MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1909. See Our Special Front Doors We have the MOST COMPLETE STOCK of sizes in DOORS and WINDOWS in Southern Oregon, It will pay you to see us for the openings of your buildings Acme Cement Plaster, Portlan Cement, Brick and Northern Fir Lumber in Unlimited Quantities i 1 il II il To) i il 01 TWO RIVAL COMPANIES CALEBS lTING KAISEK'S SEEK DESCHUTES ROUTE. VEDDT?rO ANNIVERSARY NOTICE. WASIIINIITOX, JYIi. -7. Two rival 'oiiianit'S. siniilry hivi-i' .'otii'ani"H anil tin- I'nitil St:it, 's it'i-lainat ion si'ivu" aio all stniuolinir to a f""tl"l'l uio. tli-- I "sdiuti's riviT in oasti'in i"o;..ii. Ajiplirations for rioht of wa.v Nrvf Iii-.mi filiil I iy tin- tti'wliiiti's U.-iil-r, .1,1 i-.iiii.any alal li.v the Oi'"j;"ii 'I'riinli lilll' ..11 oppos'lto sides uf lite livor. lull flic .oviT .ollialiii'a. lifi'l'til.ilii: to ill'-vi-lop wator powor ali-no lliat sin-am. piotosti'il against jiranlini; Hi"" rit;lit of way, allium" llii'.v wonl.l iuti'i'l'i'i'" Willi ioV"l' il"V"lo.iieili. Tll"Si' U'o- ti-:-l linvi- nil lic-i'ii iv"rriil".l I'.v tin' in ti'ior .loj.aitint'iit. Tin- r-'.laiiiation solvit" itil"ii.! at si in" fiitni" lion' t,. ,!.- ii" irriuri- t i'.n iniji i aloii" ill'' I rhnti-s rii't iiml ri-rra'.lv asln'il lli.i: :. t i .11 n right uf way In' wit till I'l uatil it '-ail 1 - liiilli' just wlii'Vi' i! will ili'i'ir" to lilliM 11 .lain I'm- tin' sluing"' i'f v.atiT. IICUI. IN. I'i I.. -JT. -All U.TiiiMiiy is ti'ilay .'I'li'Wiiiiuc- tl. 2tll ainiiv. rsaty i lit- tin w.'.l.litio f ttv oinpoior i'iti.n ss. A family (-at h.-rii' was liehl ' I inlay at tin' palaro, .m. I the royal pair i-ni'ivi',1 in,K.tKs .if ruaratiilaliiiti ' I ruin :t!l llu' 1:1 Il IVl.rii: F.i.'ilii. li Villi, la.. "i 11 iiip-ii' in t 11.. .t Iotiiiiiiiv. was lllarrio.l to th,- 1'iinrfss Aurora Yio turia of. Si lilusivii; Ili.l-ti'in Soii.liil.iirj; Tugusti'iilmr..', tlii-ii a yirl luiruly 'ars nf :"". Tli' i-c was yn-at ri-.jok'-i: I !i '". nw lioat C.-rniaav ,111 lliat .lav, I'i' ::inii I'l'satv lias alwavs li"cn . i n 'a!.,-!, I py tli" It, nil.'in p.opl". anil ' '. r :"!- .luia-iasticallv than to. lav. Tlu'i" will !. a noi'tiii" nf tin- wuiii- t i sul'fi.iii-'s tomorrow al'ti'iiii'oii ' 1 -:.:n in til" la v. S'nitli hall. .Ml ate' I" I lu alt"iul. M l'1'Ii i: TO COXTRACTOltS. -iiinpi'. ll, that irown pruire I Wal'i r .!. r:H; ,.f D.-.tivill". 111., lias Iiimi that lias laiil L'lH '"i;s in 11 FIFTY THOUSAND GEM STOLEN AT SAN FRANCISCO SX l'KN lsro. fal.. I'll'. 27. What appi .ns t.i liavi- 1 an i-Ki-.i'il inylv lmlil ami ilrvor n.l'liiry was l.rnuulit li' Hi" atti'iiliun "I' III,' piilii'i' 'I'liurs.lay wli'-n Mi.s .li-nni" Cr.'. lii r r"Prl",l' tin loss uf liur I'uarl ni'rkla.'.'. alui'l at i'l.'ii". whii-li ilisat'pi'ari'.l f h.'r thi.iat iliivinj; tli" pruri'ss of a 1 :1:1s luill. or." of Hi" '"''al 1 v"iil of Mi" si'a-'.ii. at Hi" St. I'lain-is I. I Tlnn-.lay n;i;lit. Miis fr.M-k.T ili'l nut "I'si'iV" lo r loss umil aft. r I o'i-Ioi li t'.is m.iniina. It is it,., suppoilioil that 111" i-uril sustain 111 th" it w.-ls l.rok". alluwinjx tlu'in to fall tu tin' flour. Th" s'.vu"piii".s of all th,. n.oais u,'"iipi"'l I'y II"' ''all um'sls la-t niKlil ui ru I'lill".-!".! ami "xaniiiu"! at .in,-", l.nt no I ra"" uf tli" pi'arl . w as fuiiml. irC'TURE COUPE PLANNED FOR ASHLAND CHAUTAUQUA 1 1 ;'f in 1 t'ulittai-ts liaM' l"'"H mail" 1'V virtu" uf v hii-ll Ashlaml will liav" a liifli jra.l" li i'liiru uuursi' n"l suasoii. iiu'luiling tli" fulluwinu atlraitiuiis: Hun. Uulifrt M. l.a l-'ull.'tt, who has v.riltuii a personal litter wiving I "at 11? will Min-ly emii" tu the i-uast an.l has i8B-l nn ifi'inla'l luntrait. Th" Central liraml t utui-rt "ullipany. inehelil.u Malisinliall Di'-k. Ameriea "s fainoiis violii'ist. l-.ilna -V! aais. ,-ellu: Mis Miller, soprano sol" ist. from Manhattan opera house. N'-'V 'urk. .iti.1 Hie I'i.ini.;. I.a'iirant. f the greatest inagi.ians. with thl'-e :e si'tants. Th" Wales Musieal company, vocal ami instrumental music. Matlis.-n W. Cliase. leeturer. "The Siheiloiei 1 f ,-!' t in- ..rl li. " ' !' Tf.r ;;..v;l i- : 1, : -1 "('. HARMONY IN: YOUR N EV HOME Color blending of Furniture, Dn.prrics, Cr.rpcts, Woodwork, Walls, niiike h'mc life happier. .O :r c M-t r! or:ttie ?peri:;l.. t v.-: i a v.-r . ' ..:.. v;t:.t)i;t uu,:- r.i.i.iii;;- '.: ):- ri-jw Ivmc. ' Wr e luf prt;c'j:ri J J. G. Mack cc Co. j Furnirure and Ciirpcts raRlI.AND. (Rr.oN I SiagU Rooms furni:heJ Tastefully titict is IktiIiv ivoti tliat the city i t unt il will nvi'ivt' I'itls for llni cuti s', met ion ui' ruiliiuy mi C-nl nil iivLMiuo limn Sixlli 1, Kijiliih stiocls to ami iti . Iii.Mmi,' Miir. ti lnon. liiils mi'.y lie filcil wit ii or mailed to !!: eitv nv.nli r nji tn 4 u Vlrt-k p. in. . I" Mi- .-ih.ivo iliitr. Wort; tu In- iloiu1 in aocnnliHu'C with spt r:fir;tliu!is for ftltliili on fVv ' 'I li t re;-1 :i!il may ho t.M'ii at the .I' jn r of tin- city cniiK't r or t ho eitv r.-roi-.lcr. ' r.K.VI. .M . COLIJNS. city t. I :t1 i'i! Krlu-uary -Nth, l)n!l. i;i:soi,rTi()X. m.m il. Thai a -; iimis of Im- vity of ''.! I'tiiii in.- i.ilvi-n forthwith for the pur- -st of tli't'-miiimitr the total nutiibrr inluiliitatit: of :;ai'l city. i.Vsoh n u 1 1 lo-r. That eensiis In- ta h-u uilI'T t In.- direction uf the mayor of saiif eily, ami that he lie ami is ivi-n aiiihmity to sei'ure ami employ such piturnernlorx, ami oilier nssiHtiince a In1 tuny ln in ni'i-f.-saiy for said work :unl also to pi-Mi-uro tli' reiiuisitc blanks, -fatiniH'ry aid -np'liis therefor. Tie- fnivj-to pij r-'Sohilion v;is ili-i-larcil adopt.-! on Il.c' Vole; Welch ay -, MiTiick ay-. Kincrick ayi-, Wort-le.-ii Kifcrt :im', 1 ti-nunrr ahsent. II. CAM)X, Mavor. Alt.-s!: liKXJ. M. COLLI NS, i - it v IJccoi'iler. Prepaid Railroad Ordturs. " SeiiH't hnff which t of conaidernble interest, (o the public generally nixl wlitrh is perhaps not Renerully known in the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stnti ns of the Southern I'i'eific company mid i tl points in the I niled Ct:ites. Ity means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford f'om iiny place in the United States mid miviled or telegraphed direct to tho par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper nc eomtnodat ions and small amounts of in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the snnie time." tf NOTICE. is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on M.'.rch 2, l!i)f for iieenso to sell malt, vi'ioiis and spiritous liquors in less tpiaii t i ies than one gallon for six months al lot 1;", block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of ;.i.t months. am. m. nkkdIjKh. Ihited rdiruary 17, 1009. N'OTH'K TO ('OXTIiACTr)RS. Scaled bids will lie r-eei'-'td by 'lie city recorder up to and including March l!"!. until 4 o'clock p. m. for the evc;natioil am! laying of water mains ..a West, T-nth street and West K!.v "ul'i street. Plans an' spf-eifica) ions m;:y be seen at. l!ie office of tho city .-"igineer or ci'y recorder. A re'iificd .heck pipial to five per cent (" pT en -) of a lii. on t bid must aecompary -:.!. bid. liy ord r of city ccuncil, February li'. ISMtp. CKN'.I. M. CDM.IXS. City Itecorder. rtatitl l-Vlnuarv 20h, HKIH. .it v -y ... .1.' . r.. I,'. II: er of I'liiea. Mi-1 Crater Lake My Friends GIVING OUT. The Struggle Discourages Many a Citi zen of Medford. Around all day with an a.-hiui,' bacU: Can't rest at niht: Knoiijfh to make ;ny one " oiv out. flan's Kidney Pills will give re newed life. Th.-y will cure Die backache; Cure every kidney ill. 11. re is Medford proof that i Mr. 1.. l:,, r-jer Ninth nnl t 1 tr.-ets. M.-dferd. -.. sayq; ' .' It giv. i'e jleaciiie to the heiiP t iT d'-rivid from the ue of poan Kidney P,ll. I raf f( r-d a . vcrp cae of kidney conifda int. Mv !-::ck ached constantly and I thoimlit I would n- ' r get relief, T also had a iu!i. drn'ng pain tbrongh my loin-, which rot-he. 1 me of ail ambition. I finally pr"urtd a l- - of )nan Kid j..-v pilN at II akin 's drug t "r--. U i-niv took a stiort it ;e of this remrdv to r ntirely run1 me. T give the credit 'r 'l e or-at change to Itoan's Kidney ' - aie by all d.aW. Prie 'D c n!s. fV!er Milburn Co.. X'ew York, to! ;.ie n for the United St3ti. Rfmcml.i r the name Ponn nnd take no other. 50 Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor '".V I ' . , ;-. r V .!' ''W'---3?v .. '' .'. f 'i- w JOli LA SALLI: Tin win. Salur.lav mlil al An'l" . . ( . . I r lions.' wild I. "wis WaltiTM. II. I "ill "f i'.. Prices $1.00 75c 50c LADIES FREE PRIDE OF OREGON .,- h f- r liard f'-r Soiio to eoioeive of the grout benefit Mcd i"in a railroad or bouh-vanl to ('r;itcr Lake, it is equal ;i t.. the a 1 1 i ii'agcs of patronizing a home indus t'ii'.i!i' in- n say tin- would jut i.s leave sell the in-!'- here in M. it. id u to sell thoms that are made . mai.y do not. tie- cigars tliai ai'1 made avvay from here, from SO th" iM'iiey goi'x :nv;iy from home, fly patron . ' ICAII WOliKS the most of it is kept at home. And, . m ,-an see tl.-'it by buying cicars that are made ' i!i s fiom h. !'-. i,;(;i.ii. by from three to five dif yon ti. -M . j;i r pay rio-ie uioney (or the same goods We have just put a new Cigar on the market the CRATER LAKE - - a ?"r a tid t u o fur -V -- wliieh i equal to any fif the eastern ! -v- W-.; .' -.t-. Th- li. li. V. eV;:U any of the l."c cigars that are ; i i ' , 'i'i.. Medford and LI Tavora for V J:re unstiriiaM. A-' ! !!'-. .'!:u'i wherever y n if yon nte ;i iinoker of l"c -r 1. -''j'-. f -r ra'er Lak-. --Oe?-n yo-i get the bet. R.R.V. CIGAR WORKS '. V. (Ziimmi ntjs T. IV. Ontjood Osgood & (Bummings Givil Engineers The llvst Biuipped Engineering Office in Soutliern Oregon Surveys, Maps. Plans, Specifications, Re ports, l-stimates, lite. - Water Powers and Water Woriis, Pavimi and Road Making, Sc vvr,!Je, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainaQe Office Medford National Bank Bid. .DIAMOND vBQAND ASK. sTh. ' 1 1 14 v Oroii f'.r I'm If tc nrlhitral Koil sni rim,t. n Olt lilu l ll '"I lmlT A-U f' T I'nl.i lon. 1. in li'nM m jfMir iiflhlMrliiMMt. u.. iIPff nf y mm r U-r. mt .tl m 1 (.o k li.ii U el r'l fr-- f-r run. (hTUMOIIIOCS . rCHTUM. OMIDtt. MO jmiim. wih Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs