MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, PRECOX, TUESDAY, MAROIT 2, 1900, I BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. I,rt K'lini'iisiiii of Dcrliy took the hntly of lr. It'in.'ir ' mother-in-law to Medford uii Friihiv to In etnlntlmed by Weeks - Melliiwaii. l-'rank N'etlic rhni.l ..f Porl.y hits been :iiliug fur smite time, hut has about re covered and gone to Medford ami Jack son ville. C. O. linker ami S. M. Slevenger arc taking a trip tn the valley ami the for mer may remain permanently, while Hie litter it expert -d to return iu a short time. Scott t'laspill is making his weekly trip to Medford for store supplies. K. A. UiMreth ami Ira liellnws have gone to tho "Clark ' mill section to nip. There is now a r.gular .stage from liable 1'oinl to I'.ni te I':! Us, making round trips thrice a week. Tim Irilge near the P.rownsboro !'hoolhone lias hern rendered unsafe nu.l unfit hy the late weather ami trav elers fiml it difficult to cross at this point. It should he looked after, as well as other parts i f the n ads. ami i:: tin early spri:ig win n the mud is dry it is hopi .( that a "drag" will go over the road:i pinno! king them down. K. Poole is refitting ilie Douhleday stole room, v.hich is to lie occupied by 0. Adams. The probahdit ies are tint consider able work will he done iu Butte Kails ifiis year, as there is a very strong prob ability that tiie railroad enterprise will t:l:f on new life and tlme who have re tarded the impor!::ut iifcovc will be forced out of the way and new men wif h large capital will take hold ami push to completion this ne"drd work. It is :ils. lik ly that the :!(w Craier 1. auto road will run t !i rough t he Fi. .Is and cros:; nvr the river hy way of the Parker ranch. I HENEY HAS BEEN PAH) I 505,000 FOR FRAUD WORK Francis J. Heney has beou paid a to tal of $uV.und to date for his services in connection with the prosecution of the Oregon laud fraud cases, these pay ments covering the period beginning Xoveniber 7, lihMi, when he was first appointed "special ussistant attorney general of the United States to ussist the Tinted States attorney for the dis trict of Oregon," down to tho begin ning of the present year. The Inst pay ment was made to Air. Ueuey Janu ary L't, liKlil. From tho Tinted States attorney gen eral it is learned thut payments to .Mr. Heney have been made as follows: July ti, !!"(, $.",11011, March HI, ISM).-., $7.'ill; August lu, I'.mi-j, ;.oun; February i:t, liUHi. $7..HI; August L'4, 7Hli); August it. 11HI7, ."HHIU; December Um", .fotHH); March '2, l!MiS, $Si0U; July 0, l!HiS, $10,(1(1)1; January 'Jl, li-n!!, $5000 Total to dale, $li.-,,00l). OREGON AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS IN FAIR WORK SFATTU;. Wash.. March 2. In the record ofor energy ami rapidity of con struction established by 1 he Ahiska Vn him Pacific exposition, the palm must go to the stair of Oregon. Oregon's building was completed and :i number of carloads of exhibits p!;'Ci d wit Inn the cold storage rooms six nionihs be foi'e the day set for Ihe formal opening. The liberal niate appropriations have in ::ever:il instances been inci'er'sid mid tlrrgon h:!s added an additional amount ef $o.ouo to her first anptupriali. f .00, t. The interest among the va rious counties of Washington, Uncoil ami California lias been si mutinied, ami a number of individual exhibits will be made by counties it-hose allotmeiiis for exploital inn purposes range from ,"oii0 1o jjilojiun. Don't Wait Till tho Sua Shines. "Now is the time to order seeds," said 'resident Johnson of the Port lard Seed company to a represontat ive of The Tribune. " Don 'I wait till the sun shines. Stocktt are at their best at this mo ment. hd ors can be filled tpiicker ami there is no need for putting it off till the sun comes out and gives you the planting fever. Von might as well have your seeds wlmn you want (hem. and to want I hern right ;iv:r.y ami then be unable to get them without a day or two delay. Fveryone who hasn't n seed catalogue should write for it right away. Kveryone who bus should send in an order right now. Ordering seeils early means more satis faction, belter planting and belter re sults. Don't procrast inn! r. Do it. now." Ll!t DANIELS PLANNING MANY CHANGES IN HIS STORE F.TCKXK. or., .March . Tho Kugeue i Pacific Fleet ric liuilway company, which has been promited by tho Lane County Asset company, has filed its ar ticles of incorporation with tho county clerk. The incorporators are F. A. A udersoii. I-!. M. Johnson and Jack Hodman, and the capital stock is $J, dmi.udo. The city council at its, meet ing last night granted the Lane County A; 'set com pa 11 ya franchise for n cnrline extending throughout the city. Tho Farmers' Creed. I hellcvo ui thu trinity of deep prep aration, liivrui fertilization ami rapid cultivatioit of the soil. I believe in the making and saving of barnyard manure as the standard of nil fertilizing material and as the surest means of enriching nnr sol n as to make paying crops. I believe In the Imperative neeesslty of adding humus to our soil, I believe In the great value of rota tion of crops and of the planting of the legumes to add fertility to our soil and Increase our yields. I believe In raising cattle upon our farms; that It Is necessary for the proper development of 1 be highest type of fanners ns well as a necessary part of any balanced system In farm ing. I believe In growing home supplies that we may use our lime nwl lauds to best advant-i::e and for the surest profit and least strain. Southern Cultivator. MR. ROOSEVELT TO AFRICA ON WARSHIP ODD pnT COM FONT. Va., March Captain W. A. Marshall of the ar mored cruder North Carolina has re n ivrd cii'b rs from the navy department directing him not to mal.e any changes iu the special iuarlers on board his ship which were occupied by Mr. Tat'1 on his recent trip io Panama. Tin se ipiarters were fitted up for Mr. ami Mrs. Tuft iu different s, vie from the a . t'Iti Li' cabins on v.a ih ips. ami were inti-mb-d to In- o-dv iemp iai'v f.-r t heir particular net-on 1 mud at ion. Officers of the North Carolina are womb-ring who will be their next spe cial passenger, and what is his destin ation. Siime think the -hip may take President Roosevelt to Africa. Dipping Hogs. Abe Eno hs nf Stoekdale, Kan., thinks that suTor from two trou bles whh h he believes cause about all of the so called lu-vr cholera. 'The and worms," said Mr. Knoehs, "cause more losses tn farmers than anything else. Some time ago I Invested In n dipping tank and keep well supplied with dip. I do not dip my hogs at certain seasons, but very often nnd lust as often as I think they need ft ('pro a month Is none too often In dip ihovi. In ibrit way they are kept free ft'o-n lite, which Is a great beiiellt to t he heirs. Then the worms are t he other pest. I feed worm remedies. Whh h 1 find effective. Besides this. I salt my hotis. No person would think !rg. t ared mu'h for salt. Hut I tlud that they IP e It and will eat It nil the time if they r:ui get at it. Since 1 c"i:"oneed to handle my bogs this wiv I have nj'ver lost n single one." Drt. vets' Telegram. Sheep on Rough Land. H ; do tiiiely on rough hill land w!ie;-e little but grass can be grown, and there is no kind of live stock that may bo purchased at so small an original ouilay as sheep and none that will im-rense. so rapidly In numbers nnd value. Neither Is there any that may be boused sat isfaetorily at so small an outlay for buildings and none that will so surely and quickly subdue rough land by browsing 011 bushes, vprutiis or wed growths. The old and often quoted saying. "The sheen hath a golden hoof." may prove literally true to the man who owns a rou-.:h fsinn. too rough for the economical keopp-L' of most nt her ui.ids of live stock. f..r while the lloek will be utilizing veed and bushes In making wool a;:d million they will at ll" j-aute time le re '..ilmitrr the land. :in!:in? it ue re fT!il" :'.' ( greater Great Reduction in Clocks TOR the Next 30 Days we will make a G R E A T REDUCTION on all our Clocks We have too many and we need all the space. See our Windows and get our mces Eiwood & Burnett Opposite Nash Hotel 1 .0 T. K. Ihiuicls will soon have a force of- men engaged iu making a number if changes in his clothing establish ment on Seventh street, lie will put in more glass cabinet ti ami improve many other parts of the store. A fast growing business makes this u neecs- A Musical Crowd. If yuu nave company make them for ae time Imagine themselves to be a baud of musicians, though without the Instruments. The leader of the hand la supposed to furnish each nf the performers with a different mu sical instrument. Consequently a vio lin, n harp, 11 rlute. an accordion, a piano, n jewshnrp and anything else that would add to the noise are alt to be performed tit tlje same time. Pro vided with an Instrument nf some de scription himself, the leader begins playing a tune on Ids Imaginary vio loncello, or whatever else It may be. Imitating the real si mild as well as he can both lu action and voice. The others all tin the name, the sight pre sented being, as may well be timmlued exceedingly ludicrous and the inKe almost deafening. j In the midst of It the leader quite j unexpectedly stops playing and makes j nn entire change In his attitude an 1 1 tone of voice, substituting for bis own : Instrument one belonging to some one else. As soon as he does this the per former who has been thus unceremo niously deprived of bis Instrument takes that of his leader and performs on It Instead. Thus the game Is con tinued, every one being expected to carefully watch the leader's actions nnd to be prepared at any time for making a sudden change. The one who falls to make the change promptly pays a forfeit. .DIAMOND xDRAND ASK. -few Omwn fur V-.w trie NorllmcPt HoLl iitk! Climiito. Ntitv on l"iiln at nil ln .t ilmtlnm. A-k for i'ttfii loKiic. 1 urn mii hi in ni ir iii-Ik I )) tinofl, m 1 tn iii, ui1 inc 1 1 inn"' of itlii' di nli r, mill will tiS ii'ii a i;ii ktt ul' I lou r M-.'iN Tit-c f.r .-tir ihmiIiu rODIUNDSlEOCi,, PuOTUND, orison, and spoune, wuh YOU CAN'T SAVE On your rnilroad fare. Tho law of tl e t'naiuioii carrier rompela equal rates 011 all railroad tiaei YOU CAIN SAVE In Tlino, Traveling Ex panses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, faste.t trains and host service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ins and Union Pacific Every facility for th safety and arrouimola tioii nf Ui pnN'iiger is provided. Iv-i change nf cars ts iH'ef-ssary to Den ver, Omaha, Kaunas City Chicago. lhret conto'c tioiis are for all oth er p.iiiita east nnd no tit h A. H. KOHKNhAI'M. -g-nt, MMfor-1. WM. McMUBEAY, Oeaer&l Pa sender Agent, PORTLAND, OE. WATCH MEDFORD GO First liasiii;- our opinion on tho growth of the city during the past two years, we helievo .Med ford will have a population of ! 101 10 or 10,000 one 'year from now. Is there anything to stop it? Second The development of vast eoal fields, close to .Medford, which is alisolutely assured, means a hig payroll and a great increase in city Imsiitess. Inves tigation will convince the most skeptical that this will occur. Third The next ninety days will show active work on road to one of the greatest timber belts iu the I'uiled Slates. This means lumber for box fac tories ami all kinds of manufacturing, employing hundreds of men within the city. None can dispute this. Fourth immense tourist travel to Crater Lake; new gravity water system; hard surface pavement; electric railroads, both city and country; active work copper mines of the Mine Ledge district ; new schools, business blocks, residences, etc., etc. f have the only Main street business lots for sale at last year's valuation. These cannot be equaled for income or investment. Quick action will secure the best buy in the city. For particulars see owner. Fred'k C. Page 101 MAIN STKIOKT MEDKOKl) MB. CIIAS. D. HAZELltlCia Presents "FRA DIAVOLO" AUBER'S FAMOUS OPERA with a splendid cast and unrivaled ciisoinblo, tho best orchostra iu Oregon. MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES SPECIAL SCENERY 1RICE3 Mc, 7fic, $1.00. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 SALEM KEEK SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( 'alifornia and Southern Oregon, ft is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer, if you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Jce & Storage Co. A :. u.,,i,ijii Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sub Dividers aud Developers Rogue Elver Valley Or chard lands. '. hut' fruit ):it((. tn-Hriug and vimiii r'f:iMs irt it in a II find l:irn- ti;jrt3, for sale. 'v ;l a u t and ran? for rrh:irdn und u.iraiiitt: property to Ik- -ik i ' prrnpntd. Experience Not Xeeessary for th'iB' who purctiane tlirntih tin. They Hcrure the ad vine and niTvii-'-fi of a rniisultiriK hnrticiitturint, an insert on fruit cul ture in all iln branches, who for Hevcral yewH ha excclfd in the prwiiif( and nhippiri( of fruit in tlte Koue Hiver valley, record rfopH, record paekB, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon Medford Theater SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT TUESDAY "A ( H.Ti:."l'i:) MAN" A iMiiiilit'iil p i .-1 ii i- wilh n si I nnn I ;il. "A M.'W ' i:A Ii 'S Ol A "TIIK I l; 1 ' l A l.'l I 'S IHIKWI " ):: i I i I'n 1 Ii:iih ... 1 1 illiiKiolKi- Tin: voniii: iikadkh vk ti:i;a" - a mi- p.,Vri:y.''"! ilhit l:il mhii. AhMISSIoN IU CKXTS Special L o t of White WAISTS in sizes 32 to 44 AT $1.50 ea SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY AT Van Dyke's NEW DRESS GOODS & SILKS ARE NOW SHOWN Crater Lake l-w vailv.i. I.. ., PRIDE OF OREGON Wliilo it, mny ho liurd fur omi In conreii-a nf tho groat benefit Mod fnnl will dorivo from h ruilroad or iKUilnviird to Crutor Lake, it is equal ly iih iiaril for Homo to seo tlio mlviuilHjrf'H of a homo iodufl liy. Wliilo most biiHincHi moil say llioy would jimt an leavo lell th (i(iii that aro mado lioro in Moil ford as to Boll tliom that are made away from homo, many do not. When thoy soil llio pigam thai aro mado away from here, from 80 to ill) por rent of Iho money goon away from home. By patron Iho li. . V. CIO AH WOKKS Iho most of it is kept at home. And, on Iho olhor hand, you can soo that by buying cigars that are made from llllill to :ii(Ji) mill's from home, handled by from three to fire dif ferent Jobbers, that yon must either pay more money for the same goods or as mueh for poorer goods. We have just put a new Cigar on the market the CRATER LAKE in itvu niPK n 10c and two for 25c which in equal to any of the eastern or Key West cigiii'H. Tlio Tt. R, V. mpm In any of tho toe cigars that are nliippr-d in hero. 'Flic, Medford and Ml Tuvora for He aro unsurpassed. Auk for IIipms cigars wlierevoi you o, if you aro n amoker of 10 or Ion cigars, usk for Crater Lake Dion you gnt tho best. R. R. V. CIGAR WORKS Compare the Quality H Is, and alwafi has been our aim to supply oar customers with goedi ef the highest gualitjr and to that end m w' nm Kiraya aaaing :3 b::i jMj.iuua oi --prererrea stock " makfui our tin of luh ifrade Ccned most complete. Onr serrict always tfas bt and erery aecom givun our eustomers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed i i Take the Tribune for News