Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 22, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    OtOuaness Directory
Lot the
make that piece j 'uroiture. Any
design, any color, any ."luish
dull, waxed or polished. Shop on
cor. of 8th and II strcetB.
W. M. Oolvlg. 0. L. Beomea.
Office: Mudford Bank Bldg.
F round floor.
Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91
New and Second-Hand Furniture
Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South
Medford, Or.
BLOCK Co. will '.o prepared Feb
ruary 15 to furnish cement brick.
Better thun pressed brick and
just as ch"ap. In estimate before
contracting. P. O. Bin lis.
HOUSE Specialists in Tens, Cof
fees, Extracts, Baking Powder
and Spices. We carry ail kinds of
dinner ware and fancy dishes.
210 V. Sevonth St. Medford, Or
The only exclusive Optician be
tweeu Portland and Sacrament..
Office on Seventh Street.
When others foil, call on
Eye Specialist
Office in Eagle Pkurnniey
Main 233. Seventh and Main
Rooms from SO cents to f 1.50 per
day. All modem conveniences.
We solicit yon: patronage.
VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened
their new garage nnd repair shop
back of the Moore hotel. Motor
enrs stored and taken care of. All
work guaranteed. Phono No. 3163
Mayor r. P. Sn.-ll ii.l l:...-ordr M.j
I''- Km;I'-ti'ti "I' A-hhind wiTf iti W.i ii j
several i1:ivh this wck hearing the nr j
uunicnt in tin- i-ity -f A!i!:ml tin-'
Klei-tric ruinpiihv itis. . j
Frank .iris.'Z. I'niiuly yiirv.'Y.,r. uril
ntti'll'lint.' tu ii!M ti'T-i at tin- rinirlhiHim1 j
Ibis Wi-.-k. j
1. V. Tliniiui ..I' M.-.t'..r.l wn- : .l:i,-i. visitor iluriliL tin' unt;, a
wan aln 'I'h' iiiai Kalili r.
Miss Apni-s l'.rna-l i).iMit 'niiiv-'i.'iy
wi'h fri.n.N liini; in Mult'-'i'l.
A. K, M-rritt. va up tmm i nitial
P'-Mf. a t'i'W lirnit-i T!iiitS'l.:y.
Attorney K. I'- ISrtm." !. is.i"l
ami A. ..ut:l. f lii.ii:'- P.-i v.-T-at
the roio.ty mat ntt .r..f...rl t
inn Wrdne's-lay :iti 1 Til -ir-lay.
Prank I,. i ,.t i:..u-1- !'. :-
tending t. prol'-i t inalli-M .-n Tiiiir---O
O O M,s. H.-rt ('hil.l.-i, who lia- I n vii
itisg with relatives living ben, left
Finest cup of coffee oa
the Pacific Coast.
H. 1. Lorimer prop
Contracting Electrical Engineer,
iilu W. Seventh St., Atedford, Or.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene.
W. E. Lane 4 Son, Props.
Opposite Hotel Moore,
Medford - Oregon
wish to announce to their patrons
that they aro located in their new
quarters in tho l'oung & Hall
Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos.
Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4.
Miles Building, Seventh Street,
Medford, Oregon.
For good bargains in Watches
and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In
struments, go to
C Street.
Day Phone 353
Night Phones O. W. Conklin 3S
J. H. Butler 148
Successor to Dr. Jones.
Office in thj Stewart Building.
We wish to Gall the attention of
ourmany patrons to the fact that
we have been fortunate enough to
secure the services of the best
to be had among the higher
grade workmen and can guaran
tee our customers the most per
fect workmanship in every
respect on all Job Printing
fur Mi .lf.ii.l tin- lust nf tin- week. ! enjoyable trip.'-r.- .lp v!t remain n f.w .lavs be. Civile Brigi M'as down frr.m Ab
tun- retiiriiini; tu Ii r In. me at Klamath j iati'l mie day lliin week.
Fall. -
r. I-:, s. W,.,N. a ,,, inent Portland NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.
attninev. It.-i s l.een ie tin- valley tile! Xdtire is hereby given that the city
I i ! f. w ilay. l.eing ..lie of (lie altnr- rcuneil will reeeive bills fur the eon
i.eys in Hie law suit that is now oecli-, si rurl ion of curbing en '-'ttral rtvenie
Ming Hie ai:entiim of Ashland. I from Sixth to Kiglilh streets to and in
Mr.. Waller Kei.'n. r of .Medford lia . eluding Mar.-I. LM. !.
I n -(..Milium s. -. era! days w ith her I Bids may b" filed with or mailed to
......her. j'iie eity r.r-rlcr up t. 4 ..Vlrrk p. in.
Afl.ur Piir-v. l-'ie.l Ki.r.v a-,. I Will ' ' 'I'"'--I-
1 pi i, y w. r- at the1 Work I., be dor.e in a.i-er.lan.e :!
i t ,.'.,., v- J ill jier u c;i i ions 1 1 1 r cii i m iig mi .-t.-
j ;, u i'ltir Mi.s ( j;,,,, -:.!'t'fi'- -f thn i-ity -ncin-r .r ihc -i'v
"'uY'lv.r .:,- v,V r.-nrr:,! ' M- ''i'.v H r.l-r.
!'.v :, Tl nr-l:iv. t I'ni'-l F- Ith. h v 2"tl(. "fJ.
). v, kniU'i Vi-'-i:-i tii'Mi. w-r ; i'-.itivr j . r in jit- nelf Ku
;,ni"Jiu' th'.,.. w!,.. wn :i' h- -..nv.iv ,-fn'' unti F'oi'liird. th- two :it TliT!r'l:iv. I'!.'- ' Tl r'-tnH i.f ll.c VJ!:uii-ti valW-y,
Mr. ;i ti.I M ri. Jy '. Sr-r.-ti L;ivo:.r.- t.. I -..ik. t -t hy t..II.-y j-i-t
fiinn .1 I'ri'in Ii flir1" Wfckfi" nit tf j w.nii a" m''ii mi'I HH'ti-y ,-au tin t)if
s.Mith.Mn .il.f.-rnln .'Hiil rtport a very work.
North d'Anjou 8treet.
Laket motion pictures and illus
trated sours. Entire change of
program Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Admission 10 cents.
Coutinuous performance every
evening of motion pictures and il
lustrated ballads. Entire change
of program Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Admission 10 cents.
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water
Phone 8D.
810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.
N. S. Beuuett, Medford, Or.
Orow trees that sell, sell trees
that grow auad fruit true to label
Billposter and distributor. All
orders promptly filled.
Room 7 JackBou Co. Bank Bldg.
Medford, Or.
Sells trees that grow.
Office: It. R. V. Depot.
P. O. Box 841. Phone 893.
Medford, Or.
Voice Culture and Art of Singing
Studio at Residence.
East Medford. Phone 225
S. R. SEELY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Modern equipped operating rooms
X-Bay. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p.
m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg
(iarbagc hauled.
Qttllng n "Old Mn
"Speaking of now men." said the
boss of tbe Bkyscniiier hulldera, with
twinkle, "comical thinus happen evon
up here, the same aa In a theuUM-.
Sometimes In rush si'iismis there ftln't
enouKh hand a to no round, und we
have to take 'em green us tho hills. I
had one once, a kid from Vermont, a
whale of a kid, with Ikhus like n honte
and eyes awful nnxIniiH to please
eyes that made you like him. llo'a one
of the best men I've "t now, but then
be was green as (iod made him." The
foreman stopped to chuckle.
"'tio up to the elK'hli'enth thwr,' I
told him one day, 'and hrln down an
old man.' I wax hnsy at the time, and
when I saw the kid stare 1 said kind
of sharp that If that old man wasn't
here In five minutes the whole blamed
building would probably k to smash.
This was Just my way of making him
hustle, but he thought 1 inranl It word
for word. He went up on the run. and
In a few minutes he mine down with
a sputtering, clawing old feller held
Uko a vise In his nrms.
"'lie was the only old man on tint
floor,' said the kid, 'ami he wauled to
stop and argue about it. but from
what you said I knew what It meant,
so I just grabbed him and came.'
"You see," the foreman added kind
ly, noting my puzzled expression, "an
old man happens to be the name of a
tool we use." r.vt'rybody's Magazine
Making Caricatures.
The way in whii-h some artists can
distort features without making them
unrecognizable is certainly vt-ry re
markable. Thomas Nasfl possessed
this faculty lo an extraordinary de
gree, and he had a very peculiar way
of adding new faces lo his mental
photograph gallery. When a fresh
subject would arise In politics, for In
stance, he would Invent some pretext
to call upon him at his ollice or house
and hold him in conversation as long
as possible, studying his features.
When he took his departure he would
purposely leave Ids cane. Once out
side. Nnst would make a hasty pencil
sketch on a card and would usually
And Hint his memory was deficient us
to some detail. He would then return,
ostensibly tor t be cane, and a in it her
look at the victim would enable him
to perfect his sketch. Alter that he
had the man forever. When Joe Kep
pler was alive he used to make fre
qucr.I trips to Washington for the pur
pose of seeing statesmen whom he
wauled to draw, lie was very clever
at catching likenesses ami scarcely
owv referred to a photograph.
A Wonderful Bird.
One day a woiidcrfu! bird tupped a!
the uh'dow oi' Mrs. Nauseii's nvife of
the famous aiviu- c.xplorcri home at
Christiaiiia. Instantly the window was
opened, and in a not her moim-til she
co el cd l he III i le messenger wit Ii
kisses and caresses. The carrier pi
L'coii li;ol hivii away from the eotta'r
thirty bn-: in. tilths, hut It h" for
got ten the way home. It lirMi';lil a
n. -le from Naii-.ea. statin.' ih n all a
-oIml; uril with liim and his ep .ii.'
in the 1 1 lar icl imi. Naiiseii It :d l : t : r
ed a m.-Jsat- to the hin) a:d turned i
l..oe The frail courier darinl nm
into the liUvv.anlly air II llew ll!;e an
arrow uvv a thousand miles of froi'.eii
waste and then sped forward out .ih
oi her th 'ii - and miles of ocean mi I
plains arid fori -its a ml one morning
entered I lie iadow of the waiting
ml-tress ami deliver- d I he message
whi -h she had been awaiting so an
Would Let Folks Know It.
Somebody sent this to the sorei.
editor and made ntlidavit thai It ivnlh
Here It Is: They were out at an it ft
ertioon ear-1 pariy. A stotit woman
ili-oppcd a iar.l lo the flour "Would
yi-U be m l.ind as to pkk up that curd
lor me:" she Inquired of the little wo
man al her riht.
Certainly," said the nccoiniuodaiii:,.
woman nt t lie right, picking up I lie
"You see." explained the stout wo
man apologetically, "I've got on a
brand i.evv lif'ty dollar corset, and I'm
afraid I'll strain It If I lean over."
"Hum!" commented the ot her wo
man enviously. "If I had a lifly dol
lar corset I'd wear it on the outside
1 really would." - Cleveland I'laiit
I lealer.
"We liud the prisoner not guilty by
reason of Insanity."
"Itut the plea was not that of In
sanity." remarked the court.
'That's Just the point we made," re
joined the foreman. "We decided that
any man who didn't have Hense enough
o know (hat an Insanity plea was (he
proper coper must be crazy." Phila
delphia Ledger.
He Was Sensitive.
Illobhs You're l -.etly tllll' li stuck Oil
Miss bibbs, aren't you. old man?
IJobbs I w as once, but after what
she said to me last night I'm not golir
to pay any more at tent Ion o her.
Itlobbs - Cee! What did she say?
f!obbs-"ii!" Cleveland Leader.
Freshman Mathematics.
Freshby - Professor, is It ever possi
ble to take the greater from the less?
"There is a pretty close approach ft
It when the con--,. It s laken out of "
freshman."- Jewish I.edyer.
Over and Under.
"Archie Is fa li ly going crazy over
his new motor "
"That's strange, Kvery time I've
seen him he has been U'olm: crazy un
iter It."
The trouble with many n man's in
tegrity i it needs constant vindi
cation - Clth-Ho NrwH.
"Nature pin us well for mankind's
' I should say so What could he
iih'I'c conw-nicut than e:trs to honk
-I ci faclcf niT'r"- Washington Herald
The Soft Answer.
lb- Arii-'t- -:iy that five f-et four
i the i;ic h-!'hl for Women. His
I'Ti i., ( ro-i ;i - Yoti know. I am live
(.. i i : 1 ! lie "piickiyi You are more
fh ;n (Ih ii e, m dear.
traiciU Von Bulow, j
IHirhiK Hans von Hulow's leader
hip of the otohestru at Hanover a
tenor of fame was engaged to play a
tar rolt hi "Lohengrin," and while j
tho singer was rehearsing his part Hu- j
low was fonvd lo go over tho name
bars a uumber of times without the
new actor hcgtuulng lo slug. Tired of
his wasted efforts, tho leader stopped
the orchestra and angrily turned to
tho singer.
"1 know that a tenor Is proverbially
stupid," ho said, "but you seem to
make an extensive use of this unwrit
ten law."
At another time, white one of his
! grand intermezzos was being played
with great fee Hug by his musicians, a
peculiar noise, hardly perceptible by
j untrained ears, annoyed the leader for
; some Utile time. At tlrst ho thought
it resembled the flutter of wings, but
soon he discovered an elegant Indy
; fanning herself In oue of the boxes
eloso by. Hulow kept on with his ges
j lures, tlxlng his eyes on the offender
' In a manner which meant reproof. The
lady, not heeding this, was suddenly
; surprised by the leader dropping his
stick and turning toward her.
! "Madam," he cried, "if fan you must,
please at least keep time with your In
1 ferual nuisance!"
i An Exception to tho Rule.
"It Is an Invariable fact," said the
professor at tho club, "that tho sense
of sight travels more rapidly than the
sense of sound. You will observe, sir.
that when a bit of ordnance Is fired
from a fortress or a mau-of-war you
see the puff of smoke that comes coin
cident!)' with tho explosion several
moments before you hear the report
thereof. Thus It Is always"
"Not nlways," said little Todgers
from the corner. "I know of a case
where hearing antedates scolug by
really considerable lapses of time."
"I know of no such thing In the
whole broad range of science," retort
ed the professor pompously. "Perhaps
you can enlighten us, sir."
, "Well," snld Todgers, "it's the case
of an and a joke. In al
most every case the Englishman hears
a Joke about a week before ho sees It,
I But the professor had gone, aud they
say that nowadays when ho sees Tod
gers he shies off Uko a frisky horse In
the presence of a motor car. Harper's
I Waterproofing Matchei.
Perhaps sonio of your readers would
bo interested to know that I huve
found n simple, Inexpensive way to
j waterproof matches. Into some melted
paratlln, care being taken that It was
as cool as possible, I dipped a few or
; dlnary parlor matches. After with
! drawing them and allowing them to
cool It was found (hat they scratched
. almost as easily as before being coated
with the wax. Several were held un
der water for six or seven hours, aud
all of them lighted as easily as be
fore Immersion. When the match Is
scratched the pa ratlin Is first rubbed off
and the match lights In the usual way.
Matches treated as above would be
, very useful on camping or canoeing
! (rips, tin they do not absorb moisture.
Since more nibbing is required to light
them than the ordinary match. It
I would be practically impossible to set
j them on lire by accidental droppJng.
Scientific American.
Tom, Dick and Harry.
"Some folks have a hard time to find
odd enough names for their children,"
said a man In an uptown club tho
other evening. "They will scorch
through all kinds of books on (lie sub
ject, consult all their friends and rela
tives and linally burden the youngster
with something never heard of before.
"1 know one man, however he Ih a
banker nnd lives on West End nvenue
who, while lie did not spend much
time in search of names, adopted a
scheme Which Is very novel. It took
live years to carry out the scheme,
now complete. The first boy bo named
Tom, the second Dick and the third
Harry. This particular trio Is about as
much talked about In the neighbor
hood as tho noted Tom, Hick ami Har
ry of whom nearly every one has
heard." New York Times.
In Vainl
"In vain, In vain!" cried the young
man distractedly. His hair fell in long
wisps about his brows, and his coun
tenance was deathly white.
The crowd pressed close.
"In vain, In vain!" he cried again,
with wringing of hands and gnashing
of teeth.
"What?" cried the crowd. "Whut Is
In vain?"
"The letter v!" cried tho youug
man as ho escaped.
Dignity of the English Waiter.
Tho English hotel waiter belongs to
a rut'o which Is slowly but surely be
coming extinct and carries about him
the ineluuclioly uura of (he doomed.
Kvery head waiter at a Hritish Inn has
In him at least the making of a duke's
butler. No glimpse of a vnrlcu mars
(he perfection of his monumental man
ner, aud If at the last he condescend
to accept your vail It Is with something
of the ulr of a discrowned king. Lon
don Sketch.
Where Women Are Wanted.
What strikes you about Auckland is
the dearth of women. It Ik said to be
the same all over New Zealand There
are far more men than women, and
lots of men have to go without wives.
- New Zealand Herald.
Nut Sanguine.
Majestic Person Ho you know, my
lad, that every Itrltlsh boy has a
ebnnce of becoming prime minister "f
Knirland ' Youngster (thought fully I
Weil, I'll sell my chaucft for a shilling.
1 -Tit Hits
. Resentment.
Aii old toper, being very hard up,
went Into his favorite bar and asked
the publican for a glass "on tick."
"No." said the proprietor, "I won't
give you whisky on credit, but there's
sixpence. Now, what do you want?-'
"Nothing here." replied the ilppb-r.
jHfting the 'oin and putting It In his
: pocket. "The man who refuses me
credit won't get my ready cash, and
with an elevated nose he marched out
'it the dour.-London Telegraph
I take pleanuro in announcing that I have secured
Williams Jubilee Singers
for an piiK:iKiinpiit al the Mnlford Thcutor, TUESDAY,
KKHHl'AIIV This coinpiiiiy will ho romonibtiroil from
last s.-iisou an playing t.n t lie- lecturo t'ourso ono night,
Mini Riving n (roe lacrml concert on tho next night (Sun
ilay). 1 run rei'ommond this company as one of tho best eon
cert companies I aver saw, and unreservedly guarantee it
to my patrons. Cll.AS. I). HAZKLRKlQ.
r 7 IB
liivuuso K IIU-SA Cl'liES PILES, ami DOES NOT contain narcotics, mercury,
cocaine, load or any poisonous ilru(. II. S. Dispensatory recommends every in
gredient of K-KU-SA. I'rug laws nmkn " falsp and misleading statements" a
crime. Therefore, tho sale of all other or narcotic pilo medicines is illegal be
cause they affect tho brain and spinal marrow, produce constipation and never
euro, E-KU-SA is not for sale at opium joints. Only druggists if highest stand
ing endorse E IIU-SA. Medford Pilar uricy, Eagle Pharmacy. Chas. Strang.
Huskins' drug store.
PHONE 2291.
Window Frames, Oak Vnered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock oktap.
Office Fixtures and all kinds of Plan iog Mill Work, including Turnvd Work
and Fancy drills.
Prepaid Railroad Orders.
''Something which is of considerable
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not gonerally knowi
.9 the system of prepaid orders now in
((Tort between stations of the Southern
Pacific f.oinpnay and all points in the
United States. By means of this systom
tickets may be purchaned at Medford
from any place in the United States aud
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
.'icenmmndations and email amounts of
I'nnli in connection witn these tickets
nay also be forwarded at the saint
ime." tf
is hereby given I hat I ho uii.ornigaei
.v ill apply at (he regular meeting of llie
i-ily eouneil of Medford, Oregon, nn
Mi.reh 2, ltHU, for iiceiiHO to sell malt,
i-Mnin and spiritoiiH lUpjorn in 1ch quan
t it ien than one gallon for nix monthfl
tl h( n, bbiek 'in, in Medford, Oregon.
t'oi1 n peri'itl of nix months.
Dated February 17, 1900.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 22.--The find
enimerv at ion t imyitsH fur all I lie north
vrxtein ntales ever held will lake phice
in thiH I'ily mi Augntt, HI, 17 and IK. A
.all fur the emigres htm junt been is-uh-d
In- t he Washington Conservation
a;sii.-iat ion, mie uf the strongest state
organisation in the country. Arrange
tnents have been made for I he enter
1;iiiiiM'ii1 of loiii) delegates and the
meeting will lie held in tin1 big Audi
titiiuiti on the ground of (lie Alanka
Yukon ';ii'it'ii' exposition.
Through Ai-ting (iovi rru.r M. E. Hay
the governors of all the stales will be
united to be in attendance al. the enn
grevx. Sin h men m Andrew- Carnegie,
(iiH.n.1 Fiiu-hnt, Frederick Weyerhaeu-
er nnd othcin have already been ex
t.telid invilntiiiiiH to purt icipnte in the
eoiigres!, :i til , according to '. II. fiaily.
si-creiarv of 1 lie ( 'miner vat inn auntie ia
lion, tin- conventiiii will be the biggest
tiling ot" the kind ever held in the I'nit
. d Sf;tt. s, saving that of the congress of
uiernun called by llie president n year
The Washington '..ns. rvat ion ao-.-iati.ui
has engaged Aashel Curtis to
go Ihtoiigh the Htate ami tnke a series
it' conservation photograph that, it is
expected, will be sccnml to none in the
rt.irld. These will be exhibited in the
' p' ion jinditorinui during the con-L'riw-4.
The views will include forestry,
t'uherie. irrigation and oth'T phases of
. mi'.. r al ion work, nidi as have here
'of. .it- never been av. mbcd ill the west.
ctintnbem of commerce , commercial
tubs and otle-r oi g: ii ions in the
title will be linked to name official del
-gallons lo alien. I I he congress, and
through Lieutenant Covernor Hay the
! ..ernnrs of 1 1f t (tes will be asked
o name delegates.
Enough electricity will be used in
l,c decoiative features of the Alaska
Vukon Pacific exposition tn supply all
it.t. n,'ed of a eltv of 40,000 inliabi
FEB. 23rd
Hie excellence of tktt tn
cooked st the Eniorick GtJtt if yew
haven't already regaled yourself with
some of the delicious dnhes that are
served here. If you haven't partaken
of them, there is a iroat awaiting you
that you will want lo repeat often. A
nieal at the Eniorick it an experiuee
that will make you ciy, like OHrer
Twist, for more.
The Emerick Cafe
Open All Might
My Friends
Will now find me lo
cated North of 7th,
on D street. Here
I am able to give
than ever before.
Drop in and see a
few of those
The City Tailor
'II V. 1
Or-.wii for IMrlfle irtlmat Boll nd Oliinat.
.Now nn Ni'lnr hi all h'-t .IxKlnra. Aak for Cat
in1. 1 1 ii. i ..ri ha In (Mir nrlif lihorhiMxI. writ
u. ii In iiiiiiie of Mir ileiiler, and wu ulll mil
f.u nlt"l of rionrr tr- for f nn r trntililt
KHUN'. Or., Feb. 2'2. A houso rai
ned at tlJoo, owned by K. S. Croekett
and aceonpied by .John Woods, on I
iiet was destroy d by fire Saturday
with a hs to Mr. Woods on furnitnrn
of t.'lOn or H0. Mr. Woods dug l.T
sier di' nut of the ashei of whut
had been a mat, which had been hang
ing in a eloHet.