THE MEDFORJ) DAILY TRlBUNE,.MEDFORD1 OKIXiON'. TUESDAY. MAKCTT 2, 100!). r Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of .Med ford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Una month by mail or carrier. .. .10. SO One year ly mail. .0.00 LKS MAJUSTK IX AM Kill (' A. The first case of attempted punishment of the crime of les niajeste in America since the days when .John Adams, puffed with pride, wrecked the federal party by attempt ing to suppress the press over a ccntiirv ago, is the re markable "libel" suit brought against the New York World and Indianapolis News by the government in which President Roosevelt, Charles P. Taft, J. I'. Morgan and others are said to have been libeled in the account of the Panama canal purchase. If the persons in uestion had been libeled, they could have brought proceedings in the state courts, as ordinary mortals are forced to do, but instead the whole power of the government is invoked. A grand jury is summoned at Washington and at the instance of the attorney general of the United States indictments against the newspapers and their editors are returned under the English common law of IbliU, long before the government was created. The United States government was in no ways libeled. If the charges made by the newspapers were true, the as sertions reflected upon individuals only, not the govern ment. Ample recourse, both criminal and civil, is pro vided under state laws for those against whom such a crime has been committed. The president of the United States has no right, to use the machinery of the government to strike at newspapers that print something he does not like. It is a rank usurpa tion of power to which the government employes lend themselves to earn Mr. Ifoosevelt's "gratitude," and in tended solely to gratify the executive's spleen against a political enemy, a prostitution of power for personal re venge, a stain upon Roosevelt's record in the presidency. Every president of the United States has been fiercely assailed in times gone by few o!' them more bitterly than Washington, Lincoln and Cleveland, yet none of those who have presided over the destiuities of I lie nation ever usurped the power of. the government to strike at critics, to "get even" with a newspaper the role of a tyrant in a petty principality. FRA DIAVOLO IN DRESS REHEARSAL good uoads Movi;ii:sr. Jor two years more people of ( )renn must, wait lor leg islation that will render good roads possible. In the final flurry at Hie last session, all attempted legislation was killed by the house in a fit of pique over the senate's at titude mi the normals. At the next general election, people will vote upon a constitutional amendment permitting counties to bond themselves, something impossible at, the present, time. If this should pass, each county will be able to issue bonds for highways. Last; September the state (mod Roads association was formed for the express purpose of agitating for belter highways and securing needed legislation. Ileyoiid rais ing a little money to pay a lecturer, nothing was accom plished, however. Nome of the Salem members were ac tive in the interest of good roads at the legislature, bill no one else. Senator Johnson introduced the good roads bill, which was amended to suit the senate, and would have remedied the situation had it become a law. Had the Good Uoads association Uept a large lobbv at Salem, working continuously and persistently, the bill Would have passed. Mut to spend the money on lecturers who have not interest enough in the work to even lobbv for the movement when they live at Salem, wastes it. The good roads movement will continue to grow ami another two years will see the necessity of gnnd roads so universally recognized that even the bogey man of hiuh taxes cannot stampede its supporters. UNIVERSITY Or OK1HION HIIOW8 liKEAT GROWTH I'.NlViatSlTV or oKKtioN, i:nn..n M.ireh 'J. - Itcyiftl r:it ion tit the miner Kit V flit I III' HCt'Otlml Ml' I lit "it IT lultt hri'll practically complete,, mill llii' lulu! hIiowr it 11 iiiiTi'toi' nf 4i per ci'iil iiui luM your. Tin- I tt-limen torn pOKi'il entirely im Ki'inhiiili'H ol four ear btli school of iit'ihli'iith's, inutiliMin "Tin mi'Milicr, Kinl a sinking featuie f 1 h t rrnluniiti reiM i itt inn in tlint in-iirlv ;ui per cent of litem ;ili- Hi. Ill lnoji .K-lmuN outside of Oregon. Tin iHinthcr of Mu dents rfgintori'il in I he of hli mil art Hint rngnn'rii in; it imn nrsirlj (in I, mi 1 1 thi' guiiiil toltil, uuhi'lmg Mini IIHT School, IllVV. IIH'il'ltlt Iltlit tllllMi-, i over 11D0. WILL MAKE SURVEY OV WOOD RIVER IN KLAMATH A survey i to he nia-lo of Woo.) river from t ho K In mat It lake lo the lii'ltil of navigation lo dot ermine tlit (out of tin' necessary improvement! to open tin river to K'lierul navigation 1 wlemiilumts. Congrejo Iuik nppr.iprilnl .'N5,(H.M) to lie I'pemlnl on 1 lie rivers nnil harbor of Oregon. The measure inn ken n lump appropriation for the maintenance or work heretofore loyun. thn amount of this hoing intended to continue the preservation of auch works until July 1, 11U0. .TUDICIAL BILL PROVIDING COURT HERE IS PASSED W ,slll(iTiN. Mar. li Tin I.oum- "f I pi. ".rlitnt ivrn .V ;) ,.t' of pi t Hi agreed to tho simato ;hih-ih no-nt to tin- Wnslnnnto,, judicial lull, jiutliot, ,tl" M'",,"'","t of :hi ;i,,ition:il t'i.i t:)l .jn.tue in uritii. Senator 1'nl toll Will ! w n. -iv .jn.lgi-. Of tins thi-t. i" no long.-!- any doult. for his intnnatr f !: loto uith tlx' mooning piv-ulrnr -"'I Mr. '!' ft ' Ku.n.ti r.-uju-.l f..i Mr I'll 1 1 mi tvi;:il ;i 1 t .'t i nine lit s aie :ini.l. c hi i thai Mr fnl;, mi will I tin -'.l On- lihlu. -!,(,, :Mfl it is ;iis. U i,vvn tllttl ill.- Iippnnitllli.'lt U.Mll-l i . - lo Inn. M..i,-,.x,.r. o.iiM. 'ut...n;i( l;u, is .. . n I.m.L,,, in... tlo. .:iv,. v :,i;r that M , l',,,,"" 1 1'il-I- f..r ;i 1 1. i n t mi i it t 1o (Ins iiLlcr-lop :tt t tho , x,.M:,t. .., Inn tirni in Im -..M.itr The unit li.ltll. lit .t,in. t..t a t,.ni, .'f curt raeti e.u at :n,. IVm Hi ton. ai well a- .! I'.iUhul. ASSISTANT TREASURER OF DEPUNCT COMPANY ARRESTED I'lllrAiiO, Match V. if h,l.lMi,v asfiiitntit tirasiirer 't" the i,tnti,t Hoot It cionp.-inv. " f h ttu-. '' v.,.,,, .lereil to tlie ttntt. ites atto(t:e ,, lav ami was release.! on '.','tn.i o.i h.oi.U He was imticte.t Saturday f..r ncy. Performance by Locil Opera Company Will Be Really Worth While Charlie Hazelrigg Has Them Thoroughly Drilled. , It v with a fi-'ltiitf that ( liarlie la.t-Jri'i; vvas iinpMsin upon my gooil i.ttiirc th:it I ;ut"pf:. liiy invitation to vitto'MH th- ilrejn ri-l,earal of 1 Kra 'Jiaviijo" hy tin- Mrrlf'finl Op-ra coin ar.y on M..i--t::y h.ihi. 1 felt that I u-ml'i In- tr.-iii-iiiioiirly Imrt'il. I .oca I j'U'iil tj.'itcdiliv tir-H nf t.fie, aii'l lat r .wlo-ii thf hour ;'pproa-h-'J. I bit--rly r. 'r.-tted a ra-li promim- tliat I ...nld In- mi hand. 1 went I stayd and my only re ;ret toda v is t hat there in not to be noth'-r di'.sH rthenrjtl where I might f" lyain Ci'fist itnte what the prenn (f-ntt uoiild dfi iii mi " ".il hiixi:::t ie audi enee. " Medford in an exempt ion in the jfen ral run .f the smaller eiliei in many '.artii-nhtis, and t.oiil.t 'h performance v.iil deuionstian- one additional eieep tioti. A local t.'ile!it production here Inert not bore one it is really wori h ivlnle. For the old tarn Nellie Hazelritfg, Kd AndrewH. A. C. rPiryenr K. W. Wal ter hut little need b- aid. They have r-aMod a fund ..t -tae t ntkn nnd of tie- actor's :ir- arid are a nhvv n t hernteh . The minor principal Mint Kifert. lir. Itunietl. Oeore Mer ritt. W. (ui. -sen berry and others, are exceptionally yood for novice). Tliey liave been well drilled and while, of ..iir-o-, tloy betray tie fact that they re but bi 'niier, a home nndienee will be KurpriM-d by (lie iiianner in winch thev handle their line. The elioiux has bien Well drilled and hey h.-W the effect of it. Mcdfonl'd voicen hnve all been pressed into service ami iimler t ti" mreciion oi .nr. Ih'elrioo hrive been hrimht into a won b'lful decree of liaruintiy. It i a pity that an audience cannot . i ( hiirlie himself in action. Imagine i man e hewing na vagely at a cigar. I.uinplnt.' the piano with one hand, beat ng time with the other, watching every i. ove on the part of the principals, let. . -ting every false note in chorus uh! orchestra alike, giving the electri cian the cue for the lights, all at one ind the x.-imo tinn that is Charlie tn i.-tioii. And when he dnesn 't like any hing he Min-H Ho-".iiiHt ask one of those u tin cnmpnnv anyone will do, for thev hnve nil felt the sting of his nar tic vocnbiilarv. For instance: The full chorus is on the Hinge. They have let their voicen -.our to I he greatest possible volume. Tin- on-hestni if ad. ling tn the tuneful din. Suddenly ( hnrlie'n fbt comes down with a bang. Instant silence. Then ' ' ('.rent suffering snakes! Nome member of the orchestra), h.nk on tin b-st bar of so and so; see lii't third n-te. Why in didn't v.Mi hit it.'" Th.n in a tone of deepest in jurv - ' Vovv, . you know better thiiii 'that. "Why do you do it f Now. altogether-- --" and nwiiy they go again until another f::te note is struck. So has Charlie been working for weeks and work like that counts. Those who miss " Fra Dtavolo" will miss seeing something that is really worthwhile. X. Y. Z. S. ( '. Mart nim and family, who nr rived Saturday to visit Henry Cnrncll, a r bit iv e. who is seriously ill nt his I e ill the Alltelope Valley, Were foH ... to return M.oidav to their lfoselmrg liMtue on ac'iiiiit of the serious illness ,.f their baby, who is threat d with nneiimoiiia. Dr. Seelv was called to atf.-nd tin- little one b.-t' departure. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith X Molony INVEST YOUR SAVINGS in a beautiful !:am..tnl King. Aside from the prestige a good diamond give, it is aa invest ment you can readily tura back into vuith. My lmi of mountings and hies offeri ample scope for every fancy. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER .N-:ir I'l.htuft'u-f. Fine Witch and Jewelry Repair ing a Specialty. All work guaranteed. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific "Northwest. Not in tLe combine. CVvipetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. .:. K. ENVART. President. .1. A. I'KRKV, Vi.e HrcBident. JOHN S. OKTH. i'ah!er. W. JJ. JACKSON, An'l Cl.ier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFOBD, OB. CAPITAL - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank ir. Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Medford Iron Works E. G. TU0VVBRIDGE, Propiu tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, lj"A'is and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. More Light for Less Money Sixty three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iox hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt f 1 1 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in uxxi hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp s 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, UU West Seventh Street. Phone No. :i.V. Opposito the Big Electric Sign. ttEDFOHD, OREOOwJr State Oepu(iit::ry Kutul.iinlied 1888. titul nd Surplus $123,000 Kcsuurr?s 700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bauk respectfully tjolieits your aceouoi, subject -to your tlicck, with tho strongest guarantee of sul'ety nnd efficiency. We offwr th highest attainment iu ttystctu.-itic banking service, which as sures tho greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cauhicr. o' f,- i , c;. il in OOP v right When evenings are cold i 1! 1. -oint"..rt! suit nr ovoivniit miilii's a mail foi-1 liko living, anil jin,. '""i tr Ms .-mi. I ,ni.'tiiii.iiii... Vi.u tj.-t i-..mfort. slvl- anil i-li-j-ancii in Kiirmcnts lime an nunlu anil fiti,l liv u, iii wi'll as piMl'i'i-t alisfactin in until wi'ar anil price. I J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDINQ, MEDFOBD, OH. WW YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho excelli'iu-e of th.- meals that an roulii'il at the Kim-rit I; ( 'afe if yun liavon 't already regalv 1 ymirself wit li Home uf thu (ti'licioii. thcs that arc nerved here. If you hiven't partaken uf them, there is u treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A rnenl nt the Kmeriek is an experience that will make you c;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night TAILORED Serenely h:ippy is I In- man who I'nii feel I hat his uannents are tailnre perfectly. This is the feeling our pal runs can enjoy. Satisfaction will he yours if you have your suits, coats, etc.. made here. The way we fit around the neck and shoulders is a revela I ton. Try us. The largest line of dottiest ic and imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE TROGRl.SSIVE TAILOR You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than your own, ami you will find ou consulting her that she does not approve of paying nut good, hi'.nl-cariied dol lars tor n.ii 4 .... gool properties on iho market at reasonable'f itfttres in Medfo-vl. for location, surrontnlin.-t ntr. . 1,1,1 i.. -!...i, iii.nt can ho relied upon in making a selection f..r n ii.m i,-; i.v a p. tsocal insp. ,.1,,,11 of I. god things now of- It is almost :tton in Hocnrimr n tilings of lire in this wonderful val- A woman h: d I,.: ; through ough our agency, and von will never rrot lime iu "make irarden." ami it U M.ti. Homo w nero you can enjoy tlie g ley, Dnii't delav net now. J Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building:. MEDFORD 3Hrs. Urme Ufampton Isaacs instructor of "piano. Llst 5Ketl,o6 Stulo at 3ltltiice. 51otlb Or.nji Strt WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson Couuty Bank Upstairs li F. X. (Summlns T. W. Ostjood Osgood fr Qummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. Wafer Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making Sewera&c, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford Xational Bank Bid. SRF ITS lf are looking UAJ IQ for a g00d husi ness, choice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY room io jacksox eorxir bank j;ld;. M IiDI'OKD SASH DOOR COMPANY PirOXE22ni. W...I.W Fr.. Oak V,nfed Door,. ilh Berel PL,,, e.rriH i ,tock che.p. Off,,, r,tnr and .11 kin,). f PaB lng MM Wor( in(,,uJjng Turnd Wofk nn.l Taney Orill, f TKtET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH 3TBEET3.