Boost me Deyglopmgntof the Roguefflyer Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fur the largest and best news report uf any paper in mit hern Oregon. The Weather Tlit' weather ma u Hays: We will have continued cloudy and I occnwmnallv nnnv went her tonight nml tomorrow. Xort lielv winds. Colder. THIRD YEAR. MKUFOKM), OIMK.OX, V KDN KSDAY, FKBRUAliY 2. 7909. No. 290. CRATE ulecIforcS Daily II n f M fi no. w bhk. ROAD LEGISLATUREiRRIGATIONI DID MUCH SYSTEM! WORK STARTED ! : UNCLE SAM WILL BOSSJHE WORK FISHING FINES TO FUNDS OF HATCHERY Over 145 B'lls Filed Counties May Levy Hall! Mill Tax for Advertiser'" . ft? 1 ing Purposes 1 s.-iu. ... ..... . . Passed Many Bills Total Condor Water & Power Appropriations, $4,200.-1 Company Making Many List of the Meas-i Improvements at Gold Ray New Steel Bridge BISHOP SCADDING ISSUES ANNUAL LENTEN PASTORAL ures Passed :.ih in GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN Vho Enlisted Aid of Harriman for Cra ter Lake Road and Has Aided It in Every Way Since. BALL MRS Crater hake mad bill is now a law having been approved and tiled hv Governor Chamberlain with the secre tary uf smte Tuesday. The bill pro vides fur the appropriation uf ;fiiii,nini in four annua instalments, . -"i,imm each year. It goes into effect im days fr the date of adjournment, and al that dat.? Governor ISensiui will name the com mission, com posed of seven uiein bi rs, who will have charge of (he eon Btrilctioii uf tlie load nitride the forest reserve. The rond will lie nn-ted under ti e direction of th:' r.d building sec tion of the departuieu ,,f agriculture, which will i;cud engine rs :;nd experts to make surveys. The ivnl will he macadamized and the fin -st bit of rond building over done in Oregon. Among ot her measures approved by the governor was t.'ie Rogue K'iver trout filling bill, which prohibits the c.k.-Ii ing of trout in the Pogue and it-; trib utaries except with look ::ud l;i-e and places the enforcement of t ho la w in the hands of the tn, fund ,v'!'t h-agne, will arrive in Medf Tli i latino is a nu'th r of history. VYInlt It Wits tin- ttliwt r..-n- i I. S -hit urt !the state ever had, i'lo! charges f ex t'avagnnco have I l freely mad", yd when th- growth ai.d dev' -lepmen ; ot the slate is considered, the uppmpriu Cons were t:o et iviiiolv excessive. I HEREMAR. 23 McCredie Has Entered In to Contract to Send Casey's Colts Here -le.- l.ri.l,..'. t -i feet v.i.l . lli,,.r ' '- '1 1 !i,' "', ,'ilt Inline :i im- ' l-'ii u , on -In , :i,...s tlic nil,' ru-r :,i ll,,!, (y ,y tl, l',,n,l,,r " '' !'" ! .iiin,..y. Th,. ,ri,K,. '" n f'-'-t l.iishor tli.-in Hi,. nl, kH im-Iiik. ...i!,l t-oul OV,T .1IIIIO. A I'limiiii.n i,, .;., ii,s:i,.,l l;.ci. tlir s,.i,ni iliil nut lin up I,, nllj.vl Col.l ,, us,, uiplus powi-r In ils iiii-l u:it! i.-i. for l':ll ii.,r,,.i -iiilini; I il:i,-,. win it i i j .. . h ;. M,.l,,n,.uK, , :l llt., mor,. tlilill l,i"HI. v-, I;i!l,.,l. nmu iw j;, ,1 ..-l,,! .r,,(,,. v .,v.ii.,l l,- I lie I,':ivm ' ll ' ' 'I I In-it' :i.j,l i.pri.l, j, l! t', r .1 .til IISOII M , I-. W ll, ili' .;, 111 ,.,) ( , , , , l; . '"v. ,.,'1 r,i:.l l.ill, 1 ii i- i..rin::l ,li,,ls. !.,.,i 'm.-ui-; :n,, Winy liii.l in c:irry tin- wil- iMj.liic snrviyr. In. linn war voieiann, j l, r. l"or it,,. ,, lining y ,ri r tli,. v.-:il,r l:i: !,,-i,-:il M-i-it-ty 1 ' I , I . ' i I ir I'li'l :'- Hum !'"ill 1,,' ,llri,i! ilir",-llv i-iln I In- iiiiiiim. 1,, r uf ,)l li.-r in. hi, -v l.i'U. j ,.:n- :i r-o-rroir m r Hi, i-i-sl f 'I'll,. ;i,l',i),l iat iolis w ill :,-;:r,':,t,. $ I.-j I '" hill will In- , U tM-t. il :-,n,l I h,. ir 20 i.iiiiii, ,,r iilxnit iH,uil!i.iinii,' t lian j i -ur i ntr syst,.,M ',., t'rum ll,.. r. s.'rxnir. Ill- il','i-,.ili!i;; srssioii. Tin- r lour 'I'll, i I he l irj n ni ..j. ,,f xlfliHiv,' nil.- -. I ii 1 1, in,.:iiir . : " "i:."il i-n, win,1, win m i'iil uallv ' li.i' :i l.-i- 1 1 1 Ih,. Ian, I li,lw,,n ''" -'I'l ' .1,1 1 ill P .int as -. . II as ... "I" Valli.y rt.t ' t!m riv.T. ni'W A liia...",laiiii,.,l r,i:i,l is l,, i nu Inl i ll mi ,il I ll," ri it l,y 1 ',),,n,. ;;t v r,'.-lll Casey's f,l's, 111,' Pnrtlainl af- giving tin' fun's t.. th,- Iinlrhi'iy lninl , v'.lt u-hkiic, will arrivo in .M i-.l I ..i-cl .inil. s,.t il'.nlonil nf l,i Hi,' (rame I'mnl. in i.."- 1 '' 1 Jliin'll 20 and will nnnain until' ,,",., I( n t;i ,.r:i 1,1,- , iiiiiiinnt Ii: of tin' nam,' wanli'ii. On-n.-rs "! in-i 'April in order to t.unpli.t,. Ilinir I i,.,,,, i ,, " v.-'r th,' mi runs gatiiiB aihl miiiine ilitHii's aiv r. .iiii'i'.l ' irinjr vrk. (n Wnlnrmlar r.mrr Hall .0i ")ijn vv,j,., ,v ,, to norcoii thoir iliti'hos. sij,,,,.,! ,',inlra, t with Walt, -v M,.( 'r.'.lii'. j ,') , ,)', M., All tnl.l. US I, ills vm- l il.-.l. Tli.- ' ' l'"'tlaii,l ln.-in.-ii.K-. In lo inir tllvm Jn ,,,., ni,. i ,,,-t-f. ,,f n.. . Dill ine ri'iisiiiir the r.alary ot tti-- ciiiiii v ! ;t.-ii.- iii. anr.'s "f i i i jllilgo of .lai-liBiin .,innty to .ilMin , Tin t, ain w ill ho a,.,.,,mpa nioil l.y V. ! ' ( hi.-f aiinni-I Ii year was pasiiml over 'ho 8,.v.rn,r- M-R:i''. a s.rtini! writ.-r uf tin- Ore-1 t'uti'. A,.N f.',t ,1,..",..,,, voto :;n,ii:,li stall, wnn will st'li.l out tlauv ,',l. Iniwi'Vi r. whii h vill pari hilly oi l s, t tin' ii!,'.,l :i.0 oprial ii lis. Anion tli- iii aro: Th." Iiill taxini; ,':i ni i ns ,i ulilii- s,'ti,',' ri p nat ions; tin' p. iitam.. 1:i law; tin" I ntn i-11 a nn' la i'lcroasi'. nml tin- walrr ft-ati'liis,. ta Thi'Si. laws will a, 1,1 al.init . iilin.linil t, ll". stato 's i'i.'oiii,'s. Tro Imrjottant Ip.ttcr.s. Tin- svasi.n,.,l i;s. f l.v .I,. itiif two n.'tal.l,' thii,a: I'n 4 is a-tnpt - j l'L AXS PROOHESSING FOR iv:: tlio i',.s.,liit,oi,s piniiiisini; m snl.iiiit i BLOCK ON CHURCH LAND till- olll-st lull i, I s , ; ' . Illiain-lll,' ot rail I roa,ls to th.' pi'oph , ainl . ii. I, in r.- !" I"' 1 to on llio sill.' n ' il li.wai ils Sains ','illo 1 ,.:;) :,l". whii li will pi' iv of Mrttll hoiiofit to I, si. I. hi. s ami tlio I i'a ,'liiio pM,i,.. o'im for llir,-, l,."i -a Ian wa v Aniony iniportatil nioasiir,..! approi ,, " i " i- 111 h.,i .u,,, i 'ii:nlus was Iho M.-Cno hill, portnittilio ,.,,ati,'S '""y l'"f JliMinr i t" niap in I no , nNnrv ,,!!,, .,,! ,. ..roiilion of to ll-vy inn. half mill for iwlv.-rlWllB fniH i-tmlll... ' po;i s. I'll I liri' mi t.ii- laws won- ,:;:- purposes. Hi,' llun-li-v liiil. pi'.ivi.liiio for. 'I'll'' tract is as follows: - it))- .im,.v ,, rr (,., ili,,t i"ii of aix monllis- school in every Or Ii- Tliis ii-reein.'.it. .'iitereil into l.y ami : ,.,;,;.;, j,,,,,. , ,j e,.iifiii,.l eon trict. ami the flil.iini) ripprepri. n for , l.tween tin' 1'i.rt la ml Athl.tie ronipany. ' ( ( ai, ltUh .,. ,, Hfl. ci.volr- and onipir sealp l...nn;i.-s. , :l',v l,:"'. ""' ""a"r- iiin.ri'-oum. nt for ln .ln-.vv i .i.l. i v. I Attempt to innilily ll.e ,lri t plimarv ! .,,.- i.. ,,I.., K- Sa il,.,,,. .,,1 '. I. ainl,. lor .-m.l in coii8i-I.T.iti..n , ,,.! j.,,,' w r-,lef T!. ' "" ' legislature also r,.fii i, ,t to ,,.!.,,.( Sine In- si einil parties li"i'elll, t ti ' tirst ir-j , ,.., ..,, ,.,., , ,,, ,nk.. J' '" 10 M-lf'"-'l. .".:. s,a, iNsti.ulio,,- fioin Sali n, were or I in mini;, it eolleet ion of hall pla' i..,,. With a few mhi-r ' 'I'" fl h.wiliL' is n list f I ills fi, ,1 l,v the ' (on ernor with T 1 1 - l ei . ' 1 1 "f , , Jin.! wlii.'h will I ine lew : (I'olltlllll.'l i n v oam, sonrees. the ualer , 1,1, t l.ils iinir! ;iio ' w n in HKiV I"' hieu :o-v:t!i..n of re t lie y:rine o,b- swit.- OROCERS TALK ABOUT CANNED GOODS LABELS ,-1 nti ..f tlx Mf I III 1 . ii- uf M.-dfmd, Oregon, par- i'ond pan. r- out of which tin Portland Baseball , tub for 1!t"! is to be seh-rtrd for the . t i Wt - 11 teaoue, nml S;lid )'l:ie re to id:iv Co- said s nd pa rl ies b. we.-n M:.nh and April I'J. 1:"".'. a econl parties c:ui ;ir- CIIICAnO, Feb. 21 Tietail grocers nml niiiiiuinct urers of canned goods met last night at a "harmony dinner." The ph'.eeing of labels anl time t:ini on fanned goods as p'-opoed by the t.i ornment was discnr.sed in an leldie by J. M. McCall of Oibron City. III. "Snpoose a customer desired :i can of eorn on l-'ebruary litit'.i, " he ';ald. "and was given corn canned 1 ti lit"!'. It would be rejected with a demand for 'something fresher and :il!lioiieh the i'!irm 1000 article would be found a I're-h a ! :,MV that of lUi'O, it would be lost. "At ft recent baniput in London craned fruit found in the ruin; "f Pompeii was found In be fresh ami fine. "There should be i law t mpel the conning of all product.', in a manner that they would keep for ao'-:.. jut a wine or whisky improve with 1 in 'he uallio-: f..f :'dm'-i!l toe- ii to fnini-h it- own balN and bat nml 'a rt ies are i receipts from sa id C Til M P Pill I PP RPFAIC; tlie !"i"lll 1o nun111"11 1 ULLLIt plavers to form rn j e lu-r. bv a-ree to I AD BREAKS MAN'S LEG TROTTER SELLS FOR SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS innoo for. ami the lo have all ..ate in. I . ,.po-ili'.ll team. Tli.. sei-.n;,; .ai" lev all ;.. uses f sai, fi"-t parlv's ; l.-i'l plav. rs ainl one f li eomini a reporter Chain Flics Back. Brcakini,- VV. A. May fr.., 1'oitla nl to M"ll'.r.l. Hl'eooli. ami I'. lnrn. lieinc railrna-l fare, sleepers ainl ,,,,,,1,- .,,,,1 ;,so to na' all expenses of nl: vers while at Me.lf'.l'il. Oregon. 1"'-j onminls f..r practice, hold anil ..?.!", aiel shower baths, nml lias, l,:i lis y a. Mavliel.I a men some i',o vein of ni;o ami well known in the .vallov had his h ft I..., fia, liil.. T n '.h.e ;,f. ' '''' '-'' .. ' .. ,'.. .1 .1 l.v.os ,e to ernooll as he w trotter, " ' , , n s!.l ' field's Lfft Lei; and Severely Tinii ing Him, llisliop t I. ai l, . Sea, Wine of the ( ll ! on l-lpiscopal clniicli ...tate.l . , 'ii;lv lo i'i" "f Ihe M,,f,,..,l ,,,l,v at Salem ' lint 'l;i n . w. re pi'oori' sino i ' "ap" for Ihe eie,. ,,n , f : luiel; l,,.t '''ll Ihe lite of St. Maili V chlll'i'll. West isevonlli si t, Mclfonl, ainl ihat lie ;. ...t... to l,e al.le ,, make a definite '"I "llll-el eLr.'.liilo till" lieW llllihl- " up oi his h ie next month. II . pi: ' lo creel a Ini-in.-s Mock of '.-,, ,.r i Ii,.-,.' Mori, s in h. iEii, !hi. rev ni.o s fr, ,i,i u ;i., will help ma i n i a i ll ll (HARITY COLLECTION TROVES TO BE FRAUD 'lAKI.AMi, I'.l,. 21. ..William I' oo.'.l man. has I nnvMcil for -ll in-llilio :, iniinlier of pi 0111 i le nt men in s.ilieilino snl, s, , Ipt I, ns f,,r a family i l 1 t.i'iilnle. iii. In II, e al M I'mil ' ale .IV , line. He he..,,),., I . U himself ' ml seem...! -.mall sums to leliioe the l -"' .lt-t r. "!'. tlm f.'imilv. M'.vor Mm,. I'.,,- Alt. ni, ,.y Mcliliov. Sheriff 1 1 net I an I manv v. II I.ii.omi I'i'ilis Were ' '. timize.l. Iletc tixe I'l" 'II ."iiwl.t ItC'il, with . list. CIRCULATING PETITIONS TO PAVP MORE STREETS .-hi mil Citizens Leave for Portland Time to Confer With Pav'iijj Cum rany Ot t Heals. 'Me' 1. I.-I'.ble ele ( I ihat pl'veis are to ,,.,. ;.io Merch -'' ami '.. ai-1 south of' mil April I'-', a -..I thai lli-le: at i..ri. pell. ! I., ... t SAX nCTniNAlHUNO. i al Kill Wilkes, a "p-eii t- ldii 1... U' T Sei.M teis insl ..... . r, ....... i neiiin nut I Atoll I-. anl tll' I"' "' ! Phoenix. Ir. I . . ll I , V to 11. h. AlinsiroiiL' """ ' : ,. ,,. ' ... ,i,v( for ton-no. Arinstrotie arrived here the r il troin i" i" - pe'.' ; the 1, real;. flri-t of the weeke, arcoinpanieil l,v liis . AT i 'Tin' aceid.-nt v..-n cnnse.l he ;l,, l,i..,.il,. traine, H. 11. IMlman. a!, C. .'. Cri,,. ' oXuV i n,a ' ,. , h r,.- I U pen. editor of the Hr-coVr ami Sports " ! .in, rm,au MavB-M j-t I. 1- v. i. of Sail Francisco, who carefully 1 .... T, ., ( .T,.e I: liees. in... - wa-iiacl lan.l..e looked tlm le.rse over nn-1 finallv a-1 - , ,.,' ;,,, and i,,s.:in,lv kill' ,1 I. ti - n ' ' ' -I- i vised the purchase. The trotter has a I ' " .' '' . ,,,..,'ro,,lv' wn 1 s,,s ... will, h .,: , matinee record of L': I" 12. A rin-t rmi M .'. " ., ..;.,,.... i-i' ' '"'r-i"r" f"r "" : ''. r ,,H.n ,.i: ,, ..f i of the winter. . ". ,': f ,1,,, citv 20 APPLICANTS WOULD , the I. rill. opal streets nt 111' H. .-r, ,,n,,r. ' .. . 1 TI , s were ne ,- i- IJA LU.iia'.tOi, J.w.'ir. LUCKY GAMBLER GIVES j Tie 1 "..N and 1 - FULL MEALS TO CROWD lee-. Vl ':'''"' " ' '' . IICAH'. I' L. il.- TI.- .i-.. -. I -hlil.I. at tli'' ceni 'j - Inov ' t W e ' RF.N'. Nrv.. l ei'. -. ciiaiii-- -"' "- n -rPT.v ,!-,. e,.,il- n..,-,"l v. 11 r. v. in ,1 III llle.tllio ol ml'loill f l;,i nl. ill" I ' I ol I I ':. s. .ha,;,- CHARLES KING OPERATED 1 .,,1 Ihtk c:ir!v urw oi a gainoiei recentlv when J. Mi!!-r. a r-nb-fe ,'r..r -.t a loci re..rt. W..C. nb.Olt ' 6-Vi(t nt faro ;nid thev. invited ''-"iv -.i-. 1',.,,-iiv and M- m (-b wa rf.. In : 1 .,- i. a- " one in the piaee meal." More than "- ed the hirky gambler' !.n Vniz-de claim1 '' lSnti there were 1000. p ...p- T'----.:,r ic-rforno.l r .,( ll,- !e,lt'..rd bo. ,.,.u wa. a-ied bv Tr T'-e ...,,-rat tun ..i -t Mr-, 'irtrd c-er'. fn! :u-l .-r:!' rapidly- for T- '""I11" 11 ,-,1 Wil li' lb. I'- t ' Tie I be !lt Ii ;-., HOY OK TIIKKE YF.Aflf-: IMIOWNS IS SPRING - " ' Ash Wednesday. Oregon is not an irreligious eomiry, but the religioua life is lack ing in ijuulily. Abu wtUcluuuu tet upon the wall il is my duty to sound the note of warning aguiu.U rdigiouti apathy, indifference, the spirit of impiety ev idenced in lack of attendance on the part of many at pub lic woivhip. a dull : piritunl inertia of nmny.fniiUini; th'in mere loiter ers a ion iei the Ittirracks who in baptism were enlisted to fight manful ly under Christ's banner, and a practical materialism which disbelieves the teaching, of Christ. It would he easy, and in keeping with the spirit of the age, to say these thing:; are but figments of the imag ination, that being evil they do not exist, and to cry "peace, peace," but the word of the' lord to Kzekiel ring in my ears: "I have made thee a watchman; therefore hear the wind at my month. Mid give them warning front me." Oregon in developing rapidly on commercial and material Much; its resources, eto largely undeveloped at present, are enormous; and lire attracting thousand of settlers in whom the strug etc for existence demands an attention lo dull tin realization of eter nal r -a! tie. In all its forms sin means a misconception of the pro- peitioii of things. It is this whicl. condemns so severely the oasv go- ;i a woiMlinevs which is clear of grower falls, yel never fate?in 011 l:fe M i'ivt, It ii; the" sin of misconception, of wrong perspective. bound and above n tlu great work of Cod moves, presses forward, and strains to its fulfilment. Kternrd Issues are at stake; voiccw call us to the work; angels reach out helping hands; the Holy Spirit urges, 1 seeches, invites. And what are we about? What fleeting interests occupy our nt tent ion Z On what contemptible litthmcsa is uur desire set." What folly it it 1 1 is! Lost and busy in the thick of occupations that can have no issue, no fruit here:-f ( cr. we are in danger of becolu- ing blind to the glory of our otrrna destiny in Chi-tat Jesnt. Againsl n. as inevitably iir againut him who saw nothing to do hero bill lo build barns and lay up earthly treasures. It is (!od himaedf who utters the "euteiico, "Thou fool; how can il profit u man to (n iti Ihn whole world, and lost his own soul.''' Tn rescue the soul from this loss, to release it, to recover it, to pluck i cut of Ihe snare, to open u pas- sage. by which it may esrxpe into air and light mid freedom, to Have ourselves from making a fatal mis -a tenia t ion that- is our lien ten work. That i worth ti little pains, i little discipline, ll can be done by the power and grace of Joi. h ic no means of knowing what Jesus would do wro he here in Oregon and in this age. We know very well what hf has told tn tis to do if wo.havo eai'8 to hear, Jesus said; " 1 1' any man will come after me, let him deny himself, ami take up his cross daily and follow me." (Jod grunt, thai we tuny all cherish during Ihis l.cnteii season each opportunity offered in the frequent services of Ihe church, io gel right persped i i 'of life, lo eternal things, to hear ihe voice of iod am) not only the din of the world, and lo re- new ami strengthen our Christian character. Affectionatelv. Your Hi-hop and Fellow Servant In Ihe Lord. . CHAIN, F.S SCAOIIX(i. Itishop of Oregon. 4-4 POPULARYOUNG TOWN WIPED i pmidic umn out nv iaiimii UUUI LL VVLU UUI Ul Will Mr. Halett Frank Takes to Wile Miss Pru deuce A ng lot City Piatt Tornado O) f Ihe leading j;ocial uvents of I lie .e:i-,, IMI. 1 1; t will loilg be re in oil. end b. thoa who attended was I'i - wedd'iig Tiiestlav evening of Miss fnidence Angle to Mr, llolett Finnk I'l.-ii. Many guests at t ended, t he af l a i r being one of ; he tuosl elaborate 1- telt ii delightful affairs Ihis veaf in Medfonl. Tlie Itev, f I. ). Chamiiers, arch-le: I' Oregon, of I'iciated. Tlie We.,ig was olelllied at the Ion f tin- loidi'. The rnsidem; was .' ;t 1 f nil v riec-irat--1!! t hroughoHi, , clieuie of inlet and w hite being carried 1 in detail. ly was extensively used. The bnde was attended by Miss Iter 11. ie Angle as maid of honor, while Mr. !l. h. Howard support ed the groom. A few ii ppropi i:i ! e 111 us ic a I nu 111 bet's were rendered, which added greatly to the p.aute uf the evehiu((. Mrs. Wil limn ngle avi'ei in receiving by Mr. I-:. C. Caddis. The hi i.le in niie nt Medfonl 's most popular b !le;. Nince her engagement .. :n aiiiMinnced some weeks ago she ! beell tendered MU IIV Ro v i u I reogiii I ion bv t he local sot. The grnoui i one of Medfonl. 's ris ng lois'io men and ii nmst favorably : c.u 11 by hi a-ociate tlr-i- a brief wedding journey the -.tuiiig e-.ii.e v, ill reside in Me.Ifotd. SUICIDE WANTS MOTHER TOLD AFTER FUNERAL Cil.M'in.h. Iw-b. L,1.--Juaiiila Dean -'titig w.onan r.f tliii city, Fommitt-d t '. ni ailv this ttmitiitig rhtoitgb ihe f p-t-oii. I .1 1. -nt f g t 1 1 ; 1 1 4!ie had Coii.iipl:i'e. I-. th- following li"'e was found . i : It 1 t,m found d.-tel. do 1. 1 notil v lov in -t li f Olitil ilfleC I lo nneral." Claims 14 Vic tims in Arkansas-Wire Communication Cut Off I.ITTIJ-: KOCK, Aik., Feb. -1. Fourteen perons Were killed, scores in jured, much livestock destroyed, and one low n demolished w as the record to- lav of a tornado in eastern Arkansas. owing to the gale wire communication interrupted. It is impossible to as certain the details. ( ' real damage w as done in Fisher niiutv . in which were dest roved eight duellings nud hi persons were killed. Torrential rains a lepauied Ihe torna !, which is still raging. NEW YORK GIANTH AT WORK ON PRACTICE CASTRO GETS READY TO 00 BACK HOME ."i;W. .YOKIC, Feb. 1U. With the gathering of the McCraw clan in Coth ain today preliminary to the trip to Marlin MfTrings. Tex., the baseball train ing si ,'imiih will soon be on in ea rtiest . The CtantH will be lite first lo get into the game, although only the junior ennvd will report al the Texas camp this week. A majority of the aspirants lo ma jor h agne hon os w ill accompany Mctiiaw from this ci.y, but those who live in thi-west and' sou I h wcHt will go direct to Marlin Springs, having been oi'biid to report nex' .Saturday. Tin- older, players including Tetiney, M t hew sou. Wilt e. Hi id well. Devlin, Don I in, S. yuiour, Sch lei. Met 'or illicit i nd N'eeilham, will not be reipiitfd to i'i po 1 1 until Match 1 . If t he present plan ure earned out, Mike Doubn will Ie peruiittnd t) coiii i ii tic his theatrical ion, until Miilch l.". provided he keeps lii'"e!f in tiptop con liliou in the itieatt fime. HOBBERS KILL FAITHFUL EMPLOYE Or WELLS FARGO IU'T HINSnV. Kin;.. F.d.. L'l. -It-d. j Ie tFt entered the office ,,f the Welbi I'Viiiii Kyptevs coinpanv in the Santa I , , , ' , . ... SLOW MAILS KEEP W IN JAIL Mandate of Supreme Court Releasing John Harring ton Fails to Arrive This Morning-HannaReversed Although if was -pected that John Harrington id' this city, whit was re cently committed to jail for contempt of conn by Judge ,1. If. NVil, would walk forth a free man this afternoon, he has not us yet been released, as the niril front the nortn today failed to bring a inundate, to (hat effect, although it is known t hat such u ma tula to Iuih been issued. The document wilt prolt ihly arrivo I his afternoon and then M r. Harrington will be freed. Some two weeks ago Harrington wna committed lo Ihe county jail for con tempt of court. On February in the papers asking for a reversal of the de cree of Judge llauunn in denying a writ of habeas corpus were fib;d in tlio supreme court. On February in nu ipiiiiou writ ten by Justice Itejin the lecroe nf Judge llannii was reversed and the case of John Harrington, np oelbuit. against Sheriff Wilbur Jones, nf Jackson county was remanded with insl ructions to the court to insue n writ of habeas corpus, releasing Harrington, The trouble arose over the ad tn in is! ra lion of the estate oarl nership of Vic tor Snyder anil Harrington. ROOSEVELT LAUDS ACT OF OREOON LEGISLATURE I'OKTbAND, Feb. 'Jl. As chairman of ihe state cimserval ion commission, and as a member of the national con nervation committee, J. N. Teal advised both the president and (tifford Pinchot of the enactment of the water code and other laws passed by Ihe legislature in connection with conservation. In re spouse to his telegram he has received the following answer from the presi dent: "White House, Washington, Feb. Ul. Joseph X. Teat, Chairman State Con servation Commission, Port la nil. Or.: Am greatly pleased with your Megrntn. I congratulate Oregon on the admirable example il. has set . "TiiFoDoifi: rioosi;vFiT." HOAX CAUSED MAN AND FAMILY MUCH ANNOYANCE CHICAGO. Feb. Ul. An obituary, in sert ed eit her through ma lien or nn n joke in Chicago newspapers, has canned much annoyance to II. A. Ilolden and his family of a wife and II children. The not ice. alleging I hat Mr. Ilolden hail died Pchruarv U and that the fu neral not ice would appear bit it, lias brought many friends nml relatives to hi;- house. This is the second "linnx" advertisement to appear within -IS hours, the first being a call lor dogs which brought together ; huge a mob that, the polb-e were ctotip'do d to disperse it. REGRETS CRATER LAKE ROAD NOT YET BUILT Easterner Hays Tourist Travel Will Bo Heavy to Oregon This Year If Road Was Complete County Would Profit Jobll mil he MM.SI.IA. Feb. "Jl. i ipnaeo Catio. '!,.- toltio-r pre-ident of Venenela. . .1 Mti:.g to retiira to their country and i -IMP- 'he p-iHtinil of il ptiva'e fit i tee tun-' ago he sent 11 letter to I'm - , lent Cine, celling f t It hi pur p.. of returning and volnntarilv rottr- . , f,.ei, ! he .OH,d. ..." v. but lo- ha- re .'. .ve. ,. p v . I'V depot last night and killed Agent .b-se Haymaker, who rclnsed to ..pen the safe, and then er-o ked the ;if. t ' di a la j ge sum of inoiiev. WEIMER fi OLSON ARE GIVEN A JUDGMENT .hi-tice anon W dne-dav morning Have a judgm.-nl of . Mi and in ,tl,e suit of )(, Nrteillier and Ole Olsoll ' t barb s I I. von-. The dtsp'it" laioso over a sub eoiitrai t. sin Hon u of Vevv ( irleans ;ti riv :il in Medford from lit'ornia, v. here lie has spent I the winter, lie is looking over Ihe val i ley wilh a view of locating. ''I am very sorry that the Crater t Lake toad has md been completed 'ere now. for I would like to think that I ' cud. I re.-o h the lake bv automobile.. I h:-s told of the hit." some years ago ml sii that time have been desirous I' s ing it. "The .i.niiiv is losing money every dav ihat il is not plctcd, for ihe ! tourist travel he enlist is unusually ih. ii'. v. Th" s.-vtiiv of the e:istern winter is diiiwing la-gi numbers to the ; co;-t. Tin re ate ,ver b'Mi.ooO tourists In- southern CiilifMi'tiia at present. Mauy will remain to v Isat the fair in Scuttle. ;i believe thilt (hit dimmer you could I get hundreds nf thon.-atids of dol,Iars ; from travelers who would visit, the lake I and ihe fair if the Crater road was com I pleled."