: J y MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON', MONDAY, MARHI 1. !!(!. CRATER LAKE Graphic Pen Picture by Local Man of Greatest Scenic Won der of tho West. (liy Kstell Phipps.) It will probably b? conceded by the well informed that tho United States loiitnius seven of the greatest scenic wonders of the world. Six of thorn, l amelv, the Vosetnit valley, Cahfona the Niagara falls, N'ov; Vork; the Grand canyon, Colorado; ths Mammoth cave, Kentucky; the National bridge, Virgin ia, and the geysers of the Yellowstone national park, -are not only familiar to louristH, but are objects of international interest to readers and students, hav ing been described in the miscellaneous : nd scientific literature of various Inn gu:ges. But the no veil th and greatest I natural wonder, the world's most unique object of scenic grandeur, is, strange1 ."!: it at first may appear, comparatively unknown. These enumerate scenes are wonders :nd indeed marvels, but they are types, ouch the greatest of its class, certainly, but types nevertheless, for there are mtrracts and caves nnnd canyons and geysers and natural bridges galore, and . in different parts of the country. Hut this continent affords only one Crater Lake; ami it is the unanimous opinion of the comparatively few who have stood, fascinated and entranced, upon its brink that all other rcenes are, rein lively, secondary and even common place. Then if it be suggested that so won derful a feature of ni'.tnred scenery should not have remained obscure and prrctically unknown, i may be explain- j d that it is remotely located, away in j the mountains, several days' journey' from a railroad; that owiag to the lack of customary methods of travel nnd ho tel accommodations, it has not yet been frequented by tourista; that an apathy prevails among the people in its vicinity in consequence of which it has never rec-ived the deserved publicity. Although the lake was first discov ed by white men in so little men tion was made of it that it was re dis covered several succ.-sstve timer, before ill' geographical existence became per manently established- and, as a matter of fact, was practically unknown to the world at large until iti; explorrt ion by the United States geological survey in issd, 1'ublic attenlior has been fur ther attracted by the following subse quent incidents: The lake and ten sur rounding townships have been set apart by act of congress na a national park; and the Mawimas' expedition, contem poraneous with a more extended survey ::nd development by the government departments in ISHti, followed as a con sequence with descriptive articles in various literary and scientific periodi cals. Crater Lake is situated on the sum mit of the Cascade range of mountains in southern Oregon, its geographical lo cation being a little southwest of the inters. 'etion of the -t;td parallel north latitude, and the 12.1 meridian, west longtitude. The nUitude of the rim is more than tuuo feet above sra level, while its water surface is (V2'M feet. At t he maximum point the water is about '-'OHO feet deep the deepest fresh waler lake in the United Stated, if not in the world. It is surrounded by a continuous wall of cliffs, varying from lonn in 'loo feet in height, making the entire depth, from th highest point of observation, more than 4ffl feet. In form the lake is eliptical, and its sur face covers an area of -S square miles, being si ami one-quarter miles in length bv four and one half in breadth. The same precipice-like slope continues from the riin to the bottom, and there are only two places having the sem blance of a shore. Scientific exploration has devebqted the fact that the waters of this phe nomenal lake occupy the crater of an extinct volcano; that it is a colossal rock ribbed bowl cuved by nature in the crest of the mountain. Ages ago, there stood on this same spot, Mt. Ma zauia. a conical peak, in size and height rvnling. if not exceeding. Hood or Simu la. It was an active volcano, and for cent uries it dark smoke and molten lava blackened and marred the frost gommed snow of the summit. The great cone was by degrees diminished, being discharged upon the surrounding coun try, over a radius of about Jin miles. Simultaneous with the final great erup tion, the molten material of the interior contracted ami sunk away, producing a pit, some six miles in average diam eter and 4iinn feet deep. However, on the bottom of the pit volcanic activity continued for a time, the new eruptions building up cinder cones and lava fields Hut upon the ultimati conation of vol ean'ic heat, precipitation exceeded evap oration, creating the water accumula tion in the pit. Wizard Island, a huge cinder cone, looms up from the depth of the lake, SI.1 feet above the water. Tin great coniform mountain abound in both ge ological and botannical wonders. At it- top is an interesting crater known as the Witches' Cauldron, about 17" feet in diameter an 1 feet deep, in which lie snowdrifts during the entire summer. In proximity to it exist two smaller cinder cones, one of them 4-jU. and the other feet beneath the sur f:oe of the water. Hut the most remarkable feature of the lake i the water itself. It is so dear that one can distinctly seo the bo torn at a d- pth i t more t han 1"" feet, and to lean over the edge of a bort pr-'dii'v the appearance and sen sation of being suspended between the firmament and the earth. Seen from the riin, while the run i shining, the color ard r-Tlection are magnificent bevond all description nr the art of ar tificial reproduction. About the center the water is indiyo blue, far deeper than ultramarine or the sky flt the zenith, while toward the edge, as the depth increases, tin- intense blue gradually r b a n l" " in to 1 rq u oi so or v i t ri on re. n. Tn places the reflections appear to ni'i'tiplv the primary colors, making a "priimv blend the eye ner saw before." About .VI ranis from the shore tt on p-jint thertf stands a solitary ( rock, nearly 200 fc;'t square and 100 ! feut nigh, ending at tho top in sharp pinnueledike projections, suggesting to the uiiuil u m)u4 riding at anchor. When riowed from u distance, it alternately appears and vanishes, with tho shitt ing shadows and reflections, originating the appellntiou of t!. Phantom Ship. On the north and east slopes, largo masses of snow remain all summer long, feeding numerous small streams which dash over the granite walls, and melt into mists in the abyss below. Onifer oub trees, chiefly firs, pines and hem locks, have gained a precarious hold on the steep slopes bordering the rim. which enhance the hennty and grnml cur of the scene. Wiaard (bland in fair ly well timbered with the same growth, ami is also enlivened with various small animals, whose presenco is accounted for on the theory that the original propogatiug species reached the islaud by crossing on the ice. Temperature soundings reveal tho remarkable fact that the water is three degrees at a depth of IOhO tlmn at 300 fe All pictures of the lake nro both de fective and deceptions defective in th:;t the colors nnd t-nts issuing from the water are never portrayed, and de ceptions in failing to convey a definite idea of the lake's proportions, nnd es pecially in diminishing the great depth f the wall. Kvea when the camera rests on the rimm 2000 feet above the lake, the photograph indicates that the water were sufficiently close to dip from with n cup. To reach Crater Lake it is necessarv to leave the main traveled road lead ing from Med ford to Fort Klamath near the summit of the m-mntain and follow a winding trnil over a reverberating, pu- macecms soil, for a distance of about three miles. Ascending tho base of Mt. Mazama, on u en ring the lake, ono en counters a number of graduated plat eaus, Brobdingaagian steps as it were. timbered with evergreen trees and car peted with variegated and beautiful flowers. Each eminence is nttained by a hard climb, over n circuitous path, with the auspicious hope of finding the lake at its top. Hut these successive tirappointments, ult hunt civ terminate on the achievement of tin final height. However, on reaching this there is at first no sign of the lake, except the oeaks to the right and left that form : part of the rim. liul on crossing the plateau, a distance of n few hundred yards, one suddenly comes upon a prec ipice, "the- jagged rim that cups and hedges in the placid lake ten thousand links below. " It were impossible to express the emotions of the soul at the fir.'.t moment of beholding a scene so mysteriously combining the beautiful, tho weird, the sublime nnd the awful. It is a mingled sensation of speechless joy, silent phantasy, mute dread nnd dumb terror. If one could stand, with open eyes and dream of rainbows stretched across green woods, and fields of golden grain, and blooming meadow hinds, with bees and butterflies and birds and nests of sky-blue eggs; or f h read ing. desolate, alone, t h rough gtiniil infested lands, where desert sands drift on neglected graves, whose moss grown monuments, in the midnight moon, cast somber, gruesome shedrnvs, ..herein hyenas lie ;nd gnaw on human bones; or standing where the stormcloud bl.-'.ek. spans trotn the agitated deep to t he crag bound shore, end thunderous lightnings rend the over towering cliffs, doomed and daninrd, n ship is driven on the rocki, and sinks amid the crash ing elements, and dying groans nnd wails ot parting souls vol these omo- t ions were as naught compared willi those that chase. like phantoms. hrough the soul when "sublimity trans ports in ecstasy. " Kmotional nature? differ, so the scene affects people dif fcentlv. Strong men lw.vo burst into tears; brave men have confessed that when visiting it alone they fled, terri fied. at the first sight; others confess an overpowering fascinrtion. impelling them to .lump into the abyss. The In dians believed it to be the abode of tin c.rent Spirit, and that those who looked upon its mystic dept h would suffer' death for sacrilege. And the supersti tious o the early white inhabitants vho. while hunting or herding, happen ed upon its brink, told strange storie? of iis phantoms and monsters. CRATER LAKE. 'Tis June, seren side, On Cascade's rugged Spring zephvrs melt the unow, and hardy flowers I loom gorgeously, supplant ing cold wake. its Aroma, sweet, the cragged. luatv wilds, And quaint, blithe songs of merry birds revive The weary pilgrim's step?., while trudg ing on O'er lava soil that echoes every sound The winding path leads on from heigh) to height. Like stairsteps trod by Swift s great Hrobdingnags, And every step anticipates the goal. O-i subtle placque. of brain, fancy pic t ore Tie gnmdfMir that shall burst upon th light : Y' t when, from final height, itself aii pear. I oTieej.t ion proves disappointment dire: A ppa tied ! hot h .joy r nd pa i r of tear. a flood prepared : weeing what n fined tn WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Approach the overpowering brink and gaze, Transfixed, aghast, upon the jagged rim Th;:t cups and hedges in (oh, rugged vase!) The placid lake tea thousand links be low. Now, while the sun transmits effulgent rays. And paints in rainbow tints and divers hues Of prismv blend the eve ne'er saw be for, Sublimity transports in ecstaey ; And yet hold fast, for In! yon signal st amis, Veu frowning, beacon c:ator lifts its heed Towarn you that tho fesciiuiting god Of grandeur lurk.i therein; and see the chasm. With gaping mouth wide spread to dr'fik you up, 1'iverted in the measureless nhvss,' The blue infinitv of hi -veu allures. An irresistible desire to leap Pervades the soul, and now voa, clutch ing, 'stand In ecstacies of lietivon, i;i pangs of hell. Of, thou Weird, solitary sentinel! The most majestic work of nature- god! Would that the artist's brush could imitate Thv cragged -.0 retch of w::Il to its great detpth. A 'id mock the brilliant tints that eman ate I'rom thv uufathonied, mvstic, limpid Or that the awe struck h.-rd could sing soul while in words The psalm that thrills the viewing i hee. pi,,, vears thv monumental awe ha:.t stood savage may. e:ohowed thy bring n dread. And fled thv fabled L'l ouls, are known alone To Him whom thy sublimity portrays. And yet in embryo when nnfio'm crouch Upon thy verge, and c::ll thee " (ttii "en Sublime. ' ' The moralist vh. limbs to Wisdom 's mms in Hope's fair arly Snpend it ion 's nee, the heaven, the Heboid alluring gi bow. sees more eh K.i If. sens of Iguor," hell. Hark WASHINGTON WILL HAVE STATE FRUIT INSPECTION OLYMI'IA. Wash., Feb. '27. A e bill providing lor state regulation of horticulture ami vale of fruit c d much wrangling and dist urbance ill Hie senate. The ho of Mot calf of Pierce was also aroused by the quib bling over minor detail;- of the bill, and h charged that " this is the most ineffective ami inefficient session id' the senate the state has ever seen." The bill was linallv passed with eight tes against it. It provides for the up intinent of a sta" commissioner at ".mo, who will have the authority to name deputies in Jo districts at .l-iun It, and who will have supervision of horticulture, eradication of pests, in peel ion of fruits, .-ic. The bill abol ishes the office of th nimissioner in Ken lie wide, eastern Washington, and this provision caused long discussion. iiicmlmeulH ehaiigLii,' the location to ipokane, Taeoma and Olyuipia being oted down. NO MORE FAKE SALES PERMITTED IN OREGON Fake sab "half price which 1 here t he purpose made a mis bankrupt and other ale tmr pre nt a t iui as t o ir price, are prniiilotcii ami b 1 1 1 e a 1 1 ' r bv an net of t he I 'islature which recent Iv adjourned. The bill is designed to put an end to sales which put legit imate bii-dnes at a disadvantage without g'ving any ndvau lege to the buyer of foods. Under the new law. if a menh'iiit adertises thai he is "rbeing out ai cot." when lo is neither closing out ue selling at c..t, he will lie punishable. If he misrepre sents iptality or iptanl it y he will he punishable. Band Gets Busy. The Ashland band, as reoiig:inied, is getting down to business, and at a re cent rehearsal 17 members responded to call for practice, which -dunva increa ing interest in the enterprise. If the weather conditions permit, wo may ex pect eo hear the clarion strain "f t It r cornet nnd allied im'trumcntnt inn in outdoor concerto movements almost any fine evening. Messrs. Jordan. Knott and Loomis nro tnt hiiia':t i.' ov er baud pros poets, and are doing all in their power to further desired rewilts. The band boys are fin. ling out that Prnfes-ur I.. P. Miller, who is coaching them, is a prettv good all round man. eith'-r profc sionally or physically, to lean upon.--Tidings. STATEHOOD FIGHT FOR ARIZONA ABANDONED WASH 1 VtiTt . I l.oo.l fmht f.-r New nn;i was pract really si uate todav. It i;: member of the spe 'eb. 'J7. The State Mexien ami Ariz ;,li'!!idolied ill the tMed that tnd one tal coMiintl ti e ap- I1 oillted to di ..to for the o I he sub ject wollbl , pa-' e. by the hottoe. EXPUNGE ATTACK UPON ROOSEVELT TROM RECORDS WASIIINliTO.V, ld '27. The house today by a viva voce vote adopted the n solution by representative Tawnev proiding for the appointment of a se lect committee of five to consider the qeech of Congressman Cooke of Col orado attacking President Roosevelt with a view of having it expunged from the records. NOTICK TO CONTRACTOKS. Notice is hereby given that the city uncil will receive bids for the con struction of curbing on () ntral avenue from Sixth to Night h streets to and in- lading March Ll, H0i. Hids may be filed with or mailed to the city recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. the above date. Work to be done in accordance with the specifications for curbing on Sw ath street and may be r.vu at the iTiec of the city engineer or the city ci i nle I IK N.I. lated M. COLLINS, City Recorder. I-Yhryary L'Oth, 100!). KKSOLUTIOX. Hesolved, That a eemns of (he city of Med ford bo taken forthwith for tho pur pose ot determining tho total number inhabitants of iiaid city, b'esolved further, That Baid census be taken under the direction of the mayor of said city, and that he bo and is giveu authority to secure and employ such enumerators, and other assistance is he may deem necessary for said work ind also to procuro th requisite blanks, stationery and supplies therefor. The foregoing resolution was declared idopted on the following vote: Welch iy-t Merrick aye, Kmerick aye, Wort- man aye, hitert nve, Deinmer absent. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: liNN.L M. COLLTNS, Citv Recorder. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which i of considerable interest to t he public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is; the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stuti ns of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United t Mates. Hy means of thin system tickets may be purchased at Med ford f'oni any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac comiuodat ions and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at. the aame time." tf NOTICE. is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at the regula' meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on Mr.rch 2, HtOO, for iicenso to sell malt, vi-ions and spiritnus liquors in less quan tities I linn one gallon for six months at lot !."., block an. in Medford, Oiegon. fur n period of :-ix months. GEO. M. NEEDLES. Dated February 17, lflOO. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo r-eeivtd by 'lie ity recorder up to and including March , l!t'i), until ! o'clock p. m. for the xcivatimi and laying of water mains i'i West T-nth street and West Kbv til !i st reel. Plans aa' sp -eificat ions ie: v be seen at the office of the ciiy :iginier or ri'y recorder. A cor, i fied li.ck equal to five per cent (5 per i n1) of am. met. bid must accompary rid.' bid. 11 v old r of city council, February limn. HEN.I. M. COLLINS. City ;ialed l ebmarv l!0!h, 1!I0!I. Recordc Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and TUIiSDAY ' A l O.VTKXTKK MAN" A Ix-aiitilul .i.-l.ir.- with " Vhiiik NKW VKAK'N iilKT" A .-. . 1 . . I . . u 1 :i .1. . -I'll I-: iilll'NKAIlirS T'HEAM " 1 S.-ji n I till list n.l ...!,,, I illii.i.ni., "Tin-: W(M)in:.N iikaiii:i vkti:iin,---a .''uim- "",;''l:,;,,,. I -t ill'i-tintnl Wing. ,1111,111 I(, riiiiiuiiiii'i 'I l'i-l:iv i.iii.i.v City TIN SHOP Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. J. A. SMITH, 113 North G Street. Let" the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece rirniture. Any design, any color, any JiniBh dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streots. W. M. Col vig. 0. L. Reainen. COLVIO ft REAMES Lawyers. Office: Modford Bank Rldg. C round floor. Cook Stores am) ranges. Phone 01 MORDORFF fe WOLF New and Second Hand Furniture Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Mdford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will be prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick nnd just as chnp. In estigato before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo carry all kinds of dinner wure and fnuej dishes, filfl W. Sovonth St. Modford, Or. DR. GftBLE Tho only exclusive Optician be tweeu Portland and Sacramento. Office on ScTenth Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offico in Eagle Pharmacy Main Seventh nnd Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from ,0 cents to $l.f0 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit you: patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened heir new garage nnd repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. 3163 Peach Trees at Echo Frozen. IH llo, r., Feb. L'7. Many peach trees mi Duller creek are fio.r ii. Wil ham Watterlierg, on" of tl xtensive fanners in t hat neighborhood, report s licit hif splendid peach orchard will have to be chopped down. Mr. Wallerberg madi n small fortune off 1 he orchard lat vein. It is. and always ha s boon our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end o an always adding pialiiy to our line. The Mdditioli of "p-eterred :iock ' makes our line i.f i :oe 'aenod Ooods most complete. Our sprvice always Hub-it and eTory accom given our customers. in' r-i.lt. 1 ii:l' ' witni's .'i lh:it urn a. 1 1l,i- ili'lVim- ui.ul.l fi-.t iln. urn'. li uriil Busmess Directory THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Fiuest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. U. H. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR II. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 1!10 W. Seventh St., Mud ford, Or. DR. WALTEK R. STOKES, HontiHt. Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. K. Lane Sc Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASCHAU & BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in tho Young & Hall building. !li1linU, (Hgurs nnd Tobaccos. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by Tho Tribune. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsicnl In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone :S Night Phones C, W. Conklin 3fl J. II. Butler 14U DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones, Office in tho Stewart Building. Crater Lake ",;;t '. :i:'-i,;';.'J.,.'' A v4. '.V PRIDE OF OREGON While it may be hard for Hoim t nceive of the groat benefit Mod- ('.id uill deiie fiotn a railroad or bouleard to Crater Lake, it is equal ly a hatd f n to Kee the ad autiieM of patrnni.ing a home illdlis- tiy. W lull- most loiHiiMHs men say they would just as leave sell tho cigars that are made here in M'.lfoid as to Hell thoat that are inud a a ' I to in homo, many do not . When they sill the cigars thai are made away from here, from 80 lo !! p.-r cut of the money (j.ii's away from home. iiy putron iio th- f;. I.'. V. ('I'iAIt WOKKS the moHt nf it is kept at homo. And, 01 tio otlor hand, ymi can see that by buying cigars that aro mado ti.oii luoo t.i :;i-on niil.'s from hone, handled by from three to five dif f. r. ot j--Id. its, that you must either pay more money for the same goods or linn h for poorer good. We have just put a new Cigar on the market the CRATIR LAKE in tw.. -i. . n to,- :ind twoforL'.'n which is equal to any of the eastern .,i K- v W.-.I ci.rs. The If. ll. V. eipiaU any of tho 15e cigars that are l,,p.... M, lo ie. Tin Medford and Kl Tavora for v are unsurpassed. Asl; for lies., cigaiH wherever you go, if you are a tuitnker nf lOe. or l "c eigars, .-.-k for Crater InUe - I hen you get tho bent. R. R. V. CIGAR WORKS DIAMOND punished by and not more i.f the action, county jail. ie matter of ih- petition of .John gton for writ i f habeas eorpus; i an, d and said Harrington re from t'uttodv. FOR stPLt r. i iviJj risonment in the SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated longt. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TSH ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AIT KEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Hoating. Phone 28. S10 W. Seventh St., Med ford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY ' N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Offico: R. R. V. Depot. 0. Boi 841. Phone 60S. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Modford. Phone 225 S. B. 8EELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Go. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. JOB PRINTING) by The Tribune. NIC"! " iVV jfr.r i t on ay, d en ied view w;th hirn in Omaha he wat quoted aw ayin(f It enter the rin? to meet Jack .lohiiion. the rolored heavyweight cham pion of the world, at the cnnoluinn nf hi theatrical tour. Jeffrie said: "T would bo foolinh to make nueh an riHsertion until T know my actual phy deal eondition. T am trying now to nee what shape T ran train to. tTntll thnt is nettled 1 will not make n state tuetit regarding my boxing plans."