s THE MEDFOllD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKPXiOX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 10CK). Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of iMetU'ord. Pul)lislic.(l evorv evoiiinir except .Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY , George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Fosloffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Out mouth by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 One year by mail. .Ifi.OO ltOLL OF UOXOIt. Every member of the Oregon legislature that worked and voted for the Crater Lake road hill proved himself a friend of southern Oregon. Every one who voluntarily gave time and assistance to the passage of the hill de serves a place on the roll of honor. When any of these gentlemen visit this section, they are entitled to he treated as guests of the community and a visit will prove to each that his efforts are remembered, and that .Jackson county's hospitality is eiiial to ils hustling ability. Foremost on the list of those who niatciially helped pass the bill are those who spoke for the measure before the committees, those who helped in the lobby, and mem bers of the press that placed the bill before the people in such a light that it secured the support of public senti ment. It is now generally conceded t hat no measure passed by the legislature will result in greater benefit to the en tire state, for Crater Lake means to Oregon what the Y seinite. means to California and will open this state to the tourist travel that now yields a golden revenue annually to California. But one paper in the slate, so far as known, opposed the measure, and that was because it was not understood. The Orange, which first opposed the project, withdrew its objections when a full understanding of the means was had, and helped on the final passage. 'apital correspond ents of Portland dailies, the Portland .loiirnal, the Salem Journal, the Salem Statesman and the Portland Spectator, nil did good work for the bill, and doens of other news papers lent their support. The fight in the house was led by Speaker Mi-Arthur, J. A. Buchanan of Koschurg and Allen II. Eaton of Eu gene, who with Messrs. Purdin und Miller, secured its triumph by a vote of 12 to IT. In the senate, L. L. Mulit of Ashland, II. I). Norton of Grants Pass and G. II. Mer ryman of Klamath Falls were the leaders, and their ef forts, which resulted in a vote of 'S, to 7, were well seconded by President .Jay Ioweriuan, C. W. Nottingham and S. ('. Beach of Portland. In the third house in some respects the most important of the three, everyone was for the bill. Governor Chamberlain, who was one of ihose who for mulated the project, aided its passage vcrv inateriaTlT. lie helped draw the bill, comniilled himself publicly to the project in a speech at Salem, and in many ways showed his friendliness during the long fight for ils passage, lie has now approved its passage, and the measure is a law. All other state officials proved good friends of the bill. That all southern ( regon was interested in the measure was shown by the constant presence of delegations of cit izens from many cities, Ashland, Grants Pass, K'oseburg, Central Point, Klamath Palls, Jacksonville and Medford being represented. As for the campaign the result proves it a success. This is the roll of honor in the Crater Lake Temple of Fame : T. B. Kay of Salem, ,1. N. Smith of Salem, M. A. Miller of Lebanon. I. II. Bingham of Eugene, Prank .1. Miller of Albany, Albert Abraham of Uoseburg. L. L. Mulit of Ash land, II. I). Norton of (i rants Pass. A. .1. .lolmsoii of Cor vallis, P. II. Caldwell of Newberg. II. K. Albeeof Portland. S. C. Beach of Portland. John P.. Coffev of Portland. C. AV. Nottingham of Portland. A. A. P.a'ilev of Portland N.J.Sinnott of The Dalles. George II. Meriyniau of Klam ath Fulls, Jay Bowerman of Condon, Y. ('. ('cl,. ,,f ,.n. dletou, C. J. Smith of Pendleton. Turner Oliver of La Grande, J. N. Hart of Baker Cilv. V. N. Barrett of llills boro. In the house Hal I). Paiton of Salem. Llovd T. K'ev nolds of Salem, Louis E. Bean of Eugene. Wiusor V. Cal kins of Eugene. Allen II. Eaton of Eugene, E. K. Apple gate id" Drain. K. E. L. Uedilli .f Bandon, 1. N. Muncy of Gold Beach, J. C. Smith of Giants Pass. I). II. Miller of Medford, M. Purdin of Medford. J. A. Buchanan of Roseburg. P. O. Bonebrake of Philomath. C. L. llawlcv of McCoy. J. V. Bones of Carlton, M. I-'. Corrigan of M,' Minnville, A. G. Beals of 'I iilamook. Charles Ilines of Forest Grove. C. N. McArlhur of Poll laud. James M. Ab bott of Portland. B. C. Altinau of Gieshatu, Pied J. Bradv of Portland, V. .1. Clemens of Portland. K. C. Couch of St. Johns. L. M. Davis of Portland. P.. J. Jaeger of Port land, L. D. Mahone of Portland, Charles .1. McDonald of Portland. A. W. Orton of Portland. John C. M.-Cue of Astoria. II. P. Belknap of Prineville. II. A. Brailain of Paisley, T. J. Mahoney of lleppner, I.. I.. Mann of Pen dleton, C. A. Barrett of Athena, John P. Busk of Joseph, Henry M. McKinney of Erwin. Stephen I-'. Richardson of La Grande. W. II. Brooke of Ontario, William .1. Mar iner of Blalock, J. L. Carter of Hood Kiver, 11. C. Dodds of Dufur. Third house and others W. M. Davis of Portland. W. W. Caton of Portland. C. S. Jackson of Portland. W. II. Wehrung of Corvallis, Oswald West of Salem. Frank A. Suffert of The Dalles. F. M. Warren of Portland. B. I-:. Kennedv of Baker Oil v. Ilenrv M.tiinu of Portland. W. D. Fent'on of Portland'. W. S.' Coke of Marshlield. U. G. .Smith of Grants Pass. J. O. Booth of Grants Pass. E. V. Carter of Ashland. Benton Bowers of Ashland, S. A. Pat tison of Central Point. V. II. Baldwin of Klamath Falls, S. C. Bartruni of Roseburg. B. I-'. Mulkev of Jacksonville. -As for Will CI. Steel of Medford and other Jackson! county points, they're in this hall of fame already. I YOU CAN'T SAVE STRIKES WOMAN WITH BEER BOTTLE at: vrru:. vSihi, , ivi,. .-,. -s.-ns- Ii-hh and with ln-r I'iifK lii-iiti-ii Id h li;iit-U-SH in jim. tin- t iiiily -if n Itiill' breed In ilitjii woman wit found nt tin- fool of i i'l ight ( nt ji irs iu t In- ih'W ( 'iMitrn! hotel by a roiiiiii-r, w!i iiiiiin diatelv no tifii-il Hi'- p.dice. Officers soui ilnT'i.'tfr arretted ob- rl ("anr t wrighf , h..ji of urn- of tin wi -a I ill is l in i-ii nt' NftiluHin.-li county, vut Wn t'uiiiil in ii h;irln'r kIihi wash ing blond front hi hands. He admit ti'il .ttrilciiig l)n' women, Haying In- had UKwJ II Ihi'I- bottle 'l a Wl-.'i ji.tll. hut 4-J:.j iliM sin- firil at ; ;ii-K i-i hint Willi a k n i f e. At tli'- lio;it a I il in tVa ml 1 hi wo in an, wlio gave lirr iiann at Is'ilxd Mr l.i'iol. may have sustained injuries to tto' si, nil ilial niiiv I 'suit fatally. ill JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER On your railroad fare. The law of il common carrier eoiepi-ls eipial rntc wn nil railroad lines YOU CAIN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, faste.t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket rands via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Sliort I ine and Union Pacific riv.-ry la.-iliu f.-r tlm Hiifi-ty ami acroiniiin la tioti of Hi - iassi'ji'r in pruvided. N . change f ear is im'i'i H-ijiry to Den rr, ( ImnliH, Kiiiinas 'it y Chicago. Ihrn't connec t ioiiH arc m;.l' for nil nt ti er jiointH t-Ht niul smitli A. M. Ifi iSKiN HA UM, A'iit, M.-.lfor.L WM. MrMURRAY, Oonovsl rn8CMKT Ajjont, PORTLAND, OR. When You Thir k Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to More Light for Less Money .Sixty-three jmr cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo his. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $ll 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perliour aud would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the ISig Electric Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs .1. A. PKHKY, Vii-o Hresi.liMit. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molonv C K. llilsiniier A. C. Randall .1 L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sub Dividers and Developers Rogue Eiver Valley Or chard Lands, : h.iiro fruit la n ils, bearing 11 ml young orchards in anmll and hire li;irta, for Bttlo. Wo pin nt and enre for on-hards and guarantee property to hi1 :is 11 pri'Sfntcd. Experience Arot Xecessary for those who purchase through ms. They secure the advise and HiTvii't's of it consulting horticulturist, an ipert on fruit cul ture in nil its branches, who fur several yens has exceled in the gr-iwing and shipping uf fruit in the Kogue Ttm-r valley, record ciops. record packs, recrd prices. 1 1 1 Xorth 1) Street, Medford, Oregon QT? T? TTC If vou are looking Oll for a good busi mmmmmmmmmmm ness? choice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY K00M 10 .I.U'KSOX COUNTY HANK lU.lKi. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Conimci-fial Nursery in the Pacific Xorthwest. No, in the combine. Ci.'.-ipetes with all first-flass nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. 0. TUOWBRIDOE, Propih tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Endives, Spraying Outi'itf, Pumps, l.i;:A'is and Machinery. Agents in S'H'tliurn Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. fk Hi:DroRD, OBooir B. State l.). posit"ry Katablitilied 1SSS. f'apitul aEil Surplus $125,000 HesourfOB $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tbi) Jackson County Hunk respectfully solicit!! your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety anil efficiency. We ofl'or tin highest Eltuinment in (lystt-tnatic banking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in si it ut iuu. W. I. VAWTiOK, PrwirtPBt. O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. REGISTER a vow right now that henceforth only th,' best tailoring is gooil enough for yen. Peisoui;! appcai'anco is moro thuu hrlf the buttle for success in life. Whv not. then. ve:'r clothes that uro wor thy of on l "oiiio to us for your tai loring. We will fit you out in suits that will be a creilit to you anil to us. I'iiees that are right. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PA1M BUILDING, MEDFOED, OE. You will find your wife's judgment is nsimlly better Hum your own, ainl you will flint on consulting l:-r that she does nut approve of piiying out tfoo'l, iK'.rd-L'arued dol lars for rent, when there i;ro so at roasoitiitilo figures in Metlfoid. surruiiiKlinga, etc, nii-l her ju Ig seleetion for a home. Bring her "ii of the goo.l things now of- it. It is almost many good properties on ilia market A woman hs a keen eye for lo(':'ioii mont can ho relied upon in making a with yen, ;(;id inaku a personal iinpt d fernig through our agency, and you will never regret time to " make garden, and it in high time for action in securing a homo where you can enjoy the goml thing of life in (his wonderful vul h'y. Don't dt-lay art now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building1, MEDFORD y&rs. Urette Ufampton 3sxac$ "3nstructor of "P1'"1". tlt 5lZctl)o6 Stu6io at Mtstincc. Mortb Oranqc Strtct Compare the Quality It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality nml to that end we are alwavs adding Quality to our line. Tin- lUddition of p-efcrred "stock" makes our line of I, . ii gnule Cpr.ned Oodt most complete. Our service always th? kst and eTery aecom given our customers- Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed