" - u " - w w j J W V W W I VIII Q Ml AS W I J W kll V I 1 W I I 1I1WV1IW1VI a miiiiiivi UNITED PRESS fKVCV ri w- The W eather THJKD YEAIt. DIKE BREAKS " AND LETS IN THE SEA Thousands of Dollars of Property Damaged-Mill Washed Away When the Dike Was Broken llOl'IAM, Wash., Feb. L'o. A i d ing t" " special to the News from Mo I'lipM, (w seashore riv.nrt near this citv. pn-ctically the whole eorth end of that resort w.-.s washed into the s.-;i with several cottages by the hih tide which hammered the half mill- nf dyk. A strip of land 1 feet high and 2n feet wide ami a thousand feet hmg was washed away. Math houses were un dor mi nod. A mill giving employment to many men w:is slowly pounded to pieces. A break in the dyke gave the surf a free sweep. The hs amounts In tin usands of dollars. CHINESE SEEKS DEATH BECAUSE HE IS THIN SAX FliAN'cisco, cal.. Feb. -J::. Many reasons are given for persons being tired of life and either ending their existence or attempting to do so, lint the most unique reason is given by doe Sue Dock, a box maker from Oakland, who is at present in Dr. Poole's hospital, 40 Trenton place. Ser jeant Luyne lenri.ed of the ease Fri day and yesterday reported the result of his inquiries. .loo Sue Dork had an ambition to beeonie very fat, as he is naturally very lean. He Died everything known to Chinese scH-iico to increase his avoir dtij'ois, but the more he tried t lie thin ner he grew, until in despair he cut his throat with a knife about a month ago. preferring to die than live with out becoming a fat man. Dock was brought from Oakland to T)r. Poole's hospitol February 0 and is slowly reeovering, but he declares that lift will make another attempt unless his ambition is f ratified. BIDS FOR HAWAII DRYDOCK REJECTED WASHINGTON'. Feb. ?3. The s ond low. st bidder f the eonst ruction nf the big droydock for tin naval sta tion at Hawaii was the Pacific Con st ruction com;. any. whose bid was in excess of tie- appropriation of ."i"'. 000. The lowest bidder, C. M. l.earh of Boston, r- fused to furnish bond to coin plete the work, in addition to this fart his bid is regarded as lower than the work can he done for. while the time named by the bidder is regarded as altogether too short a period in which to perforin the task, therefore. new bids for the dork h::ve 1 n called for. The work of const met ing the dock will be in chnriro of Civil F.ngineer Parks of the navy, who U already on the ground attending to the details and the development of the naval hae which is to be located at Pearl harbor. EUROPEAN POWERS ARE EXPECTED TO INTERFERE T.OXPOX Frli. 2:!. It 1. :irn'l Ikto tod.-iv tlmt on" "i' iii"i'' til.- nrntnil pnwers will vrrr sli"i tlv t 1 its u'im.1 offii-.-s t.. Anstrb an.l S.-rvi:i in the hnpc "f sftiliiitf tlio .lit'tVr.ti.-" !ptwi.,u IlK.-i' two i-nmitri.'". W'li.i will iln tliis litis nut yot Iw'-n .livi.li-il. l't in nnr caw it will nnt I..' r.-al ISritain. Tl.o inclirMti.ins .int I" Hi'' s.l.-.t i.m nf Fnini'i. to tnjic th; initial s '! tliiri. is reason to lielieve that sn.-li a proposal woul.l not lie .listaM.fnl t Anst ria-Hiinnry. PHONOGRAPH TA1KS FOR ABSENT SPEAKERS VI.-W VilK'K' P.h. :t. Siieech.' I'V I'lioimnrapli was mio of tin- ti'atui'- "f i the Ainhi-rsT alumni at tin1 Wal-i'Tt A- j tm-ia lasl niul.t. ThroHyl. tins m-lunn tbn uatlH-riiiL' w:.H a.l.lrrs.l l.y Hitchcock of the facility, who also , (lie Noiiior protVor; liy Kopro-nt:it ivc , Tiaincv of Illinois ami .Tu.ljir Smmi.-l i Sear'nf 1iicau. The pocdio .li.l j n-it conic vcrv smoothly i'r.m the r' mls. hut tin' jrist "f "'hat wa "'!' oiiM he ni!l,. nut. ami tlm ..Ihi."- tm-n fiit've.i the mnnt immensely. THREATEN TO LYNCH GUV WIELDING GBEEfc OMAHA. N'eh. Feh. -Thre: lynch John Ma-mresde-. a '5 reek, who hiM night shot and killed a p..'ieem;m ff Wtnth Omaha, were made today. A petition An circulated calling a mi mating Sunday to iggext mean ridding the citv of an undesirahle of Creeks, who are held respoiisil. ttany recent acts of lawlessness. TIMES'-RIPLEY President of the Santa Fe Railroad Says Roosevelt Made Government an Oligarchy i.us ..(ii:i.i:s. ai.. ivi.. s:i. fliiirjjiiiK that l'r-Hciit Knusi-vi'll V IK'-s.'cntinn if r.'iilr-.ads ill the 1'nitcii states at tho i.nsi'.il time i.ra.-t i.-.-ttK- niakos tin' tt"Virinmiit an oliRan-hv, I'ri'si.li-nt iilcy of tin' Santa I'V rail- j in::. I tn.luv il.-i'laii'.l that 111.' future I i'..n.lition of loisiiii'SK uniiTally iti'i'nls hnu. ly .iipon tlio atiitu.li' of Prcsiili'iit. I'ii'i't Tail. Ill' statoil f m I I ii.T H at tin. ho,,... f..l. lowint; Tal'l 's I'lertion lias irai't icallv I li.'.l. llio rountry hoiin; in a waiting) moon, waiting to wv what the ,.,niii; ::iliniiiistration will ilo. ENGLAND'S SEVENTH DREADNAUGHT FLOATS LONDON. F.b. The Vrnguunl. the largest and heaviest battleship evr mult tor the British navy, was launched iiecessfully at Harrow today. An ini- j mouse crowd assembled to see the ves-l pel take the water. j The Vanguard is Filmland's seventh j ve;:.;cl of the Dreadn iuftht class and if j the present plans of the admiralty are! cr rried out six more vessels of Ihe same j typo will be laid down before the end i nf this y.-ar. The Venguard is the heav i. si and niof-i niodefilv enuitmed of tin-' Bliip", of her class. Hot launching weight ! is about lti.niMi ton;; length between j p'"-peiidiculai-s. .loo feet; length over i all. r.4.' feet; beam, M feel; displace- i ue nt. over -il.'ioo tons; hi'rsept)wer, -,- j itiri; excels in wetgln ever first Dread- l naught, OoO tons; excess in v:eight over the latter ves-els of that class, o"0 tonv, and hr cost ivill be upwiuds nf $!l,Olll),(ino. j WONDERFUL SATFISH GOES TO A.-Y.-P. EXPOSITION VANcnrVKII. W.ish., Feb. U't. Sev eral months ago a mammoth catfish was caught in a slough below Vancouver, and since that time has been we it in . pan of fresh water in the window of a fish and oyster house on Washington street. During all of this time the fish has refused to eat anything and has not as yet shown any ill effects from its extended fast of four months. When the cold spell of weather struck Vancouver a month or more ago the -at fish was frozen up in the pan of ire ami was picked out by the propri eior "f the store with an ice pick, but he survived the shock. yesterday Iternard liallert, assistant rullector of specimens for the fisheries department of the Alaska-Vukn Pa eifie exposition of Seattle, was in the city and secured the fish, which, on ac rniint of its size and wonderful teuac itv to life will occupy a prominent posi tion at the exhibit at the great fair. It was placed in a solution of formalde hyde. MRS. LESLIE CARTER CAN'T PLAY SALOME" IN NEW YORK NKW YdllK. 1'eh. 2:1 Mis. Leslie I-.-. iter's plan to uiie the original ver si. ,n ..f llsrar Wil.l. 's 'Sal. .me" at ill.- I.;l..ny theater ivas vet..,. I l.y Klaw j, l-j-lanne'r, the linn that eontrols that pi: vhons.-. K'aw ii Krlana-r vster.lay enr t ., til avini: ll'at no iiniu,,i:'l or i, i,t plav 'w..nl.l I"' t'V.-n in any ,.,l.-r own.'.l. .oiitr..lle. or r.'i.resente.l I. v them. VI-n the lew, - a.he.l then, that Mrs. Carter was pr.-par'HU to proilaee Salome" they at oioe notitiel h'-r II, rl thev woul.l o..t ! '' if !l- Mrs. ('arter. after a '"'"i'" ti,, with her timwa-r '"isiii.s-,.,,.-,.,,. at, ... .l-.-1'l-l -1'""1'" "" t.r..-ln.-ti,.ti- RED CROSS RAISES OKE MILLION DOLLARS VSlUX;TuV. I'M, n"II;-'t ,p,r, .,.-,. roUM I'V the AnKf , ,c,n K.a f-;'"' ; -"v!;;; tan esirtliM":'- v,,tt' '"I"';'. ' ..f'r th- M with $:'.:;-- . ...! WEEKS & M'OOWAN H.VVE RECEIVED A E HE4B8E has heel have attracted ; TAFT CAN MAK GOOD OH HARD ! a ,,...,..', - , i M,.(;.,u:,n. ti,e ' -' , L. clenl.oi. of tl.e --arrive him 1 ' "!J .' ii--"- r-M r ,,.t -i lass.vegetahh-. t,l,. , mut.h attention. MKDFORI OKMXiOX. TUESDAY, FKIHU'AR V L:5, 190!). START Fl G HT AIL OVER Standard Oil Case Begins Anew in Chicago Court Would Quash the Entire Venire of Jurymen CHICAGO. Feb. L''!. The second .m-at struggle between the Standard Oil coni pany ami the Fnited States govern nient in which a fine of .-f-JH.ooo.ooii was imposed ;he first time, began todav iri ihe Cnited Slate;: circuit court, when A'orney Miller, the chief counsel for the Standard Oil company, moved that the entire venire of I.'iU .jurors be piash eii because it was i in properly drawn, too many of the talisnu n being fanners. The attorneys on both sides began ar guments on the motion. District Attorney Sims notified the Standard Oil at tor novs (hat I he govern m. nt expected to prove separate offenses of rebating in viola! ion of tfie Klkins antitrust law. If this prove successful they will ask the court to a::s-ss the maximum fine or about tl", 1100,000, REBATES AMOUNT TO MILLIONS FOR GAS CONSUMERS NKW VOUK, Feb. Ll. Distribution of the .ili'.ooo.ouii in rebates due the U.-'s consumers of New Vork, under the order of Fnit"d States, supreme court, was coiiinienc'd today and will probably be completed within two umnt lis. The auspicious day was made a gala occasion by millions of New Yorkers, since it marked the final snr n inb-r of the vanquished fins trust and the victory of the "common people." The derision of the highest tribunal of the land in this case will probably go down in history as one of the most no table it has ever rendered. For the firs time a big combine has been forced to d'sgtoge, and practically every house holder in the city will share in the pro ceeds of the disgorgement. It is es timated that there :re about a million and a half claimants, who have paid a dollar for gas after the passage of the SO cent gas law, a-id the work of set tling all of these claims will be a gi gantic task. Fx port ::rcount:ints have horn employed nrid tlo d i-1 rihut ion will go forward with all possible facility. The test ot the 0-(..'llt gas law began May 1. l!toh and ended with the recent decision uf the supreme court uphold ing its constitutionality, and ordering the return to cmiisuiimT;; of any money prid to the (las Dust beVuiid the bgal re.te, while Cue court test was in prog ress. LADY RICHARDSON IS TO DO BAREFOOT DANCE m:v vih.'K. I'Vii. ::i.-v.- Voru soeiety, after a perio.l of niipi'e.e.leiil e, l uayety, is to.lay preparinir lo .Ion snrUelnth an.l ashes f..r the l.enlen sea son ,,f repentnnre an.', prayer. Ilnriiio ihe next I'l .lavs an.l In nights there will lie little iloinn in the way of s.,, ial affairs. Many events ,,f more ..r less impor-lan.-e are on the Shrove Tnes.lny pro oram. hut not the least inti-restini; of these is the l,ar.-f,...t .lan.e t.. l.e oivon f, ,r sweet i-hality's sake liv l.a'ly fon- stai Hii-har.M.i,. I.a.ly ( onst.-inre will show off h.-i- famous f.-at of pi roll ttinu' Willi lili.le tootsies at all en tertainnient to l.e oiven al Sherry's this evenino for the h.-aefit ..f the milk fun.l of the Soeie'v for linproviiii! the I'oii.lito.n of the r,oor. Il is mi ill l.y thos. who have witness.-. I il that laoly t oust M lu-e "s ilati.-e, ,1, spite the l.areiHSS of the feet, is ovtr-nielv tn..l.-t as w.-ll as reinarha l. ora.-l'nl. The visilini; nol.h-woiiiaii will he pa i.l for her .lisplay ami will ,1.- the money si e r.eeiv.-s ,. ai'l ill .-nl.l.sliinif a s,-l,,,ol in S.-..I Ian. I for Ihe , -.In. -alien of poor hoys. MONEY INCUBATOR REVERSES ALCHEMY NFW VOh'K. V h. :!. Through n ,llr.(;:.Mii,n in the F-ex market p ici. curt, it ha- h-en dih.ved that . hi.nd "f vwindh have heeti victim 1 -.1 r i'Mii.rant "H n and orii' 11 "M the d.- hv m-a-e. "f tv-terw.ii ;,,, v:t,rh !(" : rted w-.uhl in tl p! , th. rem. .h.. pi) I.' - i ..,'.-. h.id ,v.-n.- ...i :!,:, i- i.: ., r. ;(- held Ij.-Ni'v I.anifk.n an I"! AGAIN lf4 hot cakes tVtKT Mt Ht E During Breakfast Hours Hotel Nash Can Now Sup ply 10,800 Hotcakes or Enough For 3609 Guests One hundred and forty-four hot cakes j at one time, on the same stove, done I to a crisp at the same moment! Or ; enough in two minutes to supply 4S 'people their breakfas dish. Now how j would you like to mix the batter for i all tlx- hot cakes this range could sup , ply during the breakfast hour at the Nash from i: 'Mi to it a. in.? Two min ! nles to a batch, and one has time to rook 7.'. hatches. To a batch HI cakes, : or a total of 10, sou cakes, or erttuigh j ft.r :hoi) people. Xow how would you f like to eat 'em all? j Yet this is what could happen in the j Hotel Nash by using their large now I range. It is '2 i'vt long and three j feet wide, giving a t tal of 'Mi sipiare j feet of conking surface, thus making I it possible to cook l it hot cakes at one time. , Manager .bdmson of the hotel, as one j nf t he first steps towards improving the hostelry, ordered this immense range from Manager liigham of the .Med fold ; Hardware company. It arrived on Tues- day morning and will be installed iiu ! mediately, i The new range is a Cm ml Niagara. It has three fire boxes and weighs 20fi0 pounds. It is the most complete and modern range in the city. Increased business at the Nash has made it a necessity. I The 1 1 to carry off the heat and smoke is a tremendous affair ami was 'built in the tiushop of the Medford ( Hardware company. LOIDIES" WILL SEE TONY USE HIS DUKES I'llll.AIH'l.l'IIIA. I -a.. Fell. l-'or the liencfit of th' women of soeie ty. Anlhony .1. llrexel Itidille, inilliiiii ail'e. elnl.mnn ami athlete, will iinx six roiiinls with .lark OT.rinn, pnilint, at the I'hila.lelphia Alhletie elnli the ni;ht of l-'eliinary j:t. This affair is to lie very swell anil very select. Il is 'he iirst exhibition of its kind to lie give'i in this city. The invitations were sent mit yuslertlay. ami allnriii' prospects ai" heino; held out to the ehosen few to attenil. So ileliyhtfnl is it to I.e. in fact, that it is sai.l sev eral parties are lieinjj arranged to at tend the affair; and when Ihe "mill" is pnlle.l off the rntirjside promises to vie with a performance of "Salome" in lirilliam-y. Mr. Itiddle il is to he remembered has appeared in the ring with Mr. OT.rien before today. He o;avo an ex hil.itioii of his skill with the, padded gloves at the Merion Cricket club last sprino; but the coming affair is the firsl when a "ladies' ni;ht" has been ait-aiioed for a fistic encounter. ACCUSE SOLONS OF DRINKING-THE IDEA! Preacher Makes Startling Accusations Against California Legislators Says It Is- Given Them to Influence Votes. s.i If A M KNT ). 'at,. K.I.. Th.it th- mcmli. i .,f tie- rSihf, i.-i leyixla t lire ,-i re .:n ly '-oIi-iuim ya Ilium nf hinr fni in-ii'-'l williiit the capitol huihiii! I'.v tli- enmu.-jx of Ihe I-.CJ.I up fi.'i law aid in ihiiif are violating the :tws pi'fihihiti"!' i n t nx ha lit Iteillg ,m1 ,tr yi en ;iw:iv np.iii tin- capitol jti.mtuN i the vl-iitiniy (eil;irati.m inrnle :,r,v hv IJ. . I. M. (iamlier, .if L--. , i-j. .-I-, r pt ' -en' n:K t he A nt i Sa hum (fulfil- in the fiiii lifainst the pa:(fe ,,f Ihe . ..pth.M hllN. LET BIO CONTRACT FOR NAVY YARD SUPPLIES VAI.I.IM'i. 1 a I . . I'.h. 2;!. In prepiir ; 1 1 1011 f..r th- retnn, Mf the ISciie flei"t ),:. Hi he o-'f.i-'l hv the dejtfU'tment nf -ii-pl i-- and a-'''.'ih1 Kt Wahilif'in ..it l.-ti-h f f'-r -'''e and pioviinn. It w ill he one of 1 ii lam t hoU for il... M:u- Iia-id ):' V vard siio-e the fe of th- At! fie TBISCV 8 f TT? R41X a n; AVIS' o. r;,i.. 9 m. 2.v- 1 :i- !-ai'i w ' i'-d arid a ted her 9. . ; i. t -I wh'-n a porthni the - . ef th" "! I c;tV hall whii'h i" , w, ,-.. .1!,,.,i todav. Hoth j., v.-l pom the thiid fl'r .,,.1 i,-d i;"i'f i 'ii of twisted iron n.as'itiry. BATCH IS DON TELEPHONE. ! OVER Peace Declared at Grants Pass-Phone War Ends by Failure o! Independents to Secure Franchise (i K A M S I'ASS, Or., IVh. 2.1. Afti-r hitter iin.i Htuhlmrn fijjht covoring several montliH, the "telephono war, " 1';h I n ejilleil, nml wliii-h has hci'ii mi in tint citv. has cumin In a cliisc, tlio Independent coiiipuny meet iuff defeat. The enmpauy wns (jrant e l n frauchiHe hy the city council which was turned down hy the veto of Mavor Kinney. An attempt to pass it over his head fulled. The Independent com pany was to have heen financed hy local people. It had made all preparations for putting in a tel-phono system. It had secured a, large list of Huhitcrihors, Hid would have had its poles and wires up within the next lew months. It also proposed to erect a large hrick huild ing us the central station for the sys Inn. I u t he meantime the- old company "got hnsy ' ' and a protest was entered, igned hy many lending husincHS men of the town, who ohjeeted to the new oinpiiny on the grounds that two com panies operating here would necessitate Ihe paying for two telephone!. The old company also made immediate prom ises to improve the loral system. The "teapot tempest" will at least hvvo" the effect of improving the old system, though it failed to secure n new one. GOVERNOR OF TANBARK TRAINING FOR TAFT PARADE A I. MA N V. X ing the lead of V., Fell. 2;t. Follow Fovernor llnghen. oth- er state officials who intend to take p: it in t he inaugural ceremonies at Washington next month rre training fur horsehack work. The governor, heing p. novice at the sport, does .:ll his riding on the tan It; rk in Troup It's armory. Lieutenant lovernor l(oracc White has hrought n couple of high h red saddle horses to Alhanv from his Syracuse stahtes. Speaker WatJsworth of the asseinhly is also preparing to display his horseman hip nt Washington. To get in the swim many senators and asseinhly m en are considering the horsehack prriposit ion, hut the increas ed charge for saddle horses has discour aged some of the up staters. They are in ihe hahit of hiring horses in their di'lricts for .",0 cents an hour. The Jecl horse dealer who eaters to society and the governor wants $2 an hour. ROOSEVELT AND TAFT DIVIDED ON STATEHOOD WASHINGTON. Feh. 2:. Tin; posed admission of New Mexico pro ami Ari: 1 ::s states has created a rather aerte situation in the senate, where the sentiment is overwhelmingly in favor of such action. It is asserted that M.I s. nators advocate the passage of the house statehood hill at this session, hut rnlvices reached the senate this after m on that 1'renidcnt Roosevelt and .Im'ge T:ift :irc at odds on the suhject. Il is said Mr. Ifoo;ev( It wants hoth t rritories admitted nV once, hut that M-. Taft thinks it wine to wait until the next jtession of congress. This has caused many senators to hesitate, he fur" determining th"ir course. GIRL CRIMINAL'S IDENTITY IS LEARNED BY POLICE OAKLAND. Fell. 23. The identity it ' lair Curtis, the young girl await ing sentence in the county jail after pleading gnil'y "n a charge of rohhery. was learn-! yesterday through di patehe from f'orvalli. Or., which prove her to lie f'larm Holgafe, aramhUughter of :i wdl known attorney of that ity. The confewioh of the Holtfte girl' ompiinie!, Mim Mrie Wrong, ilim Miown. who told of th di.uhle Mf" hoth nirlb hH l--en living. h-H to (pnrii In'itig nt to rvi. intif-rs to whii-h v-nfiM th young ftomtn'i ?iteinent nH hrought iUoit the iiin ;fiiion of ('! Holgft)., who hnl toid the iNdice tht ht oamp was l ia r urtc 2. It tffts OnSftinccd tnda thO Oif conditt'ft. & the (uieen. Maria Pin. alai ing. The mother of the Into King Carlo tia&( been ill for several weoksfjith an in tutinal disorder. Mil M UP CITY PARK Ladies of Greater Medford Glut) Appoint Committee -Also Accept Design and Plan lor Bandstand Immediate steps are to ho taken by the ladies of the Creator Medford club to improve the park on tlio west side. This wus indicated hy their business session on Monday afternoon held in the Conuiu'rcial club room. Plans for the now bandstand to be erected there were accepted and work will soon lie undertaken. The committee appointed to undertake the direction of the work is composed of Mesdames Merrick, Kent ner and Orford. Considerable other business was trans acted which was followed by n pro gram in observance of Washington 's hi it Inlay, A most interesting feature 01 this program was a paper by Mrs. Jennings on a trip abroad. A committee, was appointed to confer with Superintendent V. G, Smith of the public schools to arrange for the proper oh- ervanee of Arbor day. This will ho observed in advance of the holiday In order to keep in touch with the sea sou. WOMAN SEEKS BODY OF DROWNED FIANCE SAN JOSH, Cal., Feb. 2;i. The mys terious woman in black who has been patrolling the batiks of the Guadalupe creek in search of the body of Paul lliedermnn, who drove a horse into tin flood a week ago and was drowned, was identified today as Mrs. Hello Dugan of II North Han I'edro street. Mrs. Dugan states that she was to have wedded ltiedenuaii this week. The night before Hiederman disappeared they quarreled over a trivial matter and Hiederman left with the avowed inten tion of ending his life. The next day, while under the infbi enco of liquor, he drove furiously west on Fox incline, which ends at the banks of the Guadalupe creek. The horse sprang from t he bank into the flood with the buggy end man and was whirl el away in the turbulent waters. The horse was found the next morning at Agin w, five miles nvay. Att ired in t he deepest of mourning M rs. Ilngan has been searching the hanks of the stream since that time for the hodv of her fiance. FORMER JAILER LOCKED IN PRISON HE ONCE RULED SANTA UOSA. Cal., Feb. 2.1. Former niler Joseph W. Harry, who wns ar rested in San Francisco last night on n harge of defrauding nn innkeeper here, may havn to face a felony charge when he arrives in court, as il is claimed that he mortgaged a piano which he never owned to a friend ill this citv for $100. Harry lost his position as jailer here because of his fondness for wine and women. He was brought here tonight and in fault of $2(10 hail was locked up in the jail where he was foruierlv keeper. SAM BERGER GETS GAY AND JEFF SWINGS ON HIM SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl.. Feb. "2'A. A good itory is told by Cy Moreing of Stockton on Sam Merger, who is boxing with Jim Jeffries on tin road. At Stock ton Merger attempted to get a trifle kit tenish with the big fellow and Jeffries lidu't fancy it at all. so he unhooked a stiff left hook which caught Merger flush on the nose and tin1 blood spurted 11 such a manner that the spectators imagined they were at an actual ring 1 1 If. Jeff is snid to he in good condi tion now and is training for an hour rv day in addition to his theatrical stunt. Jeff and Sam will 1m. x over ill Oakland at the Machouogh for the next three days and nights. BOOTBLACK SUSPECTED OF DYNAMITING IS FREED ST'H KT' N, Cal., Feb. 23. --Kd Coop r. local bootblack, who was arrested i4h Mn, 'fct rie I'lesttc on sifspicion 4 ha vino d vnauiited a Santa Fe ca- ln.iH' iQ this city last Mcccmhcr. and ho ad m it tM having written a letter to! th cooiny thnatmo to dynamite the cmfiD ruling stock, was reicaseu rroip nftlRlv this morning, as the dis t f it 1 had no evidence upon hub t bQo a charge. The woman, Woo' do olaiti is his wife, is in the lalentbO hospital, because she is he !iecd lo be insane. vr- Tie- soekeve salmon run will he on in l5,G sound during the Alaska Yukon I'fi,.ilie rnositioil and a fttllv Otiilipped cannery win snow wny 11 . k , ton provides the world with most of the hIiooii. I O No. 28). READY FIRST OF APRIL Cover Will Have PlGture of Crater Lake 1h Three Colors 50.000 Were Ordered Printed Medford will have the most elaborate pamphlet ever published by any city for publicity purposes, hut it will not he ready for distrihuiioit until the first tof April. The front cover will he an artistic, photograph of Crater Lnko in three colors, set in p, gold frame. The back cover will he the scene on the up per Rogue that was shown on the first Commercial club pamphlet, hut printed in three colors, I'age 2 of the cover will he a glimpse of snow-capped Mt. Mc Laughlin portrayed in three colors, ami page 3 of the cover n bas-relief map of this section, in three colors, with the famous circles and the $100(1 offer, and the various products and resources shown accurately. Fifty Thousand Ordered. When the deal was closed for the honks "(0,000 in number, the order for tho paper was placed at tho eastern mills, ami they have just finished it, an entire carload, the largest size sheet ever shipped to 'tho coast. Most of the cuts have been finished, but it will probably he the first of April before the first shipments of pamphlets can be mi'de, though Manager W. M. Wells of the Sunset Magazine bureau, expects that a shipment can he made before. Booklet Elaborate. The booklet is by fur tho most elab orate and expensive that has yet been I'.tlempted. I'ntil it is ready, the "Con ductor pamphlets ' issued by the South ern Pacific to show the way to Medford, will he distributed. This booklet con tains much valuable information about thia citv and vallev, has a three-color over with a cluster of Newlnwns on the front ami the famous Tokay grape photograph on the hack. The matter has heen rewritten itud brought up to dat", two page map, cut down to one page, and several new cuts included. Th.'so pamphlets can be secured at the Commercial club rooms. LIVES OF THDJTY PEOPLE ENDANGERED BY FIRE LOVKLOCK, Xev., Feb. 23. Property valued at $ (0,000 was destroyed nml the lives of .'10 people endangered by n fire that raged in t he business portion of Lovelock this summer. The blaze, duo to an exploding gasoline light machine, broke out iu the Stag in 11, a saloon, and quickly spread to the Franklin ho tel, filled with sleeping people. Half a block of business houses were destroyed before the volunteer fire do part moot got the fire under control. Many persons, believing that the fire would spread to the residence district, moved their household goods into tho street and stood guard over them the remainder of tin' night. A man who tried to loot a burning pewolry store was kicked in the face liy a fireman, rendered unconscious nnd re moved to a hospital, where he is in ft serious condition. HERMIT'S DOG STANDS GUARD OVER HIS BODY CHICAGO. i!3. A large dog. the companion of John Ililiie, n hermit, st cod guard nnd held at hay three po licemen yesterday when they attempted to separate him from tho lifeless and frozen form of Ins master. A watchman was attracted to the 'dimity hy tho whin ing of the animal. He saw the out stretched form of a man on the floor and notified the police. Tho door wns broken down, hut .he dog jumped at the policemen, forcing them to retreat. Aftr a half hour of coaxing the dog permitted them to take the body. KEBEKAHS HAVE MOST PLEASANT JUNKETING TRIP A delegation of lo members of Olive Rehekah lodge. No. 2. attended tho t ven i n g session of the district conven tion of that lodge at Jacksonville on Monday evening. Following the busi ness sessions a ha liquet was tendered the members and visitors. The Jacksonville lodge certainly were royal entertainers, and everyone pres ent felt tetl repaid for having attended the sessions. HETTY GREEN'S DAUGHTER IS MARRIED TO WILKES MORR1STOWN. N J Feb. 23 Syl via Green, the daughter of IMty Green, the richest woman in the world, wa m- rried today to Mathew Astor Wilkes. Hetty whs present.