MKDFOitD DAILY TRIi.'lJNE, MEDF(mP. OTJEOOV. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1900. EVERYTHING GOING zi t Prices Lower than Ever Before We have not bought Shoddy Goods on purpose for a sale nor we did not mark our goods up in order to reduce them as some do, but we have Honest Merchandise at Prices Never Before Sold For. Come in and Compare the goods and prices We don't ask you to pay for Costly Fixtures and Big Running Expenses T H E SPOT Social and Personal Williams' .mg. r to.,ilil. 1enrgf King is I in Medford Y.lri.-Ml.. Mr. J. I'. ItcMv in in Fori land :i u-l expects I., vi-il tii- tii't Im'Tmi.. his re turn. Phone vour orders fur se.'t cream nr but 1 crin ilk to the creamery. Colon. I Frank If v .r Mtum.d from 1 business t I i' t ! I'nll land. N-o tlic piclnrcK i't' ihe earth. piake in I Inly and Sn-ily M ,he Siv..y U'.-.ln.--d:iv iiml Tlmr-dac, '-'ill I)r. .1, M. K'mic I Mr. Krone, Kd Hiir IliiC'i', Cdom-I -I. I'. Mm.dy and Howard S. Dudley i.l' M.l I ..r.l nie guests i.l' the Portland hold. All v peel, to return home this work, Willitiuis' JuloI.e Sun- iv, In-iight. Orders for sweet rr.-uii or buttermilk promptly fillnl. Phono flu- creamery. " Chillies A. Malhn'Mlf. de.llirl freight Jigent i'f tit.' Sunt Ii. I li Pacific, s. -rit Tuesday aftei noon in Mclt'.inl. Harry Thurston of Pig I'mtle i ntry wnn a rccoiil isilnr ir. Medford. Public stmog, tp!i -r. M Tii v. r lii jol theater. 'I'll' greatest;' iii lli- last ecu liny, tin- Italian ea ft h 1 1 : k pid tin-. Will K" shown :it tin- S.-.vny Wo.- rud.-.v cud Tlmr-day. J!M C. I". Hutchinson, who i:is ! n visit ing liifl daughter. Mis Verne, win. is attending Sr. lid.-.,'.- E.i II, will it turn to Medford We im sdny. Williaitiit' Jubilee ilij;".-; ieiiidil. Farmer Chief of I'.. lie.' c. W, 'I'm pin wiim ii recent Medford visitor. K. ('niter it contemplating early flip to Hurris, Cal. W. H. Volition of A'tioin in in Mod fori on business. Ifurry Cuomes of I't.rt la ml is renew ing ncipiiiiiitnuces in the city. Tin1 Louvre wishes to announce that tiny have added waffh t - their an. in ing spednll ies. :.''fr trv niic JI'o .1. K. I'otti'lliJ'T. th- -l t v. (ill . I .popular raii.-hii' of t le- A j -j .1 -: l ., was roeenily in Medfrnd. M. Purdili in expected to ii'tiilli from til" nortli in ;i f. w -1,;. At't- r 1 1 i . l ur ivlMliin- lin.l : 'I i.'iiiM.- i 1. ft ti.r a trip into oiistcrii Orryon. William ( '. ' 'iohm II v of i- up! mini k a few .lavs m Mt'.lfm.l on InlHilH'HH. .loliii II. Kiloy nf ( l.-v.-laml. Ii::k in M.'.lf.o.l "in! is l.mkiu o.'i tlm vnlloy witli a vi.nv of loi atin. Manaui'i- Maixli tin- ( iti., plnini' cuaipany li:ii r. f nrm-.l from (I mill ft I'jiss. Wl Ii liaM I n f"l" Mm pa;M t'i'w t- y- 'Mi iimoiii"'s. MTLLIONAIKE DISOUISED AS PAUPER GIVEN FREE BED CMH'AtiO, I'M". A Ht-iivor mil li.ociin- uloi .'ami- to ( liirao ami iiwih .oi.-ia-l.-.l as a panp-r n;ti-l to.lay tlial i l.i.-iiM V iiiiniii ipal li"lu''U' Imiw w lli. ritv n:tt.-.t in litlltli'll. Hi l-'.i-.vii. A. Iti.tvvii. Iiiiini"" man ..f l' Ji .r ami roii-in .f i limwii. pr i.(-nt ..f i lit- N.-vv V.u k Ct-ntral rail n.ail. Mr. I'.i-.wii li;.. .a.-.l a nitflit in h l-.Iiii' li.oisr in jn-t i.l. as for a similar i-' t it nt ion in I ii-n or. M illiuiiairt ii j:li In- is. !o .I.hiihiI ray.'il .-lotlirs w li' ii lio ai.plti'il for ii mom. " WIii-ii I jjot to t In' l'"lu'tiitf lions) lli old man in iliai - lohl no' tliat tin1 I, ii .i' was full, l.iit tliat I was wrlcomi' In lio on iin floor." :nii Mr. Itrown "Tliis I lil. TIm-im w.'io nlmnt, oil iii.-! lyin on tlo- Six l lirn wcr on cuts. I i'Mtii'l tliat I was in tli '..v rtlow roMin. 1 tii I I nimii' up my mm. I 1.. stick it out until daylight. " I h.l-i 't : ! . n wink ami so I IkhI I. ts of t imr to study tin mi-ii ahoiit 1 1 m", 'I'll- y si-.-m.'.l to In- ti !. Iiom-st I i lloH '. w'to wi'ii' up aji iii( u run of lo-nl I. irk." At't. r liis I'xpi-ri. 'O'l- Mr. Itrown wenl l.i'.'li to tlo' Aiiditi.riiim Arin'x, wlo-r' In' w:i slopping. i- m::i. m on.' .i:i-..tM-r.d that lie was d ionised. CASTRO IS NO LONGER VENEZUELA'S PRESIDENT oui-t ii I'f ir , tin hnr-K U A( AS. r.-li. Cipriana Sastro st liis liiuli f.'drrnl litlo as pr.' of Wni'iieta, tho Iml'Ii frdrral i ; i i 1 1 ii'iidi'ii'd a di'i'inion Dial ii nt v idi'in t' hmt Ix'on pn'srulil Mill loM.O.l.t !l.r:,lM.M hilll MM III of at liMtipt iti); to lirinu nlmnt the sinalioii ol .Inail U'i'Nis (ioiiio.. n-1 j 1 1 tT president . In il s decision I lie federal nt transfers the suit to iiiuiiii;:! eoiut ami declares that l .i ix coiiM ii nl i. n;: 1 1 v suspended , Ihe presidency. Probste. '.State 0. W. Imiai'-i; order tunlo rnn inning' Falc of ri-itl property. IVtato Annn K. Hnilny; order iniidc pm in ting I). H. Orunt, J. K. Wick in I II. P. IIoltucH i ppmiscm. Now Cnsos. ''tator Lnko I.uni'u'r roinpnny vn. A. s l:iyer; net inn to noovor innnny. W. K I'li'pps, nttorni-y for plnintlff. .Inlni .1. heerinn of (Jrants Pass was a i nt Medl'.od inter. I.'ol'irl ti. Smith of (Iran Is Pass is - pending a few days in Medferd on loud lies. - AMUSEMENTS. "Fra Diavolo.' Tuesday. Min-ii '.. has I. -en srl-e. d I..V (llllll-l I). Ila.ehit!!; f..(- his fo"tll .'.liliiitf product mu nf op. rn. The p pie of Medfold :ne V..-II c.pia i i, t id with 1 1 ( work this rafeiiied hunch of In c.-'l people has dune in the past, when ' ' Tin M ikado, ' Pi rates of I Vii.anre : mj "The Mascot " were jivn ami this t'Hie Mr. Maeriji p.- iliiisen the lust lie il eer yiven h.tre. Ii addition to the local favor it is ill -re will lie six former ucmliers of Ihe An diefts' Opera eoinpany in the east, Mr. II' nry (innseii reaeliinj,' here Saturday, ami this time the regular orcheslra will fo-uisli ihe uci'iiiiipaiiim oil, Sale of seats will In a'ni Friday morn intf, l-'eltrnary al In o'clock sharp. Williams' Jubilee Singers Tonight, Williams' nlij--e Sinj-rrs make their reappearance liefor a Medford audi eii. o loiiiuht ami s) Id l.e U't--to. iiy a pa.'Ke.l liouse, tr .he coinpnitv is imt a ox peri me nt. It was here ho t seji "' find nave tun cnin-eils. the first t very small audience ::nd tin' seeon to :n assemldae that parked the id Iohiho to the doors, many p -ople stand i" IX t hrniijFh , In- eniei t a i e uient . If this doesn't prnv the worth of the company, what will .' The company is exactly the vaine : la M season -- uoi-ha-oes ( x.-epl thai Hr. Williliuis loo adileil .me m lady, yiv lelli;.e ipiailef UA Will as II m ile itarlet. I'tices uf Admission ace vv ,-v for a e-unpany of this class 7"M. f,.r liet reserved seats. NOTH'M TO rnvrKACTOKS. Sonled will l.e r-fli'ivol l.y 'w ily rei-order up o and inidudiiio; Nrareli . IfmD. iinlil I n'doek p. m. for the civa!iou am1 lavtrit; nf water niaiiifi o'i West T ilth street West KI.'V- u I i st r""t. Phi'o-. a sp ci f ic:i I ions in".) lie seen t ,u- office nf the ni V ";itieer or ei-v r'cot."r. A e."-,ifi''d look I'.pial to fi e per cent pir eni) of am. met hid must nrcoraprirv r. !i Iti.l. My ord -r of city n ' I, Keliruarv Ii!. 19'l!. ' ItKN'.I. M. C(!. I, IS. City If ,der. Hated I'.-I.iiunv 'JiVh. l!nji. DESTROYERS LIOHT AS CANOE TO DEFEND COASTS Vou Are Going to Build 1 '.on .; ,-y. - - -1 I, i't phi- fii-nri' Willi yi ii. No contriivi Iimi l;iii4i- ur tni ttin:'l Sutisfnctton u'linituri'il. L. E. BEAN i OVnt.UToli AND m'fI,IKli. Medford, Ori-jfon. WASIliNiiToX. L':i. Numerous static were represented at a meeting "f he Naval M ilit ia a-soi iat ion of the rinted Slates held here to.lav. President linosexelt received t h,' deleia t es. In his addiess Assistant Secretary Saiterh-e, m .shl.-iit nf the a -slM-ia t ion, lerrilied a new tvpe of gasoline pro pelled tor.edo l.oiil de.t royer which can l.e hauled nut of the water and kept as e. -silv as a canoe, a d.xeii of which ean l.eil rolistntrt 'd for 1 lie plicC of ol f t he pr. sem type. The li! t le Vessols would hae a 1 of i'.". knots an hour and could l.e pl.-o ed in the hands of the ua:il militia for coast and hatl.or de- f. use. e said the approMinale cost of su.h vessels would l al.niit t'i.itH each. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Dr. T. W. Hester hk returned fruiu a nuiiilier of weeks in Chimin. Mrs. A. P. Ueames and Mrs. prank Pre -man were anions those from here who attended the dalle j.MVeli l"V St. Ann suciety at Me lfnid recently. f harl.-s ratupliell nf Stockton is vis iting with relatives living here this Week. Twn transfers uf impurrance took pl.-.-e last w.-ek w hen Kd Itim-'t sold his luitclier shop to John I hnnii nntmi and ihe Kinney Hardware store was trans fernd to ('. I. Alilmit, who is also l.roprietnr of the house. The loiyers tunk charge nf their places In dav. Hennan ( M'fenliaeher uf Witch was in town otic day lasl week, as was also lri. James Ituckley, The ".-,oo" dill, met at the home of .he Misses Prim last Saturday evening, -vh.-n the l:i.t of a seric. of jame was played. M iss Joseph ilie Dnlieirail was I'm t imate iii ha viiij; i he highest Hcore and was presented with two handsome cut "lass vases liy the yoime; men uf the club. The ni in I). rs uf the dill are Misses l,e..n:i Plrich. Anna Weiult, P.vy Sears, Mamie, Leila and Pert ha Pn r.isephiue loueu--ii), Messrs. Ray S.-t Pat hon- nan, .1. P. Wells. Knrle ..ore, .l.ihn Will; iusi.ii ami M r. ami Mrs. Lewis Plri.h. Classified Advertisements BOY FALLS ON THIRD RAIL AND IS TERRIBLY BURNED sN ANsL'LMo, P. I.. With his anns seared and hi coat l.urned ii.-nrly off his Lark, Claries Hanswn. a 1 7 year old l.oy, was pulled from the deadly third rail of the .Northwestern Paeific railroad yest-nlay, all hut dead from his experience. Venue; Hanson in play e;ralihe. a hat fr.ou the head of (leoie Ifyan, his com panion, and starled to run. Kvau chased him and Hanson ran up tho track. He -timilded. falling (..ward the rail. .Inst l.efore he struck the charged t.d Hanson threw his anus out in rent uf his fat ml the .".on v. -lis shot thiuiiuh his arms. The yoiine; f el low- as unrotisrioiis when pried from the il hy his eoiupauinnet. He was carried to a I. am near l.y ami medical attention ailed. The youth is doiiii; well and will ver from the effect of his experi- n en. i WANTED. W A N T I-,' I ) District organizer fur fra tenia I insurajiee' order; fine salary; oviily earned; no experience necessary, ("all mi or address W. K. Wilruer, rare Hotel Moore, Medford. W A N T I ! I J I li wi i m di oppe rs to chop co-dwoui and tierwood. Address I. ( ). Mux lis. WAXTKD (iirl for general housework. Address P. (1. Hux .'i. WANTKI) A girl; must be Pxperieneed good wagcH paid. Addreiia P. O. Hox l:t( Medford, Or. WA NTK1) Married man, experionml ii: orchard work, to tako clmrgo of o iv h rd four tnileH out of Medford. Address T, care of Trihuno office. 2S.S WAXTKD A girl for general lioiiso work; guod wages. Call at this of fice. 21)0 WAXTKD Fifty boxes of Newtowns nrsu SpiUenburg apples. Apply of M. Stewart, at the Nash. REVOLUTIONIST STEALS SAN FRANCISCAN'S PAPERS WANHIXi;Ti7x.n:Yd7 L':i.-4tat0 de partment advices from liussia arc that the man arrested .two weeks ago in Moscw carrying an American passport hearing the name uf s. '. Stevens was a Russian revolut ioiiist who presuma hly had stolen Stevens papers. Mr. Stevens, to whom the passport was is sued, was a native nf San Pruticiseo and the papers had been sent li) him in New York eitv. MAYOR'S CHAIR SEIZED BY JUDGMENT CREDITORS WIXXIPK;. Feh. -I. Sheriff Ink (ter seized the mayor's chair at the city hall to.lay to satisfy a judgment obtain ed by Okeley brother;, contractors, for one of the city bridges. DECLARED SANE, THEN QUEERS THE FINDING SKATTLK. Wash., Feb. 1. After es caping from tin' Stcillucooin hospital for the insane near Tacuma a week ago, submitting to arrest in Seattle at the hands of the city police on suspicion of insanity, and being declared entire ty sane yesterday by n lunacy commifl Ntuti, Henry Hadiman, through his de sire to reclaim two spoons and a dog, which lie said he had left at the jail, is again behijid the bars and is being held awaiting the arrival of an attendant to return him to the asylum. Hachnmn is now in the peculiar posi tion of having been declared snno after escaping fmin an asylum, where ho was commit ted on I he verdict of a King county lunacy commifsion that he was iitsa ne, FOR SALE. (It SA l,K ( 'hoife business property :n a bargai.!, on long time; easy terms. Address P. (. Itox 4 IK. I. "i FOR SALK and macro tracts just hiii and adjoining city limits, at a gain, on r, annus I pavinents. Ad dress P. ((. Itox Hit. P' li SALK Two laige work horses cheap. See Walter Moorey Phoenix. BANKERS TO MEET IN WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13 ill C A tli i, Feb. -The annual n veil ion of t he A inert can Hankers ' social ion w i he held hero in the weeli uf September I.'!, Arrangements lone been perfected by President C M. Iteyiudds and Secretary Fred K. Farns worth. There will b- more than f.ilnO deleoal ess and alternates. FOU SALK Grain hay, baled. Inrjuire of Phone rH. ' tf FOR SALK Two acres, just west of Medford, near new station of Lozior, on R. H. V. Ii. R., price $o(M for the two acres. This acreage is certain to advance in value soon. Address P. (). Itox r.7l, Medford, Or. 2!f FoR SALK Or trad., two large work horses; will trade for smaller horseo. Impure at Mission cafe. FoR SALK l.ii0 get& a business that will make tho owner rich; monopoly in .lacksonu county. 5i(tl Rothchild bhlg.. Portland, Or." FOll SALK Good residence lots, close in; also good 5 aero orcl-ard; deal will) owner; save commission. Address J, care of Tribune office. T. IV. Osgood Osgood & Gummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates. Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Of me Medford National Bank Bid. SAVOY THEATER "tonight "TIIK FLOWKi: il I If L ' A beaut iful story urf gratitude. . "THK II AXF.RS"An incident of ..dlege days. "PAPKK ciu'K A DiioDI.KS" -no of those beautiful hand colored illusion pictures. "ONLY THK PA I NTKR ' ' A fuunygiaph of merit. The ladies' ynld bracelet is unclaimed. Who has the lucky number ."M;i.' KOR SALK House-t, lota and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one ncre to o40 acreB. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOR RENT. K'oMi:, p h. '':. Oi ii Helena has deeded to undertake with her own pri aic funds the nvoit-d met ion of n town ii p.. a t lie out sk ii ts of Messina on the lull where the lighihouse stood. The new community will start with 1 0f inhal.itaiits. Her iuaesty per;ouaUy is .:t .tnig the plans. The name of the t.iv n is t he Region Klena. F( Hi UK NT Farm, for three years, household goods, stock and implements for sale; also snap in choice pear land : nd ten acres with irrigating water, dose to station. Hen A. Lowdl Woodville. Or. W.l TO RFNT Furnished room to let. 313 Riverside avenue S. FOR RFNT Two light housekeeping rooms on North H street for rent. Ad dress V, c.we of Tribune office. 2SS F, OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Sole agent in Jackson county for the STL'DKIiAKKR LINK OF AUTO MOBILES. The new K. M. F. Studebaker, :to horse powei, four-cylinder medium price Touring Car has won tho recognitiuu and admiration of all machinists and has proven itself to be a remarkable vehicle for strength, speed and durability. Now goods bi all lines will arrive ia the course of next month at t ho Studebaker warehouse. MEDFORD, OREGON. See Our Line of ARDEN TOO Rakes - Hoes - Spading Forks - Spades & Shovels We Guarantee Both Price and Quality EDFORD HARDWARE GO