MEDJj'OfiD UA1LY Tit f H PJNE, MEDFOHD. OBEOOV. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1000. IT WILL SOON BE SPRAYING TIME TORRENT SPRAY HOSE Is Absolutely Guaranteed FOR SALE BY Medford Hardware Go. and Personal J. I. Ileiinl ih in I'uilbiinl mi a Imni nous trip. Mm. J. H. .Turtle of Ken tile h vinit ug friends in 1,. M. WitMoii ,.f limilliii. W.-i.sli., it: n recent nrrivnl in Medt'nnl, Mr may loenle. in Hie valley. Orders for sweet rr.'ntn nr loitterinill; promptly filled. I'licum t lio erenmery. Mm. (Inire .Norrnitn efter a viil nf some flays In Medford wit li rehi i Iiimi returned tn her Inline in AhIiIihhI. IMiono, your onion for mveet ennm or Imltennilk tn thn rremnory. Thomas Tiirpin ha loft fur Maltdeii. WiihIi., to reside indefinitely. Mm. Martha Caldwell ims loft f-.r Kv rett, Wash., when hIo will visit with her hoik MiHH .May I'liipp ii Um-U from a trip to ttiiutliorii California. A. K. WeameH it in Port It- ml on n short Ihihi iir'KH trip. Iliifun l-M wards hr.H returned from an extended trip to eastern (n'nni, MiHH (ii-oriti I'ruitt in visiting friends In AHhlaml. HervieeH Will lie held ill H(. Mark's. ICpiHCOpnl ('till tell tnliiot'l'ow. RuliertH & IfoltortH, experts in Miff ami rchuihlin Hewing inneliineH, will remain n fow ilaya longer, a I hinting an opportunity for jjoinl ami neeurnte service. Phono .10(1, IfnmuH at Dr. Htfplienfion V, cor. W. Ninth ami II t root a. Groat Day at tho Taboniaeln, Dr. lioyal .1. Mye of Itolenge, Africa will ffivn an illnusf rated Hermoii led un at the talieruacle (hum now tiighl, Feb runry iil, at '2-.IUK r. lyo has I" hi Africa fur seven, and is a man of exiiorionee mid if power. Ilo lias a lioart full of love lor his fellow man ami luiH done a mighty work for the Uplift of the Congo people, ('.one and hear of the needs of that great dark continent. You will enjoy the fine view, of tho country. You will v. to ho!r alioiit. the "Orooon" will sni.l on the Congo. Tin pie of Oregon will present a fine steamer for the use of tho plo of Hub-nee. Cmic and heer niton t it. Special patriotic serv ieo in the morning at 1 1 o 'clock ' ' Wash ington and Lincoln" will he the theme. Ti'lterniu-le will lie decorated to suit tho occasion. Cordial web. one to all. Soldiers and I It.'ir families u' i u mi especial iuvitat io'i. Ohrlfitinn Selenco. Christian Mi-tenre services a ovory Bunilay morning at II in tho Commercial chili room, of the lesson sermon for l-Ylon "Mind." All lire welcome. hcI I nt P) o'clock. held clod; HKHOUITION. Ho it Itcmilved, Tiy tho city council or the city of Medford: Thnt it in nccoHna',y to construct a pic nk iiiilownlk in front of r along each wf the preniines hereinafter dei,Tiled. an horeia nt forth, to wit: Along the oast sid of Ids 1, L It, I. of Mock 17. in ItcnMy addition to the city of Modfonl. Along tho on .Mile of Mucks 7, IS, Id. 21 and HI, in Ilenttv addition to tho city of Medford. Along the cast side of Mocks I and (1, in Kendall addition to the citv of M.dfonl. And the recorder is hereby required to notify the owner. and occupants to otiHtruct (Mich nidew:i!ks. at their own oxpensc. within tliirtv (:in1 days uflei the date of such notice, under the di rcction and Hupervisio-i of the city en Rineer, and in accordance with the or dinniieo providing thctefor. Tho foregoing resolution was p.wscd ky the city council this lilth dav of Kcbruaty, A. 1. wK bv the following vote, to-wit: Welch aye. Mot rick aye. Kmorlrk aye. Wort man ac. KitYtt ave. and Peinmer ave. A pproved l-'ebrua'-y liil h. p(iit W. U. CANON. :ior. Attest: HPN.T. M ol.l.lNS. v Keeord. You Are GoinU AMUSEMENTS. Another StrotiK Bill at tho Savoy, Last night ' porforma nee at the Sa oy was wit in-ssei by a large and well pleased audience. Tho eutertainiio'iit was a well halnaeed niie and could Do1 Itclp but the must eritieal sun. Th nii'dv picture, "A .r'ootball I'eiid," in a fniniygraph of the f cater ami kept tho audience in a roar i'f laughter. The Indian legend, " Fa I i'iva Mriile," I. -Us the Htory of ai huliaii maiden's love end hatred, and in welt acted I hlioighnii' . " A I'ual Life" in a Htory picture of dramntie inteiiHity, portraying the dou Me h)c id' a man an ) showing how h at la-it. saw the eror of his wcvh and Iccriioc repeiihuit. "A little child shall lea 1 1 I hem. ' ' Tl e Two Sous " tell the story " "Saint ami th - Prodigal" teaching 'tr ? moral lesxiui Mis- l.ifi-rl a pictorial lyri I n i- i'kiuI pi I'sieg manner. Tin it;e l - I fol' ' will lie given In ;lH . d mission )(), Item ember only o -in. re davs hfl. (let Imisv. Voh IV U'li. Williains' Jublloo Singnrn. I n (ireseut ing I his company to t h pulilic the manaoeiiieilt has made special d'l'uit to hae a hiu'i in oral as well as mil-deal standard. Therefore, our mem l.ers have been selected from (ho lies! Christian homes and have I a trained mi mme of America'.! best hcIiomI.h: Ititst university of Mississippi, Kno.will t h go ami l-'isk itui ers-t v of Tennessee ml Obi-llili college of Ohio are rep resented iii our company. Our ijuarlet is a tipecial feature ami is tilwayn a favorite. Our prima donna was trained by one nf the best nc tn's nf Chiragn; sh has a lyric voice p,i-.essiag ih- fluie quality which is classed by the Krfopeau masters as bi'ing t he rarest an 1 most beaut iful. Our race has produced few singers as iMtal as she. Our contralto har. been a student at i'.e olietlin conservatory of music, and tlsn traveled with tho famous .Pisk ,lu lolee Singers. She possesses a rich and . harming voice nf great depth and pow r. whic hhas won for her many ad in iters. Our pianist is a trained accompanist great natuial ability. She also has rich tueo soprano voice. Por several seasons we have made ii linn dales, and eei v season our audi I'tices are hugi-r and the circle of our pi i.oial fnetids is v ide, because we :il.:iys giM our pitiotis a new pro oram. anther cause of our great pop nl:'iil is ihe fad that we keep t he -.line p' r sound. This st-ason you sef the -nine familiar f ices ami one addi : tonal lace, 'fins makes our company imi.h st i niiger, as w now hae both a ladus' ipiattet and a tnah- ipiartet. wlio Ml . ii,), honors before our vast i er Not h A tuerica. f -orgs varies from the l hir I,- peia to the negro bo it and cabin songs.. At. Mi. Urn. I Theater Tuesday iarv '. Seals n.iw ,ui tale a Peb Has Special Feature at Bijou. ght s hi the Itij II one The strongest in "nine of s time ng pictures ate pecial merit Tenderfoot ' ' I'll i-tic pidurc on western ovv tio v at their pranks. . ten. lei foot to ride a . and he is speedily h- huifcane deck. ' '"" i . !: 1 1' .'111 -i-llit.illi. . I h,- ,.1,1 s,-l,..! is :i most in, ln.l.'.l in Sill,,,u.;t,. Hint Th.. ;,. if. mg. V.lmi- I. II III, ... nu I.' ,. to i t i n jj I to Build I ! me ( inire t , S.iti,if:l,-tioii L. K. I'd NTH At Till! Med font BEAN ANO lini.PKK, SOCIETYNOTES A very pleasant stag parly was given in honor ! Ilahit Prank Plan on I- iihj v oiling, reitruay i!i, at the iioan nf Karl C. (iaddis, on .Vorth Hiversid avenue, in which a few friends of th eleet participated. i no early j.nrt oi the evening was -pent playing whist, and at Mi'.U) th to h, ussisted by ll.ii 'ice 1 1. Howard, pre pared a liiitcheoii, which wiw greatly en nv iiii- gnosis. No- cigars wore 'Ion passed, and while the clouds of 'llolil rolled forth, i ami nil spuk ..eids of oiic.oirag.-itniit to tln-ir bach ehr I'll n ! u sr.-" present, w I, who is Kimii tn embark on of mat'iaii.uial Miss, TIioh i re: Hal -tt Immi!- Piatt, Wil l.atu S. i rowell. All-i'it Cr. Unity . iu!i, .1,, t'lioiuas Howard, lio.iuc v' alti r T. Kenti , San iritmui, Volney i!Kt i, I'r i ... Mi.i fnrd Mcl t sk Hoseiibauiu .' Holler. S l. Howard, .el T. Rich ileti k Sued (ml Karl C. Caddis. Tho A mi s lane re given liy I lie ladies of St lety on !a; Thurslav eve ilillg Was ipiito he hi,-, -si ev ent of itH iind ho far this sea ton. The music was of tl.e best, ami not enough dancer were on hand m eiowd the t'lnor, tlu dlll'.-M trl.g I Ihe plea-Ill. of till .veiling. A feature of the evening were the splendid dresses worn. Mrs. .1. (i. Mitr ham wore a pink striped chiffon with Yalencietincs lace nv -r white silk. Mrs pkilis wore point.- (- Yrmse lace ovot white satin. Mrs. Preeman wore a tasteful princess oown. M rs. A. K. Ue lies was gnvvtied in blue messaline wilh Irish point crndiot lace. Mrs. ami liny wore a Mad; laso oown .Tver taffeta, while Mrs. Stokes tip iearei in a natural colored ra.iah with ersiau etnl.iiiidery. Mrs. Ihifer wore blue eta nine princesi- gown with nilk :ce. Mrs. .1.. litis.. n was elegantly dress I in pink voile over taffeta. Mrs. Orlh wore a grav silk mull over taffeta. while M is. M ilh-r pppeared ia grev voile with pipings nf lilac Mrs. Heard wore an empire o.w n of white satin. The uiasinier.-ide ball planned for next Monday evening is neatiiiL' cmisidera le favorable comment. A number of hiking costumes w ill be on hand. QUEER BEDFELLOWS ARE CAUSE OF DIVORCE SUIT OA K I, A I , Pel. L'H.- Katie McCar c sued Samuel W. Me.'arlev for di n-e today, alleging habitual inteinper cc. She said that for four years hoi use drank heavily and was freipieitt intoxicated trotn two to four weeks i' a time. She .oniplaiiied tha. she nnce found him in be, I with l empty whisky Ci'i-ks, while a profusion of beer hot ties lav scan, -red about the floor. She charged that In- abused her while riding in the -tteet-. ,if Sail .lose. Mrs. M,t at lev secured an order re 'ratning th an i"roi w it hdra wing his hank funds or selling then house and lot pending th,- outcome nf her suit. THIRTY ONE CHILDREN CALLED HER MOTHER honoi.pu. Mrs. Aka died n I Kauai who was ! dren. 1 a the II. I., Peb. LM. A cent lv on the island of the mother of ol ehil ame anti-race suicide ss is Peter Malina. i:lso of the island Kauai, who has recently be indl'ather at the age of :t:t. ome a TIVE MORE WOMEN FALL VICTIMS Or RIFFER ttKUI.IW Ffl. 20. Tin- vi.-ious :il t:irks ,ui v,,m,'ii in tlio slrct'ts of Il,T n ,,,1lt,,nl'' i""' til" rriniiniil tins not ! x,-t ln'-'ii arri'Mi'l l'io in-w .-iisos ,, jiiiin - ii to,l:i. t)i,, woitifii l.iii siinhth I his lri:n.';; lit,' :i.;r,';i!,' 'nr,1 ttio li'i;innini; of llusc "rijp,r" iitrni;,1 n to Si'KA M KNTO. (V.I.. Fei.. ii Cov- ' t ; i Hit r t.Mlay Hijjne.l tlie ti' Vjilker rniti r:i.e lieltinc hiil. The pro '-i..lii will he effective in tii day:'. M liking writers on h.r-o riiiMMj; i mi ! i fnl I liiiMinh.Mit the st:tte. In r..pon.t ti .Ti:rtms th:it the hill -l.i;iye.l the full ieal limit before li-- iniiiij nf the hi'l in order to jjive 'he rioinj interetts the Imitiet poilde in:.- te ,;it' ernor liilletl de -'.ir, d tl::n "iicuiv hilU preee.t.M the e lr:ifk me;inre. I determined to fj.'t take up :mv hill irregularly. M :iiiv ill believe t lie gtvernor .Ifhiv wn inteiitio-ial. lira JAPANESE ENTER AT SEATTLE IN SIX MONTHS SKATTLK. Wash., I-Yh. it.In tin l::st six mmiths there have now conn into this ciuiiitry at this port ti.-L Jap a nose men, women and children on all Ihe steamships plying to Seattle from t he orient. This includes Hill laborers. of whom PJ1 wile men returned from a visit to t heir tiat i o land. There were only IS nrw coolies admitted to the Puiteil Slates through this port in ihe last six months, and there were in t . r. sted in agricultural pursuits in op eration here. This in according to the report of Chief Inspector John Sar- geant of tho immigration office in So- DYNAMITE ICE AT NIAGARA FALLS TO GET WATER NIACARA PALLS. X. V.. Peb. 20.- Tlo ice jam in th" Niagara river lias b one so Morions thai power companies e resorted to blast ing in I lie hope of increasing the flow of water. Thou- lands of visitors ar coming to the o'lv to view the ice spectacle. The stream in tho American channel arly today was no hiuger than a small leek, although blasting has increased lightly the flow over the American and lorseshon falls. ADOPTS SUICIDE PLAN OF NATIVE ISLAND SAX ItKKXAltniNO. Oil., Feb. 'JO. Manuel Moreno, a Porto lv, is in nil awaiting trial for the alleged theft f diamonds. He is attempting slow inieide by rubbing sugar into lii eyes. The prisoner was examined by Health M'fieor Strong yesterday, who iliseov red the sugar stuffed in between the yelids and eyeballs. When Moreno confer.Ked that lie had resorted to sugar as -i means of ending his life ho explained that on his native s ami the custom prevails among those vho desire to short n their existence, it id that it invariably proves success ful. ATTORNEY IS JAILED ON FORGERY CHARGE LOS AXnPLKS. Cal., Feb. 20. TCI r K. Itowell. attorney and mining promoter, was taken to the county jail fist night after being arrested on a civil rant in which Vis bail was fixed $:to,iinn. Howell was also charged with obtaining . 1 o.:t70 under false pre- etises and with having forged a check or :!:iki). The forgery, it is set forth. was committed April tJit, liios, when ell eveeuted a check on the Bunk 'ntninen e of Pasadena. LOS AXCKLPS, Cal.. Peb. 20. Wil liam H. Carlson, former president of the C.nsnlidate.l bank ot this city, declared in Judge .lames' court today that the ad ions of Kvau Lewis, custodian of t he ( 'onsid iila ted bfink, had caused a unman depositor to send liim letters in v hich she threatened assassination. Vethodist Episcopal Church, B Street. Second preparatory sermon (for the cominjf revival) nevt Sabbath at 11 a. tn. Theme. "Cietlinj in Line." Sub ject at niht. "A Momentous TVeln ra tion Willi a Tremendous Question." Sabbath school at ! a. m. Kpworth league at tt:;tit p. m, Kev. John Lew tas. who has traveled in Kurope ami the llolv Laud, the authorized evangelist of the Puiet Sound conference, will bey in revival ineetinis at the above church March 7. FOR SALE. If yon are looking for pome pood hind heap. 1 have it, f,-y $ln and $-0 per t , near yn...! railroad town. W. M. FKKN'CH, Room 7. Jackson Mavk bldg. XOTICR. . In-relij en th:it tho undersigned ill ply .-it the rei;ii!:u ineetinp of the iv eon in-1 1 of Medford, Oregon, on : reh '2. 1;"., for license to sell malt, i Mis and sj'iritons liuors hi les inian os than one gallon for six months loi I ". bloek t. in Medford. Ore-jon. r :'. period of .'ix niollths. i;ko. m. nkkim-ks. IVited F. briiiirv K. 1009. Patriotic Service. vj.t -. sal patriot o servieo will bo i . 1.1 at the iaberna.'le Sunday morning. I.,.s.irw from the two illut riou Amer Wavlitiiton and I.iin'oln, will be tr. ented. Kery patriotie eitieu and friend i cordially invited to this serv ice. A hearty weVi'iiie always awaits vou t the tabor tiatde. CHAMBERMAIDS FIGHT OVER UGLY VALENTINE WILLOWS, Feb. 20. Tuesday after noon there were hoiiio exciting time at a hotel when Mrs. Kita Henderson, Miss Rosa Hubert and Miss Blanche Lam bert, employes, engaged in a miiup, which resulted in Miss Hubert consult ing the justice nf the peace with the intention of having the other two wom en arrested for battery. The justice referred tho complaint to the dis trict attorney. On St. Valentine 's day one of the women received a valentine which she lid not like and she accused one of her associates of sending it to lior. The assert ion was denied by tho accused and ft general quarrel ensued. Had it not been for interference by n man who happened to be on the ocene tho fight might have resulted seriously. One of the chambermaids was discharged. No tirrest has been made. NOTICE. The fJreater Medford club will moot on Monday aftem.-oii in the Commor cif.l club rooiui. A Musical Crowd. If you have eouipiuiy make them fot .io time Imagine themselves to be i hand of mttslvlaiis, though wll limn the Instruments. The lender nf (he band is supposed to furnish each o! the performers with a different tun steal Instrument. Consequently a vlo lln, a liar p. a l! ule. an in eordhm. n piano, a Jewsharp and anything else !:( would add to the m ise are nil to tie perf nr i ned tit tlje hiiiiic lime. I'ro ii!ed with un Instrument of some de -f.rlption hhu-ulf. the leader begins flaying a tune on his Imaginary vlo lotieotlo. or whatever else ll may be imitating t'ie real .sound us well as to an both :i iirtlim and vo--e. The others nil t!u the same, the sl;;lit ice rented tielug. us may well be liim;. iltM; ext-i-edlngly ludicrous ami the md.-to tlmost deafening. In the midst i f ',t the leader iUltc unexpectedly stops playing ami makes in entire change In his attitude an. I tone of voire, substituting fur his own instrument one helniiHiiir to snnte one else. As soon as lie does IliM the per former who Ims been thus unceremo niously deprived of his Instrument takes that of his leader ami performs on It Instead. Thus the game Is tun t in led. every one being expected to carefully watch the leader's actions and to 1h pre hi red at any time for making a sudden change. The one who falls to nmke the hange promptly pays a forfeit. Tht Huntsman. One pluyer Is the huntsman WhPe all the others sit In a circle he give.- each one a name, calling one bis coat. others his hut, shot, gun, flask, dog, etc. The huntsman then walks round outside the circle and calls, for In stance, for his gun. The player who represents the fruu at once gets up, takes hold of the huntsman's belt and walks round after him. The hunts raau calls fur other accouterments tilt all the players are going round, each liavlnc hold of the player in front of him. When alt are running fast by order of the huntsman he suddenly shouts "Hang:" when all. Including the huntsman, must let go and rush for seats. One player will necessarily be left out anO most pay a forfeit for his failure or he may be counted out of the Kline and n chair removed. If so urriuiKud tefurehuQd the oue left out uiay booouic huntHtuan aod the game (EO on aa before. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PAOITIO RAILWAY. " I Northboond j No. 16Ore(ron Express I5:24n.m No. HJPortland Express 9:49 a.m. I South hoond I No. 15California Express.. .10:35 a. m. No. 139an Francisco Exp... 3:20p.m. No. 225Froin Granta Psbs,... 9:16 p. m. No.225For Ashland 10:15p.m. ! ROOTJE ETVEB VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 1 Lea res Medford 10:4Sa7m. No. 4iLarea Medford 0:S6p. m. MotorJLeaves Medford 8:00 p.m. MotorLeav Medford 9:00 p.m. No. lLeaTes Jacksonrille. . . 9:00 a. m. No. 3LaTe JacksonTiUe. , . 3:S0 p. m. MotorfLeaToa Jaektonrille.. .1 1:30 p. m. MotoHLeaTOi Jac ktopvilla. , 730p. m. MAS. 0&OSBS A.M.P. M. 4:54 .10:08 l:S0 . T.Mj l:6 a. in I Northbonad Sonthbnad . Ea(l Mat . JaUarUlt . 1 Dress White Natural and Colors 25c to $1.00 VAN SAVOY Tonight 'A KOOTMALL FlilK.MV-On 'A Pl'AL LIIM:" A soul stirring ' IHE TWO SON'S "A beautiful ' HRIDK OF FA HI A V A ' ' A most. MisH KifiTt sinKM ho hlosl !! t AhMISSIo.V Hi'mcmlinr. only throo ilays moro. i ' ' -" ! p, i UaSSlIiefl A d Ve T t ISC ill eil tS 1 - I WANTED. "AiMKD . Kir. IBt i. ,,xp,.rion K'hmI vsagn pai.l. AiMrera I. O. Box 42.1, Mnlfiml. Or. . WANTKD-Married man. 0Tmri,ti....l I io orchard work, to take charKo of onlinr.l four miles out of Medford. .Auaress l. care of Tribune office. W ANTKI) A Kirl for oener:il I,,,,,,.. work; good waKes. Tall at tint of- WANTED Fifty boies , ana Spit7enburg apples. Stewart, at the Nash. f Nowtowns AllT of M. FO 8AiE. por s.m.i:' cheap, s,.,. t'OK SAI.K Tun ,uo. v W.-ilti.r M, rk . . I'll At L'rc:it l,.ir.T.;.. :e .,v.. ... . . . " ' " "... , nve ot the finest resi nonce lots in M. lflrd. al..l..l !..:.. , 1 1 " ' "est,!, host f.,r an o.c.itiiciii. nest fr .-, rcsi.i lrit I i .... an,l lMMI ."r .ale ,.r r ul ..iminie avenue, the fiii.n idene,' street ol Medford. Appl to the own er. l. K. Marl,:tll. a av-nue. '"h end of the H'R SAI.fV-Or t,k, the best ri'Jvm. I uiu houM in XledferJ. clMhn,! loO Linens New Messoline Silks and Pongees 36 Inches Wide in All Colors DYKE'S THEATER Saturday , li,iKerinK lauoh. drama. storv of li.uu lif fitinj; rom:ui' i I vri,. .in c. per iniinih. office. A. Id '" C, care of this 1'OK SALE-Oraiii' of Phono Ml. hay, baleil. Ini)iiire tf Medford, near new station of ; R- it- v. r. r., prico trm for th; two acres. This acreum, i. ,:. . . advance ...loin u m value soon. Address P n It,. I. Sfeilfon). ilr POK SAI.K-Rpti, linquifhnient claim loo neres, l. 12 -1 miles Medford, 40 acres fene acres cleared. 5 acrea 2 venr old commercial frit, (.abi. Por prife ca on W. XI. French, room 7, Jackson ' unty Bank bldg. . POR SAI.E-Relinqimhment, SO acres o miles east Medford: oU practicnllv level, balance easy grade and covered .noocr; Mn,li;3 '"'P- XI. French, room T "on i'. iv Hank !ldK. very .lack- POR SAI.K-Oood residence lots. doTe iu: also K. d r, .,,., ,.. . j . owner; save eomm.ssien. Address .1, jcare of Trihitr.c off,,,.. por SAZi,0-7js anJ and I hoenu. or in tract, to suit from one acre to (540 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. . FOR RENT. " TO lfKT-Fun.;s!ie Jiivsr-.i.e avenue S. I room to let. Sl.i I 11 KN r Two liKht l,ousekeepinS I OR R I-! N'T Tw r"'""" "" h 11 ",r,'t f"r r,'nt U I drts. V, c. 0f Tribune offic. 3jj