Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 27, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
liy far the largt st an.) best news report
of any paper in southern Oregon.
itlftedloft! Baity tribune.
The Weather
Tin weather in nn says:
We will have continued ejondy ami
occasionally rainy weather tonight and
tomorrow. Nortlu-ly winds. Colder.
Till D YEAR.
No. '2W.i.
Chamberlain Names State
Highway Commission,
Naming Local Man as
One of the Members
SAI.F.M. Or., Feb. 27. The lard offi
cial act. of (Jover'ior Chamberlain as
governor of 'regon was t he appoint
ini'iit this, morning (if 11 stale highway
commission to make tin invest ig::i ion
pn-parat ory to t ho en list met ion by t he
stale i.f a railroad itm4 central Ore
gon. Tin- members iiimiiit'd arc A.
II. I levers, Drake; O'Reilly and ( '. 1'.
Nwigert of Portland, Julian C. Byrd of
Burns, lii'infj.' Putnam of Medford,
Judge ('. Baldwin of Klamath Falls,
ami William Grimes of Mnirhh'ch). The
commission will laic tin- first stop by
the inauguration of a campaign of edn
caion. There is no recompense attached to
the commission, which is created by the
bill recent ty passed liy legislature,
winch submits to the people tn lie vot
ed n.'ii M the Tiexr general election
a constitutional aiiicndinriit p'Tinil 1 i ntr
the state In aid in tiie const not ion of
Th'1 appoint 'it of George Putnam
was unsolicited ami a surprise to him.
a graceful compliment to Medford paid
by the retiring governor.
Eastern Miners Attracted
Here by Stories Concern
ing Fuel Prospects
If. Illy 1'. (limkl.T i f (iimkl.T ilrns..
ou:-l miii. .- ii .1 hrk-n ..f li.-tr-iit Mii-li.
nrnvnl ysti-nlny I" iiwi-m-t th- Iwsl
.-.nil minr-;. l-nt I'Miii'.i! ;, I . I . ivt in nwiiit
llli; llilll 111 llliHii :ILT M ll.'lllt' till lU'l'iUHlt
i.f sri-i.. us ilhi.-.-; ill lti-i t'.-nilily. Ill'
Will N't I'lll IM'T I" l""l; "VIT H"' '"'
'1 !i.:i"r t'.-ivniiil.1.. untie' in fli-'
,.-,! . vnuw Hi.- M. .l'..:.l .mill .li
tri. l." Mr. HanU. r. -S.-v.-ral
in;i:;:i:-.ili.s liiiv.- .nl.l (unilvr-i- nf
th.. r..:il in . I .1-! .-ii.i;..ii- i.f tin- fi'-l'l.
ED I .'Hill.. ..Ill I" SIC "lllll y .U IlilVP Illul
p'l in ..11 III.' nrnnlnl I"'""'1'1''.
"Til., siilin.l.-. i.f I I' wi-ll nr.-
vi-rv t'nii.l. Mr. Mnr.liy n-:ik very
liiu'iily i.f tin- jiro..-.'f. .-inil lii-i wnnl
n 1..HU ":iy vi!!l inin.Ms.
"T p..rf t.. return u-itliin a f.-w
ivi-cl; nii'l r.-cr.-t .-.- linu'ly th.- fin-'
thr.t I li.-m- to till... tin- ii x t train
Jii.1l- ' K. Hiinti.i SntiiMny lUtc-m-l
to i- in tlio ll:i.-rini!t!i .mii.-'ni't
ensi.. Mirny wi!m'-'i nr.- lioinir nam
inod. I. nt vii.-Hi. r lLTrinctoti p't l'i-
tm-.m h.i. i'"t y. t T ..-.-n .l-.-oriniiK-l.
II.-I;. tl;.. fr,. h.-v. l- ( mnVo th-m
!I.m.!- v.. i! :.r.- .-i -f.-l f. !! t-y i.iiv:mi:
:i ii, t.i t. ;',.-m . n it f..r ln.lf pric--. T'i-'v
v .'I i ,.t I... i.-l-r-f.-.l ,., Hi- .l:in.-.- ht.ll.
All l,..(.-t t..-. tli.r. V.. ii will nf.t r.-cr-'t
it. I ..!. t.-i-L" t th- .l.i in. Mur.-h I.
1 '.'1'.'.
IT. .11. T.lNl l.
.1. 11. P.fTr.KIt.
Inaugurate Taft.
KV Y V.K. I'.b. '.'T.-Th.- fa-m.u.
x , . . I-'1 il inaugurate Wil-
,: ,,.,v. ., T:-t- l-r.d-r. t .f t ..
I-.,,.,..l ui :) a special ea
tj,.n ,.f . gT '1 i evening, at ii"
nr ,1-..t, r ;.: fcV- Waldorf At'-ria.
n-i... r, .I'd 1 Auiepcr- will gather
: ... lf 7 ,,'.'1-..-k. and the direc
tors -f the ' i rio-r and th-'i g'iets will
coititii'e tlC Taft 'ui:tn.atal
tmd do other Interesting thing.
QDDPAn f A !ul
ui hlhu i Mm
Former Assessor to be
Governor Benson's First
Appointment -Succeeds
Galloway in Office
(iovrrnor llenson' first official an-po't.ttm-nt
will tie that of Peter Applo
ale as slate land nent, to succeed ('.
". lialloway, ri'cently appointeil to the
st:iie tax i oiiimissioii. The position
.::ni.s v.iln it n salary of $1800 a year.
It will compel Mr. Applegato to move to
Mr. Applcyate. who has served two
iirm.i as Jackson county assessor, is
one of the most popular ami lmst known
residents of southern "regon, a scion of
enr of the pioneer families. He is an
engineer :t n I surveyor liy profession anil
well equipped to fill his new office, lie
received the offer of the appointment
iVdav and has accepted it.
Cimic ZTen R;ck Brains to Produce
Now Attraction? Acroplano
Witlt Norris & Rowo.
Tli" Wright luol hers were called upon
!o furnish the liij; fealure act for the
I'liniii hmr of the greater -Vorris &
ifiiv.T citrus, jiud they have constructed
:n ::'i-op!:i ue for those progressive show
men which t make daily flights out
side the enoniions tents every afternoon
ami evening am will also give exhilii
lion of flight, arising and settling to
l he gnuind at will at every performance
during the coining season.
Many of the great circus men of this
country have heeii after a similar not,
hut it remained for N'orris Ji liowe to
ecure the plum.
They were not content to secure the
greatest attraction possible, but were
lcnt upon lidding to the size of their
hnws, and as a result the Myles Orton
New Knglnml circu:-:, museum and me
lingerie were actjuir-l and shipped to
S;i lit a 'nu, where it is being put in
shi-pe for i liis season's tour. This will
gie Xorris & Howe a 41-car show.
Th.'ie will be upwards of iu(t pin in
t!ie aggregation, two herds of lumber
ing elephants and a street parade three
ijnarteis if a mile in length.
l.ooN I'.b. 7 Tim apple mar
lid this week has rdmwn a slightly up
ward tendency both or barrel and box
'i.iik. with a mure decided inquiry for
better ehivs stock than the average sup
plies which :ire coming forward. Whilst
;i:nva!s of this character have met with
'ood results, a few cars of first-class
St."(e Paldwins and (ireenings realized
from L'os to J7s pr barrel ami f'tili
furnian Xewtowns have been the turn
better both iu demand and price, four
t'i'is bringing 7s 1o 7- and four and
one-half from Us to fls 3d. Very few
Oiogons have I n arriving and the
bulk are far from good quality landing
in p.-i.r shape. Anything clear ami
- u in I has readily brought buyers at
t'r..m 1U to 1:N per box, and wo believe
c-i. stuck of i his description would
nn . t with even better reniltr. than tlieso.
There are i nd ma f i us ..f improvement ill
tin apple business and we think shippers
w'll do well to keep their stocks mov
ing. Yours faithfullv,
Th- -t;mtl r.-,-ntly -npied by W. V.
' K-t'eri. il '- taih-r. ad joining The Tribune
! nf on Central : venue, i i being re-
o ,..!.'-.) fur i. cup:: m y by th" M ies
p..'iri).'ird and I'-rn- L'::r. f-.rmerly of Hu
ge;, e. A larg" -t...-k -f ui-to date mil-;ri-oTe
will h" installed and the latest
I-mIk ..f he'-dg. ar -npp!id the fair
U.-x of M.-df..rd and th- vall-v.
i Mr. F. M. Si":ir' was Saturday
Tiioriiing ad.jii-lg'-d !i,-::to- bv CntitiM"
j.l;!dg.. N'etl after e:ifninat i"!i and w:o
.ii iere,) committed ;-i the asylum. Ill
loalth is the rausc of her bss .f rca
Ut.-i. which it i lo.pi-d will be but tem-
Right -of Way Through
Des Ghutes Valley to be
Granted by Government
for Railroad
WASHINGTON', Feb. 27. Announce
ment was made here today by Ilarriman
agents that as soon as Secretary liar
field had approved t ho right of way,
which will not be later than next Thurs
day, the new railroad up the Deschutes
river to central Oregou will be started.
The road will terminate at Bond, to
which point the Shasta division, now
ne:ring Klamath Fa I la, will be extend
ed, thus opening a new route from Wan
Francisco to the Columbia river. Forty
million dollars will be expended on the
Deschutes mad.
The right of way has been held up
In cause it was feared it interfered with
the governor's reclamation project in
tl.e Deschutes valley.
WASHINGTON", Feb. ii". There will
be weeping and wailing and gnashing
f teeth iii the whole Smith family
next week as the representation of the
Ian in congress will on Thursday be
educed from six to four. Representa
tive Madison . Smith of Missouri ami
Marcus A. Smith, delegate from Arizona
will not be in the (list congress, and no
si range Smiths will come to uphold the
fiuuilv name and fame.
Ralph H. M. ('amersoii will succeed
Marcus Smith from Arizona, while Po-
liito Hlvins of Klvius, Mo., will occupy
the seat of Madison Smith of Missouri.
The retirement of the Missouri ami I
rizona Smits will leave on duty Sam
uel W, Smith of Miciiigan, Sylvester C.
Smith of California and Walter 1 Smith
d Iowa, all republicans, and William
H. Smith, the lone democratic Smith.
' ARSON, Nov., Feb. 27. The anti
ambling law passed the assembly yes-
t.rdav bv a vote of J7 to 20, At the
inclusion of the vote, ami before it had
been iinnoiinced. Dodge of Washoe nnd
K.-iycrof't of Ormsby changed their votes
n order to give notice of reconsider
ation. 1 his made tho final vote 29
to S. When tho bill was called the
lobby, hall and chambers were crowded
to their rapacity.
1 he bill as passed carried the amend
ment offered by the majority of the
public morals committee, which extends
the time when it shall become operative
trom September, 1 !()!(, to January 1 of
Iho coming year.
(Frotn the Sncramento (Cab) Record
Cm.. n, December. 1!K.)
Alameda Daily Times: Secretary Rus--eli
of the chamber of commerce now
deii'is that lo- favors two telephone sys-
t' mis f'ir Alameda. In his new position,
the Tunes is f the opinion that Mr.
Resell is taking a stand for the best
i nt en-is of Alameda. As a matter of
jt.-i't. a double telephone system has
ewr it lias been introduced, Sacra
mento, fi.r example, was for years
.-.fflicted with a d'oible service, which
i it.'itnl every fniiimercial house nf
tee f1v. An in inanv cases private resi
.ieitces. putt in g in two 'ph..n'-n. Per
-t. us ;shing in teh-ph'ine had to hunt
thretigh ti. telephone t i rer-t i.r ie and
pi t up with 'ither inconveniences which
fi-.iM be appreciated. Finally, the op
I...itii-ii company was purchased by the
Sntiet pe..ple. with the result that the
telephone ser ice in Sacramento was
immediately improved in all ways.
Chamberlain to Take Up
Duties of New Position
at Once-Session Probable!
SA LKM, Or., Feb. 27. Governor
C'lamberlain resigned today to become
I'nited States senator, his resignation to
take effect nt midnight, February 2H.
The instrument was placed in the hands
of his private secretary, M is. ('. S.
Sheldon, who will deliver it to Secre
tary of State Ilenson1 who will place it
on file- March 1. '
The governor completed his remaining
work thin morning and boarded the car
for Portland shortly beforo noon. Un
less present plans fail, ho will leave for
Washington Sunday night and be sworn
iu March . He will ti;ke up his duties
immediately and will taku his seat iu
the extra session to by called by Taft.
Governor Henson will take office Mon
day. Takes Office at Onco.
Governor Chamberlain will appear iu
Washington to take his oath of office
as Failed States aenator for Oregon
Mi.rch o. lit will be in Now York
March 12 to appear as one of the speak
ers before the civic, forum on the eve
ning of that day, having been invited
to make an address there by Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise, formerly of Portland,
but now the head of the civic forum.
The governor was in Portland this
afternoon straightening out his office
work iu order that lie might leave for
the east.
Nothing is yet known definitely as
lo whether there will be a spociul ses
sion of the legislature. It is probable
1 hat such a session, if called would
be convened March 0, one week from
Tii'-sdny next. Mr. Benson has not as
yet decided whether such a session will
be called, but will be guided by the de
velopmeiits of the next few days.
Normal Schools Bob Up.
Should a session be called it is evi
dent that the normal school question
will again be brought into Die legisla
tor.', as this has been hinted by differ
ent members of the legislature who have
discussed the probability of a session.
Il is the current heli -f that the friends
of the normal schools would force the
friends of the defective appropriation
lull into line ami bring about nt least
an appropriation for the maintenance of
th three normal schools at Monmouth,
. Villain! ami Weston, until the end of
tho present school year, if not for the
ensuing two years. Should this be done
it would be up to Governor llenson
either to approve the bills so passed or
to veto them when lliey were seal to
him for his signature.
Circuit Court.
In l he matter of the petition of John
Harrington for writ of habeas corpus;
nider marie to produce John Harrington
in court at to o'clock for hearing.
The experience- of Sacramento has
been that of other communities where
double service has been installed. Santa
Clara county suffered from the effects
of it preciselv as did Sacramento, but
long ago the two systr ms were merged,
and Santa Clara relieved of its difficul
ties. Then- is no good reason why Ala
meda county should be made to suffer
the cxpericneeH of Sacramento, Santa
Clara and other communities that hare
t ried t he double system, The double
system has failed nt the experimental
stage, and f nun the nature ,,f t hings
always will fail.
As has been set forth in the news
columns of t his paper, the merchants
( Park street are. with two or three
exceptions, appoved to the double serv
ice. Tlo-v iimbablv represent the pub-
I iic oninion of A la no-da on the ubiect.
F'ir the (test interests ( the community
the city council should go slow in con
sidering any applicnt inn for a second
telephone fraiichii.
T. H. Moore Pays 14,000
for Land on West Side of
TraGk-Buslness Proper
ty of the Future
Prospective business activity on the
West Side is foreshadowed by the pur
chase by T. II. Moore, proprietor of tho
Hotel Moore, of three corners at Sixth
and If streets at n total cost of $l t,
500. Mr. Moore, who might be called
the father of the Went Side, as ho was
the first business man to make heavy
investments there, is still firm in his
faith that tho West Hide is the coming
business district of Medford and he does
not hesitate tit back his judgment with
his money. When West Seventh street
in built up, Sixth street will have to be
lit ilized, unless Kast Side owners do
something in the building line other
than talk. From tho new buildings plan
ned already. West Seventh promises to
pnsn Central avenue as a prospect ive
retail center, for not a new building
has been constructed o-i the latter street
for over a year.
The land purchased by Mr. Moore con
fists of tho Howard property, 110 by
140 feet, on the northeast corner, $(1000;
the Soliss properly. lOUx 150, on the
southwest comer, $5000, nnd the Itellin
ger property, 100x125, on the southeast
corner, $:1500.
C HICAGO, Feb. 27. A new wireless
tiansmitting typewriter will be seen at
j the Chicago business how, which opens
al the Coliseum thin evening. This de
; vie will not only make it possible for
i any person to send wireless messages,
but will also make it possible for them
to be receiver) ami written out in legi
ble form on n typewriter at the receiv
ing end. The Chicago business show
i will exhibit complete working forms
;nd systems as they are actually ap
plied to various kindi of business, nnd
the attendance will be principally drawn
. from business men, buyers for corpora
lions and department heads. The expo
sition will show features of interest to
every business head and the short cuts
that have been invented in recent years
Will be place.) where ihey will attract
at tent ion,
Tho Ideal Homo.
Sermon- lecture at tabernacle Sundav
night. Following questions will be an
swered by homo lovers:
i 1. Can (he home be ideal and not
Christian f Should the ideal Christian
attempt lo establish an home by
marrying one not a Christian?
', 2. Should n man or woman marry if
.they prefer hotel life to home life or
the club to the home? Has the wife
equal rights with the husband to spend
her evenings at. the clubf
.1. Does nn ideal home depend on a
large income or the number of rooms
in the house or the elaborateness of Hie
1. Name three most common dnngois
te the ideal home.
5. Is the present tendency of vnung
women tn enter husim- or professional
careers a menace to fuGire irlesl homes
Will the ideal home entertain with
euchre nr liqitnrf
J 7. Is establishing homes for love an
old fogv idea?
Many answers will be given, A short
but earnest address will be given bv
tl.e pastor, Don't f;iil tn hear this
'sermon. Good music, special singing.
' ( 'ordial welcome.
The Went f.chool wis renamed bv the
scholars Friday afternoon and wil! h'-re
after be named as the Washington
school. Knr-h pupil cast one vote. Wash
ington receiving" over K'O of the 300
c:st. Lincoln nearly 100, while 1 lie
remaining number wm Bcsttrred among
other itntefiutjn.
President of National As
soGiation Singles Med-
fore Out as His Favorite
Spot In Oregon
Samuel Hill of Seattle, president of
the National Good Roads association,
has agreed to come to Medford ami de
liver a lecture upon good roads, if ar
rangements can be made before March
7, when he leaves for the east. His
lecture will be illustrated with store
opt icon views taken el! over the world
at a cost of $25,00(1, president Colvig
of the Commercial club and Mayor Can
on will wire an invitation.
Mr. Hill, who is non-in law of James
J. 11 ill, is famous v.r. a good roads
crank and has devoted most of his en
ergy during the past ten years to the
movement, lie is a wealthy man and
has expended a fortune in tho pursuit
of his hobby. Ho is the best authority
iu the world on the nubject, and his wil
lingness lo talk hero i- due to the favor
alud reports he has heard of Medford
ami the Rogue River valley, ami his ad
miialion of its pluck and energy in se
curing an appropriation for the Crater
Lake road. He is anxious to visit such
a community and much interested in
Crater ,ako ami the proposed highway,
which he believes will be the greatest
drrwing card ill Oregon.
Mr. Hill was seen in Portland by Dr.
J. I Hcddy and was most enthusiastic
nver thr- prospects of this ommunity.
He staler! Dial he would not spare time
for any other community, had refused
lo address I he ntate legislature, but
t I'at he would consent to speak here.
To Mr. Hill's efforts Washington owes
all of its good highways and many oth
er slates are deoplyimlehled In him.
Mr. Hill has offered lo furnish plans
ami specifications ami if necessnry the
experts of the National association in
Hie construction of the rater Lake high
wry, which he is anxious to see mad''
the finest road iu America.
Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street.
I hinkeis, scientists, lawyers, pinion
ophors. attention! "Why Are Men
l.ostf" will be thr- subject next Sub
bath morning. This subject will be
t reale.l from I he st n iui point of reason
and philosophy. A special in vital ion
extended to those peuple who say "1
don't believe our kind heavenly fnth
er would punish a child of his." At
night the subject Will be "The test
School and Hie nr!lt Teacher." Sab
balh school at lo a. m. P.pworth league
at 0:.-lo p. in. Services every night next
week excepting Saturday. Kva ngelist
John I.ewtas begins revival meetings
March 7. All are invited.
Christian Science.
Christian Scie M rvices are held
e erv Sunday morning at 1 I o 'clock
in thr- Commercial club ro'uu. Subject
of I he less, in sermon for Feb run rv 2,
"Christ Jesus." All are welcome. Sim
day s.l 1 ;it In o'clock.
Henry Law ..f Cold Kill was a caller
at the enmity sent rec ally.
Mrs. c. Reagan .f Medford visited
v.iih lor mother lay this week.
Miss Agii.-s Itioad i s spending a few
das with fro nds living in Medford.
Mioilt 25 Rehekahs went over to Med
toid last Monday evening, when Olive
IM.ekah lodge entertained the grand
piesident. Al) rep. lit a royal time and
well plea si .) with i he work put on bv
the Medfold lodge.
W. D. Denton, tM. p.-rt In ml attorney.
as at the couiily sent Friday looking
lip th- Southern Pacific taxes.
Mrs. Frank Bennett sprat Thursday
with rclatif-s liing here.
Thomas W. Stanley of c,.,itral point
died at Anhland as he wan
bi i'ig taken f ttain I". fo th-- South
ei u Oregon hospital t . r iK'ntiin nt, On
Tuesday lo- Mas nedied be) ween two
hoies in In- sial.le. aid a .a-e of h-r
Ilia "f long Mending deeoped aileW
in aggtaat.d foim. Attended bv his
'wife, he started f.-r -iii.rud Thursday
to go to tlo hospital, but death over
took him ere ho reached his dest in a
tiuli. Tim dratd WUf Uftd it u.
Benson States That Poss
ibilities of Calling Solons
Together Now Grows
Remote Fear Many Bills
SAI.KM, (Jr., Feb. 27. Secretary uf
Stt'te Hensoii nait today that the possi
bilities of a special session are be
coming more remote and that the pros
pects an- that there will be no extra
session. Many members declare that
if Iho session is called they will favor
the remaining full 20 days allowed. Un
der such conditions, Benson hesitates, as
the legislators would flood tho session
with new bills. He will not issue a call
John M. Root is iu receipt of several
copies of Hie Mankato, Minn., Review,
eoi'taiiiing illustra! ions of snow scenes
iu Mankalo. Drifts aeiost: Front slreet,
tin1 main street of the town, are shown
reaching lo t he cross wires of tele
phone poh-s, while the snow level is
probably ten or twelve feet. Tho pho
tos were taken just a week ago and
show what people of Mintu'sotr. are ex
periencing this windr, while balmy air
liaugi oer Oregon and the budding
i fees ami euiiy robins nnd green Holds
of the Uitgue River valley herald the
spring. Yet people grumble because the
sun doesn't shine all tin- time and there
are frequent showers.
Fish Commissioners to
Protect Stream for Sal
mon Spawning
The proposed Rogue river fish law
which was killed iu the senate provided
a closed season throughout the year for
salmon in the Illinois river. As this is
one of the best ;jmon spawning trib
utaries of the Rogue, the Rogue River
Fish Protect ive association has taken
Ho matter up with MaBter Fish War
den McAllister, who has power to close
any spawning stream, if conditions
warrant 0. In reply, the following let
ler has been received:
"I beg lo acknowledge receipt of
your lavoi- calling my attention fo the
f;iet I ha I no provision was made for
closing the Illinois river. Section -tlOli
f our codes, as an led bv the session
f I ! J . giv.s I he hoard of fish com
missioners the power to close anv spawn
ing stream that they desire, after first
iubbsji,g a notice in tlo uuty seat
newspaper to the effect that such
stream or streams are to be closed. At
tie coming meet iug of the board on
March 2 I will taiu- ilo- matter of clos
ing (In- Hliiinis rier up with tlu-tn, ami
org'' upon th in the necessity of eloj
nig saiil stream.
I am indeed grateful to your asso
ctjdion for the (rust you have all placed
in me, and I assure yon that I will do
1 y pi'Wei- to further your inter
ests in 1 hat localit v.
"With best wishes to you all. heliovr
me, sincerely yours,
" H. C. M 'AU.ISTFR.
" Master Fish Warden."-
Tonight at the Angle opera house (he
wrcMling match be'ween Jm- Salle of
Kngene and l.oiiis Walters uf Medford
Will lo- pulled off.
This bids fair to be a good match,
and all lovers of tho sport should at
tend. The prices of ::duiissioii are $1, 75c
aud 5o,.. I.iolic will be admttled free.
J..e ,a Salle wrcsthd let night iu
Fugeiie with John Ptnko-' and won
best two out of t Ire-. There was a
large audience, a goodly number of la
ilitex bfing prwiwut.