AIT Building Material Should be ordered at once to insure PROMPT DELIVERY as the coming year will be the Greatest Construction Year in Medford's History LUMBER, LATH, ROOFING and CEMENT BEST QUALITY carried in the city at LOWEST PRICES in any quantity desired. Social and Personal !uy K. Tex hiei Iim'i- .'ppointcd n lit-t niriHtor of Central I'oint. t J'hono your orders for sweet en-am or "buttermilk to Hot creamery. ! .1, W, Lawtoii v::( i rrvi-il visitor in it run tit Pass, V Lynn I'nnlin Mf the Cold Hill New a a Medford visitor Tuesdny. V Order for mv-ct . or buttermilk prompMy filial. Hione t In creamery. Itnolb J.. of (Vntr.ti I'oint tniMsji.-t l listsmri in M lt'irl Tue-dny, - A. Wilson made -i hurry tii visit 1 Aittland Tuesday. v 1L C. 4tiirni'!t visited Crants l':iss re c-ntly. iitbhe stenographer. Office over Hi oii theater, .'tome M;ifn :t(7 1 . " .1. I.. It 1' S:im V:illoy was ., iv rem .Medford visitor. S;o the pictures of llio i:ullnii:ilit' in Italy nnd Sicily (it llio Snvoy Wi'.lto-s day mid Thursday. LMII Miss M in ih Kiucaid has returned to lier home near l-'lonuce lt.u k :i It r visit ing in Medford. Kiln, (inunyuw, 1 1 1 T stenograph r. room 1, Pul tn building. " Ed Walker v;ih ;i recei.t visil. .r in Kngle Point. Howard S. Dudley l.tliniod Wed ; iltiv from a short, linnoi'ss trip l I'ort Intnl. ('. T. Vernon of N;f:nnent o is spend ing it few days in Mcdturd. .1. C. IVndlctoii of Tul. I, l.'orl; sp. nl Tuesdny f n Medford. M rs. K. It. Ihiulcy and Mi-s Ali.. Mauley Hpcnt Tn.-mlnv in Medford. Mr. Illlllloy :nt'Mtui;iliiil 1 hern. M. l Ilanl.v i-, i-itir.g with lii l.rothiT, Will Hanl.v. in l-.-nhni.t. I. II". SiniHi. circulation manager of (hi Oregon .lourtinl. kii( Wduesdiiv in Medford looking after l li. inln.s.s of Ins paper. .Mm Wiikelev, tin- popular ivpivsou tutivi; of ! u list & Cii., is visiting m . t others in tin- valley. C. I.. Million of tlx- I'a.'it'i.' Paper roinpllli v is atnnlij; tit nlh-v ruito til ITS Oil Ills' lllolltlllv V I HI t . It. A. Kouli-y ami .n ,.f ti, lf,.Hl,.v roppor nun' lit the , I'M ( K Oil 1ll( I'lllpipiH ill 1.1". v.,ll , nt".itil v in M.Mlforcl. 'aptain .1. 'I', i . :,h. ,,, r of llio :hIi liot.'l bin ltlti. I i-s aiiivnl fioin M.-rkcl.-y 4o look o . i pin for tin rill:trjfiiirii1 of I ln l ni.t n r.-. Tho IjOlivrr vvili';t to annoiitn-c Hint liny liavi iitlilr.I wall I- i;i : inoiii injj uporialtii'K. llr lot try out Mr. Wlntnov u::i Luu-.M rl.ty ll'-n lo t 1 1 -a ill t : n :nv:i v SfVi'lltll str.-t 'I"ii.-h..,v ;:t,, i JttT toil's (llllliat: .lime. Tin groat ot Jinrror in I li -t ury. tit. 1 tnlrin . I h ) i i lo HIM.t..,- n Wo::! HI. o p:rt nrc Vi H lio fhown ai tho S:u.iv .l-rmh-v t:ii.1 'Nuirstiv. Dr. .1. M. IV, ,.1. . t . i , ,.; pHyt'liic from ht.iia. .a U:r- nroinxl tin1 wtM iimi.-- w.ii ,,..,1, ill ill.' li. U lurl It li;tl, , i , t S,! I, ( t! tit vfv h, at T p ii.. l" l it t -n , . .. nin, Vrltrnarv '.'. Hi- -nl-ir.i 11 ... ' Whit.-. niM.i :n..l t:i:.v M.i.: , v,.lMl ualiton." All jhImii. .I i ! A., :s !i. n!! lirf.r liitti. A-'Inii-imi t.i" i lection wilt lie t a I-.'ii 1 1' .! ;"i . pi - - Vou Are Goini to Build WOUNDED MAN ALLEGES PATROL DRIVER SHOT HIM rllK'AOt. I'-.-l,. I'l. Tln'o.loro Di.ii oil, artl -I. was fotiml inn-oiixioils t ail.v toiluy on tlio wtn-ot iiirt'crino; from a 1 1 1 1 1 1 t w.iiin.l in l" iii;lit si.lo. 11-ii'ot-r in in- op.'iat in loom of a ln: pi-al aiil tol.l lln- atlt-n.latits a .Inn of having lnt'ii shot Ity a patrol driver. The iMt'.r. on ln-i'i; in'ei luntiil li ie' it i es, s:i ill lie ).;:d an oik liter iMlh the u.niiole.l mail, hut haI n .1 u-o'.l a revol or. I iji 'ierl i'..ri.itiii ih said to he serious. The eonfMrtinK sto riet n i.' In' i n o; invent iy;- te.. " TOT CRUSHED BY CAR AS MOTHER LOOKS ON rIK'Aa. Vk Six-ye(ir-ohl A lies.- slippnl on the cat 'r.-'r'.s ami u;ii run 'Ihuii and killed liv ;i -lii'ot i-ii r Ullhlti ."jll fret of lor hoinr h" t n i lit . Her runt he -, who vvat await hi- the rdilil's i-etill'l flolli llio I se of :i neit,'hhor. witnets-'l the aeci'ltiit from a window. The cirv. two p.. I iirinr ti and livwtand it ; w. uked tiaiitii-ally to lift the ,-ar ami .-lease the .hild. hoping to find her 'lie. Tiny found i neeer'sary to re movr pait of the tru.k liefore thev le tin- liorly. SAW BATTLE BETWEEN MONITOR AND MERRIMAC NKW VOKK. Cel.. apt:tin W. II. viiiiho, who w:i.i in roinuiatid of the '.-.-' Nlaml 1'i'y. whi. h was a sup ly ship to i hr famous Monitor during l!.;.' t-ivil war. dn-il y.-terdny at In liome n l'luviinL', I,. 1. ('upturn N'viuiuo ar iM.I ;.t ll.iioi'ion h'-.uds will. Ins ship th.' ni..:hl Iu'luir tli ' Monitor met (lie Men il"a.'. a ml as ;: a eve w ii uess to ilie t,,u In !..!;. lit; lit, lie was horn n X irtni.-i in Ivlii, widow and n'Vi'ii . hil.ln-n sun iu. ! BRYAN'S LETTER TO BE USED AS LAST RESORT IlKNVri; t VI.. IVi.. '2 -The repnl. !i.:.M v;lVs i. uu tliut W .1. Itryan afln it interview with S,al liVpi esen t a 1 1 e lli. U, iiuthor of tin- llo-k' S I direct primary law, in Mr. Hicks nte.l that Mr. Ilrvan aniioniico his position with H'i:ard to the h:w even inoic tin etjuivocally than ho did in his address to the I. t-hiture, left II sealed h tl.-i Htr'lini his pesitnoi, v liich is to lie used in the lust result. It ts lielieved tli:tt . he letter will have the effect of unit Hie opposition factious ill the loojs !;,tuie on the loll, if other means fail KING ALFONSO WITNESSES BIO SKIING COMPETITION I'Af, l'i;u.,e. Vl.. -J I. Kmi Alton i. , . i H alt. a. ted ?. i till muss at th. In-. h :il el Si. laitili. Tlie vu,red . is p,-, - kI.-.I .v (tu.-. n Isul.elia in Iv A We.e ..-d III Hi.' s. Mm s tt- 1 ! Ml, - r t i. r r I ti pt i..-i rd. d lo uu It 'Mm -. V I.' I- lo- Wl;.i ss, , (h ' -Mint do Me 1 1 . I . "I tlo' I. inc. hi i ,n M.dtoid I .'! 'I.'' f'i'iir. wMh viii. N.i t'uiitr.i.'t ' ....'I' Sit ifmt inn L. l. BRAN i '( NTIi A ( "Vi 'K AND lU'lLPFK. Medfurd, tr (oii. o UEDVOHD DAILY TR1 WUAfE, MEDFORD, ORKOOX. f AMUSEMENTS. f Earthquake Pictures at the Savoy. Mo vino; pi.-tnns of the late earth .piake in h.ilv .vud Si. ily w ill .e shown ut thcSui theater tollnjht nd Thi day. This hi.rrihi- Mi.!,- : .-ru-t eaii-d !.- I. homel..,,. u f. , ;t-f:tT.-d :itd : .r:o t - The ,r. - d.-vastat. d t..v. r- .... . 'e.s , pie :tl,i t"- heinu' car-d f..r l.v -1 t ii.tis. It is the .'! - I- t-l! a! pu-ture or whowti. painting -th -1 :t rt f i n '.lll.-ss the .orr.r- tdhWifj; in the wake of this t.-rnhh- i-alam it v. Other f.;t ! llffS W ill he -diowil. hoors will hr op.-n :t 7:l"i to ai-coin : late t he i lowds. i ,,i ai ly ami avoid tin- Mish. Admi-si,,,, nr. Now Postal Ruling, A ih-w iii.ler has just I n isMiie.l I'V I lie pi loffi.-e dep;tlleni K.'inl 1 11 ihe mail ii l; p.'st cards which have nits. I. yluss. mi.ii. etc.. on the hack. Ileieaft. r all siu h cards inii-.t lip en dosed in a seahd envelope. This hiis llie effect of If. pi i I i ;i l' cent stamp n each .-aid maih-.l. if- no sealed mat tor can yo l hioith t he mails for less th:-n "J cents. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. A lai(,'e coiiMt.-ut i. ) was present last sahhnl Ii imo nine; to lo ur the pastot -i.a.h on the 1,-M r in l.uke III. !:ii. At the conclusion of ; !:' discourse no were admitted by certificate. It wonderful li"W this chu'eh is j-iow A ec ess inns are mado evei v Sab !' -ill. The cot I a ye piaver nie.-ln.e f,,i his week will he held at the home of Mrs. Datiiel I'lav Wedties.luv . 'veiling. nb je. t. ' The liur.-h a -el :'n h Cent ury I'hllist i. " I't.iv. r llieetino at tin- hutch Thursday e en no. Subject. here the t'liimtiau li.'S Hi- K.piip 11. tit. " Til. Methodist l.iollu -hood Will el :it th.- . h l' -d:n e .-uttiU' to tr: nsa.-t imp. r,;"'! brsjf.' s. j. c. MORp.rr- of s p SAID TO HAVE RESIGNED l;osi:i:i'h'i;. or., i-'eb. l'I. - it is ru 0. 0ed in 1o,:d iuilro.1 I circle-; that G. C. M orris hus resigned as ;ssist a lit super nteiidriit of the South. -ru Pacific lines ii Oreo.m. and that he will be succeed -.' bv i hatles W. Mu;-:vu. for the past 1. nir cats chief train dispute her at lies. -bare;. Martin is now in Portland, tnd the rumor cannot b coiifinned. In 1 e . vent of Ins proiilot ion, the position !' i ho f liatti her. it is report I. will full to K. t. IVnora. present Mist assistant. It is Morns to enter the servo Iwavs at iVr-lan.l. Hi'1 Liiitcd , i - - ' WOMAN KILLS FRIEND WITH "UNLOADED" GUN r VOHK.Keh.2i- " unl.ovd d" 4i 1 1 1 1 W.I- the emit. of th- deslh of K.lwaid Staiib in the proiiv thm morn nt: Ma ttb di.d after havnm be. u shot i Mis Murv Sehuii Ih. inio ut the hit tel 's home. Die woman was luindliug a supposed mpty pistol and pntletl tin1 trigger in i.-spniis. to Stuub'n jesting command to shoot him. The victim was an en invr. M-'W VOb'K. Feb. Jt.--.lohn Arbuck ..who has been charge of the attempts taise the eurisor Yankee off Spin !l. lock, announced today that he is H. gotiating with the government to raise the Maine, sunk mi Havana Imr bor. Provisions of New Gamo Law. Heaver Closed itlltil 1!H'I), lhick deer Opon .July lo to Xovcin her I. Limit, three deer dnriiio; HeaHon. fo..s and t'urry cuuntieH open Jnlv 1.1 to o. Sale prohibited." No I uiitino with dos. Klk t h..-d iilittl S.-ptciidoT H. 1!U I. -jH-tted fawn. antelop ami mountain '--: 'I"-t d per pet uallv. Otrt'ii Sriiteioher 1 to f-.r,.t. 1 ' ( f..ii..wiriif year. Limit 5tl l.irds a ' and f'tir.-y counties Aucjiist i : ' ) .! iry Land Klamath and Lake i 1 " -M-rd 1. i ;,r1 w ;in ( jH.n trasin f roui ' r !.. .March 1. i,!?M-. ph.-usunt t'losotl until Octo- h.r i. inn. tirouw. native pheasant, ruffed yrouso . r partridL'" pen fictober 1 to Decem ber 1. Limit In hirds per day or ft p.T Week. Prairie chicken Open Septemlier 15 lo Xovemher lo. Limit ten hirdn n flav or I'M a week. Ouail Open from October I to I)e ember 1. Limit In a day or 1'0 h weed, la (Irani. Ilaniey. Wheeler, Gilliam mid ('niatilta counties, dosed until li12. Trout Open for hook ami line fi-di-in,' only. April I to November 1 ex - ept in Ho..,,., river. Sale irohibi(od. Limit To trout in one dav. Bass- rtilnwfiil ti catch with other than hook and line. TOWA MOB THREATENS NEGRO WITH LYNCHING OTTT.MWA, la., Peb. 21. Angered b the brutal tittiick by a nero upon lr. rharles M. .rolinstou, the invalid cite ,.f a traveline; yabsman, a mob of I'll"! in. ti ami boys surrounded the jail ihusty for v. tiireance u poll the culprit. Mrs. Johnston was in bed with her I year old child at :t e Vim-It this muni ii'L' when she awoke to find u nejr bi-nditiu' over her. Ilefore she could .reutu for help the neyro seized her by t he throat and she was found in -"t isible by neighbors, havino; been beat ei. w ith a curtain pole. AGED WOMAN MURDERED FOR UNKNOWN MOTIVES DKTliolT. I-Vb. iM. Mrs. Prances h'i. hard. ac;ed W, w;is found inunlered ii her home today. There were three :;:--!iei in her throat mid face. Within a few inches of the bed on he fl ....I with :i butcher knife beside it vus a lighted lamp with a piece of paper over the chimney, so arranged h:it it would take fire and ienito the hid dot hiiie;. The motive is not known. SHIPYARD SHUTS DOWN AWAITING SUBSIDY BILL 'W YollK. p,.,. 24. Om thousand .n haie b.-en throvv-i out of work by he cl.iiti,' of Shooter Island Shinvard -,, M:,rin(.rs' Hutbor. Staten Island. K7pla :nin t lie reason for shutting !"vn, K'ob. it Lei:eri.'. the superintend i'Mt - ";,"t ,,;" l:''s here are killing V n,:ni H,,i,,,,,iMn,f iuul ,b;it i( .:utbk to build hip jit a profit vv er them any tMor-. Me th- jJtjuioB for Am."T oan buildem mut he iti pn''Mfl X nh dv la and until neb law wan p-i he nlunt mut retnani clo'd. FNVABT IN POBTLANO H08PITAL FOR OPBBATTON .l.sso K. Knyart. president of the M.dloid National bank, is undergoing ., operation for fistula at t he Good m.i t it a n hospital. Portland. The op , latioii. while a painful one. is not a dangerou one. bu i; will probably . ripple Mr. Knyart for some weeks. Mrs. Pnyait is helping to nurse her husband, Dr. fieorge Wilon is the operating sur - ,K'" - i WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 7900. CONGRESS ADVANCES APPROPRIATION BILLS WASHINGTON', Veb. 2X Two more f the annual hiihi.Iv bills, the dinlo- mat tc and consular and the military j aciideiny measures, were pasHe.I by the j house of representatives today. Neither ; was amended ill any important particu- lar. The rivers and harbors bill also I vv!is passed under suspension of '.he i rules. The h::use sent the pension ap i propriatioti biit to conference. I tie siimlry civil hut, carryinc' an a propriatiori of $i:t7,uno,0i)il, was call-'d up .'tnd an ugrcinont re.-.ched wherbv two hours were .o be devot -il M.-r.d to general debate. llie house win Uot.i a special session tomorrow for the delivery uf oulogis upon the late Senator Allison of Iowa and Senator Latimer r.f Sonlh Carolina :in' Representative v dey of Alabama. I The Indian appropriation bill oecu- 1 pi"d almost the entii'e t:me of the s"ii- ! ale today and was passed with appro priations nggreg.itiug over .fli.imO.OnO. ' Of this rmoiitit $l,f)iHi, mil) was add'.d to the bill by senate rMnendinents, NO SPECIAL SESSION THOUGH BILL IS INVALID - SALL'M, Or., Feb. ?4. There will be no special session of the legislature in the immedinte future, notwithstanding the $.'laO,(H)0 bill for improvements at state institutions is invalid. Senator T. B. Kay, who undertook to enlist the members of tho legislature in the plan of holding n special session without expense to the state, has given ; , (he project up after learning that only a i LONDON, Feb. 24. The newly np few members are willing to attend a j ,Mljt,.d Japanese ambassador to Great special session at their own expense. . ;t itaoti. Count Taknhirn Knto, in an in- MAY GAIN STATEWIDE DRYNESS BY INITIATIVE AI.P.ANY, Or.. Fob. 24. An initio j tive measure providing for statewide, prohibition in Oregon, to be voted upon i in 1911), was favored by the Linn Coun ty Prohibition club, in annual mooting) I. . .1 1M... r.,i ! ' . .-.. .. e ord for a more strict enforcement of , , , .. , . . the oca option law in dry counties, und condemned tie late session ot t lie legislature for its failure to pass pro- ; posed laws to snppr, sr Mi nil Pfc' anil TO prcvrin i in- -ni.nm-mi ... ...(..v.. into dry counties. MARATHON RACE FOR LARGE PURSE NEW YOliK. Feb. 24. Another Mar aihon race of inter-'St will be run in this city on March ." r.t the Sixty ninth regiment armory when Matthew Ma loiiev. the young longdistance runner who showed such remarkable powers of eiit'.tiriuife recently, will m:'et Patrick White, the Irish champion. Moloney not l,i. ig ago entered the ranks of profes sinnalisin and the coming race will be fur a purse of 2iini. with .",ll to g.. to the loser. BELIEVES CANAL WILL BE COMPLETED IN 1911 CHICAGO, Feb. 21. I liani Ran .l.-'p).. oa of the wnn engineers who ocoMp"'"i",l PTsUet .' Taft to the csTisl .,.. M tfeat s sen whv ta ln.yaJi cmul i.i!.l a. 1, iiiiirieti'd b? 19I ciirf tv ui'nr than h is be.-o i totisl pTky-. Uff declared that the conrtiieo io the anal rone are excellent. rOWDER MILL EXPLODES AND TWO ARE VTUjeD MARION. Ill, Feb. 21.- Two men were killed and a big property dam :ige caused by an explosion today in the Fgvptinn puwdvr mills, f.iur miles east of here. I FUTURE OF NORMAL SCHOOLS UNDETERMINED 8ALKM, Or., Feb. 24. The future of- t normnl Bchooh remained under leriuiiieii, except nun n in ctiriiini iiiai the senior climaeH will ho (Frnduated next .lime. It is expected that a meeting of the board of regents will be held in n few days to discuss the matter, and if the local interests have any propositions to make they will be considered. Monmouth has nlrcndy arranged to keep the school there alive. If the peo- ' , pie of Ashland and Weston do not take ') similar action, it is probable that nil the ; students except the seniors will be sent home and all the professors except i t.m,uh t carry the seniors through the ' ,.,.inaimb'r of the year will be dismissed, . METHODIST BISHOP HAS HIGH HOPE FOR AFRICA CHICAGO, Feb. 24. Bishop C. Hart zetl, who stands at the head of the Methodist Kpiseupal church in Africa, is delivering a aeries of nddreBses here J making u plea for the church to on j dertake a movement which will so de j velop the country's resources until it becomes one of the powrs of the world. J Seventy five years ngo Methodism j pent its first foreign missionaries ; p broad. They went to the west coast of Africa. Their work is now increased J so that one of the bishops of tho church j spends his entire time there. j AMERICA'S FRIENDSHIP I DESTRE OF NIPPONESE l lerview recently said that ho saw no j reason why Japanese relations with the J I'nited States should not remain exeel 1 lent in the future, despite the loud talk of a small excited section. I . '.unit Knto declared that thero could i lie no dominant power in the vast wa ters of the Pacific. "We have no inter ests there,' he said, "that, can clash with the I'nited Stutes. We mean to ,l,lvo ",,r own sphere of influence in our 1 own part of the Pacific, hut not to the .' . 1 , . . mil sei-Kiug iinv exclusive preaiige. I OVER 100 PERSONS PERISH IN BLIZZARD IN RUSSIA j LONDON', Feb. 24. A dispatch from ; Odessn to tho news bureau here re : ports that more than 100 lives have been lost in the blizzard in southwest ern Russia during the last three days. MAN KNOWN HERE IN TROUBLE IN GRANTS PASS .1. Edward fastian was on Tuesday bioiad over to the circuit court on r statutory charge, the complaining wit less being Carrie E. Staggs. who re cently figured as the complaining wit ness in the circuit court in this countv. She was sent to the Hoys' and Girls Aid I'ociety. Castinn was formerly in Ashland, an oceulist by profession. WILLIAMS' JUBILEE SINGERS MAKE HIT IN MEDFORD The attract ioa at the Medford opera fc-.K. lust High of the Willinww' .la bit. Kiaisi uiw jveirted by a small fcnMV TV'T r.ercd na eactionallv iiriiia aie wvr .M-taiaiv de iia4 i s T9xv4ud Wnxw. tb beikf . s.'od rtoitecHvif io tsbt city. Ti M.ianiM vwr.l Af i Dvni A'Sg. sutb .t'i wUiqN iwod Ojioii:i1 aint. P.ach selection w:. b'-artilv encered. SA'veral times being called back three times. o The tidal rise anil f;.ll on the Pacific side of the Isthmus cf Panama is about ten times as much as on the Atlantic coast. GOLDFIKLD, Nev., Feb. 24. Fol lowing the discovery that thousands of dollars have been procured by means of forged time checks on the Consoli dated Mines coinpnny, tho officials havo unearthed n complete counterfeiting pi tint in a house on Broadwny, equipped with furnace, dies, a press for stamp ing out coins, metal discs ready for tho press, engravers' tocds, sumplo checks, and a small library covering the art of fine engraving. Classified Advertisements WANTED. ff ANTKl) I'urtner with Jittlu "rra4y onsli fur Inoul light MMinufactiiriiig hus- IIIL'Sil. V Ii. Pialcy, Third and fronts streets. 291. WANTKD District org.inizor for fra ternal i msii railed order; fine salary; euuily earned; no experience uocosuary. ( all on or address W. K. Wilmer, care llolel Moore, Bedford. 290 WAXTKD 12woodcioppers to ehop eorduood and tierwood. Address P O, Box 4 IS. . WAXTKD Oirl for (rencral housework. Address P. O. Ilox J. WANTED A girl; must be experienced good wages paid. Address P. O. Box 423, Medford, Or. WANTED Married man, experienced in orchard work, to take charge of orehard four miles out of Medford. Address T, care of Tribune office. 288 WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages. Call at this of fice. 290 WANTED Fifty boxes of Newtowns ana Spitxenburg apples. Apply of M. Stawnrt, at the Nash. FOR SALE Foil SALE Choke business property ai a bargain, on long time; easv terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE ,i nnd 10-ncro tracts just within and adjoining city limits, at a biTgnin, on 5 annual payments. Ad dress P. (. Box 419. FOR SALE Two laige work horses cheap. See Walter Moore, Phoenix. 289 FOR SALE Grain hay, baled. Inquire of Phone 581. tf FOR SALE Two acres, just west of Medford, near new station of Losisr, on R. R. V. R. R., price 1500 for the two acres. This acreage is certain to advance in value soon. Address P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or 290 FOR SALE Or trada, two large work horses; will trade for smallor horses. Inquire at Mission cafe. 293 FOR SALE $1500 gets a business that will make the owner rich; monopoly in Jacksouo county. 506 Rothchild bldg.. Portland, Or. ' 292 FOR SALE Good residence lots, close in; also good S acra orchard; deal with owner; save commission. Address J, carp of Tribune offite, FOR SALE Houses, lots and land io Phoenix, or in tracts to suit frem ons acre to B40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB RENT. Fos. BENT faxai, for tinva yeum, oiimholJ jssoia, aui iiiiptomeirfci for snW; also snap ia ofaoise peox- hunl rod ten acres with irrtgiaing water, close to station, rVn A. Lowell, Wo.slville. Or. 293 TO RENT Furnished room to let. SIS Riverside avenue S. KIR HENT Two light housekeeping rooms oo North H ttrtai for rent. Ad dress V, cm of Trttsiwe ettioe. SSI '