MEDFORD DAILY TRIHUNE, MEDFttf. ORKCOV. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. IPOO. A BLUE ENAMEL RANGE FREE Specials Friday and Suturdny, lad leu' Sffiui- Ichs fant black Hosiery, pair. .10c Men'ti Seamless .'nut Wnck Hose, will outwear nuy huso iu tini; two irH for 26c Try our Hoyn' Hone, J.m: pair, two jmirn fur 25c HOSIERY THE liKKT in M . .1 t.n.l . Til 10 I'.IOST MADIO ill Jjtllil'K lioVH ' and M IHUVH Mi-ry lit-rc in h'ia-h, 25c pair Remember you get FREE with c('iy '!') iiiri-hfisc ;i cliMhcc on tluit liciiutil'iil 1 S 1 1 1 lOnainel Kimge. K'ctail value fs:!, that we will give awav April 1, 1!K)!J. HU88E Y'S The store that saves ymi iiuiie . ll' voueant find what you want elsewhere, try Ill'SsioVS. We have it. Just a minute Uo you kuow of anotlitT pluco in hi city where you eau find over .iiiuu items to Bi'lei't from costing l" TO til lc to $1.00 each I 'liinawarc, Tinware, everyday house hold necessities, The most com plete lino iu Son t hern Oregon. LACE in Tore lum Val., etc., 5c, 10c and l'te yard. BOOKS Paper back novels, the -.c kind, over 300 titles to tielect from, all at once price, 15c each Social and Persona! Watrli the column for the dirt Heller's liineriekn. 2U2 Attorney Durham of (irnnts Push spent Til ur winy iu Med ford. Mayor F. II. Hopkins of Central Point wan a Medford visitor Thitraday. Kohert Leonard of A hIi In nl npent ThurHday iu Medford. M. Purdin haH returned from attend the Oregon legislnt lire. A until came tdonly dnv.'ii the nlreil; lie deemed to he east down; The reaHon watt he bought p;niii' ilirl Before he guw .lue Blown. 2!2 O. 8. Moore of K In math Pall was viniting in the city ThurHday. Il! left for a ahort stay iu Portland. Phone your orders for swttot cream or buttermilk to the crenruory. (J. A. Hoover of Phoenix was in Med ford ThurHday on Ihihuiohh. The man who never will throw you dnwu lit the famoiiH dirt seller, ,1. '. Brown. .Toe handle all kinds of dirt Handy loam, free noil, black nt icky, hard pan mtd solid rock. -1'-li. (1. Porter of this city was doing ImsincKM at the court Iioiiho recently. ',. K. Iluydi'ii and wife of Spokane lire guerilH of the Xu:di hotel. Mm. W. I). Itichardson of Ketuu, Cul., i u Medford visitor. P. (1. Chapman of Port land is hand lintf tho bookkeeping depart ntent of the Big Pines Lumber company. Ordern for aweet cream or buttermilk promptly filled. Phono the erenmory. ' Will (I. Steel will addresa the Mcti ford Commercial club at its next meet ing. Ho has applied fur membership in the club. Public. Htciiojjraplier. Office over Bi jo n theater. Phone Main W7. " . The Chnrlea King who was operated upon by Br. Heelv for hernia was Mot ' tho proprietor of (lie Med ford book tore, but Mini Irs O. King of Die Med ford iron works. Hog the pictured of tho eartlojiiako in Italy and Sicily nt (he Savoy Wed nee. -day and Thursday. 21)1 Mrs. M. M. Taylor. Mrs. Mary Mil ler and Mrs. Charles Bun ford of .lack sonville were Medford callers this week. Ml la (Jnunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. I j. A. Hose and W. 10. Anderson, I wo well known Phoenix citizens, were bus InesH callera recently. Mnt. Prank Freeman of Port land who is visiting her nister, Mrs. K. A. licnmcti, visited Jacksonville Thursday. J. 8. Vilas, who i was one of the handsomest orchard hoioes in the val ley, drove in from his Big Sticky ranch Thursday. Charles Nickell, former publisher of the Southern Oregonian, now u ranch er in tho Sterling district, spent Wed nesday iu Medford. Messm. Tronson & (iuthrie of Kitgle Point were Medford visitors Thursday. Tlioy report the roads in very bad nhapo. The greatest horror in the last cen t ii ry, the Italian earthquake picture, will be shown nt the Savoy Wednesday cud Thursday. 201 Miss Minnie Thompson nf Jackson ville left for Bellingham. Wash., one day last week, where she will be mar ried to Leroy Kelley. formerly of .lack onville. f CUBANS OB8ERVE DAY WAR f AMUSEMENTS. WAs STARTED WITH SPAIN ( 'iibn ns are to imivep-ary of the i olut ion against .v the aid of the NO SPECIAL COINS FOR ! THE ALASKA EXPOSITION FOB SALE. ..a rtr ni n-,a - ! HAVANA. p, The sab- of heats fur " I'm Diavolo" '''' celebrating the j Auber's famous opera, will open tomor- iunin'in-iriieiit r.f 1 1 row morning at llasliius' drug store at Soain which irnbd III 'clock. The east is complete ntid includes, be sides Mr. Ilaehigg, the following nieiii bers rtf the rii Andrews Opera coin puny:. Mrs. Iln.ehigg (Nellie Andrews) Kd Andrews. I'. W. Walters, A. C. Bur gess and II. l,hii.,eiihurv ; also K. Pay- elte and Misses Burgess and Cbiremont ill l lie eiiHi-iliioe, While home talent productiuns of op- j eia are very common, it is very unusual ) that a town or city either can almost completely cast an opera from reeog uii'd professionals, as is the case here. Besides t he a bo ve, M iss Kifert and Dr. Buiueil, who can hardly be classed as amateurs, will complete the cast. The stage product inn will be under the direc lion of II. Wtlhiiigtoii. Iteniemher (he dat", Tuesday, March and prices are ."it'c, T.'ic and 1. I'uileil Slatis, in tlie freedom of the inland and 1 lie establishment of a re public Altl gh the s id attempt at self go-, eminent , nvi .it ly commenc ed, has bei n marred by many differ- I si: ATTI.K. Wash., Feb. Special ! n ins for commemorating the Alaska 1 Yukon Pacific exposition will not be : en! ned by the I'aited Stalen mints, ac ; roiding to a letter receive.! today by i ti' orge I), Boos, secretary of the Com- no rcial club of this city from Senator ! Piles. The club requested that the treas ury department strike off a half mil lion .souvenir half dollars. I'( iK SA LK 'hoieii business property at a bargain, on long lime; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 41S. ices between tin his gciicrnllv are New Cases. iVunan, Taylor & Co. vs.j W. U, Stan sell; action to recover money, 1 1. K. Hnnnn, Jr., attorney for plaintiff. (. M. Selsby vs. II. PieftVr; action to recover money. Colvig A Kcames, attorneys for plaintiff. In the matt it of Mary II. Kcgar ; application to register title. Harvey A- Miles, attorneys for plaintiff. In the matter of (he application of Charles A. Petii tiger to register t itle. Decree by default. Wonders of Death Valley. An interesting entertainment will be given this afternoon and evening at the eifonl Mieater, where a "trip to leath Valley" will be shown in moving picture for the first time iu this city. These pictures have been shown to Hum sands t liroiighoul the country, and have been giving excellent t a t isf a ct ion wher ever produced. The pictures are taken al great expense from t he front of a train going the entire length of Death Valley, ami give those in attendance an exact reproduction of this world famous valley, where emigrants of t he earlv i h:ys endured many hardships in the ho f reaching the Khb.rado of the west. It is known Mirny of them per ished for the hick of water, as the tetu peralnre registers as high as 1HI do grees, and water is extremely scarce. The trip begins at l.udlow, Calll. show ing the Santa K- limited pulling inlo the depot. Bud low is a town built in the heart of Hie desert, where nothing grows except sagebrush. A change of i is made here, und after scenes shown around Ludlow the trio begins I he Toiiopah and Tidewater railroad. going ut over Death alley and through the Aumgovu canyon and up to the largest borax mine in the world, the Bilu C. A ft or showing the 1,11a C mine iu opei at ion, he piet itr.-s are shown of Death Valley Sink, 'J7S feet below sea level. It is said that this is Hie lowest spot on earth. These pictures were tak en recent ly and are t he only pict ures ever taken of this famon valley, and it will give our readers t, ho are fortunate enough to receive I irk ots an opport ll nit v to see I his great val lev as it i today. Tickets are free, and can be obtained your grocer or druggist while the sup ply lasts. ii power, the Cu- e in a joyous frame of mind and are celebrating the auniver sarv with cock fights and other forms of native amusements. At Malanas todav a great statue of liberty was unveiled ni:d the affair was made the occasion of a mammoth cete biation. The statue was executed by Saivatoie Biteoii, of Koine, n famous Italian sculptor, and Mauds in a public park facing the harbor. The sculptor is today the guest of Ma tan .as and took a prominent part iu I he ded icat ion leremonies. Two years were occupied by him iu completing the work. The liberty statue stands ) feet high, and a broue image of Jose Marti, the Cuban patriot, forms a pari of the same monument, which was creeled by popular subscription. , KOI! HALK and Ki-acrn tracts .juit wi'.hin and adjoining city limits, at a bergain, on .1 an mi J payments. Ad dress P. O. Box 419. TOR Si ALE Orain nay, baled. Inquire of Phone 381. tf BKiJUX, Peb. IIiMiseVelt will spend several weeka here as the gued id' the kaiser, according to an announce no at todav. Classified Advertisements WANTED. VA N'l'KII - I'.iiIii.t wild liltlr rcmK r:ih fur Int-jil lij,'l'l iiuuiiifiii-liirliifl. lum iiM's-i. I-'. II. Kinti'v, Tliii'l ami Fnniln WA NTKIi liv i-lir.f.f.. is " "to rbT.p I :iinl I M-rvviinil. ..l,livss I". O. I :..x -IK of Inconioratloii. I 'hi hm';ii inn l In' kiiuwii ;is it TIiiiiiuIiI Mi'llii.ilivl rlnnvli. i I'irBl 1 I'liti'il W.WTKH lull k. imt:i1 liiuisi-Wnl-li. ..l.lri'ss I: o. Ilnx :i. V WTKIl - A irl; linmt In- i'Xn'ri(iii'i'il I w.-iyi's Uiiil. Aililri'SH P. O. Hox l'j:i, Mi'.ll'.ir.l, Or. WAN'I'KD Fifty biixim of Newtowus iiihi Siil ziinliiirtf :iipltis. Apily of M. Sti'uiirt, lit the Nimli. l'"ot SALK Or trad.1, two large work liorsi-H; will trmlo for 'Hinalli'r liurHi'a. I:n(iiiri' at M'ihhioii cafe. 2U:t I'OH SALK $I5iiO getk n hnsilu-ils tliut will make the owoer rieli; monopoly in Jacksoiio enuaty. TiOU Kotheliilil;.. I'ortlan.l, Or." 2112 I'OR SAI.K Good rviiilvore lots, close iu; also gool i aero orrl-anl; deal with owner; Have coiiuaiHsieii. Address J, euro of Tribune offitu. FOR 8ALK House., Iota and land in Phoenix, or in traets to suit from one nere to 040 acres. Matt Calhoun, Plioe nix, Or. FOB BENT. Foil RF.XT Farm, for three years, hiHiHi'hiilil goods, stuck anil implements for sale; also snap in choice pear laud Mid ten aeri's with irrigating water, close to station. lien T.owell, Wondcillc, Or. 2li:l TO II FN'T Furnished room to let. 31 H HiversiiU avenue S. Citv Business Directory TIN SHOP Mini vln-i'l lion u.'iii' on hand and In orl"-. J. A. .SMITH, I I.I N mi Hi II SI reel. THE B. R. V. LUNOH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacifie Coast. II. Ii. I.orimer Prop. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated tongs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. NATIVES OP INDIANA ORGANIZE LOCAL SOCIETY I n.l i.i "l,d nf Mt'ilfoid and viein nine; orj::iiiit'il a local ' linen I he niemorv of i Th.' 11,,,'si,. ' on lust e ietv ill order I leili. Over Ion of II i oath the Inlii'iicode mid en joved I le'lnsi'lvi's. Kef n'sliini'iits w ere serx ed :!ll'l I he f'dhtu iii ol'fii ers were elecl.-d: I'residi-lil. I.. F. t.o.i.'r; l'irt i,-,. preiident, N. .1. Wiley; lecoliil vice in'Hid''til . Mr. AdKiiin; Hind vice jucsi drill. Sii.etitll.'l:di'llt I'. Ii. Slnith; sec ri'larv. K. K. Wilson; Irensiirer. .1. Mc I'heiH.'n. 'I'll,' piogllllll lelidi'lcii whs: Song lv I he audience; louver, l. I-'. Wilson: :-lin. 'I'css Marshall: vocal solo. For I l'!ilnii':iN; leading. Iy Martin; Mies. Superintendent I'. C. Smith: : ling. Mrs. ,l,sie liouk; piano duct. l.s. II. K. Marsh and II. C. II:i.elriL'e: ling, hui Maelrigg. I .el Hie - : MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece .1 ''oru ilure. Any design, nay color, any ."inisli dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of Sth and II streets. ARTHUR II. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. Bid W. Seventh St., Modford, Or. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TJI ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated Imllnds. Kntiro change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. W. M. Colvig. C. L. Riinmos. COLVIO ft REAMES Lawyers. Office. Medford Hank Illdg. ('round floor. DR. WALTEK R. STOKES, Henlist. ucei'ssor to llr. .1. M. Keene. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Hteam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. Cuok Stores and ranges, l'honc 01 MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second Hand Furniture Finis' old 11111111, IX 20 F St. South M.'dford, Or. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. F,, Lane Son, Props. Opposite lintel Moore, Medford Bregon EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. (Irow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will ' e prepared Feb ruaiy l.'i to furnish i lent brick. Hctter than pressed I. rick and just as ch":ip. In eslig:ile liefore contracting. I. O. II, .x I IS. WASCHAU & BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new ipiarters in the Young t Hall building. Milliards, Cigars and Tobaccos. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 .laekiou Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. RKHEKAIIS' ORAND PRESIDENT RECEIVED IN JACKSONVILLE Marriage Licensos. II. V. Plait and Prudence M. Angle. Oeorge K. Clarke mid Mabel lln-nt aer, I.. I.. Illiasell and Flhel Silliv. .11' Probate. K'stnte William Itay; older mad charging administrator. KstHte Prank K. Brown; order uiadi discharging executrix. Kstnte John T. Laytoii; order madi settling sale of real estate at naught s. Mine Smith of lilnnts Pass, who :in. pivsi'lriit of the 1,','l.ekah as lv , paid Kulh Hebel.ah lode.', No. , a iil last M I.ii and In I.I a eon v'iiti.'ii. 'I'lo' a t'l.i no. nt session was ' .-much .levied 1. 1 the convention, I while in '1 v n i iLr Hie regular ledge oik was pill "ii. I..1,'W,-,1 l.v a splen I ''d I .ii. t. w In, Ii was under flic chair I maiisliip el' l,s l... l l,,, !,. A large delegation .. Medford 1,'el.el.iilis was jiaisent au.l u lew t'lutn I'entral Point 'and A. I, land aU,, altended. You Are Goin to Build Let toe fiijure with yi u. N. roiitrai't too Inrjfe or toe un:M'. Satisfartion tfunrrtnteed. L. E. BEAN ( ONT H At 'TO It A X I BIHI.BKH, Medford. Ori-ou. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Kxtracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 210 W. Seventh si. Medford, Or ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all stylos by The Tribune. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. O. Box 841. Phone 5113. Medford, Or. DR. ClOHI.E The only exclusive Optician he tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Se.ealh Street. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: S to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building. Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture aud Art of Singing Studio at Residence. Fast Medford. Phone 225 When others fail, call on DR. E. J BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Fagle Phannscv Main 2:l:l. Seventh aud Xlaia For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In .truinents. go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office hours: 10 12, 2 4 p. in. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $l.-r0 pet day. All modem cent enieoees. We solicit you: patronage. MEDFORD FURNITURE 00. Undertakers Day Phone S5 Night Phones C. W. Conklin M J. II. Butler 14 JACK FBEDENBURO Scavsnger. Oarbage hauled. Medford. VALLEY AUTO CO. hare opened their new garHge aud repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor ears stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. .lltU DR. B. J. CONROY Successor to Pr I Jones. Office iu the Stewart Building. JOB PRINTING hy The Tribnas. WHY Do You go Back to the WARDROBE? Medford Theater MR. CHAS. D. HAZELRiaO Presents "FRA DIAVOLA" AUBER'S FAMOUS OPERA with a splendid cast jyid unrivaled ensemble, tho best orchestral iu Oregon. MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES SPECIAL SCENERY TltlCES 50c, 75c, $1.00. TUESDAY, MARCH 22 Medford Opera House Thursday and Friday Feb. 25 and 26. 7:30 Tonight and 7 p. m. Friday ContiiiiioiiH performiiuce and inntineo nt I p. in. The Paeifie Coast Borux Company will take yon mi " Trip to Death Valley" Ity moving pietures taken expressly for this company. These are the first moving pictures ever seeim-d of this world famous Valley of D.uthf also other inten'stint! vii-ws, iiH'ludini the famous "20 niuli' ti-am" in motion. TICKETS ARE FREE and may he secured from your grocer or druggist. Admission by tick ts only. Children iimn-compani. d !y parents :in( admitted. 'ALL WE ASK YOU TO SPEND 13 YOUR TIME ' SAVOY THEATER T O N I G lTT KAKTIHjl-AKK IN' ITALY ANIH si ' 1 1 . V ' ' The Burning Ruins Devastated rities Terrified People and ,vii..f Work in the ennui.", made des.'l.He by ti.. in.-t liomblo ealaniity in t he last century. y,, . jn't afford to miss it. OTHKH KKATCKKS. ADMISSION- 10 CKNTS