THE UgDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE MEDFORQ, OREGON, W KPNESOAY, FEBRUARY 24, 7909. li i N Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffics at Medford, Oregon. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ou mootU by mail or carrier. ,. .$0.50 One year by mail $6.00 LOSS OF SOHMAL SCHOOL. It is doubtful if any effort the people of Jackson county could have made would have saved the normal school at Ashland. The legislature was determined to (nil till' lives f these schools, whose history has been one long tale of political log-rolling to secure sustenance for half starved existence and there is undoubtedly a strong sentiment in the state against the normals, that have always been the footballs of the legislatures. The Ashland normal was established ten years ago through the efforts of E. V. Carter, the best politician and the most progressive citizen of Ashland. By adroit politics, he secured the first appropriation for the school. Since then he has had to attend every session of the leg islature and lead the fight to sustain the normal. That the school has been kept alive and prosperous is due prin cipal! v to his efforts. When it was seen that the doom of the normal was uendinir, Mr. Carter this year again sacrificed his business and time and rushed to the assistance of Senator Mulit who made a valiant struggle for the normal in the senate If shrewd politics could have availed, the normal would have won the day but; the handwriting was on the wall Even the normal's creator whose efforts for the city were reecntlv rewarded bv deefat for the council could not save it. Loss of the normal will not materially affect Ashland Her prosperity is built upon too firm a foundation to be disturbed by such a trifle. But Ashland needs to awak en. When the normal's existence was threatened, a car load of citizens should have rushed to aid the battle for it. Those making the fight at Salem should at least have had the moral support of a large delegation of Ashlanders yet no one came.' Apparently no one had the interest of the. town at heart enough to sacrifice his time. Ashland needs more public spirit. With all the gifts of the gods spilled in her lap, she lacks only the spirit of progress to be an ideal city. Inertia curse of Oregon ,: hangs like a mantle from her shoulders and should be ' cast off as the city arises to take her part in the new Ore- gon the Oregon of tomorrow'. DIYKUSIFIKI) FARM I KG XEIWKD. Farmers of the Uoguo River valley do not do enough diversified farming. There is a lack of staple farm prod ucts, which it would pay well to raise. Many a tract has been withdrawn from production of staples to be planted to orchard and years must elapse before returns are re ccived. In the meantime the owner must live, and to do it he should turn his attention to diversified farming, truck gardening, berry culture, etc. In 1908 fifty-four cars of feed, forty-one cars of wheat, twelve cars of oats, twenty-six cars of potatoes and one ear of onions were shipped from outside points into Med ford. In the entire valley, three hundred and thirtv-five cars of feed were imported, two hundred and fifty cars of hay, and sixty cars of potatoes. All of these products could have been and should have been raised here. it is and has always been almost impossible to secure vegetables at local markets. Butter and eggs must be im ported, and much other produce that should be produced here must be shipped in. As it is possible to raise any crop here, there is no excuse for not producing needed staples. TAFT WILL VISIT THE WEST DURING SUMMER WASHINGTON', p,.,. -J.. r,.,i,,.nt elivt Taf! i planning to iit Portland, Kits Anui'lcx, Nun I'Vani-ism, Hi-uttlo ami Alaska next Hummer, ll' lie cjirric out lib intention. In will vmt llenvrr iithl attend tlmre a meeting nf the trans Mis i"ipii i',nij;ri'ss; In the Alaska Yn lion 1'nrit'ic exposition in Seattle niel tVen prncet.l to Alaska. In nnliT In i'::iiy nut otlnr plans lie will have to iln Ins I'arifir I'nast ami Ak'.skft traveling ilnrinjj the last week nf .Inly ami all of August, an.l start'.h ill September. While lu- is .in til- I'eeifi ias lii will in all pntlriltililv take in all the towns ami i-itie'. Tit.' I'afifir rnast is tin' i.nlv sivlio-i of tin- I'min try wllii'h lu' lias ni.t ahra.lf t.ninil prettv thiirmi(rlily. Tuft lifliinfs it t,t l,o tin. ilutv of th,. president to trawl is as,ltli li ml Rain n personal knowli-.loe nf .im,li lions in various pails nf Iln- ...iintrv. IMPALED ON BARRED WIRE FENCE THREE DAYS KSmNIHlMl. Oil., r,li. 'J I. - .l.ilin Burtint'tt. a rani-li 1,-iml, is d.-a, as the result of liming Itnt'ii impaled upon a hjt.rbis win fi'tit-o fur lliri'i- ilnys. Wlirii found hi was alive, ami ;;s taken to n hnnpitnl, lint siii'i'iiuiIii'iI to slinek ami exposure. When fniiinl liis heail was on the ground oil one sole of the f.n.e nail liis feet on the nrouril mi the opposite siile. The liarlts were einlteil.1,1 in hia Hlslomeli iiml he was n.ial.le to eitrirate himself. EAST SIDE ILLEQALLY A PART OF MABSItTIELD t'Oil'II.I.i:, dr., Feb. 24.Couoty clerk Watson has just received a de ririon of .liulgn Hamilton in the case of .Ionian et ill., vs. the City of Marsh llelil, involving tin. attempted auneia. lion of Kastsiile, in which Judge Hatnil ten In. I, Is for the plaintiffs ami aguinst Hie l ily of Mnrshtlelil. In the Marsh Held vase, it st-emi that i'l the annexation proceedings only the inters of the City of Marshficld voted 'e. the proposition to have that city an in x I'astsiile. Mr. Jordan, an Kaalaide re:i..-ut, ,-otitested the antirtSHlinn the ground that the residents of the an uexe.l district should linve had some tiling to say in the matter. Tht Oregon law is not explicit , h point, It ll said. nil. I .ludgr Hamilton's decision up holds Mr. .Ionian 'a eontention. Th e: sn prnltahlv will not b appealed. TRANSIENTS AT ROREBURO SUSPECTED CRACKSMEN KOSIMIl liCOr.. Keh. SS.-Twostr.a aers, giving their tinmen as ,1 n Wil -u and I.. I.. Merntt. and their occu ..iti..i :o. si ivspuper lolioitort, are in mil li.i... ,k:,,.d with being the men w!, !,!,.,, ,.,., th, ,4 i. steam laoiiilrv. owina' v (. f. laW slinrtly alter 1 ,,VI..,k Auadny morning' 'I'll" n were arretted in I.... I lodging house a tew hours after the bur clary. They sav thev ... worked in the eireulalioii departui, nt of the Nan i'r neiseii Olobe. There are S2H known varieties of lieese, no two of which are at all atikc save in the basis nf milk. SECOND NATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE IS CALLED til 1CAUO. l-'eb. 24 Tho second na rwoo-l peace conference will be held iu Chicago for three days beginning .May .'1, according to the announcement to night by H. L. Ht-nJeley, secretary of the congress. Delegates from all parts of the civilized world will b iu attend ance. BREAKS. WORLD'S RECORD rOB 100-MILE AUTO BUN SEW ORLEANS, Keb. 24. Robert Burtuau iu bis car recently broku the wurld'a record for 1UU miles on a cir cular truck iu tho feature, event uf the second day of the mardi grus automo bile speed curuivul. liurfiiuu tnndo the distance iu 1:42:3!) 2 V This being 11 uiiuutes faster thau lio previous record made bv Clcimus u luditiuupolis in 1903. '. YOU CAN'T SAVE Oa your Milroad fare. Thu law of t common carrier compete equal ate a all railroad linei YOU CAN SAVE ( la Tlma, Traveling Ex nm ud Fatigue by Insisting on Um shortest route, fast it trains and best serrloe, Simply see ttat jour ticks t reads tU SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific ETery facility for the afetr and accommoila tioo of th; paBsenger is prurided. N chaug f cart ii DecMfary to Den Tar, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, birtct connec tiont) are mudo for all oth er poifits ttast and stutb A. H. HOSKNBAUM. Ageot, Mttdford. WM. McMUHBAT, General Pattenger Aent, PORTLAND, Oft. When You Thir k Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Qq to c. w. Mcdonald Siftesw to Smith 5 Molony JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Z) Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER C More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uies 110 Watts per hour and would use is iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20G TVest Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs J. E. ENVART, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Caahier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Caahier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK HIDrOHD, OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. t. J. Dkawls C. E. HlUiugar A. C. Randall JL. D. Harris Rogue River Investacnt Co. FRUIT LANDS s N Sub-Divldara ud Developen Bcfu Binr VaiUf Or obard IiD4U. f'h.sire fruit lands, bearing and young rebartfi la iman and largo tiar.ta. for tale. Wtj plant and ear for orchard! and guarantot property to be as represented. Experience Not JVecemmmry for those who purchase through us. They secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert oa fruit ouJ ture tn all its branches, who for several yeeis has ezceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Bogus River valley, record crops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon SEE US If you are looking for a good busi ness, choice build ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK T.LDG. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commeirrial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Nn, in tie combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. O. TUOWBRIDGE, Propiutor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Entires, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, EJuMeis and Machinery. Agents in Sorthorn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. State Deposits Established 1888. Capital aid Surplus (183,000 Resources $700,000 Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service Tli Jackson County Bank respectful! solicits your account, subject to your glu'ok, with the strongest guarantee of safety and offluioncy. We offer the higheat attsviunent ll syateinatte banking service, wfalob aa suros tho greatest care in every flam, ein! transaction, with tbia obliging in-stilution. W. L VAWTflB, President. O. B. LINDLBY, Cuhiix. REGISTER a vow right now that noneofortk Mir tho beat tailoring ia good euougJi ten you. Personal appearanoe i nor Hum half the battle for auooew ia Ufa. wt not, then, wear clothes Uuit are wor thy of youf Come to us for yoar tai loring. We will fit you out ia snita that will be a credit to you asd t it. Prices that are right, J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers and Tailors PAiiii BuiLDnro, Mssroaoi OB. You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than yoar w, and you will find on eonsulting her that she doos not approve o paving out good, hard oarned 4ol lara for rout, when Ihera rr a laaay good propertios on the market at reasonable figures in fcdfo!d, A woman has a keen eye for locution, surroundings, etc., and hor judg ment can be relied upon iu making a selection for a home. Bring ker with yon, anil make a pereonnl inspection of tho good thing now" of. feriug through our agency, and you will never regrot it. It ia almost time to "make garden," and it in high time for action ia securing a home where you can enjoy tho good things of lite in this wondarfnl val ley. Don't delay act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building-, MEDFORD Y&xs, "3rene Hamp ten 3aac instructor of "piano. Tut 3tttbo6 Steele el Xsaleeu. Jloclg Oraa( Strut Compare the Quality U la. and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end re nre always adding uaiity to our lino. The ddition of "preferred stock" makes our line of liihjjrade Canned Ooeds moat complete. Our service always the fcst and every accom giveo our eustoniera. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed s 7