MKDFOUU DA 1LV TJi I i.IIXE, M EDF(ml). OH IWOV. F 1' ' TAY. FEBRUARY 2fi. 10(W. M tl (t ti c Social and Personal Sum McClfiiduu uf Gold Hill Bpeul Friday in Mi-tiford. Mr. and .Mm. Hunt L'wi univt-d in Medf'onl Friday uud will take up their rt'Hidi-in-i' uti their (Viitrul I'uint imicb. Frank M. Aink-muii of Kmitli Hrml, Wiiali., in hern looking for a Im-at i"n. 1U in a w-ll known hut i I man and pre ltrtt thin ucctiuii uu account uf itit well known lii-altlifulncHs. Hurry Hiekw, tin nt'WniuiK'r man, in hjH'iiditiK u lew davH at Tulo. Sidney Hrnwu in dint from Man Fran v'wa'm toiiilit nnd spi'iiiliition in r t It it to wholluT lie hrin'H a bride, aw ru iimrod. .1. II. WliitcNker, Kueite,; F. H, ilil lnud, Spukiiiic; T. It. Culu and wife of Follan, Nev.; II. . .Starr and Fred Markft f iVrtlmiil are recent .Medl'ord nrrivalH. Walrh llie loc::l i-nlnmii fur tins ilirt Heller'n linn-ricks, iii'li (i. F. Kit1; iii.d C J lluli'hiNiin have returned fr 'i Portland. Mm. V. II. Xnrtmi is visii her jx.rentH, Mr. an I Mrs JJ U. Utttler. .1. .1. 1 'luM.ilieiliiin. kI at ion lijfeiit. of I In- N'ortlnvn I'lieific at Valley ('enter, N. I)., m visiting u Miller. TlioniaH Herriot of A. .legate wad a Mcdfind vixititr Friday. John Itrllhiijer of (iriffin Creek n.cnt Friday in Med ford. "T'okk'tv " Hill Ituiavn Hpent Thurt day vinitinn neijhlir.rintf townn. A man mine slowly down the street ; le Kenned to he cast down; The reiiHiin was he ln-iiht p.une dirt Mefotf he mv; doe Itmwn. Mrs. (i.u--" Howard, MiteH Maln'1 Junes and Myr'le havn return rd from S.i i Faiieise , where they ah nerlied late iii.iiK in millinery. Phono yonr orders for sweet rreiim or buttermilk to tin rreninery. Ills. Heel no I linve perl'nrrri ed a Hliei-eHwfiil opernt ion for llppeii (Ileitis upon Mis O. J. Norton of Ash lend. The man who never will Ihrow you down In Ihe faiiuins dirt seller, J. '. Urown. Joe handles . all kinds of dirt sandy loiiiu, free soil, Mark nJieky, hardpnn nrd solid rod;. Verne fanou, the city liill poster, lui" refeived word that Ihe Norris & Wowe circus will be uu urt" Hprinj,' visilor t.) Medford. Orders for sweet cr.viin or Imltorniilli pnunpllv filled. Phone the crenmory. ' Mr. and Mrs F. M. Lane of (fold Hill, It. It. M-D-well .if Sams Valley, 11, Laws and II. . Lowell of V I villi- ami II. T. Pankev of I'entral I'uin' were Medford v'Mtnm '1'iiurnday. Public,"r. Office over Hi jou theater. Phone Main a(17l. The CmintH and Fisher farms near Tolo, eontani'iiy re-ip'M-'ively .VJ and HO nerns, with improvements, have been . purchiiNed for 1:1.11110 by Miehnel Me tinire of N.tMi Dakota, who came to visit his f-i. m.'. A T. Fllist.-ol of Ccn tit.? Poin'. Klin (launyaw, public steiiinrapher, room , Palm building. I. V. Stanley, who mi. recently in jured in a ruiinwav al his farm at the mouth of Hear creek, ha- been taken to th Ashland hospital. He had hold of Hie horses' bits when they starled In run, crushing him ajjains. the barn and ;n irriiitf him inernall . Tho greatest horror in Ih. last cen tury, Ihe Halinu earth(u:ike picture, rill be shown nt th Savoy Wedtiesdlty r.nd ThursdHy. 21H (icorne V. Merrimni and bride ( ne 7:i 1 1 nee .. 1. e of Po. atello. Idnlin) lave return- I In. in tin .r wedding jour ti v. The co. le wer married at Po catello February 11. They will make Medford their home, and a huge circle of frieiols join in wlomiiij; them. Homer Pike and family and Mis. P. Ottinger of Orislia. N. 1., J. Trenbb-r nnd daughter, Charles Fnglinli and fain ily of Niagara, Neb.; T. A. Haydeii nnd wife of Washington, lire recent ar rivals in Medford. Saturday night al the Angle opera house will be held a wrestling contest between Joe 1. 11 Sail- of Kugene and Lewis Walters of MedfWd. The con test promises to bo a good one, the best two falls out of three. Prices 1. 7.V and "'V. Ladies free. MANY HORSES DIE OF N EW STRANGE DISEASE The Fast Oregoniau says: William Mills is in the c.ty today from In ranch near Juniper, and reports the FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSURED loss of six horses which died of n pc j culiar tnaladv. Mr. Mills is al a hiss! MU this means y..u. The fi-e - em to know what the trouble is nnd en I p;.iv would m-t as .ni, kh gagetl the services of a vet eritiarian to j ynur home was .m lire and fil.t look into the mailer. j just as h.-ud. nun iisi ris nianv . I.tlic- The symptoius of I lie animals at e 1 ;w j,' t ti -1 1 o 11 was inn n me Vw peculiar. They suddenly appear sick '.j,,,, -t wait to be solicited. It you Im'i and lie down. After a short tunc tbeir ; ;, ,.nd i.nldi,- bnlU, . nd ..ic- dollai t, hind legs stitten straight tia.-l.war.t hii.I j ' renin 111 no tor 1 1 ve or six nouis. , i the end of this period they are dead. Several others in Ihe Juniper district aro report ing t he same cond it ions to Iheir horses. I Now Cases. Nunan, Taylor Co. s. T. C. Xoiris; action to recover monev. C.dvig X Rcaines. attornev s f.r plaint if f. Cliants Pass roulti-y Show. The (Irants Pass Poult 1 y association will hold u meet 1 UK t Hie Commercial,,, i",,.., c. F, lotiatv ' . Mi--. Luc club rooms next Tuesday ev ening at m.h.,,., ..f .n inn. mi . : d t .11-. K o 'clock. It is the intent ion to re i orgr.nir.e the nssocintiot and put it on. l'cMiiv ami ' j.e.-,.i-. I, itb H bet ler bnnis. and biler give a poultry:,,,, raibnads :i,,d inej laMuav show. I Vugost. You Are Going to Build ... l t 1" t 11 1 T A r I AMUSEMENTS. General Shoridan's Great Hide at tho Bijou Tonight. Hue of the stnmg.'S nmviiig pictures on the market today i-. billed at tin Hijou for this evening, (ieio-rat Sher id a it's famous nde, in which lie turiicl a defeat into an . ei w he) 111 i ng i. tory. is the particularly stioiig feature. M H oil Sept "ill Iter P.. 1 I. Iielieial Slieritlan had practically ioiiid the con federate f.uves from 1 he Shenan-l.tal valley, a si l ong harbor of l he con fed ed.'icv. On this particular day In- hail b fi his forces in I'Miiniiand of a miIkt diaate aul made a trip ! Winelo -tei la his nhseme Cenit:-! Karly made an at .nek on t he I'tibm forces, and put them to rout, (ieneral Sheridan, learn ilig of Ihe fight, made hi;, vvoitd f.nnon ride fr-.m Winchester aixl turne.l d feat into an n ei h I1. I111 nig victory. The picture is full of (he m st i.-ah-to- and cxeit ilig was scenes e er exhibited in tin- city. Another strong feature of tonight's performance is ;:n all hand , obtred illusion film. Adrm-'ion lc A I the llijou loiiigh:. UOLGATE OF BONANZA ON NEW WATER BOARD Coventor C,;imb-ilain li ed F. M. Sax 1 on of Pake . L. Holeate of liomin appoint 'ilv, and Klamath county, the two water commissioners provided for by the new irrigatim b-. Saxton is a democrat. :i lawyer with considerable experience in water cases and irrigation. Holgalc is a ban her, Ini, was formerly engaged in reelama lion work. Me is a republican, but in the lasl campaign ran as an tmb-pend ent against the regular republican can didale for stale senator. C. U. Merry man. He was defeated by I'.'t voles. The two coiiiinissiniierH will ie.eie a sjihirv of jf-"""" each and logetlier with State Kngineer John H. Lewis, will constitute the water boatd, haxiu ch.-rge of Ihe use of water ill Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC PROFITS SHOW HEALTHY INCREASE h'cveiiiies ,.f the Pacific system of the Southern Pacific for the six months of Ihe fiscal year ended heccmlier .'t I lad. showed an increase of r:iHi,(M over t hose of I he ccri espoiid i ng si mouths of the year previous. The total operating income for the Southern Pa eif ic was 1 7.ii!:i.:i-l 7. For t lie lasl month, heicmbe)'. PlnS, Ihe increase was :i!e.i,7 K the tntal i.peraling it no being 7m .irjr,. For the same six mouths the ( t. M. S. shows 11 loss ,,f n:,.tP7 fr the figures for lasi year, the total op. rat ing income being $;;.."i7!'.:Hiit. I'..r tin month of December the decrease ovn Hecember, linrT. was lil'.'.iHS. lie total income being I 77 I. MEDFORD MAY HAVE FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT Senator Pulton has v cured (he; -11. 1 'lielit of the house biij a II I hoi' i nig the appoint m cut of add it ional ldeni .Midges in wesii-rn Wa-h i ugl on, so as to provide for Ihe appointment of an ad ditioual jude for Oregon. His amend 110 ut docs not create a in-w judicial dis I rid in hck'on. but pnn ides 1 hat in addition to the regular terms of irl at Portland, court s,;,H ) l,,., each year al Pi-mlh and Medford The bill How yoes back to (he house for on ilic I'ult, in a ridnont. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST, The following letters remain uncalled for al the ...-;1-1ficc a Me. Hold, ore torn, February nnai: Luella Apph .al,er. F. L, Mean. Fdd O K. Itntler, Albeit rai.e. Frenk Uwe sick. II. A. Foster, liohcil ,1 lo. Frcd.nburg. Mrs. !esMe Fulgham r.'l, Mis. A. F. Cain.en. Wen-bdin (Jin ter. Myrtle Hall. Hermb.ston Hardware A Implement 1 .... irry Il.w,-trd, J. li. Holmes. Inland Kinpiie Lumber Co.. .1. A. Jones. Mrs. F, C. Kiser. Miss Itertha. IJ. M. MaiKsbnrv, Mf.if.nd Hah ery I 'elica lessen. Nils Luna. John Linden. . S. Moris. Dmi Modest... J. A Pah T. II. Pep,..- Mrs. Join, b'o berg. Pearl b'ose. Ivan Koyhly. Mrs W. A. Stephens Mr.. Nell Si(.(dienv Mr. Swe.-t. Mis. Ka T::b-r. Parties c.'ilbng for any ,. the above IcItOlS Will please sav "adiMtid." A charge of one cent will lie mad.- njn the delivery of :inv of the al..c b-t lets, . M WontiFiiKh. P. M . UNIFORMS FOR HALF THE ( hief A ma uu. Let von 1 name g a our rccotd. -hown.g .oir appietia ion of Medfoid "s fir- department. Hal o be given Match I BORN. M C It If V Wednesdav tuotuilig. Feb naiv :'l. 1.. the vvife of If. 1' M.oii on of t 'ent 1 a I Pot n' , a s.m DIED. unb'i; 1 Iot heme in 1 i 1 a 11 1 I '; Let me figure with y. n. No contract .0 laige or to.' -oii'l'. vi t 'sf :c t ;en uara ntecd L. F:. BEAN 1 oNTHACTOlt ANl IH ILPFK. Mrdford, tirtoii. r.UNCH OF BILLS FEELS GOVERNOR'S VETO POWER The goseiliof has e, toed Hie I'nIIoW Senator Ctde 's bill providing for the .hvsiral evamiiialion ..t All male ap dicants for marriagi I ic. !-. S.''s bill for defining va raiiey. Senator Noitmgham's loll fixing the Nine f..r ngi?tiation of Tl..- fir-' ihe governor term- an ii.siili .. I In- young maul 1 of Ihe state. The ,econd he V coles Itecail-c many i II IIO 'ent 11 t mpxiarily olil of employ .'elil illth! suffer. Scale bill ll.'l. npiiring that all ! h wheii in deeds and mortgages are vrol.led !r:i'-t b" seWed books, illtlO 'nr. d by Senator Parley, has also been ,efoed. ' A bill intiodiKcd hi the Marion coin) - ili-leg:i I raising Ho- salary and ex crises i.f the Mari unity assessor i; vet I on the sane- grounds, as are .iso bills as follows: Pv the Lane county delegation, plac so the justice of th- pence and coiista Ide in the -.IL"-Iie l-'M'llt on Hat Kill artes. Ity b'epresent at i v e ted ill ion, incretts nig the salary of tin utity judge of ( uos ciointy Ilv Senator M erryma 11. increasing the . ,.in-eiai ion and j-llowances of the heriff of Klamath county. J i y the Marion county delegation in 1 lie senate, to i nc nil ;:e the compensa tion and salaries of Ihe sheriffs office luring terms of incumbents. Mv Senator Merryman. increasing the itarv of the assessor of Klamath conn Ity Senator Johnson, increasing the - llat V of the s, I lip.-l iutelldetlt of I'.eiili.n county .lining his tejni of of Ily Senator Parris'i, increasing the alarv of the county assessor of ( J rant count v. CONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL OREGON ROAD IS ORDERED 1 n reply to a h i r( 1 from Hovertn hanibeilain asking l:'m for a b-finile -laletiient on the iir.-...n railroad situn (on. K, II. Ilariiroau has sent I lie fol I. wing lebgratn to ihe governor: "Hot Wells. Sau Antonio. Tex.. Feb. : :!. I!.i. Honorable H-orge i :. 'ham- I eilnin. Salem, Or.- N e. for a wil injury to property owners, as their land ne-s. Investigations all pleted. Con- ;is sold without th -ir knowledge. In 'liuclioii already a nt leo i-d. Matter !.is veto, the governor says: in hands of local officers. Is there. "This law was in force a few years j'tivihing els.. 1 can do" " I tol.l the delegation from Coos Pay that I would recommend construe 1 of to thai point if they could .alisfy us that il won'.! earn 1 per cent n .01 or have lli. 11 amount o nn rn Uiee.i 1 vear for a tei'-i of years. This holds g I to y He 111." II City Business Directory j TIN SHOP Tn arid -licet uoti ware 011 hand ami ma le to order. J. A. 8.MIT1I, 1 li! Nor in li Street. Lei Ihe - MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece ru it 11 ro. Any design, any cdor, an Jinish dull. wae. .ir polished. Shop on cor. of Mb and II itreets. W. M. Colvi. C. L. Rnames. COLVIO h REAMES Lawyers. Officii: Mndfn'rd Hank lilittf. ('round floor. Cook StoT. s and riinges. Phone !'l MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second Hand Furniture Fads' -I.I itiiu 1. I ''') F St. South Mdford, Or. MEHFOKD CEMENT PRICK & BLOCK CO. u .1 1 e prepared Feb niarv I', to finiiisli cement brick. Met ter l hau pressed brick and jnsl as . h .ip. I e -I oaie before contra, ting. P. O Pox M. MKDrOUD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE - S ,1 11.1a in Tuns, I'of- fff!. Kxtr;ii-t!.. H:ikii I'owtlcr ami Siii','. W,' ri.rry all kinils of iliniitT nnri atnl fanr disbes. 'Jill W. S..V..11II1 SI. Mmlfor.l, Or DR. G9BLE Tht' onlv oi'liiive lliticiHit ln toon ritrtliiinl (nut SaiTHinonto Offii'o on Seenth Stro.t. Wlion otliort fail, .'all ou DR. F. J BONNER Eyo SpeiMahst nffii-f :n I'atile Phsniifi'. Mam Srvi'iith and iUin TUE HOTKL BMKR1CS Kooms from 'H' .'ent. to $l.o0 pet dav. All modori, eonTenie..ees. We solicit too: patrooaio". VALLEY AUTO CO. lue opm.d "o'ir lo w parage anT repair sh. p l o .1 llo- Moore hotel. MM.T ears ntored and taken eare of. All work guaranteed, l'hene No. 31l.:t AN EGO FAMINE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY j With eggs Selling :u) to -b" relltS II en in cash from Hi - fanners' wagon-, the markets of .Me,j..rd and the other l.iwi.s m l.oeui: tiiv.r valley, hay iio- Fruit Urowef, the idea come;, to the itovi-r of the eggs that there 111111 be a big profit in liL-ejiing poultry in this valley. And Hun high pt ice that eggs in selling for I Ins w inter is not uii i.sual. but is what ha to 1"' paid for ihein every winter. Live and dre.saed poult r v li.'i v e been pi opoi t iotiat ey as high as eggs. It is not that feed b so 1 h higher lo re than in other sections of the Pu itic coast, but that Miliry raising has been looked upon as loo small to war 1 ant at tent inn by ; he av erage liogue Ifiver valley fruitgrower, hay raiser. dairvinan nnd stockman. And all Ore gon is affected by this big funning idea for eggs sold for " cents a dozen i'i Port la ml during t he holidays and for much of this winter have not been below .Vi cents a doen.' With the 1 .ng of the Miiall flint farm that is now taking place in nyiie Idver valley poul try keeping will be taken up as a high ly profitable sideline to fruil raising : tnl gardening. In an orchard, berry patch or garden many bugs, worms and other pests would be dest royed by n flock of chickens. The guano had to be used as a fertilizer in the garden v mild also be nit it"iu to be placed t 'he endit account of the poultry. To any farmer who can give a bette r.aon than that abovi staled for ego bringing milling day prices space is I ree in the Rogue River Fruit Grower. NO RAISE IN SIGHT FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Hovoriior Chamberlain :i ax has fallen on -!l bills since Tuesday. Among the measures v .-t I was one by . H. Mil ler raising the salary of the county Si hool superintendent of Jackson emu lv to $1 .- 1 a yoar. This bill will b passed over the vein probably by the -pecial session. . Another bill veto-o was thai tntro d -d by Senator Pinghaiu al the re ' itest of t he Stat e Pi vs- associat ion. re ' storing the delim, : laxlist to pub ! Ileal ion. The presei.l law works an ;--o and eiitaibd upon the taxpayer ' Oich II heavy expense that it was deem '.d best to rep. al it. I cannot see that any good can cone of the re enact eo-nt of ihe law. but on tl traty it v 111 si 1 iium-ii 1 a 1 hi eui.i m tioual burden upon the taxpayers of: .Il.o slate. ' , THE R. E. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. U. U. l.orimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 'Jin W. Seventh St.. Medford, Or. Dtt. WALTEK U. STOKES, He'il 1st. Successor to Mr. .1. M. Keene. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANINO AND PRESS ING WORKS W. K. Lane A Son, Props. Oppovte Hotel Moore. Medford Or. got, WASCHAU & BROWN wish P announce to their patrons thai they arc located in their new piarters in the Young A Hall building. Hilliurda. Cigars and Toliaccos. ENVELOPES printid to order IjETTERItEADa of all styles by The Tribuue. DR. FRANK ROBERTS l. ntist Offi. .' h nr.- to f.'. 1 to 4. Milon Huil l "U. Sovi-ntli Str.-.-l. Mi l''or.l. Krek'on. For good bargains in Watche. and .ltwolry. Pistoh, Mnioal In .trilttirnt!.. i;o to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE t" Striet. WKD?0RD FOKNITURE CO. I'ndf rtakers Dav Phone .'l.Vt Night Phoii. -.'. V. I'onkliu .1. H. Hutl.r I4 UB J. COiTftOT Su.'eessor to Pr.! .loin. in th.' Stewart Itn lBiii J uassineo Aavenisemen , , WANTED. A VI'Kh job at carpenter work 01 .n hard r iioiir. '. V.blress J, care of C-.Imum- ,.ifi-e." 2i3 WA Vl'Ll 1 with little ready ash for b . al light in; nu fact uriag bus ine-,-1. F. P. Finlev. Third ami Fronts streets. -i'l vv '"A NT KH -Uv.Modcl opp.-rs lo vhny ,-o-dvvood and Lew I. Addr. f:s P. O U. Us. " WA NT i:i r 7ii; for g. neral housework. .ld..-s P. o. Pox 'VANTLH -A girl; must be experienced g i wages paid. Address P. O. Pox .M t d 1 1.1 d . )r. WA NT KD Fifty boxes of Ncwtowns ai:o Sj.itenl.iirg apples. Apply of M. Stewart, at the Nash. FOP. SALE. FoI SA LF Choiru business property; ai a barg'ii.:. on long time; easy terms. I Address P. O. liox 4 IS. ! Foli SALK "j and lH-uero tracts just v. i . hi 11 uud adjoining city limits, at a bi rgain. on nimir.l pi'vuients. Ad dr.-ss P. O. P.x 41U. FOR WALK Grain iiay, baled. Inquire of Plume TiSL tf FOU HA LK- Or trad.', two largo work horsMs; will trade for smaller horseo. I-Mpiire at .Mission cafe. 293 Ft 1 R SALF- --l"nU gets a business thut will make tin owner rich; munopuh in Jaclvson inty. 501 i b'othchild bldg.. Portland. Or.' -f- FOli SALK Good re.idencu bts. cluse in; also gin d " aero orchard; deal with owner; save comino-sii'ii. Address .1, care of Tribune of f m e. FOR SALK Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one ' acre to (Mil acres. Matt Oalboun, Puoe ! nix. Or. FOR RENT. FOR I(KT Orchard ami irrigaied allu ial !. in land elma to station. Rcll A. Lowell, Woodville, Of. 'J!! Foli I; KNT-Farm, for three years, household goods, stock and implements for .ale; also sii.-p in choice pear land ; nd ten a res wit h irrtgat ing water, close to stal ion. lien A. Lowell, Woodville. or. 293 I'd ;'T - Furuishtd room to let. ol;l b'ivei-.i !e avenue S. French army officer lias invented ,. -glasses whicii enable the wearer to uu all sides and the rear. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated ong. Kntire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Frid.-iv. Admission 10 eouti. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. 'out i nuous per for mn nee eTcry evening ef motion pictures and il hi! rated ballads. Kntire change of program M onday, Wednesday and Fridav. Admission 1(1 cents. WM. IL AITKEN P'.unibing. Sti'atn anl Hot W'ater Houtiug. Phone 'J2. LMO W. Sevenfh St.. Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. peiitu'tt. Medford, Or. Hrovv trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Hi 1 1 poster nnd distributor. A II orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Hank Hldg. Medford. Or. C. F. COOK S,'lli. trt't'H that ((row. dffi.-o: li. K. V. Ilp,it. II Mot Stl. Phone 593. Mwif.ird, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS VoiCi. Culture aud Art of Singing Studio at Keflidotiee. Kat Mrdfor.l. Phone S'Jo S. R. SEELY, M. D. l'hvuii'ian nnd Surgeon Mo. lorn eiiii'l"'d operating rooms X Hay. (Iffire hours. 10 12. 2 4 p. in. Offi.'e in .lai'kson 'o. Ilk. bldfc JACK FREDEVBURQ Siveuser. Medford. PlttN-KKO L u W ii Do You go Back to the 14 WARDROBE? Special Lo't of White WAISTS in sizes 32 to 44 AT $1.50ech SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY AT Van NEW DRESS GOODS WATCH MEDFORD GO First Basing our opinion on tin; growth of the city during tho past two years, wo lielieve Mud ford will have a population of 90(10 or 10,000 one year from now. Is there anything to stop it.' Second The development of vast coal fields, close lo Medford, which is absolutely assured, means a big payroll and a groat increase in city business. Inves tigation will convince the most skeptical that this will occur. Third The next ninety days will show active work on road to one of the greatest timber belts in the United States. This means lumber for box fac tories and all kinds of manufacturing, employing hundreds of men within the city. None can dispute this. Fourth Immense tourist travel to Crater Lake; new gravity water system; hard surface .pavement; electric railroads, both city ami country; active work copper mines of the Hlue Ledge district ; new schools, business blocks, residences, etc., etc. 1 have the only Main street business lots for sale at last year's valuation. These cannot lie equaled for income or investment, luiok action will secure the best buy in the city. For particulars see owner. Fred'k C. Page 101 MAIN STREET Take the Tribune for News H Y Dyke' & SILKS ARE NOW SHOWN MEDFORD