fc - THE BEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, "MEDFORD ORKOON". MONDAY. MARr'TT 1 1f,ffl- Medford Daily Tribune Official Pap;r of t)if: City of Meilfonl. I'ubliMlicil everv evcniiifc -.'it .Sun'i.iy. MEDFORD l'UBLJSHI.VO COM l'ANV OEOiiOE Pl'T.vam, Editor ami Manaj'rr. Admitted as Kecoud-Class Matter in the J-ut.J'fi at Medford, 0on. .SUBSCRIPTION KATES : Oo uoiitb by mail or earritr. . . VlM ' lu vr by u.a.1 . . . ST ATI-: -A IDE I) L'AI LL'OADS. .10.00 Submission to tlie jcoj,lc two year.' Iicu-e of a eon.-ti-tutioiial aiiieiidinciit permitting tin- .-tate !o dnild rail roads or aid in tlieir const rm-l ion as provirl.-d ,y tin- -t lia.sned ly tin: recent legislature, is an excellent, move. For one tiling, it lias stirred up ilarrinian to activity, and tlii.s alone more than justifies the move. State-aided or state-huilt railroads are not a new thing. They do not portend anarchy or socialism. They are a feature of almost every civilized government under the him and have nowhere resulted disastrously. When a railroad in huilt in Canada, the government guarantees the honds. When the Union, Central and Northern Pacific were huilt, the federal government aided ko Hiil.staijtially that huge fortunes were created for the huilderH. 11 Oregon must take the lead in the development of her own resources. People of outside slates .-.innot leex peeted to invest money developing a section that Oregon people neglect. Oregoliians must show faith in their state, or others will not have faith in it. Jt is hard to seen re money for railroad huilding now adays, hard even for Ilarriman. Hut with a stale guar antee hack of the honds, it would he easy, even in the tightest money market, to secure needed funds for rail road huilding. Jt is entirely prohahle that Ilarriman would he the Lrst to avail himself of stale aid to construct Oregon rail roads. - I-ULTUS AS A I EDEUAL .11 DOE. TKAVELH MANY SULEB TO 8ECUEE BANK EOOKK 8 Vilf.KA. a!.. .. iT. fc-.a- b t:,,: -nat .e;ai..l ul b -..,! to t: ;r ;r j, r !lai..-t 'if-n-. -I war. -t . ,,' . -:. Yr-u ni-,T 1 r ! ' j" l II H..ll" fli'll- - " -J'-M.r.J l.-:.r!y -' ...J I'.r.-.- . t.n.e - '- tr. at..: I.v.i. ).:ri, r.a-l.'.l ti.f Vr-ia .iv f l.m lw., itayi a(:.-r b- ba.1 lfl t !b -.nt. I, r. .r,., I .1 !" li...r.th '.' ft I'r. a aftr ar. abfrnfe of vi rj ,,r ,,',l y.-f fr-,n, s:.iyu t-'.un .. ,!.'. I..' !.:.!; tiro.- (. i.-i'-i EbJC :rt-'!. Of-rrfiafjy. rrarn-- anl '.thr t(,un ,.ri-s .yf K-.r,,;..-. af..l :b- -a-t'-rn (.art of . 'i, -"',- K .'.ii..' I'ft . ' r,n fj'-f-y' avti.' l.-jrik it It : ; ! i. (.. (.,'. r.- tu wit'' ,aw ! (-;' ar. I f..r.-ir. tfc mou ..V I,. I:, Ml. :it-W-iJ . V 7cS-. M&Mi IXVEST VOIR SAVINGS .- i.. fr..r.i ti- 1 IfJ-l .. J .t. .-; .: ! aa liivHl- . .-a!.:; tjrc f. (M.. Mv i.l. "t aiuUHt.tjf ati.l :.. rf-r a-ri - ' . . . ry fan: y. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER V-ar !T r!..ifi. r:n Witch ant! Jxe!ry Epair uig a Specialty. All work guaranteed. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of J! TUll ireeo YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commeifial Nursery m tne Pacific Northwest. Noi in tLe combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E Q O N . Jfecognition of Medford 's growing imortaiice is shown in the hill that has just passed congress creating another federal judge for Oregon, who will divide- Ins time Utween Medford and Pendleton. Senator Fulton is the father of this hill and in all prob ability will be appointed as a judge to fill the position. His appointment will give general satisfaction. Mr. I'ul ton's ability and law learning are iiii.iie-l loned, even by his political enemies, and he will make a fine judge as he has made a good senator. The fact that Medford was designated a- tin- site for a federal court is due to Mr. Fulton's friendliness to this city. He drafted the amendment creating the tn-w judge ship and the selection of Medford instead of some other city is due solely to him. The more big men Medford wins as residents the bel ter off the cily is, and Judge- Fulton is cordially invited to make this city his permanent home PA. I AT SHADE THEES. Ladies of the (ircntcr Medford club are to be congrat ulated upon their effort to have a lice planting day. 1 1 is Imped that everyone will co-operate and that at hast u. 000 shade Irrcs he planted to ornament and beautify streets. One great drawback to Medford is the lack of shade trees in vards and si reels. Trees and foliage do inin h to soften the uncouth lines of a new town, to hide the mon strosities of architect in-e and th ngloinerale collection of shacks and buildings thai disfigure many sections. Now llial the spirit of civic improvement prevails, with the paved boulevards should go shaded avenues, so thai Medford will attract the honiescckcr as the leafy -rove entices the wanderer oil a sunny day. YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. The law of tt common rarrit-r eoc: ! equal r.iU on all rAtunA Iin-s You can save In Time, Traveling Ex Pdmi and Fatigue by lnriRtlng oo the sbortit route, fast.t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short 1 ins and Lnion Pacific Kn-fy f:i..lill f..r III :if-t,v ati'i : c.irtinif in tioll Iff 111 TlH1Mlfc,"T 19 ppiviilril. . . rtiai:j;i of .nr. i ni-.'i p-h ry to lien MT. Orildtlll, KilNfliifl Citv tinjf". I'iriH oitinyc tn.iiH rtti- in:. I" fur all otli IT Miilitlf H!. an ffullttl A. l(OSKM:Al;.l, Agnt, M.-.I fi.nl. WM. McMURBAY, Oenoriil rainanienr Alfont, rOKTLAND, OR. J. E. EN Y ART. PrenJnt. .1. A. PKKKY. Vice fri-iiil'T.t JOHN S. OP.TH. Cuhier. W. B. JACKSON, Aw't Cubier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK 0 B . $50,000 10,000 MEDFOBD, CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propiu tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of EiiC'ii es, Spraying Outfit?, Pumps, rV.'ei.-, and Machinery. Agents in S"vt!;crn Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. m More Light for Less Money Kixtv-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at roets. a Kilowatt Sn 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts pcrhour and would use in icon hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp S 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Sii'-cossors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, -'in; West Seventh Street. I'hoiie No. It.j.j. Opposite the !!iu Electric Sicrn. Srute Oepositiry Eatablisbed 1888. Tapital aid Surplut $125,000 Reiourf $700,000 Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bunk respectfully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offr the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which as sures th? greatest care in every finan trial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTEB, Pr;nient. O. R. LINDLEY. Cauhier. When evenings are cold n K"1"'. citin for table suit or overcoat makes a man feel like living, and prn tffis liim froai cuMs ami Hieu!inniia. '.ii n't eomfori, Htyle and ckgant'C in arineats that are made am fited by u'. as well as perfect sal ist'aetioii in noth wear and price. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MUDFOBD, OB. vis flJLV I'r'fl The Emerick Cafe YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of th-' meals that are rooked at the Kmerick Cafe if you haviMi 't alrt-ady regal" 1 yourself with some of the delk-ioii.s di.'lios that are nerved here. If you li iven 't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at the Kmeriek is an experience t hat will make you t;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. Open All Night W11AT PAFF.RS SAY NO RI'.I'KHIINDUM I.IKHI.V. ,V;ill.v II.,, .1.1 I TINT.. IV, II (.L.l.lll.lv Li' I'.l'l- li..t,H ill Mill, Ml- ),.iltH .f tin' il:iti- li' till' Ii.l ' I l.al,.' ii..i".n;i lull il i mir in.lyiii.m llnl ll,. i'- will l' H" cl" i r.-iiilnni. 'I'iii' lii'Wi'iii. li "I' On' ilnti ,,. , .,.,,.. ii u- il. i.t.,1 l .'f On'"' urn Hrtivrlv iiml hkii --n. lv l,.t il. nml il in mu ll " ""v''' ''"'""i' llmt IIiiti' I.iik I."!'" "' ny fnimlli'iil fi'i'lniL' I" "il""l up. nml il niuv uiii nl.'iii: l" t'"' I'"" Irnn-iiiK I In- " ' ",,v I"1' ,,n will In 1 1"' p'li'i.'il I I. Ill nf il in '"i' "I 'll""' "I lll'' niiiiiiii; "'iiil.' win ,r ""' M.irl.l liiiii'iiit il""--"'''''' "r "i,- -.ii nrv. Vi'l H' .-oii-'iil l"'ri'"l '"'O r:.-' Iiy. Till' Ori'liiilliim nml. I i':i-lly I'll. '.'I' il. , it ill li.. I lilx-l.v ll.nl il "" T,'i" niilruuil i'..iii.unv Iiiih 1 1"" or.niii:in ' mir nml Hi" i'"i " ,,,r1,1 '''",r ....I . r ..f I In- n.l iTl i-.inn llmt "i" "'"" i.tiiif'ii"i-iiM'iiii' nf ni'il'it'l. l',l1,,' ,,f li" W"rl" .'...li' l"iiril ""'' ' . iiimiwlv.- wkiii"".; .ii.il r,o llii'l' I, -I I :. I . .1- t.. in j,l.i." :'l. In 'fil in.l l.lv l.i It,.' I.iit I.. II"' 1 1 1 1 ! ' i ..ml'.. II. I,. .HI, iiii.I ,-Mii' "I' Il"' I., t ,l,. l,.j;l,.. Mr t t- mill,..,,- ,.f 'I'iim.' M.ll -.I,:.,,,.' Il,,- in, I,. I ll,:,t I - .,t il. m,lt. r :t ii Hi"" .uil I tt.M.M ,. ..V II" ' .III ' li iiii.I .11 v ..-w r I .1 .' I' II,.- - , v. " "I Hi,' V..H.I I ,1 I"' ,.' I,. When You Thir k Of I ,t II Ill, .11. I.. l.i. tint; I" ii'"l I'r, "i, i' I I,, .l , .i., I l,i ..I... 11,.- . v.. II-.,' is '.I.U ,! ' l.h I-. I..,,,-. ,.,.. in, I i, . ,,l u I i, ..I-,,.. , .1 !li, , , r-il .l.'.n, t l- II, ,. !! I, - , , , ,, I. 1 1-,' ',, ,,, .;. ,,, ,, t' 1 1 ,,!..r,.r-.. '.. I.iiiii: ,1 t.. , --i . . - -I il , in, !-i ,; i, i.i.l ... l. ,i .1 . '. I!.;. ', .i- I, .1 1 'I- 1-. .i i, ,.'. 1 r.Rl'.AKH III" KAMI III' KI.AMATH 1A1.I.S Tllir.VI'.S KI.WI I'll I'M I..-., in I". I . 7 l..v "I I...-. , , ! ', , : I ,. Hi,. 1 1. I r"""Za . "I ...I.I i,, i. W.-l. I. .: I'f.HHIII II liirr. Tl.." Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SH013S Go to r. w. Mcdonald to Smith & Mox K. J. Skrwi. C, K. Milviiiuvr A. C. Kumliill 1 1.. I). Iluttiv Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS . Hub Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard I, finds. fruit laitiln, bearing and young orchards in small and l.ire tiiiMa, fur Sale, Wu plant and euro for orchards and guarantee property to lie .ih n presented. Experience Xot Xeecssary for those who purchase through us. Tln-y secure the advise ami Hervli-'-s of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yens has exceled in the gnwing and shipping of fruit in the UVgue Hiver valley, record ciops, record packs, recrd prices. in North D Street, Med foul, Oregon You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than your own, and you will find ou consulting her that she does not approve of paying out good, luvrd -earned dol lars for rent, when there r.re so many good properties on ihe market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman has a keen tya for location, surroundings, etc., and her jnlg nicnt can b relied upon in making a selection for a home. Briug her with yiiii, a:id maka a personal inspection of the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. ll is almost tune to "make garden," and it is high time for aetion in securiug n home whera you can enjoy the good things of life io this wonderful val b'y. Don't delny act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD Urena Ifampton 3saa.es "Instructor of "D'rt' Llt 2tteU)o6 Stuilo al lict. iiwtk Ornt Strxl T. IV. Osgood Osgood & Qummins Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Soufiern Oregon Surveys, Maps. Plans, Specifications, We ports, Estimates, lite. Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andlirainage Office Medford X.itionnl Bank Eld. CTfT? TTC If you are looking vDML for a good busi ness, choice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY KOOM 10 JACKSOX COUNTY BANK P.LDO. MEDFORD SASII & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. ERUSA-THE ONLY I AWFUL 1'ILE CURE ll.',;Ui,' V. KT S V I l'lil:s - LIS. :. l-nls N, , T , . ,,,, :,;;r,.,,t,..,, nur.'iirv . .ami-. l.'S.l nr any ',"-"M,.u I'. S. Ii.-i...i:..,y i, , . n, m,-n.l s mrv n, j .-.li.-iit f r kv s. I'n.i: i.'x- " ( ..! iii c smihih, i'.i" ; I'll- H" ! " ';1"T "r "'t'i' I n ilu'nii'j I,- i ""dew Frames, 0k Vnred Doon, witb Berel Plate, oarrird in itoek chD. y-:zi':::'z otti" riitnr- . Mm w.,k. t. w.,i i:irin;'.oy. I.bs. Strang. lb' 1 r and raocy Orillt K STBET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVELNTH 9TBEET8. n 'vi ,,l" vi.