Boost the Development by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES I iv far the lurrfi Kt mij boat news report nf tiny pai'i-r iu Pi'lltlii'rn Oregon, Ofltetiford Daily -Cribune. The Weather The weather man says: We will have continued cloudy and occasionally rainy weather tonight ond tomtimtw. Nnrthely winds. Colder. THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, ORKUOX, TIU'USDAY. KUBUUARY lV. .!0!. No. 291. JDICIA L I 1 ' Jackson and Josephine Counties No Longer Com bined With Klamath and Lake in District Klamath and Lake counties, now com pose t he Thirl ccnl h Judicial district. Th" governor has approved the hill di viding tin First district, which has pass ed linth the house and senate. Tin1 First judicial dist rid was enn stituted by Josephine. Jackson. Klatu nth and Lake counties, lieeause nf poor transportation facilities the district for it miMilifi' of years has been divided into two divisions, designated as the First and Second prosecuting attorney dis tricts. The law as it has been enacted by the 2-"th legislature makes these prosecuting attorney districts fall fh-dg cd judicial districts, of which Josephine and Jackson wilt be the First district and Klamath and Lake will be the Ilhirteeiith district. At present Judge llanna and Judge George Nolnnd are the judges in the district, and the t'onncr will be judge in the First district and the latter in the Thirteenth until successors are elect od. This division of the districts will make no change in the conduct of bnsi l.ess before the courts, as heretofore the business has :ihvays been entirelv sepa rate. PROSPECTOR MISSED FORTUNE WHEN" HE SKIPPED FEW INCHES FOUT JOKS. f ':!., Feb. 2.1. Hen Nonl and the Atterberry brothers have uncovered in (JuartH valley what prom ises to be one of the richest ledges in this region. They stripped l"it feet of the vein, which averaged about 12 inches in width, and t he whole runs above $;t."r pi-r ton, and uiiuh of it is specimen rod:. Cuts made on the ledge at different points for several hundred feet show the rock holds its value wherever touch ed. As the ledge crosses the Gardner & Weed patent ground, Gardner has pur chased the eal interest and will doubt lefs fee tire !i -it of the Aterherry broth ers. J n this discovery t here is manifest what the miners call "hick." Some prospector in the early days of California found :i trace of this ledge and run a cut for .in feet up to wilhlr. one foot of the ledge. Then, for some reason, skipped about two ami a h:ilf feet and again trenched a short dis tance, and finally abandoned the search, after being so near to a fortune. The two and a half feet he skipped held the ledge he was looking for. and it was gleaming with yellow gold. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mr. Sabin of Port hind is busy nt the honrthouse engaged in transferring! a map. Attorneys W. K. Phipps. P. . Xeff, William M. Colvig of Medford and R. G. Smith of O rants P:is were in town on professional business Tuesday. .1. IL I!eeman of Cold Hill was a Jacksonville caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Island and Mr. and Mrs. Will Plaml of Grants Pass were the guests of Mrs. Augusta Helms several days this week. They are on their way to Hellingham n several other points in Washington. H. V. Piatt nnd K. C. Caddis were important visitors at the courthouse Tnesdav. GRILLED SNAKE AND ROAST MONKEY ON MENU XF.W YORK. Feb. 2.". Deviled whale blubber, grilled boa constrictor and roast monkrv are among the delicacies on the menu of the seventh annual din ner of the Canadian Camp, which will be held nt the Hotel Astor on Tuesday I evening. March 2. fireat disappointment has been expressed because a consign meat of dried elephant from Calcutta hn ht-rn deUyrd in shipment. There will e. b at th- dinner. proTidrd th ip-aW mirviv tb repH. XJEAD COMPANY FOLLOW 8 STEEL TTtOST'8 METHOD PlTTSBCTMr, Feb. -J.". -Following the leading of the I'nited Sli'M corporation the Nation::! Lead ...mia has deelar.d an -pen mark-t t-r 1M and il- product. Thi -wv i op..y nd.-.tted to be due to the discovervtha- the iu.le,.M,dent l-rel c.mpam cul.n-u lat contracts. cvt-rv iinti'I t'i OLID IS VICTOR IN LAW SUIT City Gan Now Resume It's Work on $80,009 Muni cipal EledriG Power and Light Plant Fudge liunna of the circuit court on Wednesday afternoon issued a decree lissolving the temporary injunction :i gainst Ashland iu the suit nf the Ash and Klectric Light coniimnv to ure- ent the city from putting in a munic- pal power plant, and the city is reliev- I ot interference in prosecuting the work. The case, involved an $so,000 oid issue by tho city. The hearing on the motion to dissolve I'sumed three days last week. Colonel Wood of Portland and Ed Briggs of Ashland were attorneys for the citv and Hough of Ornnts Pass and A. R. If eat ties f Jacksonville for the light company. NEGROES HOLDING GREAT PROHIBITION CONVENTION ATLANTA, On., Feb. 25. Represen tive negroes from all over tho conn- are in Atlanta today and make up tho attendance nt the first national rohihitiou convention over held by the rdored race. It is declared by dele gates that liquor is the greatest foe to lie progress nf the race, nnd they will eek to add their influence to the pro i;bition campaign which has been wng- 1 iu the south by the whites and which tas already resulted in making Oeor ia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee ud North Carolina wholly "drv." Res olutions especially pointed nt the manu facture of "nigger gin and other heap liquors, especially designed for ale in the negro resorts of the south. II probably be passed. Prominent white men, as well as negro clergymen, educators and physi- i.'ins, will address tho sessions during he next three davs. Tho loaders in the eruent make this announcement re garding its purpose: It is intended to make the meet- i.g an epoch m the history ot 1 ho negro ate in the south, and we are deter- nined to prove to otir worthv white riends that we are re profoundlv eon- rued iu the great moral movement as inv others. "This is the first g'-neral effort made iv our people in this direction, and it is nr purpose to make il in every way a iiemornble one. ' ' CARBARN HOLDUP TURNS OUT MOTORMAN SPOKANK. Wah.. Feb. 2". "What's the ue of lving I'm man." confessed .lames Miller, a motor, man. who was taken from his car today and charged with being the masked bandit who. single handed, tried to hold up the carbarns of the Washington Wa ter Power company early yesterday morning. After capturing the watch man he locked the door of the office. where two clerks had been checking the night's receipts of about 000, and he robber left without getting a cent. He was formerly a convict at alia Walla. BURGLARY INSURANCE RATES TO ADVANCE NKW sttranco d Stat YORK. Feb. 2-". Burglary in companies throughout the ln i t have decided to substantially increase their rates, because nf the many recent burglaries. This was decided upon a! a recent meeting in Philadelphia, al though it did not b"eome known until vesterday. The increases are to include the rates to banks nil over the country :'iid all classes of burglary insurance in .w York city. PORTER BILL IS KILLED BY UNITED STATES SENATE The Porter bill, which aroused the iie of the northwest fruitgrowers, has been Uilt-d by engross, thus p leasing the apple men of this section, who re cently, in eon iunef ion with those of nth dace. passed resolutions again" n. TREMBLERS tt . . SIT. t"iia. . II. Kv l,k. n,V, i" p;r;'il'l tb f Mm- ... --t. tlif, niin:n; Tftt M ffu ih'. t'im' 'veri-inR nV.,,lit 4 ft TTfi in. r i ') !' tie it'' were awotiw iiuiii 0 M eoor.b. m,a tk -tt-t'- 1 mm at4 r,ti,.., t,, thn ,l,,'.r.. ton W tni'iipl'int; mi'liT f""t n i''"r' of women nti.l i )iil'lr-n. LEASES ARE TO OPERATE WILL PLANT GIVEN BY NEW QUARRY MANY TREES RAILROAD AT GOLD RAY ON STREETS Lumber Company Given More Land lor Yards Pleased by Crater Lake Bill Passage "Medford is growing ko fast and her prospects are so flattering for increas ed railroad business, that wo have been forced to refuse many requests for laud along the right of wav for the use of lumber yards and similar purposes," i said Superintendent W. A. Fields of the Southern Pacific railioad. who spent Thursday iu Medford examining condi tions. As a result, be irave the Med ford Lumber company and the Woods Lumber company tracts along the right of way north of Kighth street and to the (tig Pines Lumber company a tract ad .joining their present vard, south of Sixth street. The leasee will enable the Medford Lumber company to move their yards from South C street and provide extensions for both the other lumber van Is, 'These are the last leases for lumber yards Unit we can give at Medford." continued Mr. Fields, "and we have lie vera 1 other application!:, but. all the land will be needed for warehouses in the immediate future. It ban been esti mated that a thousand carloads of fruit will be shipped from here this year, and as the ratio of increase grows with each year, the railroad will need nil of its land not covered with warehouses for switching purposes." Mr. Fields was very much pleased with the passage of the Crater Lake rend bil land asserts that it will mean more to this country than any one thing that ever happened. Within a year, he predicts, all railroads will be advertis ing Crater Lake iu every magazine and newspaper of the country, as they have in the past advertised the Yosennto and Yellowstone. POLICE CAPTAIN KILLED IN DUEL WITH ROBBER OLFAX, X. V,, Feb.. 2o. In a hand to hand pistol duel with Nelson Dossier of Merlin. Out., whom he caught in the act of robbing the office of the Dronv Lumber company today. Police Captain Timothy Unset t was killed by a shot through the head. TVssb-r was shot four times. lie. escaped, but was cap tured. REBEKAHS HONOR THEIR STATE PRESIDENT Initiate Three Cnndfdntcs Jovial Re- ! ception Is Held Over Twenty five Visitors Present. 1 Olive llebekah lodge. n. S. held n special meeting at their hall on Wed nesday evening in honor of 1 he state president, Mrs. Mary Smith of Omuls Pass. Three candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order. Following lodge a reception was held, there being present about L'.T visitors from Jackson ville. A short musical program was rendered, after which all retired tn the banquet room, there to complete the festivities of a most pleasant evening. The committee in charge was as fol lows: Mesdames Smith, Wing nnd Olen and Misses Diudos and Mcpherson. DECISION AGAINST FOOL TECHNICALITY OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 24. The su preme court has decided against the city of Seattle in a damage suit brought by John W. WurstT, whose Id year old son was killed by a live wire. The su perior court of King county threw the ease out because the plaintiff had failed to state in his compleint his place of residence for a year previous to the ac cident. The supreme court held that th'S was unreasonable and ordered the ease to be tried. PUNCH B0WL TO ' 'WATER MSTAOOV MAN WAHIIf M"iTt IS". IVV K-prinon- i.4 taA'jt-BM en ''drv olat - - - - - - ' , i . ri-Yl t 10 T'I? CriV0e --, 1 u, I h -1 .t ...- .v. T. A. rt -,;! H IK M u r ooo? ' bt t tfl W 4 utlnwAl tit i! Irli'iiitOOllBMbO 9 iV&tW$tte&Xto' Superintendent Fields of Southern PaciliG Gives Rates and Will Put In Side Track The stone qur.rry lit Gold Kay is to be operated upon a larger scale, accord ing to Dr. C. It. Kay of the Condor Wa ter and Power company. Superintend ent Fields of the Southern Pacific spent Wednesday looking over the quarry and il i.i understood satisfactory rates have been secured for shipping the rock. The granite is of a fine quality, suitable for building. Crushed rock for roud pur poses, for tirck ballast, as well us de composed granite, will also be supplied. ent nt ugal pump will be installed and gravel pumped from the bed of the st ream ami lake for ballas; ami road building, and loaded r.u cars. Superintendent Fields also has ar ranged tor the building of a switch at (iohi Kay, and the installation of a sys tem of block signals, f.o that all danger fi mil crossing t he track to reach the bridge will be eliminated. The block system will release compressed air from tK power house, which will blow whis- t'es :o warn those apprcachiug the track. :is idl as flash danger signals. The railroad at pri sent round:: ihe quarry, which is tinted upon the bluff above the edam on tie west side. Ac the work on the quarry progresses. and the rock is removed, it will enable t he railroad to abolish t he dangerous ( urve now rounding (he bluff WOMEN BESIEGE THE NEW YORK LEGISLATORS ALBANY. X. V., Feb. "."i. Women of all suits, sizes ant conditions, worn en in all walkH iu life, from scrubwom en tn fair professionals and million aire's wives, women of all ages, clad in all sorts of clothes, pretty young women iu the fluffiest ruffles and hard visaged sisters of doubtful age hun dnds of women, bound together by the ties of a single hearted purpose, swarm ed into Albany today and besiege the l.-slnl ive halls to demand of the mere ni'-ii who make the laws the sacred ri-M of tin ballot. There were also anti suffragists, the dogs In the manger, who do not want to vote and who de in. Hid that all ot her women shall be kept from voting, and these made al ni'ivt w in in-h of a clamor, although fewer iu number than the suffrage sis- tcil, I. Tin senate judiciary commit s! oriu cider nnd t he pub .0 Seiial ir 1 1 ill 's proposed 1 amendment, which would r s. th right to vote -late, was the cause of all ' DON'T MEET ME ANY MORE IN SAN ANTONIO SAX ANTONIO. T Tourists who flocked t .,r stopped oer en rout , Feb. Sr:n Antonio r en route to Mexico, in llIM'.t wi lit ittnict'-d l.v l,m'H " pen town in America ' 'ihe wiliest open toWll ill America are this winter sniffing with disgu it and branding tin- Alaino city as n It is i'.II because a h;ivi ' ' piker tow n f moral reform ha struck the city lith the result that the famed gam bliior houses, once wide open, ere now operating under cove--, and cock light bur once tin- delight of tourists from the north, hai been abolished. Other amusements for which San A ntoiiio iv on fiiimois have ,.f tin' hnv. .-! ill'1 r.-ti :i ii. of tin- '" w.iif. "1 'II Mi-i-t Yen in S:in An Imiiu o ci." is ii" l..fT wnrlili 'l l.y tl" llil,i I l..nrils. I Ik- .wl ii rmr" sti.PTi' il fur wri'kfl. it m.w rn . Ii,. fruiti tin' triiin. El t :tii:i l:i t;il;i" ii t"-i'l nt tin' Ahimn iiikI rniti'-n ,in f,,r Mi-xi'o. 1 SHORTIE" OARNETT GETS "WRITEUP" IN TRADE JOURNAL Tlic 1'il.niiiiy issiif nf the "H.'inl niiri' Vild." n tniilo .imirnli I. nipi'r with :i half r'.-iL"1 '. "f "Sh.irtn r:,.r,,.,it ,,f tlii. ritv 11 writiuii nf Miilfonl ami I'l'.il lianlivari' hiiini Tin' rut i f"ll".,l liv tho followiTig tnlinti' I" Mr. Carintt: 'H 'iariii-tt, t.'-ttcr known to hi friomls li 'Shi, rtio' filirni'tt. til'- nrwl iloiti-.l i.ri'iiiloiit "f tlif Orison Itar.1 :1r,. Ihalirn' aNHorillt ion. While liin fri. n,N f iliarly fall him ly lii nick iiaiiu'. it it ii "iitv in (ho naino that r.dld bj. !:,! 4. fM- ho ' liw 0 , JtWv il H t tot adies of Greater Medford Club Confer With Super intendent Smith Regard ing Matter Ladies of the (Ireater Medford club e planning to plant more than 10,000 hade trees some day in the near fu ture along the streets of the cttv. Mnv- ir Canon will issue a proclamation set- ng the date as a imiiday nnd Supenn-i-ndeiit Smith of the public school will e asked to have all the school children f tho city co operate. A fund for sup lying the trees will lie raised. The city engineer will bo asked to st oldish grades and lay off lines so that the work will be uniform through t he city. t 'erlain trees will be losignated for certain streets ami the work be done in a scientific nyinner. WESTON NORMAL PEOPLE WILL NOT MAINTAIN SCHOOL WFSTOX. Or.. Feb. 'J.5. Weston nor- nal will not continue if the citizens here must maintain it. The general feei ng is that Weston residents have given t he state enough alreadv, having do ited ten acres of ground nnd a brick oiilding and subscriptions iu money at lifferent times. They care no longer to uipport a stale school. WANTS DAMAGE FOR TREE ON WHICH NEGRO HUNG MOItllJ-:. Ala.. I-Vh, "."I. Suit will be filed in t he law and enn it v court igainst the board of public worliH for lifting down a tree on the property of Mrs. Haas. It wan on thin tree that the negro Richard Itobertsou was Ivnch I on January L'l. The board of public works ordered t he tree cut down be- i-ause of morbid curio seekers- hacking lie tree with hatchets and kniven. JAPANESE PROVINCES WILL ATTEND EXPOSITION TllKIO. I'ob. L'ii. Ashigakn ami Kirin nrovinci's ot Jupnn, lim-o canccli'it llien- rcent nctioii in deciding not to atletwl he Scuttle exposition, and today took steps to send a large delegation. The linage in sentiment is further shown ty the roipiest by the government to the liet asking for n large expenditure for nglo .Inpanrse contributions. GREATER MEDFORD CLUB GIVES DANCE TONIGHT Pleasant Time Is Promised for All Who Attend Committee Has Been, Very Busy With Preparation.. The Indie of the Creuter Medford bib o,ivo uiiother of their pleasant ko iiil iI.'iiicch ;il I he A ngle oprra houiie ttiiiight. The committee on arrange ments h;is dmie r ervl king possible to ike tlic affair a miccetis. Ila.elrigg'i on lieslra will funiirdi the uiiivic. Mo- graml tua re n win mart at ii harp. INTERESTING PICTURES SHOWN OP EARTHQUAKE Four enple hundied and nixty steven local i.ited the Savoy theater Wed lav evening to nee the t'.nO foot film portraying the effect of the earth ii:iki' and tola! wave in Keggio and Medina, the two cttie which were en tirelv dctroved bv a convulsion of mature in January. The film is ex eeptn.natly interesting, giving ii Kplen did idea of the horror of the greatest ealainitv in the history of the world, i n which '' V..0oii dead is a con Her va live estimate. The rapid time in which t he film reached America show.t what n splen did t-ef' ii " the moving picture llOWrt have. It is really worth while. The ame picture wih be shown again tonight. GOVERNMENT GUARANTEES BONDS FOR RAILROAD F.DMONTON. Alberta. F-b. 2",-- The A Iberia govern merit today decided to guarantee t lie bonds f the Canadian Vorthi'in. Craod Tronh railways for n non, oil JW voUh of lr through the tnritikfv. PiAtttkuihrv t liittibpf -if 11 :'Jl4 r'!' Wiling vesseh rifjpilarly plv Uie lOnnQ. TO KEEP UP SCHOOL TO YEAR'S END Ashland Resident States Plans are Being Mads to Raise Subscription to Maintain Normal "AshtnnJ ritizi'iiA nro plnnuing to kfop the normal m'liool alive until tlif fiul of the Nrliool year by popular aub- mTiption, lint il in ilnulitful if tho of tort will In- maili' to rontinni! it lung "" malfii Hohort I.i'uiinril of Alilun,l, nlio was a Mr, llonl visitor Tlinrmlny. "Ashlaml pooplo, am most loyai to tlio schoiil," ho I'ontinncil, "but of foni-si' If tho Hflltimont of tho Htato in aoainat nonnaln, nml nil ni-n tn bo kill oil, tho hoiilonsnoH of tlio oailHo is apparonl. Vol if wo ilooiilo to ga nil. 'ail, tho Hchnol run bo kont onon. Tho Iroublo will bo that our biir bonil ino for a municipal lighting ami pow er plant ami our program of pavod shoctH will mnko any nililitionnl ox ponso, liko tho normal, a hanlnliip upon 'ho pooplo. "If tho ai'liool in I'loRi'd tho proporty whii'h is now iu tlio pity limits wiil probably bo ilooiU'd to tho pity nml will in all probability oontiniio to bo usoil for school purposes, oithor ns a public i'Iii 1 or router nn n privato or bonnl- i nil school. In nny event, there will be a school there. " , The stuilciit boily anil tonoliora at the Aihlainl norinnl nro loyal to tho Rehool nml are en oporntinj; with the citizens, but. nccorilinir o Soorelary C. T. Starr of I ho boanl nf iioriual school rofrontn, the Haul action of (ho boanl wnn to turn over the throe norinnl nchools tn I heir own resource. Should tho Bchnols. Vshlainl among thoni, bo so iuclinoil anil able. Ilii'.v will continue until .Juno a oil the present senior class will be able to complete their course. Otherwise the schools will be ilirectcil by the boanl to graduate their classes, disorganize nod close their doors. ASSETS OF DEFUNCT BANK INCREASED - tilt AMMO, Or., Feb. 25, I'hIchn the unforeseen oceur.i the n.A 'efunct FarmerH & Traders' National will so,, n become richer by $S,()no. Wal ter M. I'ierce, president of the light '"mpaiiy. has a elieek of approximately siio ready to turn over to the receiv- r-dnp and Henry Striker is expected produce .f 10,0(10 tomorrow morning. Fx Ciishier Scriber arrived Inst nii'lit to hurry along the HeltlemeiilH started by Attorney McMahou. In return for Ihe check from Fierce it is Knid thnl McMahon in to give Pierce tsooo In fllectric Light puny bonds and about 'i'-O sharcH now in posseHsion of Scri ber. SEATTLE MAN LEAVES MONEY TO THE POOR SFATTIJ-:, Wash., Feb. 2.1. Hv the terms nf the will of Henry A. Dearborn, a well known pioneer, who died recent ly. the deserving poor of this city are bequeathed properly valued at .10.0(i0. The bequest is left in charge of three trustees, who are empowered to either improve the property and devote the income to the object specified or to sell it at. once. Mearborii was a native of ew (lamp diire and had been f ugage! in real es tate business here for more than .10 years, lie was noted for his many acts ot philanthropy. HISTORIC OKLAHOMA CVASE IS DISMISSED I'FlfRV. Okla.. Feb. 2i. A suit f. foiHififi damage for alleged false it priotimeiit in the K'inviis penitentiarv, tiled by Ira .V lernll against President Ifoosevelt former governor Ferguson of okdahoma territorv, and other officials lias been dismissed. Terrill was former ly populist leader of the Oklahoma ter ritorial asseinblv. lie served a term for murder, but al ways alleg. d he was wrongfully im prisoned and that his incarceration wan t he result of a conspiracy bet ween ter ritorial and federal officials. Terrill ."ined his freedom about two years C"- GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN LEAVES FOR EAST SOON .aLI-:V. n.. fob. 2.V (iovernnr h:iniie in vvrkt8 lard to com DW) 104 B V' heaped upon ha 6 eo ff o WtfvVt$Mi jo' Itf Att( a r ajed 8h atmo . By wdl go not later I OHO 'Ob fioO VS S)w3 week. CENSUS OF MEDFORD BE TAKEN City Council Takes Matter Up at Request o! Elks to SeGure Local Lodge Will Soon Organize At u Hpecial meeting of tho city eoun it held Thursday aflernoou a census tif the city of Medford was decided lpon, nnd Mayor Canon instructed to mploy eeiiHus enumerators, The action was taken at tho request of tho Elks, who desire to establish a local lodge, llefore mich a lodge is Installed, the population of the city must bo shown by official census to exceed .1000. All eei pen sen of the enumeration will be borne by the Flks. T he following resolution was adopted: Resolution. Kesolved, That n census of tho city of Medford be taken forthwith for tho pur pose of determining the total number I mini bit a ut 8 nf tmid city. IteNolved further, That said census be taken under the direction of the mayor of said city, and that he bo and is given authority to seeuro and employ such enumerators, and other assistance as he may deem necessary for said work and also to procuro th requisite blanks, .lationery ami supplies therefor. The foregoing resolution was declared adopted on the following vote: Welch aye, Merrick aye, F.merick aye, Wort man nye, Fifert aye, Deminer absent. W. H. CANON, Mavor. Attest: HFNJ. M. COIiMNN, City Recorder. WOMEN OF HIGH SOCIETY QO TO JAIL LONDON. Feb. 2.-1. A number of suf fragette of high social position in tho I'tiited Kingdom were today sentenced to jail for participation in yesterday's demonstrations, when scores of women attempted to force I heir demands upon t he premier. Mrs. Patrick Lawrence, the lender in 'he riot, was convicted, and pentonce-d hi three mouths in jail. Lady Constance Lytlen, ii sister of Lord Lytten, Daisy Solomon, a daughter of the former pre mier of South Africa, and others wore fiveii terms nf from one to two months a jail. FRENCH GOVERNMENT WILL CONSIDER RATES I'AItIS, Feb. 25 The delegation of xporters which yesterday called unon M. Cruptii, minister of commerce in onnection with American customs du ties, vtHiled Premier Clemeneemi nnd Foreign Minister Pichnn today. The premier stated that the French gnvern- nent already had been occupied with onsuieration of tho questions aris- ng out of the proposed increase in the tariff and would give special attention to the delegation's demands. WILL MAKE NEW SUEVXY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER VANCnirVFR, Wash., Fob. 25. Will P.. DuUois. chairmnn of tho Commercial dub deep waterway committee, recelr ed a telegram this morning from Con gressman Jones saying that f.'OOO nail been secured for tho new survey of the river between Vancouver and tho mouth of the Willamette and that a fund for the maintenance of the present channel had been provided for in the river nnd I. arbor bill, this available fund heing 1 7,000. TWO BUROLARS LOOT STORES AND SALOONS OAKLAND, Feb. ". Kight stores and natoon burglaries, which bear tho mark of being the work of the same two men, and the cracking of a safe kept bv Harbor bulge. Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, at Alcatraz hall, Seventh and Peralta streets, were per petrated in this city last night. In Alcatraz hall, where the lock of the safe owned by tho Odd Fellows bulge was smashed with a sledge ham mer, the result of the burglary whs $K7 in silver. RESTORE MARINE CORPS TO SHIPS FOR PACIFIC WASHINGTON', F;'b. 2.". The house t nday adopted the conference report on the naval appropriation bill, carry ing nearly I Further cor ference with the setarfe committeo was ordered relative tm AVrtnces over the estii4li4atf n iflA.aV base outside W 8i Iic asnl restoring the ma ' itrs1 to shifts so that tho Pncifie niii be guarded by tho half fleet.'