MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREflONT, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2", 1009. It Will Soon be Spraying Time TORRENT SPRAY HOSE Will Save You Money Absolutely Guaranteed Medfqrd Hardware Go. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kobert Miller to Came M. Wet iii it i r, 'A acres in township ranm- 1 E $ It. V. Adliins to William II. Vtut- lock, iriperty in Short's addi- in d it ion to Medford .Tolm MfJunscv to Kinil , War ner, luts 3 and 4, Mock (17, C'entml Point Augustus Mooro to Charles II. I'ieree, 1 acre in section 25, township rane 2 V Alice K. Hauler to Mii-linel V. H n n ley. Hit I acres in section 3i, towrmhip 30, range 2 E ... II. K. Toft to A. F. Davis, prop erty in Harr's addition to Med ford Julia Miles to Kojrnc Hiver Tim ber company, SO ncrrs in section 2 township 33. range 3 R ... John A. Miller to I-Mward Wo-d bury. X K V Heelion 21, town ship 3."i, ijitiixe 2 K (ieitnide L. Miller to Kdward W'nodtntry. land in section A, township 35, range 2 K Joseph Whalen to William Van (loHham, land in township 35, range I W .'. S. Midge to K. V,. riaer. Hid acres in s-clion S, township 35, range -1 W W. T. Tatruatt to David U fior don, lots 5, li. 7 and block 3, Meeker's addition to Med ford ( liarles II. Pierce lo Forrest f I'M mi-:;. Is, land in section 25. township 37, range 2 W (I. A. Mintoyne to Delia Xnnaii. land in township 37. range 2 V William finch, assignee of T. J. Keniiey. insolvent, to M. K. Ah b"tt, in-;.erty ill block 2. Jack sonvillc 1000 3 )0 20 21" 1000 10 PI 5000 320O 2000 1 500 A. S. Ifnn.Ho lo Cora R M Ill i'Vt ill section 30, township 37. ran- 2 W 1 11. !'. TVhlaml to John Van Mat ta. lot I. block D. Ii..nlevaid Park addition to Ashland ... Pnited States to Luke .lennings. 15!'. 15 acres in section 0, town ship 35, range 2 W patent I'nitcd Striles t o Xmi:i Jennings, pin aerrt in section 0, township 35, range 2 W patent United St-.ti's to Lincoln Hall. X V. 'i section 32. township 35, range I W patent T.elia (iodlove to Mary TT. Hegnr. land in township 37, range 2 W Bert Anderson to Blanche Toft. lot 2. block 2. Page addition to Medford Pert Anderson to J. K. Toft, lot 5. blnck 1, Page addition to Mrdfotd 10 . 10 TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. Manv places in the foothills Talent are changing hands. 'A, 1). Henry of North Talent in our midt Tuesday buying hay. near was Many of the farmers and gardeners nrouim i aieni na mimm-m-fi .. spring plowing. C. Carev. the berry man from North Talent, was in our town Tuesdny. Another jno of thnpe very poor excuses for a slmw visited our town Tuesday evening. Literary was a very lively evening lat ThursiPiv. Much enthusiasm was manifest ed, which showed some hard thinking had been don Otto Caster of North Phoenix was in ;jnfl ,(t S;)n p(rn. ml., from $250,000 Talent Tuesday. He was accompanied (o ,(l-,o. The amendment was adopt by his brother. Hoy Caster, who hit'" ' ,.,1 hv :i Vlll(1 ()f 31 tn 17. Iv arrived from Vancouver. Wash., to, . spend a while in our valley. HUNGRY FOR THREE DAYS, Many of our townspeople are attend- , APPLIES TO THE POLICE in the Evangelistic meetinir" being held in the new tabernacle at Phoenix Thev report a great work i""e William Mattlock. Christian e t-t. is condii'ting the services J. S. Sairs. the great singer, d leading in service. vrnigel- While es the PROTEST AGAINST THE RE-OPENING OF POLLS WASH I N'l'TON. F b. 2.. "n behalf of the ( hi,. t:iw and I I .icka-aw Indian'. Senator Owen of Uklnkomn has pre sentid t tie senate a -iin from the general council of those tribe., pro testing against the reopening "'' t'1"" citizenship rolls. The p.t.ii .i, is a re view of all the efforts tha' have b.-'-u ni.-de to establish c.-recl .-it iz.-nsni I rolls up to tie' tin the ,11 b the Choctaw ami Clr eoiurt by which onli more than oooo app en fai orablv j.assc ! kasaw (nzen-lnp nbovt I-''! out of .,-r.nts. "hi.'h had 1 n.,.n by trie dis- t r .I 'M'tls re Uxe- iv iraii'ino tl- petition d.-.-l:ires that many i them were admitted on t.'tiir .nv pre ented before the mai-ers of the .-Mil!', wbu were utlorncvj for the't GRANTS PASS COMMBERCIAL CLUB RAISES $5000 f i It A XT TASS, Dr.. Feb. 25. The Grants Pass Commercial club, assisted by the comity court, has raised $5000, which will be used this spring end sum mer for publicity purposes. Excellent results were obtained last year from advertising pamphlets and literaturo is sued by the club. Hundreds of new people located here r.nd a vast sum of money was invested through the adver tising of the county's resources. The club will issue several thousand illim t rated booklets. The club iB in better condition than ever before. Its mem bership has doubled during the past three months. Nut only the, business men of the city, but ranchers, lumber mtn, miners and orchardists of tho sur rounding country helong, and take on activo interest in the publicity and gen eral improvement work. K. E. Blanch ard, an orehardist, was recently elected by the board of directors to the office of secretary to take tho placo of A. L. Andrews. That the merchants recog nize tho value of the club and aro anx ious to support it is evidenced by the fret that nenrly all of them havo doub led their former subscriptions. DRY FARMING CONGRESS HOLDS SUCCESSFUL MEETING f'HEYENXR, Wyo., Feb. Transniissouri dry farming 25. The congress. which has been in session here since Tuesday, will bring to a close today the most successful convention in its history. Addresses have been made by many agricultural experts at which new light has been thrown upon the subject of reclamation of the semi arid regions of tho west by "dry farm ing" processes. In addition, many prac tical farmers have told of their expe riences in attempting to make the west ern desert blossom as tho rose an at tempt that has met with greater or les ser success in different sections under varying conditions. Despite manv failures, the 1 and Mrv fanning" process may now be said to be n success, although the delegates to the convention here deprecate the wild and extravagant claims that are made for it by some wildc it real estate com panies. TALLEST FLAGSTAFF IN THE WHOLE WORLD SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 25. Arrange ments have been completed by the Wash ington society. Sons of tho American I devolution, to erect the tallest single piece timber flagstaff in tho world on the Alaska-Vukon-Pficific exposition grounds. The staff will be of fir and will be brought here on a special train from Buckley, It will be erected with . ceremonies by the society, l no siair elected on the Lewis and Clark exposi tion grounds at Portland at present j holds the record for tall flagpoles. The long timber will be cut by the ' ''ap 1'oiiibor company at Buckley and In special train of five flatenrs will be necessarv to transport it to Seattle. prnm the (op ()f (,ip (Mlo win ho fhlll(f 31 foot flng. SAN PEDRO LAND FOR MILITARY PURPOSES WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The forti fication appropriation bill passed the senate this afternoon with an amend ment by S.-nator Flint of California in corporated, increasing the amount st aside tor the pnrenas ni im ni-s i l HIi CO Fib. 2-i. Samuel wvman.;"' no. "i"i ,.-,,i,i.lf- 10 vrn. old i being eared for hv the ! effect between stnti ns of the Southern ..,;,. , whom he applied for food and I'p.oifie company and ell points in the I,,. .,..' ,.. i.inir without food for ! I'nitcd States. Ily means of thin system ill roe davs I tickets may be purchased at. Medford ' ' ' i'iT l'.o'7 s iv. Wvman. his father was f'om liny place in the Cnitod States and 1 editor of a small paper in Odessa during ! mailed or telegraphe.l direct to the par t.i ; r,.w;o. riot. Soldiers raided : 'y wishing to como here. Sleeper ac the place ,.;n A i.;- f..,l,n. onH hart two vnioi.i women nt to Siberia, wane Wvman and his mother fled across tne . l.., I.'e.-entlv he has been in Cleve- , lend, b'd work failil'I there, he came to llie.'ICO. ILL BE WAITING AT THE PRISON DOORS SPnKAVF. W -h.. Feb o.-, "I will !" waiting a' the prj,..,l :,ui will tak floors for mv him back and pve with him whm h i" releaser u o Mis. .t. S. Corcoran No. 1 today. "I did T...t want him to go (.. the penitentiarv. l,l was f..rcd to prosecute him to w. :., 1,,-la Marshall." , eicoran l. ft f"r the Walla Wl v.i r.lav. H's U lii ,non nuiithi to fi .'a'' SHOOTS AFFINITY AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 25. One man is dead and a woman nnd a man are suffering from bullet wounds as the result of a Invecra.ed man running amuck through the city streets yester day afternoon. Angered because his wife would not allow him to return home after they had separated because of his avowed love for an affinity in the person of Mrs. Odessa Norris, bet ter known as Mrs. "Billy" Mitchell, Fred Knot. nek, an electrician, shortly afternoon today ran nmuck. Encountering tho Mitchell woman at the rear of a taxidermist's shop on Fourth street, he shot her in the back and inflicted a serious wound. Koth Reynolds, a bystander, was shot through the hand. Then Knobleck rnn into the alley and turning the gun upon himself, inflicted a falal wound. Mrs. Mitchell was taken to a hospital, where it is said she has a chance of reeoverv. EIGHT MEN IMPRISONED BY CAVING SEWER TUNNEL SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 25. After being imprisoned to feet, beneath the surface 24 hours in imminent danger of being crushed to death by tons of dirt as tho result of a en vein in the North trunk sewer near the exposition grounds, the relief parties rescued eight men this morning. All night the res ellers were working. Thev finally broke through to the narrow chamber where j their comrades were held prisoners. Scores of people, including friends and la lives, greeted the prisoners. SALEM MAN FOUND DEAD IN VALE STORE ONTARIO. Or.. Feb. 25. William i istrander. a clerk in Itoswoll 's drug store at Vale, was found dead early Sunday morning. !t is supposed he com mitted suicide by taking poison. Coron er R. 0. Payne will hold an invest i gation. He was about 55 years old. Korea, with its population of 20,000, 000, consumes SM.iioo.OO cigarettes nu ll un 11 v. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. otiee is hereby given that the city ei uneil will receive bids for thr con struction of curbing on (' nlral avenue from Sixth to Kighth streets to a ml in cluding March 2d, 10011. Bids may bo filed will: or mailed In tlio city recorder up to 4 o'clock p. ni. of tho above date. Work to be done in accordance with the specifications for curbing on Sev enth street and may be seen nt the offico of the city engineer or the city recorder. " HUNJ. M. COLLINS, City Hecorder. Hated Ki brmiry 20lli, lBl'tfl. NOTICB. is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on Mr.reh 2, 190il, for licenso to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quan tities than one gallon for six months at lot l"i, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for n. period of r.ix months. GEO. M. NKKDLES. Dated February 17, 1909. Prepaid Railroad Orders. ".Something which i. of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps nor generally known I eoiiiiiio'iaiioiis nu-i moon .-iiiioiiins ,i cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwardnl at the same time." tf XOTK'K TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will he r' reived hv 'he city recorder up to and including March 2. 1909. until 4 o'clock p. m. for the , excavation am! laying of water mains n West T nth street and West Kbv 'nlh street. Plans rui't sp"eifica'ions iir:y be sum at the office of tho city o q oct or ri'y n-eord r. A cer,ifi"il i-'mv k eqi'li to five per cent (5 per ren1) 'tl an-mrt bid must tteonipsry .-!. bid Hv ord -r of city council, February in. 19 Jipi M. ml-UTs's, City Recorder. .4 itxtb fc.itoony te '9 MARDI GRAS DAYS WAY DOWN SOUTH NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 25. With the formal enfy of Bex, the car nicnl is in full blast lu re. The streets traversed by the pageant of reception to the king were congested ami there was an immense uniliitinle on the levee to witness the navil purr. do nnd the lending. All previous records in the matter of Mardi (Iras attendance have been broken this week. The hotel ca pacity has been tented since tho bo ginning of winter, and thousands of ar rivals during the pint ten days had to find accommodations among the board ing houses. Included among tho visitors are many persons of prominence from the north, east and wont, together with the customary large crowds from all sec tions of the south. SENATOR HALE OPPOSES AN INCREASED NAVY WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. Members of congress favoring the provisions of the naval appropriation bill with amend meats providing for an increase of the navy are ready to combat the charges of extravagance made by Senator Hale, who has predicted that if the present ri:te of increase continues it will be necessary to vote $200,000,000 a year two years from now to keep the navy in trim. EXPERTS TO RECOMMEND DROP TEST FOR RAILS CHU'AGO, Feb. 25. At the annual meeting of the American Railway En gineering and Maintenance of Way as social ion, which will be held here on March 10, 17 and IS, a committee of experts will recommend radical changes in the specifications for the manufac ture of steel rails. Tin committee was given the subject for investigation months ago. It is understood that, it will recommend what; is known as the drop test and will present specifications for a drop-testing machine. Tho mem hers have made tin exhaustive research into the causes of broken rails and it is understood to be their opinion that the manufacturers should be made to fur nish a rail that will stand scientific te:(:;. I SOME NEW EMBROIDERIES that will interest every lady in Medford Shown at Van Dyke's New Spring Dress Goods now on display THE KEEL PLATE OF NEW BATTLESHIP LAID CAMDEN. N. J., Feb. 25. Tho keel plate of tho new first-class battleship I'tali, which in to be the equal of any fighting ship in th? world, was laid at the Camden yards of the New York Shipbuilding company recently. There was little ceremony, but the group of naval constructors ami shipbuilders who stood wit h bared heads as tho fault lessly welded steel plate wns adjusted seemed to fell that this was no ordiimry keel-laying. The Ptah is one of tho great battle ships for which an appropriation was made by congress last year. She will lie of the Prcadiiaught class, but superior in many respects, it in said, to her pro totype in the British navy. It is as serted that the builders menn to estab lish a new record for the completion of this giant craft. I f their predictions are fulfilled the Utah will be in rendi ness for her initial dip into the Dela ware on .laimarv 1, 1010. YOUTH STABBED IN ROADHOUSE FIGHT STOCKTON', -ill.. Fi'l. 2.1. Arllnir I'oiily, IS yelirH ulil, Wlla brought to tlio (MiH'rynicy huHpitnl Inst night with three ilei-p xtnh woumlft in Inn neck. Ho Riiiil lie .1 nl nut ri'ini'inlior how ho received IImmii. lie sniil ho went, with einnpnn ionR of Ink own nu;o to n rnnillinimo nnil all lieeinne intimcntoil. Ho iliinly ro tncmlierH tlint fi t'ijlit Htnrteil. I to wns i'mii ml unennseinus nnil investinlion showed he li.'iil been :tnlloil nenrly two ilnvs before ho wns found. JIMMY BRITT SAY8 REFEREE BEAT HIM 1,1'Nl'OW l-'eb. -". PiHi'ilflsini; the derision whiell went nKllinst him on points of his reeenl buttle with John-1 iiy. Summers, Jimmy Mntt of t jilitornin today said: "The referee's ruling llfiainst holding in elinehes wns what bent mo. I would have won in America. 1 wns beaten, but not eonipiered." Kfforts are being mrde today to re inateh Summers nKiiinst Hritt. Sixty years ago the use of flint nnil steel to produi'O :i fire was not wholly unknown. LOCAL OPTION SITUATION IN WASHINGTON DEADLOCK, OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 25. Tho lo cal option situation id still in n dead lock. The Dry apparently are bidding the whip hand. A caucus of tho wets called for last night fell through. This afternoon the house took up the bill passed by the senate prohibiting cnudi dates for office making any pledges under I he penalty of losing their seats. FOR i (lrowa for I'm Iflit Norllintt Brtll ntl Ullmals. Nun tm UplHj t all 1-int ilnlir. Ak for Cum IttKue. H n'i on m i- In our itrl-t lilntrliooil, wril u. vis I ii it ittiin f imr tU-jilt r, ittnl nt- will ntttil wiu inn ki-t of Null it Hi'i-il f rcn fr mir lrinlilt PORTLAND tltOCQ , POUTUND, ORFflON N0 SPOKINI, WA1H r. l : i -v l t. MISDFOR1) SASLI & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Voneered Doors, with Morel Plato, oarried la stock hp. Office FiJtimu and all kindi of Pinning Mill Work, Including Turned Work and Fancy drills. F STKKF.T, BKTWERN SIXTH AND 8 F, OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES Sole .incut in .laclnun county fur tlio STl'DKllAKEB LINE Oi1 AU0 MoWI.KS. Tlio new E. M. F. Stud. Ii.ilmr, ,10 liorao power, ou.r-oyUad.sf medium price Touring Car lias wun tlio rccotiuii.ion and atlsitrafeioB tf ill tunc hitiitits and lias proven itself to In a rcinnrlttiMe vehicle for ItroBtrttL speed and durability. New goods in iill liucH will arrive i tile Otrrt t ncit month nt tbo Htudidiakor warcliouso. MEDFOED, ORBOON. V. t! ll m ni In lis Osgood & Qummins Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Bn$ineerin$ Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, lite. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnage Office Medford National Hank Bid. rv There are nearly 1200 electric railway companies in the United States with a enpitnl over over two hillions. They op evi.te Srt.noo cars over 3S,onO inilci of trai-k. Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor KVKNTH STREETS. AND WAGONS T. W. Olttood YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the Kicfllmi'o uf Oim utealt that art cookeil at thf Kmorii'k Caf H ymm li.ivnii "t already regalvd yourself wiih K'nne of the duliciou dieha that r mirvtid here. If you hiven 't partektn of thru), there is a treat twmltiftf yu that vim will want to repeat ofte. A iiih:iI at the Kmerifk is an eiparia.i. that will make you t.yf lika OttTar Twmt, for mora. 1 - The Emerick Cafe Open All NIM . My Friends