MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, QKEfiOX. WEDX IvSDAY. FEBRUARY-24.-7908. LEGISLATURE (Coattaued from page 1.) Iluusts Uille. 6. Dlinlck Kor punishment of highway robbery. 24. I'urdln Increasing salary of Jackaon county Judgu. (Passed over Oovernor'a veto). 25. Bean Authority ot real es tate agents must be in writing 28. Bean For Incorporation of oorts. 76. Muncy Extending eminent domain to drainage districts. 87. McKlnney Dying declara ' tlon admissible in civil cases. 100. Reynolds Revising rales of Inheritance tax. 114. McCue Distribution and payment of legacies. 137. Couch Exemption of earn ings ot Judgment debtor. 180 Committee on assessment and taxation state tax levy. (Emer gency.) 234. Bedlllion Restoration of corporations In default. Senate Bills. . Bailey Trial by Jury after default in damage suits. 7. Oliver Appeal from Justice court within 30 days. 9. Scbolfleld Diking districts may levy tax for repairs. 11. Hedges In criminal cases Judgment to be a lien from date. 12. HedgeB For renewal of Judgment every 10 years. 18. Nottingham Voters absent from the state may register. 15. Beach Bank deposits not drawn for seven years to escheat to the state. 16. Kellaher Hotels and lodging-houses to have fire escapes. 18. Kellaher Hotels and lodging-houses to provide nine-foot bed heete. 23. Hart Providing for two ad ditional supreme Justices. ( Emer gency.) 82. Hart Additional salary for Judge of Eighth district. (Over Gov ernor's veto.) 62. Hart Authorizing school districts to refund Indebtedness. 63. Bowerman Government may acquire lands for Government buildings. 74. Chase Appropriating $20, 000 for hatcheries south or Colum bia 7B. Miller Salary of Linn coun ty mperlntendent. (Over veto.) 79. Washl igton, delegation Salary of recorder in Washington county. (Over veto. I 81. Kellaher Costs nlloved when real property bus been at tached. 115. Hart Fljtirg aalitries nf clerk and deputies of supreme court. 116. Hart Copies of supremo court decisions to be Hied lu ollice of clerk of court. 239. Chase Additional Judge In Second district. (Emergency clause.) With the exception of a few uu lmportaot bills, the following is a list of bills that passed boih houses and not acted upon by the Uoveruor: Senate Hills. 1. Smith, Uiuatllla CrcutLu of artesian well districts. 20. Chase Salary of treasurer of Coos county. 24. Seholfleld Fur treatment of tuberculosis poor. 26. Bingham Three uddlt.oual dairy inspectors appointed by the Governor, with consent or dairy commissioner. 29. Parish Minors not to en gage lu games or chance lu public resorts. 85. Smith, Umatilla Revised military code. 37.. Cole Medical corticate prerequisite to marriage licence. 43. Miller of Linn For aid of Linn county fair. 47. Oliver 000 for Eastern Oregon experiment farm. 65. Mullt Thirty days' notice of estrays taken up. 59. Bingham Title guarantee companies to deposit 850,000 se curity. 61. Merryinan Denning a legal fence In EaBtern Oregon. 64. Bowerman Supremo court may transfer circuit Judges. 65. Cole To abolish secret so cieties In public schools. 67. Johnson 1160.000 for main tenance of Agricultural College. 68. Cole Fur sterilization of orimlnaU and lusaue. 77. Miller of Linn and Lane Irrigation code. 82. Smith of Marlon Providing for one normal school near Purtlaud aad abolishing all others. 90. Albeo To establish a flscul agency in New York. 93. Mullt Public bonds free from taxation. 99. Abraham Game cotlo. 106. Albee Defining vagrancy and disorderly conduct la the cuuu try. 109. Seholfleld For central hatchery on Columbia. 111. Chase- Fixing boundary be tween Coos and Curry counties. 112. Wood Regulating sale or concentrated stock roods. 114. Mullt Prohibit false ru mors concerning standlug or banks. 125. Smith of I'matllla New military code. 128. F. J. Milter Special tax by districts for roads. 140. Bailey Ten hours a day's work for females In telephone and telegraph offices. 141. Chase Regulating manner of filing town plats. 143. Miller of Linn ami .non compensation of county commis sioners. 144. Purriah Bank deposits not drawn upon for seven years to be paid Into the state treasury. 147. Slnnott Time for bringing libel suit one year. 149. Merryman Providing leath er pouches for election ballot boxes. 161. Miller of Linn and Lane -Creating conservation (oniniisiiuti. 154. Bailey Deeds an.l mort gage to be recorded in bound books. 167. 81nuott Warehouse re oelpts to show rate of storage. 168. Bingham For publication ot dellaquem tax lists at expense of CllaaunU and not at expense of Mvatm. 167. Kay Regulating: mutual fire Insurance companies. 169. Miller of Linn and Lane Railroads may be laid for construc tion work on county roads. 171. Bailey For organiiation ot co-operative associations. 178. Nottingham To punish fraudulent representation as to membership in secret societies for purpose of obtalulug money. 187. Abraham Breeding horse to be registered at Oregon Agricul tural College. 191. Wood Prohibiting putting glass and nails In roads. 193. Hedges Providing addi tional Judge for Fifth Judicial dis trict. 191. Seholfleld For Issuance of bonds In drainage districts. 195. Chase For salary of sher iff of Coos county. 19ti. Beach Clothing railroad detectives with police power. 199. Bailey Regulating drain age districts. -'03. Hart Weekly report on registration of voters to secretary of state. 205. Smith of Cmatilla State fair to have printing to amount of 81000. 207. Norton Relating to levy and sale under execution. 209. Nottingham Voters may register with notary public or Jus tice of the jK'uce. 210. Kuy For county referen dum on county measures. 213. First Judicial district dele gation To divide the district. 219. Kay and Juhnson Voters uf county may refwr u county meas ure. 220. Commit ou Jud'c'ary I'ish law fj' Ii Columbia river. 222. .L i ph'ue county delegation - Amending coJe regarding corpor ations organized for Irrigation pur poses. 225. Johnson Certified covy proof of a federal liquor license. 226. Caldwell Preventing gouts from running at large iu Yamhill county. 237. Conirr'tteo on ways nnd means- Extendi! g tlmu for acquir ing O -egou City lucks. 2-lii. Caldwell Empowering mu nicipal corporations in other smues o acquire title to lilt ds nad water i'i'its in Oregon. 251. Ways and means $:!(), 000 or stale fair premiums. 252. Ways and means $'. 000 ror state fair Improvements. 253. Ways ami menus $70,000 for tubeculosis sanitoria. 254. Ways and means Appro priating $:I62,0)(I for Improvements at stats institutions. House Itilli. 11. I'matilla and Morrow delegations--Apprnprlutinng money Tot al! experiment station at Hermiston. 12. Mahone Regulutlng pilot age ou Columbia river. 22. Barrett Appropriating $75. 000 for a portage road at (Vtilo. 23. Jaeger Appropriating ad ditional $25,000 for Alaska-Yukon Exosi:ion. 31. Buchanan Authorizing su premu court to appoint a code com mission and appropriating $25,000. 4S. Mct'ue Permitting bunkc to advance full value ou bills of la. ling and warehouse receipts. al. .McCue Counties l.tuy levy titx for advertising resources. t)2. Conyers Prohibiting svlue at lari;e in Columbia cottntv. 05. Buchanan Prohibiting w. a:--ing of uniform or L'nitnl es army or navy by persons not en-tith-.l. 77. I!''.vlfy Providing for rstis-si-'.n -I fumls. si. Ditnick-- Regulating hauling oT loads on public highways. s.'i. llean To provide for laying out county roa:V Sii. Ht?an Creating the bo-ird of stat.; tax commissioners. y7. Mean Creating Insurance de'iartmetit. .v Farrell Requiring doors to swing out ovarii. lttti. Honhraki Appi opria' ing $210.11.1) for liilildliigs at O. A. ('. !"!i l; 'ililllon - Fixing salary of (' s county assessor. 121. Aonlegate Payment of claims of Central Normal School. 127. Brooke Kor an interstate bridge at Ontario. li!2. Pttrdln Permitting county courts to designate tits kind of cul vert to be built. Hi. Hawley Appropriating $7000 ror slate veterinarians. HS. Heau Giving circuit courts pwer or parolllug prisoners. 150. Eastern Oregon delegation Appropriating $10,000 ror scalp bounty. 171. Carter Providing; for pri vate propagation of trout. 172. DoJds Authorizing school superintendents to apportion money. 1 m3. Mt-Aitlitir Requiring offi cers of state boards and commis sions to attend meetings. ISO. Buchanan Providing for constitutional convention. sub,ect to reterendum. 1 : i r. . llughos Making powder must be plainly labeled. 2U1. McCue Empowering exec utor to execute deeds. 211. Carter Providing ait ap propriation for the expense of the state horticultural society. 216. falter -For appointment of county fruit Inspectors. 221. Pin din Appropriating $100,000 for the Crater Lake road. 224. Brooke Public records to be free. 227. Eastern Oregon delegation Providing for a branch asylum In Eastern Oregon. 225. Hughs To regulate breed ing of hor-s. Hi. Mills".- Rfgu'Atlna la Roane river. 239. Kartell I'roftdlog to' conditional sales of personal p"n. ty shall be record-d. 24il. McArthiir-. -Elimination ot duplication of courses of s'udy I" the state's higher lns'1- tutions. , 241. Barrett Kor ot g.ini.(ft) i m or mining and diking Interests 249. Coliyvrs Land boarJ to purchase lands in forest reserve 251 Abbott Governing expend iture of funds (or the l.'niv. tmi of Oregon. 2 77. Jones (Polk) Free terry across Willameire at independence. 2S8, Committee on education Authorizes school boards to eovern uses of school moneys. 291. Cnrter Amending code re lating to elections. 300. Couch Prohibiting false advertising. 306. Dinimlck Appropriating $1000 for Clackamas county fair. 310. Dlmlck Railroads to fence right of way. 314. Mahoney Requiring rail roads to exterminate Kusslau this tles on right-of-way. I 1 t; llnchiiiin ;,h.l- ule of rale for corporations Increas ing cupltul stock. 316. McKlnney To protect trout. 32S. Greer Imposing licenses on peddlers. 345. Ways and means - Removal of school lor dear mutes. $75,000. 347. Jones I Polk) Repealing (.rant oT state to Willamette Valley & Coast Railroad title and tiitu-th lauds lu Lincoln county. 35S. Brady Securing liens on chattels. 301. Applegute Abolishing Cen tral Oregon normal school. 362. Ways and means comiulttoo Appropriation bill covering mis cellaneous claims. 363. Repealing law creating do. niestic animal commission. PRISON POPULATION OF RUSSIA IS NEARLY 200,000 LONDON, Feb. 21. The director of (lie prison dcpat-(tneu( of the Russian ministry of justice reports that last summer 70,tnt0 extra places were re quired in the prisons of tlie empire. In order to gain the dutna's sanction for the largely increased grant made nec essary by M. Stolypin's policy of " tliorougb, " the prison department was obliged to place before the budget coin inission some lerrihle statistic!!. The great increase in the number of prisoners to be lotlg.-d was first i-liown. According to the official figures, the average number of prisoners to be 1'ound in tlie prisons of Hi" empire was: In IIIU3, iliS.tlll.l; in HUH, 111.7211; in 1011.", s.'i.ISo; in ipotl. 111.403; in 11107, ."1)0; in lilOS (April) lti!l.."7!l. BAND OF CROOKS HEADED BY WOMAN CAPTURED LOS ANGELES, lal.. Fob. 21. 11V the arrest yesterday and today of a band of six persoutt. Leaded by a worn an, tlie police say they have raptured the cleverest gang; of crooks that lias infested this country in recent years. The arrests were made on descrip tions sent, out by oilier police depart ments, and on evidence previously in the hands of the police here. With the prisoners was seized enough nil ro glyc erine to blow up half the town, a com plete safe cracking plant and other tilings needed by criminals to open the strongest safes in tlie country. SUBSTITUTE BILL IS SOMEWHAT DRASTIC SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 24. Al though a severe blow was toiiuinistereil to tlie forces of prohibition when the Mute senate today adopted the report of the manufactures auJ commerce com ntiltce recommending llie defeat of the I'annon statewide measure, the an nouncement subsequent ly that a substi tute measure lias lie -n drafted by the committee mitigated considerably the sliock to the represent:!! ive;; of the anti s.-'loen league. The substitute bill, while making no provision for statewide enforcement, is not wholly devoid of drastic features. Its intent is to reglllale llie tlill'tic of liquor ill the state under high license. POLICE SEEK "RAFFLES" IN SAN JOSE SOCIETY SAN ,I(IS K. Cal., Feb. 24. During tlie progress of a masquerade ball at tlie Vendonie hotel last night given by Mrs. William Shepherd Thomas, a local society leader, the room of a guest was robbed of valuable jewerly. The robbery, following closely as it do-s upon tlie tlieft of tlie Dougherty diamonds during tin- progress of a house lartyat Mis. W. I". Dough, -ily 's home, wli'u-li was attend,-,! by the most exclu sivc of San Jose's society people, lias given the police the impression that a criminal of the Raffles typo is operat ing here, and if eauglit will prove to be more than well known. REBATE PROVISIONS ARE CONSTITUTIONAL WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. The sn o-eiiie , rt today It. 1.1 tlie rebate pro visions of the Klkins act as const it nt ion al and deoidc.1 again"! the Vow Vol'!-: Central and the Hudson River Railroad company in the sugar rebate cases. The Central was fined I .". and Trail', M.'-nng'-r Kred L. 1'ouieroy .tiioou (,,, granting rebates to -he sugar trust. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something wliii-li is of considerable interest to the public geii'-rally and which is peihajm not generally hnowu i-. the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stilti US of the Soiitll'-m Pacific company and rll points in the I'nited States. By means of this system tickets may lie purelicsed at Medf'ord f-on, any place in the fnit'd Stales and iii,"ieil or telegraphed direel to the par lv v.i-hing to come here, sleeper .'e cotnliiodat ionr and small amounts of cash in connection with these tiilcts mac also be forwardid at the same time." tf Xnl'ICK TO CIlNTBAI'TOR.r. umlH Vol" .II r-c-i-.n" ley io cite r.i Ar- up tn a om4 i oeHrli flt Vt'B !, laim. o!i! o '(! ! o. . i ' . -i-.iv-,4) on i):i ' V-'iOg t e-r n Wet T n-6 reH .! B ,.tli'i vr .,.t. I'l l':--, ai:-' sa-cifi.-at i ma IN.,v be si en a' i'h- office of the ciiy ... j or ci- v r . .nib r. A ee-.ifjM ,.;cck equal to f.V" per rent ( " p r : of ate. ei t bid n:a-t a.o oci .aey bid. i pr r.i r of citv c u'o-il. K'bruarv ,;l-:v.f. M. rnlXINH. '"i'V l.'-'--. 1t. I IMU.1 IVr.HjMrv 2Ktt! APPALLING LOSSES FROM FIRE IN UNITED STATES 111 l!H7 the property destroyed by fill' ill the I'lliled Slates amounted to the enormous total of ipjlo.iiinl.lliio, a per capita loss of 2.ol, Wiys Cement Age. Of this loss. $ I Itl.ilMO.Ooo was in frame buildings, and but iS,tlOtl,tHltl in brick and stone. This terrilde waste is not equaled by any other nation. Our per capita loss is nearly eight times that of Europe, which i reported by the national board of underwriters as but XI cents for six leading companies. I uder similar condition':, the fire toss )iti this country for l!to7 would have been bu; $-J7,llllt, and !S7,oOO,llO!l would have thus been saved. Nor is this all. The I'nited Slates lias the finest and most efficient fire fighting apparatus and private fire protection iu tlie world. Klilllilllll itig the loss to property des troyed in fires, the cost of fire protee lion for liH'7 amounted to $2 1 1. 01 1,4 12. There was paid to iusuraiu-e companies ill excess of what they returned as losses .fl-lo.llOO.llnil; the fire departments fully .."t),iliiO,ooil ami private protection sys tems iflS.llilil.Ooil. Altogether llie tidal est of fires in the I'nited States dur ing 1!H7 amount to $i."iii.s!l,141, of .34 per capita, or nearly one half of est of new building, construction for the same year, estimated tit $1,1100. oilil.oot). STARTS TO GET WIFE AND LANDS IN JAIL KOSKIU'ltli. Or.. 1M. J4.-K'i. liiini 0v4Mis, an cmpli'Vf nt t In1 Sou I hern Pacific nuimUionsi', vinrtctl unt late last niL,'lit to tfi't his wil'c. wlm liail l -l't him. Imr laiiilrtl in jail instiail. Mrs. Owens, whit iVareil personal vinli nee from tier l;u:laii'l. h:u sought shelter with Mr. ami Mrs. Kiileimt. at llie lncal nlumtiiiy t;;llery, on Jackson street. (Joint; the rear tloor of llie gallery, Owens te nruiile.l admittance ami was ivfusi-tl. lie then attache.! Hi" door, an.l h'hlenut. ia rn effort to scare him away, fircil a hot from a ;tSealil-'i revolver into a sti.-U of wood on llie floor. Owen do sisteil for ;i short tune only and Hideout th"ii went to the fton' dour ::a.l sum moned Officer Joe lhlffman, who hap pened to lu1 in 1 he vicinity. In the meantime Mrs. Kideout picked np her liusliand's revolver and Kent a lnillet c. I'.rhiui; through th glass panel of the door, and had Owens stood in the wry lie would now lie either in a hospital or ::u under! a kiiii; establishment. A few moments later Owe'w wa-; ill the grasp of Officer Huffman. SCATTERS SONO ABOUT HIM; TAKES OWN LIFE XKW YORK. Feb. il. Wiih the manuscripts of 'Mn snugs he had writ ten scattered in i-iiiif uston about the floor, and the photographs of hundreds of a. dors and actresses who had sung his enmposit ioiiH peering at him from fr.imes on 1 he walls, I'M ward ( iai den iej a writtT of popular snugs, killed him self early today by hi; iluoat with a razor iu his home in Williams burg. (J.'irdeiiier was originally :ni a tor. but retired from the singe to vole him .ill' to t In- wi il iux "f sni;m lie uas -17 years of :iul ami hi-; friends think he Kill. J him-. If .- the n -nil if a triiip.uary attack of insnniiy di;o ro iii'ivoiis breakdown. A New York !'m in lac I n conviit .1 ; and fined .floiin fr fa No lolling, rep J n seating to the railroad c'n (:' n . '.vri'e hiipiug irmi sriv-i, toil c! e ' ( 1 tn be piano Int. ing piiw, l!i" '.'!) I-" deception li!.g :ib. I" .-. - !. ilre.l pounds -n t-.v-i r. ' - 'I ' . -In' fi.'M ruuv-,'- n., ' i i !, a II burn law. GIVING OUT. Tho Stnigftln ri-vmr : s M;uiy a Cfti ren of M"drord. Aiotind all dav w:' li ::u a ' : ' b:,e' : Can't rt'-l at i.i-t ; I'ltiough In mill;" :miv one "give out." Doan's Kidn-v Pills will gie re MMWe-l life. Th-y will run- the ba.ka.-he; Cure every kidney ill. j II. re is Med I'm. ! proof that i so; '' Mrs. C. 4. Pto.iiie, corin-r Ninth ainl j c streets. Me.lfor.l. O-.. says: ' i givr-i ' me pleasure to acknowlctge (he bene J ti! derived from the use of Donii 'i ; Kidney Pills. I cuffi re.l from a sc j irin case of k i'lney coin pla int. Mr , ; nehed constantly ami thought would never g i ndief. I aUo s ' iiill, dragging pain through mv loin, i which in.- of all amhilioti. I 1 finally pro. uied :i box of I e;ni Kid ney pilN at l.-ikiu 's ilrug ..... It ' ..lily took a sliort use of this r'inedvi tfi entirely cure me. I give th" cri-lit1 r"..r the gr..-,t cliango t.. horiti'- Kidu-v Pills." ' I For sale ,v all dealers. Price r.M . 1 1 ii t s. Foster M iiburn c , ew Y..rk.j ...( ,le ag-nts f-r the I'nited Slate. Retneinbi r the iiatne - I.-aa 'a ami j take- no other. .r.O ! I Nnl'lt I) TU ('(INTItAi -runs N.,t i. is li. r .-1 . V -mvimi Hint Hi- r, unci! will riii'vi- hull t'ir tin' ,-m H". 1 ii.-tinti (if i-urliiiijj on t' .-IVC-HM-t'r.mi Mix'li t-i K:litli str'iM t-i :nnl in i-lmlilllS M:nvl. 1' i. lWltl. I' in:' Ii- I U-il will, nr in:til,.l t-i tin. ,-ily r-r. i.l. r n. t. i .1 VI. -I: p. 111 f ),., ;,l..,,.i .Int. . V..ik t-. In- .1". ( in in I: ;'li Hi.. ,.Tili.-;,-J.i-i f..r .-HiliMii,. 'nth .In-- t .iffi... ..f tin 1 111:1 y I,. - -11 :-l III. it v pnj.'i N. . r nr 1 It," . 1 ' r.-.-i.r.l.-r. -j;..l. X. 1 HI. I. INS. rite Bt.-i.Vr. t-.i.d r. b:aj:r: k. IV i . -v . 1 .i VIXV.X, ajvte gie-oj im. tfca tittJtstgie.) 71-ill :ip'.v 8' to iViHe. mm 05 nf ea.. .-ity ,-.,i-il nf ..lfi.r.. flr.ooi, on Mi.r. li lJt'ill, f.T lie. nc to Hell n-H, , 1 1 mi. I ii I itfiiin liquorn 1:1 l'--.- iii:i:i : i . i r-4 tti.m .in'- u;ill-ili for hix months :il lot I". I.Io. k '.'1, in Nf.-lfo-.l, (lii.jioii. f-.r :i ..-rii,il of ti moiitlin. t;i:o. m. m:i:iii.ks. liat..l lVliruary 17, l'.IOO. INDIAN TIGHTER AND PIONEER PASSES AWAY Itiir.illii 1'. (iieeiiwoeil, n pioneer and tmlian war veteran of Oregon nnd tho northwest, died at the homo of Iiih neph ew, .1. L. (ircenwoud, corner of AnhUiid and Iteach streets, Friday, nnd w laid to rest yesterday nfteri'oon iu Mountain View cemetery, nervier being conduct el by Ifrv. V. 1j. Mcllingor, tuiyH the 1 UltUgK. Mr. (Ireenwood was born in old Ken tuckv, but removed to Illinois when il bow lie crossed tin1 plains to Ore iron I in and iu the spring of Ml passed through this valley en route to reka attracted tu the latter place by the gold mining excitement, lfe mined for Home time in the Cottonwood district south of the Siskiyous, and then returned northward. He joined the volunteer forces umjer (ienernl Joseph Lane to ipietl the Indian disttubaucca tn Hogue Ifiver valley, and was engaged in the famous battle with (he Indians at Table Knelt in 1S.V, Me joiti-r the rush tu the Salmon river mines ir 1S(1 and Inter went to Montana and helped defend the pioneers there, and the settlers west ward bound, from the attacks of hostile Indians. In lii'J he wan wounded in a battle with the Indians on Mussel Shell rivr, lying in n hospital for IS months, and carrying a half ounce ball iu his chest the rest uf his life, lu 1H7 Mr. (ireenwood went to Xevudu nnd bis rel atives did not hear of him again until three years ago, when he returned to Oregon and took up his home with his eephew in tirant county. Tho latter ro moved to Ashland in l!07, and his un cle, came with him. It is tntd of the deceased that he was ho impressed with the beaut v of this liogue River valley region when ho firitt set eyes on its v-rgin beauty in IS.'il, that he remark ed: "Hoys, 1 want to come here to die avd be buried, and strangely enough his wish was granted. Ho was nevor mrrried, and besides n half brothor n siding in Washington, his nephew iu ibis citv is his neareit relative. (lOUIiDS TO SPEND BIO SUMS ON WESTERN LINES KANSAS CITY, IVb. 1M. Tho Htnr today says: It is stated on authority tluit the (iould interests nro to spond .;,:!, iiiiH.umi in improving nnd bettering their lines between Kansas City nnd lireat Sale Lake. Fifteen million dollars of this amount is !o be expended in lebuilding the Missouri Pacific lino be t we. n Kansas City and I'uebtu, where ti e l aver iv Rio (iraude lines connect. The Rio tiramle lines a ro to be rebnl liv tid ami '.in pound mils put in. The physical condition of the Missori Pn ril'ic lines in Kansas and Colorado is such that it will be practically rebuilt u si of Kansas Citv. I u a recent npple show in Hpokniu there were "Jol varieties exhibited, lu 'logon, Washington and Idaho there more than Hi.inwiani) growing npple tie s, of whii-h about (i,7."it(,iMit) produced I'mi:! this year, the i:tima1ed value nf i It - crop being if-Jlr.UIHI. My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on I) street. Here I nm able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor atkwvDIAMOND BRAND nrlailihnrhmMl. tmi mi, y 1 1. nix- "f iiir .l. tl- f . a- mm m rafcll j-i a r-'i' h J i.l rt'.M .-r frew Tt.r 'nut tmnl.l SOME NEW EMBROIDERIES that will interest every lady in Medford Shown at Van Dyke's New Spring Dress Goods now on display P. N. eummlnis Osgood & Qummlris Givii Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering dtilii in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specification. Rh ports. Estimates, Etc. - Water Power aad Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnai Office Medford National Bank1 Bid. 2 f5 ,-:vX MEDFORD SA8M DOOR GOkPAKT PHONE 2201. Wiadow Fraiaee, Oak Taaeere4 Beee, wltk Berel Hate, eataief la "ataak 4f. Office Fiitaree aaa aH kiade ef Plaa ia Mill W.ik, laeMiaf tmmtt Wuk aa4 Caaey Oellle. F 8TBBKT, BBTWHKN SIXTH AND EVINTH kTBMTC MORTONS MOTEL E'1 ktmTiIITI liJII B RU 8A THE ONLY IAWPUL PELB CUIB Hoi auiM K-KU-HA t'VHKH IMLKH, and DOES NOT eontmVo ntreouW,' Vr4Uf;. iMirain', ld or any oitnnnuii dnitf. II. 8. rjispeutatorjr ftcotnmaniia vrf im Krw)int of K HII SA. Drug lawn iitnka "falia ami tiiiitlibg ta.tauifift'! Tiiitu. Tlioreftira, tl4 aala uf all otlir or oarcutie iU taBdicioai i iMVt-i-ausa tb7 affft tka brain al Kpioal warrt(, jm4u.ta jaitip(iu nr. K KU 9A it nt for nm t tim ,piot. iUlt ArugglHt it ki$H M-t4-E RU S4. MndforJ I'hit (H-u',t tbaratwy. Ctut. Ne;. HaVia' dmif lr. WD TlOUt AOAINt AXfi Ot tlQUOA If WVOMltJtt f tetevwe, w.f. rb, a. a; tnox 4aK tfW ivjxnxh of tao nm (vnoiaoni hcA ev ibtly vban .f. aap'Og ton m'W nwm nt-trd worn t Itttm ntmoliOfly prohibition thn utile f liquor iMitBido iticorporiitfd i-iliog and nvrr-aitind thn county lironnc lo $1000. Il vfltiniatrd thcHU laws wilt put i!f)0 ia Innnn otit of hunini't I liroiiyliout h it. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Hie oitelleueo of Mie uipU tkkt, oookcil at th Emorick Ca. it. 1 haven't alroady regaled jtouimI nilk owe of the delloloot ditket that Vf aerveil here. If you kitrea't partekea of them, there ii a treat awvitlaj fm that you will want to repeat tflea, weal ai Ike Kaieriek ie aa 4ayaajMe that will auJke yea 0:7, Mke far Twiet, far aiere. The Emerick Cfe Vimmw Oiaaiiaw' leiaun faeoaja " ... -it. ONLY GARDEN IN PORTLAND' Th Toorift HMaMatai KNQA9B mooit EAM.T FO THE alLaAttA- rvxcm urom a. iromTv. tVUNiaft 1.TTMBBB TO.'',,. . t BABHJ AKB 8UFFBRBB8 WiU'LKH, hVb. 14. The Uuited Htatea od iff ship Critic left hero for Mmini t4uy. baviug on board aluioat.faalf tlie i-row of tho gunboat 8corpioub together wilb Lieutenant ItuobuDan and niga Wili-ox. Thtt Celtic will coopara.ta In tho distribution of thy lumber tent by tho American government for the con itruution of bouses far the earthquake ufTurorti. ' ROOF It