the way of street demonstration. The Senate's Hole in the ffall. When the nineteenth century was .is yet only half grown, senators applied customarily for their toddies at the so called Hole lu the Wall, a small circu lar room Just off tho postotlke of the upper house. The tatter body then occupied what is now the chamber of the supreme court, and the postoinYe was across the main corridor of the building on the same floor. When a wearer of the toga found himself lu need of a "snifter" he had only to cross over to the mails department and pass through It to the Mule cir cular room aforesaid, which was about the size of a pantry. The Hole lu the Wall was the first senate restaurant, and the bill of fare for edibles was short, though to the point. There was ham, guaranteed to have been smoked for six months, a veritable sublimation of the pork product; there were corned beef and bread and cheese, but very little elBe. They served, however, us an accompaniment for the fluids, nnd when the Hole was crowded, as was often the case, senators ate their sand wiches outside, In the post o (lire. Washington Post. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. The Aurora Boreallt. The aurora boreal Is, or northern light, la something that we have all heard about, but very few, perhaps, can give any explanation of It. No one definitely knows what causes It, but the scientists are pretty well agreed that it Is due to electricity. They believe that the light is made by the recomposltloD of the positive aud negative electricity always In the up per and lower strata of air, respec tively. M. Lenstroin made an inter esting experiment in Finland In 1882, his object being to determine the na ture of the aurora. He bad the peak of a mountain surrounded by a cop per wire, pointed at intervals with tin nibs. When he had chnrged the wire with electricity a yellow light appeared on the tin tips, and an ex amination of the light by the spec troscope revealed the greenish yellow ray that Is a marked feature of the aurora. This evidence a mong sci entists Is almost convincing, for It Is by means of the spectroscope that we discover the constituent parts of the sun and the stars. Exchange. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. X Pearl Smith to Albert R. Tin- bier, lot 1. block 12, Ashland. 1000 Ilargadine Cemetery association to Ksther M. Tmbler. lot 17.1, Ilargadine Cemetery associa tion, Ashland 8 ( 'orn W i 1 son to A . R . R h dn. undivided half interest in lot R and all of lot 9, block 70, Mcdford Clarence C. Pierce to ft. D. Sage, ,S W V, of N W Vi section 3fi, township 37, range 1 E A. R. Rhodes to Corn Wilson, un divided half interest in lots 0, and 10. block 10, Medford ... Maggie Burroughs xy Mary E. O'Neil. lot 10 nnd W 1-2 lot 11, block 1, Queen Anno, addi tion to Medford 10 10 10 Health $s Worth Saving, and Some Med ford People Know How to Save It. Many Medford people take their lives n their hands by neglecting tho kidnevs when they know these organs need help. Wick kidneys are responsible for a vast n mou t of suffering nnd ill health, but there is no need to suffer nor to remain in danger when all diseases and nches flwl pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly and permanently cured by the use of Point's Kidney Pills. Hero is n Medford citizen's recommendation: . A. X. Soars, Fifth and II streets, Med ford, Or., says: "I hnve used Doan's Kidney Pills nnd am glad to say that the results were moot gratifying. I suffered for a long time from pains in my back nnd found it difficult to stoop. The kidney secretions were too frequent and annoyed me greatly during the i night. Doan 's Kidney Pills were so I highly recommended that I procured a box at Hnskins' drug store. I had only ( taken them a short time when T found I that they wore the remedy T required. I continued, my general health improv ed and I felt better in every way. I take pleasure in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills to others." For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Bnffe.lo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the. name Doan's and 51 Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before vou find a preparation that is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for take no other. muscular and rheumatic pains, for the I euro of sprains and soreness of the mus- j Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion elen. It is equally valuable for lame will digest any kind of food in any back and all deep seated muscular pains, combination at any and all times. Keep 25 and fiO cent sizes for pale by Hnskins your stomach well by taking Kodol now drug store. and then. Sold by Eagle Pharmacy, m W00LVERT0N SUBDIVISION Own a Home in ROSS COURT 5 blocks West of Park on the Main Street ot Medford See W00LVERT0N With BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY Over Bijou Theater "Thou West on Point of Fox." Fox blades were celebrated all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries for their- excellent temper, and mention of them Is frciiucnt In English drama. This Is their history : There was a certain Julian del Hel. believed to be a Mortsco, who set up a forge at Toledo In tho early part of the slxteonth century and became fa mous for the excellence of bis sword blades, which were regarded as the best of Toledo. That city had for many ages previous been renowned for swordmaklng, It being supposed that the Moors Introduced the art, as tbey did so many good things, from the east. Julian del itel's mark was a little dog, which came to be tnken for n fox. and so the "fox blade" or simply "fox" for any good sword. Wee "Henry V.." act 4, scene 4, "Thou dlest on point of fox." The brand came to be liulinleil In other places, and there are SoIIiikoii blades of comparatively modem manu facture which still bc:ir the little dog of Julian del ICei. Umdon Notes aud Ouerle. WATCH MEDFORD GO First Basing our opinion on tho growth of tho . city during' the past two years, we believe MedL'onl will have a population of 9000 or 10,000 one year from now. Is there anything to stop it? Second The development of vast coal fields, close to Medford, which is absolutely assured, means a big payroll and a great increase in city business. Inves tigation will convince the most skeptical that this will occur. Third The next ninety days will show active work on road to one of the greatest timber belts in the United States. This means lumber for box fac tories and all kinds of manufacturing, employing hundreds of men within the citv. None can dispute this. Fourth Immense tourist travel to Crater Lake; new gravity water system; hard surface pavement; electric railroads, both city and country; active work copper mines of the Blue Ledge district : new schools, business blocks, residences, etc., etc. I have the only Main street business lots for sale at last year's valuation. These cannot be equaled for income or investment. Quick action will secure the best buy in the city. For particulars see owner. Fred'k C. Page 101 MAIN KTRKET MEDFORD SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and THURSDAY "BrRXINO OF STAMBOUL CO. . NSTA NTI.N'OI'I.K " A grfcat fire picture of educational value. "A fTRE FOR MASHFrLXES" Full of fan from start to finish. "TET AND HIS LITTLE SISTER" A comedy that is a imigh pro ducer. "A SISTEJTS LOVE" A beautiful story picture. MISS ETHF.L EIr'ERT will sing the latent pictorial lyric. ADMISSION 10 CENTS YOU CAN'T SAVE On jour railroad fare. The law of tie common carrier compels equal ratee ea all railroad Unci YOU CAIN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and ritlgus by Insisting en the shortest route, faste.t trains and best terrloe. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific rery facility for the safety and Accommoda tion of thi piiBnenger is provided. Nt change sf rare is Decennary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are mr.de for all oth er points east and south A. H. ROftENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. MeMUBBAY, Oeoeral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. Great Reduction in Clocks TOR the Next 30 Days we will make a G R E A T REDUCTION on all our Clocks We have too many and we need all the space. See our Windows and get our Prices k Elwood & Burnett Opposite Nasli Hotel 0 E-RUSA TILE ONLY IAWFUL PILE CUP.E Itff.'insf K lil'-SA ( I'KKS I'lLKS, ;mm JmiKK oT .itntit.i. mireotirH, no-miry ciicjiinv, lead or any poison.. hh dm;,'. I. S. IiictiMilory recommends every in gredient of l-MU'.SA. Drug laws mal;e "falsi (rime. TlMT.fon, the hjiIo of all other or nan rauHe they affect the brain and spinal ina-n.w, mi re. M KfJ-SA in not fur nub- n opium joints. ine? endorse I'M? 17 SA. I':m;inj' drug store. 1 and misleading Htatenienta " a die pile medicines is illegal be produce conai.ipat ion and never "nly druggist if if highest stand Medford IMiar m-o-y, Kagb Pharmacy. Chan. .Strung. Sun Shines. ' order seeds," of the port rrpres'-ntnttvi Don't Wait Till the " Now is the time to said I'n si'b nt lulntson liii.d Seed company to a of The Tribune. " Don 't .lit lill 1 he sun shines. Stocks are :it their best at this mo tneiit. Orders can be filled quicker and there is no need for putt ing it. off till t he un come out and gives you t he plant ing fever. You might as well have your needs tthen yon want them, and to want them right ;iw::y nnd then b" uu;ibl'- to get. thejn withi.nt :i day or two delay. KvcryoiM who hasn't a t :i..gue should write for it rylit away. Kveryono who ;h:. vhu.dd j Ordering j faction. b"f Milt'). Won now. ' ' I in an oribir right n e.iriv ninans more sati planting ami b'-tter p proerasliiiate. Do i 2'.C Prepaid R.iilrond Orders. "iSotio -thoi;, which i of roisid ilifreht t t lie pod lie. geti.-rnlh v, liich is p' i inps not geij. id the M-M. r.t of prep . ft'e.-t le ttt' . m Kta'.i i l';:eifie company ami I'flited f'-l itc able and II v known I orders imw in of the .Southern II poinM in til'1 '.v means of tlii ASK -DIAMOND (irn-n f r fa. Ifl. Nrlti.t H-.ll mi 1 CmuftKi. (in '-i-litj ' nl! !.( A-k f.'i rutii- l'iti.'. I . !! 'i in n i ii iinr tn-li(l.lnirhtnMl, r l V. ki .,,- f.xr.M- of ...ir .I.n. I. r. n1 w will i. ml SVste tickets may b f -urn any place mv,ed or i I ty v.'ishn.g cominoda i' T'sh in cm in a v a No 1" purchased in the tTnif raphed dir colli" here. and vmall ctiuii v. ith forward-d at Medford cd Stales and t tn tin: par Sleeper :tr nft. -nuts of the-" ticket at the fiame tf j I.').! -..M l.v il l'.i.-i..! r I'ilh I; kidiii'VS. h.'li l: tl,.' l.h.M.-r III:.) 'I i . V lif" lltili I'luiriiracy. in Unnqualed an a Cure for Croup. " licsides being fill t xeelletit remedy lor colds nnd throat doubles, Chamber Iain's f'ough Hernody ir unequale. as it cure f.,r croup," says llitrrv Wilson, of Wn netown. Tiiil. When given nn nonn n-. the croupy cough npprirn. this rem eily will prevent, the Hitriclt. It is use. I sni-i e .f idly in inativ tl ouMaiids of lioini':' Tor Nile by Hwskina -drug store. m Special L o t of White WAISTS insizes32to44 AT $1.50 ea SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY AT Van Dyke's NEW DRESS GOODS & SILKS ARE NOW SHOWN TAILORED Sorenoly lmppy Is tho man wlro rnn feel that his garments aro tailored porfectly. This is the feeling our patrons can enjoy. Satinfnction will bo youri if you have your suits, coats, etc., made hern. Tlvo way wo fit around tho neck and shoulders is a refla tion. Try us. Tho largest line of domestic and imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROORIiSSIVE TAILOR MORTON MOTEL 5 ti " PORTLAND PORTLAND OREGON MODMN OOMVOIT MODIIUTI PBIOU ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND S JThe Tourist Headquartar 'T- f nt . ;.. rr-ii ti. uwluiuuiii j nU9j ENGAGE ROOMS EAALT run TUB AUiSKA TUKON EXPOBITIOBC A- B. NORTON, Mau(W WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County BanTc Upstairs E. J. Skewi. G. E. HiUiitKer A. C. Randall JL O. Harria Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sub Dlvidon aud Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands. : :h:iir fruit hinds, Wring and young orchards in small and hiin tiorta, fur sale. Wo plant aud enro for orchards and guaruntoe property to lie uti rt prospulrd. Experience Wot Necessary for tlimio who purchnso through u. Thpy sooure the advise and Hiirir"H of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul turo in all its brunches, who for sevorul years bas ezreled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River valley, rocord clops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon Take the Tribune for News