MEDFORD 1)AILY TRIBUNE, OREGON", FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. FULTON MAY BE MADE MINING NOTES FBOM OREGON FEDERAL JUDGE OR ANTS PASS CLAIMS It is reported in .1 Washington ape vial that if congress passes the pond ing bill creating an additional judge in Oregon, Senator Fulton will be gives that appointment. Many influential Hcmitors who admire Fulton are con cerned over the adverse attitude of the hutise judiciary committee, which throat- us to kill the Oregon amendment to the Washington bill, and in the next lew days considerable pressure will be brought to bear to induce the houso to i.t'cept the senate amendment. If the amendment is accepted, in view v! Fulton's close relations with Presi dent Taft, there is no doubt he can have the jiidgship if he will accept it. If the judgship bill fails, but the rn'iu-.te passes the bill authorizing the appointment of two additional inter slato commerce commissioners, it is in dicated that Fulton can have one of these positions, the other to go to Rep resentative Hepburn ENTIRE STATE TO BE DRY FOR ONE MONTH COLUMBIA, 8. C, Feb. 26. It is said a compromise hns been reached by the warring factions in the state senate on pending liquor legislation which will result in statewide prohibi tion in South Carolina for at least on month. The rumored compromise pro vides for statewide prohibition to be come effective July 1 and remain in affect until August 1, after which eoun tie now "wet" may hold spatial elec tions to determine whether county dis pensaries shall be continued or whether prohibition shall bo made permanent. The state wide bill hue already paesd the hmise. COCHRAN MAKES RECORD; RANKS FOURTH ON LIST AtinlliiT Mid lord lmtler has distin guished himself as a business getter. This time it is J. 11. Cochran nf (he Mu tual LilV Insurance company, who last year turned in so nnieh business from the Rogue Itiver valley t tint he ranked na fourth in the list of several thou sand insurance solicitors in the em ploy tif his company. Mr. Cochran had but t hroo offices in t he nat ion t hat M-lipHcil him in securing policies, and they were located in large cities, where the opportunity is greater, The show ing made by Mr, Cochran is a tribute not only to his own persuasiveness, but also to the prosperity of the valley and its people. THREE HUNDRED PATIENTS STARVE IN HOSPITAL XKW YORK, l-'eb. 'JO. The steam ship I 'rin Wilhelm IV, which arrived hove today from Venezuela, brought re ports of great distress at the hospitals n'. Caracas. A short time ago the phy sicians and nurses in the hospitals went nn strike because the nut horities had failed to furnish sufficient supplier of fom mid medicine. Three hundred patients in the hospi tals were starving. The pass.'iinei-H of the I'rinz Wilhelm IV include I. Pa 11 1 us Santion, llaitien minister to Washington. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kanra Ki'lcluim to I. 1. I'itlmnli, lots L's niHl !, block l- l.'ail-r-iaid addition to Ash1::ud . . . Toiled S'ates to I. X. Hnvhrnig, X 1 J X V ij and X Y of S V '', section iii. township rangi- ;i W IV ward L. Kendall to Can- Mar tinis Ainniiii. property in Ken dall addition to'ord A. II. Phipns to II. X. McKay, 1 1 Ji l :o-it in section township ;t", range 1 W I'nited States to l-'rod.-riek C. lb. lues. lt;il acres in section II, township US, ratine 1 K ppa railed States to Jefferson KiMi .Hid acres in section 17. town ship '.'., range .1 K p:i W. S. S.vcUett to Will Tmeken rniller. 1") acres iii D I- C s-. i.wuship. rnn;e "' W '. Pr. deriek C. Homes to C. K. Ilo.-p or. land in sod ion M(. township Hs. ranee '2 R Fred Itapp to W. X. Morrison, lots fl and I". Talent K. M. Mclntire to Thomas II. Wet-don, li'i acres in section l.'i, township lange I K A. It. Knapp to J. X. Iloek.-r smith, lot 'J. l,indlev'4 addition to M.di'ord J. S. Fergiimm to M. i. Mor doff, property in ln vin addi tion to Medfurd Henry Humphrey to Pity of Med ford, property in W.-vt M ; lf.o.1 ; I U .'t I t.- ud !'" Hrd pur pOSS .Vo-iiiy U. H,.rtfi m t.'-ur. l.i P. Foster, property in block I, Rail road addition to Ashland Horace 0. Evans cctno in the latter part of Inst week from the Huekeye mine, says the Observer. He is super intendent of this mino and has a force of men there getting things in readi uess for big development work. He is at present locating a place on the property to put diamond drills to work early in the spring, and in the work that has been done seme fine ore has been found, a large quantity of samples of which he brought in with him. He thinks the Buckeye is going to develop into a big proposition and the company hack of it have the money to purh the work of development. Colonel T. V. Drajer arrived in this city lust Monday morning and was ac companied by Andre Touvelle, a French engineer of Paris. The two gentlemen have gone to Waldo, where they will look over the mining nnd timber in dustries nnd will also go to the Monu mental mine. Just what the object of the colonel's visit is has not been found out, hut it is rumored that Mr. Tou vello represents a French syndicate that it thinking of getting control of a num ber of the mining properties in the southern part of the county and also largo timber tracts, with the Idea of developing them. It is also stated that th Monumental mine will shortly be started and it will ba thin French syn dicate that will start it. Colonel Dra per waa warmly received by his many friends in thia city and it ia said that ha eomea direct from Paris, where he has been for the past few months. OOVT&AOT TOWED TOR BO AD 7B0K DALLAS TO SALEM V.. B. Miller has heen awarded the contract for the Salem. Falls City & West arn railroad, to crmplete the whole line from Dallas to Salem, and the con tract wnn signed yesterday. Mr. Miller is to eomplete the line, ready for the laying of the track. lie must complete hi: contract by the loth of July. It will take only a short time thereafter to have the ready ready for traffic not longer, Mr. Miller thinks, than the first of September. Mr. Miller will commence work be tween the first and tenth of March. Salem Statesman. CHAMBERLAIN INVITED TO SPEAK AT GOTHAM (lovernor 'hainhcrlniii has received from Itahbi Stephen X. Wise of Xew Vork city an invitation to preside and deliver a short address at a meeting of the Xew Vork Cieiv Forum ia Carne gie hill March I J. The invitation says that the forum is made up of some of Xew York's t'ore-e most citizens and that among its vice presidents are Taft and liryan. The chief speaker will be Senator La Fol lette, whose subject will be ' ' Direct .Vominationtt." MARTYN TO BE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF ESPEE The rumor that Charles W. Mnrtyn, chief train dispatcher at Roseburg, is to succeed 0. C Morris as assistant superintendent of the S. 1. lines in Ore gon is confirmed from an authentic source today. That the position of chief train dispatcher will fall to K. B. Pen gra, present first assistant, is also true. These changes, it is reported, will go into effect on the first day of next month. Mr. Mnrtyn is now going over the route to get a practical introduc tion to his new duties, while Mr. Pen gra is now doing the work of his future position. By the promotion of Mr. l'eagra, Olnf Olsson and John K. F.nder advance re speetively to first assistant and second assistant train dispatchers and Karl Lander, who has been assigned to ex tra work, becomes the regular third as sistant. This advances James D. Os born from operator to extra dispatcher and leaves the position of operator to be filled by bids later on. Iloseburg He view. M'GINN ENJOYS PAY OF NEW CIRCUIT JUDGE PORTLAND. Or., Feb. . The emer gency clause in the law creating an additional circuit court judge for Mult nomah county, making five in all, hangs in the balance. Henry E. McGinn com menced action in the circuit court ask ing for an injunction restraining tho county commissioners from paying tho salary of the new appointee of Gov ernor Chamberlain, William M. Gatens, on the ground that the law does not atate. either in the body or the preamble, that the fifth judge for this county is necessary to the public peace, health or safety. If I he emergency clause is declared invalid it will mean that (ioveruor Chamberlain's appointment of Judy (lali us was premature, and that II" la vs must elapse al ter t lie passage of the chill before tin- new judge takes his seat. It will mean 1 hat all the cases tried by Judge Cateiis must lo re! ried. LANE COUNTY SPORTSMEN FORM NEW ORGANIZATION The Lane Couny Fish and Game Protective association has been urgnn i.ed in Kugene with the following of ficers: President. I!. L. itognrt; ice president. A. C. Dixon; secretary and treasurer. L. L. Whi!en. Diivelors are as follows: V. D. Ileiisill. All Walker. W. 11. Kay and W. .1. Hill, besides the officers. The purposes of ; he association are to assist the protection and prnpaga lion of fish and tin mo in the slate of j Oregon, and Lane county in particu- I lar, and to foster a true spirit of spoils I m-'iisliip among alt ;parl-aueii and farm- I er;!. MARRIED. J. A 1' X I'llf 1.1! K At Hie home of the, bride's mother. Mrs. Ilattie Lee. in' c fa 11 is I'ass, on Sunday, February L'l, Lloyd Lautier and Mi::;. Ilattie 1',. Lee, Rev. Merry nf Portland officiating. 1 MoKKLLA. M.x.. Feb. . At the age of Hi) years. Juan Landeta. a Span ish multimillionaire, yesterday married Dolores Fpbiiia, who is harelv K years old. PERFECT MAN. Tl-ere is a man who never smokes. There is a man who never drinks, N'or smokes, nor diews nor swears. Who never gambles, never flirts. And "diuns all sinful snare;: "lie ' paralyzed ' ' Then is a man who never does A thing that is not right. His wife can tell just where he is At morning, noun and night "He's dead." Crater Lake"Ti-.'.fr:L'i i! V"' T'"i NOTICE. ii liereh.T givon that the nsinigae4 will t'lv at tin rfgnloi mMiog of th city counril of Modford, Orfgon, uu Mr.reh 2, for iieenso to sell mJt, vinnns and spiritous liquors in lfss qnail-'. titii than one gallon for six months; at lot IS, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of cix months. ! GEO. M. NEEDLES. Dated February 17, 1909. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. , Senlfd bids will be r re'vrd by '-he r itr recorder tip to and including March ; 2. 1PW, until 4 o'clock p. ra. for the cjcav.'itiou mi'! laying of water mains on Wcet T-nth stroet and Wt El?v-1 enth street. Plans and specif ications ni"v be !"'cn a! the office of the ciiy engineer or ci'.y rcorder. A re-.ifi"d check fM to five per cent (S per cen'1 of nmoiii t bid must accompany ercK bid. ' By onl-r of city ccuneil. Fobguary upvi M. roi.Ufl ct cor?js :v.t. .l Kbnry 20th. 1W. Fire nffica building in New Tork citr are strung with 2399 miles of tele phone wire. PRIDE OF OREGON While it may be hard for sumr to conceive of the gnat btto fit Med ford will derivo from a railroad or boulevard to f'rati r Lake, it is e.jual ly us hard for some to see the advantages nf pat r'Oiizing a limne indus try. While most business men say they would jut i:h leave sell the cigars that are made here in Medfrnd as to sell those that arc made away from home, many do not. Wheu they sell the cigars that are made away fmm here, ftnm o to fnf per cent of the money goes away from home. By patroii'g the If. It. V. C lfiAR WORKS the most of it is kept at hotm. And. on the othrr hand, you can seo that by buying cigars that are made from K'OO to 3000 miles from home, handled by fi-on three t., fi.- .lit" fercnt jobbers, that you must either pay more money L-r the same .. or as much for poorer gn-i W have just put a new Cigar on the marketthe CRATER LAKE Prepaid Railroad Ordors. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally nnd which is perhaps not geucrally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stnti ns of the Southern F::cil'ic company and all points in tho I'nited fit at oh. By means of thin system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the I'nited States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the par ty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts ot (.fish in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same time.'' tf My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on D street. Here 1 am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor S-Wry. v , ' . .-' ; 4 a - . . : i - ..,- r. -.. , . .-' $,- f ' ?' 'I 1 v 'ii:wr - ' ' ., ,i i v . - i . i J ' ' . i M -'9 JOE LA SALLE Tim lll.-Hl win' vvit'sllcM Sntui'ihiy ni;lll :il Anyl'- iiju'iu li'iusc witll hewis W.'llI'Ms. It's! o , f ; Prices $1.00 75c 60c LADIES FREE ; EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS i FOE ASTORIA RAILROAD I'OKTI.AND. III., i'.'l.. l-:xi . 11 liv illlH" illlrllls In lit'' A s! nri:l rnliiml.iii l.'ivr r.-lili'.ri.l an' 'la ti.-.l 1'nr tin- i-'iMiiny s.-as"ii. N'.it "iilv will Ihi' wli'.li' lil"' 1"' M. wl.v!asl"l w ill' lurk aii'l cravl. Imt a ( i.-n "f tin rnail will 1"' i-flai.l with liraii'T st.'.'l rails. Sa"'riiiti'!i'l''at M'-linirc of tli' Asti'iia ,V l'"l I'ia ! i" i I- r.-i i In tkI liil" inailc ttifsi' 1'i'ri'niiin'iiilal ions, anil (irn-I'l-al Su'''l'inli''llt 1,'iihs. II "I' till' N.'l'lli llaiik svst''in. "T wliii li tin' A-t.'iia lia" is a part, is I'ti.Uili': nv.r tin' plans ami will niMliniliti'illv r rin. -ii. I Hint tin- w.irk 1m il'inc. It is linp.'.l t in.'lli-t' till' Willi as sunn ns tlic wi-ath'-r will ailntit "C Die w.irli lii'iim . 1 . . e i . - to tli.- I'rst ml vanlai'. S'l Unit til" Mil" will In' III I'hh1 slnipr fur tin' siiintn.'r I'aifl to tin- iinrt In-ill (hi'tin Im-.-i. lii'S. Medford Opera House Thursday and Friday Feb. 25 and 26. Only inn- passi-nrr nn a railr.ta.l lias lii i'ii killi .l in s.'' n yi'iihs in S' W S'.nlh Wains. Tonight 7 p.m. Friday ( ' nl iiiuous perftrni:u:i" uiol matinee at I p. The Pacific i;isl limax Company will take von on n " Trip to Death Valley" by moving pic I u res 1 alien cxpiv!sly tor this company. Tlirst- an- I he first moving pictures ever sccim-d of this world fmnoii V.illcv of laih. also other mleivst ing viows, iinludinij the famous -"..'ii Tiiiih- I'-am ' in motion. TICKETS ARE FREE and ni:iv bo s. -cured from your yn-rcr or diunist. Almissinii by ticl t h m-iIv. I hi I. Iron un:iccouianii '1 by p;i rents 'ioi :ili:iit I. d. -ALL WE ASK YOU TO SPEND IS YOUR TIME ' THE BIJOU TONIGHT and SATURDAY GENERAL SHERIDAN'S GREAT RIDE 'I'll. nali-lir an. I .x.-it i ii film wit wliil.iti'il i:i thi- rity. The haul .'ins l:.t.' ii'.-r Ii.-ii I'.piali'il. vii 'lli'-r I'i li-aliii'' "f l"iiili:'s iM-rt'iii-inaiit-c is an till lian.l col- .i 'Mu : Ihi. AHM l.xslii in CKXTS SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT Till: IHKKS MllTTn" A IIitiIIiiiL' i-miianl ir .llama. in;ii'i nl' i n i; si:i;i'i:.'i'i m:" . i.initirui hami (.. tiavaan.'a. ;ri'l'l. WINS 1'11,'ST rid.i:" A lanuli I'li.iM Ml ii il In ftniHli. I :i ii l ..i I ul Iti.h l.alla.l. mini; liy Miss Iii l.-rt . .missi..h Ill IVnl.s MKDFOIil) SASH & DOOR COM PAN V PJ I ONE 2201. Window r'raaies. Oak Veneered Doors, with Hevcl Plate, flurried i Htoek Office Ki tares and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, iacbidin Turnud an-l l-'ancy Orill. V 8THKKT, RKTWKKN HIXTH A NO S FVKNTM HTHH-'TM cheap. Work NmTICK To coTliAcTcl(x. in two sizes a K'c nod two for U'c whi.-b is e'ial t. aoy or Kcv Wt cigao. Th? 8. V. e.i.iii-. any ,.f ti,.- I.-,.- . shipped in lure. The Medford and Kl Tavt of th" ' a-'.-r igars that :tr iiifcurpa--fil. Ask for thf-v ,r-trs rsht rever y 0 or l"c ciirs, cs for f'(t L iV if yitu ar'- a ninl: r,u the bPt. R. R, Y. WORKS V..ii". i . ;.. l' l.. zj, .'.i :J,.,i th. , : i ' ;i ".a ..- . i.i.i r-r "' ". .1 .'.I I.'.i .,11 i' .1 ::! " i'. r'i..i.i .si"i, :.. l-:;;.il( ,l'..'.' .., ..ii in .1 ii.l i Ii .laivl. Ii.)!l. I m;.y l, fil,"l with or mailnl I,, 'lli- ,i(y ii , . r.lrr up t.. 4 i,',-l,', l( p. rn. of tlic al.'.v,' ,1 :it . W'.il. to In- .lone in m'.'or.lance with !!,' .pi . : 1 1( a : inris for rlltl.illg on H.'V .'tiii. ir.'t aii'l may It,' a.'iri Ht t Ho , "1 Ii' '- "I' ll.f ' .'v .'acinoi r nr 1 lin ,'i'y I i ni.T. ; ISKX.I. M. I III. I.I VS. l ily n. or.l. r. Ii.ii. 'l I'. L' .i.ry -Mh, I!"1!'- SALEM BEER .SALUiM is the must popular boer in N-ortliern alil'in nia and Stiutlicrn Oregon. It in aekuowl cilgcil In he the equal of the very best eastern pnnliii-l. All beers are good, but some bers are liked better than others. The proof for thin -serl i. .11 lies iii drinking Salem beer. If you wiah to be i-iinviiired, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Med lord Depot: Medford lee & Storage Co. ', i:l' 'l.i 'TIo.v. f;, - ' I. I ' a: a limn "f ll' ,-ity "I i.,il..i. ! i ., 1., ii l'.rli.witli tor tin' J'lir- j tin' total li'liiiln'l '. A. Ottit'i'titKjs Osgood & Cuiiuninijs Qivil Engineers Tlw Ilvst ; quipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Mans, Specifications, Re ports, lititimatcs, Kte. - Water Powers and Water Works, i'ai'iiuj and iioad Making, Sewcrauc, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnage QlllLe Medford National Bank Bid. I - ' : . . 'I ai.l itv. M. ii", ' That i;aid c-nfois dirt-'-tion of the -n-t that li - and i hi-curo and employ ;;. ntlur a-nistance s:it for naitl work li - ri"jm;it hlanki, lii-N tlicrefor. .'iii ion was derlared wiUK Vote; W.-leh in rick aye. Wort-Ieinmi-r aln'-nt. CSnSt Mayor. (Jity Itocoider. I ASK. 5VPIAMOND 1 lliooii for I'Mt lflr Nnrthw" i tin Uiilin mi kli i- t 'l-wi t hii Oirf nit mi ttT 1 mil uiioi J MTLAND 1110 CO., f bKIUNI. BMBON. aftOfPHANI. J it Hoil n. ( lifrit. IxhlxMluxxl. i of )IIIM 'linli ion h pit, U.'t of fluwcr .-ii. ft- f r r -f PMTUNDftlUCO.,riifllUNf.eMflON. aftOfPHANI. HklH YOU OUOHt TO KNOW the excelliuce of t4i-j uipali that ar cooked at the. Kuwrich Cafe if yu u haven 't aln-ady regal vd yourself with s.otie nf the dolicioys dtrhes that ara . served here. If you havoc 't partken ! them, there ia a trout awftitinf ya :?" that you will want to rwpent oftea. A t' uieal at tho Eniurick it an apariaea that will make you c.y, like OHrer ; . Twist, for more. ' The Emerick Cafe OpM AU MIM