THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD Oh'KOOX. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1D00. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the Oily of .Medford. Published even' evening exi-ept Sunday. MEDFORD P U B L I S Ji I X (J ! O M I A X V Geokcje Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Mutter in the PostoH'ice at " Medford, Uregoi i . SUBS0RIPT1OX RATES : Ouo montb by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 One yt'ur ly mail. .$.0.00 ltoauE m vim I'isiiisa. FULTON WILL DESERT ASTORIA FOR PORTLAND S. I'ni'.iii iliti ii.U tit mal.i' I'orl !;.ll(t liii". Hi' Inu.le all ll lllMilllllr illi'llt to tliin I'fl'l'l't. SlH.II IlltlT Oil' I'l jiilil'lilil. lit ill ri.liyli'i'tl In- will jii til Aatnrill tu i-liiHi up liis ufl'.'iirH anil thi'li mini' his ii'siili'iicc nil luml. I'urt The protected II nine salnnm fishing moiiopnly at the mouth of the Rogue imw enjoys the largest open season in the state, but two closed seasons in spring anil fall of thirtv-five davs each bciiur observed. The recent Icjnsla- tui'e ai-'ain showed its narlialitv to this inouoiiolv, which i for thirl)' years lias accumulated millions at the expense of all southern Oregon, and rejected the master fish war den's bill shortening the season. Jlannony now reigns on the Columbia, both states having agreed upon a law that provides the following closed seasons: Spring close, from VI o'clock noon, March 1, to 12 o'clock noon, May 1. Fall close, from 12 o'clock noon, August '!, to 12 o'clock noon, September 10. A weekly close of 21 hours, beginning at 0 o'clock p. in. Saturday and extending to i o'clock p. m. Sunday, is also provided. a Jt is believed these closed seasons will give the salmon the protection they have long needed and will be the means of allowing a great percentage of them to reach the hatcheries anil spawning grounds in the headwaters of the various streams. But no such protection for salmon in the Rogue is granted. There is no closed Sunday, no two months' sea son in the spring. The Hume interests have 2!)" days in the year to fish. The Columbia river fishers have but 211 days. .No wonder salmon are diminishing each year and steelhead becoming exterminated. TAX COMMISSIONERS FOR STATE ARE APPOINTED At a rn. . t ii'U if th- stall' tax lo.anl r. V. fialliiuii.v nf M M ilill villi! niul .1. It. Klltnll ..I' l.ll Oritlhl'' WITI' JIlioilltl'l tax riuiinii'.sii.iii'rH tu nrrvi' with tin M.'.Ti'tarv i.t Ht:i1i tin. Utah' t roaMiriT anil tin- ( t ia latter three as fx iifl'ii'i.i tiiLi'M, t. tin' ni'W tax i-imiiiiisiiHii r. v i.l i' I liv- a hill wliii'li pani'-l 111.' L'"ith li-jjislat lire early ill the la-mien, MO 1th' I' A 'IS(! XKKDFA). Seventh street, or that portion of it paved, has served as a good object lesson to citizens of Medford as to the need of paving. The contrast between paved ami unpaved need of paving. The contrast between paved and unpaved streets was never brought out sharper than it is here. Already petitions are being circulated to extend the paved area. Paving costs money, but property owners have ten years to pay for it in, and the increase in the value of property due to the pavement amply justifies the expenditure. Owners who object to paying for the cost of improve ments that, appreciate their property are shortsighted. They are in the same category with the grangers who killed the Johnson good roads bill in the house because gootl roads would increase taxes, forgetting that poor roads maroon the farmer at certain seasons, depreciate the value of his properly and entail a far heavier burden upon him through inability to reach markets than taxes could possibly make. The paved street, area of Medford is the district in which properly and properly values will advance the dis trict that will improve so see thai your property gets in it- t -j . i.l JACKSO.X FACllTU IX VMAWTIOX. According to the new slate lax apportionment .lack son county's assessed valuation is reduced from 7;Jl,lS.V 21!) to .f 17,!) I I,01S. The apportionment of taxes paid to the state is sjsW.OT."). Jackson now, under the eijualixed assessment, ranks eighth among the counties of the stale. Multnomah leads with $l!)O,0St!.!i7:!; Marion is second with l,0:i::.S22 ; Final ilia third with .f:!0,S0:!.S!i!: I, inn fourth with s-js.-2!)1.7:!(i; Lane fourth with JtiJiC.aYj : Douglas fifth with 21,-I7:!.00!I; Clackamas sixth with SL'0,.".l l.lOii. and Yam hill seventh with sn,l."7,l 1 I. Josephine's assessed valuation is ."i.!'Sl.!V!!l. and Klani ath's $!, l."(i.")l(i. Klamath was raised from (lie old valua tion and Josephine lowered. Josephine pays in .jM'',7!i) to the state ami Klamath $20. IK.".. HEAD OF MISSING MAN FOUND NEAR HERMISTON SENATOR FULTON TO AID I IN PROTECTING OUR FISH eKN'iH.ri'nN'. i Sfarli"roujli. a iner while driving a.'ro. ji'i't lust liiylit, .lisr r.. I'el., M. Iiant ef lleriiiistnti. i tl.c I'matilla pre ! i ei. il a man 's li.'a.l lying en the ground two inilei uorlli ei llormistoii. I'xainiiial i"M nf the here! l.i the l.el.ef that tie deal in Hint el' II. II. Il' hlei.i ,.f 1 nml.rr Intel, who in Aneji-t la-t .1 iapp are-1. It is t.lippoi'd that he met with fuel plnv, me! Inn lelalio' feme! no Ma..- ef his whereal.eutH It i hel was innrilere.l for lii. ineiiev. he URGES CHAMBERLAIN TO COME TO CAPITAL Senate! nat..r eleet a.l iiahil te he WASIIIXOTOX. I'eh. Bonnie has teleraphul ( ('hiiiiilierlaiii. snuirest inir 111 it v of liin lieini; here HMtirn in n senatnr, instea.i ef waitini! until Mareh ll, the (.mine unit ef the special u liiivenier I'hnm herhiin ha.l .hiiine,l. If rlmnilvrlnili Kheiihl wait until Mnrrli 15 nil the set. n'urs niterinir Mtirch B w.nihl outrank him in seniority. He ell It. I,' i-h Mel tie a.-W hi, ll ieter t., a M " I h.,e S "'I '" ii ill- ;a. lal,. iii t l: 1 Hi 'In I Ml'.'t I ..'HI I Tile e...iiiii ! in. "i t! NF.HRASKA LATEST TO THY OREGON SENATORIAL PLAN i i i iii.n. r. i' .: te 11, ll"' .:.!.- - llnnii'liie, I. ,11 .r,.'!' t lell ef I'll'! ' ! ':tl s (l,'"..n plan '1'!"' ll" .'I passe-l the hetl-e an 1 I hcrtfei "ill'e it. . . alr.-i ,.r Shall. YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. Tlie law nf tie common carrier compels equal rut oh on all nili'al lines you can save In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, faste.t trains and host service. Simply see that your ticket road a via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. K. & N. Oregon Short 1 ine and Union Pacific Kvnry I'actlitv for Dm Haft't,v ami iircoinjonhi lion of Hi 1 i-aHSi-iiiT i( provided. (diaui of t:irs is nciMUfary to lcn vcr, Omaha, Kjiiih:ih ( 'ity ('hioiijjo. Llinrt eo1lln.l tioiiH art- iii;. I-' fur all 0D1 cr KtiiilH t-iiMt. and south A. S. liuSKNI ATM, Agt-nt, Modfor.l. WM. McMURRAY, General PafianRor Agent, rOHTLAND, OB. Medford Theater ME. CHAS. D. HAZELRIGG Presonts "FRA DIAVOLO" AUBER'S FAMOUS OPERA with a ttplendid cast aud unrivaled cnseniblo, tho bent orchestra hi Oiogou. MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES SPECIAL SCENERY TRICES SOc. 75c, $1.00. TUESDAY, MARCH 22 APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery i;i hie Pacific Northwest. No', in 'lie combine. Ou-ipetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. 0. TUOWJ3R1 1)0 K, Prop, n lor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Envies, Spraying Outfits, Puuii)S, i;.;:ei.- ami Machinery Agents in K'Tll'.vru Oregon fur EAlRnAN KK. MORSE & CO. JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER 1 FJ '. :''roE3, cnzQov j$ ll S::ite I). pusilr.l'V Kstillii.olli'il lSS. upitnl ail Surplus $12.1,000 l.'naonn -s 7ll,llli0 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tin- JarLsnu m H:.u n-sfi, ftillv solicits your iinuiiii-., jsuh.ii -t t y.,nr i ln i-k, v.-itfi tin' st rmii-st uranf t -i- t" s:il'My .'itiil rl'l iri;Tr'. W'f dt'l'i-r Jiie li:j(sl ;u t;numri:t ill i-y.-'i-ni.'itii- l-:inl;i!'L,' s.'iic.'. wliirh ns nr.'s (Ij j;ri':i! f-t ivm- in i fry finari- rt t tia'i;iclM!:, with tnia I'ltljin in-.-i il nt iuii. W. I. VAWTKli. I'":',.:.-!!!. Ii. LINDLKY, ("a.ii .T. j More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by usiiif,' TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;K watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ j Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, -20 West Seventh Street. Phone No. :i.Vi. Opposite (he Vi Electric Sign. REGISTER .'i vim- riflil ii. m- Unit lu'iiii'l'i.rlli unlj th;' l.i-t lllil.'l'il' is k'nuil 1' i'ur '' ' ' i' : I :ilipi';u:u:.-. is Miiirfi t!l:'.n li."!l' ll..' I :iltl" i.t sni'd'w in I i it.-. Why I ;, u-'-ur ilc, Ihc s l ! i ; t. ii ro v.Mr ll.v i.t i..n.1 1'i.iif.. i() us lor your t:ii !'! n-,'. V I'. ill j i; you .mi iM m,it:i lli:i! Mill I,.. II .T."i;t to y II I to us. iv:.'i'i tlmt nr.- lyiit. J. A. Kreazer 6 Co. Importers anclTailors PALM BUILDING. MEDFORD, OR. 4..M i "i i.t.,i-'K When You Thirk Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Successor to Smith JaL . .' . .. . . ,kj . M0BTONIA YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tin- .x.Vlh-m-.' .f th-. mcils that arc i-uoki-il at t)i- Kuicrifh faff if vm liavrn't alrrav rt-t:i 1 ' 1 ymirsclf with smile of the ilelicioii.s dhes that an' mt'iI here. If you hiven't partaken ft' them, there is a Tea: iiwaitiug you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at the Kmericl; an experiem'i that will make you t;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Tmer k k Cafe Open All Sight You will find your wire s pgmen WOIL OREGON Modern- Comfort Moderate Pricks ONLY ROOF GAliDKX IN mm l!OHTLAXI) lilfcSlfl: ft'-ii (TtiJ'1"110 Tourist lli'inlquarters t Columbia Valley KN;.f.K KOOMS EARLY KOK THK ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION A S. NORTON. Wwacff i? iwiuilly In-tti-r than y..ur own, ami you will find mi Vmisultiii her that iio iln. s not a;iirnve of pav in- out l'' 1. h:r.l f-ai'iit-. 3a rs for iv,it, v. hen tiieiv :;re so ma::y good properties on i lie ni:i!i;et a! reaoiialik- itfrures in .NVeilfoVil. A v.oniiHi has a keen eye for hiea'. imi, surroinn' i n ele.. ;uil Iht jii 1 !n. nt ran lie relied upon in mak:i. a l i t ;: fur a ) llrii; her wi; li you, .-1-nI make a perpor:' in p ei ion nf hv 1 things now of fering Ihrough our ageney, and you will never reg:-: it. it is almost time to "make garden," and it im l:igh time lor aitioi, in s.-eurii'g a home where you eau enjoy the go.-d things of lite in ihis wo:il,rful val l"y. Hun't delay act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Buildiug-, MEDFORD ytlvs. Ursne Ufamptort Isaacs Instructor of "Piano. llszl 5K4tl)o6 StuMo at Mcstncc. Morlb Orange Street ;. I-. It.Uliierr A. :. K.m.l.iil Ro'ue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS , Sub-Dividers ami Doveh.pors Rosiie Kiver V.Ulry Or chard Lands. h ... " fruit b.-ariii!; a" I y m i; "r. in :r:ir, rui i I :l i;-' tla.Ma, fo-r ialo. fit tmi tan for orolur.U an I (intMSOT 'r,.,'rlv i.. !' IV ll prrst'Tlli'd. E.&trtit'f& XMttMry for thoso hIio piiri li.ri1 tlir. j;!i u. Th. v sc'ir..' !' i' a:: I pitvU'.'s o f A ,'imi io: horli.-iitur;-. .Hi i.- r: . ii Ir.i.t 0 ill tur. i all 10. Ir:iii1. wl o t . 'T .' v.m," l -.i .'x.-r!' ia 3-H 0' ?Vf eac : ;Ci b at ca t'r t in th.- 0 g it' Hh-t vni.v. cvta t c rscctJi cico ni n io prii-i-j. ni North U Street, Moiiunil, Ovci;on FF TTi lf-vou are ,ookins kJlL UP for a good busi mmmmmm """ nes5 ci10ice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard . We have some SNAPS MEDFORD COUP kin h'OOM 10 .lACKNOX roi'NTV HANK lUJ'X. Ml-:iFOi;! SASll IXMiU COMPANY riroxK-ji'ni. A'is.low Franif-J. gak Vn.'prcJ nnor. nilli Borel Plate, carriivi in St "Ck cheap. Office Fixtures aaj all kin.! of "Ian -tie M'l! W irt indoors Tvi'rii) Work aii.l '"r.ncv Ilrills j K STBEET. BETWEEXSIXTB AXDSEVEXTU STREETS.