Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 22, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    J. II. Miller of Butte Fulls was u
recent visitur in Mertfonl.
V. A. Jones of Jucksonvilli' wa ii
visitor in Mi-tlford Sunday.
Editor linrncM of tlx .larkHonvilU
!'ont lias left for n isit in Scuttle.
They art romliincd now in one room
Tim Medford Meat Market uml I lie
Hex Oroei'ty Co.
"Fra lliuvolo" U elieiiuleil 1't the
Medford Mnreh 2.
Mrs. F. I'etert lias left fur t:hieao.
111., for an extemleil visit.
Miss Minnie Thompson has left for
a ri to Washing in.
Mrs. 1. M. Huff of Ashland has been
visiting in Medford for some days.
Mrs. -Nr. ('. Murray has returned from
p visit in Ashland with friends.
OrdorM for sweet er.'iim or liuttermilk
promptly filled. 1'lionu the ereamnry.
(leorije II. Davis of .l.-rliH.nvilk was
a recent Medford visitor, lie was ex
hiliitiiiK an Kiifilish eoaeh dog.
Krnest Walters is due to meet Joe
Dr. Salle in a wrestling mateh on Sat
unlay niht.
Will Colemai imty elerk, was u
visitor in Medford Sunday.
Phono your orders for sweet eream or
buttermilk to thn creamery.
W. II. French is ImcU from a Hip
to northern points.
itoli Dow, deputy -heriff. spent San
day in Medford.
'. K. Terrill of Hiownslioro was a
reeeat Medford visitor.
S. A. Carlti f Wellen is visitinu
friends in Ashland. He tarried some
hours in Medford on his way.
Ileuieinlier, the Me.ll'ord Men! Market
that has today moved in mid I oine
u iinrt of the Hex (Iroeery. sells any
esneeiallv fed stock, not winter
.ludiri Colvii! visited Axilla
d Sun
day afiernoon.
Holierls t Hoherts, experts in repair
ing and rebuilding sewing machines, will
remain n few dnya longer, nffording
an opportunity for good and accurate
service. Phono liflfl. Uooms at Dr.
Stephenson's, cor. W. Ninth mid II
Kvorylhing to eat a complete mar
hot. fresh and smoked meats, groccrie!
mid fresh vegelaldes in season.
Hex (iroeery.
It the
XKW VOItK. Fell. L'L'. Thirty steel
iiiucliilies have lieeu installed in I lie
new department for n Iianico therapy
lit the Vaaderliilt clinic of the College
of Physicians aiid Surgeons. Ity the
use of the machines, tissue, Imne and
muscle will he St religt helleil and the
perioil of coiivalcscnc lessened. Dr.
Charles II. Jaeger, instructor of ortlio
pedic surgery nt Columbia university,
has charge of the machim-s. which
were operated for 111" first time yester
day. Kxyplaining the system. Dr. Jae
ger said:
" Mochanien therapy hastens the re
covery and lessens the convalescence
M.'l per cent. Strange to say, America
is the only large nation that is now
using these machines in its public hos
pitals." Moved from I hi
Ilex fir V -The
.1 Mea
o the
( 'mil
The officers of Ihe Portland Com
mercial cluh are taking time hv the
forelock in making the minoiitu'cmciit
t hat during t he nesioii nf t he leisla
ture jnnt c'hised m.t ii sinh- HiiueMtinn
or reqncHt nf any kind or character j
wan put before (u-ei.n lawmaker by
the club. '
NoTh'K TO ruNTIt TfH.
Sealed bids wdl be r-cely.d by " In
city recorder up to and including March
2, !!"!'. until I o'clock p. m. for the
excavation am' hiviai of water mains
nn West T -iith street and West Kl -v
enlh street. Plaint am1 so .-cifie.ii ions
liny he seen al i!ie office of the ciiv
engineer or ci'y recorder. A ee',ifed
check etjiiiii to fio per c-'nt (."i pit
rent) of ani.nii't hid mii-d at at par y
ercli bid.
Hv ord -r of eitv ct n'icil. February
HI. IW01I.
HKNM. M. fOLI.lN'S, City Ueeoider.
Hated Pebtuaiy 2D'h. 1 !(!.
TKIditTt I HK, r.d.. Feb. Antici I
pating the moenienl nf n lmye mass of j
snow which has been lianine; npon t he
nionntainsitle. and which lias threat en. -i) j
t he lives of mi tiers em pi o veil at sev I
oral of the pioperties of the camp, ihe
slide uiiiixe the Pandora lease was shot
with dynamite yentenlav, carrying thou
saiuls of tons of stem- and rock down :
with it. It is proposed to shoot sev
eral of the other dangerous slides in
this district within 'he next few .lavs,1
PtTTNHl'm;. Pa.. F. b.
of Councilman John F.
growing out of the recent urafi ex
pnsnres was resumed todav. Ii is said
ull city ennneiltne ii will t'-:ifv and that
they will be asked bn en.- .pi.-stuni bv
I he defense:
"Hid they recen ati ..f tin' va-t
amount of money fl at is all. yeil to
have been floating aioitud in tie I'm in
of bribes?"
You Are
Williams' Jubilee Singers.
Williams' Jubilee Hiiiger come to
the Medford tomorrow (Tuesday) night
and will doubtless be greeted by an
immense I so, for the company not
oulv made a bid hit here lust seusoli,
but Malinger Hnzclrigg has put the
prices within reach of all 7 V, for the
best scats. Below we give some r I
press criticisms which indicate a most
superior company
The entertainment given by the Wil
liams" Jubilee Sing 'is ill the Y. M. '.
nudiloriiliu last evening was nothing
it not an excellent one. With more
llian ordinary talent the singers put on
a program which un upprcriutivo audi
ence did not fail to enjoy and c re;
indeed there were ns many, if not more,
encores than numbers on the program.
eveiv respect it was par cxeelleace
and calls to memory the Fisk Jubilee
Singers who proved so popular years
The progruin w-as r
melodies, plantation and jubilee
songs and
humorous selections. no
colnpanv is a inns'
t fulfilled one inrongn
l,,.tnloi Free Press. Winnipeg.
.. . .... a ......i;,.i, ;
rarest relit t Hill mm
r(ir j
... I., icitocss
lave looi i' "ri . , . , .tw,
,..! months was that of having
Williams Jul Singer- ,., their .no - .
Thevsanga. Sim, auditor,,,,.. Mon
,l;iv !1,T,,elay evenings of this week
. . i r,, n Htl iii.i.n-ciiitiv-p iiiulifiifi-. in'
l" M,,t 1 ' ... , rj.fOlll- ,
tMitertniniiient denere - (
nded un one of Hr"'lt,'Ht "oU,rt
111 1 . ' . . t...,.t, uintrer n llll
artist, being possesse.l win. '''"'" '
and styt'
from top
icrtecl sweemcn
botlom. intelligence in
i.hruse am
1 nuance unit ,.r,i, ."
with the
t manner of ilenvoriiig
They are, in fact.
music of all kind
all that excellenc
melody and liar
,, could dcinam
. The New Age.
l.os Angeles. al.
Prizes to Be Oivon Away at the Savoy
Toiiidil at the Savoy the following
".'will be given away: A ladies':
' "Yl'"-i tch valued at t-". n R'1'1' I,rn,',v
wo 1 .j,,, ;l K,,ntleinan 's mil-
let, value i -, I
set. valueil III
lief busy,
lucky ones,
in,, oictuies
v., o nueht oe oi
,.l(.t ill of niov
ill be
shown, one tliai
v -,1111101 afford lo miss.
' It f l'l.v
a Paint
is Hum! iHHKli"""' r"
which cause
,.,1 ji KrMit ftt unri;1
ii uiolit 's perfonnance.
-una l" "
Iflihtful ,
' tllll SO
a Doodle is o. .i,i,., .
1 1 .llnul.ill Illt'l IH
.me witiul
it l.l,. h ihe
nlo vr
1 wo
dicr films will '
wlii. h r-uiid out our
(M,ter1au.iii',ni nam
tn heat. Admission
Our incut department sc
dd stonine aye.l meat.
cial f.d herd of hcef.
IN you choice
from nn es
Hex f. roccry
IMIDKNIX. Ariz.. Peb. 22. The local
qitioii bit! which passed the Ionise aev
oral day ue; was parsed by the council
hilt provides for local '
, - 1
Priday. Tli.
not ion bv a ma jurit v, instead of th
twii thirds vide, as Vretufnre. The hill
provide tor lining by a commission in
an oraiiied way what private persons
t .oitd do bet'. ire brintni; complaints to
ihe attention of th" interst:ite com
mercc cmnmission, as under a territo
rail yovernment the interstate commerce
commission can only pass on rates. A
bill granting Women wuflra(i
was intro
duced iii tl ncil. 'that it will pass be taken by many people as having a
that house is imlieat"d by a test vote. 1 convivial, a sort of here's hmklug-ut-The
anti nambliiiir bill, ilenined to yuu slgulllcuin-e, but nothing of (he
p.n.T every technical aperture in ttie ex kind Is meaut; neither has It any asso
rting law. el i in ina ting all manner of . elation with Christ fan baptism, for
dub gambling, is now before the go the name of a man-of-war Is given
eruor for his signature. . mouths before the launching. The real
- j thlug typliied Is sacrltlce. Hiillding a
. Ihe
The Medford Meat Market ! lu"" Wl seiung u auip auoai was a soi
i (Imcerv cma Uiatter nway back In the dim past,
and such an act was not to be under
I. A (iliWHI-:. Or.. Feb. -JS. Last
uiiiuier a number f ,ji C ramie and
Portland parties filed timber claims on
laieN in V:illn:i exunty upon whiidi
-u:il rs had t'ttle,! and made improve
on mi. i',.iitf-.- were immediately filed
l- the iiicitters. and todav thev w.ui
tin- fir! roniid it' the batl.-r through
:t ,tvs uien out from the local land
office in tie' e. intent .f Finlev M. New
t mi aya iiit tl" tiling of iltiv Hyrkitt of
t hi 4 ciiv.
.. ... . , .... -
f cube ryer,
than e:
ton , ltn:iii
i d on ehaT'u
and tmnks
. Feb. 1
hagyaye matc
ieorge Kant
r for more
s .01 t h 'hica to. Hurling
v railrea 1, lias been arrest
s of stealing from suitcases
A search watiant was i
j- v i lry and worn
t ii - i a I ! !;g
tt is feiilid 1 II Ii
1 I at
. About four vear-
o .a-e noer- bee in rep.rt thefts
nt Kau! t eiihei er e-.cap'd suspicion un
,1 about t.-u .lavs akm.
Ft, ted States g.
Hi expe nnetl! With
i nno nt w it
lonariue tor
at Ho- Alaska Yukon P:ii -ifi
in S.aitl... The work will It.
i' of the beautiful lakes npol1
exj'sit ion jjroutuls lie.
Going to Build
l.ei me figure w ith yi
too tare or too siual
No contract
Satinf aotiou
Medford, Orrguu.
WASHINGTON. F.b. .-.'.-Thirty-five
minutes was ull the tune required
for the passing by the senate today of
the bill calling for uppropriat ions of
lillioVlMii.lloll for the payment of ) -
siuns for the next fiscal year. An
unteiolnieiit was iullodiicid striking out
Ihe house provision tor one iusteud of
IS pension agents and leaving IS ugents
::s now fixed by law.
Ornanunts of the Peerage. I.jii I., an anient peerage
refi'l'liior uml lolls nil aneedole in this
' connection for whose uiillu'iitleity bo
pledges himself. This narrate bow a
fatuous Ktalesiiiali of (be 'nineteenth
ft-utury was eallisl upon In visit Ida
sou In prison, lie Mlterly rcprouch-d
bliu, reiiiarklug, "Here am 1. having
worked my wuy up from it mltldl i
elusa borne lo u great position, und
when 1 die you will lie Ihe greatest
blackguard In the peerage." The son
listened iUletly und then replied, with
terrible Irony, "Yes when you die."
Another of I.nrd I.yvedon's peeruge
stories, is eiiially phiuimi. The Hon of
a peer applied to ti friend In ihe uonh
of Kugluud for u housekeeper und was
rerouiinendod a certain Mrs. Drown.
The peer wrote to the woman nooonl-
I liiKly to the effect t ha t. having learned
Jnrtlculur.H iff Uer t-liararitr. lie was
I willing to engage her n hi liouse
i keeper nut) making un appointment for
tier to cull und see hliu on 11 certain
date. The ginnl woman replied:
my Lord From what I liave learned of
your chaiacler I deellne m enter your
home. I urn vour loi'.l.lns obedient
Weutuilnster Gazelle.
The Playi Mixed.
During one of his tours In lids coun
try, wheu the lute sir Henry Irving
was playing "Twelfth Night" In New
York, lie revealed
and greatly niuused the members, of
hla cuiupuny uud the uudlence. A.s
Malvollo he was expressing surprise
u a reIuark of slr Tljby
"Do you know what you say?" lie
'iv, us surprise, a roar of laughter
echoed through the house, and his
stage ussoclnles were culivulseU.
II n reneuteil the Hue. iiiHMinr iitulne
.., ,.., i I
cu.i-uh.-i..-, vu u.... i.kuii.
the audleuce shouted with lauirliter.
It wus uot until lifter the perform
luce he learned (hat Ulte tiiieniiscioiis
ly he had been punulyin I tie well
known words of "The Private Secre
tary," His only explanation was that
It whb done In n bit of foretfulnesa
while thinking of the other lilav
wutie iituiktu or the
Chicago Itecord-IIeruld.
A Ghost Story.
Floors castle, Imme of the I)uke nt
Itoiburyhe, was the scene nf a curloiia
psychical mystery over a century nco.
Sir Walter Scott relates the incident.
John, third duke of lioxbtirhe, who
ificd In isol. the ceh-bratetl I ...ok col
lector, when arriinjiiiiK his library em
ployed neither u secretary tmr a libra
rian, but a footman t ailed Archie, who
knew every book ns a shepherd does
; oach sheep of his tlix k. There was a
! bell huiif,' in the duke's rumii tit Floors
' which was used on no occasion except
to call Archie to his study. The duke
diet lu St. James square at a time
when Archie was himself sinking un-
dur uiriat eoiniilulnt. On th
of the funeral ttie library hell si
On the day
ly rang violently. The dyln Archie
itat up In bed and faltered. "Yes, my
lord duke. yes. I will wait on your
Brace Instantly." And with these
words on his Hps be fell back hi bed
and died.- St. James' Gazette.
The Broken Bottle Symbol.
The breaking of a bottle over the
uow of a vessel at launching seems to
taken without devoting a life to pro
pitiate the gods. Our relined and Im
mune civilization no longer dares to
offer up a prisoner or a slave ou such
occasions, it ru thon-fure a bottle is
broken to symbolize the taking of a
man's life.-United Service Uazette.
Jerome's M i stake.
One of the early vU-is-it udes of Je
rome K .leroinc as an actor was to be
offered his eh. e uf playluL: the part
of either a soldier or a donkey In a
pantomime, a real donkey with four
legs. A fter careful consideration he
thought the red coat the more becom
ing disguise and chose the part of the
soldier. Apparently he made a mistake,
fnun the point of view of sin-cess,
at all events, for a few days afterward
the manager ca me to him and said :
"You uinde a great mistake, Jerome,
lu not taking the part of the donkey.
It would just suit you. and there's 5
shillings a week more lu It."
A Coin Trick.
Hub a coin against a smooth, upright
surface for a little while, theu press It
hard and take your hand away from it.
You will be surprised perhaps to see
lids coin stick to the wood. The rea
sou Is that lu rubbing the cdti over the
woih! uud then pressing it hard, you
drive out oil the air between the two
objects, and the pressure of the at
mosplurt keeps the coin in its place.
Just Suited Her.
"Please, ma'am. I haven't a friend
or a relative lu the world.' said the
"Well. I'm glad tkcre's no one to
worry over you in case you uet hurt.
Here. Titer!" said The housekevpor.
Getting His Own Back.
The giraffe has a tongue eighteen
Inches long." said Mrs Talkmoro.
"And knows how to hold It. tiK."
growled Mr Talkniore. who had had t
long curtain lecture the nlht before.
London Answers
iHm't try to 1 a mind reiid.-r. Think
bow uncomfortable It wouid Ih to
know w hat people are thtnkltiK about
you.Atchlaon Glob.
nn-. tier of navigation or possible mili
tary work to do, but because the bun
dling of 10 of the most modern and for
midable sen fighting engines of the
world, the supplying them with coal,
oil and food at the different ports
where stops were made, and providing
the ships with the pick of officers and
men of the uuvy while on foreign view,
reipiired careful and i.lmnst constant at
tention from the time the cruise was
fir;:t projected in July, H"7, until the
comma ml left Gibraltar a little over two
weeks ago.
The HiicccHsfuI completion of the
cruise without noteworthy accident or
untoward incident, fnun either a naval
or political point, of view, is regarded
by all nations :h history-making. Never
before lias any battle command made
such a long and practically continuous
voyage. Never before lias tiny fleet
circumnavigated Hie globe, whether in
one or separate voyi'geti. Never before
lias nny armada of any of th countries
of (he world visited no many ports, at
such great distances, in so many coun
tries, and under so many flags. And
never was any naval cumiw.nd received
with such universal manifestations of
friendly feeling as marked the progreBS
uf the American fleet at every one of
its two score stops on the cruise n round
the world.
ItoSF.HFIHI. Or.. Feb. 22. The bond
election carried in I'osehurg Saturday
by a vote of t0 to -"4. The election
was called for the purpose of issuing
bonds of the city in the sum of :i5,000
for street paving ptirpi ses. The council
will i mined iately issue the bonds. Ac
cording to the paving plan, the property
owners will pay for one half nf the work
'vhi. h means that $7o,oilll will be expend
ed for paving in the early summer.
Porter Alwnvs a Cailor.
During drain's first term hi i secre
tary of ihe navy. Hoiie. for a time
turned the actual administration over
to Admiral Porter Admiral Porter
was a sailor in the strict etymological
sense of the term in thai he bellevej
there was nothing like sails. As soon
as he was In authority be caused the
four bladed propellers of the vessels
to be removed and replaced by two
bladed ones hi order that the ships
might maneuver belter under sail. The
Inetliclcncy thereby brought about is.
of course, apparent to any engineer, an
the size of the propeller opening was
fixed and the two bladed screw could
uot be made large enough. A few years
later In a report to the department he
actually claimed that the vessels were
faster under steam with the mutilated
screws. The facts, of course, were Just
the reverse, ti till when tils Intbieiice be
enme less proper propellers were again
tltted. This was when he was still in
his prime and his Judgment was, at
least, not impaired by age. About
twenty years later, when the ltoach
cruisers were being built, the dear old
man. then over seventy, went before
the naval committee and said that the
plans of these vessels were wrong be
cause they had only auxiliary sail
power. In his Judgment they should
have been given full sail power with
steam as tin auxiliary. He was still a
sailor! The world had not moved for
him. Engineering Magazine.
The Desert Tortoise.
One of the most Interesting reptiles
of California's great desert is the des
ert tortoise. A writer In Suburban
Life says: "I have found as many as
twenty of these hard shelled fellows
that we usually associate In our minds
with the thought of water in the very
heart of the desert, where the water
was exceedingly scarce. Yet when you
ph k them up they generally void two
or three large spoonfuls of liquid. Dis
section shows that they each have two
large water sack on the back, and
these afford theuj their water supply.
They are great travelers and can walk
faster than we should Imagine. They
are also good climbers. 1 have watch
ed one for hours climbing up and
down the rocky sides of a desert
mountain. Ho could wriggle himself
up to a rock nlmost as high as he was
long. liaising himself on his tall end.
he would use bis head ns a hook
then claw with his right leg until It
had secured a good hold. then, with
what seemed to me extraordinary
etreugth. he would lift himself up and
wiggle his body Into a secure posi
tion." The Wise Eskimos.
Everything lu the Eskimo dress has
a reason for its existence, writes Cap
tain Hoald Amundsen In "The North
west Passage." The members of Cap
tain Amundsen's expeditions had be
come accustomed to the Eskimo dress
and had adopted It, but many of them
thought it ridiculous for grown up
men to go about wearing fringe to
their clothes, so they cut It off. I
bud my scruple about this, says the
author, as I had already learned that
most things In the Eskimo's clothing
and other arrangements hnd their dis
tinct meaning and purpose, so I kept
my fringe and put up with the ridi
cule, lie laughs best who laughs last.
One tine day the nuovnks. a sort of
tunic reaching below the knee, made
f rieenkin. from which the fringes
hid been cut off, commenced to curl
up. and if the fringe had not been put
oi again qui- kly they would soon have
looked like mvkties.
Only a Letter Out.
"Talk al.'ut sv-lntlards." said the
proud Saui Smith. "Listen to my lit
tle lad talk about grammar. Tommy,
what render is thy fnyther?"
"Mast'tiline." said the learned Tom
my. T.oau't It
proud father,
my '!"
wouuerful!" said the
"Aud thy mltlier, Totu-
mdled the erudite Ju
"Hear tiu.; unt:" .Hod the dvHtjilt
tO fatbor "ilk', uoe. Tummy." be
provcCed. pli'ttioi; Dp thtt fhoouy tea
pot, "woat ip ochtf in toja)';"
"Neuter." said Tooomjv
Sam's face Jell.
"Well, n' he exclaimed. "It's alius
the way. Still, uot but what the little
lad waa far oot. lie only said neuter
'stead of pewter, that's a':" London
Monthly reports will be given to till
pupils in the schools n all grades above
the first, including the high school,
Tuesday, February 2-'k Parents are requested to exainc carefully
the reporr, sign and return them to
school. These reports will reveal the
attendance, punctuality and progress, id'
i. no lis in th - several br: nches of their
work. I
Should the report not be presented at
home Tuesday evening, purents will con
fer a favor by reporting same promptly
to the superintendent. Investigation in
regard to some reports not presented ut
home has revealed the fact that the
rep.irts were returned to school with a
:stgnaturo attached, without the knowl
edge of the parents. In every one of
'these eases the report reveals poor work
on the part of the pupil concerned,
which accounts for the failure to present
the report at home. A Httlo attention
on the part of parents will prove help
ful in bringing about some needed im
provements in attendance and work.
('. I). Abbott, who recently purchased
the Taylor house in thiB city, has pur
chased the hardware urore of T. J. Kin
ney, says the Post. Mr. Abbott intends
tu'nni in new stock of hardware and
stoves and keep a general line of hard
There is a good field here for the hard
ware business, and Mr. Abbott is coin
pet -nt of conducting the same. The
transfer was made Saturdny morning
and the new proprietor took immediate
possession. The stock was very low
at the time of the sale and it will be
several days before the new stock ar
rives. It is not the intention of the
new management to handle groceries.
WASITINOTOX, Feb. 22. With the
view of having congress and the vari
out state legislatures take action to
ward building highways from Maine to
Florida, from New York through the
middle west to Seattle and from Seattle
down the coast to Los Angeles, a na
tional highway association has been or
ganized and incorporated under the
laws of Florida.
Classified Advertisements
WANTED A girl; must bo experienced
gooil waes paid. Address P. 0. Box
42.1, !tflford, Or.
WANTED Married man, experienced
in orchnrd work, U take charge of
orchard four miles out of Medford.
AddresB T, care of Tribune office. 288
WANTED A girl for general house
work; good wages. Call at this of
fice. 290
WANTED Fifty boxea of Newtowns j
ana Spitienburg apples. Apply of M. ,
Stewart, at the Naih.
r'HK HALE Two large work horses)
licnp. See alter .Moore, I'lioenix. i
I'OK SALE Grain hay, baled. Inquire
of Phone SSI. 1
F0K SALE Two acres, just west of
Medford, uear new station of Loftier,
on R. H. V. R. R., price $500 for the
two acres. This acreage is certain to
advance in value soon. Address P. O.
Box S71, Medford, Or. 290
l'ol SALE Or trade, two large work
horses; will trade for smaller horseo.
hi(iiin' at Mission cafe. 293
I'oii SALE $15110 gets a business that
will make the owner rich; monopoly
in .lacksono county. 500 Hothchild
liMg., Portland, Or.' 202
EOR SALE Good residence lots, close
in; also good 5-acre orcl-ard; deal with
owner; save commission. Address J,
care of Tribune offiae.
FOR SALE Housei, lots and land in
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix, Or."
Lost A meat market, but it can be
found at the liex Grocery. 288
ro RENT Furnished room to let. 313
Riverside avenue S.
K)R RENT Two light housekeeping
rooms on North H street for rent. Ad
dress V, o.e of Tribune office. S5S
Found The Medford Meal Market
that has been missing from the old lo
cation in the Nash block, was found at
the liex Grocery. Hctter equipped than
ever. ' 2S8
No. I6Oregon Express j 5:24 p.m.
No. UjPortland Express 1 9:49 a.m.
Southbound j
No. lSCalifornia Express.. . jl0:35 a m.
No. 13San Francisco Exp.. . S:20 p. m.
No. 2i5lFrom Grants Pass.... 9:15 p.m.
No. 225For Ashland 10:lSp. m.
No. 2Leavra Medford 10:45a. m.
No. 4:Leaves Medford...
. 5:55 p. m.
. 2:00 p.m.
, 9:00 p.m.
.j 9:00 a. m
. 9:30 p. tn.
.1 1:30 o. m.
MotorjLeaves MeiMord . . . .
Motor;Leaves Medford
No. lLeaves Jacksonville.
No. 3jLaves Jacksonville.
MotorLeves Jacksonville.
MotorLeres Jacksonville. . 7:30 p.m.
NorthbouoV ..
fb 4:
. ..0...CblR'x)
A 1-tt i
:Souttoaad ...
'Eafts Point ...
IjactMBvUl ..
Dress Linens
White Natural
and Colors
25c to $1.00
I. Messoline
Silks and
36 Inches
M Wide in
All Colors
With Every 25c. Purchase
A clinin-0 mi that beautiful blue enamel Range
( Retail value that we are going tn give ab
snliitely free to someone April 1. lOPO.
We Save You Money
On everything you buy here and give you one of
the best selections to be seen in the eitv.
Plain and Fancy China, Tinware, Fancy Glass
ware, Nations. Cooking Utensils, etc. Give ns
a trial. Let ns prove our assertions.
lceach 15c each
LAKEVIKW, Or., Krb. 22. The Om
oi; Valley Uunl oompatiy is now ?jmmi.1
ir.g hnn.lnl of thoiKnnife of dollars in
ihr vicinity nf I-nki'view in a hunt t-ol-onizing
srlu me. The plan comprint
the nntilizntiou nf .I,!..,.!) acriV.i nf tin
Military rna.i grant lands in farms of
in to luOO nori's, tin- contrao; f..r
t in' grt'ator ninnhcr of which arc al
rt'i dy closM. Immigrant aro :irri ing
laity and thousands -f home rrki rs arc
looked for the forthcoming spring ind
summer. An Ohio cnipany .-ontftn
pb.tes the installation ,.f a sugar fac
tory that will insure the i:westment of
l.HO0-,itnn. Several ratlmr.d surveys rrr
completed ai'd two n:slro:td lines are
The ej Thought soei.ry meeting
are held each Mondny evening at 122
Vorth F street at M'l o'clock. All in
itr9. ara invited to attend.
Paper Back
CHICAGO. Feb. 22.-Snnn.el M. Pel
ton. pnvdent nf tli- Mexican Central
rr.ihvity and formerly president of the
Chicago A Alton., returned from
Mexi. o city to live in Chicago. He ex
plained that he would remain president
"f the Mexican Central, hut that the
active management ;tnd operation wns
mid r the jurisdiction of the Xational
R.iilnavs company of Mexico, of which
K. . Hrown is president. Humors have
been afloat to the effect that Mr. Fel
fon would become identified in nn im
mant capacity with one of the larg-'
mads running out of Chicago. He de
clared he had uo such plans nt present.
The go eminent w spending . n't''Ml
that it may give due representation to
Alaska. Hawaii, and the Philippines at
the Alaska Yukon Fr.cific exposition.
which opens in Seattle June 1.