THK MEDFOKI IUJLV TKHiUXE. MED FORD. OBEfiOX. WEDyESUA Y. MARCH 3. im. Medford Daily Tribune Official ajf.r of tL City A llvlt .-rd. CO.IKIIICATIOIS PoWikli every tMuiun ex'jt feutviar. MEDEOKD i' V H LI X 11 i NO COMPANY AAuavM slu Matt in ti-e J-V.t'ff;.- at hL'iSCKIKI'JON HA'l'LH : A,77 77 A ;76 Si J( K. !. .Si " J St"; I i viard ty a ri'vA of 'j-jkt nAht Taft. j'--v-at; -.-j. of x.:r'i' ifi :'thfltiwAy :Z'A Vt iL;V.- XL': ;v.rv ;;t of l'frA;';'iX. 'I'M iJU'i; of tir -tl' i--ff'; ''' jtj'.'h j'&lsii of Xom-Xon., X's ji.ii'-L f,;r:lj:,'4 of XL t' kti'kt ltii: Vt'Tbri'A XL' l&XiOi.. it lii VSt i.ixrl to 'yA'JU'A:X url 'i'L':A'tt: li'sr:- vAl, thi? tri:u. Jf? La- m-Jj tL .vt yumr i un. till: jJol of tullltos:. At tij'r fcaiK- t;i;f. v,.ti ji;'T;-.-r iLi; ijoht A ft: a -X ion L'nn r-t ih tim'n ti;i: ja.-.t vi-ar, a;'i ti;'- 'iAiu:n ,i misa.i in kU-ii'lilv nxih'jiii'j av.av f roii Ljij, J.;t it May rituni. ai'l that r.liOVXl'J. An ailif.U: hy j. L Sovv.tpA in tin- O Wiu for Masrh. i'JiUXUA "KiJt l'trA:i: tjj'; tOihl.HhX9" X'-ivt Lo'A li'fS:- V4:U irt i:iiiiUA by W'&hhittgxou toni'rnt'-nx ai-'J XL: i in V ,&' I' limn Ia a nrttr k-u yA'tft oi umnixu u&v-n:: J ii WanJjiitoii, vth''it: Mr. Joz:vi.-jt ha. at Loin-, hffirmily, a ii aXt:v jait of tij.- t;ij-'r f'.'f many y-aj.. Jii; jji at OU'ri; tlii; lt UUfU:l'r.Vi and tin: V. or-;t iuJt 'i'i'.'i -r.Vi of jjurii, J J; iri i aJ.- d aj'i tlnsui;Ay ki-Avi and I'Uwi, aliiioftt at tJi'r ta; iJ-ri jj it-- aji'l in XL: rMtn: hi't-nXn. JJm fiwiAfi fnA in hun lhin to k-fr.-.t; Li--; '.-i-JJ.i rovirr quaJiti' ti'.'V iijiir.t a'JjjiJ)'., IjuX ail aym- oj ojj: thing, Ji': i in a da.-. by lntti&:lf. "'j'h: iijai who tt'AM:6 that ThwAon: ltor:V:h ir X'lJ: oi'nA ti no'irA: aul lioujjjjaijt uoU., jjjii.t iy: h af. hvi-ji the vihratioj of hi (-arclruin nhouhi L; 'onviii'-m proof. JJ'it h: M nor':, Jin i t)i: iiaUouaJ jiivih;r n n'Ah;9 tJji: ohti(al view JjaJJ';, the pn-- aeht f yt-funu, tJie jiiratioi of the upJilt and lije la-.r iu the ia-l eliaoUrr of the hook. lUii it in an a hijj ijoi.-e, a 4ojjiJjjajit note, that J(ow;veJt i uui'jiie. 'Jt irt difficult t' wj'ile an apjjaiM-iunJ of jio-4-veil fi'Oiii Wahhiiitojj whie-Ji tm at the ram time an aj praiement of the JMrvejt that 1.1 known "on the out hhle' a the newhjaper eorjer.jon'ieif r;ay. 'iijcM; rebnondenOt, and tii're are aUut a hundred and fifty of them who nerve their pajerH, hig and Jittle, throughout the eountry, hh nit'Anin of the eapitoi jre-7i alierien, jjave no iJiuMiow eojieerniij JfooheveJt. 'J'h.'y tliijjk and ray, simuy if them, that he in the moht hU'-ecfuJ four-fJu-djer that ever di'ew the breath of life, that he i.- eareh-s in i j j handling the truth, that he knou. not the name of jun ti:e, that lie dirttributeh favoih by faney and not fairnc-r, that he in sm vain art a pea'oek, an eonfident an a od, as Heimitive of eriti'im an a woman, an teijaeioii.s as a bulJ dog, nd an vindietive an a Malay, lie is a jood likej- and a good hater and bin bbod ih red ami tbiek. Ami yet there are no Hame number of men in the I 'niled States who will admit more readily that Theodore Woorevelt. is entitled in all renpeetH to be railed koonevelt, the I lominaiit. Some of them have been laid arrow his knee and slippered, and from many of them be Iuih withdrawn the liht, of bis roun tenanre for varying periods, usually for the most, trivial if reaHoriH." MOVNO VKfrVRE TRUHT maki;h miiowmi:n yki.l HAN I'll AM H( It, rn.( Mnrrli StrVfuifun (i in) Mutiny iiftiir liicatcr IfWfHT '(" M''ltlilif Ul tll'lfp' Il'lcrit (''.MlfiUliW U'il Vlllff n:. ifU Mi'lur filrtiM lo mv tli' in ffttfi wtinf In 1i rrn') DM Kllrti.l hv Oi niii'l rii'iviii jir liirn ttnl Ui luff ifliiOdfily itiyh ywr (ill Himii. 'J if ifi'f i lorn hM K" Will I- imi-ll! in j.-.y 70 n -lt f ,r i:t timn, 10 fur llio privth.- l uuiitif '(cti film It I nll'jffl llinl nii'fKr It ii l("ii ( w)irl.v tin Mdvlny 'n hid' I'nti'M -.,inmri v, whh-h I '.litrolt ll'' l.ii'.ifr hx I lif .niyh'-tit (In I 'ikIkI Hi ii l in niil I in i 'if i, Ijnn i r " I (witpfl 'if Oi" I 'it -1 f t riifinl iudmOv. '('lit HVfi'li iiti , M in hunt, i'ihimihOi f I liit Aifl"rlriili M nl ,(,),' nit'l hi-'mti t'(illltHIIV, till' l.'ll ' Vrvtnn, J t r i KIm lifiH-turiiitf f''iiiitinv i'ittnN n v ft A mt-rii N' nlv nil film cnirijiHitl' rt f li Hint Ikim- Ihm-h ilmnn rinn c. I v ii I III' ( ni( Tlx' t'li'li'd ill (tf I In- Mill llll I III' lit ITU to ai-nil firln lillltuitM Kit- fin rulli'il iM.llJ.ll.l' It.l l.i'i'li iiiiiiviillltiK mi fur. HI I'fMII j'ftll V, t'lt I lie 'K-, I hi Liiliiri Mini i imI t Ik- t . irn iti .f Hi" m. ,, KXnOUTIVK 0OUN0IL WIU TAKI1 NO BTAND ON LOCAL OPTION NKW VOKI-:, Miir.-li.'t- mhiiiim I i it. iii pnra, jifi'iiilrnl nf tin Anu in nu IV. d t ft t Ion t I.hImm, li i" n n intnl iiyintml (lit iliui nl".i. hv (In iiiimmim In 1 Inn r , w Ihi h n''iil f ii t'lilntn 1 1 ViiriniiN ri'tilinl lnlt.t hiIhh niliif: Mhmii til pUHH ri'lt"ltll IMIIN lllllllHl llX'll) llt(llll Tim fiillmviiiK rijilv n nifniil ft Mr. 0(niiii-t mli'nl!iv. "I Imk m niltNi- Mm Moil tlir i ir riltlvn run 1 1 hnn vt-ti I In- milt tvt nidltrr nf llim rlnnliir tiin-fnl lit t fit tltHI, lltlt it R lt 41MI1llHI if tin' ri'iin r 11 t lilt ( Um rixlornrMiriil ;-n rniMit Will ttnt In1 Jiriii't iriittl'- nr ii'l tMtiltli' lit thin tittn'. Tin' i'M'i'iiti nntnit Ih nf tlin opinion Hint it tv.mM not rrprini'itt tlm f(tiiritl mHt Itnnit of oriiuif 1 1 la tmr tu I'liilnrnii tlin iruniiilitii nixiw," COMI'I.UTINO OIlAOi; ACROHH THE HWAMr Kl, M TU K A I. I S. nr , M ,r. U . Ol.f l.f II, .Iff. V. ,. .;N . .,11,1,1. I. , tl. lit ii ift tin mnrrli iin I tin' n.',-..tM .lie, vkliidi im tlin.wrii n. mi..I .,f tin- liil.tinlinn iit f-ir tin- i,,ili..n yf;i.i-. will fiiiinh iln WmiI in ii,- m ti (i-w , ,(M fl W WIlU Will I... IK --J,f y f,, J,.v. "((UK tin . inl-itt.l inii,! iiikI h i H t hi i i .'.ln. !(. I Iln r.:inl ,ii,i . i,m... t.. iitv im tin yf:i.,. ..ih.'ii tin- l- ...! mlr llinl II,- ..f t. ,u,,fii, is I-i.'m ll.-dllv fun -In. I !-,. lint ln roiilniinli'.ii Ii;iiiis will l.i' niiMntin mln tin- -HV ..r Khi-i.a!, ';.ll .v Iln ntl.r .(,rl f Aj.r.l .roo.oiH) buhi!i:i,h or OATH I'ROM AKOKNTINA Mos ToN, . Mm. Ii .1. U Im i- :-.. I In .i tin- fltt l-IIIJJ.i f ;iM In iiiim- (it ii n v ..rl in I ln I'mtiil Nl:it. I , .niiH'l m tl.-.- .f.'.r,,,!, "t im, wl.ii Ii rt it. h ,t In f , n t:v O....I tlii. n. . Avi.-t. Tln i-"nr.- '"im.-. hti-ln-l- i.r tin- nuti. lii-l. U.ll Im- .iIim-i.. UiIh W..-I. in SvW Ynrl Ni-itlnT tin- . ,ihmj;ii.'(' l. r. 1 1 ijj hi tf i' :im litniHH In'ir, ni tin' yiiiitl H:ii lili h'-l "I lr,M I10OIIANAN l'ltAIHIlH tut. hui.h or oomkz HI ITM 'i, , M-(,.. t "Tl.. - ". V- ii- I- Ii i- I- i-iim !-M ' .. . I ,,.. W. I Mi. -inui. ...i . ..iuium .'..n. r t.. 1 !i .1 (.no i . n. .ii, i,,:. . v ,, w v ,.n V.Mi '"I"" ' hii.-i.H I', .. , . ;m..f .H,j l' ! v ' Uiily! 'n ij, ,(, 1 t , iM1,r, .T.-it.-l l.v ',.!r ru m..h l Im r.- -tnl. i, -(,, ,., i " '. - t : .-' .i ;. ' t. t I PtxzL:t. - fcv -i.-f VT t '. ; f i . j,f . ; f vf .- fi-j? . . ir , 1.4 -.f --, Ji t rjus - --f t- A.- 'Ji; ' '. r 1 v, r-'- t . ; i ,. vt suvai- - r y -,r it.; EL'-T'Sy : 4 ' s i -t : T r A fT -it. n?,i '.''.'-. 'r-- i ft-.V- !'.! ;:'- 't t ' tt.-i,i .- if ,h ' f-r lTAi,.l ,.?,- r r , I ; u-A ti .lk 'it' I ii; f ', v vi I V s. i."' ' -' i '-rr r-i w Ti ?!! ' tU! ' Hi) f ' -jV-tt- ' ' T .-r ii.i'rrjL.; riis te-y ' ! r i,:.-f ir fi-t s--tf Ti-? -. f tt r'::i- A,i ? -..? '- "v f T-k -;n jf.r , . Pj . . ti... inn.-: r,ii t. t.'i-tn ..W" - r -;. . ;a," Wj v f . ? ' fc';; y-, --it" . r ?t -4ii.ot l ,. T,r,-.:' fjf ; it, art ' . f-Vt ! i-u' 4 Jt !. " PT '"' i "t-i i,-r f'H'j-w '.-It ' t l-f: t.,1 t'!! l.'ffr Kt t'." : r If T- f.-.-! jv.-Kr r- j -v r-. V-'.-i t'j . - fi'fy W, V '! '! ' ,i.H ' t'r.T'.w t m '-'"'. i' ' -T K.'yr-. B4.vtr Tr Istdwukc. F;-. fr. ;.-' '"r 'v ;i i',W l-;f r.t s. ... ; i, : r ( -r.S:S V-UI- f, .,'.- f. it :';-? r. .i -lv- . :?. j-. 's.,r t 1 'ii - '.r "r-:- f v-. A -j: Mr K A, Mrh t ?. N', ' 1 t : t '.?. r. ' '.r -.v -,' rtk'nt ' ... -J-. - !! - r fvM Ii ' F Ii HEAVE. IWEST VOIR SAVINGS I a- MKIII J. REDDY APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Conri.r'mal Nursery in tat Pacific Northwest. No', in Le conihine. Cot.ipetes with all first-claBS nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK $50,000 ktDFOIS, OI TAPTTAT. 8TJEPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Bent A GeneralEank in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Medford Iron Works E. (i. TI'OWBRIDGE, Propiiitor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS U kinds f.f F.u'., f-s, Spraying Outfit, Pumps, f ;. :,ci and Machinery. Agents in S"rtborn Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MORSE CO. Ti Mail Or-W EoV. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by uk TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp ris 110 Watts per hour and would use in ixo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp rses 40 Watts perhour and would use in :co hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K:lo- 532 Net Saving in icoo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power ('. Office. 2W West Seventh Street. Ph-.iie No. Opposite the Bis? Electric Hizn. S (Counts S Esi.ll.stKl ism. aJ Surplus 123,000 Y.-i,w: $700,000 Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking ServiGe The Jackson Couoty B&nk repcctfullv toiicitf your account, subject to your check, with the stroogest guarantee of baft-ty and efficiency. We uffvr tbt high tat attainment in systematic banking service, which &-hurt-s lb." greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTEK, P.-Kiiient. 0. B. LINDLEV, Cashier. 7 (4 When evenings are cold a j;u.kI. t-umfnrtable suit or overcoat mak.-s a man feel like living, and pro-rt-i-ts biiii from vuhU and pneumunia. ..11 yet comfort, style an-1 elegance in garments that are marl, and f itd by ti". hh well as ;rfi-t't satiafaeti'.o in noth wear and price. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILD IKO, MEDFORD, OR. ' y,.-.-;-, v . M-..J 'f 'own f'yf .;,),-.- - i::r Sft thir liMf; ! f- '-.: it Ofi'-r WiV. tf.. vr-,c. it', r.- l r V-ar. Ribi)V i,..r." ,-.. , M f .f, rv V.'aH M i. ;'-. ;.' ' ' -j dir.;; in v.rri' t.- if;.---. ta tt. .irr.di. r -f f," b-ith i. i. ..w-fk rtrint'-f f ,r t in n. a -. r. t"'1 -'ill tl.1 frMit ,t K.,f,,. t,- 1. ;:)'. v.--(. j.r; nil bin ra. l"n-uz'i i'-H-:i", Jifi'l tli'it wnn .-f(i.(f '.1 t;- iff. ".. ar.l tart: ,n fir,-,l ,x f-.nt r'-.tifij; j.l whv ti- ; Tifjff -wiirri'-l :t'.-I 1'ffibif'.n' t ir.;..t.ri!r ( wit. fr.-l, Wreattn. whilj ) ',T':i-' 't "''''r 'l ,r,,K,ii t,. .-(-.- n. bnt-h-r and t.r t.t.-r ft fmtfinv J.r'.!-.itir.n t-.r 1h- n.;i'l or-li-r m:.if " TO0 OUOHT TO Ei.'OW ti. eieti3-C'r of ih ; ! k, tr.'it a," cooLi at tfar hmrf '- 1 if.- if -, fiaveo 't airea-iy tty. 1 w,;;, -ifie of th. dJj'.-iciij -i.-t-.-s ti.t ar. trved btre. If you hi". n't j,ar:akeii of them, there it a -rrar awaiting y..;i that yoa wit! want repeat oft.-n. A meal at the Kmencls ;s au '-xi-erinc-that will juakfr you t.y, like Oliver Twist, for ie ore. The Emerick Cafe Open All JfiglK You will find your wife's judgment HUN DA Y HAHKHAI.l, MAY hi; Kiu.r.t) i mih.houri n:i'n:iMH t rv. . t ... i, ;;. TIh etuniitillei' i'ii . i.nut'.'il Hti'prii h.'.- i'f tin' ll.'llii' of it l-i. ut-tit'n if tin gi'tcrnl nii'inbty i.ii..i!..1 f .iriilly n bill proliibir mjj b-t-. ..(H u ! Siuiilny. j When You Think Of Shoes Think or McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Oo to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith S Molony Compare the Quality It is, and aha ha been our aim to -,iijiv out customers with gotdi of the quality and t-. that fnd 'lualitr to our ri -. Thf bition of ' Ti-.-fern .1 stock " niak'i .-ur ii:: f't .1. ;, Hr.fiy.l Goerfi noit complete. Onr servic always the b-st and eTerr1 acrotn givt-n our cintiifiHTB. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed A r. 't ni. nt wi.l, t mif- : Iv. lhr. is usual!)' better than your own, am! you will find on eousultiug l:-r that she (!h- not approve of paying out, h.-.rd-carue.l dol lars fur rent, when thera Rr in J properties on ihe niarket at reasonable figures in .Medford. has a ke-?n eye for location, surrounding, etc., and Lor juig ho r-died upon in making a selection for a home. Bring her a::d n.ak? a pers-nal insiK.-lion of the 2ood thinea now of- ough our agency, and you will never regret it. It is almost make garden," and it is high time for action in securing a ... Lj, .ir: go,, ininga or me in 1 1, is wonderful vul- wh rcn 't d-lay act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD 3ttrs. Uretu Ufamp ton, Usaacs "instructor of "PUm. TLut 5tteto6 Slulo at 5liltnct. 3lortl) Slrtl -". iV. (iummlnffs T. XV. Osgood Osgood & Qumtnins Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps. Pans, Specifications, lie ports. Estimates, Etc. Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainaye Office Medford National Bank Hid. CT?1? TTl If you are looking kJ-LA UP for a good busi ness, choice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK T.LDO. MEDFOKI) SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. W,.dow Frame,, Oak Veneered Door.,with Berel Piste, carried in .toek eheap. 'ffice FiMnre. and all kind, of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and '.'sncT Grills r STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVE.NTU 8THKET8. 1