THE MERFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OKUOON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1009- Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medfurd. 'ublishtul everv evcninu oxeent Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokoe Putnam, Ivlitor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof'fica at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Out mouth by mail or carrier. .$0.50 One yvnr by niuil 15.00 vims all siaxs fail. And so it is related that the j;T(iiii11i has a big laugh coining to hini liecaiise of the rains and disagreeable weather of February. On Candlemas day, FcbruaryJjJ he came from his hole, searched in vain for his shadow and came to stay from his winter's nest. Thus he prophe sied that for the remainder of the winter there would lit no more I'alliiur weather and rough winds. Everyone looked to see the sun burst warm and cheery, tu welcome the south wind with the perfume of spring, and awaited the arrival of the spirit of awakening creation over the earth. The wiseacres laughed at the groundhog. I ut in spite of the old prophecy, the apple tree failed to put forth its first lender green buds, the poplar failed to shoot its sap into velvety twigs along its curving boughs The rain ami occasional snow came flinging down. The tender green things remained in their winter gray; the soft nubs of nature remained hai d nobbins. shell-inclosed and wailing for the call of spring, and the peach blooms shivered close to their mother bough, lest the frost king catch them and crisp them forever. Nature and all the wanton world had made no mistake laughing at the bold ness of the foolish groundhog who heeds no warning but his own shadow. But this is a year wherein all signs have failed. Lust year when the winter frost fell early, the squirrels in our forests made October tumultuous with their chattering. They crept into their little hides among the forest trees early, expostulating greatly at their enforced retirement The honk of the gray goose high overhead promised the chill, bitter reign of the storm king early in November. But November went out, December followed, and the win ter lay smiling and gray over an open land. Kain came, to he sure, but it was Christinas before the snow came without bluster or rage and in spile of all signs of warn- .. ..jji. So with the coming of spring. All signs fail. Here in February one looks for the opening of nature's re vival. Now il begins to look as if there will not he a green opening for .March, with the fragrance of the wild flower, but instead I he chilly night winds ami the blanket oi clonus. nen rciiruarv is open ami sinning one looks for a brooding March, with harsh winds and occasional swirling clouds of snow. Then is heard the snarl of the bitter winds that send the peeping flowers Irick into their winter beds and freeze the buds upon the fruit trees. And when April breaks into flower and the melodic promise of spring, there is but little fruit, and the tiny flowers fulfill a sorry destiny. Jovial winter has loosed his spell too early and all roinanl ic nal ure is deceived. Hut, it is rarely that I his condition prevails in our fair valley. Let February teem with his abundant rains. Det March moil and bluster with his loudest winds. Let the spring lie dreaming 'midst the boughs till April come then break forth into beauty unscarred by an early ris ing, while Ihe frost flils yet upon the wing. PITTSBURG AMAZED BY CUTTING Of TRICES I'lTTSIirilll. I'''li. M. Tin' action liilu'ii hy K. 11. (Inly of tlii- Hiiilc.l NtMo Sti'i'l corp, nation iiml tin' as HiM'i.'ttri! linnm-ieis u iirl. tnjf will) the I'lirpni lit ii'n tn iii.'iiiitn i n prices was ho Hll'lill'll that Kti'i'l IIUlllllfllftllll'IH here ail' rt'lll usril. Il ii mi.), isti'inl that irii'i' cutting will ri. lit i. iin' until tin1 small pio,lii'is, wli.i iiim I'liiir.'il with stii'ling tin' rutting, liavi' been brought intn litn'. M. K. .limes, r '.ildect lit .Inlli'S A I .tltighli n, saiit- "I 'l.i mil rare tn dis i uss tin' inall.T any l in th. r than I ili.l in my ital.'liii'iit. Il m t.'u rally tn I rll in I what .ri.-i.s will I -ik.'.l ami l he Mii'.liura.-liili'm will l.i' unalili' tn tpiu. .' prices until ihey milt conditions in. t li y I'linir alnii if. ' ' Thr 'in in'mi- Si.'.l i-nnpaiu' ha an cyrc'llii'lit with II-, l.i'iiian,o una mi wiies. wliirh went int. i . fleet .l: uuai v 1. anil raiitlnt In- .liaii'.l unul nest January. Tti.-n ihr ,,m,,ii,v Inn I tlu mi-II In 'ti. n O. t ih.'i 1. A 1,1 liglilill St. i-l .:u.i iKo hi an :iol,li,, lit with .ti In in ij' tn. ij Tii.' I!i-.ulili.' In. ii A stn . , mi ,, Ian; ly guided l.v tin s.-al.' .1 III. Ainnl guiiintcd a , i:it ion , wlinl. .Ins ,,,.( c pirn 11 nl i I .limn 1. Tho till plat,' ami .1 t -ill,- an- I, used nn thn n.'ttiiin in i. .. ,,t t.,,,1, pi,,, I net", ami ,'ullt itini' until .linn' :lo. INDIAN GIRL SLAYS FATHER AS HE HAD REQUESTED fiergbodys JJftagazine "WHAT D0HEENY DONE" ' The Need of Change" and "Ociopodoua l;crox " are three of the kind of itorie to be found oiilv in EVERVBODV'S. If they don't limit c a hit. you arc hard to suit. It's money in your pocket to read " The Stock Yards of New York," and it's u warm spot hi your heart to read The Title Market," RUSSELL'S NASH BOOK STAND KING'S BOOK STOEE JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER PlI APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSERY Largest Coniniereial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No', in tLe combine. Cd.npetes with all fii-st-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. YOU CAN'T SAVE ' On your Milroad fart'. The law of tie common earner compels equal rules on nil rt.iliml lines YOU CAIN SAVE In Tims, Traveling Ex penses and Tatlffue by Insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply Bee that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. fir N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific Kvery facility for tho safety ami ncenininodu tintl of III' passenger in iroviiliil. N , chant;!' of cars 1h ih nmry to Den ver, Oniatia, Kansas (,'ily rhirago. f,liret connec tions are uir.d,' for all oth er points east ami south A. S. KOMKNHAUM, Agent, Mm! ford. WM. McMURRAY, Qeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. WINXIPHii. IVh. .'M.-A weird lulc of a young hiilian girl slaying hot Hither l,, nave hi suul from perdition ,,;IH ' 11 brought in from tin- ,n(c N'ipigon country, t ii i M jf horn,, after liniiliiif; lii.. an olil In.liaa. Sn .il"' I i.v li.lin,.. , N,lainc.l to Ins family thai ho h.,,1 killiHl his l,os( fricml. Tl "ii'l'-r m provcl up,,,, tl. .linn's mm. I thai 1. ,,.,!, ,. ri.Ht "r sloop. Iloliovinu- that if ho up his life Ins soul wonl.l . savcl. Seal,,. .isU.I several :ie,ii:iiiiiances to kill linn, lull Ihev iefiee,. (iiU). t OIni, '"' I1' 1 nn ax in tho liamls of his .l.'iiojiter an, I eoniniaii,., her In kill ''"'i. She at first .leelinej. l,t lv,on !"hl 1'V her I'alher that if she ,li,l not 'I,, si, he won!,! commit more niurilclH '' sente.1. She I. ,1,1 her parent to -lan.l itli his l,a,., ,r, ,.s,, , , Alt, i her f.ilher lia.l Mli,l tl,ve I enl ia,se.l tho a hirh anil swim., eneth. c.iupli.telv se It . ; .a 1, I', Ms, ll all her sir the l.ea.l ., h, !, I tl,:, ih, he poliee who in lino xvas in self ARGUMENTS START IV IIASKF.I.L CASE y. tin'Mini:. nkin.. r,i,. is set for ariiHiiient s on the filial in answer to i;..v,iii,r Mask,',! in Cornelius S. l.o.ler "s suit to collect fiom Haskell .tlii.ililii on a New York .imloinent in ol in Haskell's loan in Isiai of thai slim from the Illinois Steel' company lo promote a railroa,!. Has licit plcails Die ytatnte of limitations. Tho proliininary hearino in tlio In (linn lanil frinnl cases, in which Govern or Haskell is involve.l. has l,eon sot for next .Monilav at Tulsa. Ilie father threaten,',! to ,,v,'i "t h,s two youni; sons ' ' I 1 ' : l,' ' , I -r not kill 'him. '.ami: audience to hear TAFT AND WASHINOTON M'W MIKK. l',., ';!. . .r.', T"'' "r -"r V. Wash,,,,. " " '"'. ' peal. fr..n, '" v'1""' ' eht at a ine.-t 1 -- '" '"' '" I a Mice i e hall. ( J " ! ... 1 !' ' "'" aria i.o " " ',.. iati..i in tl. , Hampton i.i-titnlo. of which I -t"" s a eia.lnale. Ilisl.op ' r llami.loii. w,l ..... sole. ,. i ,,,,, .L,S l, ll.V II , li 'Mis f st,t,.s ID featll.C will lie ,i,.sl,,a , III which alionl .I", ,,, ci,. s,u,,.,t, will , work at the tia.l. s n Inch thev arc li'ariiinir. I'nr.s ..t the l,,.us,. will l. open to tho pulilic. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS In . Go to c. w. Mcdonald Soccesser to Smith & Molony More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Of riff, UGH West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3")5. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Medford Iron Works E. G. TL'OWBRIDOE, Propin tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Enii rs, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, In.Vrie. and Machinery. Agents in S'-rtl-rn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. S::ito I)ci,isit:'.ry listaliiiiiocil 18SS. Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The Jiu-ksun County Unuk respectfully solicits your uccouut, subject to yuur clierk, with the strongest guaraiitee of Hafrty and efficiency. V ot'ftir tli highest attaiuuient iu !vst'matic banking service, which as sure tho greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in si i I nt icii. npital anil Surplus $125,OOOJJP J j fiitW. I. VAWTER, Preciilent. Rpsdurr-s $700,000 ' O. R. LINDLEY. Cauhier. K. KNVART. Presuicnl. .1. A. PERRY, Vice PrcBi.l.-nt. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACK SON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OE. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. K. J. Skt.ii G. K. Itiliiiimr A. C. Kandill .IL. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -t Sub DlvldorB and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard I.flnds. ; 'h.tire fruit lands, bearing and young nrcharJs in small and largu tiarta, for sale. We plant and enre for orchards and guaranteo property to tie as n presented. Experience JVot JVecessary for those who purchase through us. They securo the adrise and services of a consultiug horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yours has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River valley, record eiops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon SEE US ou a,-e looking for a good busi ness, choice buiild ing lots, city property, farmor orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 .IACKNOX COUNTY BANK IU.D0. REGISTER a viiw right niiw that lienoefortli only I lin best tailoring is good enough for vi.ii. Persuuul uipearaoeo is more thKU lii'lf the Lattlo for success :n life. Why ul, lliea. WM'.r clothes thi't am wor 1 li.v of vou( l.'miin to us for your tai luring. Wi, will fit tou out in suits ilia! will bo a credit to you and to us. I'l'ict'H lliat aro right, I a T r n . Iflf J- a. nreuzer eio. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OB. You will find your wife's judgment is usnallv bi'llcr Hum your own, ami you will find on consulting bcr that she ilocs not approve of paying nut good, lu'.id-carned dol lars tor rent, when there tro ma:iy good proportios on ilie market at riiasonablo figures iu Medfoi'd. A v.-oman has a keen eye for loci'lion, surroundings, etc., and her judg ment can he relied upon in making a xelin-tinu for a home. Uring her with you, I ninli,, a personal inp.eli if the good things now of fering through our agency, aad you will never regret it. It is almost nine to inaite gaiaen. ami u i;; home where you can enjoy (he g,, ley. Pon't delav act now. high time fur action iu securing ml things of life in this wonderful val- Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD 3ttrs. Urne Ifampton Isaacs "3itstructor of "piano, TLlsit 5ttetl)o6 SI11M0 at MolJxni.. Morlb Oranji Strttt Compare the Quality ew.iK: -y.v f .TvJKZJTi. ' !:? I H is. and always has been our aim to supply our customers with gosds of the highest .quality and to that end hwe are always adding "inality to our line. The iduition of "preferred stock" makes our line ot high grade Canned Otwdt most eomplets. Our service always the fc-st and every acconi-g'v.-n our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit ?and Feed